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      • KCI등재

        문화와 무역의 연계를 통한 글로벌 브랜드 전략에 관한 고찰

        박종수 ( Jong Soo Park ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2006 유라시아연구 Vol.3 No.2

        One of the key issues facing the management of brands today is how to deal with a brand as it stretches across multiple societies and geographies. This is not just a question of management scope (How do we control and monitor the brand?), but of reaching the full potential of a brand in diverse markets. There is often a tension between finding an optimum fit of the brand with local circumstances, and the desire to obtain brand consistency across markets. More often than not, decisions are made on the basis of organizational constructs rather than on the basis of an understanding of the brand and the various internal and external influences on it. This leads to tensions between global and local brand management that can result in power struggles about the ownership of the brand. Instead, global and local brand management need to understand each other`s viewpoints on the brand and the resulting need for adaptations, the possibilities for obtaining sustainable competitive advantage, and the opportunities for standardization. In the end, a compelling brand is in the interest of all those affected by it. The first thing that global and local brand management need is a common basis for their brand strategy and planning work. This common basis needs to provide a shared language, definitions, interpretations, assessments, and most importantly a clear understanding of the relationships between the factors that shape a brand in its global and local contexts. The effect that this intensified globalization has had on brands has been spectacular. new brands are seemingly born global, or at the very least experience a quick roll-out from home or lead countries into other markets. Many traditionally local brands are sold, phased out, or face transition to a new regional or global brand nave and subsequent harmonization. Brand portfolios that have been built up through decades of acquisitions are rationalized in order to focus attention and resources on a limited number of strategic brand. Long-established brands have enhanced their dominant positions across the globe, threatening less marketing-savvy local brands, but are also encountering stern opposition from local brands that find ways to fight back. Some of the global brands manage to become local institutions by filling a local role in the societies where they operate, while others dominate their category as global monoliths. A truly new global brand is a rare thing, but accelerating technological, economic, motivational and legal changes are likely to make the development of such brands more likely in future. The advent of the Internet at the end of the last century has shown that this occurs in leaps and bounds. Yet it is also clear that creating such brands is no easy task, and success comes only to those who are able to create something so valuable to consumers that the brand can transcend the ever-present differences between societies. If such brands are to retain their unique positions, they must remain powerful or nimble enough to evade the inevitable competitive onslaught. The case of Samsung shows that sometimes it is better to surrender the brand while the going is good. The case of Starbucks shows that staying one or two steps ahead of competition can do wonders for a brand. The cases of Lock&Lock, Iriver and Romanson show that a new global brand cannot rest on its laurels, and must consistently find new ways to appeal to new segments of societies. Finally, it is up to AIBO and Segway to demonstrate that their clever technology and elegant design can provide sufficient value to consumers around the world.

      • KCI등재

        중국 브랜드의 글로벌성과 현지성이 지각된 브랜드 가치와 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향 : 세계주의와 과시적 소비성향의 조절효과를 중심으로

        김경은(Kim Kyoung Eun),롱후아타오(Longhuatao),조성도(Cho Seong Do) 한국소비문화학회 2016 소비문화연구 Vol.19 No.3

        브랜드 글로벌성은 글로벌 브랜드가 중국과 같은 신흥시장에서 토종 브랜드와 경쟁할 때 소비자 선호를 획득하고 경쟁우위를 확보하는데 중요한 변수로 여겨져 왔다. 상대적으로 현지의 가치, 문화, 규범을 반영하는 브랜드 현지성은 강조되지 못했다. 그런데 최근 중국에서는 중국 브랜드들이 해외로 진출하면서 브랜드 글로벌성이 현지 소비자들의 자부심과 가치를 높이는 요소로 작용하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이에 대한 시사점을 얻기 위해 중국 브랜드를 대상으로 브랜드 글로벌성과 브랜드 현지성이 브랜드 가치에 미치는 영향과 브랜드 충성도로 이어지는 과정을 실증 분석하였다. 또한 세계주의와 과시적 소비성향의 조절효과를 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과를 보면 중국 브랜드의 브랜드 글로벌성과 브랜드 현지성은 브랜드 가치에 긍정적 영향을 미치고 이어서 브랜드 충성도를 향상시켰다. 그런데 브랜드 현지성이 브랜드 글로벌성에 의해 높아지고 이어서 브랜드 가치에 영향을 미치는 강도가 브랜드 글로벌성이 브랜드 가치에 직접적으로 미치는 강도보다 크게 나타났다. 그리고 세계주의와 과시적 소비성향이 높은 경우에 브랜드 글로벌성의 영향력이 더 크게 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 중국 브랜드와 경쟁하는 해외 브랜드들이 브랜드 현지성 강화에 노력하고 소비자들을 보다 세분화하여 접근해야 함을 시사해 준다. In terms of enhancing consumers’ brand evaluations in global markets brand globalness and brand localness are critical factors. However, the influences of these constructs on brand value and brand loyalty have been overlooked. Especially in the Chinese market domestic brands are trying to strength their perceived brand globalness, local pride and value related to local iconness to compete with global brands. In order to draw some theoretical and managerial implications from this situation this study investigates the effects of brand globalness and brand localness of Chinese brands on brand value and the process by which brand value leads to brand loyalty. Furthermore the moderating roles of cosmopolitanism and conspicuous consumption characteristics are empirically analyzed. According to the results Chinese brands’ globalness and localness are positively associated with perceived brand value that subsequently leads to brand loyalty. Also the impact of brand localness on brand value is as strong as brand globalness. Cosmopolitanism and conspicuous characteristics play a significant role in the relationship between brand globalness and brand value. These mean that in the Chinese market marketing managers should approach closely Chinese consumers based upon consumer characteristics and segments.

      • 지역브랜드의 글로벌브랜드로의 발전방안 : 천연염색의 경우

        서운희,김민정 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 2009 科學論集 Vol.35 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to suggest the several strategies for the successful global branding on natural dyeing, For this purpose, we investigated the SWOT analysis on natural dyeing, overviewed success factors with successful global brand cases, and we suggested the situation analysis method for the global branding on natural dyeing. The strategies of developing the local brand toward global branding were suggested. The following several strategies could be answers for them. First, the staged approach method for the successful global branding was suggested, and the strategies of the successful global brand through products strategy, complex-brand of co-brand also were suggested. Global brand awareness and global brand image with identities and association needed to be performed LOHAS & fair trade strategies were suggested Finally, the cultural industrial strategies and the construction process of the brand communities were suggested.


        Ke Chen,Yi Xie,Luping Zhu,Zhuzhu Xu 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction Social media communication has become a popular way for firms to engage with customers. Research shows that firms/brands engagement with fans or customers on social media is effective to improve brand equity (Kim & Ko, 2012), drive sales (eMarketer, 2015), and enhance both transactional and relational customer behaviour (Kumar, Bezawada, Rishika, Janakiraman, & Kannan, 2016). Given the influences of social media communication, how brands effectively engage with fans or followers on social media is an important question for marketers. Most research on this topic is from the applied psychology and consumer behaviour literature, whose theories and content are dominantly tested in laboratory setting. Very few research (e.g., Lee, Hosanagar, & Nair, 2017) applied real behaviour data of field settings to study this issue. Additionally, existent research primarily focuses on social media like Facebook and Twitter in developed counties. To our knowledge, no research examines global brands social media communications in developing country, like China. Due to the policy constraints, people in mainland China have no access to foreign social media platforms. There is a local social media platform in China, named Weibo. Weibo is a NASDAQ-listed company and has nearly 100 million active users monthly. Many brands, both global and local ones, have created Weibo accounts and keep engaging with their fans. For example, there are 1,452 luxury brands and 3,707 beverage brands or firms on Weibo (Weibo Data Centre, 2017). This paper focuses on global brands’ communication practices on Weibo. The purpose of this paper is to analyse how brand posts that global brands put on their social media page are correlated with fan engagement. By using real data form Weibo, we answer the following questions: (1) what attributes of brand posts on Weibo do affect fan engagement with global brands? (2) how do these attributes affect fans engagement behaviour (i.e. liking, sharing, and commenting) differently? Conceptual Framework We decompose the attributes of global brand social media posts into five aspects, which are proposed to affect fans engagement. The first two aspects, interactivity and vividness, are derived from computer-mediated-communication research (Frotin & Dholakia, 2005; Hoffman & Novak, 1996). The next two, informative and emotional attributes, are developed from the literature of advertising (Hong, Muderrisoglu, & Zinkhan, 1987; Geuens, Pelsmacker, & Faseur, 2011). The last one is localization-related attributes, which is from global marketing communication literature (Kanso & Nelson, 2002) to capture the special characteristics of global brand posts on a local social media platform. We argue that all these five aspects of global brand posts affect fans engagement on brand page. Fans engagement is conceptualized as fans behavioural response to brand posts, which will influence attitude and behaviour of other fans. There are three kinds of fans responses on brands social media page, i.e., liking, sharing and commenting. We do control the time and date of post issued, the text length of post, whether having celebrity in post, whether related to a remarkable event, the number of followers of brand on Weibo, and product category. Interactivity Interactivity is defined as “the degree to which two or more communication parties can act on each other, on the communication medium, and on the messages and the degree to which such influences are synchronized” (Liu & Shrum 2002, p.54). Interactivity requires two-way interaction between not only customers and companies, but customers themselves (Hoffman & Novak, 1996). Brand posts on Weibo differ in the degree of interactivity. Some posts only have text, picture, or video to deliver messages of brands, which has no possibility to interact with fans. Some posts include a link that fans can click to get more information, which enhances the interactivity of communication. Other posts have questions, which stimulate interaction with fans and followers. There are posts inviting people to indicate their like or comment on social media, which are considered as high interactivity as well. Advertising research has found the positive correlation between interactivity of ads and consumers’ attitude (Coyle & Thorson, 2001). De Vries, Gensler and Leeflang (2012) found interactivity of brand post on brand fan pages partially positively related to brand popularity (measured by number of likes and comments). Empirical research (Lee et al., 2017) using Facebook data showed that having links negatively associated with customer engagement, and having questions increased comments but reduced likings. For the inconsistent findings in the literature, we re-examine this relationship by focusing on global brands on a not well-examined Chinese social media, Weibo. Vividness Vividness refers to the format richness of the message (Daft & Lengel, 1986; Fortin & Dholakia, 2005). As for brand posts, vividness is reflected by the number of sensory dimensions and senses presented (text, colours, pictures, and videos, etc.). The degree of vividness influences what and how multiple senses are stimulated (Coyle & Thorson, 2001). For example, a picture post will activate more senses than a text post because the former has colour that stimulates sight more vividly than the later. Vividness is related to but differs from interactivity. Interactivity focuses on the characteristic of two-way interaction of the communication, while vividness stands for the multiple senses stimulated by the communication. Some advertising research found that a vivid web advertisement results in higher attention and more clicks (Lohtia, Donthu, & Hershberger, 2003). As a result, we differentiate vividness of each post and predict that more vivid post associated with higher customer engagement. A vivid post attracts more likes, shares and comments. Localization-related attributes Localization-related attributes are symbols that posts have reflecting the characteristics of local culture and people. The debate of globalization (standardization) versus localization has lasted several decades. Even though a global standardized marketing strategy saves money and gains scale economy, the localization approach (Keegan, 1969) is supported by the reality that each market has unique tastes. In the international advertising literature, some scholars found that many multinational firms “plan globally and act locally” (Blackwell, Ajami, & Stephan, 1991). “Global-local dilemma” exists when global luxury brands internationalize into the Chinese market (Liu et al., 2016). The marketing communication research found that it is not advised for global brands to use the same appeals and symbols in advertising across different countries (Kanso & Nelson, 2002). In other words, the combination of global advertising theme and local communication expertise can result in enhanced effectiveness. We propose, on Weibo, people are more actively engaged to like, share, or comment global brand posts when Chinese elements, such as Chinse handwriting, Chinese festivals, and Chinese celebrity spokespeople, are present. Informative attributes Besides interactivity and vividness, which capture the format characteristics of global brand posts, content-related attributes are associated with customer engagement as well. Informative content is an important side of content attributes. One important function of brand posts is to deliver messages to customers. Research shows that on social networks people tend to have positive attitudes towards informative ads (Taylor, Lewin, & Strutton, 2011). Global brand posts with specific information should result in higher customer engagement than less informative posts. Additionally, global brand posts on social media may have different types of marketing information, such as product, price, promotion and placerelated ones respectively. The posts with varying degree of informative content may change customer engagement as well. Emotional attributes Emotional attributes are another side of the content characteristics of brand posts besides informative ones. Advertising research shows that using emotion appeal in ads is an effective way to gain people attention and generate actions (Holbrook & Batra, 1987). Emotional connections between customers and brands are considered more stable than cognitive association (Heath, Brandt, & Nairn, 2006). Some scholars find that emotional appeal on banner advertising result in positive effects on click-through rates in both B2B and B2C contexts (Lohtia et al., 2003). Empirical research (Lee et al., 2017) on Facebook shows that perceived emotion in brand posts strongly boost users’ likes and comments. Similarly, we propose that emotional attributes of global brand posts on Weibo are correlated with fans engagement. We conceptualize emotional attributes with three elements, emotional tone, emotional icon and emotional core. Emotional core reflects the type of emotions, such as humour, happiness, and love, etc. Emotional tone stands for the strength of emotion, i.e. the emotion is weak or strong. Emotional icon refers to whether the content of posts has emotional symbols, which can take form of icons or net slangs. Research Design Operationalization Dependent variables Customer engagement is operationalized as three variables, the number of likes, the number of shares, and the number of comments of each global brand post. Independent variables Vividness. Vividness is operationalized as four categories standing for different vividness degree, text only, (text and) static picture, (text, static and) animated picture, (text, picture and) video. Interactivity. Interactivity is operationalized as five 0-1 variables, having link, having question, having invitation/incentive to like, having invitation/incentive to share, having invitation/incentive to comment. Localization-related attributes. This part is operationalized as four 0-1 variables, having Chinese culture image, having Chinese culture colour, having Chinese festival, and having Chinese celebrity spokespeople (we include celebrity as a control variable). Informative attributes. This part is operationalized as seven 0-1 variables, whether a post having information of (1) brand name, (2) promotion/trial, (3) price, (4) segmentation, (5) product lunch time, (6) purchase distribution, and (7) public relation event. Emotional attributes. This part is operationalized as three variables, (1) emotional icon, a 0- 1 variable, having emotional symbols or not, (2) emotional core, a categorical variable, different type of emotions identified by surveyed respondents, and (3) emotion tone, a scalerating variable from 1 to 3, standing for none, weak and strong emotion. Control Variables. There are five control variables, (1) time of posts, including date and hour; (2) length of posts, i.e., the number of Chinese characters; (3) celebrity, whether there is a celebrity in a post; (4) event, whether a post is related to a remarkable event; (5) the number of fans of brand, and (6) product category (3 dummy variables to differentiate four categories). Data We chose 6 global brands across five product categories, specifically, beverage (Coca-cola and Starbucks), cosmetics (Olay and L’Or?al), and sports (Nike and Adidas). All these global brands created Weibo account before 2012 and have cumulated a large number of followers. We select the posts from Sept. 1, 2016 to Feb. 28, 2017, within 6 months. This time duration is long enough to get analytical data. This period covers main Chinese traditional festivals, such as Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, and Chinse New Year, which results in more variances in localization-related variables. Data were collected through two stages. The first stage was to download raw data from Weibo’s brand pages with Internet worm program directly. Each brand has its page which contains all posts it issued and the number of people’s likes, shares, and comments for each post. The second stage is to code content and get the final dataset. Most of 0-1 variables, such as interactivity, localization-related attributes, and informative attributes were coded by two research assistants. Variables of vividness were also coded by them. Variables of emotional attributes were coded by a survey to ask 500 Weibo users. This survey-based coded method is well applied in published research (e.g., Kumar et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2017). Model The three dependent variables, the numbers of likes (y1), shares (y2), and comments (y3), are count data with a Poisson distribution. As a result, the basic model is as following: ?ij = ? + ???(Σ3p=1 ?1p ?????pj + Σ5q=1 ?2q ?????qj + Σ4r=1 ?lr ?????rj + Σ7s=1 ?4s ????sj + Σ3p=1 ?5t ????tj + ?6 ????j + ?7 ????j + ?8 ???j + ?9 ????j + ?10 ?????j + ?11 #??????j + Σ4u=1 ?12u ??????uj) + ?ij (1) Expected Results This research is among the first initiative to examine social media communication in China. We are still working on the data analysis so far. We intend to identify the influence of global posts on fans engagement, which are from not only the content of posts (informative and emotional attributes), but also the design of posts (vividness and interactivity), and especially the localization considerations. We expect to find that the content foci differ fans engagement. Posts of sales promotion should be more effective to enhance fans engagement than those of product demonstration. We can identify what form of posts stimulates fans participation more effectively. We will know whether a video post is more effective than a picture post. Most interestingly, we will know how the posts combined with Chinese cultural elements on social media are responded. For example, we could compare the difference between posts having foreign and local celebrity people. We will know how different customer engagement behaviour influence by the same characteristic of posts. We can identify the most influential factors to each of three customer responses (liking, sharing, and commenting). Comparing with the research using data from Facebook or other social media outlets, we can obtain implications guiding global brands to implement social media strategy across countries.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Global Consumption Orientation in an Emerging Market

        조효은,정인식 한국국제경영관리학회 2019 국제경영리뷰 Vol.23 No.3

        Recent two decades have witnessed a growing number of studies on consumer attitudes and behavior concerning global brands. Various attitudinal and behavioral variables have been employed to better explain the behavior of consumers across countries in terms of why, when, and how they prefer and purchase global brands over non-global or local brands. Recent global brand research has focused on the underlying mechanisms through which to explain variations is consumers attitude toward global brands. Despite these efforts, our understanding of global brand attitude in the context of emerging markets has been very limited. This study is an attempt to expand the existing knowledge base of emerging market consumer behavior in the context of global brand consumption. Based on an extensive review of the literature, we propose that consumer characteristics and brand dimensions may be both important for a deeper understanding of consumer attitudes toward global brands. We propose that consumers' global consumption orientation as well as global brand dimensions such as perceived brand iconicity and perceived social responsibility, can be important explanatory variables accounting for the variance in brand attitude of emerging market consumers. To empirically test a set of hypotheses concerning the focal relationships, we conducted a survey of Chinese consumers using global brands in the smartphone industry. The findings indicate that consumers with global consumption orientation tend to show a more favorable response to global brands. We also find the brand attitude of globally oriented consumers may vary significantly depending upon the consumers' perceived characteristics of global brands. Specifically, the effect of global consumption orientation is found to be greater for brands with a high level of perceived brand iconicity, but this was not the case for brands with a high level of perceived social responsibility. Thus, the empirical results suggest that global consumption orientation and perceived brand characteristics can both contribute to the attitudinal liking of global brands in the context of emerging market consumers.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 패스트패션 브랜드 특성과 소비자 브랜드 경험 간의 구조분석

        정갑연(Jeong, Gap-Yeon),장용운(ang, Yong-Woon),김민숙(Kim, Min-Suk) 글로벌경영학회 2015 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 글로벌 패스트패션 브랜드를 대상으로 패스트패션 브랜드의 특성이 소비자의 브랜드 경험을 창출하는 브랜드 경험제공수단들로 보고, 글로벌 패스트패션 브랜드 마케팅 전략 요소와 글로벌 패스트패션 매장 내 요소로 구분하였다. 먼저 글로벌 패스트패션 마케팅 전략 요소에는 우수한 품질의 제품, 다양한 디자인 제품, 합리적인 가격, 입지우수성 그리고 글로벌 패스트패션 매장 내 요소에는 제품구색, 종업원의 전문성, 매장 디스플레이 등으로 살피고, 이러한 글로벌 패스 트패션 브랜드 경험제공수단들이 감각적, 감성적, 지적, 행동적 경험 등 각각의 브랜드 경험에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지를 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위해 글로벌 패스트패션 브랜드를 경험한 소비자 들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 총 215부가 최종분석에 이용되었다. 실증분석을 위해 SPSS ver 15.0과 AMOS ver 7.0의 통계프로그램을 이용하여 변수들 간의 관계를 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과 패스트패션 브랜드의 특성인 우수한 품질의 제품, 다양한 디자인 제품, 입지우수 성, 종업원 전문성 등은 감각적, 감성적, 지적 행동적 브랜드 경험 모두에 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 반면, 합리적인 가격, 제품구색, 그리고 매장 내 디스플레이는 부분적으로 브랜드 경험에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 본 연구의 결과는 글로벌 패스트패션 기업들에게 다양한 시사점을 줄 것으로 사료된다. Recently, the competition among fast fashion brands became fierce, and therefore global fast fashion brands began implementing diverse marketing programs targeted to better provide each customer s experience to improve their brand loyalty. It is a strategic move to secure high level of loyalty by building up customers positive experience. Thus, global fast fashion brands should offer customers a multi-dimensional experience including sensorial, emotional, intellectual and behavioral experiences not only through using various in-store factors but also through harnessing diverse marketing communication tools. Being attentive to customer’s reaction became additional task for global fashion brands as well. This paper considers global fast fashion brand as ‘experience provider’ that create customers experiences on brands and divides its main factors into brand marketing strategic factor and fast fashion in-store factor . The former factor includes features of excellent quality of product , different kinds of design , reasonable price and superiority of location while the latter factor includes features of product assortment , professionalism of employee and in-store display . So this research is designed to identify the impact of global fast fashion brand’s various features on sensorial, emotional, intellectual and behavioral brand experiences. The result of empirical analysis turned out that in terms of characteristics of fast fashion brand, excellent quality of product , different kinds of design , superiority of location and professionalism of employee affected customers sensorial, emotional, intellectual and behavioral experience. However, resonable price , product assortment and in-store display were found to have partial influence on the brand experience of global fast fashion. This study produced a theoretical implication on brand experience and made an empirical approach to brand experience signification factors. The earlier studies were at best conducting conceptual analysis or dealing with in-store factors, whereas this paper divided factors affecting customer s sensorial, emotional, intellectual and behavioral experience into global brand marketing strategic factor and global fast fashion in-store factor . Furthermore it is quite meaningful to find the attempt of this research to empirically prove the relationship between these factors and brand experience.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 베트남 소비자의 지각된 가치가 베이커리 브랜드 선호도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        조준상 한국유통과학회 2015 유통과학연구 Vol.13 No.9

        Purpose – This study aims to suggest strategies for Korean enterprises advancing into the Vietnam bakery market by analyzing the effects of perceived values on brand preference and purchase intention among Korean and Vietnamese consumers. Research design, data, and methodology – The perceived value model designed includes functional (price, quality), emotional, and social values. The survey collected data from 500 consumers in Seoul (Korea) and HoChiMinh (Vietnam). The SPSS 18.0 package was used for analysis. Results – First, among Vietnamese consumers, perceived value had a positive (+) effect on global brand preference in the order of functional value of quality, social value, and the functional value of price. However, from an ethnocentric trend and brand image origin, emotional value had a negative effect on global brand preference. In contrast, among Korean consumers, perceived value had a positive (+) effect on global brand preference in the order of functional value of quality, the functional value of price, and the social value. However, emotional value had no effect on global brand preference. Second, for both Korean and Vietnamese consumers, perceived value had a significant positive effect on purchase intention. Third, unlike the Korean consumer, for the Vietnamese consumer, global brand preference had a significant effect on purchase intention. Conclusions – The study implies the following. First, the Vietnamese bakery market has a high proportion of middle-aged customers in their 40s (64%). In terms of monthly income, there was a large proportion (40%) of high-income earners (over $325). Therefore, bakery consumption can be seen as concentrated among middle-aged and high-income consumers. Based on this, bakery strategies should include efforts to increase purchase prices as well as ways to attract local consumers (large cities). Second, unlike Korean consumers, among Vietnamese consumers, the resistance to a global brand based on emotional value (the ethnocentric tendency and brand image origin) can be seen as relatively low. Thus, in the case of the Vietnam bakery market, to increase a global brand’s preference, the company should develop a differentiated strategy so that Vietnamese consumers can recognize it better, focusing on product quality, good service quality, and price in the local environment and on social value for social development. Third, in the case of the Vietnamese customer, we found that social value exerts the greatest influence on purchase intention. Therefore, a brand that engenders an image of building the local Vietnamese community can achieve a higher social value and influence purchase intention. In addition, although Vietnamese consumers have ethnocentric tendencies in terms of products, we found that if it is a preferred global brand then there are intentions to purchase. Fourth, in the case of Vietnam, if the preference for global brands is formed, consumer awareness may be connected to purchase intention. Therefore, global brands operating in Vietnam should pay attention to how to improve consumer preferences for global brands in order to increase purchase intention.

      • KCI등재

        A Case Study of Hyundai Motors: Live Brilliant Campaign for Modern Premium Brand

        Choi, Myounghwa,Lee, Yoonseo,Koo, Kay Ryung,Lee, Janghyuk Korean Marketing Association 2015 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.16 No.4

        As more companies become interested in global markets, it has become crucial for firms to create globalized brands whose positioning, advertising strategy, personality, looks, and feel are consistent across nations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the global branding strategy of the Hyundai Motor Company (hereafter HMC) in order to show how the company processes its branding strategy. HMC, one of the leading global companies in the automobile industry, set up its brand identity as "Modern premium", in alignment with their new slogan "New Thinking New Possibilities", in 2011. The aim of the "Modern premium" concept was to provide consumers with new experiences and values beyond their expectations. HMC wanted their consumers to think of their cars as not only a medium of transportation but as a life space, where they can share experiences alongside HMC. In an effort to conduct consumer research in 5 different nations, HMC selected "brilliant" as a key communication concept. The word "brilliant" expresses the functional, experiential, and emotional dimensions of HMC. HMC furthermore chose "live brilliant" as a key campaign message in order to reinforce their communication concept. After this decision, the "live brilliant" campaign was exhibited through major broadcast channels around the world. The campaign was the company's first worldwide brand campaign, where a single message was applied to all major markets, with the goal of building up a consistent image as a global brand. This global branding strategy is worth examining due to its significant contribution to growth generation in the global market. Overall, the 'live brilliant' global brand campaign not only improved HMC's reputation image-wise, with the 'Modern Premium' conceptualization of the brand as 'simple', 'creative' and 'caring', but also improved the consumer's familiarity, preference and purchase intention of HMC. In fact, the "live brilliant" campaign was a successful campaign which increased HMC's brand value. Notably, HMC's brand value increased continuously and reached 9 billion US dollars in 2013, leading it to reach 43rd place in the Global Brand Rankings according to the brand consulting group Interbrand. Its brand value largely surpassed that of Nissan (65th) and Chevrolet (89th) in 2013. While it is true that the global branding strategy of HMC involved higher risks, it was highly successful according to cross-nation consumer research. Therefore, this paper concludes that the global branding strategy of HMC made a positive impact on its performance. We further suggest HMC to combine its successful marketing with social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and embrace digital media by extending its brand communication horizon to the mobile internet

      • KCI등재

        하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드의 브랜딩 전략에 관한 연구 -온라인 플랫폼을 중심으로-

        양송이,이정교 한국공간디자인학회 2024 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.19 No.4

        (연구배경 및 목적) 초글로벌화와 초개인화의 현대사회에서 글로벌 가구브랜드는 브랜드 아이덴티티를 강조하기 위하여 다양한 마케팅 전략을 세우고 있다. 팬더믹을 지나‘주(住)’에 대한 시장이 급성장하면서 가구에 대한 서비스나 가치, 문화적 관심이 확장되고 있으며 특히 하이엔드 가구 부문은 가처분 소득 증가, 세계화 및 전 세계 도시 지역으로의 주요 인구 이동으로 인해 상당한 혜택을 받고 있으며 기술의 발전에 따라 디자인은 더욱 혁신적이고 대담해져가며 오브제로서의 가구로 소비자의 라이프 스타일을 나타내기도 한다. 이에 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드의 브랜딩 전략에 대한 연구는 선도적인 가구 브랜드가 어떻게 포지셔닝하고 정체성을 확립하며 글로벌 규모로 소비자와 소통하는지 이해하는 것에 이 연구의 목적이 있다. (연구방법) 본 연구는 선행연구와 문헌자료 및 업계 보고서를 바탕으로 이론 연구하였으며 먼저 하이엔드의 정의와 특성을 고찰하고 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드의 철학과 컨셉을 통해 특성을 도출한다. 브랜딩의 개념, 브랜딩의 절차를 정의해보고 브랜딩의 로드맵 중 브랜드 이미지와 브랜드 정체성에 대한 이론적 고찰을 하였다. 브랜드 이미지의 연상 측면에서 분석하며 브랜드 정체성의 분석을 위하여 안드레아 셈프리니의 기호학적 접근으로서 소비자 가치의 기호학 함수를 사용하고 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드가 소비자 가치 측면에서 어떻게 정의하고 있는지 특징을 도출한다. (결과) 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드의 브랜딩 전략으로서 첫째, 비전 측면인 장인정신, 혁신적, 지속가능성, 시대초월은 모든 브랜드가 충족하였고 디자인 측면에서의 아름다움과 예술 또한 모든 브랜드가 충족하였다. 품질 측면에서도 고품질, 기술, 편안함, 내구성, 디테일도 대부분 충족하였다. 브랜드 정체성 분석을 위한 소비자 가치 지도에서는 비전, 계획, 품질의 사분면은 모든 브랜드가 충족하고 있었고 유희 사분면은 각 브랜드마다 추구하는 바가 조금씩 달랐다. (결론) 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드는 각각 다른 역사, 출신 국가, 철학, 컨셉, 제품군이 다르지만 장인정신, 혁신적, 지속가능성, 시대초월, 아름다운, 예술적이라는 특성은 분석된 모든 브랜드가 지향하고 있다는 점이다. 또한 제품 품질 면에서도 고품질, 기술, 편안함, 내구성, 디테일 또한 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드가 꼭 갖추어야 할 특성이라는 것도 알 수 있으며 소비자들도 이러한 특성들의 가치를 인지할 것임을 알 수 있다. 결론적으로 비전과 디자인, 고품질의 일관성이 보장되는 브랜딩으로 글로벌 가구 시장에서 차별화되며 전 세계 소비자와 정서적 연결을 형성하여 전략적으로 브랜드를 관리할 수 있다. (Background and Purpose) In the modern society of hyper-globalization and hyper-personalization, global furniture brands are establishing various marketing strategies to emphasize their brand identity. As the market for 'home' grows rapidly after the pandemic, services, values, and cultural interest in furniture are expanding, especially in the high-end furniture sector due to increased disposable income, globalization, and major population migration to urban areas around the world. As technology advances, designs become more innovative and bold, and furniture as an object represents the consumer's lifestyle. Accordingly, the purpose of this study on the branding strategies of high-end global furniture brands is to understand how leading furniture brands position themselves, establish their identity, and communicate with consumers on a global scale. (Research Method) This study conducted theoretical research based on previous research, literature, and industry reports. First, the definition and characteristics of high-end were examined and the characteristics were derived through the philosophy and concept of high-end global furniture brands. The concept of branding and the branding process were defined, and theoretical considerations were made on brand image and brand identity among the branding roadmap. We analyze the brand image in terms of association and use the semiotic function of consumer value as Andrea Semprini's semiotic approach to analyze brand identity and derive the characteristics of how high-end global furniture brands define themselves in terms of consumer value. (Results) As a branding strategy for a high-end global furniture brand, first, all brands satisfied the vision aspects of craftsmanship, innovation, sustainability, and timelessness, and all brands also satisfied beauty and art in terms of design. In terms of quality, most of the high quality, technology, comfort, durability, and details were met. In the consumer value map for brand identity analysis, all brands met the vision, plan, and quality quadrants, and the entertainment quadrant was slightly different for each brand. (Conclusion) Although high-end global furniture brands have different histories, countries of origin, philosophy, concepts, and product lines, the characteristics of craftsmanship, innovation, sustainability, timelessness, beauty, and artistry are what all analyzed brands aim for. . In addition, in terms of product quality, it can be seen that high quality, technology, comfort, durability, and detail are characteristics that high-end global furniture brands must have, and that consumers will also recognize the value of these characteristics. In conclusion, branding that guarantees consistency in vision, design, and high quality can differentiate you in the global furniture market and strategically manage your brand by forming an emotional connection with consumers around the world.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 소비자 문화 수용성이브랜드 태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 글로벌 패스트패션 브랜드를 대상으로

        박미선,정갑연,장용운 한국상업교육학회 2015 상업교육연구 Vol.29 No.4

        본 연구는 패션 시장의 글로벌 브랜드 확대의 중요한 요소가 될 것으로 판단되는 글로벌 소비자 문화 수용성이 글로벌 패스트패션 브랜드 태도 및 구매의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 검증하기 위해 본 연구는 한국의 20-50세 남, 여 327명을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였으며, 수집된 자료는 SPSS ver 18.0과 AMOS ver 7.0의 통계프로그램을 이용하여 변수들 간의 관계를 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과 글로벌 소비자 문화 수용성(소비 트렌드 동조, 지각된 품질, 사회적 명성)은 글로벌 패스트패션 브랜드 태도 및 구매의도 모두에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 글로벌 패스트패션 브랜드 태도는 구매의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 이상의 연구결과에 따라 소비자들의 글로벌 문화에 대한 적극적인 수용 태도와 글로벌 브랜드 선호 성향이 기업의 브랜드 포지셔닝 전략에 매우 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구는 글로벌 패스트패션 기업들이 제품 자체의 홍보 외에 자사 제품이 글로벌 문화를 담고 있다는 점을 부각시키면서, 소비자들이 자사 제품 소비를 통해 느낄 수 있는 글로벌 소비문화를 개발하고, 홍보하는 전략이 필요하다는 시사점을 제시할 수 있다. Consumers are increasingly preferring global brands with a transcending global image to domestic brands. Much of the extant literature shows that global brands are powerful symbols, and consumers use these symbols as representation such as prestige, social acceptance, and modernity. Many large multinational corporations are penetrating the domestic market and executing their marketing strategies to create an international consumer products. Especially, global fast fashion brands have been increasing abroad through standardization strategies of the concept of fast fashion. These global fashion brand make expansion into international markets and create competitive advantage with the global brand strategy. The purpose of this study was to explore how susceptibility to global consumer culture effect consumer's attitude toward global fast fashion brand on consumers who are the main purchasing class of global fast fashion brand product. Understanding information related to the effect of respective antecedents forming brand attitude on purchase intention may help domestic fast fashion brands coming into competition whit global ones better understand contributing making factors. It may also help to foster the domestic fast fashion brand development and to establish effective countermeasure strategy. Questionnaires were used and the sample extracted by the convenience sampling method was composed of 327 male and female, aged 20-50. The date was analyzed with SPSS 18.0 for exploratory analysis and regression analysis. The result is as follows. First, the results showed that susceptibility to global consumer culture (conformity to consumption trend, quality perception, social prestige) has a significant effect on consumers' global fast fashion brand attitude. Second, the conclusion showed that susceptibility to global consumer culture (conformity to consumption trend, quality perception, social prestige) has a significant effect on consumers' purchase intention of global fast fashion brand product. Third, global fast fashion brand attitude have a positive influence on the purchase intention of global fast fashion brand product. Therefore, it can be showed that consumers' tendency preferring global brands as well as active attitude accepting global culture are considered to play an important role in brand positioning. Accordingly, global fast fashion brands need to focus not only on the product promotion but on the strategy marketing consumer culture that consumers can be feel through the brand. Especially, domestic fast fashion brands are advised to develop a strategy for overcoming consumers' preference for global brands. It is also required for domestic fast fashion brands to establish and develop a strategy impressing consumers that their brand belongs to global brands by pushing ahead with overseas expansion on a continual basis.

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