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      • KCI등재

        한국어 교육에서 ‘ㄹ’탈락 교육방안 재고

        이은기 국어문학회 2023 국어문학 Vol.84 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to point out the education plan that eliminates the ‘ㄹ’ character in existing Korean language education and to propose an education plan based on basic theory rather than formal education. The education plan for ‘ㄹ’ elimination so far has been confined to the limitation that the emergence of ‘ㄹ’ elimination is at the beginner level and has become a result-oriented education without explanation of the process or classification according to type. The problems related to the omission of ‘ㄹ’ in Korean language education can be broadly divided into two. First, in most Korean textbooks or grammar books, ‘ㄹ is excluded’ before ‘ㄴ.ㅂ.ㅅ’ is presented as the most core principle; Second, other than the elimination of ‘ㄹ’, there is no accurate explanation for situations where ‘으’ is eliminated or ‘ㄹ’ is not eliminated. As a solution to this, the notation for ‘ㄴ,ㅂ,ㅅ’ should be revised, the base form of the ending should be used as a form including ‘으’, and the existing standards should be dismantled and <consonant ‘으’ type endings>, it was reorganized by combining <‘으’ type ending without consonant> and <ending starting with ‘ㄴ’> so that all types of ‘ㄹ’ elision are covered. The selection of theories necessary for the elimination of ‘ㄹ’ is based on the vowel nature of ‘ㄹ’, the function of the intermediate vowel ‘으’, consonant group simplification, and the elimination of ‘ㄹ’ due to lingual pronunciation, etc. to be used as background knowledge to help teachers' fundamental understanding. A training plan was proposed so that even advanced or near-advanced intermediate level learners could utilize theoretical knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        인산염을 이용한 휴.폐광산 주변 중금속 오염토양의 안정화처리에 관한 연구

        이은기,최상일,Lee, Eun-Gi,Choi, Sang-Il 한국지하수토양환경학회 2007 지하수토양환경 Vol.12 No.6

        본 연구에서는 휴.폐광산 인근 납(Pb), 카드뮴(Cd), 비소(As)로 오염된 논토양에 대하여 $(NH_4)_2HPO_4$, $Na_2HPO_4{\cdot}12H_2O$, $Ca(H_2PO_4{\cdot}2H_2O$, $Ca(H_2PO_4)_2{\cdot}H_2O$, $H_3PO_4$를 안정화물질로 선정하여 $PO_4/Pb_{total}$의 몰비를 0.5, 1, 2, 4로 안정화 처리하였다. 안정화효율 평가를 위해 토양오염공정시험법과 TCLP(EPA Method 1311)를 수행한 결과, 납의 경우 $H_3PO_4$와 $Ca(H_2PO_4)_2{\cdot}H_2O$가 토양환경보전법상의 '가' 지역 기준을 만족하였으며, 특히 $H_3PO_4$의 경우 몰비가 증가할수록 안정화 효율이 급격히 증가하였다. 카드뮴은 납에 비하여 안정화효율이 매우 낮게 나타났으며, 비소의 경우 대부분의 안정화물질에서 안정화효율이 거의 나타나지 않거나 오히려 용출농도가 증가하였다. $H_3PO_4$가 다른 인산염 물질에 비해 납의 안정화에 높은 효율을 나타낸 것은 $H_3PO_4$에 의한 토양 pH의 저하로 인한 $Pb^{2+}$의 용출과 함께 $PO_4$가 반응하여 생성물인 hydroxypyromorphite(HP) 형성되었기 때문으로 판단된다. 연속추출법을 통한 안정화처리 전.후 토양내 중금속 결합형태의 변화는 $H_3PO_4$의 경우 5단계인 Residual fraction의 비율이 약 60% 정도 증가하였고 XRD 분석결과 $H_3PO_4$에서만 hydroxypyromorphite peak가 발견된 것과 일치하였다. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of $(NH_4)_2HPO_4$, $Na_2HPO_4{\cdot}12H_2O$, $CaHPO_4{\cdot}2H_2O$, $Ca(H_2PO_4)_2{\cdot}H_2O$ and $H_3PO_4$ for the stabilization of soils contaminated with multi-metals containing Pb, Cd and As. The application rate of stabilizers to soils was determined based on $PO_4/Pb_{total}$ molar ratio of 0.5, 1, 2, 4. The results of Korea Standard Test and TCLP (EPA Method 1311) showed the reduction of metal leachabilities below the regulatory limits for Pb and Cd when $H_3PO_4$ and $Ca(H_2PO_4)_2{\cdot}H_2O$ were applied. However, stabilization efficiency for Cd was low and in case of As leaching concentration increased rather. It is considered that $PO_4$ reacted effectively $Pb^{2+}$ due to leaching Pb under low pH condition created by adding $H_3PO_4$. Accordingly Pb was stabilized by dissolution and precipitation of hydroxypyromorphite. From the change of metals fraction using sequential extraction procedure when $H_3PO_4$ applied as a stabilizer, we confirmed that residual fraction increased more than 60% and this result was accorded with XRD analysis that detected only hydroxypyromorphite peak in $H_3PO_4$.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI우수등재

        법학전문대학원의 고비용/저효율 구조완화를 위한 제도개선 一考- 교과과정, 교원충원, 평가제도 등을 중심으로 -

        이은기 법조협회 2019 法曹 Vol.68 No.4

        It has been 10 years since the Korean Law School system had started in 2009. It has been a lot of trial and error. In case of Japan which started the same system 5 years ago, about 1/2 of 74 law schools have closed, so Korea has to afford a good lesson for the Japanese case. In Korea, the ratio of successful applicants of the examination for the bar has been dropping down continually and now it is about 50%. The number of applicants who failed bar exam in the old system is replaced by the applicants who failed bar exam in the new system. The Korean Law School system is becoming a private system for only passing the bar exam. In order to avoid the Japan’s case of failure, there should have a chance to find out and correct the problems which has occurred through last ten years of the system. The biggest problem is that three years should be too short to be ready for a legal profession with having theories and practical abilities if the students have never completed necessary law courses in undergraduate studies. In addition, there should be an issue of producing the next generation. In the beginning of the Law School system when the curriculum was being set up, it became mandatory that basic law courses including five basic law practical courses (Legal Research, Legal document Preparation, Professional Responsibility, Mock Trial, Legal Practice Course) should be lower than 35 points. However, in this case, the students take too many courses so they would not learn neither of basic skills nor various knowledges of law if the students do not have enough knowledges on law. Thus, the basic courses should be increased to at least 50 points from 35 points so that well-prepared legal professions will be ready by the system. Moreover, in order to have better skills in basic law courses, the courses such as Legal Ethics and 7 selective courses should be changed to credit transfer and accumulation system. According to enforcement ordinance of the Korean Law School system, ‘The class hours ought to be 6 hours per week for 30 weeks each school year. But it could be variable under school regulations if needed.’ As seen in the rating scale of standards for valuation, it is evaluated as ‘insufficiency’ if it exceeds 12 hours of class limit which has been still unchanged. According to the law, it could be exceed under school regulations, but no law schools want to take the changes due to the risk of disadvantages that the schools might have for the change. It could be a “Breakdown of Rule of Law.” It should be so obvious to recognize that the students can have 13~14 credits for a year as long as it allows to have 7 credits for 1~2 credits of practical courses in a semester. It is unreasonable to keep 12-hour-limit. There are still unreasonable things in respect to the standards of the bar association. And the Law School system is restricted to the standards, so many things should be changed for better quality improvement of the education. Until now, the standards that the evaluation committee has made after establishment of the law school system was approved is still being used. Therefore, the reform of the education system is necessary by reorganization of curriculum and reinforcement of theoretical and practical education as the present system is high cost and low efficiency. The evaluation committee is just evaluating 49 detailed evaluation items of five major classification groups by four grades which are “Excellent”, “Good”, and “Sufficient” and “Insufficient” of “Average”. It, the qualitative evaluation method, is different from quantitative evaluation method which is more accurate and proper for the system. By evaluating the method, poor law schools, which should be distinguished for improvement, can be hidden and get let-off. Furthermore, it can suffer students. Thus, the evaluation method should be improved as follows. The evaluation standard should be quantified in such a manner that “Exc... 2009년 법학전문대학원이 출범한지 10년이 지났다. 그동안 운영과정에서 적지 않은 시행착오가 있었다. 우리보다 5년 먼저 로스쿨제도를 도입한 일본에서 74개 로스쿨 중 1/2 이상이 폐교하였는바, 이를 타산지석으로 삼아야 한다. 우리나라의 변호사시험 합격률은 계속 하락해 50% 내외이고 ‘사시낭인’에서 대체된 ‘변시낭인’이 누적되고 법학전문대학원은 변호사시험합격을 위한 학원화되어 가고 있다. 일본의 전철을 밟지 않으려면 10년간 운용과정에서 노정된 제반 문제점을 찾아 이를 개선해야 한다. 가장 큰 문제는 학부에서 법학교육을 받지 않은 비법학사 법전원 입학생을 3년 만에 이론과 실무능력을 겸비한 법조인으로 길러 낼 수 있느냐는 회의론의 극복과 학문후속세대 양성문제이다. 로스쿨 출범시 교과과정을 설계할 때 5개 법률실무기초과목(법률정보조사, 법문서작성, 법조윤리, 모의법정, 실습과정)을 포함하여 법률기본과목은 35학점이내로 개설하도록 의무화하였다. 그러나 법학기본 실력을 닦지 않고 다양한 선택과목 수강을 요구하면 기본실력과 다양한 법률지식이라는 두 마리 토끼를 다 놓치는 우를 범할 우려가 있다. 법률기본과목시수 제한을 50학점으로 상향해 기초가 튼튼한 법조인을 양성해야 한다. 아울러 법학기초실력을 배양시키기 위해서 법조윤리 및 7개 선택과목은 학점이수제로 바꾸어야 한다. 법전원법 시행령에 의하면, ‘교원의 강의시수는 매 학년도 30주를 기준으로 매주 6시수를 원칙으로 한다. 다만, 필요하다고 인정하는 경우에는 학칙으로 다르게 정할 수 있다’라고 규정하고 있다. 대한변협 평가위원회의 평가기준과 평가척도에서 볼 수 있는 바와 같이 연간 12시간의 시수제한을 아직도 고수하고 이를 초과하면 ‘불충족’으로 평가하고 있다. 법령에서 학칙으로 초과할 수 있게 허용하고 있음에도, 어느 로스쿨에서도 평가상 불이익을 우려해 초과하지 못하고 있다. 법전원법상 허용된 편입학의 봉쇄와 함께 법치주의의 실종현상이라 아니 할 수 없다. 실무기초과목 1~2학점 개설로 1학기 7~8학점 시수를 인정한 이상 1년 13~14학점 강의시수도 인정하는 것이 당연함에도 12시수 제한을 유지하고 있는 것은 불합리하다. 그밖에 유지관리비를 많이 들게 하는 도서구입비 등 각종 시설기준 등 변협의 평가기준에 불합리한 것들이 있고 아직도 그 평기기준에 구속되고 있는바, 로스쿨 교육의 질적 향상을 위해서 개선해야 한다. 법전원 설립인가 당시 만든 평가기준이 거의 그대로 유지되고 있는바, 교원 1인당 학생 수, 교과과정 개편, 이론교육과 실무교육 강화 등 고비용/저효율 구조의 완화를 위한 제도적 개선이 필요하다. 평가위원회에 의한 평가는 5개 평가영역, 40개 세부평가항목들에 대하여 우수 ‧ 양호 ‧ 보통의 ‘충족’과 ‘불충족’으로 4등급으로 정성평가를 하고 있을 뿐 점수에 의한 정량평가를 하지 않고 있다. 이러한 평가방식으로 부실하게 운영되는 로스쿨에 면죄부를 주게 되므로 정량평가방식으로 개선되어야 한다. 40개 세부평가항목에 대한 평가척도가 있는바, 교육성과목표반영여부항목에 대해서는 단순히 충족, 불충족으로 2등급화하고 나머지 40개 평가척도는 4등급 평가를 하고 있다. 다만 세부평가 항목을 점수화할 경우 5개 법률실무기초과목의 평가와 같은 것은 5점, 3점, 1점, -1점으로 점수화하지 않고 점수편차를 줄이면 될 것이다...

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Dynamic rod worth measurement method based on eqilibrium -kinetics status

        이은기,조유권,이환수 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.3

        KHNP had licensed Dynamic Control rod Reactivity Measurement (DCRM) method using detector currentsignals of PWRs in 2006. The method has been applied to all PWRs in Korea for about 15 years successfully. However, the original method was inapplicable to PWRs using low-sensitivity integral fissionchamber as ex-core detectors because of their pulse pile-up and the nonlinearity of the mean-squarevoltage at low power region. Therefore, to overcome this disadvantage, a modified method, DCRM-EK,was developed using kinetics behavior after equilibrium condition where the pulse counts maintainthe maximum value before pulse pile-up. Overall measurement, analysis procedure, and related computercodes were changed slightly to reflect the site test condition. The new method was applied to atotal of 15 control rods of 1000 MWe and 1400 MWe PWRs in Korea with worths in the range of 200 pcme1200 pcm. The results show the average difference of -0.4% and the maximum difference of 7.1%compared to the design values. Therefore, the new DCRM-EK will be applied to PWRs using low sensitivityintegral fission chambers, and also can replace the original DCRM when the evaluation fails by bignoises present in current or voltage signals of uncompensated/compensated ion chambers.

      • 장소 특정적 미술과 현대의 전시

        이은기 한국문화공간건축학회 2002 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.8

        Site-specific art creates a new relationship between the work and the space, and the space and the spectator. The work is not an independent art work any more, but a media that provides a space situation in which the spectator gets a physical experience. This peculiar characteristic of contemporary art influences the display method. The U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum maximizes the display effect by applying the display method of contemporary art. Besides, 4 site-specific art chosen as public art unified the architectural space and fine art. The display technique of the museum and the perfect inducement of the spectator are evaluated as the most eminent display at the end of the 20th century. But this perfection contains the other problem that limits the spectator's liberal thinking of the historial event.

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