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      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국의 대학생 의식 비교 : 자매결연 두 대학교 학생을 중심으로

        이정용 한국외국어대학교 외국학종합연구센터 중국연구소 2006 中國硏究 Vol.37 No.-

        This paper presents a comparison of attitudes between Chinese and Korean university students. Compared with Korean students, on average Chinese students do not spend as much on leisure-related products or services. However expenditure on leisure related products increrases as family income increases. Similar to Korean students, most Chinese students own mobile phones. The percentages of ownership of other multimedia devices such as PC, MP3 players, and digital camera are lowerfor Chinese students than forKorean students. Chinese students as well as Korean students prospect their generation to be better off than their parents' generation. Especially, more than half of Chinese students believe their economy will catch up with Japanese economy in 30 years. As Chinese economy grows, both Chinese and Korean students do not expect the relationship between China and Japan to improve much. Chinese 'likeness' of Korean trend is very apparent but Korean 'likeness' of Chinese trend is very minor. It is also observed that higher percentage of Chinese students like Korea than that of Korean students like China. Sexual attitudes are very similar between the two groups. They are relatively affirmative on sexual relations before marriage. Chinese students think human network is essential for getting jobs. Korean students think English proficency is the most important factor. However, Chinese students spend longer hours in practicing English and reading books than Korean students. Korean students drink alcohol much more frequently than Chinese students. Also, therate of smoking is much higher for Korean students than Chinese students. No female Chinese student said she was a smoker.

      • KCI등재


        김정훈 중국인문학회 2020 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.74

        With the enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength and the spread of Chinese fever all over the world, more and more people are learning Chinese. Neologisms are a mirror of the development of contemporary Chinese society, which can directly reflect the most authentic Chinese language. The study of new words will help Korean students to understand contemporary China and improve their Chinese level. It is very important for Korean students to learn new words better through the acquisition of new words. After reading the literature, this paper finds that it is necessary for Korean students to learn new words, the current situation of their strong demand for new words and the existing problems in the teaching of new words in Chinese as a foreign language, which requires improvement in the acquisition of new words for Korean students. By using the questionnaire survey, this paper investigates the acquisition quantity, acquisition method and teaching of new words by Korean students. In terms of acquisition quantity, although the acquisition quantity of new words by Korean students has reached 50%, the proportion of new words that Korean students can master and use is very small; the acquisition quantity of new words by foreign students at primary and intermediate Chinese level is less than that of foreign students at advanced Chinese level, and the number of new words acquired by foreign students with long Chinese learning time is more. At present, the acquisition methods of new words for Korean students are mainly network, teachers, friends and dictionaries. With the improvement of Chinese level and the increase of Chinese learning time, the phenomenon of using network to acquire new words is more significant. In terms of the acquisition types of new words, Korean students have the best acquisition of life new words. The main way of acquiring new words for Korean students is network coincidence, which fully shows that the main and common way of acquiring new words for Korean students is network. In the aspect of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the number of new words in the teaching materials is limited, and the teacher's teaching of new words is relatively scarce, so the number of new words acquired by foreign students through teaching methods is very limited, which can not meet the strong demand of Korean students for new words, so it is necessary to increase the strength of new words teaching.

      • KCI등재

        국내 대학원 유학생의 내용-언어 통합 교수법에 대한 경험 조사

        여열(Yue Li),이용직(Yongjik Lee) 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.6

        본 연구는 내용-언어 통합교수법의 한 가지 형태인, 영어 매개 강의의 개념을 응용하여 국내 대학원 수업에서컨텐츠 지식과 한국어 습득을 동시에 습득할 수 있는 한국어 매개 수업(Korean as a Medium of Instruction: KMI) 개념을 제안하였다. 내용-언어 통합 교수법의 한 가지 형태로, KMI 수업은 국내 대학의 유학생들이 전공 분야에 대한 지식을 학습하는 동시에 학문적 한국어 언어능력도 향상시킬 수 있다. 본 연구는 국내 지방 소재 사립대학인 W 대학에 재학 중인 중국인 대학원 유학생 15명을 대상으로 한 학기 동안 KMI 수업을 적용하여 KMI 수업의 효과성을 검토하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 혼합연구 방법을 적용하여 학기말에는 KMI 수업을 통한 학습자의 컨텐츠 지식, 인지능력, 다문화 이해력과 관련된 인식과 만족도를 알아보기 위해 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 설문지 응답자 중에 인터뷰 지원자를 선정해서 1대1 심층 인터뷰를 진행하였다. 연구의 결과는 첫째, 중국인 유학생들은 KMI 수업을 통해 컨텐츠 지식을많이 배웠다고 응답했다. 둘째, 중국인 유학생들은 KMI 수업을 통해 한국어 능력이 전반적으로 향상되었다고 응답했다. 셋째, 중국인 유학생들은 KMI 수업을 통해 한국 문화에 대해 이해하고 다양한 한국 문화의 관점을 경험할 수 있었다. 넷째, 중국인 유학생들은 KMI 수업에 대해 전반적으로 만족한다고 평가했고, 효과적인 수업이라고생각했다. 결국 KMI 수업을 미래에 재수강할 의지도 강한 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 KMI 수업 적용이 한 학기 정도만 진행되었기 때문에 짧은 기간 동안 유학생들의 학문적 한국어 활용 능력이 급격히 향상되는 것은 아닌 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 연구의 결론은 첫째, KMI 수업은 중국인 유학생들의 컨텐츠 지식 학습에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다. 둘째, KMI 수업은 중국인 유학생의 한국어 능력 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다. 셋째, KMI 수업은 유학생들의 다문화이해 능력에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다. 하지만 초급 한국어 학습자의 경우, KMI 수업을 수강하더라도 단기간에 학문적 한국어 능력이 유의미하게 향상되기 어렵다는 결론을 도출했다. This study explores international Chinese students’ experiences of Korean as a Medium of Instruction (KMI) course in a Korean university. This study focuses on the KMI course that allows students to simultaneously learn Korean academic language and content knowledge. Thus, this study examines the effectiveness of the KMI course for Chinese international students and proposes effective teaching methods that will enable international students to perform academic studies in the future successfully. This study is conducted at the graduate school of W University in Korea. The KMI method is applied to two graduate courses with 15 Chinese international students during the 2021 Fall semester. By using mixed-method, the survey is conducted to determine the perception and satisfaction of the international Chinese students’ experiences in the KMI course related to content knowledge, cognitive ability, and multicultural understanding. Among survey participants, interview applicants are selected and conducted in-depth interviews. The results as shown below. First, Chinese international students develop various content knowledge through the KMI course. Second, Chinese international students can improve their Korean language ability through the KMI course. Third, bilingual KMI courses are more effective in learning Korean vocabulary and grammar than monolingual KMI courses. Third, Chinese international students understand Korean culture and university life through the KMI course. Fourth, Chinese international students are generally satisfied with the KMI course. However, Chinese international students face a challenge that quickly improves their Korean academic ability through the KMI. The conclusions as shown below. First, the KMI course positively affects the content knowledge of Chinese international students. Second, the KMI course has a positive effect on improving the Korean ability of Chinese international students. Third, the KMI course positively affects international students’ understanding of multiculturalism. However, the KMI course may not dramatically impact international students’ academic Korean language skills in a short period.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 한국 대학과 중국인 유학생의 동상이몽; 서울과 지방 소재 사립대학 비교

        박소진 ( So Jin Park ) 한국문화인류학회 2013 韓國文化人類學 Vol.46 No.1

        이 글은 글로벌 대학의 위계와 불균등한 유학이라는 맥락 속에서 중국인 유학생의 한국 유학 선택이 어떻게 한국 대학의 국제화전략과 맞물리는지를 밝힌다. 특히 한국대학 구조의 위계 속에서 다른 위치를 가진 서울의 B대학과 지방의 C대학 사례를 통해 중국인 유학생 유치 동학(dynamics)을 비교·분석한다. B대학의 경우 대학평가, C대학의 경우 대학재정이라는 유치 동기를 가진다. 두 대학은 글로벌 대학의 위계 속에서 불안정한 위치를 공유하면서 입학의 문턱을 낮춤으로써 중국인 유학생이 약간의 경제력만 되면 손쉽게 한국 유학을 선택할 수 있는 조건을 형성한다. 이에 따라 교육, 평가, 관리등에 다양한 문제가 제기되고 있지만 공론화되지 못하고 있다. 중국인 유학생은 한국어 습득, 한국 관련 관심, 학위취득이라는 주요 동기를 공유하지만, 대학 위계에 따라 한국 유학에 대해 다른 의미를 부여한다. B대학의 중국인 유학생들은 학교 브랜드에 대한 자부심을 가지지만 학업 능력이나 언어 면에서 한계를 느끼고, 상대적으로 낮은 가치를 지니는 한국 유학을 영어권 유학의 차선책으로 인식하였다. 위상이 낮은 C대학의 경우 적극적인 유치전략과 중도탈락을 방지하기 위한 임시방편적 평가를 하기에 중국에서 대학 입시에 실패하거나 전문대를 다니는 학생들이 한국 유학을 손쉬운 대학 진학과 학위취득이 가능한 대안으로 선택하였다. 이는 학업이 아닌 돈을 벌기 위한 목적을 가진 학생들이 유입되는 부작용을 낳기도 한다. 이 글은 한국 대학의 국제화전략으로서 중국인 유학생 유치와 중국인 유학생의 한국 유학 선택의 역동적인 관계를 함께 연구했다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다. This article explores how Korean universities` globalization strategies are articulated with Chinese students` choices of study in Korea in the transnational context of hierarchical global higher education and uneven flows of students who study abroad. I compare the dynamics of recruiting Chinese students at B university in Seoul and C university in a provincial city, each of which occupies a different location in the hierarchy of the Korean higher education system. B university recruits Chinese students to promote its own global competitiveness in relation to university evaluation, while C university actively recruits them motivated by financial gain. Because both universities admit Chinese students easily without many requests, Chinese students can choose study in Korea as an easy option, if economically feasible. Although there are several problems in relation to teaching, evaluating and managing Chinese students, these issues are not publicized. Chinese students come to study in Korea in order to learn Korean and get a bachelor`s degree. Chinese students in two universities, however, give study in Korea different meanings. Chinese students at B university feel pride in the brand value of B university, even while they lack the confidence of academic capacity. They also perceive study in Korea as a second best choice because it has less relative brandname value than do institutions of study in English-speaking countries. Because C university with its relatively low-rated reputation actively recruits Chinese students and adopt a stopgap measure for evaluation, Chinese students who failed to enter university or else entered a third-tier or junior college in China, perceive study in Korea as an easy second chance to get into college and get a bachelor`s degree. This study draws our attention to the importance of the globalization strategies of Korean universities, and deepens our understanding of the Chinese students who study in Korea.

      • Research on the Current Status of College Students of South Korea in Practising Chinese kung fu Lessons

        ( Zhang Zhi ),( Zhou Ying Li ) 한국체육학회 2015 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.1

        Purpose: To understand and master current situation about college students of South Korea in learning Chinese martial arts courses, as well as real problem and environment about Chinese martial arts courses launched in universities of South Korea, to raise corresponding counter measures and suggestions on development of kung fu lessons in universities of South Korea, to promote the development of Kung Fu sports in universities of South Korea , to serve Internationalization of the Chinese Kung Fu sports. Method: This paper was based on a questionnaire survey which was made in Yongin Univerisity.119 questionnaires were distributed and all of them were taken back, and lastly effective rate is 100%. The survey was for getting familiar with current situation about how college students of South Korean are learning Chinese martial arts. Deep interview was made to know better about teaching and training situation of specific Chinese martial arts between teachers and students. Besides, through learning Chinese martial arts, we’d love to figure out some questions. For example: whether college students of South Korea can deepen the understanding of China, Chinese culture and Chinese martial arts or not? Whether they are more willing to learn Chinese culture and Chinese martial arts, as well as how do colleges and universities of South Korean promote Chinese martial arts in a more efficient way? Result: Few universities in South Korea are currently establishing Chinese martial arts courses, The development of sports of South Korea have private characteristics and their own way , so being foreign sports project in South Korea, promoting can be certain difficult, but the trend is very good; students are satisfied with teacher``s attitude and approach of teaching in the learning process, and also are able to understand the Chinese culture through learning martial arts, but what students learned about Chinese culture is vague, which are not clear and concrete, not to mention identity of Chinese culture, which are related with the forms of promotion of martial arts and means; While comparing with some specific sports like South Korea Taekwondo, Chinese martial arts is a lack of skill and difficult to learn the complex movement; but for most of the students, they are willing to keep on learning Chinese martial arts if there are any opportunity in the future. Conclusion: As Chinese martial arts became a formal event in some international competitions like the Asian Games and World University Games, as well as program of the Olympic Games martial arts of China, more and more countries have gradually realized the importance of China martial arts project, so it’s an inevitable trend that Chinese martial arts are established in universities of South Korea; The contents of teaching should be adaptive to the psychology and demand of college students of South Korea when Chinese martial arts are taught in universities of South Korea. Here are some examples: the martial arts project should be more simple, interesting and practical, and also a variety of teaching methods should be adopt in the process of teaching, such as the combination of theory and practice, the combination of music and video, and collective creation and performance of teaching content. This improvement will enhance the learning enthusiasm of stu- dents and achieve better teaching effect. In addition; it’s also another way of promoting Chinese culture when Chinese martial arts are more widely established in universities of South Korea, So Chinese culture should be deeply expressed in the dissemination contents of Chinese martial arts, methods of teaching and process of teaching and practicing. The nature of China martial arts should be raised as culture of arts, and eventually college students of South Korea will deeply grasp new Chinese ideas of culture.


        Anne-Flore Maman Larraufie,Lu Wang,Nathalie Veg-Sala 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        The Chinese market has played an important role for the luxury industry in the past years, with double-digit yearly growth (except for last year). Luxury brands have tried to design strategies to meet the local requirements, be it in terms of retail formats or communication strategies. However, Chinese luxury consumers are evolving in terms of consumption habits and materialistic value: observations from the field show that there is less and less emphasis on logo display among certain consumers (Dubois & Laurent, 1994; Lin & Wang, 2010). Such changes might affect also young consumers, which already stand for a great share of luxury consumers (Source: Red Luxury,2012). Besides, past studies on Chinese consumers’ attitudes toward luxury and values behind luxury consumption have often relied on student-samples, acknowledging the potential limitation to their results due to a potential lack of representativeness of the population interviewed. Few studies have provided analyses of the causes of the values and behaviours of young Chinese customers towards luxury product consumption, focused on them as ‘young people’ (Wang et al., 2012; Xue & Wang, 2012). Besides, most of those that tried to do so relied upon student samples of Chinese students studying abroad (in the USA or Europe) (Chen & Kim, 2013). This paper attempts to investigate the contemporary young Chinese consumers’ behaviour towards luxury consumption, segmenting them into two groups : the international student group and mainland Chinese young consumer group. A quantitative survey collected data from 104 respondents within a month where the snowball sampling method was applied to broadcast both online and offline questionnaires. Qualitative data was analyzed through lexical analyzis, while quantitative data was analyzed with the help of SPSS (Levene-test and T-tests). This study mainly focuses on four features: Chinese culture, materialism, young Chinese generation culture and buying motivation. The results of the study mainly indicate that there have been some changes between generations. One such change is that Chinese youths are more individualistic than what was found in previous studies, and another change is that young Chinese consumers hold different points of view towards the values of luxury consumption. As far as differences between international students and local young people from Mainland China are concerned, we found the following differences: • Finding 1: International students purchase luxury products to fit-in with their friends & because they want others to view them as a member of the upper class & as a successful person more than their local fellows. • Finding 2: International students’ income is more able to support them purchase luxury products than for young locals, and they are more inclined to save money to buy luxury products that their local fellows. • Finding 3: Mainland Chinese young people usually go luxury shopping with their parents more than international students do and claim they will still purchase luxury products even if prices increase more than them as well. • Find 4: Purchasing luxury products make local young people happier than international students, and they care more about the style (as opposed to price) of luxury products than these lasts.  We believe such findings will help luxury companies refine their strategies for the coming generations and help researchers notice on which dimensions of luxury consumption using expatriated Chinese students might have an impact and lead towards biased results.

      • KCI등재

        Portraying the ‘Chinese international students’: a review of English-language and Chinese-language literature on Chinese international students (2015–2020)

        Xu, Cora Lingling 서울대학교 교육연구소 2022 Asia Pacific Education Review Vol.23 No.1

        The Chinese international students are often portrayed in a monolithic manner in popular discourse. To offer a more comprehensive and critical representation of the Chinese international students, this paper conducts a thematic narrative review of 128 English-language and 74 Chinese-language peer-reviewed articles published between 2015 and 2020. Drawing on post-colonial theories, this review identifies four subject positions portrayed of the Chinese international students: the (1) neoliberal, (2) political, (3) pedagogic and (4) racialised subjects. This paper celebrates heartening developments in the literature which affirms Chinese international students’ epistemic contributions, legitimate pedagogic needs, notable heterogeneity and wide-ranging political, cultural and pedagogic agencies. It also highlights how aspects of these subject positions have exercised epistemic injustice on the Chinese international students. Meanwhile, it pinpoints the Chinese international students’ acquiescence in exacerbating global education inequalities. Among the first to bring the dominant English-language and ‘local’ perspectives of Chinese-language literature in dialogue, this article notes divergent focuses and indicates unique contributions to historicising research on Chinese international students made by the latter. This article challenges popular perceptions of Chinese international students, questions production of knowledge, and pinpoints future research directions.

      • KCI등재

        한국에 거주하는 중국인유학생과 중국에 거주하는 중국현지 대학생의 한식에 대한 인식 및 선호도

        조수현,김재희,김명희,이원종,김은경 한국식생활문화학회 2016 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.31 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to survey the perception and preference for Korean food among Chinese students residing in Korea (Chinese foreign students, N=69) and China (Chinese-locals, N=98). A total of 76.8% of Chinese foreign students and 70.4% of Chinese-locals had ever eaten Korean food in China before visiting Korea, and motivation to try Korean food at first was ‘easy access to Korean food restaurants’ (Chinese foreign students 38.6%, Chinese-locals 44.9%). The most important factors in selecting Korean food were ‘taste’ and ‘price’ (Chinese foreign students 72.7% and 18.2%, Chineselocals 59.1% and 22.7%, respectively), and needed improvements for Korean food were ‘spicy and salty taste’ and ‘nutritional aspect’ (Chinese foreign students 54.5% and 25.8%, Chinese-locals 33.3% and 36.4%, p<0.05). The scores for perception of Korean food were significantly lower in Chinese-locals (2.99) than in Chinese foreign students (3.31)(p<0.001). Chinese foreign students preferred Bulgogi (20.5%), Neobiani (20.1%), and Galbijjim (17.9%), whereas Chinese-locals preferred Bulgogi (16.1%), Gimbap (16.1%), and Samgyetang (15.2%) (p<0.001). The most preferred condiment was ‘Garlic’ (18.0%) in Chinese foreign students, and ‘Red pepper powder’ (16.4%) in Chinese-locals. The results of the study can be used as a foundation to prepare a globalization strategy for Korean Food.

      • KCI등재

        니하오? 국내 중국인 유학생의 한국 학생과의 교우관계 : 중국인 유학생의 경험과 인식

        전재은,장나영 안암교육학회 2012 한국교육학연구 Vol.18 No.1

        본 연구는 국내 중국인 유학생이 한국 학생과의 관계에 대하여 갖는 인식과 경험을 알아봄 으로써 교우관계에서 느끼는 어려움을 심층적으로 탐색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 서울의 사 립대학 학부 과정에 재학 중인 중국인 유학생 20명을 대상으로 질적 면접을 실시하였다. 연 구결과 중국인 유학생의 한국 학생과의 교우 관계는 서로 단절되어 분리된 경향을 보였다. 중국인 유학생은 한국 학생들에 대하여 중국인 유학생을 냉담하고 목적 위주의 관계만을 선 호한다고 인식하였다. 거꾸로 중국인 유학생들은 한국인과 한국학생들이 본인들을 부정적으 로 바라본다고 인식하고, 그 이유는 양국 언론매체의 보도, 정치경제적 관계, 한국의 이문화 교육 등에 있다고 생각하였다. 본 연구는 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 국내 대학의 외국인 유학생의 유치가 수치상으로는 성공적이나 학생들 간 분리되어 있는 현상을 지적하고, 앞으 로 외국인 유학생의 한국 학생과의 교우관계에 대한 지원을 통해 이들 학생들의 교육 및 사 회문화적 경험의 질을 높이는 대학 국제화가 필요함을 강조하였다. The purpose of this paper is to explore Chinese students’ difficulty and understanding of their relationship with Korean students. A total of 20 Chinese undergraduate students at a private university in Seoul were interviewed. Findings show that (1) Chinese students were separated from Korean students in their relationships; (2) Chinese students understood that Korean students were indifferent to Chinese students and pursue purposeful relationships with Chinese students; (3) Chinese students recognized that Korean students and people perceive China and Chinese people negatively, reasons including mass media in both China and Korea, political and economic relations between two countries, and lack of intercultural education in Korean education. This paper emphasizes the separation of Chinese students from Korean students despite the successful increase of international student population in Korean higher education, and concludes that international student recruitment and internationalization efforts in Korean higher education need to be directed toward facilitating relationships between Korean and international students, thereby promoting their quality of educational and sociocultural experience.

      • KCI등재

        漢文科 學生 評價 硏究와 實踐의 課題

        김왕규 한국한문교육학회 2009 한문교육논집 Vol.33 No.-

        이 연구는 한문과 학생 평가의 연구와 실천에 관련된 몇 가지 課題를 探索하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 한문과 학생 평가의 目的과 方向, 학생 평가에 영향을 끼치는 要因 그리고 평가 기준과 평가 도구 개발, 평가 결과의 활용 방안 등이 그것이다. 한문과 학생 평가는 한문 교사가 한문 학습자의 학문 학습 過程과 成就 정도를 판단, 평가하는 활동이다. 한문과 학생 평가는 본질적으로 학습자의 학습 과정과 성취 정도 판단, 한문 교사의 교수·학습 방법 및 자료 점검, 그리고 평가 체제의 개선 등에 중점을 둔다. 한문과 학생 평가의 주요 目的은 학습자의 한문 학습에 대한 총체적 이해와 한문 교사의 敎授 支援 體制 개선이다. 한문 교사, 한문 학습자, 평가 영역, 평가 방법과 도구, 평가 목적, 그리고 기타 몇 가지 교과 외적 사항들이 한문과 학생 평가에 영향을 끼치는 요인이다. 그런데, 이들 要因들은 상호 작용하면서 현장의 한문과 학생 평가를 歪曲, 屈折시키기도 한다. 2007년 개정 교육과정에 따른 평가 기준을 例示했다. 평가 기준에 따른 한문과 양적, 질적 평가 도구 개발도 시급하다. 평가 결과의 활용 방안 모색도 한문과 학생 평가의 연구와 실천의 주요 과제 중의 하나이다. 본격적 연구에 앞서, 한문과 학생 평가 실태와 요구 분석과 관련된 전국 단위의 실태 조사가 필요하다. 한문교육학에 대한 넓고 깊은 공부가 先決 課題임은 勿論이다. In this thesis, I aimed to several tasks related to the research and practice about the evaluation of students in classical Chinese class. Those are the evaluation of students’ substance and direction, the influencing factors for the evaluation of students, the development of evaluation basis and evaluation tools, and the application of evaluation’s result. The evaluation of students in classical Chinese class is that classical Chinese teacher evaluates students’ learning process and achievement. The evaluation of students in classical Chinese class puts emphasis on the students’ learning process, the estimating achievement, the checking a teaching-learning method and material, and the improvement of evaluating system. The main purpose of the evaluation of students in classical Chinese class is the learner’s comprehension overall classical Chinese studying and the improving the supporting system for classical Chinese teacher. It is the influencing factors for the evaluation of students that the classical Chinese teachers, learners, evaluation fields, evaluation method and tool, evaluation goal, and other elements. These factors interact with each other and distort the evaluation in the active classical Chinese class. It is illustrated that the evaluation basis according to the 2007 educational curriculum revision. The development of evaluation tools according to the evaluation basis must be settled without delay. The groping for the application of evaluation result is one of the major tasks in the research and practice about evaluation of students. The research on the actual condition nationwide and the studying classical Chinese education are the first consideration.

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