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      • KCI등재

        최근 국내외에서 육성된 무궁화 127 품종 중 조경적 활용가치가 높은 유망품종 선발

        김광호 ( Kim Kwang-ho ),이춘석 ( Lee Chun-suk ),강호철 ( Kang Ho-chul ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2016 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        본 연구는 조경수용 무궁화 우수품종 보급을 위한 유전자원 수집과 특성을 평가하기 위해 최근 국내외에서 육성된 127품종의 1년생 접목묘를 이용하여 2014년부터 2015년까지 2년 동안 생육 및 형태적 특성조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 품종 중 화색 및 꽃이특이한 품종을 조사하여 무궁화를 조경수로 활용도를 높이는데 기여하고자 하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종들의 화색별 분류로는 크게 분홍색 단심(pink color with red eye spot), 흰색 단심(white color withred eye spot), 붉은 자주색 단심(purplish red color with red eye spot), 분홍보라색 단심(violet pink color with red eye spot), 심홍색단심(crimson color with red eye spot), 흰색 바탕에 붉은색 무늬의 이중색(asadal), 흰색(white color), 푸른색(blue color) 등 총 8종류로 분류되었다. 화색이 붉은 자주색으로서 적색이 강한 꽃으로 국내에서 육성된 품종으로 ‘광명’, ‘난파’, ‘노스페이스’, ‘불새’, ‘비단’,‘송암’, ‘영창’, ‘적퍼소’, ‘키호’, ‘탐라’, ‘화수레드’, ‘환희’ 등이 있었으며, 국외에서 육성되어 국내에 도입된 품종으로는 ‘Aphrodite’,‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 분홍보라색으로서 특이한 품종으로는 ‘꼬마’, ‘도투락’, ‘명미’, ‘병화’, ‘산처녀’, ‘태화’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, ‘Little Kim Violet’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 심홍색으로 기존의 꽃에서는 볼 수 없는 특이한 품종으로 ‘종무’와 ‘Ruffled Satin’ 등이 있었다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종중 조경수용 소재로 보급할 수 있는 품종중 기존 품종에 비해 꽃의 크기가 큰 품종으로 무궁화 종간교잡종인 Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, ‘Daeil’,‘Jina’ 등이 있었다. 반면 꽃이 작고 조경적 가치가 높은 품종으로 ‘꼬마’, ‘미백’, ‘안동’, ‘릴킴’, ‘은하수’ 등이 있었다. 백단심계 무궁화‘꼬마’ 품종은 수고가 작은 왜성형으로 꽃의 크기가 5.2cm로 작은 소형화 품종으로 나타났다. 기존 품종에 비해 단심의 길이가 긴품종으로 ‘훈장’과 ‘하이리레드’가 있었다. 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘훈장’은 꽃의 크기는 12.0cm로 중간크기이나 단심길이는 4.8cm로 지금까지육성된 품종중 가장 긴 품종이었다. 또한 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘하이리레드’의 단심길이 역시 4.2cm로 꽃잎 길이에 비해 단심의 길이가 길어 조경적 가치가 높은 것으로 판단되었다. This study was carried out to characterize 127 recently developed cultivars of Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus spp.) in Korea and foreign Countries for landscape uses. The examined factors were growth characteristics such as tree height of a 1-year grafted plant(cm), plant type, growth habit, leaf characteristics such as shape and size, flower characteristics such as color, shape, size, and red eye during 2014 and 2015 for landscape uses. The results are obtained as follows; In the results of flower color of the 127 recently developed cultivars, pink color with red eye spot, white color with red eye spot, purplish red color with red eye spot, violet purple color with red eye spot, crimson color with red eye spot, asadal, blue color with red eye spot, and white color were distributed. In the flower characteristics, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’ had the largest flower size of 16.0cm out of the 127 cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Ggoma’ were cultivars with smaller flowers than other cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ had largest red eye, of 5.2cm of length compared to the other cultivars. The cultivars with unique flower color for landscape uses are H. syriacus ‘Kwangmyung’, ‘Nanpa’, ‘North face’, ‘Bulsae’, ‘Bidan’, ‘Songam’, ‘Youngchang’, ‘Jukpeoso’, ‘Kiho’, ‘Tamla’, ‘Hwasoored’ and ‘Hwanhee’. These flowers had a purplish red color and were developed in Korea. H. syriacus ‘Aphrodite’, ‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ also had unique flowers with a purplish red color and were introduced from foreign countries. In addition, cultivars with violet pink flowers were H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Doturak’, ‘Myungmi’, ‘Byunghwa’, ‘Sancheonyu’, ‘Taehwa’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, and ‘Little Kim Violet’. ‘Jongmoo’ and ‘Ruffled Satin’ had flowers with crimson color. Therefore, the new cultivars with unique flower colors were a promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant. Cultivars with large flower sizes were Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, and Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’. H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ had small flower sizes. Cultivars with long red eye were H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’. Therefore, the new cultivars, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’ with large flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ with small flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’ with long red eye, were promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant.

      • KCI등재

        경사증착법을 이용한 PM-OLED용 무기박막형 보호층 연구

        김광호,김훈,김재경,도이미,한정인,주병권,Kim, Kwang-Ho,Kim, Hoon,Kim, Jae-Kyung,Do, Lee-Mi,Han, Jeong-In,Ju, Byeong-Kwon 한국전기전자재료학회 2003 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.16 No.9

        In this study, the MgO thin-film passivation layer was adopted to protect passive matrix organic light emitting diode(PMOLED) with the cathode separator from moisture and oxygen. Using the substrate rotate and tilt technique during the deposition, the organic and cathode layers were perfectly covered with MgO. And then, we analyzed the difference of the current-voltage and luminescence characteristics between passivated OLED of the MgO and non-passivated OLED. It was found that the number of dark spot generated from the degradated pixel was decreased owing to the Mgo thin-film passivation layer using the tilt & rotate technique. And the half-life time passivated OLED was improved two times more. Thus, the MgO could be vaccum-deposited under the low temperature and had a merit that the organic layer was not much affected. We can consider that MgO thin film passivation method can be adopted to protect the OLED from moisture and oxygen and can offer the enhancement of lifetime.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소절개선을 이용한 심장수술의 임상고찰

        김광호,김정택,이서원,김혜숙,임현경,이춘수,선경,Kim, Kwang-Ho,Kim, Joung-Taek,Lee, Seo-Won,Kim, Hae-Sook,Lim, Hyun-Kung,Lee, Choon-Soo,Sun, Kyung 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1999 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.32 No.4

        배경: 최근에 시작된 소절개선을 이용한 심장수은술 환자에게 미용상 효과가 좋으며, 통증이 적으며 빠른 회복을 가져온다. 본 교실에서는 그간 실시한 소절개심장수술의 현황을 임상고찰하였다. 대상 및 방법: 1997년 2월 흉골좌연종절개선으로 관상동맥우회술을 실시한 이후 1998년 11월까지 총 31례의 소절개술을 이용한 심장수술을 실시하였다. 남녀 비는 17:14였으며, 1세에서 75세까지의 연령분포를 보였다. 흉골좌연종절개술을 실시한 예는 9례로 관상동맥 질환으로 인공심폐기의 사용없이 박동상태에서 내유동맥으로 좌전행지관상동맥에 우회술을 실시하였는데, 그 중 1례는 내유동맥의 비꼬임으로 술 후 1주일 째 재수술한 경우였다. 흉골우연종절개는 1례로 승모판교련절개술 후 재발된 협착증에 대해 승모판치환술을 실시한 경우였다. 소흉골절개선으로 수술한 예는 21례로, 승모판치환 및 삼첨판성형술이 6례, 승모판치환술 5례, 중복판치환술 2례, 대동맥판치환술 1례, 좌심방점액종 1례, 심방중격결손증 2례, 심실중격결손증 2례, 우심실 자창 1례였다. 처음 5례는 T형의 흉골소절개를 실시하였으나 경험이 쌓이면서 대동맥기저부의 노출이 좋고 흉골 봉합시 안정감이 높은 화살모양의 흉골소절개를 실시하였다. 결과: 수술시간, 인공심폐 구동시간, 대동맥차단시간, 인공호흡기 사용기간, 수술 1일까지의 흉관배액양, 흉관 거치기간, 집중치료실 입원기간 등은 기존의 정중흉골절개선 예들에 비하여 큰 차이가 없었다. 수술 후 사망 예는 2례였으며 1례는 흉골소절개선으로 승모판치환 수술 1일에 대동맥 삽관부위의 파열로 출혈 사망하였고, 다른 1례는 흉골좌연종절개선으로 관상동맥우회술 후 2일에 부정맥으로 사망하였다. 사망의 원인과 수술절개선의 선택과는 직접적인 관련이 없었다. 합병증은 뇌색전증 1례, 창상의 혈종 1 례가 있었다. 결론: 소절개선으로도 정중흉골절개선과 마찬가지로 심장 수술을 효과적으로 실시할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Background: Minimally invasive technique for various cardiac surgeries has become widely accepted since it has been proven to have distinct advantages for the patients. We describe here the results of our experiences of minimal incision in cardiac surgery. Material and Method: From February 1997 to November 1998, we successfully performed 31 cases of minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Male and female ratio was 17:14, and the patients age ranged from 1 to 75 years. A left parasternal incision was used in 9 patients with single vessel coronary heart disease. A direct coronary bypass grafting was done under the condition of the beating heart without cardiopulmonary bypass support(MIDCAB). Among these, one was a case of a reoperation 1 week after the first operation due to a kinked mammary artery graft. A right parasternal incision was used in one case of a redo mitral valve replacement. Mini-sternotomy was used in the remaining 21 patients. The procedures were mitral valve replacement and tricuspid annuloplasty in 6 patients, mitral valve replacement 5, double valve replacement 2, aortic valve replacement 1, removal of left atrial myxoma 1, closure of atrial septal defect 2, repair of ventricular septal defect 2, and primary closure of r ght ventricular stab wound 1. The initial 5 cases underwent a T-shaped mini-sternotomy, however, we adopted an arrow-shaped ministernotomy in the remaining cases because it provided better exposure of the aortic root and stability of the sternum after a sternal wiring. Result: The operation time, the cardiopulmonary bypass time, the aorta cross-clamping time, the mechanical ventilation time, the amount of chest tube drainage until POD#1, the chest tube indwelling time, and the duration of intensive care unit staying were in an acceptable range. There were two surgical mortalities. One was due to a rupture of the aorta cannulation site after double valve replacement on POD#1 in the mini-sternotomy case, and the other was due to a sudden ventricular arrhythmia after MIDCAB on POD#2 in the parasternal incision case. Postoperative complications were observed in 2 cases in which a cerebral embolism developed on POD#2 after a mini-sternotomy in mitral valve replacement and wound hematoma developed after a right parasternal incision in a single coronary bypass grafting. Neither mortality nor complication was directly related to the incision technique itself. Conclusion: Minimally invasive surgery using parasternal or mini-sternotomy incision can be used in cardiac surgeries since it is as safe as the standard full sternotomy incisions.

      • KCI등재

        풍수해보험에 대한 이론적 분석

        김광호,Kim, Kwang-ho 한국개발연구원 2011 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.33 No.4

        본 연구는 풍수해보험사업이 도입 취지와는 달리 여러 문제점을 내포하고 있다는 문제의식하에 풍수해보험에 대한 개념적이고 이론적인 분석을 시도하였다. 우선 현재와 같이 재난지원금과 풍수해보험이 공존하는 상황은 풍수해보험 활성화에 장애로 작용할 것이므로, 풍수해보험을 확대하기 위해서는 재난지원금의 점차적 축소를 고려할 필요가 있다. 또한 풍수해보험의 기본취지 중 하나가 자율적 방재노력을 제고하는 것이나, 풍수해보험은 보험에 따른 도덕적 해이로 인해 오히려 그러한 노력을 저해할 가능성이 높다. 끝으로 현재의 손해방지비용 지원은 그 효과가 불확실하므로 보다 심도 있는 분석이 필요하다. The storm and flood insurance, which was introduced recently to substitute the disaster relief system to moderate government's financial burden and enhance people's effort to reduce damage, seems to suffer various problems. This paper conducts a theoretical analysis on various aspects of the storm and flood insurance to provide insight on those issues and draw policy implications. First, the coexistence of disaster relief with the storm and flood insurance is likely to harm the penetration of the storm and flood insurance. Second, the current premium system is likely to induce people to make less efforts to reduce damage due to moral hazard problem. Third, current support for damage-reducing efforts may not fulfill its purpose and hence should be scrutinized carefully.

      • KCI등재

        온도 차이에 따른 배추좀나방 유충 지방체에서 발현되는 G 단백질 연관 수용체의 동정

        김광호,이대원,Kim, Kwang Ho,Lee, Dae-Weon 한국환경농학회 2021 한국환경농학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        BACKGROUND: G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are widely distributed in various organisms. Insect GPCRs shown as in vertebrate GPCRs are membrane receptors that coordinate or involve in various physiological processes such as learning/memory, development, locomotion, circadian rhythm, reproduction, etc. This study aimed to identify GPCRs expressed in fat body and compare the expression pattern of GPCRs in different temperature conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS: To identify GPCRs genes and compare their expression in different temperature conditions, total RNAs of fat body in Plutella xylostella larva were extracted and the transcriptomes have been analyzed via next generation sequencing method. From the fat body transcriptomes, genes that belong to GPCR Family A, B, and F were identified such as opsin, gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor, neuropeptide F (NPF) receptor, muthuselah (Mth), diuretic hormone receptor, frizzled, etc. Under low temperature, expressions of GPCRs such as C-C chemokine receptor (CCR), opsin, prolactin-releasing peptide receptor, substance K receptor, Mth-like receptor, diuretic hormone receptor, frizzled and stan were higher than those at 25℃. They are involved in immunity, feeding, movement, odorant recognition, diuresis, and development. In contrast to the control (25℃), at high temperature GPCRs including CCR, gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor, moody, NPF receptor, neuropeptide B1 receptor, frizzled and stan revealed higher expression whose biological functions are related to immunity, blood-brain barrier formation, feeding, learning, and reproduction. CONCLUSION: Transcriptome of fat body can provide understanding the pools of GPCRs. Identifications of fat body GPCRs may contribute to develop new targets for the control of insect pests.

      • KCI등재

        Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/Si/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>구조를 이용한 실리콘태양전지 제작 및 특성

        김광호,Kim, Kwang-Ho 한국반도체디스플레이기술학회 2015 반도체디스플레이기술학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        Using a combined CVD and ALD equipment system, multi-layer quantum well structures of $Al_2O_3/a-Si/Al_2O_3$ were fabricated on silicon Schottky junction devices and implemented to quantum well solar cells, in which the 1~1.5 nm thicknesses of the aluminum oxide films and the a-Si thin film layers were deposited at $300^{\circ}C$ and $450^{\circ}C$, respectively. Fabricated solar cell was operated by tunneling phenomena through the inserted quantum well structure being generated electrons on the silicon surface. Efficiency of the fabricated solar cell inserted with multi-quantum well of 41 layers has been increased by about 10 times that of the solar cell of pure Schottky junction solar cell.

      • KCI등재

        기문(奇門)의 원리(原理)와 기문침법(奇門鍼法) 활용에 대한 연구

        김광호,강정수,Kim, Kwang-ho,Kang, Jung-soo 대한침구의학회 2000 대한침구의학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Objectives : Gimun-chimbub(Jimen-zhenfa) is the method of needling which is based on Gimun-hak (Jimen-xue), and it is the most excellent method of needling than any other methods. In spite of the superiority of Gimun-chimbub(Jimen-zhenfa), there are few documents which explain it in details. The purpose of this study is to make clear principle of Gimun(Jimen) & apptication of Gimun-chimbub(Jimen-zhenfa) so many clinicians can make good use of it. Methods : Through investigation of many documents concerning Gimun(Jimen), Gimun-chimbub(Jimen-zhenfa) and Bosa(buxie), the author first explained principle of Gimun(Jimen) and then made clear how to apply it in needling and how to perform Bosa(buxie). Conclusions : 1. Gimun-hak(Jimen-xue) is constituted combinations of infinite change of Chen-Gy-In Samje(Tianrendi Sancai) and Hado lakse(Hetu Luoshu). Gimun-hak(Jimen-xue), is the study which shows us the change of space time e- ntangling at once, and it is applied to troublous times and critical situations. Gimun-chimbub(Jimen-zhenfa) combines of the method of needling with the time when Chen(Tian) opens and closes. So according to each cases, doctor must consider the adequate time. For example, in case of acute disease, the first day when the patient got ill is ta - ken. In case of chronic disease, the day when the patient came to see a doctor is taken. In Gimun-chimbub(Jimen-zhenfa), first it uses Jik-Sa-Mun(zhishimen) which can ac - cept Chen-Gi(tianqi). When needling, doctor must find the accurate acu-points and perform Bosa(buxie). Finally it uses Saeng-Mun(shengmen) which stirs up the vit - ality. Using Saeng-Mun(shengmen) decreases the rate of relapse of diseases.

      • KCI등재

        초박막 폴리머 강유전체 박막의 특성

        김광호,Kim, Kwang-Ho 한국반도체디스플레이기술학회 2020 반도체디스플레이기술학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        The properties of ultra-thin two-dimensional (2D) organic ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of the poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) [P(VDF-TrFE)] were investigated to find possible applicability in flexible and wearable electronics applications. In the C-V characteristics of the MFM capacitor of 2-monolayer of 5 nm films, a butterfly hysteresis curve due to the ferroelectricity of P(VDF-TrFE) was confirmed. Typical residual polarization value was measured at 2μC/㎠. When the MFM capacitor with ultra-thin ferroelectric film was measured by applying a 10 Hz bipolar pulse, it was shown that 65% of the initial polarization value in 105 cycles deteriorated the polarization. The leakage current density of the 2-monolayer film was maintained at about 5 × 10-8 A/㎠ for the case at a 5MV/cm electric field. The resistivity of the 2-monolayer film in the case at an electric field at 5 MV/cm was more than 2.35 × 1013 Ω·cm.

      • KCI등재

        수도 품종의 잎집무늬마름병 저항성연구 I. 잎집무늬마름병 저항성검정을 위한 균주선발

        김광호,양계진,Kwang-Ho Kim 한국작물학회 1987 한국작물학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        Fifty eight isolates of R. solani collected from rice plants infected to sheath blight disease at seven different locations through the country were evaluated for their cultural characteristics on media. Degree of resistance of nine rice varieties were tested by the seven isolates representing each culture type from the grouped pathogene-city. Great variation of cultural characterisics on PSA media was observed among isolates, and 58 isolates tested were grouped into 7 culture types. Locational distribution of isolates belong to each culture type was different between types, and only isolate type 'Ia' was distributed in all locations collected. The degree of pathogene-city of each isolate to rice adult plant was different between 7 culture types grouped, and no isolates infected severely on all tester rice varieties. The degree of resistance to the disease showed great variation among 9 tester varieties, and varietal reaction to the disease was varied along with isolates inoculated. An isolate, la, shown strong pathogenecity and distributed through 7 locations was selected for the screening of varietal resistance to rice sheath blight disease. 벼 품종의 잎집무늬마름병 저항성검정에 사용할 R. solani 균주를 선발할 목적으로 전국 7개지역에서 수집한 58개균주의 배양특성을 조사하여 균주의 배양형을 나누고 각 배양형에서 대표되는 균주를 선정, 9개 벼 품종에 접종시켜 균주의 병원성과 품종저항성을 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 벼 잎집무늬 마름병균의 균주를 PSA 배지상에서 기르면서 조사한 5종류의 배양특성은 균주간에 뚜렷한 차이가 있었으며 균주별 배양특성에 근거하여 공시한 58개 균주를 7종의 배양형으로 나눌 수 있었다. 2. 각 배양형에 속하는 잎집무늬마름병균 균주의 지역적인 분포는 차이가 있어서 균주분포의 지역특이성이 인정되었으며 Ia 배양형에 속하는 균주만이 7개 지역 모두에 분포되어 있었다. 3. 각 배양형을 대표하는 7개 균주의 병원성은 서로 달랐으며 균주별 병원성은 검정품종에 따라서 그 정도가 다르게 나타났다. 4. 균주의 병원성검정에 사용되었던 9개 벼 품종의 저항성정도도 품종간 차이가 켰으며 품종의 저항성 반응도 접종한 균주에 따라서 달리 나타나는 경우가 있었다. 5. 공시한 균주의 병원성정도와 지역적인 분포범위를 고려하여 벼 잎집무늬마름병 저항성검정에 사용할 균주를 선발할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        공무원 순환보직에 관한 연구

        김광호,Kim, Kwang-ho 한국개발연구원 2008 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        본 연구는 공무원의 전문성 축적을 저해하는 것으로 지속적으로 지적되는 순환보직의 실태를 파악하고 그 개선방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 우리나라 중앙부처 과장급 이상 공무원의 평균재직기간은 1년 남짓으로 매우 짧아 업무의 인수 인계에서 오는 비효율 및 업무공백, 전문성 축적기회의 감소, 책임성 저하, 정책의 일관성 및 연속성 결여 등 여러 문제를 낳으며, 특히 고도의 전문성을 요하는 대외 협상 분야에서 큰 국가적 손실을 낳는 것으로 파악된다. 이의 개선을 위해서는 전문성을 고려하는 보직이동, 전보범위의 축소, 전보제한기간의 강화 등의 조치가 필요하나, 근본적으로 현재와 같은 과도한 순환보직이 연공서열에 기초한 계급제에 기인하므로 장기적으로 공직분류제도를 계급제에서 직위분류제로 전환하고 실적주의적 요소를 강화해야 할 것이다. This paper aims at analyzing the practice of job rotation in the Korean government and putting forward policy suggestions. The Korean government is often accused of low capacity and weak competitiveness, which mainly result from the low expertise of public officials. Considering the high quality of human resources flowing into the public sector in Korea, solutions should be found from the structure of the system. This paper regards frequent position changes due to excessive job rotation as a key factor undermining the accumulation of expertise and conducts in-depth analyses. The current practice of frequent rotation shows that the average tenure period of government officials at director level and above is only about one year, far shorter than those in major developed countries, which causes many problems such as low efficiency, lack of accountability and policy consistency, and low opportunity for accumulating expertise. Simple models are set up to analyze job rotation and other alternative personnel management systems. Analyses find that it would be desirable to have each individual experience various positions during the initial rotation period to find his/her own aptitude, and then accumulate expertise by settling in at a certain specialized field for a prolonged period of time based on the revealed aptitude in mid and high positions. This turns out to be in line with the structure of the Career Development Program which is being introduced. The model-based analysis of this paper distinguishes this study from preceding ones conducted in the traditional framework of personnel management study. Practical measures to mitigate the problems of frequent job rotation include rotating within the area of specialty, narrowing the scope of transfer, and reinforcing the minimum tenure period. However, since the current frequent rotation is fundamentally attributable to the rank system based on seniority, the present civil service classification system needs to be converted into a position classification system in the long run.

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