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        수산생물 중 유해물질의 인체 노출 및 위해평가 시스템 개발

        이재원(Jaewon Lee),이승우(Seungwoo Lee),최민규(Minkyu Choi),이헌주(Hunjoo Lee) 한국환경보건학회 2021 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.47 No.5

        Background: Fish and fishery products (FFPs) unintentionally contaminated with various environmental pollutants are major exposure pathways for humans. To protect human health from the consumption of contaminated FFPs, it is essential to develop a systematic tool for evaluating exposure and risks. Objectives: To regularly, accurately, and quickly evaluate adverse health outcomes due to FFPs contamination, we developed an automated dietary exposure and risk assessment system called HERA (the Human Exposure and Risk Assessment system for chemicals in FFPs). The aim of this study was to develop an overall architecture design and demonstrate the major features of the HERA system. Methods: For the HERA system, the architecture framework consisted of multi-layer stacks from infrastructure to fish exposure and risk assessment layers. To compile different contamination levels and types of seafood consumption datasets, the data models were designed for the classification codes of FFP items, contaminants, and health-based guidance values (HBGVs). A systematic data pipeline for summarizing exposure factors was constructed through down-scaling and preprocessing the 24-hour dietary recalls raw dataset from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNAHES). Results: According to the designed data models for the classification codes, we standardized 167 seafood items and 2,741 contaminants. Subsequently, we implemented two major functional workflows: 1) preparation and 2) main process. The HERA system was developed to enable risk assessors to accumulate the concentration databases sustainably and estimate exposure levels for several populations linked to seafood consumption data in KNAHES in a user-friendly manner and in a local PC environment. Conclusions: The HERA system will support policy-makers in making risk management decisions based on a nation-wide risk assessment for FFPs.

      • KCI등재

        Residue Monitoring and Dietary Risk Evaluation of Fungicide Propiconazole in Leafy Vegetables under Greenhouse Conditions

        Abdulkareem Lawal,오지은,곽세연,이상협,최재원,SARKER ANIRUDDHA,경기성,김태화,김장억 한국환경농학회 2023 한국환경농학회지 Vol.42 No.3

        Residue monitoring of propiconazole (PCZ) in cabbage, shallot, and spinach was conducted under multi-trial greenhouse conditions. This study aimed to understand the fate of the applied fungicide in these vegetables. Furthermore, the associated health risk of PCZ in leafy vegetables was assessed through dietary risk assessment. Commercially available PCZ (22% suspension concentrate) was administered thrice according to the OECD fungicide application interval guideline. The plant samples were extracted using a slightly modified QuEChERS technique and analyzed using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The average PCZ recovery was between 84.5% and 117.6%, with a <5% coefficient of variance. The dissipation of PCZ residue in cabbage, shallot, and spinach after 14 days was 96%, 90%, and 99%, respectively, with half-lives of <5 days. Meanwhile, dietary risk assessments of PCZ residues in the studied vegetables using the risk quotient (RQ) were significant < 100 (RQ < 100). Thus, the population groups considered in this study were not at substantial risk from consuming leafy vegetables sprayed with PCZ following critical, good agricultural practices.

      • Development of nutritional risk assessment platform in Korea

        Lee, Hunjoo,Kwon, Nam ji,Kim, Yongsoo,Han, Eunyoung Elsevier 2018 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology Vol.98 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Risk assessment has been used to prevent health problems associated with eating habits in response to increased interest in a balanced diet. For nutritional risk assessment (NRA), it is important to 1) consider personal nutrition status based on year-round dietary intake, 2) organize core datasets such as food composition, intake, and health based guidance value (HBGV) datasets with public confidence, and 3) assess and predict the effects by using the computerized NRA tool. Our research staff constructed an integrated database system by compiling and organizing core datasets produced sporadically by different organizations and with different formats and developed a nutritional exposure and risk assessment system called Nutri-Risk (NUTRItional RISK assessment platform), which contained the database. Nutri-Risk is not only capable of NRA, but also contains additional data service functions. Here, the compilations and organization of an integrated database are outlined. In addition, the overall architectures of Nutri-Risk and dietary modeling are described and predictive simulation functions to support the regulatory decisions related to nutritional fortification or reduction policy were demonstrated.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> An integrated database with standardized codesets and a platform were developed. </LI> <LI> A platform was implemented for risk assessment with dietary modeling and simulation. </LI> <LI> The simulation can minimize the risk for nutritional fortification and reduction. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        서울지역 유통 채소류 섭취에 따른 잔류 농약의 위해성 평가

        장미라(Jang Mira),문현경(Moon Hyunkyung),김태랑(Kim Taerang),육동현(Yuk Donghyun),김정헌(Kim Junghun),박석기(Park Seoggee) 韓國營養學會 2010 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.43 No.4

        2009년 1월부터 12월까지 서울 강남지역 시장, 대형 마트 및 백화점 등에서 유통되고 있는 채소류에 대해 잔류농약을 분석하여 잔류농약 위해성 평가를 실시하였다. 1) 유통 채소류 6,583건에 대하여 동시 다성분 잔류농약 모니터링 결과, 엽채류가 4,972건 (75.5%)으로 가장 높은 비율을 차지하였으며 과채류 629건 (9.6%), 엽경채류 581건 (8.8%), 근채류 401건 (6.1%)순이었다. 전체 채소류 중 농약 검출율은 12.7% (834건)이었고, 이중에서 잔류허용기준을 초과한 시료는 2.1% (136건)으로 나타났다. 채소류 중 들깻잎이 농약 검출률과 허용기준 초과율이 가장 높게 나타났다. 2) 유통 채소류 중 농약 잔류허용기준을 3회 이상 초과한 농약은 총 16종이었으며 이 중 endosulfan이 24회로 가장 많았다. 이는 전체 부적합 횟수 중 16.0%를 차지하였으며, 다음으로 diniconazole 22회, paclobutrazol 15회, kresoxim-methyl 9회, etoprophos 8회, diazinon 7회, chlorpyrifos 5회, carbendazim이 5회 잔류허용기준을 초과하였다. 이들 농약은 최저잔류 허용기준이 대체적으로 다른 농약보다 낮은 경우가 많았으며, 잔류허용기준을 초과한 상위 3개 농약이 40.7%로 거의 절반을 차지했다. 가장 많이 검출된 농약은 procymidone으로 189건의 시료에서 검출되었다. 3) 농약잔류량과 채소류 평균섭취량 및 ADI로 부터 위해 지수 (HI)를 산출하였다. 결정론적 방법에 의한 위해도는 diethofencarb 7.33%, indoxacarb 5.13%, EPN 3.96%, diniconazole 3.92%, chlorothalonil 3.09%였으며 기타 농약은 모두 3% 이하로 나타났다. 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션 분석결과 잔류농약의 위해도 분포는 결정론적 분석결과와 비슷한 값을 나타내었으나, 95% 신뢰구간의 폭은 매우 넓게 나타났다. 그러나 위해도지수가 0.07~9.49% 범위에 있어 농약잔류허용기준을 초과한 성분에 기인한 인체 위해도는 낮아 대체적으로 안전한 수준으로 판단된다. 하지만 본 연구는 채소류에만 국한된 연구이므로 잔류농약이 포함된 농산물 섭취로 인한 안전성 확보를 위해서는 농약잔류 허용 기준이 합리적으로 설정되어야 할 뿐만 아니라 위해성 평가 및 모니터링이 효과적으로 수행되어야 할 것이다. This paper specifically discusses the risk assessment on the pesticide residues in vegetables collected from traditional markets, big marts and departments in the southern part of Seoul. Vegetable samples were 6,583 cases from January to December in 2009. Monte-Carlo simulation was used to calculate the uncertainty for the risk index using pesticide residues, average dietary intake for vegetables and acceptable daily intake. Deterministic risk indexes were 7.33% of diethofencarb, 5.13% of indoxacarb, 3.96% of EPN, 3.92% of diniconazole and 3.09% of chlorothalonil, respectively. And other pesticides were below 3%. Distributions of risk indexes obtained by the Monte-Carlo simulations were similar to the deterministic values, even though the confidence intervals for 95% were very wide. We confirmed that health risks caused by eating vegetables exceeded maximum residue limits of pesticide are very low and the population is generally safe, judging from the risk indexes located between 0.07 to 9.49%.

      • KCI등재

        The Relationship between Dietary Pattern and Sleep Apnea: A Study Using Recommended Food Score and Berlin Questionnaire

        Lim Jung-sun,오범조,한수정,박태성,Kim Jongseung 대한임상건강증진학회 2024 Korean Journal of Health Promotion Vol.24 No.2

        Background: Sleep apnea, characterized by interruptions in breathing during sleep, presents health risks and has been associated with various dietary patterns. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between dietary patterns, as measured by the Recommended Food Score (RFS), and the risk of sleep apnea, as assessed using the Berlin Questionnaire.Methods: A total of 11,586 adults from a general hospital in Korea were included in the analysis. Participants completed a questionnaire covering demographic factors, lifestyle behaviors, and dietary habits. Dietary quality was assessed using the RFS, while sleep apnea risk was evaluated using the Berlin Questionnaire. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the impact of RFS on sleep quality, adjusting for potential confounding factors.Results: Higher RFS was negatively correlated with sleep apnea risk (odds ratio=0.91 [95% confidence interval, 0.82–1.00, P=0.048)]. Significant positive associations were observed between male sex, low education level, marital status, smoking, drinking, inactivity, high blood pressure, high waist circumference, high levels of triglycerides, and poor sleep quality. Hematologic markers such as C-reactive protein levels and glutamic pyruvic transaminase also displayed significant associations with sleep quality.Conclusions: This study contributes to our understanding of the complex interplay between diet, lifestyle, metabolic health, and sleep quality. These findings underscore the importance of dietary interventions in managing sleep apnea and highlight avenues for further research.

      • KCI등재

        Total Diet Studies as a Tool for Ensuring Food Safety

        이준구,김신희,김해정,윤해정 한국독성학회 2015 Toxicological Research Vol.31 No.3

        With the diversification and internationalization of the food industry and the increased focus on health from a majority of consumers, food safety policies are being implemented based on scientific evidence. Risk analysis represents the most useful scientific approach for making food safety decisions. Total diet study (TDS) is often used as a risk assessment tool to evaluate exposure to hazardous elements. Many countries perform TDSs to screen for chemicals in foods and analyze exposure trends to hazardous elements. TDSs differ from traditional food monitoring in two major aspects: chemicals are analyzed in food in the form in which it will be consumed and it is cost-effective in analyzing composite samples after processing multiple ingredients together. In Korea, TDSs have been conducted to estimate dietary intakes of heavy metals, pesticides, mycotoxins, persistent organic pollutants, and processing contaminants. TDSs need to be carried out periodically to ensure food safety.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Total Diet Studies as a Tool for Ensuring Food Safety

        Joon-Goo Lee,Sheen-Hee Kim,Hae-Jung Kim,Hae-Jung Yoon 한국독성학회 2015 Toxicological Research Vol.31 No.3

        With the diversification and internationalization of the food industry and the increased focus on health from a majority of consumers, food safety policies are being implemented based on scientific evidence. Risk analysis represents the most useful scientific approach for making food safety decisions. Total diet study (TDS) is often used as a risk assessment tool to evaluate exposure to hazardous elements. Many countries perform TDSs to screen for chemicals in foods and analyze exposure trends to hazardous elements. TDSs differ from traditional food monitoring in two major aspects: chemicals are analyzed in food in the form in which it will be consumed and it is cost-effective in analyzing composite samples after processing multiple ingredients together. In Korea, TDSs have been conducted to estimate dietary intakes of heavy metals, pesticides, mycotoxins, persistent organic pollutants, and processing contaminants. TDSs need to be carried out periodically to ensure food safety.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Total Diet Studies as a Tool for Ensuring Food Safety

        Lee, Joon-Goo,Kim, Sheen-Hee,Kim, Hae-Jung,Yoon, Hae-Jung Korean Society of ToxicologyKorea Environmental Mu 2015 Toxicological Research Vol.31 No.3

        With the diversification and internationalization of the food industry and the increased focus on health from a majority of consumers, food safety policies are being implemented based on scientific evidence. Risk analysis represents the most useful scientific approach for making food safety decisions. Total diet study (TDS) is often used as a risk assessment tool to evaluate exposure to hazardous elements. Many countries perform TDSs to screen for chemicals in foods and analyze exposure trends to hazardous elements. TDSs differ from traditional food monitoring in two major aspects: chemicals are analyzed in food in the form in which it will be consumed and it is cost-effective in analyzing composite samples after processing multiple ingredients together. In Korea, TDSs have been conducted to estimate dietary intakes of heavy metals, pesticides, mycotoxins, persistent organic pollutants, and processing contaminants. TDSs need to be carried out periodically to ensure food safety.

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