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        Effect of Buan Mulberry on Metabolic Improvement in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats

        Ju Taek Lee(이주택),Jae-Sung Ryu(류재성),Dong Hoon Kwak(곽동훈),Yun Jum Park(박윤점),Seong Sun Kang(강성선),Pyoung Jun Kim(김병준),Kyung-A Hwang(황경아),Young-Kug Choo(추영국) 한국생명과학회 2010 생명과학회지 Vol.20 No.12

        본 연구에서는 streptozotocin (STZ)에 의해 유도된 당뇨병 흰쥐를 이용하여 부안산 오디의 항 당뇨효과를 in vivo 실험을 중심으로 조사하였다. 기존의 연구는 주로 in vitro 실험을 통해 이루어 졌으며 일부 지역의 오디는 STZ에 의해 유도된 당뇨병 흰쥐에서 신진대사 증진, 항산화 및 체내 지방 저하 효과가 있음이 시사 되어졌다. 먼저, Sprague-Dawley 수컷 흰쥐를 난괴법을 통해 하나의 정상군(Normal)과 대조군(Diabetic), 인슐린 처리군(Insulin), 0.5% 오디 투여군(0.5% Mulberry), 1.0% 오디 투여군(1.0% Mulberry) 그리고 2.0% 오디 투여군(2.0% Mulberry) 등으로 분류 한 후 STZ로 당뇨병을 유도하였다. 부안산 오디를 STZ에 의한 당뇨병 흰쥐에 4주간 투여한 후 정상군과 비교 했을때 다양한 농도의 오디를 투여한 그룹에서 몸무게, 혈중 인슐린의 농도는 감소했지만, 신장무게, 혈당량, 요량 및 음수량은 증가하였다. 추가적으로 STZ에 의한 당뇨병 흰쥐와 이들 동물들에게 오디를 투여한 그룹을 비교한 결과 오디를 투여한 그룹은 신장 무게, 혈당, 요량 및 음수량이 확연히 감소하였다. 또한 오디를 투여한 그룹에서의 인슐린 농도는 대조군과 비교하여 유의적으로 증가하였다. 이와 같은 연구결과로부터 부안산 오디는 향후 당뇨 합병증을 억제하기 위한 기능성 식품의 원료로 사용 되어질 가능성을 시사한다. This study was designed to evaluate the anti-diabetic effects of Buan mulberries by using an insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus animal model. Several studies have shown that mulberries have metabolism- improving, antioxidant, and lipid-lowering properties in rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes. In this study, Sprague-Dawley male rats were randomly assigned to 1 normal control group and 5 STZ-induced diabetes groups: rats that had STZ-induced diabetes and did not receive any agents (diabetic group; negative control), rats that had STZ-induced diabetes and received insulin (insulin group; positive control), rats that had STZ-induced diabetes and received 0.5% mulberry extract (0.5% mulberry group), rats that had STZ-induced diabetes and received 1.0% mulberry extract (1.0% mulberry group), and rats that had STZ-induced diabetes and received 2.0% mulberry extract (2.0% mulberry group). Mulberry extracts were administered to the diabetic animals for 4 weeks. The rats that received mulberry extracts showed lower body weights and insulin levels, as well as higher kidney weights, blood glucose levels, urine quantities, and water intake in comparison with the normal controls. Further, the insulin concentrations in the mulberry-fed animals were higher than those in the diabetic group, and the kidney weights, blood glucose levels, urine quantities, and water intake in the mulberry-fed animals were lower than the corresponding values in the diabetic controls. These results suggest that mulberry may be an effective functional food to prevent diabetes-related complications.

      • 특용자원 닥나무를 활용한 영월 향토음식 개발 연구

        이상아(Lee, Sang-Ah) 아시아강원민속학회 2021 아시아강원민속 Vol.36 No.-

        예로부터 한지의 원료로 사용되어왔던 닥나무는 경제적 가치를 높게 평가 받아 조선시대 말기 전국적으로 널리 재배를 장려했다.『세종실록』153권 지리지 강원도 원주목 영월군에 기록에 따르면 “토의(土宣)는 기장 · 피 · 조 · 콩 · 보리 · 뽕나무 · 삼 · 배 · 밤 · 칠 · 대추 · 닥나무이다”라는 기록이 있고, 영월읍 거운리의 딱밭굴이라는 지역은 거운리 남쪽 강가에 닥나무 밭이 있어서 붙여진 지명이다. 이런 역사성을 바탕으로 본 연구에서는 특용 자원으로 닥나무를 선택하여 닥나무를 활용한 다양한 지역대표 음식을 개발하여 지역문화콘텐츠로 제시하였다. 이에 본 연구에서는 경제성장으로 소득 수준이 증대된 현 시점에서 무병장수를 원하는 사람들이 많아지는데 외적인 건강과 내적인 건강 모두에 대 한 관심은 바로 웰빙으로 이어지고 있다. 예로부터 한약재로 사용할 정도로 효능이 좋았던 닥나무를 건강보조식품으로 식용화 할 수 있는 방법을 제시하였다. 닥나무는 미백, 항산화, 항암 활성 등에 효과가 있고, 닥나무 열매에 사포닌, 비타민B 및 유지가 다량 함유되어 있다. 잎에는 플라보노이드, 글리코사이드, 페놀류, 유기산, 탄닌, 아미노산의 일종인 GABA(gamma amino butyric acid)가 함유되어 있다. 이런 닥나무의 효능을 바탕으로 닥나무를 첨가한 상품화를 유도한 다양한 향토음식을 개발하였다. 닥나무 식빵, 닥나무 두부, 닥나무 혼합 밀가루를 비롯하여 닥나무 주먹밥, 닥나무 감자수제비, 닥나무 제육 쌈 김밥, 닥나무 닭백숙, 닥나무 돼지고기 수육, 닥나무 코다리찜, 닥나무 황태찹쌀구이, 닥나무 돼지고기 김치볶음 등이다. 본 연구를 통해 개발된 닥나무 상품을 영월지역 특용자원으로 생산될 닥나무와 연계하여 상용화한다면 농산물 생산농가의 부가가치 창출 및 타지 역과의 차별화된 품질의 음식문화를 개발할 수 있다. The mulberry tree, which has been used as a raw material for Korean paper since ancient times, was highly valued for its economic value and was widely promoted nationwide at the end of the Joseon Dynasty. According to the record in Yeongwol-gun, Wonju-mok, Gangwon-do, in Volume 153 of the Annals of King Sejong, “The discussion of discussion is millet, pea, millet, soybean, barley, mulberry, hemp, pear, chestnut, chil, jujube, and mulberry.” There is this area, and the area called Dakbatgul in Geoun-ri, Yeongwol-eup was given the name because there was a field of mulberry trees along the river south of Geoun-ri. Based on this historicity, in this study, mulberry was selected as a special resource, and various regional representative foods using mulberry were developed and presented as regional cultural contents. Therefore, in this study, more and more people want a disease-free long life at this point in time when income levels have increased due to economic growth, and interest in both external and internal health is directly leading to well-being. A method for making mulberry tree, which has been effective enough to be used as a herbal medicine since ancient times, into an edible health supplement was presented. The mulberry tree is effective in whitening, antioxidant, and anticancer activity, and the mulberry fruit contains a large amount of saponin, vitamin B and oil. The leaves contain flavonoids, glycosides, phenols, organic acids, tannins, and gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), an amino acid. Based on the efficacy of this mulberry tree, various local foods were developed that led to the commercialization of the mulberry tree. Paper mulberry bread, mulberry tofu, mulberry noodles, mulberry mixed flour, mulberry rice ball, mulberry potato sujebi, mulberry pork ssam gimbap, mulberry chicken stew, mulberry pork broth, mulberry braised pork belly, mulberry yellow glutinous rice roast, mulberry pork kimchi stir-fry, etc. am. If the mulberry product developed through this study is commercialized in connection with the mulberry tree to be produced as a special resource in the Yeongwol region, it is possible to create added value for agricultural producers and develop a food culture of differentiated quality from other regions.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 조선총독부의 뽕나무 재배정책과 조선인의 대응

        김란 한국민족운동사학회 2023 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.- No.116

        본고는 1910년대 조선총독부의 뽕나무 재배정책에서 발생된 강제 배부의 문제와 조선인의 대응을 분석하였다. 특히 기존연구에서 주목하지 못하였던 1910년대 개량종 뽕나무 재배정책의 원인과 3·1운동 시기 뽕나 무 재배정책에 대한 조선농민의 불만을 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 개량종 뽕 나무 배부 및 재배의 문제점과 조선농민이 3·1운동에 참여하는 다양한 계 기를 밝혔다. 개항 후 조선은 잠업이 단순한 농업이 아니라 제사-견직업으로 연결될수 있는 산업으로 인식하였다. 이러한 목적에 따라 대한제국은 양잠진흥 정책을 실시하였지만, 1906년 통감부가 설치되면서 양잠진흥정책은 제 대로 시행되지 못하였다. 병합 후 조선총독부는 조선을 일본 내 부족한 식량과 자본주의 발전을 위한 보충지로 개편하는 정책을 시행하였다. 조 선총독부는 일본 개량종 이식 품종으로 미작·면작·잠업·축우를 선정하였 다. 이 중 잠업이 선정된 것은 잠업을 통해 생산되는 고치가 일본의 공업 화를 장기간 지원하는 역할을 하였기 때문이다. 잠업을 실행하기 위해서는 누에의 먹이인 뽕나무가 확보되어야 했다. 뽕나무는 잠업과 제사업의 가장 기본원료이다. 조선총독부는 잠업을 장려하기 위해 조선농가에 개량종 뽕나무를 배부하여 재배하게 하였다. 조 선총독부는 개량종 뽕나무를 각종 지원금을 통해 조선농촌에 빠르게 배 부하였다. 그 결과 개량종 뽕밭이 증가하였고, 이는 개량종 누에고치 생 산량의 증대로 이어졌다. 그러나 조선총독부는 재래 양잠 지역에도 강압 적으로 개량종 뽕나무를 재배하게 하였고, 재래 뽕나무와 누에고치를 불 태웠다. 개량종 뽕나무는 조선기후에 맞지 않은 경우가 있었고, 재래종에 비해 관리법이 어려워 시간과 노동력이 필요하였다. 또한 개량종 뽕나무는 조 선농민의 식재 여부와 관계없이 매년 강제 배부되었다. 행정기관은 강제 배부된 개량종 뽕나무에 대금을 청구하여 조선농민들의 불만은 쌓여가 고 있었다. 1910년대 조선총독부의 뽕나무 재배정책에 대한 조선농민의 불만은 3·1운동이 일어나자 표출되었다. 3·1운동 시기 조선농민의 뽕나무에 대 한 불만은 거의 전국적으로 나타났다. 조선농민들은 뽕나무 묘목을 불태 워 군중을 선동하거나 배부된 뽕나무를 면장에 집에 버리는 등 조선총독 부의 뽕나무 배부 정책에 대해 직접적으로 불만을 터트렸다. 이는 1910 년대 뽕나무 배부로 시작한 양잠의 장려 정책이 조선 농촌의 상황을 제대 로 파악하지 않은 채 일본 원료 공급만을 위해 진행되었기 때문이다. 조선총독부는 3·1운동으로 혼란한 시기인 1919년 4월 24일에 ‘조선잠업령’을 내려 뽕나무 생산과 잠종제조의 매매를 감독·단속하였다. 이는 일본 제사 자본이 조선에 진출할 기틀을 마련하기 위해서였다. 한편 1920년대가 되면서 잠업을 장려하는 지역에서는 1910년대와 같이 뽕나 무를 강제 배부하고 대금을 청구하였다. 그러자 조선 농민들은 뽕나무 배 부 및 재배에 대한 부당함을 신문에 기고하거나 군에 고발서를 제출하여 직접적으로 비난하였다. This study analyzed the coercive distribution problem which took place during the mulberry planting policy by the Japanese Government-General of Korea in the 1910s and the response by the Joseon people. In particular, this study examined the cause behind the enforcement of mulberry planting policy in the 1910s and the Joseon farmers' complaints toward the policy during the March 1st Independence Movement, which had not drawn attention in previous studies. This identified the correlation between problems in distributing and planting improved mulberries and a variety of motivations for participating in the movement. After opening to foreign trade, Joseon perceived sericulture not as a mere agricultural industry but an industry which can be directly connected to the silk-reeling and silk goods industry. According to this objective, the Korean Empire implemented the sericulture promotion policy but it was not properly conducted because of policies of the Residency-General established in 1906. After the forced annexation in 1910, the Japanese Government-General of Korea carried out several policies to reform Joseon as a base of food supplies and accumulation of capital for Japanese empire[Japan]. The Japanese Government-General of Korea designated crops like rice, cotton, sericulture, and cattle as items to be replaced with improved ones from Japan. Among them, sericulture was selected because cocoons played the role of supporting Japan's industrialization for a long time. Mulberries, which silkworms lived on, had to be secured to implement sericulture. Mulberries are the base material of sericulture and the silk-reeling industry. The Japanese Government-General of Korea ordered Joseon farms to cultivate improved mulberries. The Japanese Government-General of Korea swiftly distributed improved breed mulberries to Joseon farms through all sorts of support funds. As a result, improved mulberry fields increased, leading to the increase of improved breed silkworm production. However, the Japanese Government-General of Korea forced improved mulberry planting on farmers of conventional sericulture, burning indigenous mulberries and silkworms. Improved mulberries were not only unsuitable for the climate of Joseon, but also requiring more hours and labor to manage than conventional ones. Nevertheless, improved mulberries were forcibly distributed every year without consideration for Joseon farmer's mind about the planting. In addition, administrative agencies charged price for the mulberries, aggravating discontents among the Joseon farmers. The Joseon farmers' discontents at the mulberry planting policy was expressed with the beginning of the March 1st Independence Movement. During the movement, the complaints appeared in almost every region of the country. Joseon farmers directly expressed complaints about the mulberry distribution policy by inciting crowds to burn the mulberries and dump them at the front of house of village head. It meant that the sericulture improvement policy beginning with mulberry distribution in the 1910s was implemented for Japanese raw material supply without proper understanding of Joseon's agricultural situations. The Japanese Government-General of Korea issued 'Choson Silk Raising Farm Law(朝鮮蠶業令)' on 24 April 1919, even during a turbulent time since the March 1st Independence Movement, superintending mulberry production and distribution and cracking down on illegal trade of silkworm. It was intended to establish the framework for Japanese silk-reeling capital to invade Joseon. After that time, in the 1920s, the authorities only distributed mulberries and charged the price to farmers who live in certain encouraged regions to engage in sericulture. Consequently, it made the farmers take collective actions, such as to announce the injustices of the mulberry distribution in newspapers or to file an complaint with the persons responsible for the work.

      • KCI등재

        오디 발효액의 발효기간 동안 식중독 세균수의 변화

        한상현,류송희,박운라,임은아,김세리,김원일,윤보현,김현주,류재기 한국식품위생안전성학회 2016 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.31 No.6

        Mulberry is considered a healthy food for antioxidants and many other beneficial nutrients. However, food safety concerns exist as this commodity scarcely passes through a sanitizing step due to the fragile nature of mulberry fruits. Fermented mulberry wort is one traditional way to utilize and preserve mulberries by mixing with sugars although hygienic practices are not often implemented. The purpose of this study was to investigate the fate of foodborne pathogens in fermented mulberry wort. Microbial population of inoculated E. coli in mulberry wort showed a decreasing pattern as the fermentation progressed. A quicker decrease was observed in the mulberry wort mixed with sugar at 1 to 0.8 ratio (w/w, mulberry:sugar) compared to 1 to 1 ratio, which could be due to the amount of acids generated during the fermentation process. When fully-fermented mulberry wort was contaminated with foodborne pathogens, they all decreased in population although their deceasing patterns varied depending on the species of tested bacteria. Steep deceases in population of inoculated foodborne pathogens were observed when the fermented wort was stored at 30℃ in comparisons to the other storage temperature, 5 and 20℃, regardless of bacterial species. This study necessitates the optimization of a sanitizing process during fermentation and storage of mulberry wort.

      • KCI등재

        오디의 숙도에 따른 품질특성 및 유통 중 품질변화

        박주현 ( Ju Hyun Park ),홍석인 ( Seok In Hong ),정문철 ( Moon Cheol Jeong ),김동만 ( Dongman Kim ) 한국식품저장유통학회(구 한국농산물저장유통학회) 2013 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        오디의 신선도 유지기간 연장을 위한 수확 시 적정 숙도를 조사하기위해, 오디의 숙도를 80%, 90%, 및 100%로 구분하여 수확한 후 숙도별 관능적 품질특성을 비교하였고, 이를 0℃, 10℃ 및 20℃에 각각 유통하면서도 경도, 색도, 가용성 고형물함량, PH, 적정산도, 공팡이 및 변질율, 및 관응적 품질을 평가하였다. 수확 직후 숙도에 따른 오디의 경도는 숙도 100% 오디가 가장 낮았으며 이는 숙도 80% 및 90%오디 경도의 37%와 65% 수준이었다. 오디 파괴의 ``a``값과 적정산도는 숙도가 낮을수록 높았고 안토시아닌 함량, 가용성 고형물 함량 및 PH는 숙도가 높을수록 높았다. 총균 및 곰팡이 수는 오디의 숙도가 증가함에 따라 높았는데 숙도 100% 완숙과의 경우 숙도 80% 오디에 비해 각각 1.6배 및 1.1배였다. 오디의 관능적 품질 중 ``색``은 숙도 100% 오디가, ``맛``, ``조직감`` 및 ``전반적인 품질``은 숙도 90% 오디가 가장 높은 기호도를 보였다. 아울러 숙도에 따른 유통가능기간을 비교한 결과, 경도는 유통 중 숙도가 낮을수록 높은 수준을 유지하며 감소하였는데 그 감소의 폭은 숙도 80% 오디의 경우 가장 컸다. 곰팡이의 수는 숙도 100% 오디가 다른 숙도 오디에 비해 높았고, 변질율은 모든 유통 조건에서 숙도가 높을수록 높았다. 관능적 평가에 의한 상품성은 전반적으로 숙도 100% 오디가 숙도 80%, 90% 오디에 비해 빠르게 소실되었고, 유통온도가 낮을수록 상품성유지 기간이 연장되었다. 수확 직후 오디의 숙도에 따른 품질과 숙도별 유통온도에 따른 품질변화 조사 결과를 종합하면, 숙도 100% 오디에 비해 숙도 80%와 90% 오디가 비교적 품질유지기간이 길었으며 이에 관능평가결과를 고려 시 숙도 80%보다 90% 오디가 적정 수확 숙도라 판단된다. To determine the appropriate harvest maturity of mulberry to prolong the freshness during distribution, mulberries were classified into three groups (80%, 90%, and 100%) based on their degree of maturity and then compared for their firmness, color, anthocyanin, soluble solids content, pH, titratable acidity, viable cell, mold and sensory quality. They were then investigated for quality changes by maturity under different distribution temperature at 20℃, 10℃ and 0℃. Immediately after harvest, the 80% matured mulberries were shown to be the firmest and 1.74 and 2.64 times firmer than 90% and 100%matured mulberries respectively. The more mature the mulberries were the lower the “a” value was while anthocyanin content was higher. The soluble solids content and pH of mulberries increased as they matured. Less mature the mulberries were the higher titratable acidity was and lower microbial levels in mulberries were. In terms of sensory quality, color of the 100%matured mulberries was the highest but the 90% matured mulberries were most preferred based on other sensory indexes. In comparison to storability of mulberries by maturity, although the firmness of the 80%matured mulberry decreased rapidly, they were the firmest during distribution periods. The level of mold of the 100% matured mulberries was higher than others. Moreover, the more mature mulberries were the quicker they deteriorated. According to quality indexes, depending on maturity and sensory evaluation of mulberry distributed at different temperatures, the storability of the 80 and 90% matured mulberries were higher than that of the 100% matured mulberries. In conclusion, judging by their sensory quality, the 90% matured mulberries were more appropriate for harvesting than the 80% matured mulberries.

      • KCI등재

        고대 중국문학에 나타난 뽕나무(桑) 이미지의 상징성 고찰

        양충열 중국인문학회 2013 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.53

        This paper arms to analyze the symbolic meaning of Mulberry tree image which were widely spread in ancient China literature. In ancient China, Mulberry tree had a significant meaning and was very rich in symbolism. This is distinctively different from other trees. As to the importance It is compared to west oak. Mulberry tree-worship was based on the consciousness of nature worship, as well as had reflected with the religious, social, economic and cultural factors in ancient China. So in the antiquity religion and myth fable, Mulberry tree was regarded on a source of life and the tree with motherhood, has resulted in the various Socio-cultural phenomena. In ancient time, performing ritual prayers for rain at Mulberry grove, sacrificial rites for God of land(社) and God of Gaomei(高禖), the love of the sexes, mulberry leaf picking and sericulture were composed of Mulberry tree. This paper analyze the symbolic meaning of Mulberry tree image and then classify them into a symbol of one's life, a symbol of love, a symbol of feminine beauty and symbol of one's home.

      • KCI등재

        Mulberry and Peppermint Leaves Mixing Ratio Optimization for Skin Beauty

        Shin-Young Lee,Min-Ju Kim,Ae-Jung Kim 한국피부과학연구원 2021 아시안뷰티화장품학술지 Vol.19 No.3

        목적: 본 연구는 뽕잎과 페퍼민트잎의 생리활성 평가를 실시하여 최적 혼합비율을 찾고, 이를 통해 inner beauty 소재 및 화장품 소 재로의 이용가치를 규명하고자 하였다. 방법: 뽕잎과 페퍼민트잎의 혼합비율 최적화를 위해 뽕잎과 페퍼민트잎 혼합 시료의 total polyphenol 함량, total flavonoid 함량, DPPH radical 소거능, ABTS radical 소거능, tyrosinase 저해활성, elastase 저해활성을 측정 하였다. 결과: 뽕잎과 페퍼민트잎 혼합 시료의 total polyphenol 함량은 최대 46.58 mg TAE/g, total flavonoid 함량은 최대 45.54 mg QE/g, DPPH radical 소거능과 ABTS radical 소거능은 각각 최대 74.18%, 40.60%였다. Tyrosinase 저해 활성과 elastase 저 해 활성은 각각 최대 67.46%, 35.01%였다. 흥미구간 내 항산화 활성과 tyrosinase 저해 활성이 최대로 발현된 뽕잎과 페퍼민트잎 의 혼합 비율은 뽕잎이 1.49 g, 페퍼민트잎이 0.75 g이었다. 실험구간 내 항산화 활성과 tyrosinase 저해 활성이 최대로 발현된 뽕잎 과 페퍼민트잎의 혼합 비율은 뽕잎이 1.79 g, 페퍼민트잎이 0.80 g이었다. 항산화 활성과 elastase 저해 활성이 최대로 발현된 뽕잎 과 페퍼민트잎의 혼합 비율은 뽕잎이 1.11 g, 페퍼민트잎이 0.75 g이었다. 결론: 본 연구 결과로 뽕잎과 페퍼민트잎의 항산화 활성, tyrosinase 및 elastase 활성 억제 효능의 우수성을 규명하고, 최적 혼합 비율도 도출할 수 있었다. 이를 통해 inner beauty 소재 및 화장품 소재로써 이용가치가 높을 것으로 판단된다. Purpose: This study aims to determine the optimal mixing ratio of mulberry and peppermint leaves and evaluates their biological activities to identify whether the estimated ratio is suitable for use in inner beauty and cosmetic ingredients. Methods: Total polyphenol and flavonoid contents, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2′-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) radical scavenging activities, and tyrosinase and elastase inhibition activities were measured to optimize the mixing ratio of mulberry and peppermint leaves. Results: The mixture of mulberry and peppermint leaves showed a total polyphenol content of up to 46.58 mg TAE/g, a total flavonoid content of up to 45.54 mg QE/g, and DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of up to 74.18% and 40.60%, respectively. Tyrosinase and elastase inhibition activities were up to 67.46% and 35.01%, respectively. In the interest section, the maximum antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activities were obtained at a mulberry:pepperint mixing ratio of 1.49:0.75 (g:g). In the experimental section, the maximum antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activities were obtained at a mulberry:pepperint mixing ratio of 1.79:0.80 (g:g). Further, the maximum antioxidant and elastase inhibitory activities were obtained at a mulberry:pepperint mixing ratio of 1.11:0.75 (g:g). Conclusion: This study determined the superiority of the antioxidant activity, tyrosinase and elastase activity inhibition efficacies, and optimal mixing ratios of mulberry and peppermint leaves. Based on our findings, we believe that mulberry and peppermint leaves at an optimal mixing ratio will have considerable use as inner beauty and cosmetic ingredients.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        천연 식물추출물 복합제를 이용한 오디균핵병 및 뽕나무이에 대한 친환경 방제기술 개발

        안인 ( In Ahn ),맹운영 ( Woon Young Maeng ),이인애 ( In Eae Lee ),김삼현 ( Sam Hyun Kim ),유지원 ( Ji Won You ),장기운 ( Ki Woon Chang ),김배용 ( Bae Yong Kim ) 한국환경농학회 2013 한국환경농학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        BACKGROUND: Two Field tests were conducted at Buan and Yangpyung in 2012 and 2013 to confirm controlling effect of mulberry popcorn disease and mulberry Sucker pests which are becoming serious in mass cultivation area of eco-friendly farming mulberry. METHODS AND RESULTS: As the treatments, 4 Natural products and 3 microbials were applied and 4 mulching materials were used. On the prevent effect of mulberry popcorn disease (Sclerotinia shiraiana) by using mulching materials, nonwoven fabric mulching showed worse effect than non-mulched treatment plot. Moreover, rice straw mulching showed significantly worse effect compare to nonwoven fabric and herb mulching treatments. Natural plant extracts and microbials showed 40∼65% control value in 2013, which is little bit worse than 2012 results. On the control effect of mulberry Sucker (Amomoneura mori), organic products which combined with neem, sophora and derris showed excellent result as similar control level of Thiophanate-methyl. It means the chemical products can be replaced with organic product. CONCLUSION(S): According to the 2 years studied results, integrate eco-friendly farming measures are recommended for control of mulberry popcorn disease, because any single method is seemed not sufficient enough. However, natural plant extracts mixture is recommended as a product to control of mulberry Sucker.

      • KCI등재

        재배환경 및 과실 숙도가 오디의 미생물학적 부하량에 미치는 영향

        류송희,윤보현,김혜영,최아현,김세리,김원일,류재기,한상현 한국식품위생안전성학회 2017 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate the microbial loads in mulberry fruits depending on cultivation environment and fruit ripeness. The population levels of total aerobic bacteria in mulberry fruits collected from open field orchards were higher than those from three plots protected within plastic green houses. In regards to fruit ripeness, the levels of total aerobic bacteria in ripe black fruits were higher than those in unripe green and red mulberry. From the farms into where livestock animals were allowed to enter, Escherichia coli was detected in soil at a level of 4.26~4.94 log CFU/g and in mulberry fruits at 5.03~6.07 log CFU/g, while no coliform and E. coli were detected from where the intrusion of livestock was prevented. We also examined the density change of inoculated E.coli in mulberry fruits as they were becoming mature. While E. coli did not increase in green fruits, two and four log CFU/g increases at 20oC and 37oC, respectively, were observed with red and fully mature black mulberries during 48 hours incubation. To ensure the food safety of mulberry, it is suggested that the introduction of E. coli into a farm through livestock should be prevented and more hygienic caution should be taken especially when the fruits are ripe.

      • 월동 및 해동기 뽕나무의 생화학적 물질의 변동과 내동성과의 관계

        최영철,류근섭,안영희 한국잠사학회 1997 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        In relation to cold acclimation, experiment was carried out to understand the seasonal changes in reserve substances of the mulberry. The shoot barks and leaves of three mulberry varieties(Kaeryangppong, ShiniIppong and Yongcheonppong) were sampled, after that their reserve substances were analyzed. The cold hardiness of mulberry was investigated by DTA(Differential Thermal Analysis) method. To increase cold hardiness, gibberellin(100 ppm), kinetin(100 ppm) and Jambi 8 were sprayed on the mulberry leaves. After spraying, falling of the leaves of Yongcheonppong occurred earier than the other varities. After the first frost, all of treatments except gibberellin were entirely fallen. Growth regulator extended the leaves fallen. After spraying, water of the shoot barks was not showed difference in the content among the treatments, but amino acid, carbohydrate and soluble protein increased from September to October. Starch content of the shoot barks and leaves was maximum in October, but thereafter decreased during wintering stage. In Shinilppong, Jambi 8 spray increased cold hardiness by 1~2°C more than no spray. It was concluded that the cold hardiness of the mulberry in midwinter is closely related to the reserve substances with spraying Jambi 8 on the mulberry leaves.

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