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      • KCI등재

        재생연료유 원료물질의 성상분석을 통한 재활용 가능성 평가

        박준석,김정대 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2012 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 Vol.29 No.8

        This research was performed to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of waste oil, waste solvent, and waste paint as waste derived fuel (WDF) feeding materials and WDF. Low heating values (LHVs) were in the ranges of 8,313.8 ~ 10,989.5 kcal/kg for waste oil, 4,109.1 ~ 9,890.6 kcal/kg for waste solvent, 5,733.7 ~ 8,051.0 kcal/kg for waste paint, and 5,184.2 ~ 10,679.0 kcal/kg for WDF. Sulfur contents showed 0.010 ~ 1.900% for waste oil, 0.000 ~ 0.073% for waste solvent, 0.004 ~ 0.581% for waste paint, and 0.001 ~ 0.700%, respectively. Chloride contents showed the ranges of 2 ~ 4,870 mg/kg for waste oil, 0 ~ 12,900 mg/kg for waste solvent, 0 ~ 10,700 mg/kg for waste paint, and 'not detected' ~ 4,070 mg/kg for WDF. Cd, As, and Hg were detected minimally in a few sample only. Other heavy metals showed below standard permission value for WDF. Feeding materials for WDF showed greatly different characteristics within even same sorts of wastes. And, as results of LHV, S, Cl, and heavy metal contents, WDF samples investigated in this research satisfied the standard permission value for WDF.

      • Waste management in Greece and in China and potential for waste-to-energy

        ( K. Songtao ),( W Kun ),( E. Kalogirou ),( A. C. Bourtsalas ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2011 ISWA Vol.2011 No.0

        The Waste to Energy Research and Technology Council - “SYNERGIA” (www.wtert.gr, www.synergia.com.gr) is a non-profitable, scientific organisation. Its mission is to promote the sustainable waste management techniques and especially Waste-to-Energy (WTE) technologies. In this paper the current generation and disposition of MSW in Greece is compiled and analysed; and proposal for inclusion of waste-to-energy is examined, and the successful case of China is presented. A study conducted by Bourtsalas presented detailed information on the generation and current disposition of municipal solid wastes in the thirteen Regions of Greece. It was estimated that about 6 million tons of MSW were generated in 2010, of which 23% was recycled, 2% composted, 50% was disposed in sanitary landfills that recover some biogas; the remainder (1.5 million tons) is dumped in 316 non-regulated and illegal landfills.The European Union Legislation for Sanitary Landfills (1999/31/EC), imposes the decrease of biodegradable waste that are deposit to sanitary landfills; thus WTE methods of MSW is one of the best, in terms of affordability in a competitive world and environmental friendly, proposed solutions. A specific proposal for the implementation of a waste-to-energy facility in the most populous Region of Greece is presented. The calorific values of the MSW generated in China ranges from 3,5 MJ/ kg to 5 MJ/ kg, relatively low comparing with other nations. Contradictory to that, China is ranked 4th, after the EU,Japan, and the US, in the world concerning the facilities of waste-to-energy, operating 100 such plants. However, the incineration of municipal waste involves the generation of climate-relevant emissions. In this paper, data from the emissions of Chinas’ WTE plants are presented as well.

      • E-waste in Developing Countries: Addressing the Gaps in E-waste Management and Value Recovery Operations

        ( I. M. Saman K. Ilankoon ),( Kai Dean Kang ),( Diyasha Sengupta ),( Lian Zhang ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2022 ISSE 초록집 Vol.2022 No.-

        The global e-waste generation was estimated at 53.6 million tonnes in 2019, and Asia generated a significant fraction of it or about 47%. However, the global e-waste monitor report 2020 identified that about 12% of the e-waste in Asia was only adequately collected and recycled in 2019. Since the fate of the remaining 78% is undocumented, it will likely be dumped, traded or recycled under inferior conditions. These figures highlight that e-waste management frameworks and methodologies are ineffective in developing countries, and household e-waste items are often mixed with other solid waste streams, such as food waste. The general public does not typically recognise the hazards and opportunities associated with e-waste, contributing to low e-waste collection rates. In addition, the lack of legislative frameworks, especially for household e-waste, is identified as another contributing factor. On the other hand, informal and small tools-based mechanical recycling methods are employed in the informal sector. In contrast, hydrometallurgical recycling techniques often extract a few metals, such as gold, copper, and silver, in semi-formal businesses. Final liquid and solid waste management aspects relevant to these hydrometallurgical operations are not often reported, and the companies hire a waste management company to deliver these tasks. Thus, the sustainability of these value recovery operations is questionable. This leaves much scope for improvement in e-waste management and value recovery operations. The research studies performed by the authors identified that extended producer responsibility (EPR) frameworks are mandatory in developing countries. With those, the informal e-waste sector can be linked with the formal sector resulting in improved e-waste collecting rates and sustainable value recovery operations. In summary, the results of this work are closely aligned with the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs).

      • Development and Implication of a Korean Waste Input-Output Table

        ( Jooyoung Park ),( Hyungwoo Lim ),( Hye Sook Lim ),( Munsol Ju ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2022 ISSE 초록집 Vol.2022 No.-

        Korea’s waste policy has focused mainly on managing direct waste generation from households, industries, and construction, putting less attention to indirect waste generation driven by final demands. This lack of attention to indirect waste flows may underestimate the impacts of inter-industry relationships and consumption behavioral changes, and therefore lead to missing opportunities for waste reduction. To understand the patterns of direct and indirect waste generation as well as waste management from the consumption perspective, we constructed the first waste input-output table for Korea and analyzed waste footprint of consumption. Korea’s various waste statistics allowed the construction of waste input-output table (WIO) that covers 33 industrial sectors and 69 waste types for the year 2019. Our preliminary results showed that the waste inducement effect was highest in the water supply and waste management sector and the lowest in the financial and insurance sector. Manufacturing sector contributed the most to the generation of industrial waste, particularly basic metals and non-metallic manufacturing, while service sectors contributed mainly to the generation of non-industrial waste. The share of non-combustible waste generation turned out to be considerably high across all sectors, imposing burdens on waste treatment. We will further analyze waste footprint of household consumption and discuss implications of WIO analysis on the waste reduction policy.

      • KCI등재후보

        廢棄物管理法制와 廢棄物處理措置命令取消訴訟

        이은기 한국행정판례연구회 2008 행정판례연구 Vol.13 No.-

        This thesis aims to study on the waste management and control. Deposit waste means waste which is deposited owing mainly to work stoppage, business financial difficulties, bankruptcy. It is obligation for the environmental agency to prevent pollution of the environment or harm to man by removing illegally deposited waste. Our waste management act doesn’t generally define the notion of deposit waste but indirectly defines relevant to guarantee system of deposit waste. The legal issues of this case are whether the waste management license is theoretically patent or licence and whether the annulment disposition of deposit waste disposal order is discretionary action or not and legal character and adequacy of negligence fine. To acquire the waste management licence, an applicant of entrepreneur has to equip necessary facilities, equipment and technical ability. So that it is a patent in spite of provisional expression of license and exclusive status in authorized area. The order of art.10 sec.2 is the ground of regarding the waste management licence as patent because of protecting licensee’s monopolistic minimum interest in his authorized large area over ward. It is administrative agency’s discretion whether it give the waste management license to applicant of entrepreneur or not. It’s not obligation for environmental agency to give an applicant of entrepreneur who meet the requirement of the waste management licence. In this case, the Supreme Court had annulled the appellate court’s decision and had sent it to review once more declaring that the waste management entrepreneurs’ association was not responsible for removing over one and half times as large as the permitted deposit wastes in proportion as the waste management guarantee system was responsible for that. Even though waste management administration is regulative administration for public interest, Responsibility of the waste management entrepreneurs’ association should be limited within the scope of the waste management guarantee system because the institution is managed at associator’s expense payment by monthly installments. In my opinion, the Supreme Court’s decision is realistically rational under our waste management guarantee system. 방치폐기물은 넓게는 폐기물배출업자나 폐기물처리업자가 조업중단, 경영부실, 도산 등의 이유로 폐기물을 정상적으로 처리하지 않고 방치한 폐기물이다. 현행 폐기물관리법에서는 방치폐기물에 대한 일반적 개념정의를 하지 않고 방치폐기물처리보증제도와 관련하여 간접적으로 정의하고 있다. 대상판결에서 논의할 수 있는 법적 쟁점은 우선 폐기물처리업 허가는 강학상 특허인가 허가인가의 문제 그리고 방치폐기물처리에 대한 조치명령이 재량행위인가 기속행위인가의 문제, 마지막으로 피고가 조치명령을 이행하지 않고 있던 원고에게 부과한 과태료의 성격과 그 적절성 여부에 관한 것으로 요약된다. 폐기물처리업 허가를 받으려면 특별한 시설·장비 및 기술능력을 갖추어야 하고 허가받은 영업구역에서 독점적 지위와 권리를 갖는다는 점을 감안할 때 법문상 명칭은 허가이지만 특허로 보아야 할 것이다. 법시행령 제10조 제2항은 구 단위 이상의 광역적 지역을 최소한의 영업구역으로 하여 허가 받은 자의 독점적 이익을 보호하여 폐기물처리업허가를 특허로 볼 수 있는 근거로 볼 수 있다. 폐기물처리업 허가여부는 행정청의 재량에 의한 행위이다. 따라서 폐기물처리업허가가 일정한 요건을 충족하면 행정청으로서는 반드시 허가를 해야 하는 경우가 아니다. 폐기물처리법의 목적, 동법 제25조의 문언과 일정한 시설·장비 및 기술능력을 갖춘 폐기물 처리업자에게 허가받은 영업구역 내에서 영업상 독점적 지위를 부여하는 수익적 행위이며 정책적 재량행위로 볼 수 있다. 판례도 폐기물처리허가처분을 재량행위로 보고 있다. 이 건에서 피고가 폐기물관리법 제40조 제2항에 의해 ‘원창’에게 방치폐기물의 처리를 명했음에도 이를 이행하지 아니하자 피고는 동조 제3항 제1호에 의해 원고에 대하여 한 방치폐기물처리 조치명령을 내렸고 원고가 그 처분의 취소를 구하였다. 여기서 피고가 한 방치폐기물처리 조치명령은 작위하명으로서 위 폐기물조치법에 기한 행정처분인바 재량행위, 기속행위 중 어느 것에 해당하는지가 문제된다. 대상판결은 폐기물관리법에 의해 설립된 폐기물처리공제조합에 대한 지방환경청의 방치폐기물처리조치명령처분을 함에 있어서 폐기물처리공제조합의 조합원인 폐기물처리업체가 방치한 폐기물에 대한 처리책임범위를 처리업체 허용보관량의 1.5배 이내로 한정함으로써 보증보험, 이행보증금예치제도 등 다른 폐기물처리이행제도와 균형을 맞추어야 한다는 이유로 조합원인 처리업체가 방치한 폐기물전량에 대해 내린 명령을 적법하다고 본 원심판결을 파기였고 환송받은 부산고법은 허용보관량의 1.5배를 초과한 처분들은 위법하다는 이유로 모두 취소하였다. 폐기물처리행정이 환경보전이라는 공익을 목적으로 한 규제지만 조합원인 폐기물처리업체의 분담금으로 운영되는 폐기물처리 공제조합의 성격상 그 책임범위는 보증보험 등 다른 폐기물처리이행보증제도와 비교하여 그 책임제한 한도와 균형을 맞춘 것으로서 비례의 원칙에 비추어 볼 때 대상판결의 입장은 타당하다.

      • KCI등재

        음식물류폐기물 및 배출폐수의 특성

        김영권,김세미,김민규,최진택,남세용,Kim, Young-Kwon,Kim, Se-Mi,Kim, Min-Kyu,Choi, Jin-Taek,Nam, Se-Yong 한국환경보건학회 2009 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.35 No.6

        Waste generation was generally expected to steadily rise due to a rapid increase in population and economic growth. However, regulations on disposable goods and a volume-based waste fee system have led to a gradual reduction in the amount of waste. In the case of food waste, separation of food waste from other waste has been put in place since direct landfilling was banned in January 2005. The predicted generation amounts of food waste and wastewater in the model city were 54 ton/d and 127.3 ton/d by year 2020, respectively. However, appropriate treatment technologies for food waste and wastewater discharged from food waste treatment processes are yet to be established. In this study, the food waste and wastewater discharged from food waste treatment process in the model city were characterized by literal and field investigation.

      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國)의 E-waste 리싸이클링 시스템과 재자원화산업(再資源化産業)

        오재현,김준수,문석민,민지원,Oh, Jae-Hyun,Kim, Joon-Soo,Moon, Suk-Min,Min, Ji-Won 한국자원리싸이클링학회 2011 資源 리싸이클링 Vol.20 No.5

        E-waste는 종류가 많고 유통경로가 다양하여 눈에 보이지 않는 흐름이 주류를 형성하고 있다. E-waste에는 레어메탈의 사용이 많을 뿐 아니라 유해한 중금속도 함유되어 있어 자원확보면에서, 환경오염방지면에서 재자원화 처리가 필수적이며 정확한 재자원화 물질흐름의 분석이 요구되고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 관점에서 2008년 1월부터 실시한 "전기 전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률" 중에서 E-waste와 관련된 법률내용의 골자, 리싸이클링시스템, 리싸이클링현황, E-waste 배출량 추정과 물질흐름 및 PCB의 경제학을 논하였다. 그리고 현시점에서 한국의 E-waste 재자원화산업을 약술하였다. Waste electrical and electronic equipment(WEEE or E-waste) is one of the fastest growing waste stream in Korea. The proper management of such equipment has become of major concern for solid waste professionals because of the large growth of the waste stream and the presence of a myriad of toxic materials with in it. In this paper in order to review the recycling system and recycling industries of the E-waste in Korea, the main frame concerning recycling of "Act on the Resources Recycling of Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment(WEEE) and End-of-life vehicles", recycling system, current recycling status, estimation of the E-waste generation, material flow of the E-waste, economics of PCB and recycling industries of the E-waste were surveyed.

      • KCI등재

        폐 납산배터리의 수출·입 현황 및 제도 비교·분석

        이희성,조윤아,엄남일,김용준,신선경,김기헌 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2018 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        Waste lead-acid batteries accounted for 83% (470,000 tons) of the licensed waste imported into the country in 2015,which was the largest percentage of imported waste in Korea. In addition, there is the problem of negligent managementor waste circulation related to international conventions. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the current status of domesticrecycling management and the management of waste batteries. In this study, the current status of domestic and foreignmanagement of waste lead-acid batteries, which is the largest component of imported waste, was investigated. In addition,we examined the import/export regulations, inadequate management or distribution of waste related to international treatiessuch as the Basel Convention and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) regulations,and the problem of appropriate treatment management, especially considering waste lead-acid batteries. We studied theproper management method and system for waste lead-acid batteries treatment in Korea, and investigated and compareddomestic and foreign laws and treatment guidelines for domestic waste, including those for imported and exported waste. We established a safe resource waste-recycling management system to help the utilization of the basic data necessary forwaste management law and business support in relation to international treaties.

      • KCI등재

        가정생활폐기물 전과정 흐름분석을 통한 재활용 및 폐기물에너지화의 실질 처리율 산정 연구

        이소라,주현수 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2018 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        In this study, we analyzed all of the waste streams associated with household waste to provide a basis for incorporatingthe individual characteristics of municipalities in setting targets for waste-to-resource circulation. Toward this end, weexamined how household waste is treated based on the disposal method (mixed waste disposed of in standard volumerategarbage bags, separation recyclable waste, and food waste) and the amount of residuals generated at their respectivetreatment facilities. The actual recycling rate or actual waste-to-energy conversion rate was calculated as the ratio of theactual amount of waste that is recycled or converted to energy against the amount of waste intake at waste treatmentfacilities. The conversion factor of actual recycling rates at 17 municipalities showed an average of 63.9% for publicmaterial recovery facilities (MRFs) with those for individual municipalities ranging from 50.4% to 93.2%, and an averageof 93.8% for private and public food waste treatment facilities with slightly higher rates found for public facilities(70.4 ~ 100%) than private facilities (63.3 ~ 100%). The actual waste-to-energy conversion factor was 59.3% on averagefor combustible waste-to-energy facilities (17.2 ~ 72.3%) and 92.0% on average for biological waste-to-energy facilities(77.1 ~ 99.5%). To achieve the national target for the actual recycling rate, additional strategies for recycling or convertingthe residuals generated at recycling or combustible waste-to-energy facilities into resources are needed. The actualrecycling and waste-to-energy conversion rates provided in this study based on a full examination of household wastestreams hold valuable insights for incorporating the individual situations of municipalities in setting their targets for wasteto-resource circulation indicators and creating new strategies for improving the actual recycling rate.

      • E-waste Management and Challenges in Malaysia

        ( Agamuthu Pariatamby ),( Priya Mohan ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2022 ISSE 초록집 Vol.2022 No.-

        In Malaysia, E-waste is categorized as malfunctioning, obsolete, or damaged electrical and electronic equipment such as televisions, computers, air conditioners, washing machines, and refrigerators. This waste is classified as SW110 which commonly falls into two categories which are industrial electronic waste and domestic electronics waste. E-waste became an important issue in the mid-1990s, given that toxic substances in electronic appliances have a detrimental impact on the environment and human health. On the other hand, e-waste treatment in developed countries can be costly and it is cheaper to export hazardous waste to developing countries. As a result, the economic, social, and environmental sectors of developing countries are being damaged by the illegal transboundary movement of e-waste. To stop the unlawful transfer of e-waste from industrialised to developing countries, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal was put into effect in 1992. In Malaysia, the management of pollution brought on by the generation, storage, treatment, and disposal of e-waste was first codified as a form of hazardous waste in August 2005. However, there is still no legislation specifically addressing e-waste or a take-back program that is required by law. The Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations of 2005 sought to govern the handling of hazardous wastes produced in Malaysia and forbade the importation of hazardous waste, including e-waste, for either refurbishment or recovery. As of now, there are 121 e-waste collection centres and 35 licensed companies with a combined capacity to process more than 30,416 metric tonnes of e-waste per month and 365,000 metric tonnes annually in Malaysia. Even so, it has been difficult to manage household e-waste in Malaysia due to a number of factors, including the prevalence of illegal precious metal recovery practices among recyclers, the difficulty of collection and transportation, the cost of formal e-waste treatment methods, and the need for advanced technology in developing nations. In order to reduce the illegal practices, transboundary movement of e-waste, and to improve formal recycling in Malaysia, a comprehensive e-waste management system should be implemented as the insufficient and tardy efforts of the responsible authorities as well as financial constraints delaying the essential actions to improve management of e-waste.

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