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      • KCI등재

        21세기 미주대륙과 대서양 해양안보의 딜레마: 미4함대의 등장과 남미지역과 갈등

        하상섭 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2010 국제지역연구 Vol.14 No.2

        This paper focuses on the security problems in atlantic ocean involved in the USA and Latin America and the Caribbean. The ocean security matters in this region have mainly argued military concerns traditionally. However, the concept of ocean security has been changed in the 21st century and strongly debated with various dimensions: social, human and resource, environment as well. This paper traces these changed concepts currently with many empirical cases existed in many security conflicts in this ocean, especially between the USA and Latin(South) America region. Historically, security conflicts in the OAS(Organization of American States) countries have involved with many military matters, territory and oceans, and currently added up with terrorism and drug problems as well. However, the great and potential conflict emerged in the security issues is resource matter in this ocean and get a dilemma to be sorted out between military and social security matter. For example, the re-establishment of 'the 4th Fleet' in US Navy got a great conflict between the USA and the South American countries, both of them wants to achieve to resource security in this ocean to meet their energy security. Finally this paper addresses some implications and prospects in this conflict in near future and suggests a few solutions and advices for Korean's relation in this ocean. 이 논문은 오늘날 미국과 라틴아메리카를 중심으로 대서양 지역에서 빠르게 변화 발전하고 있는 해양안보 개념의 변천과 주요 해양안보를 일으키는 갈등 이슈들을 조망해 보는 것을 목적으로 연구되었다. 지정학적으로 유럽과 라틴아메리카 그리고 미국을 둘러싸고 있는 대서양 지역에서의 해양안보 중점 이슈에 대한 전반적인 역사적 고찰과 더불어 오늘날 다양한 해양안보 개념의 발전과 갈등 현안들을 특히 미국과 라틴아메리카 국가들을 축으로 살펴보는 데 그 의의가 있다. 이에 더하여 영토 분쟁 및 해양안보를 둘러싼 라틴아메리카 역내 국가 간 갈등의 역사 탐색뿐만 아니라 21세기 들어 새롭게 떠오르고 있는 미국-라틴아메리카 지역 간 해양안보 갈등의 중요 배경과 이슈들을 조명해 봄으로서 오늘날 대서양 지역에서 발생하고 있는 새로운 안보갈등 딜레마를 조명해 보고자 한다. 특히 남대서양 해양안보를 위한 미국 제4함대의 재등장은 이러한 해양안보 딜레마의 중심축에 놓여있다. 본 논문은 미 해군 4함대를 둘러싼 대서양 지역의 안보갈등을 국제정치학적 ‘해양안보’ 개념을 통해 갈등 원인을 분석하고, 21세기 대서양 지역에서 안보개념의 변화를 구체적인 사례 분석과 더불어 새롭게 분석 평가해 보는데 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        해양에 대한 호기심과 친근감 향상을 위한 해양캠프 프로그램의 적용: 2004~2012년

        박경애,우혜진,김경렬,이수광,정종률,조병철,강현주,Park, Kyung-Ae,Woo, Hye-Jin,Kim, Kyung-Ryul,Lee, Soo-Kwang,Chung, Jong-Yul,Cho, Byung-Cheol,Kang, Hyun-Joo 한국해양학회 2013 바다 Vol.18 No.3

        해양에 대한 관심과 친근감을 함양하기 위하여 해양캠프 '여름바다학교' 프로그램을 개발하여 2004년부터 2012년까지 9년 동안 4학년에서 9학년까지 초등 및 중등학교 학생들에게 적용하였다. 여름바다학교의 프로그램은 스노클링 해상 훈련과 인근 해양관련 연구소 및 박물관 견학활동, 해양 관련 각종 체험 학습, 해양 및 지구과학 관련 야외답사 활동, 그리고 해양에 관한 다양한 주제의 강연으로 구성되었다. 본 해양캠프에 참가한 학생들의 정의적 및 인지적 특성 변화 및 해양학적 소양 변화를 평가하기 위한 9가지의 설문지를 작성하여 실시하였다. 통계 분석 결과, 여름바다학교 시행 후 정도의 차이는 보이나 모든 학생들이 해양에 대한 흥미, 호기심, 열정 등 정의적 특성이 향상된 결과를 보였다. 13가지 소양 항목으로 분석한 해양에 관한 인지적 특성도 40%가 향상된 것으로 나타났다. 여름바다 학교에 대한 학부모들의 반응도 조사 분석하여 제시하였다. 초기에는 전공분야로서 해양에 대한 관심이 크지 않았던 몇몇 학생들이 수 년이 지난 후 앞으로의 전공 분야로 해양학을 선정한 사례도 발견되었다. 이는 해양캠프 활동이 해양 분야의 잠재적 과학영재의 지원 체계로서 성공적인 기능을 한 것으로 평가된다. 본 연구는 여름 해양캠프 활동의 장기 수행이 학생들의 과학에 대한 잠재적 능력이 즉각적으로 나타나지 않더라도 가까운 미래에 발현하게 할 수 있는 긍정적인 효과가 있음을 보였다. 이는 차세대 해양 인력 양성을 위해 과학 캠프와 같은 프로그램들이 좀 더 발전적으로 개발되고 수행될 수 있도록 정책적 지원이 필요함을 시사한다. In order to enhance scientific interest and a sense of affinity about ocean, the programs of the oceanic camp 'oceanic summer school' were developed and applied to $4^{th}$ and $9^{th}$-grade elementary and middle school students for 9 years from 2004 to 2012. It was composed of oceanic training for snorkeling, a tour to oceanic institutes and museums near the camp academy place, experimental learning in oceanic-related field, field trips for ocean and earth sciences, and lectures on various subjects of ocean. We developed and implemented 9-kinds of inquiry surveys to evaluate changes in cognitive and affective characteristics, and ocean literacy of students participated at the present oceanic summer camp. Based on the statistical analysis, affective characteristics such as interest, inquisitiveness, passion, and so on, were enhanced. Analysis of ocean literacy revealed that cognitive characteristics of the students were increased by 40%. We presented parents' responses on the programs of oceanic summer school. Some students with less initial interest of ocean have positively changed to make up their minds to be a oceanographer in several years later. In light of this, the summer school can be evaluated to be successfully functioned as a long-term support system for potentially young-talented students in the field of ocean science. This study addresses that long-term implementation of the summer oceanic camp may trigger students with potential talent toward in-depth science in the near future even though it could not bring positive effect immediately. This addresses the necessity of policy supports in order that various programs like the scientific camp should be more constructively developed and executed for next-generation manpower in oceanographic fields.

      • KCI등재

        미국 해양기반기후해법 법안(Ocean Based Climate Solution Act, OBCSA)의 검토와 국내 해양기후변화 법제에 대한 시사점

        윤소라,이문숙 한국해양과학기술원 2023 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.45 No.2

        Climate change causes ocean warming, ocean acidification, sea-level rise, dynamic coastal risk, change of ecosystem structure and function, and degradation of ecosystem services. Not only that, but it has negatively impacted the well-being of people, society, and culture, including food security, water resources, water quality, livelihood, health, welfare, infrastructure, transport, tourism, recreation, and so on, especially by particularly degrading indigenous communities and generating an inequitable distribution of benefits and costs. As pointed out here, these adverse impacts of climate change on the ocean have been emphasized at the international and national levels. In contrast, the ocean field has been neglected in the climate change conversation for too long. However, since the UNFCCC COP 25, the ocean has been drawn into the discussion as a solution to address climate change. Moreover, the U.S. Congress recently unveiled a bill called the ‘Ocean-Based Climate Solution Act, OBCSA’ that reflects the new paradigm of the international regime. The comprehensive legislative bill includes elements related to climate inequity, a blue economy, and a community-led bottom-up policy mechanism, which will have a significant bearing on the ocean-climate legal system. Therefore, this study reviews the OBCSA and deduces implications with regard to the ocean-climate legal system in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        해양의 헌법적 의미

        전상구(Jeon, Sang-Goo) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2021 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.- No.24

        오늘날 해양은 자원의 보고이며 생활의 터전으로서 국가경제와 국민생활에 지대한 영향을 미치고 있다. 이에 따라 세계 각국은 해양에서의 지배력을 높이기 위해 치열한 경쟁을 벌이고 있다. 특히 유엔해양법협약 이 발효된 이후부터는 자국의 헌법에 관련 내용을 반영하여 해양의 지배력을 강화하는 추세에 있다. 그러나 우리나라의 헌법적 차원의 규율은 매우 미흡하다. 해양의 중요성과 최근 국제적 추세를 고려하면, 이제 우리도 해양에 대한 헌법적 논의를 서둘러야 한다. 이에, 이러한 논의를 위한 기초연구의 일환으로 바다와 해양의 헌법적 의미에 대해 살펴보았다. 우선, ‘해양’의 규범적 의미와 범위에 대해 검토한 후, 그것의 헌법적 의미를 분석했다. 헌법적 분석은 국가론적 관점과 기본권적 관점에서 각각의 의미를 살펴봤는데, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 생활 속의 일반적 용례상 ‘해양’과 ‘바다’는 거의 구분 없이 사용되지만, 실정법은 서로 조금씩 다르게 정의하고 있다. 통상적으로 ‘바다’는 ‘해안선’부터 ‘영해’ 및 ‘배타적 경제수역’을 포함하는 개념이고, ‘해양’은 ‘내수’부터 ‘영해’ 및 ‘배타적 경제수역’을 넘어 ‘대륙붕’과 ‘기타 해역’을 포함하는 개념으로 정의된다. ‘내수’는 ‘해안선’부터 ‘영해기선’까지로 이해되므로, ‘바다’와 ‘해양’의 내측한계는 같다고 볼 수 있으며, 단지 ‘해양’의 외측한계가 ‘바다’보다 넓다고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 국내법상 ‘바다’는 ‘공유수면’, ‘연안역’, ‘수상’, ‘해수면’의 일부를 구성하므로, ‘해양’도 ‘바다’를 포함하는 범위 내에서는 이와 같은 성격을 갖는다. 둘째, 해양에 대한 우리 헌법의 태도는 매우 소극적이다. 우리나라의 역대 헌법에서 ‘해양’을 직접 언급한 조항은 없었고, 일부 조항에서 ‘해양’과 관련된 ‘수산자원’, ‘어업’, ‘어촌’, ‘농수산물’, ‘어민’, ‘어업조약’, ‘우호통상항해조약’ 등의 용어가 단편적으로 등장했다. 해양의 중요성을 고려하면 가슴 아픈 현실이 아닐 수 없다. 셋째, 국가론적 측면에서 봤을 때, 해양은 국가의 구성요소인 ‘영역’의 일부이며, 국가주권이 미치는 공간적 범위이며, 국가의 보호 및 관리의 대상이다. 특히, 오늘날에는 기존의 ‘내수’와 ‘영해’를 넘어 ‘배타적 경제수역’과 ‘대륙붕’까지 국가주권의 범위가 확장되었지만, 여전히 ‘영토’에 대한 국가주권보다는 그 내용과 효력이 불완전하다. 넷째, 국민의 기본권 측면에 봤을 때, 해양은 기본권 실현의 장소이고, 해양의 자원은 기본권의 내용과 객체를 구성한다. 따라서 해양에 대한 국가주권의 확대에 따라 국민의 기본권 보장도 확대 강화된다. 그러나 이러한 기본권 보장은 해양에 대한 국가주권의 불완전성에 상응하는 한계점을 갖고 있으며, 해양과 해양자원의 높은 수준의 공공성으로 인해 제약가능성이 크다는 특징이 있다. 아무쪼록 이 연구가 해양에 대한 헌법적 논의에 미력하나마 작은 보탬이 되길 기대한다. Today, the ocean is a treasure trove of resources and a place to live, so it has a profound impact on the national economy and people’s lives. Accordingly, countries around the world are competing fiercely to increase their dominance in the sea. In particular, after the “United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea” came into force, there is a trend to strengthen the control of the sea by reflecting the relevant contents in the country’s constitution. However, the constitutional level of discipline in Korea is very insufficient. Considering the importance of the ocean and recent international trends, we must hurry to the constitutional debate on the oceans. Accordingly, as part of the basic research for this discussion, the constitutional meaning of the ocean was examined. First, after reviewing the normative meaning and scope of ‘ocean’, the constitutional meaning of ‘ocean’ was analyzed. The constitutional analysis looked at the meaning of each from the viewpoint of the state and the fundamental rights, and the results are summarized as follows. First, ‘ocean’ and ‘sea’ are used almost without distinction in general usage in daily life, but the actual laws define slightly differently from each other. In general, ‘sea’ includes ‘coast line’ to ‘territorial sea’ and ‘exclusive economic zone’, and ‘ocean’ includes not only ‘internal waters’ to ‘territorial sea’ and ‘exclusive economic zone’, but also ‘continental shelf’ and ‘other sea areas’. Since ‘internal waters’ is understood as from ‘coast line’ to ‘territorial sea baseline’, the inner limit of ‘ocean’ and ‘sea’ can be regarded as the same, and the outer limit of ‘ocean’ can be regarded as wider than that of ‘sea’. In addition, ‘sea’ is a part of ‘public water surface’, ‘coastal station’, ‘water surface’, and ‘sea water surface’ under domestic law, so ‘ocean’ has the same character as long as it includes ‘sea’. Second, the Korean Constitution’s attitude toward the ocean is very passive. In the past Constitution of Korea, there was no provision directly mentioning ‘ocean’, and terms related to ‘ocean’, such as ‘fishery resources’, ‘fishing’, ‘fishing village’, ‘agricultural and fishery products’, ‘fishermen’, ‘fishing treaties’, ‘Treaty of Friendship, Trade and Navigation’ appeared fragmentarily, in some provisions. Considering the importance of the ocean, this is a heartbreaking reality. Third, from the state’s perspective, the ocean is a part of the ‘territory’ that is a constituent element of the state, the spatial extent of state sovereignty, and the object of state protection and management. In particular, today, the scope of state sovereignty has expanded beyond the ‘internal waters’ and ‘territorial sea’ to the ‘exclusive economic zone’ and the ‘continental shelf’, but the content and effect of state sovereignty over ‘ocean’ are still incomplete rather than state sovereignty over ‘land territory’. Fourth, in terms of the fundamental rights of the people, the ocean is the place of realization of the fundamental rights, and the marine resources constitute the contents and objects of the fundamental rights. Therefore, with the expansion of state sovereignty over the ocean, the guarantee of the fundamental rights of the people will be expanded and strengthened. However, this guarantee of the fundamental rights has limitations corresponding to the imperfections of state sovereignty over the ocean, and is likely to be restricted due to the high level of publicity of the ocean and marine resources. We hope that this study will be of a little help to the constitutional debate on the ocean.

      • KCI등재후보

        북극 공해상 비규제어업 방지 협정에 관한 연구-제5차 FisCAO 중심으로-

        정현기 한국무역경영학회 2019 한국무역경영연구 Vol.0 No.18

        The Arctic is currently undergoing the most dramatic changes on Earth, attracting global attention on the positive and negative effects of change. The abundance of natural resources in the Arctic Ocean and the opening of new routes through the Arctic Ocean are seen as new opportunities. On the other hand, scientific research and information on the Arctic and Arctic Ocean are very lacking. In addition, international norms on the use of the Arctic Ocean have not yet been established, and international governance to manage them is still in its infancy. This raises concerns such as sectoral exploitation of resources and disorderly ocean use in the Arctic Ocean. For this reason, the international community is beginning to move forward to secure a database base on the Arctic Ocean and to establish an international order on resources and ocean use. As a first step, 10 countries, including Canada, the United States, Russia, Denmark, Norway, and five non-shore countries including Korea, have signed the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean. The agreement has the following meanings: First, it agreed to limit commercial fishing in the Arctic, and second, to establish a scientific approach to the timing of commercial fishing by establishing joint scientific research and programs. In order to establish joint scientific research and programs in accordance with the above agreement, Member States are currently conducting Scientific Experts on Fish Stocks in the Central Arctic Ocean. Five meetings were held until 2018, and in this fifth meeting, four mandates were decided such as designing of the mapping program and the monitoring program. If practical issues are decided in the future, the Korean government and related research institutes are expected to make efforts to strengthen their position on the Arctic Ocean by establishing policies and research plans related to the Arctic Ocean. In that sense, this study explained the meaning of the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean and the main contents of the agreement. In addition, this paper describes the four main mandates derived from the Fifth Meeting of Scientific Experts on Fish Stocks in the Central Arctic Ocean, and suggests the implications and limitations of the results of this meeting and further research directions. 북극은 현재 지구상에서 가장 극적인 변화를 겪고 있는 곳으로, 변화로 인한 긍정적 효과와부정적 효과에 대한 전 세계 이목이 집중되고 있다. 북극해에 존재하고 있는 풍부한 천연자원과북극해로를 통한 새로운 항로 개척은 새로운 기회로 여겨지고 있다. 그에 반해 북극과 북극해에관한 과학연구와 정보는 매우 부족한 실정이다. 또한 북극해 이용에 관한 국제규범은 아직 수립되지 않았고, 이를 관리하기 위한 국제 거버넌스 구축도 아직 시작단계에 있어 부문별한 자원 착취및 무질서한 해양 이용의 우려가 존재한다. 이 때문에 국제사회에서는 북극해에 관한 데이터베이스 기반을 확보하고 자원 및 해양이용에 관한 국제 질서 확립을 위한 본격적인 움직임이 시작되고 있다. 그러한 첫 걸음으로 북극해 연안국인 캐나다, 미국, 러시아, 덴마크, 노르웨이와 비연안국인 우리나라를 포함한 10개 국가는 북극 공해상 비규제어업 방지 협정에 서명한 바 있다. 동 협정은 첫째, 북극에서의 상업적 어업을 제한하고 둘째, 공동과학연구 및 프로그램을 수립하여 상업적 어업이 가능한 시기를 과학적으로 접근하는데 합의하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 동협정에 따라 공동과학연구 및 프로그램을 수립하기 위해서 회원국은 현재 북극해 공해상 어업회의를 실시하고 있다. 2018년까지 5차례 관련 회의가 진행이 된 가운데, 이번 제5차 회의에서는 매핑프로그램 고안, 모니터링 프로그램 등 4가지 위임사항이 결정되었다. 향후 이와 관련된 실질적인사안들이 결정되면 우리나라 정부와 관련 연구기관 등은 북극해와 관련된 정책 및 연구 계획을수립하여 북극해에 대한 입지 강화에 노력이 필요할 것으로 예상된다. 이에 본 연구는 북극 공해상 비규제어업 방지 협정의 의미와 협정의 주요 내용, 그리고 제5차북극해 공해상 어업회의의 주요 4가지 위임사항에 대해 설명하였다. 그리고 동 회의 결과의 시사점 및 한계점, 그리고 향후 연구 방향을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        인도양 무역 네트워크와 문명 공간 ― 西海, 西洋, 그리고 西域의 개념을 중심으로 ―

        한지선 명청사학회 2017 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.48

        This study speculated on the world of the Indian Ocean through terms of 西海(xihai), 西洋(xiyang) and 西域(xiyu). Originally, 西海(xihai) was a term with directionality based on Chinese world view, but it indicates the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea as physical space along with cultivation of Silk Road on land. The Indian Ocean was recognized as 西海(xihai) or 西南海(xinanhai) in the Song and Yuan periods. the concept of 서양 has directionality starting from the coastal waters of Fujian and Guangdong, but the concepts of the east and the west that was examined from 『南海志』 published in 大德 years indicate the range central port cities had influence on and is spacial as it covers even religious and ethnic conflicts and cooperation. That is, 西洋(xiyang) indicates the Indian Ocean, but it also means a trade network in this area. The term of 西域(xiyu) is related to appearance of large historical stage. The Islam that began to grow through the Middle Ages was a center of wide historical stage over Europe and Asia under Mongol Empire. The Indian Ocean network was expanded inland and a key factor when it connected different civilizations was reciprocal trade. The Indian Ocean network connected local products each subcategory wanted to import. In particular, cotton which was produced in India was spread over each civilization through trade via the Indian Ocean network. 西域(xiyu) was a wide economic area where different civilizations were linked to guaranty reciprocal trade, not an east-west passage. The Indian Ocean network covered the Arabian Ocean along the western and southern coast of India and connected the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea on land via the Persian Gulf. It connected to the Arabian Ocean along the eastern sea of Africa, which formed a big link. Local products from East Asian products via large and small islands on the Indian Ocean, India, Java and Srivijaya empire were accumulated on this central link. It also connected Arabia, Asia Minor, the western and northern area of Africa, Iberia, India, West India and Yunnan civilizations. Port cities of each civilization were converged in a big link of the Indian Ocean while leading area of subcategories by connecting hinterlands. The term of 西洋(xiyang) was used when Chinese people explored such Indian trade networks and joined in them through the oceans. Important passages to the Indian Ocean were Guang-zhou and Ch'uan-zhou. They developed greatly as big cities that had China and East Asia as hinterlands.

      • KCI등재

        원양 실습일지에 나타난 실습선원들의 해양인식 고찰

        주현희 동아대학교 석당학술원 2022 石堂論叢 Vol.- No.83

        This study examines marine recognition in a series of records related to fishing test surveys, such as a draft of the Ocean practice logbook written by a trainee who participated in the North Pacific fishing test survey in the 1960s, and a memoir and survey report by Deputy Director Han Hee-soo. Starting with the departure of Ji-Nam ship in 1957, Korea's Ocean fishing industry grew rapidly in the 1960s and 1970s, rebuilding the devastated country immediately after the war and driving economic growth. With the success of the Indian Ocean tuna fishing trial in 1957, Korea's Ocean fishing industry was already actively expanding into the South Pacific Ocean. And in 1966, a trawler introduced by the Korea Fisheries Development Corporation entered the Atlantic Ocean. As such, in the 1960s, Korea's Ocean fishing industry continued to develop and expanded fishing grounds to the South Pacific Samoa, the Indian Ocean, and Africa. However, as one of the world's three largest fishing grounds, the North Pacific fishing grounds, a repository of fish resources, were unexplored. Accordingly, the Korean government began to explore North Pacific fishing grounds to expand the sea area of Ocean fishing and diversify fishing stocks. In July 1966, the Fisheries Agency established a North Pacific Fisheries Test Survey Plan to enter the North Pacific fishery and launched an investigation into the information and economic feasibility of the North Pacific fishery. And Busan Fisheries University mobilized Baek-Kyung Training ship and formed a test investigation team. In addition to researchers and administrative staff, 34 fourth-year students from the Department of Fishing as trainees at Busan Fisheries University participated in the survey. For about three months from July 16 to October 12, 1966, the investigation team conducted a survey and fishing test on fishing ground environmental conditions, such as seaweeds and weather, and salmon, trout, and fish resources. In this study, we looked at the perception of the North Pacific in the 1960s in records such as the Ocean practice logbook of trainees who participated in the North Pacific fishing test survey, Vice President Han Hee-soo's memoirs, and survey reports, and how they perceived foreign cultures through foreign ports. Through this, it was also examined how the ocean was recognized during the pioneering period of the Ocean fishing industry, and how it was recognized by actually visiting foreign countries and comparing it with foreign countries. 본 연구는 1960년대 한국 원양어업 개척기에 북태평양어업시험조사단의 일원으로 참여한 실습생이 쓴 원양 실습일지초(抄) 및 한희수 부단장의 회고록, 수산청 조사보고서 등 어업시험조사와 관련된 일련의 기록물에 나타난 해양인식을 고찰한 연구이다. 1957년 지남호의 출항을 시작으로 한국의 원양어업은 1960~70년대에 급격한 성장을 이루어 전쟁 직후의 초토화된 국가를 재건하고 경제 성장을 견인하였다. 1960년대 한국의 원양어업은 발전을 거듭하여 남태평양 사모아를 비롯해 인도양, 아프리카에 이르기까지 어장을 확대해나갔다. 그러나 세계 3대 어장의 하나로서 저서어(底棲魚) 자원의 보고인 북태평양 어장은 미개척 상태였다. 이에 한국 정부는 원양어업의 진출 해역을 확장하고 어획 종목도 다양화하기 위하여 북태평양 어장 개척에 나섰다. 수산청은 1966년 7월에 북태평양 어장 진출을 위해 북태평양어업시험조사계획을 확립하고 어장에 대한 정보 수집과 경제성에 관한 조사에 착수했다. 그리고 부산수산대학에서 백경호를 동원하고 시험 조사단을 편성하였다. 이 조사단에는 연구진 및 행정직 단원들 외에도 부산수산대학 어로학과 4학년 학생 34명이 실습생으로 참가하였다. 조사단은 1966년 7월 16일부터 10월 12일까지 약 3개월간 북태평양 어장의 해황, 기상 등 어장 환경 조건과 연어, 송어 및 저서어 어류 자원에 관한 조사 및 어로 시험을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 북태평양어업시험조사에 참여한 실습생의 원양 실습일지 및 한희수 부단장의 회고록, 조사보고서 등의 일련의 기록물에 나타난 1960년대 당시의 원양에 대한 인식을 살펴보고 이들이 이국의 여러 기항지를 거치면서 겪은 경험의 궤적을 더듬어보았다. 그리고 실습선원과 조사단원들이 원양어업 개척기에 원양을 어떻게 인식하고 있었으며 실제로 방문하여 목도한 이국과 비교하여 자국을 어떻게 인식하였는지를 아울러 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

        원양어업 종사자의 구술 자료에 나타난 해양 인식

        황경숙,채영희 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.49

        Perception of the Ocean and interests on the Oceanic culture have been on the rise centered around related schools. Identification on the perception of the Ocean and Oceanic culture is needed for the opening consideration to the Postmodernist thought and this could be a cornerstone for being complacent on the Ocean. For this consideration, we explore characteristics of the Ocean based on the fishermen’s interview who engaged in the field of Deep-Sea Fisheries in 1960’s Confucian values in Joseon made people consider the Ocean a negative and limited spaces. However, the Ocean is no longer unknown world with the point of industrial base to the Ocean. As Deep-Sea Fisheries began, experiential perception for it was accumulated. In this paper, we describe the characteristics with fishing boats’ life culture focused on the inherent spatiality within experiential perception and those are as follows; a) an ocean is the spatiality beyond territories. By this spatiality, Deep-Sea fishing boats build up power structure and a culture of hierarchy as an independent territory. Naturally, this leads to form the community culture highlighted to a network. b) an Ocean is a kind of constant floating space by natural rhythm according to the nature so it has openness without any privileges among independent nations. c) an Ocean forms the foundation of sensorial culture beyond visual space. d) an Ocean is the primitive place full of wonder and fears and it has folklore with strong incantation. An ocean is place in the middle of connected nature spaces without any clogginess so the nature of Ocean itself and the foundation of human’s imagination is beyond space of time. However, by the point of experiential perception, offshore fisheries is enough to distinguishes with deep-sea fisheries. Offshore is the ocean belonged to sovereignty while deep-sea is an emancipated ocean with reversion of sovereignty. For this reason, an ocean is needed to have the conception of multi hierarchy not belonging to property with political power so we have to consider an ocean is a new space beyond human’s desire on territories.

      • KCI우수등재

        해양인식의 확대와 해양사

        姜鳳龍(Kang Bong-ryong) 역사학회 2008 역사학보 Vol.0 No.200

        Perception of the ocean throughout the history of mankind has been fairly passive. This is because the 500-year history of the Joseon Dynasty that consistently prohibited ocean activities sets off an alarm in our mindset. Starting from the 2000s, our humanities-based perception of the ocean has broadened its horizons. With keener international attention on the ocean, foundations to support the ocean's history and research on the oceanic culture have been formed. Not only that, the current trend of post-modernism has brought about reflection on existing land-focused perceptions. The world's oceans are all united, which is a departure from the land which is disconnected by mountains, deserts and rivers. Therefore, perception of the ocean provides an open perspective to integrate the world into one. This is evidenced by the fact that those living in a society that actively utilizes the ocean are open-minded while their counterparts in an environment that prohibits access to the ocean are close-minded. All in all, the maritime history in which the history has delved into regarding the views of the ocean, can be a prevailing option to overcome the land-oriented closed historical mind set, and bring in the open-minded one that corresponds to globalization. In this aspect, a paradigm to perceive the organically-linked world history can be proposed through the maritime history. This can be interpreted to mean a new paradigm to identify the world's history as a process of broadened perception towards sea areas. In ancient times, perception of sea areas was segmented to a great extent. This can be referred to as "the age of the Mediterranean-style perception of sea areas." Since then, perception of sea areas has gradually expanded. It has developed from the "Age of the Indian Ocean", where the perception was first expanded into the Indian Ocean, moving onto the "Age of the Atlantic Ocean", and further onto the "Age of the Pacific Ocean. Such a categorization of different ages can serve as a new framework to organically streamline the world's history in the perspective of the ocean. Furthermore, each age can be connected to four periods in the maritime history of Korea in conformity. Therefore, these can be telling standards to look into the Korean history in the perspective of the global one. The attempt to newly categorize different ages based on the ocean's history implies the post-modernistic reflection on the division of the modem periods, that is, the ancient, medieval and modem times.

      • KCI등재

        탈냉전기 한국의 대양해군 건설에 관한 연구

        채첩(Jie Cai),이승환(Seunghoan Lee) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2023 인문사회과학연구 Vol.24 No.1

        한국 해군은 오랫동안 연안 방어가 가능한 해군력을 통해 북한의 공작선 침투에 대응하는 전략에 초점을 맞추어 운영되어 왔지만, 안병태 해군참모총장 재임 시기인 1995년 ‘대양해군’ 슬로건을 내걸게 되었다. 그러나 2010년 3월 26일 천안함 피격사건의 발생으로 ‘연안 방어도 완벽하지 않은데, 대양해군으로의 전략 이행이 옳은가’라는 비판적 여론이 대두됨으로써, 이른바 대양화 전략은 일견 주춤하는 모습을 보였다. 하지만 이는 결코 대양해군이라는 전략의 포기로 이어진 것은 아니다. 2013년 2월 7일 개최된 KODEF에서 당시 최윤희 해군참모총장은 해군전략의 폭을 ‘대양’으로 확대할 것을 주장했다. 이는 사실상 폐기됐던 ‘대양해군’의 재추진을 의미한다. 이후 박근혜 정부는 이명박 정부에서 통폐합되었던 해양수산부를 부활시켰으며, 대양해군 건설을 재개해 현대화 해군을 건설을 추진해왔다. 문재인 정부는 ‘해양강국’과 ‘대양해군’의 필요성에 대해 언급했으며, 특히 해군력을 ‘개방・통상국가의 국력’으로 규정하고 해군창설 100주년이 되는 2045년까지 한국은 강한 해군력을 기반으로 해양강국이 될 것을 강조했다. 본 연구의 구성은 다음과 같다. 제Ⅰ장에서는 탈냉전기 한국의 대양해군 비전에 대한 연구가 지닌 의미를 설명하고 문제를 제기했다. 제Ⅱ장에서는 이론적 배경으로 ‘대양해군 전략 추진의 결정 요인 분석’이라는 틀을 제시하고자 한다. 제Ⅲ장에서는 대양해군 전략 추진 결정 요인을 내부와 외부 요인으로 나누어 분석하고 , 제Ⅳ장에서는 대양해군 전략 추진과정에서 나타나는 문제점들을 개관하고자 한다. 이런 측면에서 한국의 대양해군 건설은 당면한 안보위협인 북핵 위협을 간과한 처사라는 비판이 제기될 수 있다. 해군 전략의 실패는 한국 국민의 신뢰를 잃는 단초로 비화될 수 있다는 가능성을 간과해서는 안 된다. 기존의 단층적 전력 건설에서 탈피해 보다 복합적이고 다층적인 국가안보 전력 건설로 제자리를 찾아야 하는 이유다. 따라서 제Ⅴ장에서는 대양해군 전략 추진 및 건설에서의 효율성 증진을 위한 제언을 제기하고자 한다. 특히 내부 차원에서의 효율적인 대양해군 건설 추진을 위한 제언을 제시하고, 대외 차원에서 21세기 전(全)지구적 전략 경쟁 안에서의 명확한 대양해군 방향성 설정에 대해 분석한다. 마지막으로 ‘시작이 반’이라는 말처럼 대양해군의 정체성 진화, 진정한 전력 증강과 대북 절대우위의 해군력 건설의 계기가 될 것을 기대한다. Republic of Korea Navy(ROKN) has long been operating mainly on responding to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), which has coastal naval power and mainly penetrates craft ships, but in 1995, when Ahn Byung-tae was the Chief of Naval Operations, he put up the banner of the ‘Ocean-going Navy’. However, when the Cheonan ship was invaded in 2010, criticism increased, saying, “What Ocean-going Navy is it when you can’t even keep the coast?” and it is showing signs of slowing down the ‘Ocean-going Navy’. However, this does not mean giving up the strategy of the ‘Ocean-going Navy’. At the KODEF held on February 7, 2013, Navy Chief of Staff Choi Yoon-hee insisted on a significant expansion of the naval strategy to the ‘Ocean’. This was interpreted as re-promoting the ‘Ocean-going Navy’, which had been virtually discarded. Since then, the Park Geun Hye government has revived the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, which had been suspended during the Lee Myung Bak government, and has resumed construction of the Ocean Navy to promote the construction of a modernized navy. Currently, the Moon Jae In government mentions the necessity of ‘marine power’ and ‘Ocean-going Navy’, especially defining naval power as ‘national power of an open and trading state’, and emphasizing that Korea will become a maritime power based on strong naval power by 2045. The composition of this study is as follows. First, First, Chapter I explains the meaning of research on ROK’s vision of the ‘Ocean-going Navy’ during the post-Cold War period and raises questions. Chapter II proposes a framework called ‘an analysis of determinants of the promotion of the Ocean-going Navy strategy’ as a theoretical background. Chapter III analyzes the determinants of the Ocean Navy strategy promotion by dividing them into internal and external factors, and Chapter IV examines the problems that arise in the ‘Ocean-going Navy’ strategy promotion process. In this respect, criticism could be raised that South Korea's construction of an ‘Ocean-going Navy’ overlooked the immediate security threat, the North Korean nuclear threat. We should not overlook the possibility that the failure of the naval strategy could lead to the loss of trust from the Korean people. This is why it is necessary to break away from the existing single-layer power construction and find its place with more complex and multi-layered national security power construction. Therefore, Chapter V proposes to promote the ‘Ocean-going Navy’ strategy and improve efficiency in construction. In particular, we present suggestions for the efficient construction of the ‘Ocean-going Navy’ at the internal level, and analyze the clear direction of the ‘Ocean-going Navy’ within the global strategic competition of the 21st century at the external level. Finally, it is hoped that it will serve as an opportunity to evolve the identity of the ROK’s ‘Ocean-going Navy’, strengthen its true power, and build a naval force with an absolute advantage over DPRK.

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