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      • KCI등재

        상담자의 자애명상 경험 연구

        정연주,김영란 한국상담학회 2008 상담학연구 Vol.9 No.4

        This project explores the meaning of experience of Lovingkindness Meditation. Categories being analyzed according to Consensual Qualitative Research with 6 subjects were 36 in 4 domains. All subjects felt ‘acceptance’, ‘equanimity in mind and body’ and ‘loving kindness’. And most of them have reported that they had the feelings such as ‘bliss in mind and body’, ‘thinking honorably’, ‘connectedness’, ‘compassion’, ‘escaping from anger’, ‘concentrating well in retreat’. The interfering experience during Lovingkindness Meditation was ‘anger’ and the solution of it was ‘awareness of self condition’. The typical experiences in dailylife are ‘acceptance’, ‘thinking honorably’, ‘equanimity in mind and body’, ‘escaping from anger’ and ‘connectedness’. The typical experiences in counseling are ‘acceptance’, ‘equanimity in mind and body’ and ‘connectedness’. Discussion focused on the meanings of Lovingkindness Meditation and their utility of counselor' growth. 본 연구는 자애심을 함양하는 자애명상이 상담자에게 미치는 영향을 확인하기 위한 것이다. 상담자의 자애명상 경험을 공식명상, 일상생활, 그리고 상담 장면에서 살펴보고, 이를 합의적 질적 연구 방법(CQR)으로 분석하였다. 이를 위해 6명의 초심상담자를 대상으로 인터뷰를 실시하였고, 수집된 자료 분석 결과 모두 4개의 영역에서 총 36개의 범주가 생성되었다. 자애명상 수행에서 모든 참여자들은 ‘몸과 마음의 안정감’, 자신과 다른 존재들이 행복하기를 바라는 ‘자애심’, 그리고 ‘수용’을 경험하였고, 대다수의 참여자들이 ‘몸과 마음에서 기쁨을 느낌’, ‘귀하게 여김’, ‘연결감’, ‘연민감’, ‘분노에서 벗어남’, ‘집중이 잘 됨’ 등을 경험하였다. 자애명상을 방해하는 경험으로는 ‘분노’, ‘수행을 방해하는 여러 잘못된 생각들’, ‘수행 외적 조건의 영향’ 등이 있었고, 이를 해결하는 방법은 ‘자신의 상태에 대한 알아차림’으로 나타났다. 일상생활에서 전형적으로 나타나는 변화는 ‘수용’, ‘몸과 마음의 안정감’, ‘분노에서 벗어남’, ‘연결감’, 그리고 ‘수행하고 싶은 마음이 일어남’ 등이 나타났다. 상담 장면에서 일어난 변화로는 ‘수용’, ‘몸과 마음의 안정감’, 그리고 ‘연결감’ 등이 나타났다. 상담자의 자애명상 경험이 상담에서 갖는 의미를 논의하고 추후연구에 대한 제언을 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        조선전기 장악원의 역할과 위상

        정연주 고려사학회 2022 한국사학보 Vol.- No.88

        This studty aims to clarify what meaning Jangakwon in Joseon, a Confucian country. Therefore, it was intended to analyze the meaning of the change in the status of music office and improvement of the system. The Jangakwon included all members related to music, and more than 1,000 people belonged, and the size of the government office was very large. It was possible because the government office of the music, which was divided into five government offices, was unified during the reign of King Sejo. Compared to the system of China, Goryeo, and early Joseon, it is clearly revealed that the status of the Jangakwon has changed. In summary, unlike the previous systems, as it was unified as a Jangakwon, it became a Jeong-3 rate office composed of Nokgwan independently of Bongsangsi. On the other hand, the Jangakwon was located in the back of Jeong-3 rate office but the actual status of the government office was higher than that of other government offices. This is due to the change in perception of music in Joseon. In other words, this is the result of deepening understanding of music in Joseon, which was aimed at rule by rites. In conclusion, for the purpose of rule by rites, neither rite nor music can be discarded, and the perception that both are important has been realized. The purpose of the refome of systems, that were made in the change in the status of the music office, was to improve the professionalism of the affiliated personnel and to get out of recognition that the music was lowly. This efforts were in the process of creating a foundation for the proper realization of rule by rites. 본 글은 장악원이 유교 국가 조선에서 어떠한 의미를 지닌 관서인지를 밝히기 위해 樂 관장 관서의 위상 변화 및 제도 정비의 의미를 분석하고자 했다. 장악원은 악과 관련된 모든 인원이 포함되어 1,000명 이상이 소속되어 있었으며, 관청의 규모도 매우 큰 관서였다. 국초 5개의 관서로 나눠져 있던 악 관장 관서가 세조대에 일원화되었기 때문에 가능한 규모였다. 장악원은 중국이나 고려의 제도, 그리고 국초의 제도와 비교했을 때 그 위상이 변한 것이 확연하게 드러난다. 요약하면 장악원으로 일원화되면서 이전의 제도들과 달리 봉상시에서 독립하여 祿官으로 구성된 정3품아문이 된 것이다. 한편 장악원은 정3품아문 중에서는 뒤쪽에 위치하고 있었으나 다른 관서와 비교했을 때 실질적인 관서의 지위는 높았다. 이는 조선에서 악에 대한 인식이 변화한 것에서 기인한 것으로 禮治를 지향하던 조선에서 악에 대한 이해가 깊어지면서 나타난 결과이다. 즉 예치를 위해서는 예와 악 어느 한쪽도 폐기할 수 없고 중요하다는 인식을 실제로 실현시키게 된 것이다. 이러한 악 관장 관서의 지위 변화 속에서 이루어졌던 여러 제도 정비의 목적은 소속 인원들의 전문성 향상과 樂官이 천하다는 인식을 탈피하는 것이었다. 이 같은 노력은 예치를 제대로 실현할 수 있는 기반을 만들어 가는 과정이었다.

      • KCI등재

        Oxygen/Glucose Deprivation and Reperfusion Cause Modifications of Postsynaptic Morphology and Activity in the CA3 Area of Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures

        정연주,Eun Cheng Suh,이경은 대한약리학회 2012 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.16 No.6

        Brain ischemia leads to overstimulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, referred as excitotoxicity, which mediates neuronal cell death. However, less attention has been paid to changes in synaptic activity and morphology that could have an important impact on cell function and survival following ischemic insult. In this study, we investigated the effects of reperfusion after oxygen/glucose deprivation (OGD) not only upon neuronal cell death, but also on ultrastructural and biochemical characteristics of postsynaptic density (PSD) protein, in the stratum lucidum of the CA3 area in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. After OGD/reperfusion, neurons were found to be damaged; the organelles such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, dendrites, and synaptic terminals were swollen; and the PSD became thicker and irregular. Ethanolic phosphotungstic acid staining showed that the density of PSD was significantly decreased, and the thickness and length of the PSD were significantly increased in the OGD/reperfusion group compared to the control. The levels of PSD proteins, including PSD-95, NMDA receptor 1, NMDA receptor 2B, and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, were significantly decreased following OGD/reperfusion. These results suggest that OGD/reperfusion induces significant modifications to PSDs in the CA3 area of organotypic hippocampal slice cultures, both morphologically and biochemically, and this may contribute to neuronal cell death and synaptic dysfunction after OGD/reperfusion.

      • KCI등재

        Immortalization of primary marmoset skin fibroblasts by CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene targeting

        정연주,조정인,곽지나,성영훈,강병철 한국통합생물학회 2022 Animal cells and systems Vol.26 No.6

        Immortalized cell lines can be used for diverse in vitro experiments, providing invaluable data before conducting in vivo studies Callithrix jacchus, the common marmoset, is a non-human primate model utilized for studying various human diseases. However, only a few immortalized marmoset cell lines are currently available. In the present study, we reveal that CRISPR-Cas9- mediated targeting of the p53 gene or CDKN2A locus is an effective means for immortalizing primary marmoset skin fibroblasts. In addition to frameshift mutations that result in premature stop codons, in-frame mutations potentially destroying the DNA-binding motif of p53 are frequently detected in immortalized cells. Like Cdkn2a-deficient mouse cells, CDKN2A-deficient marmoset cells express wild-type p53 proteins normally respond to genotoxic stresses, including adriamycin and etoposide. Taken together, these findings indicate that Cas9- mediated gene targeting of the p53 gene or CDKN2A locus is an effective tool for establishing immortalized marmoset cell lines with defined genetic alterations.

      • KCI등재

        헌법재판소의 법관탄핵 각하결정에 대한 비판적 고찰- 헌재 2021. 10. 28. 2021헌나1사건을 중심으로 -

        정연주 헌법재판연구원 2022 헌법재판연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The Constitutional Court rejected the adjudication of impeachment against a former judge. The reason is based on the fact that the interest of trial does not exist any more because the respondent already retired by termination of tenure. The Court rules that the request for adjudication of impeachment against the former judge is illegitimate because he is not qualified as a respondent according to the Article 65(4) which prescribes that a decision on impeachment shall not extend further than removal from public office. Per contra, the opinion of the minority asserts that the interest of trial is recognized in this case despite retirement by termination of tenure and that the respondent should principally be removed from the office because he violated the Constitution seriously. The Court, however, should at least confirm that his behavior in the line of duty belongs to serious violation of the Constitution because he cannot formally removed because of retirement. The majority opinion cannot be justified. If the institution of impeachment against the incumbent officer is legally proceeded by the National Assembly, the retirement of the respondent should not interrupt the adjudication of impeachment because it is not up to holding incumbent status. The essence and purpose of adjudication of impeachment is not the removal of respondent but the realization of the protection of the Constitution, control of power, and rule of law. The Court should have removed the respondent investing ex officio a kind of temporary status to him by a provisional disposition. On the other hand, the Court should have confirmed for the important constitutional claification that the respondent violated in the line of duty the Constitution seriously. 헌재는 임성근 전 부장판사에 대한 탄핵심판을 각하했다. 피청구인이 이미 퇴직해 탄핵심판의 이익이 소멸했다는 게 각하의 이유이다. 즉 헌법 제65조 4항이 “탄핵 결정은 공직으로부터 파면함에 그친다”고 명시하고 있는 만큼 더 이상 탄핵심판의 피청구인이 될 자격이 없고 본안 판단에 나아가도 파면 결정을 선고할 수 없어 탄핵심판청구는 부적합하다는 것이다. 이에 대하여는 피청구인이 임기만료로 퇴직하였음에도 불구하고 본안판단에 나아가야 할 심판의 이익이 인정되고, 피청구인이 직무집행에 있어서 중대한 헌법위반 행위를 하였기 때문에 피청구인을 그 직에서 파면하여야 하지만, 피청구인이 임기만료로 퇴직하여 파면할 수는 없으므로 피청구인의 행위가 중대한 헌법위반에 해당함을 확인함에 그친다는 소수 인용의견이 있다. 헌재의 법정의견은 타당하지 않다. 첫째, 법관탄핵은 법관이 직무상 위헌행위를 한 경우 이루어지는 것이기 때문에 탄핵의 절차적・형식적 요건은 재직중 위헌행위를 한 것으로 충족된다. 더욱이 피청구인의 재직중 적법하게 국회의 탄핵소추가 이루어졌다면 더욱 그러하다. 따라서 심판과정중의 퇴직 여부는 문제가 되지 않는다. 둘째, 가장 중요한 것은 피청구인의 행위가 위헌이고, 특히 사법부의 독립을 해친 중대한 위헌행위라는 준엄한 사실을 확인하고, 미래에는 다시는 그러한 행위가 반복되어서는 안된다는 확실한 기준을 세우는 것이다. 이러한 점에서 이 사건의 경우 당연히 심판의 이익이 인정되는 것이다. 왜냐하면 탄핵제도의 궁극적 목적은 한 개인을 파면시키는 미시적 차원에 그치는 것이 아니라 거시적 차원에서 위헌적 공권력을 통제함으로써 헌법을 수호하고 정의를 실현하는 것이기 때문이다. 이러한 탄핵의 목적은 피청구인의 퇴직 여부에 관계 없이 실현되는 것이다. 또한 헌재의 논리대로라면 똑같은 위헌행위를 저지른 법관이라도 임기가 많이 남아 있을 경우에는 탄핵되고, 임 판사의 경우처럼 임기가 얼마 남지 않아 심판도중 퇴직해서 각하된다면 그야말로 우연한 운에 따라 생사가 달라지는 모순에 빠지게 되며, 이것이야말로 형평과 정의에 반하고 법적 안정성과 예측가능성을 해치는 것이다. 헌재는 가처분 결정을 직권으로 내린 다음 피청구인을 인용결정 시를 기준으로 파면시키고 피청구인의 행위가 중대한 헌법위반임을 확인했어야 했다. 그러나 만일 가처분 결정이 불가능하고, 피청구인이 임기만료로 퇴직하여 형식적・절차적으로 그 직에서 파면하는 주문을 내릴 수 없다고 한다면 적어도 피청구인의 행위가 중대한 헌법위반에 해당함을 확인하는 소극적 주문이라도 내렸어야 했다.

      • KCI등재

        비상입법자로서의 헌법재판소

        정연주 한국헌법학회 2007 憲法學硏究 Vol.13 No.3

        Constitutional Court as a emergent LawmakerYon-ju JungThis article addresses whether the Constitutional Court can exceptionally play the role as a emergent lawmaker. That is, the issues on one hand whether the Court can take a necessary provisional legislative action in the tenor of the decision in order to fill legal blank when the Court must declare a statute unconstitutional and void, and when the legislative branch cannot most likely make the alternative statute for the long period, on the other hand how such a action of the Court can be justified.It is the so called second abortion decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany that causes the trigger of the debate about the issues. The Court took such a necessary temporary legislative action in the tenor of the decision which will be applied until the parliament makes a statute when the Court declared the amended article of the Criminal Act unconstitutional and void. Therefore, the Court played the role as a kind of lawmaker by such a legislative action. The legislative action of the Court can be justified by the situation in which the Court must realize the balancing harmony between the rights of the fetus and the woman, and eliminate the legal blank which is inevitably caused by the decision and cannot be constitutionally admitted. Naturally, such a role or action superficially violates the principles of separation of powers, rule of law, and nulla poena sine lege. However, it substantially coincide with the spirits of the principles through the justification which is above mentioned. Therefore, it is constitutional. Such a justification can be based on the unwritten emergent competence of the Constitution.

      • KCI등재후보

        Employment of Wheat Grain Properties in Evaluation of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance

        정연주,박철수,Ji-Ung Jeung,Chung-Kon Kim,Chon-Sik Kang,서용원,박종철 한국작물학회 2010 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.13 No.4

        Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum is one of the most destructive fungal diseases. Wide spread of FHB causes yield loss, quality reduction, and accumulation of poisonous mycotoxins. Twenty-three Korean wheat cultivars and a known FHB resistant cultivar ‘Sumai 3’ were tested for Type I and Type II resistance to FHB and evaluated for grain characteristics. Wheat cultivars showed infection scores of 0.6 (the lowest) to 7.8 (the highest) in response to the Fusarium inoculation for Type I evaluation. Three Korean cultivars, ‘Chungkye’ (1.8), ‘Tapdong’ (1.8), and ‘Jinpoom’ (1.6) showed relatively good FHB resistance compared to ‘Sumai 3’ (0.6) for Type I evaluation. On the other hand, Type II evaluation scores ranged between 1.4 and 3.6. The infection scores of ‘Uri’ (1.4) and ‘Jinpoom’ (1.4) were particularly low and even lower than “Sumai 3” (1.6). The relationship between grain properties and FHB severity was evaluated. Grain length was positively correlated with Type II evaluation. Spike length and total polyphenol content were negatively correlated with FHB severity of Type I evaluation. Grain properties were negatively or positively correlated with FHB severity. The obtained results indicated that some of the grain parameters could be employed in the development of wheat lines with improved FHB resistance.

      • KCI등재후보

        비골골절치료에서 기도 튜브 머로셀®의 유용성

        정연주,최영웅,남상현,윤길용 대한두개안면성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Craniofacial Surgery Vol.10 No.1

        Purpose: Nasal packing materials are almost inserted at the end stage of closed reduction of nasal bone for postoperative bleeding control and stabilization of nasal bone. Conventionally, vaseline gauze was used for packing of nasal cavity. These days, Surgeons have tried to apply Merocel® into the nasal cavity more easily. It is difficult for patients to continue keeping the nasal packs for more than a week due to breathing difficulty. Moreover, nasal packing itself can also cause headache, dry mouth, stuffiness, etc. Methods: We performed a prospective study from March 1, 2008 to July 31, 2008. One hundred patients were divided into "Merocel® packing group" and "Merocel® and Airway Tube Merocel® packing group". Using two kinds of materials to each group after closed reduction, we observed and compared the amount of bleeding between two groups. We recorded patient‘s uncomfortable symptoms which were divided into four groups each 6, 24, 48 hours after nasal packing. Results: The result of the bleeding amount of Air Tube Merocel® group after 6 hours of nasal packing is that 3 people belong to mild group, 38 people moderate group, and 9 people severe group. After 6 hours of nasal packing, 11 patients have no complains. 16 patients were mild, 21 patients were moderate, 2 patients were severe. After 24 hours of nasal packing, no complain(18 patients), mild(24 patients), moderate(6 patients), severe(0 patient). After 48 hours of nasal packing, no complain(25 patients), mild(20 patients), moderate(5 patients), severe(0 patient). Conclusion: Regarding the amount of bleeding, there are no difference between two groups. In case of Air Tube Merocel® group, patient's discomfort is gradually improved after 24 hours of nasal packing, After 48 hours of nasal packing, most of the patients do not experience headache, dry mouth, stuffiness, etc. Therefore, Air Tube Merocel® can be useful for bleeding control. Moreover, it helps patients to breathe through nose more easily and reduce discomfort.

      • KCI등재후보

        다검출나선형CT를 이용한 간의 삼중시기영상에서 간암의 발견에 관한 연구$^1$

        정연주,이준우,이석홍,Jeong, Yeon-Ju,Lee, Jun-U,Lee, Seok-Hong 대한영상의학회 2002 대한영상의학회지 Vol.47 No.2

        목적: 간암의 발견에 있어서 multi-detector row helical CT(MDCT)를 이용한 삼중시기영상의 유용성을 알아보고자 하였다. 대상과 방법: 간암이 의심되어 MDCT(LightSpeed Qx/i,GE medical stem,Milwaukee,Wis)를 촬영한 41명의 환자를 대상으로 하였으며,조직학적으로 확진된 경우와 임상소견 및 방사선학적 소견으로 간암으로 진단된 103개를 대상으로 하였다.초기 및 후기동맥기의 영상은 총150 ml의 조영제를 4 ml/sec로 주입한 후 bolus tracking method를 이용하여 한번의 호흡 중지 기간 중 얻었으며, 이후 문맥기 영상을 얻었다. 초기 및 후기 동맥기 영상은 절편두께 2.5mm,간격 1.25 mm,테이블 이동속도 15 mm/rotation으로 얻었으며, 문맥기 영상은 절편두께5 mm,간격 5 mm,테이블 이동속도 15 mm/rotation으로 얻었다. 세 영상의 분석은 두 명의방사선과의사에 의해 독립적으로 이루어 졌다.각각의 영상에서 간암의 발견율을 구하였으며, 초기동맥기 및 후기동맥기에서는 각각 종괴의 조영증강 정도를 측정하여 두 영상 간에 종괴의 현저도를 비교하였다. 결과:초기동맥기,후기동맥기,문맥기 영상에서 간암의 발견율은 판독자 1에서 81%,77%,55%,판독자 2에서 83%,81%,68%로 나타났으며, 세 영상간의 통계학적인 차이는 없었다(p>0.05).초기동맥기에서는 보였으나 후기동맥기에서는 보이지 않는 종괴는 16개, 반대로 후기동맥기에서는 보였으나, 초기동맥기에서는 보이지 않았던 종괴는 5개로 나타났다. 세 영상을 조합한 경우의 간암의 발견율은 초기 혹은 후기 하나만의 영상과 문맥기영상을 조합한 경우에 비해 의미 있게 높게 나타났다 (p<0.05).초기 및 후기동맥기에서 간암의 평균 현저도는 각각 34.5,51.5로 후기 동맥기에 높게 나타났으나, 이들 간에 통계학적인 차이는 없었다 결론: MDCT를 이용하여 초기 및 후기동맥기, 문맥기영상을 함께 얻은 삼중 시기 영상은 간암의 발견율을 증가시키는데 도움을 주리라 생각된다. Purpose: To determine whether triple-phase multi-detector-row helical CT images of the liver improves the detection rate of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Materials and Methods: Forty-one patients with 103 HCCs underwent triple-phase multi-detector-row helical CT imaging of the entire liver after contrast administration. Early and late arterial phase images were obtained serially during a single breath-hold, and portal venous-phase images were then obtained. Each image set was independently assessed for the presence of HCC by two radiologists unaware of the possible presence of tumors, and for each phase the detection rate was determined. For each arterial-phase image, lesion conspicuity (attenuation of a tumor compared with that of its parenchyma) was calculated. Results: For reader 1, the detection rates for the early arterial, late arterial, and portal venous phase were 81%, 77%, and 55%, respectively, and for reader 2 were 83%, 81%, and 68%, respectively (p>0.05). When triplephase imaging findings were combined, the detection rate was significantly higher than when only those of the early or late arterial, and portal venous, phase were used (p<0.05). Mean lesion conspicuity for the late arterial phase was higher than for the early arterial phase, but the difference was statistically insignificant (p>0.05). Conclusion: Triple-phase imaging of the liver, involving the early arterial, late arterial, and portal venous phase, and using multi-detector-row helical CT, increases the detection rate of HCC.

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