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        언더우드 역 『조양반셔』의 음식명 번역 양상 연구: 중국어판 『造洋飯書』와의 비교를 중심으로

        응웬 티 뚜엣 늉,YUAN XIN 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2022 한국문화 Vol.- No.100

        The purpose of this study is to examine translation patterns occuring in the names of the dishes and foods which appear in “Foreign Cookery in Korean”(1899), the first Western recipe book published in Korea and translated by Horace Grant Underwood. The study compares 269 Korean names of foods found in “Foreign Cookery in Korean”(1899) to the corresponding Chinese names appearing in “Foreign Cookery in Chinese”(1885) presumed to be the source text for the Korean translation, as well as to the index of English names of those foods. “Foreign Cookery in Korean” is a cookbook of Western recipes translated from the Chinese source into Korean text by a Presbyterian missionary H. G. Underwood, and published in 1899. This study takes into consideration the characteristics of “Foreign Cookery in Korean” and provides a new classification system dividing the analyzed names, first, by general categories: transcriptions, translations, and combinations of transcription and translation. Secondly, each category is subdivided based on whether it is a direct or an indirect transcription or translation, or a combination of the two. The last category is subdivided, based on the nature of the combination, into two types i.e. transcription-translation and translation-transcriptions. Names of foods created through a translation method accounted for the largest part with 171 (64%) entries, followed by combination names with 67 entries (24%), and transcriptions with 31 entries (21%). Such results suggest that Underwood tried to make it as easy as possible for Korean readers to understand names of Western foods, ingredients, and recipes, as he preferred translation over transcription, used names of similar Korean foods when possible, and added additional explanation to names of dishes and ingredients unfamiliar to Korean readers. He personally admitted that “the most difficult part was to fully render the concept of English words to Korean.” A large number of translations among the names of foods in “Foreign Cookery in Korean” suggest that Underwood’s strategy was to search for the best equivalents of each name in Korean. This paper is a valuable research as it presents the methods and strategies used in “Foreign Cookery in Korean” for translating names of foods at the time when Western cuisine was first introduced in Korea. Based on the results of this study, it was possible to summarize the formation and usage of new words related to Western dishes and foods that entered Korea in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Furthermore, the results can be compared to Western cookbooks published after the 20th century to show how various translations of given words competed and became established in Korean language, like in the case of ‘일년감쟝(←番柿醬, tomato ketchup)’ or ‘밀ᄯᅥᆨ(饅頭, ←bread)’. As the number of similar studies increase, studies on the history of the Korean vocabulary and translation history of modern loanwords as well as cultural history will become more abundant.

      • KCI등재

        『조양반셔(造洋飯書)』 연구(1) - 표기와 어휘의 특징을 중심으로 -

        이현희 ( Lee Hyun-hee ) 한말연구학회 2017 한말연구 Vol.- No.45

        In this paper, we study “Foreign Cookery in Korean,” particularly its orthography and vocabulary. “Foreign Cookery in Korean” was translated in 1899 by Mr. Underwood from Mrs. Crawford`s “Foreign Cookery in Chinese.” The book consists of 16 categories and 271 recipes. In terms of Western cookery, the content is arranged in order food course service. For example: soup, main dishes (meat and fish), salads and desserts (pickles, custard, pastry, cakes, coffee, and so on). Each recipe is proceeded by both Arabic and Chinese numerals and the recipes include both ingredients and cooking methods. In particular, there are many recipes about breads and desserts like pies, tarts, pastries, puddings, custards, and cakes, account for about 70% of recipes. In orthography, the spacing of the words in this text is comparatively good. But one syllabic-bound noun, which is related with various units, is mostly affixed with front words. In case of tensed sounds, `ㅅ-series` consonant clusters are mostly used, with the exception of the consonant clusters `뚝겁게` that were used once. `[s`]`(tensed `s`) are written by `ㅆ` such as `쏘쒜지,` `쏘다,` and the like. In the case of aspirated sounds, `Jungcheol` writing is used, for example, `ㅋ` sounds are written by `ㄱ-ㅎ,` `ㅍ` sounds are written by `ㅂ-ㅎ,` and so on. If aspirated sounds are final consonants, `ㅅ-ㅊ` are used. So `압 헤` means `앞에` and `갓치` means `같이`. That is a mark of the Early Modern Korean writing system. This text shows special foreign language vocabulary in Modern Korean. Some words are transliteration words, like `차콜레잇트,` `카피,` `와퍼쓰,` and the like. Likewise, some words are translated literally such as `오믈렛,` `케이크,` and `소시지` into `계란쌈,` `우유□, ` and `고기□. ` Food ingredients and cookware are Western style because the recipes are about Western dishes. Cookware is categorized separately according to dishes or cooking methods like `glass (류리 잔), glass bottle (류리 병), glass plate (류리 접시),` `tin cover (양철 □에), frying pan (번쳘)` or `iron bowl, Chinaware.` Basic seasonings are usually used `salt (소곰)` and `sugar (사탕/셜당).` Addition spices include flavorings, gravy, and fruit juice.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 한글 음식조리서 『주찬방』의 서지와 내용 구성

        백두현,홍미주 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2019 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.70

        The cookery book entitled Juchanbang written in Hangul can be seen as a testimony of the Korean language as it was before mid-17th century. Since Juchanbang shows an earlier state of the Korean language than Eumsik dimibang, it can be considered as one of the oldest cookery books written in Hangul. Juchanbang constitutes an important resource material for research not only on Korean traditional cookery and food culture but also into the history of Korean language. Juchanbang is a revised and rebound version of the original book. The document attached to the cover suggests that the author of the cookbook had some links with the government office of Ganghwa Island under the Joseon Dynasty. Some cooking directions contain sentences that reveal the type of errors usually made when copying another book. Thus, it can be deduced that the author of Juchanbang had copied passages from earlier literature. The main characteristic of Juchanbang is its list of the recipes provided at the beginning of the book. The list contains 91 recipe names. With the addition of recipes without a name, the cookbook comprises a total of 104 recipes. Among those, two are written in Chinese characters, namely the ‘mortar pounding method’ (舂正式) and the ‘grinding method’ (作末式). These two cooking methods, which explain how to pound and grind grains, are particularly noteworthy in that they do not appear in any other cookery books. 한글 음식조리서 『주찬방』은 17세기 중엽 이전의 언어 상태를 반영하고 있다. 시기적으로 『음식디미방』보다 앞선 시대의 언어 상태를 보여 주는 것이어서 연대가 가장 앞서는 한글 음식조리서의 하나로 판단된다. 『주찬방』은 국어사 연구는 물론 한국의 전통음식 조리법과 음식문화 연구에 중요한 자료가 될 것이다. 이 글에서 논한 주요 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 『주찬방』은 집안에 전해오던 원래의 책을 다시 고쳐 묶어 제본한 것이다. 표지에 붙인 고문서의 내용으로 보아 이 책은 조선시대 강화도에 있었던 관아 강화부(江華府)와 연관된 인물이 필사한 것으로 판단된다. 『주찬방』의 한글 방문 여러 곳에서 다른 책을 보고 베껴 쓸 때 발생하는 필사의 오류가 발견된다. 이 사실을 근거로 『주찬방』은 앞선 시기의 다른 문헌을 보고 베낀 것으로 판단하였다. 『주찬방』의 구성상의 특징은 권두에 수록된 방문의 목록이 있는 점, 후대의 개장자가 쓴 개장기가 있는 점, 한글 방문명 아래 한문 방문이 붙어 있는 점 등이다. 내용상으로 보면, 방문명이 표기된 것이 91개이고, 방문명 없이 추가 서술된 조리법을 개별 방문으로 계산하면 전체 방문은 104개가 된다. 목록 끝과 권두 본문 사이에 한문으로 쓴 용정식(舂正式)과 작말식(作末式)이 실려 있다. 이 두 방문은 곡식을 찧고 빻는 방법을 설명한 것으로 다른 음식조리서에 나타나지 않는 특별한 존재이며, 양조법 연구의 귀중한 자료가 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        馬韓・百濟地域 出土 炊事容器 變遷考

        츠치다준코 충남대학교 백제연구소 2013 百濟硏究 Vol.58 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to review the change aspect of cookery tools which were excavated in Mahan and Baekje areas through the chronological perspective established by the author, along with exploiting the relics of China, Gaya, Silla, and Japan which were associated with Baekje pottery. In specific, the targets of analysis-deep bowls shaped pottery, long egg-shaped pottery, and steamer-were classified based on the location of areas such as Seoul area, northern part of the middle western (currently, Gyeonggi-do), middle part of the middle western (currently, Chungcheongbuk-do and part of Chungcheongnam-do), and southern part of the middle western (currently, part of Chungcheongnam-do and part of Jeollabuk-do). After the classification, the change aspect of the whole period of Baekje was investigated based on beating pattern. First of all, when it comes to a deep bowls shaped pottery, the difference between rim diameter and base diameter disappeared; particularly among the form which had a narrow base diameter rather than a rim diameter. Also, the base changed into a relatively spacious and stable form and the size of it changed from a large one into a small one as time passed. This change for small sized cookery tools may indicate that there were eating pattern changes such as recipe, cooking material, way of dining, and etc. and downsized dwelling. In addition, the location of maximum diameter of the body in a long egg-shaped pottery changed from the top to medium of the body. Also, base form changed from a sharp bottom into a round one; height changed from high one into low one. Finally, the base form of a steamer changed generally from round bottom into flat bottom. In specific, the shape of knobs of a steamer changed from bar-shaped knobs to cow's horn-shaped knobs, and finally to band-shaped knobs with a pattern which had one circle located in the center and had polygon surround the circle in steam holes where the shape of steam holes were irregularly placed. Also, the figure of hole from knobs had changed from holes with no drilling or pierced into holes cut side of the knobs as time passed. The findings of this study have proved that it was types of beating pattern that were correlated with form. However, this difference shown in beating pattern and form was discontinued according to the expansion of Baekje area as the form of Lattice Design changed into mat impression design. To conclude, the results of this study contributed to draw a great step forward in reference to the process of territory expansion of Baekje area, suggesting it was confirmed that the existence of cookery tools with mat impression design had more relationship with location including being an important traffic center and a key position as well as the distance from Seoul area. 본 연구의 목적은 백제토기와 공반된 중국・가야・신라・왜의 유물을 활용하여 필자가 수립했던 연대관 등을 통해 마한・백제지역 출토 취사용기의 변천 양상을 재검토하는데 있다. 구체적으로 본고의 분석 대상인 심발형토기, 장란형토기, 시루를 한성, 중서부 북부지역(현 경기도), 중서부 중부지역(현 충청북도와 충청남도의 일부), 중서부 남부지역(현 충청남도 일부와 전라북도의 일부)별로 나눈 뒤, 다시 타날문 별로 백제가 존속한 전 기간 동안의 변천 양상에 대해 살펴보았다. 먼저 심발형토기를 살펴보면, 구경에 비해 저경이 좁은 기형에서 구경과 저경의 차이가 사라지고 저부가 상대적으로 넓고 안정된 기형으로 변화하였으며, 시간이 경과함에 따라 대형에서 소형으로 변화하였다. 이러한 자비용기의 소형화는 음식 조리법, 재료, 식사 방법 등 식생활의 변화나, 주거지의 소형화와 관련이 있을 것으로 생각된다. 한편, 장란형토기는 동체부 최대경의 위치가 상위에서 중위로 이동하였고, 저부형태는 첨저에서 원저로, 기고는 높은 것에서 낮은 것으로 변화하였다. 시루는 대체로 저부형태가 원저에서 평저로 변화하였고, 증기공의 형태가 (불)규칙적으로 배치된 원공에서 중앙에 원형 1개를 중심으로 주변에 다각형을 배치한 형태로, 파수형태는 봉형 → 우각형 → 대상으로 변화하였다. 또한 파수의 천공형태는 시간이 경과함에 따라 무천공에서 파수의 측면을 짼 것으로 변화하였다. 이상의 연구를 통해 타날문의 종류가 기형과 상관관계에 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 다만 이러한 타날문의 차이와 기형의 관계는 백제의 영역확대 과정에 따라 격자문계의 기형이 승문계화 되면서 점차 생산되지 않게 된다. 끝으로 백제의 영역확대 과정에 대해서도 진일보한 결과를 도출할 수 있었다. 즉, 각 지역에서 승문계 취사용기가 출현하는 것은 한성으로부터의 거리와 함께 교통상의 요충지나 중요 거점 등 입지와 더욱 관련이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.


        Effects of Temperature and Time on the Cookery Properties of Sous-vide Processed Pork Loin

        Su-In Hwang,Eun-Jung Lee,Geun-Pyo Hong 한국축산식품학회 2019 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        This study investigated the effects of temperature (50℃, 55℃, and 60℃) and time (12 and 24 h) on the cookery properties of sous-vide (SV) processed pork loin. As an indicator of cookery properties, cooking loss, expressible moisture (EM), pH, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), shear force, total plate count (TPC) and CIE color were measured and compared with fresh (FC) and cooked control (CC, 75℃ for 30 min). SV treatments at 50℃ showed higher tenderness and lower cooking loss comparing to CC. DSC result indicated that thermal transition of collagen was a key factor affecting the cooking loss and shear force of meat. In comparison of CC, risks of insufficient pasteurization and uncooked color generation were not shown in SV processed meat. Therefore, the results indicated that SV had a potential advantage to produce tender and moist meat, and the best SV condition of pork loin was estimated at 50℃ for 24 h.

      • KCI등재

        전통 음식조리서에 나타난 한국어 음식맛 표현의 연구

        백두현 국어사학회 2017 국어사연구 Vol.0 No.24

        이 글은 조선시대의 한글 음식조리서를 중심으로 미각어와 맛 표현의 다양한 양상을 밝혔다. 단맛(甘)의 단일 미각어 표현에는 꿀을 비유한 단맛 표현이 자주 쓰였고, ‘들큰하다’와 같은 단맛 표현 어휘도 발견된다. 단맛의 합성 미각어에는 ‘달곰살’, ‘달쌉쌉’, ‘비틀달곰’ 등 특이한 것들이 나타난다. 쓴맛의 표현 미각어는 단맛 표현에 비해 훨씬 적으며, 그 어휘의 분화에 따른 다양한 어형을 찾을 수 없었다. 짠맛 표현어들은 비교적 풍부하게 나타나며, ‘달곰살’와 ‘이’는 19세기 문헌에 나타나 있다. 신맛의 표현어는 ‘싀다’를 기본으로 ‘싀금다’와 ‘싀쳐근다’ 등이 쓰였다. 한글 음식조리서에서 ‘다’는 술맛이 독하다는 뜻으로 쓰였다. 한글 음식조리서의 복합 감각어 맛 표현에서는 미각을 다른 감각과 결합한 방법에 대해 논하였다. 미각과 시각, 미각과 후각이 각각 결합한 맛 표현은 있으나 미각, 시각, 후각을 함께 결합한 맛 표현은 찾기 어려웠다. 종합적 평가 맛 표현에서는 음식 맛을 전체적으로 표현한 양상을 긍정적 표현과 부정적 표현으로 나누어 논하였다. 한문 음식조리서에 나타난 맛 표현은 한글본의 그것보다 단순한 모습을 보이며, 한글본의 맛 표현과 공통적인 한자어 표현이 나타난다. 20세기 현대한국어에 와서 미각어가 더욱 풍부하게 발달한 것은 식품 생산기술의 발전에 따른 경제적 여건의 변화, 한국어를 통한 문학 작품의 증가 및 외국 문학작품의 번역, 20세기 한국인이 겪은 고난의 사회적 경험 등이 복합적으로 영향을 미친 결과라는 문화어문학 해석을 시도해 보았다. This paper explores expressions describing taste which appear in the traditional Korean cookery books from various angles. Once the gustatory terms used in the recipes have been classified, their meanings have been analyzed. The main findings of this analysis are as follows. 1) Expressions describing the taste of food in relation to the simple gustatory terms ‘dalda, s'ɨda, ʧ'ada, sida, mɛpda’(달다, sweet; 쓰다, bitter; 짜다, salty; 시다, sour; 맵다, spicy, respectively) have first been searched and analysed. Among simple terms describing sweetness, many are used in expressions making comparisons with honey. Words like dɨlkhɨnhada (들큰하다, sweetish) can also be found. Among compound terms, unusual expressions, such as dalgoms’ɔpsal (달곰살,bittersweet),dalk’oms’aps’ap(달쌉쌉,bittersweet), bithɨldalgomhɔn (비틀달곰, unpleasantly sweet/fishy and sweet), can be found. Terms describing bitterness appear to be far less used than those describing sweetness; thus, word-forms of this category are not varied. Expressions describing saltiness are relatively simple; nonetheless, the forms tʒɔʤɔri (이-, -salty) and ʧ'ɔpʤɔri (ᄧᆞᆸ리, salty) can be found in the 19th-century writings. Expressions of this category are crucial in determining whether the food tastes salty or bland, thereby being found in abundance. Based on the simple word sɨyda (싀다, sour), the terms sɨykɨmhɔda (싀금다, acidulous) and sɨyʧhyəgɨnhɔda (싀쳐근다, sour and bitter) are used to describe sourness. The word mɛpda (다, spicy) is used to describe strong alcohols in the Korean Cookery Books. 2) Expressions that combine the gustatory sense with other senses have been designated as ‘multisensory taste expressions’. Nonetheless, while expressions combining gustation with either vision or olfaction can be found, there are no expressions combining gustatory, visual, and olfactory senses all together. 3) When taste is described in negative terms in the Korean cookery books, saonapda (사오납다, unsavoury) is the most frequent term. Mat əpda (맛 없다, unpalatable), mumihada (무미하다, tasteless), and ʧohʧi mot hada (좋지 못하다, not so good) are occasionally used along. Besides, there are few instances in which terms expressing bitterness and sourness are found to be used to express taste negatively. 4) Taste expressions in cookery books written in Classical Chinese are far less developed than those in the Korean manuscripts. Multisensory taste expressions, which are frequently used in the Korean manuscripts, are rather scarce in the Chinese manuscripts. Monosyllables that express a general judgement, such as ho (好, good), myo (妙, strange), gi (奇, peculiar), ka (佳, gorgeous), as well as the disyllables ʧəlsɨng (絶勝, outstanding) and isang (異常, unusual [보통 아닌] / extraordinary [보통보다 가장 좋은]) have been identified in the Chinese manuscripts. The latter two are common to both Korean and Chinese manuscripts, which shows their close correlation.

      • KCI등재

        우리가 주성치 영화에서 놓쳤던 것들 - 영화 <식신(食神)>의 중국 광둥어 원작과 표준어 더빙 및 한글 자막 간의 괴리 문제

        여신,임대근 중국문화연구학회 2019 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.46

        This paper aims to provide solutions based on the linguistical and cultural analysis of why Stephen Chow films have not been recognized in Korea unlike in Hong Kong and China. After analyzing The God of Cookery (1996), one of the best Stephen Chow films, and comparing its original Cantonese dialogue, dubbed Mandarin dialogue, and Korean subtitles created using the Cantonese and Mandarin dialogue, this paper concluded as follows: the subtitles hindering the understanding of audience are created because of the errors in translation of language and signs as well as the lack of understanding in social, cultural, and historical backgrounds. While the translation errors can be solved through the use of appropriate language and strategic change of signs, the background knowledge is the biggest and toughest problem requiring the cooperation between translators and researchers. Unlike many previous studies, this paper analyzed the comparison between Mandarin and Korean, a language comparison that has been rarely discussed. Also, this paper provided solutions for the errors appeared in the subtitle of The God of Cookery, denied the conclusions of the many studies indicating the impossibility of overcoming the language barrier between Mandarin and Korean, and argued that dialogues from movies were also important research materials reflecting society and showing minds of members of the public. This paper will give Korean audience and researchers a chance to get closer to texts and contexts of Stephen Chow films as well as to Hong Kong and Chinese societies through historical and cultural analysis and interpretation of dialogue, scenes, and subtitles of the films. 이 논문은 주성치 영화가 중국이나 홍콩보다 한국에서 평가 절하되는 원인을 언어적, 문화적인 측면에서 밝히고 그 해결책을 제시하고자 한다. 주성치의 대표작인 <식신(食神: 1996)>의 광둥어 원본 대사, 중국 표준어 더빙 대사, 그리고 두 가지 버전을 바탕으로 제작된 한글자막에 대한 비교 분석을 통해 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. 관객의 이해를 방해하는 자막의 문제는 주로 언어와 기호 번역의 오류, 그리고 사회적, 문화적, 역사적 배경에 대한 몰이해로 요약할 수 있다. 전자는 언어의 적절한 사용과 기호의 전략적 변환을 통해 어느 정도 해결할 수 있지만, 배경 지식이 요구되는 부분은 번역자와 연구자가 함께 돌파해야 할 가장 큰 난점이다. 이 문제들은 이미 많은 선행연구에서 지적되었지만, 광둥어-한국어라는 비교적 드물게 다루어진 언어에 대한 분석을 시도했다는 점에서 이 글의 새로운 점이라고 할 수 있다. 그리고 <식신>에서 나타난 자막 오류에 대한 해결책을 제시함으로써, 주성치 영화 내지 홍콩 영화 연구에서 자주 지적되는 ‘광둥어’라는 언어장벽의 해결 불가능성을 부정하고, 이 논문은 자막을 분석하면서 관련 대사와 장면에 대한 역사, 문화적 해석을 통해, 한국 관객과 연구자에게 주성치 영화의 텍스트와 콘텍스트, 홍콩사회 내지 중국사회에 조금 더 가까이 다가가는 계기가 되었으면 하는 바람이다.

      • KCI등재

        홍삼분말 첨가량에 따른 국수의 품질특성

        김은미,박희경 (사)한국조리학회 2008 한국조리학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        This study was performed to find out the quality characteristics of Noodles by addition of red ginseng powder(0, 2, 4, 6, 8%). The quality characteristics of the sample were estimated in terms of general composition, color difference, cookery characteristics(water absorption, volume of cooked noodles, turbidity), texture profile analysis and sensory evaluation. The protein, lipid, ash, Na and water binding capacity did not show significant difference in any of the groups. In red ginseng powder added groups, moisture contents, a and b values significantly increased but L value considerably decreased(p<0.05). The weight, volume, water absorption of the cooked noodles and turbidity of 8% of red ginseng powder added group were significantly higher than the control group(p<0.05). In texture profile analysis, adhesiveness, gumminess, hardness and springiness significantly decreased(p<0.05) with more red ginseng powder added. Chewiness and cohesiveness significantly(p<0.05) increased with the 4, 6, 8% of red ginseng powder added. In sensory evaluation, surface color was very good in the 8% red ginseng powder added group while taste and flavor of red ginseng were very good except the 8% red ginseng powder added group(p<0.05). Appearance and overall quality were highest in the 4% red ginseng powder added group(p<0.05). Therefore, noodles containing 4% red ginseng powder were most preferable.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 문헌에 나타난 불고기의 개념과 의미 변화

        이규진 ( Kyou Jin Lee ),조미숙 ( Mi Sook Cho ) 한국식생활문화학회 2010 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.25 No.5

        The purpose of this research was to investigate the transition of the concept and meaning of "bulgogi". "Bulgogi" is a representative Korean food and is also a global menu item. The first dictionary that presented the word "bulgogi" was the Keunsajeon (big dictionary). The results of an analysis of 17 dictionaries published in the last 60 years showed the immutable definition of "neobiani" as seasoned and broiled beef. In contrast, "bulgogi" has been termed differently, from "simply grilled meat of an animal" to the same meaning as that of "neobiani". Furthermore, to define the difference between common grilled meat in modern versus present time, a review of 26 cookery books from Sieuijeanseo, written in late 1800, to The Taste of Korea, written in 1987, were selected and examined. To date, the first appearance of the word "bulgogi" mentioned in a cook book was in Practice in Higher Cuisine, which was written by Shin- young Bang in 1958. The book states that "bulgogi" is the second name or the vulgar designation of "neobiani".

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