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      • KCI등재

        공과대학생의 핵심역량 분석과 비교과 활동의 활용

        황순희 한국공학교육학회 2018 공학교육연구 Vol.21 No.6

        This research aims to analyze core competencies of engineering students in Korea as well as to explore the application plans of extracurricular activities(hereafter, ECA) and programs in order to enhance their core competencies. Participation in ECA has long been recognized as having positive benefits and impacts upon students. To achieve the purpose of this study, first, we investigated whether there were differences between core competencies in undergraduates according to majors, gender and grades. ‘Core competencies’, first introduced in management theory as ‘core competency' can be defined as personal attributes or underlining characteristics, capable of delivering a role or job. ‘Core competencies’ has received particular attention in recent years and there has been much related research (domestic and foreign) combined with diverse factors. However, few studies have addressed the question on engineering student’s core competencies as well as the ways of their enhancement. This study was conducted with a total of 286 students, and core competencies have been measured online, through K-CESA. Our findings show that firstly, there were significant differences in undergraduate students’ core competencies by majors. Engineering students scored significantly lower in core competencies overall. Second, there was no significant difference in students’ core competencies by gender and grade. Third, there was a significant correlation among components of core competencies. Finally, there was a significant correlation between core competencies and grades(GPA, grades in major subject & liberal arts subject), rather levels in the correlation were low. Furthermore, the study suggested that the appropriate application of extracurricular activities would enhance core competencies of students.

      • KCI등재

        핵심역량과 교과 역량의 연계 확보를 위한 핵심역량의 선정 및 조직 방안 탐색

        이승미(Lee, Seung-Mi) 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 2021 교육혁신연구 Vol.31 No.2

        연구목적: 본 연구는 핵심역량과 교과 역량 간의 연계 개선에 중점을 둔 핵심역량의 선정 및 조직 방안을 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. 연구방법: 교육과정 국제비교를 통해 각 나라의 핵심역량 선정 및 조직의 특성을 비교 분석하였고, 장학사 및 교사를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 향후 교육과정에서 반영되어야 할 핵심역량을 도출하였으며, 이론 및 현장 전문가를 대상으로 델파이 조사를 실시하여 핵심역량의 조직 방안으로서 핵심역량 범주화(안)을 개발하였다. 연구결과: 핵심역량과 교과 역량 간의 연계를 확보하기 위해서는 각 핵심역량이 교과 역량 개발에 주는 함의가 명료해야 하고 핵심역량의 수가 적정화되어야 한다. 이는 핵심역량을 범주화하여 세 가지 항목 정도로 제시하여 각 핵심역량의 범주가 교과 역량 개발에 유의미한 방향성을 제공하는 방식으로 구체화될 수 있다. 관련하여 본 연구에서는 차기 교육과정에서 적용될 수 있는 핵심역량 범주(안)으로 ‘탐구하는 학습자’, ‘참여 협력하는 공동체인’, ‘성찰 발전하는 생활인’을 도출하였다. 논의 및 결론: 본 연구에서 개발한 핵심역량 범주화가 실효성을 거두기 위해서는 교과 역량을 성취기준으로 구체화하는 방식, 교육과정 문서에서 ‘핵심역량’과 ‘교과 역량’이라는 용어 자체의 적용 여부, 핵심역량 범주와 추구하는 인간상의 위상 및 역할 등에 대한 후속 연구와 폭넓은 대상자의 의견을 수렴이 이루어져야 할 것이다. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore ways to select and organize core competencies with an emphasis on improving the linkage between core competencies and subject competencies. Method: First, the core competencies of each country were selected and organizational characteristics were compared and analyzed through the international comparison of the curriculum. Second, the core competencies that should be reflected in the future curriculum were derived by conducting a survey on the supervisors and teachers. Third, a Delphi survey was conducted targeting theoretical and field experts to develop a plan for organizing core competencies and categorizing core competencies as examples of their application. Results: In order to secure a link between core competencies and subject competencies, the implications of each core competency in developing subject competencies must be clear and the number of core competencies must be optimized. This can be embodied in such a way that each category of core competencies provides significant direction in the development of subject competencies by categorizing core competencies and presenting them as three items. In this study, the core competency categories that can be applied in the next curriculum were developed as exploring learners , participating and cooperating persons of communities , and reflecting and developing living persons . Conclusion: In order for the categorization of core competencies developed in this study to be effective, the following follow-up studies should be conducted. First, the method of specifying subject competency as an achievement standard, second, whether the terms core competency and subject competency are applied in the curriculum document itself, third, the core competency category and the status and role of the human being pursued, fourth, gathering opinions from a wider audience.

      • 2015 개정 음악과 교육과정의 핵심역량 요소별 상세화 연구

        지선화,윤성원,조대현 한국음악응용학회 2019 음악응용연구 Vol.11 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 2015 개정 음악과 교육과정에서의 핵심역량의 하위요소별 상세화에 있다. 연구의 목적을 이루기 위해, 핵심역량에 대한 이해로 이론적 배경을 마련하였다. 핵심역량의 이 해는 교육에서의 핵심역량, 교육과정에서의 핵심역량과 핵심역량의 사전적 정의, 교과에서의 핵 심역량으로 나누어 고찰하였다. 이후 음악과 핵심역량을 상세화하였다. 상세화는 2015 개정 음악 과 교육과정의 핵심역량, 핵심역량에 따른 하위요소, 핵심역량에 따른 음악적 언어표현을 정리하 여 제작한 상세화 도구에 의한 것이었다. 이는 6개의 핵심역량과 41개의 핵심역량의 하위요소였 다. 상세화는 고등학교 교과서를 중심으로 그 사례를 제시하였다. 음악과 핵심역량의 하위요소별 교과서의 상세화는 첫째, 음악적 감성 역량, 둘째, 음악적 창의ㆍ융합 사고 역량, 셋째, 음악적 소통 역량, 넷째, 문화적 공동체 역량, 다섯째, 음악정보 처리 역량, 여섯째, 자기관리 역량이며, 각 역량의 하위요소 별로 예를 제시하였다. 이 연구는 이와 같은 연구결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같이 제언한다. 첫째, 핵심역량에 대한 음악교사를 대상으로 한 연수가 필요하다. 둘째, 음악과 수업에서 이루어지는 핵심역량 학습이 적절하게 이루어지는지에 대한 현장 연구가 필요하다. The purpose of this research is to specify the core competencies in the 2015 revised music curriculum by sub-factor. To achieve the research purpose, a theoretical background was developed to understand the core competencies. For understanding of the core competencies, they were divided into core competencies in education, core competencies in the curriculum, the dictionary's definition of core competencies, and core competencies in textbooks. Later, the core competencies of music were specified. The specification was done by the core competencies in the 2015 revised music curriculum, sub-factors according to the core competencies, and specification tools made by organizing musical language expressions according to the core competencies. They were sub-factors of 6 core competencies and 41 core competencies. For specification, cases were presented focusing on high school textbooks. The specification of the textbooks by sub-factor of musical core competencies is: First, competency of musical sensitivity; Second, competency of musical creativity and integrated thinking; Third, competency of musical communication; Fourth, competency of cultural community; Fifth, competency of musical information processing; and Sixth, competency of self-management. Examples were presented by each competency’s sub-factor. The suggestions of this research based on the research results are as follows: First, it is necessary to provide music teachers with training on core competencies. Second, it is required to conduct field research on how properly core competencies are learned in music courses.

      • KCI등재

        학습자의 21세기 핵심 역량 증진을 위한 실과교과 정보교육의 방향 탐색

        이철현 한국실과교육학회 2014 한국실과교육학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Core Competencies are strongly required skill in school and outside of school, but the current subjects-centered traditional school education is insufficient for increasing learner’s core competencies. This study explored the learner’s core competencies required in the 21st century, and examined information education should go in which direction to make them increase core competencies. The results of the study are as follows. First, 16 kinds of 21st century core competencies were selected as follows: problem solving ability, communication ability, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, information literacy, ICT literacy, self-directed ability, understanding of multiculture, leadership, conflicts arbitrating ability, civic consciousness, interpersonal skills, self regulation ability, professional development ability, convergence ability. Second, several literatures searched the direction of information education in Practical Arts were reviewed, and the reviewed contents were used as main resources of Information Education Model in Practical Arts for increasing the 21st core competencies. Third, the 16 kinds of 21st core competencies were strongly related to the Practical Arts Education according to the reviewing of 2009 Revised Practical Arts Curriculum. Fourth, this study presented the Information Education Model in Practical Arts for increasing the 21st core competencies. This model established the increase of 21st core competencies as the goal of education, 2009 Revised Practical Arts Curriculum as the basic of contents, methods, evaluation of information education, and the items related to the information education were selected and integrated to the model, which were from the future mega trends, the direction of future education, required core competencies, future technology, the leading research about the direction of information education. Fifth, this study suggested the practice direction of the information education in Practical Arts for increasing the 21st core competencies in three aspects of the contents of information education, the methods of information education, the evaluation of information education. 핵심 역량이 학교와 학교 밖에서 꼭 필요한 스킬이지만, 현재와 같은 교과중심의 전통적 학교교육은 학습자의 핵심 역량을 키우기에 미흡한 실정이다. 이 연구에서는 21세기에 필요한 학습자의 핵심 역량을 탐색하였고, 핵심 역량을 기르기 위하여 정보교육이 어떤 방향으로 나아가야 할지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 이러한 목적에 따라 다음과 같은 연구 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 선행 연구 분석을 통해 문제해결력, 의사소통능력, 비판적 사고, 협동. 창의성, 정보 리터러시, ICT 리터러시, 자기주도성, 다문화 이해 능력, 리더십, 갈등 조정 능력, 시민 의식, 대인관계능력, 자기관리능력, 진로 개발 능력, 융합적 소양의 16가지가 21세기 핵심 역량으로 선정되었다. 둘째, 실과 정보교육의 방향을 탐색한 여러 문헌을 검토하였고, 그 내용들은 21세기 핵심 역량 증진을 위한 실과교과 정보교육 모델의 주요 자원으로 활용되었다. 셋째, 2009개정 실과(기술․가정) 교육과정을 중심으로 검토한 결과 21세기 핵심 역량 16가지가 실과교육과 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 넷째, 21세기 핵심 역량 증진을 위한 실과교과의 정보교육 모델을 제시하였다. 이 모델은 21세기 핵심 역량 증진을 교육의 목표로 설정하였고, 2009개정 실과 교육과정을 정보교육의 내용, 방법, 평가의 기본으로 하며, 미래 메가트렌드, 미래교육방향, 요구되는 핵심 역량, 미래 기술, 정보교육 방향에 대한 선행 연구 등으로부터 정보교육과 관련된 요소를 추출하여 통합하는 것을 골격으로 하고 있다. 다섯째, 정보교육 모델을 토대로 21세기 핵심 역량 증진을 위한 실과교과 정보교육의 실천 방향을 정보교육 내용 측면, 정보교육 방법 측면, 정보교육 평가 측면으로 구분하여 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학생들의 핵심역량 인식 분석 - J대학교 학생들을 대상으로

        황경수,권순철,고봉조 한국교양교육학회 2015 교양교육연구 Vol.9 No.3

        This study is aimed to evaluate the awareness of the core competencies of J university students who operates a core competencies curriculum. The purpose of the J university students in June 2014 in order to achieve conducted a survey on core competencies recognized as a destination. The results of this study are as follow. First, the students' core competencies recognition was higher than the demand for non-cognitive skills cognitive domain. In other words, collegiate students were aware of the important interpersonal skills, self-management skills. In addition, the perception of undergraduate core competencies were aware that it is important, regardless of their colleges, grade, gender, military status, family from high school, admission type. Second, the class of collegiate curriculum on core competencies satisfaction, instruction, classroom environment, classroom performance, and was found to recognize students' achievements, class operations. The operational strategy of the competency-based curriculum has been derived from it. This study is significant to research on the results of operations of our core competencies curriculum by introducing a core competencies in curriculum. The data could be based on the reference number and core competencies-based curriculum in many universities to introduce further study the curriculum as a basis for future research on core competencies-based curriculum. 본 연구는 핵심역량 교육과정을 운영한 J대학교 학생들의 핵심역량에 대한 인식을 알아보고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 2014년 6월에 J대학교 학생들을 대상으로 핵심역량 인식에 대한 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 이에 대한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학생들의 핵심역량 인식은 인지적 영역보다는 비인지적 역량에 대한 요구가 높게 나타났다. 즉, 대학생들은 대인관계 능력, 자기관리 역량에 대해서 중요하게 인식하고 있었다. 또한 대학생 핵심역량에 대한 인식은 소속대학, 학년, 성별, 군복무 여부, 출신고교 계열, 입학유형에 관계없이 중요하다고 인식하고 있었다. 둘째, 핵심역량 대학교육과정에 대한 수업내용, 수업성과, 수업운영 등에서 대학생들의 인식을 알 수 있었다. 이를 통해 역량기반 교육과정의 운영 전략을 제안 할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 대학교육과정에 핵심역량을 도입하여 핵심역량 교육과정을 운영한 결과에 대한 연구라는 데 의의가 있다. 핵심역량 기반 대학교육과정에 대한 기초연구로서 앞으로 핵심역량을 학교교육과정에 도입하려는 여러 대학교에 참고할 수 있으며 역량기반 교육과정 후속연구에 기초자료가 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 2022년 개정 교육과정의 핵심소양에 관한 연구

        김애동,김해영 한국인격교육학회 2023 인격교육 Vol.17 No.3

        The theme of China's Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition) is to cultivate a “new generation with ideals, competencies, and responsibilities,” focusing on Chinese students’ development of core competencies. This study discusses the core competencies of talents needed in the future society as advocated in China’s ninth curriculum released in April 2022. By undergoing three curriculum reforms since entering the 21st century, China has gradually satisfied the requirements of the knowledge industrialization era. China has completed a directional shift in education reform, moving from a knowledge-oriented approach to an ability-oriented one, and then to a competencies-oriented approach. This culminated in the formation and issuance of the curriculum reform plan in 2022, which emphasizes the cultivation of core competencies as a clear goal. This reflects that China's education reforms aim to fundamentally transform the role of education in talent development and that it is also committed to constructing a strong country through education as part of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To explore the core competencies of the 16 courses in the 2022 revised compulsory education curriculum plan, the following characteristics of the core competencies can be summarized: Firstly, it refers to the core competencies of all countries in the world on the whole, especially OECD countries, while also reflecting the current reality and long historical tradition of China, emphasizing the importance of preserving Chinese culture. Secondly, China’s previous goal of cultivating abilities based on knowledge has changed to emphasize the fundamental goal of nurturing individuals with core competencies. This change is seen as completing the fundamental task of cultivating a new generation by enhancing morality and fostering talents. Thirdly, the process of integrating the core competencies into the curriculum is the most direct and practical path to cultivating these core competencies in students. Fourthly, the practical approach to cultivating the core competencies involves a shift from the traditional knowledge-oriented curriculum to a broader approach that encompasses big concepts in each curriculum. 중국 2022년 개정 교육과정에서는 "시대가 요구하는 이상과 능력, 책임감이 있는 신인" 육성을 주제로 중국 학생의 핵심소양 발전에 초점을 맞추었다. 본 연구에서는 2022년 4월 중국이 발표한 제9차 교육과정이 표방한 미래 사회가 지향하는 인재가 갖추어야 할 핵심소양에 대해 논의하였다. 21세기에 들어서 진행된 세 차례의 교육과정 개혁에서 중국은 점차 지식산업화 시대에 걸맞게 지식 중심에서 능력 중심으로, 능력 중심에서 점차 소양 중심으로 교육의 개혁방향을 조정해 왔으며 마침내 핵심소양의 양성을 뚜렷한 목표로 하는 2022년 개정 교육과정을 발표 및 실행하게 되었다. 이는 교육의 인재양성기능을 본질적으로 개선하고자 하는 중국의 교육개혁 의지를 선보인 것으로 교육 강국 나아가 교육을 통한 중화민족의 부흥을 기대하는 중대한 결책이라 할 수 있다. 2022년 개정 의무교육과정의 16개 교육과정이 지향하는 핵심소양을 살펴보면 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 세계적으로 특히 OECD국가에서 지향하는 핵심소양을 참조한 듯 보이지만 궁극적으로는 중국의 현실적 실제와 유구한 역사 전통을 기반으로 중화문화의 전승을 강조하고 있다. 둘째, 중국은 지식을 기반으로 능력을 지향하던 데로부터 점차 핵심소양을 구비한 인재를 키움으로써 덕을 세워 사람을 키우고자 하는 교육목표의 발전을 반영하였다. 셋째, 핵심소양을 교육과정에 융합시켜 교육 과정화 시키는 과정은 가장 실제적이고 빠른 경로이다. 넷째, 전통적인 지식 중심에서 각 교과목의 대 개념 중심으로의 교육과정 실천 전향은 핵심소양 발전의 실천경로이다.

      • KCI등재

        대학 신입생의 핵심역량이 진로동기, 진로역량, 진로결정자기효능감에 미치는 영향

        방희원,조규판 인하대학교 교육연구소 2019 교육문화연구 Vol.25 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the university freshmen's core competency on their career motivation, career competencies and career decision-making self-efficacy. For the purpose of the study, 320 university freshmen from D university in Busan were surveyed from May 27 to June 7, 2019, and 309 data were analyzed using t-test, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The conclusions from the results and discussions are as follows: First, expertise, character, creativity, challenge, glocal, communication, as core competencies, have positive correlation with career motivation, career competencies, career decision-making self-efficiency. Second, challenge, glocal, and creativity, as core competencies, effect on career motivation. Third, challenge, glocal, communication, and expertise, which are core competencies, effect on career competencies. Forth, challenge, creativity, glocal and expertise, as core competencies, have effect on career decision-making self-efficiency. This means that the core competencies of university students vary depending on individual character-related variations. The core competencies effect on career-related variables like career motivation, career competencies, and career decision-making self-efficacy. Therefore, to increase psychological characteristics related to career, it is necessary to develop and support various career programs linked to core competencies from the freshman year of university. 본 연구의 목적은 대학 신입생의 핵심역량이 진로동기, 진로역량, 진로결정자기효능감에 미치는 영향을 알아보는것이다. 이를 위해 2019년 5월 27일에서 6월 7일까지 부산시 소재 D 대학에 재학 중인 320명의 대학 신입생을 대상으로설문을 실시하였으며, 최종적으로 309명의 자료에 대해 SPSS Ver. 25를 이용하여 t-test, 상관분석, 중다회귀분석을실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과 및 논의를 통해 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 핵심역량의 구성요인인 전문성, 인성, 창의, 도전, 글로컬, 소통은 진로동기, 진로역량, 진로결정자기효능감과정적 상관이 있다. 둘째, 핵심역량 구성요인인 도전, 글로컬, 창의가 진로동기에 영향을 미친다. 넷째, 핵심역량 구성요인인도전, 글로컬, 소통, 전문성이 진로역량에 영향을 미친다. 다섯째, 핵심역량 구성요인인 도전, 창의, 글로컬, 전문성이진로결정자기효능감에 영향을 미친다. 이는 대학생의 핵심역량이 진로관련 변인에 영향을 미치고 있음을 의미한다. 따라서 진로관련 심리적 특성을 함양하기위해 대학 신입생 때부터 개개인의 핵심역량을 확인, 보완, 강화할 수 있도록 핵심역량과 연계한 다양한 진로프로그램을 개발 및 지원하여야 할 필요성이 제기된다.

      • KCI등재

        과학교과에서의 핵심역량에 대한 세계의 동향에 준거하여우리나라 현장 교사들의 인식 연구

        고은정 ( Eun Jung Koh ),정대홍 ( Dae Hong Jeong ) 한국과학교육학회 2014 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.34 No.6

        이 연구의 목적은 영국, 호주, 뉴질랜드, 캐나다 온타리오주, 싱가포르 및 우리나라의 과학교과 핵심역량에 대한 동향을 조사하여 과학교육을 통해 기를 수 있는 핵심역량이 무엇인가을 알아보는 것이었다. 또한, 현장 과학교사들이 핵심역량 기반의 과학수업에 대해 어떻게 인식하고 있는지를 탐색하고, 특히 최근 핵심역량 기반의 과학교육과정을 접한 경기도 지역 교사들이 어떻게 인식하고 있는지를 알아보는 것이었다. 외국의 역량 기반 과학과 교육과정을 탐색하기 위해 각종 문헌연구를 실시하였으며, 현장 과학교사들의 인식 조사를 위해, 135명의 초·중·고등학교 교사들에게 설문을 실시하였다. 외국의 역량 기반 과학과 교육과정 탐색 결과, 각 국가들의 공통적인 특징으로 ‘범교과 역량과의 연계’, ‘과학 내용과 과학 활동의 결합’, ‘의사소통 능력 중시’, ‘역량별 성취 수준 제시’ 등이 나타났다. 또한, 각국에서 강조하는 과학과 핵심역량으로는, ‘비판적 사고력’, ‘창의적 사고력’, ‘문제해결력’, ‘탐구능력’, ‘의사소통능력’, ‘문화적 이해력’, ‘학문간 통합능력’, ‘적용능력’, ‘개인적 역량과 사회적 역량’이 있었다. 현장 과학 교사들은 현재 핵심역량에 대한 인지정도 및 과학수업에서의 실행 정도는 보통으로 생각하고 있었으나, 가르쳐야 한다는 움직임과 가르칠 의사에는 긍정적인 인식을 보임으로써, 필요성에 대해서는 공감하고 있었다. 중요한 핵심역량으로는, 초·중·고 세 학교급 모두에서 ‘창의적 사고력’, ‘문제 해결력’, ‘탐구 능력’을 꼽았으며, 교육 요구도가 가장 높은 역량은 ‘창의적 사고력’이었다. 경기도 지역의 교사들이 다른 일반지역의 교사들보다 핵심역량에 대한 인지정도가 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 핵심역량 기반의 과학 수업이 과학적 태도와 의사소통 능력 형성에 큰 도움이 된다고 보았다. 그러나 수업 운영 방법에 익숙하지 않은 점, 많은 수업 준비시간 등을 어려운 점으로 꼽았다. This study analyzed the characteristics of National Science Curricula in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, and Korea with respect to core competencies. In the case of overseas countries, literature review on their curricula was conducted, and four common features were extracted: ``association of cross-curricular competencies with science-specific competencies,’ ‘a combination of science contents and scientific practices,’ ‘an emphasis on communication skills,’ and ‘representation of an achievement level of competency.’ In addition, the common core competencies of science education were ‘critical thinking,’ ‘creative thinking,’ ‘problem solving,’ ‘inquiry skills,’ ‘communication skills,’ ‘cultural literacy,’ ‘ability to integrate discipline,’ ‘application skills,’ and ‘personal/social competency.’ In relation to these features, this study also investigated Korean science teachers’ perceptions of core competencies in science education. A survey was conducted on 135 teachers in elementary, middle, and high school in Korea. Teachers were not well aware of what core competencies are, and after introduction, they thought that they wanted to and needed to teach core competencies to their students. Teachers claimed that critical core competencies in science education are ‘creative thinking,’ ‘problem solving,’ and ‘inquiry skills.’ Teachers thought that core competencies-based science class would help develop students’ scientific literacy and communication skills. However, they have difficulties in conducting core competencies-based science class because they are not familiar with how to conduct the class and they expect that it will take a long time to prepare such a class.

      • KCI등재

        교육대학생들이 생각하는 미래사회의 핵심역량

        이재무 한국지식정보기술학회 2022 한국지식정보기술학회 논문지 Vol.17 No.4

        This study is to present the educational needs of the core competencies required in the future society. The core competencies were derived through the selection of 14 core competencies required for college students. Further, college students were asked to the importance and performance of each selected core competency. The collected data were statistically processed using the SPSS 23.0 program. For statistical processing, descriptive statistical analysis, paired t-test, Importance-Performance analysis, IPA matrix, Borich's needs analysis, and The Locus for Focus model were applied. The results of statistical processing revealed the most important core competencies were creative and convergent thinking. Additionally, the competencies with the lowest performance were creative and problem-solving ones. As a result of the paired t-test, there was a meaningful difference between the importance and performance of all competencies. The competencies with the greatest difference between importance and performance were creative, global, convergent thinking, and critical thinking competencies. As a result of IPA, IPA matrix, Borich’s needs analysis, and The Locus for Focus model, the competencies with the highest educational needs in common were creative and convergent thinking competencies. The results of IPA and Borich’s needs analysis that present education priorities were similar in most competencies. Education needs were expressed by the following priorities: global, decision-making, communication, and problem-solving competencies.

      • KCI등재후보

        Design of Liberal Arts Curriculum Centered on Core COMPETENCIES

        강영돈 J-INSTITUTE 2020 International Journal of Human & Disaster Vol.5 No.2

        Purpose: This study examined the reinforcement of the linkage of the university's liberal arts curriculum at the revised core competencies in the national education charter in the 2015. In addition, it was to clarify the ways to enhance the completeness of the liberal arts curriculum. the reasons for introducing core competencies into the liberal arts curriculum, the interconnection between core competencies, and ways to enhance the completeness of it. Method: It was investigated that it has a great effect in increasing the value of self-directed learning and im-proving imaginative creativity by fusion of learners' theoretical knowledge inquiry and performance ability. Moreover, various teaching and learning methods were sought to enhance problem-solving skills centered on core competencies, and the continuity with the local industry was identified through the link between core competen-cies and liberal arts education talent training. In other words, it was found that certain core competencies do not exist independently, but that there is an organic relationship between core competencies, it has revealed that two or more different core competencies should be converged to develop one core competency. Results: By expanding these discussions, the major features were examined while analyzing the cases of de-signing the five core competencies of the faculty of the liberal arts department at D University. Conclusion: The design of the liberal arts curriculum based on the core competencies proposed in this study will help to establish the learning performance and evaluation system, and if the detailed competencies of learners are quantified and evaluated, it can be drawn by the conclusion that they can be used to internalize the quality management of competency-based liberal arts education and to improve education on a continuous basis. It is expected that the curriculum designed based on the competency of liberal arts education wil be useful in design-ing the competency-based education design of other universities, and it will serve as a reference for the internali-zation of the expanding competency-oriented education and evaluation.

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