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      • KCI등재

        식욕 측정 Visual Analogue Scales의 타당도 및 재현성

        김홍범,이언숙,오상우,김윤호,이동은,황춘경,이은영,윤영숙,양윤준 대한가정의학회 2008 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.29 No.10

        Background: Appetite control and weight reduction is important for the treatment of chronic disease such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. Visual analogue scales (VAS) is widely used to assess appetite. We investigated the reproducibility and the validity of the Korean version of VAS for appetite which will be helpful for clinical use. Methods: The subjects received the same test meal and 8 VAS questionnaires between 6 weeks. They started to fill out the questionnaire before lunch, continued after lunch every hour, and ended after dinner. The questionnaire was asked about hunger, satiety, fullness, prospective consumption, sweet, salty, savoury, and fatty. During the test meal, the subjects could eat ad libitum until 'comfortable satisfaction'; and after the test meal we calculated energy intake. We assessed the correlation between test-retest VAS for each appetite and evaluated the validity of VAS for hunger with energy intake as “gold-standard”. Results: The VAS curves of each appetite were similar between the test and the retest. The VAS of each appetite on the test day was strongly correlated with that on the retest day. The CRs of 4.5 hour mean VAS (20∼34 mm) was smaller than the CRs of fasting VAS (35∼54 mm). The correlation coefficient of Hunger VAS before dinner and the energy intake was 0.436 on the test day and 0.400 on the retest day. The VAS of the sweet was correlated to the total glucose intake (P<0.05), and the VAS of salty to the salt intake. Conclusion: The validity of the VAS score for appetite, especially hunger, sweet and salty taste was good. Indeed, the reliability of VAS for appetite was good to use this scale in a clinical setting. 연구배경: 주관적인 느낌인 식욕의 정도를 객관적으로 평가하고 치료에 반영하는 것이 중요하므로 식욕에 대한 측정 도구로써 VAS의 재현성과 타당도를 알아보아 향후 임상적으로 사용하는데 도움을 주고자 한다. 방법: 6주 간격을 두고 test-retest를 시행하였고 대상자들(n=30)은 점심 식전에 설문지를 작성하고 점심 식후부터 저녁 식후까지 매 한 시간마다 총 8회 visual analogue scale (VAS) 설문지를 작성하였다. 설문지에는 배고픔, 포만감, 배부름, 더 먹을 수 있는 정도와 단 음식, 짠 음식, 입맛 당기는 음식, 기름진 음식을 먹고 싶은 정도를 VAS형식으로 표시하였다. Test-retest의 저녁 식사는 동일하였고 본인이 먹을 수 있을 만큼의 충분한 양의 식사를 직접 덜어서 먹도록 하였으며 식사 후 에너지 섭취량을 계산하였다. 결과: Test와 retest의 반응곡선은 대부분 일치하였고, 둘 간의 상관계수는 높게 나타났다. ‘배고픔’에 대한 4.5시간 평균 VAS의 coefficient of repeatability (CR: 20∼34 mm)는 저녁 식사 직전의 VAS의 CR (36∼54 mm)보다 작았다. 저녁 식전에 배고픔의 VAS 값과 에너지 섭취량간의 상관관계는 test는 0.436 (P=0.037), retest는 0.400 (P=0.043)이었다. 단 음식과 짠 음식에 대한 VAS 값과 당류, 나트륨 섭취량에 관한 상관관계는 저녁 식전, 4.5시간 평균, 식전 식후 차이에서 모두 유의했다(P<0.05). 결론: 식욕의 정도를 측정하는 도구로써 VAS 설문지는 재현성이 높다. 식전의 배고픔이 가장 에너지 섭취량을 잘 반영한다고 하였고, 단 음식을 먹고 싶다고 할수록 당류를 많이 섭취하였고 짠 음식을 먹고 싶다고 할수록 나트륨을 많이 섭취하였다. 식욕에 대한 VAS 설문지는 임상에서 에너지 섭취량, 당분, 나트륨 섭취를 평가하는데 도움이 되리라 본다.

      • Estrogen, Body Weight, and Appetite

        Bond, Eleanor F.,Deechakawan, Wimon,Chung, Shih-Chi The Research Institute of Nursing Science Seoul Na 2005 간호학의 지평 Vol.2 No.1

        Obesity rates are increasing worldwide, associated with excess acute and chronic disease risk. In most countries, obesity rates among women exceed rates in men, particularly during the post menopausal years. Many factors affect body weight and appetite, including age, metabolic rate, physical activity level, stress, cultural factors, socioeconomic status, health status and health literacy, diet composition, attitudes, and beliefs. Gender affects appetite and body weight indirectly by altering factors contributing to food choice. However, there is emerging evidence that gender affects appetite and body weight directly, altering the physiological control systems regulating appetite. The follicular menstrual cycle phase (estrogen-rich) is associated with relative suppression of appetite. Lower estrogen levels are associated with increased food intake, body weight gain, and altered body fat distribution in humans and animals. This paper reviews the linkages between estrogen and appetite regulation. While relationships among appetite, body weight, and gender-linked hormones are complex, research elucidating these interrelationships could lead to development of gender-specific treatment approaches for obesity and appetite dysregulation.

      • KCI등재

        Clinical Study on the Effect of Aromatic Plants on Stress and Appetite Control in 20s Women

        최윤정,김나영,김규리,박대엽,최성혁,김가희,박영호 한국피부과학연구원 2023 아시안뷰티화장품학술지 Vol.21 No.4

        Purpose: This study explores the health complications, such as binge eating, resulting from extreme weight control methods driven by distorted body perception. In cases where the desired weight is not achieved, increased stress levels are observed. Notably, adolescents and young women constitute 1-3% of the nervosa prevalence rate, with women representing 90% of this demographic. This highlights the significance of addressing stress-induced nervosa. The objective is to evaluate the effects of inhaling pomegranate scent on stress and appetite control among women in their 20s. Methods: Participants were instructed to spray a designated fragrance 1-2 times onto a scent strip, inhale it from approximately 5cm away from the nose, and then complete stress questionnaires and appetite evaluations. The data were processed and analyzed using SPSS 26.0. Results: Among overweight participants, a decline in appetite was observed after inhaling the scent (M=4.11) compared to before (M=6.67). Despite this decrease, the variations in appetite across different groups did not show a statistically significant difference. However, the study found a notable reduction in stress levels associated with appetite after inhaling the pomegranate scent, with post-inhalation stress scores (M=20.38) being significantly lower than pre-inhalation scores (M=49.33). These results suggest the effectiveness of pomegranate scent in reducing appetite-related stress. Conclusion: The findings indicate that inhaling pomegranate scent may help reduce stress levels in women in their 20s, aiding in the management of stress-related appetite issues. This research is expected to contribute valuable insights for the development of fragrance products aimed at reducing stress and controlling appetite.

      • KCI등재

        다이어트를 위한 식욕 억제 소리

        안익수,윤지성,배명진 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2016 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.6 No.8

        This study was conducted in order to suggest methods to develop a sound suppressing one's appetite and use it practically and to lay a foundation for continuous researches and developments. This study on suppressing one's appetite is aimed at providing overweight or obese individuals with assistances for losing weight. This study is based on the principle of conditioned reflex, and it traces wave analyses of the sound suppressing one's appetite and hormone actions on digestive organs. In this study, it is important to select, record, and analyze a sound that is effective for suppressing one's appetite. Also, it should be proved that the sound stimulating associated parts of the brain suppresses one's appetite by recalling memories stored by direct or indirect experiences. Therefore, the principle of conditioned reflex has been selected as the main research method, and wave analyses have increased the reliability of this study and shown images and flowcharts indicating how a sound suppressing the appetite is recorded and applied in one's body. This study is significant as it draws a conclusion that the sound can suppress one's appetite by producing physical and psychological reactions and suggest methods for practical uses. 본 논문은 식욕을 억제하는 소리를 연구하여 발굴하고 실용화하는 방법을 제시하고 지속적인 연구개발의 토대를 마련하기 위한 논문이다. 식욕억제에 관한 연구는 과체중 및 고도비만 환자들의 다이어트를 위한 보조역할을 수행하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이 연구는 조건반사의 원리를 중심으로 하고 식욕억제 사운드의 파형분석과 소화기관의 호르몬 작용을 추적 하고 있다. 식욕억제에 관한 소리의 연구는 식욕억제에 효과적인 소리를 선정하여 수음하고 분석하는 일이 중요하다. 또한 그 소리가 뇌의 연상작용 부분을 자극시킴으로서 그동안, 직·간접적인 경험을 통해 축적 되었던 소리의 기억을 불러일으켜 식욕을 억제 시키도록 하는 과정을 분석하고 입증해야한다. 그에 따른 해결과제로 조건반사 원리를 중심적 연구 방법으로 채택하고 파형분석을 통해 연구의 신뢰도를 높여주었고 식욕억제를 위한 소리가 인체에 어떠한 과정을 통해 수음되어 작용하는가를 그림과 플로우챠트로 보여 주었다. 이 식욕억제에 관한 소리의 연구는 소리가 인간에게 육체적 정신적 반응을 불러일으켜 식욕을 억제 시킨다는 것을 추적하여 그 실용화 방안까지 도출해 내는데 의미가 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        KOSPI 200 옵션을 이용한 리스크 애피타이트(Risk Appetite) 측정

        김주철 ( Joo Cheol Kim ),김삼현 ( Sam Hyon Kim ),김기형 ( Ki Hyung Kim ) 한국금융공학회 2007 금융공학연구 Vol.6 No.2

        컨테이젼(contagion) 현상의 원인으로는 무역 연계, 공통적 외부 충격 그리고 리스크 애피타이트(risk appetite)를 들 수 있는데, 본 연구에서는 투자자가 위험을 감수하려는 의지인 리스크 애피타이트를 2001년부터 2004년까지의 KOSPI 200 옵션자료를 이용하여 분석하였다. KOSPI 200 옵션자료에서 위험중립 확률분포와 KOSPI 200 주가지수에서 주관적 확률분포를 추정한 후, 두 분포의 좌측 꼬리에서의 통계량의 비율을 측정하는 방식(BIS)과 두 분포의 전체적인 비율을 측정하는 방식(BE)으로 리스크 애피타이트를 추정하였다. 분석결과, BE방식의 리스크 애피타이트는 주가의 변동성간에 유의미한 관계가 있고, BIS방식은 주가수준과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 파악되었다. One can identify three possible routes of contagion: trade links, common external shock, and risk appetite. This paper measures market participants`s risk appetite-the willingness of investors to bear risk-in Korea. We use KOSPI 200 option data during the 2001-2004. This study suggests two methods i. e., BE approach and BIS approach for risk appetite based on the variation in the ratio of risk neutral to subjective probabilities used by market participants in evaluating possible future returns to an asset. We could find that BE approach relates to the volatility of stock index and BIS approach relates to the level of stock index.

      • KCI등재

        여대생의 섭식태도 차이에 따른 신체구성, 에너지섭취량, 에너지소비량 및 주관적 식욕 인식의 차이

        윤성준(Yun, Sung-Jun),최재일(Choi, Jae-Il) 한국체육과학회 2019 한국체육과학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in body composition, energy intake, energy consumption and subjective appetite according to the difference of eating attitude among 60 female college students. The subjects were classified into 30 normal group and 30 abnormal eating attitude group through the eating attitude questionnaire. The results are as follows. Body composition, weight, LBM and BMI were significantly lower in the abnormal eating attitude group than the normal group (p <.001). % Body fat was significantly higher in the abnormal eating attitude group than in the normal group (p<.001). RMR, daily total energy consumption, energy intake, and energy intake were significantly lower in the abnormal eating attitude group than in the normal group (p<.001), and the calorie deficit and deficit rate were significantly higher in the abnormal eating attitude group than in the normal group (p<.001). There was a significant interaction effect of appetite (p<.001). In the normal group, hunger appetite was higher at 08:00 and 21:00 than at 12:00 and 17:00, and in the abnormal eating group, hunger appetite was higher at 08:00 than at 12:00, 17:00 and 21:00. In addition, hunger appetite at 21:00 was higher in the eating disordered group than in the normal group. These results showed that female college students with abnormal eating attitudes classified by questionnaire showed low calorie intake despite high hunger appetite.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring the Impact of Appetite Alteration on Self-Management and Malnutrition in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: A Mixed Methods Research Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Framework

        Wonsun Hwang,Ji-hyun Lee,Se Eun Ahn,Jiewon Guak,Jieun Oh,Inwhee Park,Mi Sook Cho 한국임상영양학회 2023 Clinical Nutrition Research Vol.12 No.2

        Hemodialysis (HD) patients face a common problem of malnutrition due to poor appetite. This study aims to verify the appetite alteration model for malnutrition in HD patients through quantitative data and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) framework. This study uses the Mixed Method-Grounded Theory (MMGT) method to explore various factors and processes affecting malnutrition in HD patients, create a suitable treatment model, and validate it systematically by combining qualitative and quantitative data and procedures. The demographics and medical histories of 14 patients were collected. Based on the theory, the research design is based on expansion and confirmation sequence. The usefulness and cut-off points of the creatinine index (CI) guidelines for malnutrition in HD patients were linked to significant categories of GT and the domain of ICF. The retrospective CIs for 3 months revealed patients with 3 different levels of appetite status at nutrition assessment and 2 levels of uremic removal. In the same way, different levels of dry mouth, functional support, self-efficacy, and self-management were analyzed. Poor appetite, degree of dryness, and degree of taste change negatively affected CI, while self-management, uremic removal, functional support, and self-efficacy positively affected CI. This study identified and validated the essential components of appetite alteration in HD patients. These MM-GT methods can guide the selection of outcome measurements and facilitate the perspective of a holistic approach to self-management and intervention.

      • KCI등재

        The Herbal Composition GGEx18 from Laminaria japonica, Rheum palmatum, and Ephedra sinica Inhibits High Fat Diet‐Induced Obesity by Regulating Appetite Genes

        Soon Shik Shin,Michung Yoon 대한의생명과학회 2013 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.19 No.3

        The herbal composition Gyeongshingangjeehwan 18 (GGEx18), which is composed of three herbs, Laminaria japonica Aresch (Laminariaceae), Rheum palmatum L. (Polygonaceae), and Ephedra sinica Stapf (Ephedraceae), has been used as an anti?obesity drug in Korean local clinics. Thus, we investigated whether GGEx18 regulates obesity by suppressing appetite in high fat diet?induced obese C57BL/6J mice. Administration of GGEx18 to obese mice for 9 weeks significantly decreased body weight gain, epididymal adipose tissue weight, and food efficiency ratio. GGEx18 also caused a significant decrease in the circulating levels of leptin, which were increased by about 450% in obese control mice compared with normal lean mice. Concomitantly, GGEx18 decreased mRNA levels of a potent appetite?stimulating hormone neuropeptide Y, but increased an appetite?suppressing hormone pro?opiomelanocortin mRNA levels. These results suggest that GGEx18 may prevent obesity through regulating appetite in nutritionally obese mice.

      • KCI등재후보

        Effect of Starving and Re-feeding on Appetite-related Genes in Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus

        최철영,김민주,송진아 (사)한국해양생명과학회 2022 한국해양생명과학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        This investigation aimed to assess the appetite response changes of olive flounder to starving and re-feeding conditions. Three different feeding groups (2 weeks feeding, fed; 2 weeks starving, starved; and 1 week starving and 1 week feeding, re-fed) were established to examine the changes in appetite-related genes for each group. The weight gain of the fish was highest for the fed group and lowest for the starving group. Based on the daily feed intake (DFI) and cumulative feed intake (CFI), overall food intake was found to increase in the re-fed group more than in the fed group from week 1 to week 2 of the experiment. Hypocretin neuropeptide precursor (HCRT) and galanin receptor 1 (GAL-R1) mRNA expression in the brain of olive flounder were decreased in the starved group. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) was decreased in all experimental groups, except for the fed group. However, overall leptin concentrations in the plasma did not change across groups. Considering the differences between this study and previous studies on starving and feeding, various factors (except the production and expression mechanisms of appetite-related factors in response to starving) are likely acting on the appetite responses of the fish. In this study, a 1-week re-feeding period induced substantial effects on appetite response when compared to a 2-week feeding period. These findings show that even if re-feeding is performed after starving, the unbalance caused by the re-feeding can affect various physiological changes in fish by feed intake efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        월경 전·후 여대생의 식사섭취 행태 변동성 분석

        강수화(Soo Hwa Kang),이영미(Young Mee Lee) 대한지역사회영양학회 2013 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        This study aimed to elicit the variability of appetite and food intake patterns in female college students during different menstrual phases. The craving for certain foods and physiological and psychological symptoms of menstrual phase (pre- and post-menstrual) were investigated by self-administered questionnaire. Three hundred and sixty six students who were 20.9 years old and had 19.8 kg/m2 of BMI volunteered to participate in this study. Most of the subjects (89.5%) experienced the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) such as irritation, bodily fatigue, nervosity. Symptoms such as tiredness, stomachache, changes in taste and increased appetite were pointed out to be experienced at the onset of the menstrual cycle. The variability of food intake in premenstrual phase, 11.0% of subjects had decreased food intake where as 68.8% had experienced increased intake. The postmenstrual phase, 20.1% had decreased food intake while 45.2% had experienced increased intake due to changes in the appetite. Before starting menstruation, most of the subjects craved for sweets. The group who had experienced abnormal appetite during menstrual phase was significantly high ratio in overweight and obese students (p < 0.05). We also observed an association between the PMS score and the variability of eating patterns during the menstrual phase. The students who experienced changing appetite and food intake had significantly high PMS score in the premenstrual phase (p < 0.01) and postmenstrual phase (p < 0.05). These results suggested a need for future study related to changes in the actual nutrient intake and activity level during the menstrual phase.

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