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      • Dual-behavior of Palatalized Nasals in Irish Assimilation

        Yon-hee Koh 이화여자대학교 영미학연구소 2001 영어학 연구 Vol.- No.6

        Koh, Yon-hee 2000 DuaI-behavior of palatalized nasals in Irish assimilation Journal of English Linguistics, 6, PP 1-19 This paper examines the phonological characteristics of secondary articulations with the examples of dual behavior of palatalized nasals in Irish assimilation I will discuss this phenomenon in the framework of feature geometry models of Clements and Hume (1995) and Davis (1993) Though they can explain the dual-behavior of palatalized nasals, I will argue against them since they fail to capture another interesting phonological characteristic of secondary articulation, mutual exclusiveness of three secondary articulations I will modify the concept of aperture positions originally suggested by Steriade (1993) and propose a feature geometry model to represent the dual behavior of secondary articulations and the mutual exclusiveness effectively (Korea Tourism College)

      • KCI등재

        Discourse in Ceysa: From a worship to a commemorative ceremony

        Choong Yon Park 한국언어학회 2006 언어 Vol.31 No.2

        Park, Choong Yon. 2006. Discourse in Ceysa: From a worship to a commemorative ceremony. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 31-2, 279-301. This paper investigates how the discourse in Ceysa reflects Korean ancestral worship which is being transformed into a commemorative ceremony. The address, Chwuk, may be examined from two viewpoints. First, the characteristic features of the language as a commemorative register, second, the relation between the language and social constitution of the speech event. In social context, discourse in Ceysa should be considered as a culture that includes cultural events as the scenes emerge from interaction among participants. In the cultural context, this article inspects how individual Koreans have transformed the modes of delivering discourse in ordinary Ceysa, and how it reflects the current Korean society. The prayer message, Chwuk, has their own distinctive characteristics as a commemorative register. It also has an effect of heightening the efficacy of the ritual in its particular intonation. With an examination of the informants' chanting of the Chinese Chwuk, this paper attempts to show how the Ceysa rite is changing into a commemorative ceremony (Kyungwon University).

      • 재조합 BMP-7 유전자가 전달된 HEK 293 세포에 의한 누드 마우스에서의 뼈형성

        정수연,장원태,장연실,안면환,김재룡,송인환 영남대학교 의과대학 2003 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.20 No.2

        To induce bone formation at ectopic site by tissue engineering and gene therapy, we transplanted collagen sponges containing rhBMP-7 transduced HEK 293 cells in the hypodermis of nude mice. Bone formation was investigated by histological and electron microscopic method at 3, 6, and 9 weeks after transplantation. At 9 weeks after transplantation, eosinophilic bony tissue was observed in the implanted collagen sponge and was confirmed as bone tissue by Von Kossa stain. In the transmission electron microscopic observation, the cells in newly formed bone tissue had eccentrically located nucleus and well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). Therefore, the cells were evaluated as osteoblasts. Those results suggest that it is possible to form a bone tissue in the ectopic site by transplantation of rhBMP-7 transduced HEK 293 cells. This will be contributed to push more advanced gene therapy for bone formation. However, the HEK 293 cell is unable to apply to the clinical gene therapy. Therefore it is worth to find more compatible cells for clinical application. In addition, collagen sponge is considered as an excellent scaffold and/or carrier for gene therapy and a good biomaterial for tissue engineering.

      • KCI등재후보

        鳳山탈춤 吳晴採錄原本의 硏究

        서연호 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2002 民族文化硏究 Vol.36 No.-

        나는 봉산탈춤 오청채록원본(원본으로 약칭)을 공개하고 연구하게된 것을 개인으로서뿐만 아니라 학계로서도 커다란 수확이라고 생각한다. 원본은 프린트본(19.5×26.8 센치)이어서 다량으로 인쇄되었을 가능이 있고, 이런 이유로 해서 적어도 수권이 관련자들에게 수장되었을 터인데, 어쩐 이유에서인지, 그 동안 원본은 학계에 공개된 적이 없었다. 아울러 그 동안 원본과 흡사한 채록본들이 적지 않게 유통되어 온 것도 원본공개와 관련하여 매우 의심스러운 국면이 아닐 수 없다. 2001년 11월 10일, 나는 정년퇴임준비로 도서정리에 열중하던 히로시마(廣島)현립여자대학의 오타니 모리시게(大谷森繁) 교수연구실을 방문하였고, 그 자리에서 선생으로부터 놀랍게도 원본을 기증 받았다. 다카하시 도루(高橋亨, 1866-1967) 은사의 유고인데, 서(徐)교수가 연극전공이어서 특별히 주고 싶다는 오타니선생의 말씀이었다. 먼저 다카하시와 오청의 관계를 간략히 소개해 두기로 한다. 다카하시는 1902 동경(東京)제국대학한문과를 졸업하고 구주일보(九州日報)주필로 근무했고, 이듬해 연말에 한국정부의 초빙으로 한성관립중학교(후의 경성고등보통학교)교사로 서울에 왔다. 1910년 조선총독부가 생긴 이후 그는 여러 분야의 조사촉탁직을 맡아 선도적인 역할을 하면서 줄곧 총독부의 정책자문에 응했다. 1926년에 동대학 법문학부교수직을 맡아 「조선어학문학제일강좌」를 담당했다. 다카하시보다 직급은 낮았지만, 역시 총독부의 조사촉탁이었던 오청(吳晴)의 원본이 다카하시문고에 수장된 동기는 이상과 같은 두 사람의 관계에서 비롯된 것으로 보인다. 다카하시와 오타니의 관계는 텐리대학의 사제간이다. 종전후 다카하시는 1949년 후쿠오카(福岡)상과대학교수가 되었고, 이듬해 텐리대학의 교수로 옮긴 이후 1964년 3월까지 재직했다. 1995년 3월에 텐리대학 조선학과를 졸업한 오타니는 재학시절 다카하시의 지도를 받았다. 다카하시는 애제자인 오타니에게 자신의 문고를 남겨주고 지바(千葉)로 이주하여 살다가 작고했다. 작고하기 9개월 전인 1966년 11월 11·12일에 오타니는 최초이자 최후인 「다카하시선생과의 문답체 녹음」을 실현하였다. 원본이 다카하시문고에서 오타니수장본으로 이전된 것은 이상과 같은 두 사람의 관계에서 비롯되었다. 1936년 10월에 다카하시에게 기증되어 그의 문고가 된 원본은 1964년 4월에 오타니에게 이관되어 그의 수장본이 되었고, 2001년 11월에 서연호(徐淵昊)에게 다시 이관되어 나의 수장본이 되었다. 이런 경과로 원본은 한국 학계에서 최초로 공개되기에 이르렀다. 1936년의 봉산탈춤 공연은 대규모로 유능한 연희자들이 결집하여 전과장을 충실하게 공연한 데 역사적 의의가 있다. 그 이후 그런 공연은 다시 이루어진 적이 없었다. 그 공연을 기록한 원본이 지닌 원형성은 이런 측면에서 더욱 값진 것이다. 원본(이 논문의 附錄으로 그대로 발표함)은 봉산탈춤의 가치를 입증하는 거의 유일한 대본임에도 불구하고, 채록본으로서 몇 가지 결함이 드러난다. 즉, 한자어휘(漢字語彙)를 공연당시 연희자들의 사투리발음 그대로 기술하지 않고, 한자로써 그대로 기술했다. 고유어휘(固有語彙)는 사투리발음 그대로 기술했지만, 1930년대의 철자법에 근거한 통일성이 부족하다. 채록과정에서 오기(誤記)와 오자(誤字)가 상당량 그대로 기술되었다. 대사의 중복(重複)이 적지 않은데, 이것은 연희관행(演戱慣行)인지 연희자들의 착각(錯覺)인지 규명하지 않았다. The main topic of this essay consists of tow-folds. First, it is a report about the discovery of Oh-Cheong's performance recoding version of Bongsan Mask Dance. In the second part of this essay dedicated to evaluate and analysis of it. Oh-Cheong's version, which was recorded in 1936, known as the origianl version of Bongsan Mask Dance. However, despite of many researchers remarks, the existence of this version is uncertain so far. The donator of Oh-Cheong's version is Professor Otani Morishike from Hiroshima Wonman's University, those who the successor of Professor Takahashi Toru(1866-1967)'s collection. Takahashi, who graduate from the Imperial University of Tokyo in 1902, came to Korea by accepting an official invitation of Korean Government(Kingdom of Chosun). u(1866-1967) in following year. He had served as a lecturer for National High School of Korea till 1909 and worked for Japanese Colonial Government from 1910 as a member of Cultural and Educational Council. Simultaneously, Takahashi appointed as a professor for department of Korean Literature and Culture, Imperial University of Keijoy(Seoul). During the 1930s Oh-Cheong also worked for Japanese Colonial Government as a cultural researcher. This is the reason why Oh-Cheong's version belongs to the Takahashi's collection. After the Second World War, Professor Takahashi had appointed a professor of Hukuoka Economic University in 1949. In the following year, he moved to Tenri University and stay there until March 1964. Professor Takahashi supervised Professor Otani who graduate from the department of Korean Studies at Tenri University in 1955. Soon after his retirement, Professor Takahashi asked over-all management of his life-long collection to Professor Otani, and Professor Otani made a donation of Oh-Cheng's version in November 2001 to Professor Yon-Ho Suh, department of Korean Language and Literature of Korea University. The Performance of Bongsan Mask Dance in 1936 believed as the ever-best performance in many aspects. First, almost all master-artists co-operated for this performance. Second, they tried to revive every detail and traditional elements of Bongsan Mask Dance without making improvisation and deletion. For these reasons, it can be said that Oh-Cheong's version contains socio-cultural significance in order to clarify the original shape of Korean Mask Dancing, including Bongsan Mask Dance. However, Oh-Cheong's version reveals systematic problem such as duplicated and mis-recording. This matter can be discussed in the main part of this essay.

      • KCI등재

        철결핍성빈혈 진단과 RDW, MCV

        민해연,강연주,조경진,남영미 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCINE 1995 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.1 No.1

        자동혈구계산기에서 산출되는 RDW나 MCV가 철결핍성빈혈의 구분진단에 어떠한 도움이 되는지를 보기 위하여 어는 대학병원의 최근 5년 동안의 의무기록과 건강진단결과를 이용하여 227명의 빈혈환자와 143명의 건강인을 선정하고 그들의 혈액검사 결과를 비교분석해 보았다. 분석결과 빈혈환자로서는 철결핍성빈혈과 재생불량성빈혈 환자가 많았으며, 그 외에 만성질환과 관련된 빈혈환자도 많은 것으로 나타났다. 정상인 들에 비하여 빈혈환자에서 RDW는 높게, 그리고 MCV는 낮게 나타났는데 특히 철겹핍성빈혈에서는 다른 빈혈에 비하여 19.3±4.8로 현저하게 높게 나타난 반면, MCV는 62.9±13.7fl로 현저하게 낮게 나타났으며, 그 빈혈의 정도에 따라 그 변화가 크게 나타났다. 빈혈관련수들을 이용하여 D.F.=0.26-0.012MCV-0.130MCH+0.073MCHC+0.052RDW+0.003PLT와 같은 판별함수가 도출되었고, 이를 토대로 철결핍성빈혈과 다른 빈혈을 구분하는데 있어서는 MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW등이 판별력이 있다는 것을 확인 할수 있었다. RDW and MCV are thought to be the highly sensitive blood cell parameters in the differentiation of iron deficiency anemias. Through the medical records of 227 anemic patients and the physical checking results of 143 healthy persons in a General Hospital during the recent five years, the authors evaluated various blood cell parameters including RDW and MCV. Iron deficiency anemia, aplastic anemia and other anemias associated with chronic discase were shown as the three major causes of anemias in Korea. In the patients of iron deficiency anemia MCV was very low(62.9±13.7fL), while RDW was very high(19.3±4.8) showing much lower MCV and much higher RDW in severe IDA compared with in mild IDA. To differentiate iron deficiency anemias form other anemias, a discriminant function was developed from some blood cell parameters like MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW and platelets(D.F.=0.26 -0.012MCV -0.130MCH+ 0.073MCHC +0.052RDW +0.003PLT).

      • KCI등재
      • 휴대폰 단문전송서비스 비교 분석 : 영동지역권을 중심으로

        이창수,고경태,정연철,진연웅,함용식 강릉대학교 동해안지역연구소 2000 東海岸硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare the short message services from the cellular phones and PCSs. As the spread of Internet, short message service burst on the scene as the major tools of communication for the new generation using cellular phone and PCS. With the many advantages, short message service expect to enlarge its area into the mobile commerce. The results of this paper is the comparison of short message services. The result shows the best site of short message service is www.arreo.com. But there are some unsettled factors which not considered.

      • 서울시 고층아파트 외장색채계획에 관한 연구

        朴硏鮮 홍익대학교 영상애니메이션연구소 2003 디자인영상논문집 Vol.- No.3

        Color participates our subconscious. it effects overall our life, also becomes one of the most important element for human being. As a result of this, color has been closed to residential architecture, which is our main environment. However, most of color plans for exterior high-rise apartments concentrate on itself, building color match, rather than being background for the resident. These relations are something reversed. It is time to investigate existing color plans for exterior high-rise apartments for the human central residential environment. Following to the development of high-rise apartments the view of cities are depended on color Plans of the apartments. Color is the most effective element for human being, among its exterior elements of apartments. On the other hand, it means chaotic color plans can ruin the quality of total city image. Nevertheless, in the real state, there is a lack of understanding, how important the systematic color plans are. That is why this study aims for research and grope for the color plans for exterior high-rise apartments in Seoul. The subject of study limits within fifty-nine high-rise apartments between March in 1999 and Jun in 2000, which are all pass architecture deliberation. Although the balance of exterior color and the surrounding environment is important, in this research, it is focused on only the apartment's exterior color, because of studying a depth thoroughly. In order to approach this study topic, it has been studied architecture and the color theory, and classified the exterior color according to the color match by types These classified colors have been analyzed and written and suggested for more systematic color plans for exterior high-rise apartments through the result of analyzing.

      • 전자코를 이용한 대추의 산지판별

        조연수,한기영,김정호,노정수 서울여자대학교 자연과학연구소 2001 자연과학연구논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        대추에 내포한 특이한 향기성분을 토대로 수입산 또는 국내산인지의 여부를 아무런 전처리없이 전자코로 분석하였다. 주성분 분석결과 제1주성분 값의 기여율은 0.624이었고, 제2주성분의 기여율은 0.161, 제3주성분 값은 0.132이었다. 제1주성분 값과 제3주성분 값을 이용한 그래프가 제1주성분 값과 제2주성분 값의 그래프보다 국산과 수입산 대추를 더 잘 구별할 수 있었다. 84종의 국내산 대추를 국내산으로 판별한경우는 60종으로 71.42%의 확률로 판별하였으며 48종의 외국산 대추를 외국산으로 판별한 경우는 42종으로 87.50%의 확률로 구별할 수 있었다. 일부 시료의 판별은 어려운 상태이나 전반적으로 수입산과 국내산의 판별이 가능하였다. The discrimination of the agricultural origin of jujubes, cspecially locally produced or the imported products such as jujube was investigated by using electronic nose. Volatile components from these products were able to be distinguished by six metal oxide sensors without any pretreatment. Pattern recognition leas carried out. Principal component analysis showed the difference between imported jujubes and locally produced ones. The number of 60 from 84 species of local jujubes was recognized as locally produced one (71.42%) and 42 from 48 foreign species one was done (87.50%) by discrimination analysis.

      • 객체지향 데이타베이스 시스템에서 트랜잭션 처리를 위한 동시성 제어기법설계

        李淵植,裵錫燦,申定薰 群山大學校基礎科學硏究所 1993 基礎科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        When some transactions are concurrently executed, the DBMS should be controlled not to induce such a problem that currently executing applications may interfere other transactions. When the generally used conventional locking mechanism in DBMS is applied to composite objects, a class or an instance of a class comes to be treated as a lockable unit. As a results, a number of locks happen to increase and the concurrency level of the system can be deteriorated. In this paper, we proposed the mechanism of locking in Object-Oriented DataBase Systems to enhance their concurrency. According to the proposed locking mechanism, when a transaction tries to access some composite objects, the DBMS checks whether the accessed composite objects and the lock of the transaction are compatible by taking advantage of the relevant components information of the composite objects. If they are compatible, the DBMS locks the target composite objects, and allows the transaction to access and operate on the target composite objects.

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