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        Sonoelastography for 1,786 non-palpable breast masses: diagnostic value in the decision to biopsy.

        Yi, Ann,Cho, Nariya,Chang, Jung Min,Koo, Hye Ryoung,La Yun, Bo,Moon, Woo Kyung Springer International 2012 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Vol.22 No.5

        <P>To evaluate the diagnostic value of sonoelastography by correlation with histopathology compared with conventional ultrasound on the decision to biopsy.</P>

      • Survival Outcomes of Breast Cancer Patients Who Receive Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Association with Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging with Computer-aided Evaluation

        Yi, Ann,Cho, Nariya,Im, Seock-Ah,Chang, Jung Min,Kim, Seung Ja,Moon, Hyeung-Gon,Han, Wonshik,Park, In-Ae,Noh, Dong-Young,Moon, Woo Kyung RSNA 2013 Radiology Vol.268 No.3

        <P>Patients with tumors that had smaller reductions of enhancing volume and washout component on dynamic contrast agent–enhanced MR imaging before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy showed increased recurrence and mortality risks compared with those who had greater reductions in tumor volume and washout component.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Psychological Aspects of Care in Cancer Patients in the Last Weeks/Days of Life

        Sujin Ann-Yi,Eduardo Bruera 대한암학회 2022 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.54 No.3

        Palliative care is comprised of an interdisciplinary team (IDT) approach with members from different disciplines who collaboratively work together to reduce multidimensional components of pain and suffering and improve quality of life for patients coping with a terminal illness. Psychosocial team members are integral to the palliative care IDT and provide expertise in assessment and empirically validated interventions to address psychological distress. The following paper will provide a review of different facets of psychological distress experienced by advanced cancer patients such as psychological disorders, existential distress, spiritual distress, caregiver distress, parental distress, and grief. Finally, an overview of commonly used screening and assessment tools as well as psychological interventions relevant for the palliative care population is presented.

      • KCI등재

        지방공기업의 수익성에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 경기도 지방공기업을 중심으로

        안이숙 ( Yi Sook Ann ),강인성 ( In Sung Kang ) 중앙대학교 국가정책연구소 2014 국가정책연구 Vol.28 No.1

        2011년 말 기준 전국 133개 지방공기업의 부채비율이 138%에 이르는 등 지방공기업의 부채가 계속해서 늘어나면서 방만 운영의 문제가 제기되고 있다. 지방공기업이 제공하는 서비스의 공공성만으로 이러한 문제가 도외시되어서는 안 되며, 지방공기업의 경영효율성을 제고하여 공공성과 기업성의 조화를 통하여 성과 개선에 관심을 기울여야 할 것이다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제의식을 가지고 지방공기업의 성과에 영향을 미치는 요인들의 분석을 연구목적으로 설정하였다. 지방공기업의 성과로 공공성과 수익성을 말할 수 있는데, 앞서 제기했던 문제의식을 가지고 수익성에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하고자 한다. 연구방법으로는 먼저, 지방공기업의 성과와 관련된 이론적 고찰과 선행연구들의 검토를 통해 지방공기업의 수익성에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 탐색하였다. 그리고 지방공기업의 수익성에 관한 실증자료를 활용하여 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 지방공기업의 수익성 변수들에 경영평가요인들은 전반적으로 정의 영향을 미치고, 부채비율은 수익성에 부의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 특이한 것은 관리업무비 비율이 수익성과 정의 관계로 나타났는데, 이는 지방공기업을 분류하여 살펴보았을 때 직접경영방식으로 운영되는 상·하수도의 경우 수익성에 부의 영향을 미치지만, 간접경영방식으로 운영되는 공사·공단에서만 정의 관계로 나타난 것을 보았을 때 공단의 사업다각화로 인해 사업비와 관련된 관리업무비 지출이 증가하여 나타난 결과로 분석되어졌다. At the end of year 2011, debt ratio of 133 local public enterprise rose up to 138% and debt of local public enterprise increased continuously and a problem about reckless management has been brought up. This kind of problem should not be disregarded just because basic nature of local public enterprise is public good, not private good. To solve this financial problem, we need to be paid attention on improvement of outcome by improving effectiveness of management balancing of public good-nature and profit seeking character. In this research, we attempts to find the critical factors which has an effect on the outcome of local public enterprise focusing on profitability. To find the important factors, we used multiple regression analysis with analytical framework set up by considering previous studies and proof data from performance evaluation of local public enterprises in Gyeonggi Provice The results of the evaluation were that the factors of management evaluation definitely effected the factors of outcome of local public enterprise overall and that the debt ratio had an effect on the wealth of the outcome. The interesting thing is that the ratio of management work was seen as the outcome and definite relationship.

      • KCI등재

        호알칼리성, 고온성 Bacillus sp. TA-11에 대한 오골계 난백 Lysozyme의 용균특성

        이성훈,조창호,안용근,이종수 한국식품영양학회 1996 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.9 No.4

        교분석하였다. 오골계 난백 lysozyme의 용균활성은 Bacillus sp. TA-11를 50℃에서 18시간 정치배양한 대수기 후기의 세포에 대하여 가장 높았고, lysozyme의 농도는 0.25%가 최적이었다. 또한 lysozyme의 최적반은 pH와 온도는 각각 4.5와 35℃였다. 일반 난백 lysozyme의 용균활성은 시험균주를 24시간 배양한 정지기의 세포에 대하여 가장 높았고 lysozyme의 최적 농도는 0.5%였으며 반응 최적 pH와 온도는 각각 5.5과 40℃이었다. Lytic activities of the egg white lysozyme from Korea-native Ogol fowl and a fowl against the alkalophilic and thermophilic Bacillus sp. TA-11 were investigated and compared. Lytic actinity of the Ogol fowl lysozyme for Bacillus sp. TA-11 was the highest for the cell of post-logatithm phase and optimum concentration of the lysozyme was 0.25%. Optimum reaction pH and temperature were 4.5 and 35℃, respectively. Lytic activity of egg white lysozyme from fowl for Bacillus sp. TA-11 was the highest for the cell of stationary phase and optimum concentraion of the lysozyme was 0.5%. Optimum reaction pH and temperature were 5.5 and 40℃, respectively. Bacillus sp TA-11에 대한 오골계 난백 lysozyme과 일반 난백 lysozyme의 용균성을 비

      • 1996년 하계 및 추계에 전주지역에서 발생한 장티푸스 유행의 임상역학적 분석

        안병이,오형태,이덕수,김세화,한동호,김영숙,김귀완,박미선 대한감염학회 1998 감염 Vol.30 No.1

        목 적 : 본 연구는 1996년 8월부터 10월 사이에 전주지역에 집중 발생한 장티푸스 환자들에게 관찰된 비정형적이고 심한 임상양상 및 합병증을 분석하고, 분리균주들의 파지형을 분석하여 시험에 의해 감염원을 규명하는데 목적을 두었다. 방 법 : 장티푸스 232예의 의무기록지를 검토하여 임상양상과 합병증 종합하여 분석하였고, 분리된 Salmonella Typhi 균주들에 대하여 항균제 감수성 양상을 분석하였고, 심한 임상 양상을 보인 환자들로부터 분리된 50균주들의 혈청형 및 파지형 시험을 시행하였다. 결 과 : 전체 232명의 환자 들의 성별 분포는 여자가 2.4배 많았고, 연령별 분포는 10대와 20대가 157예(67.7%)로 주로 젊은 여성에 빈발하였다. 평균 입원 일수는 8일이었고, 평균 발열 기간은 약 5∼6일 이었다. 환자들에서 관찰된 합병증은 간염 155예(66.8%), 범혈구 감소증 47예(20%), 급성 췌장염 20예(8.6%), 비뇨기계 감염 13예(5.6%), 장출혈 12예(5.2%), 파종성 혈관내 응고 5예(2.1%), 뇌막염 4예(1.7%), 패형성 쇽 3예, 폐렴 2예, 심근 허혈 2예, 사산 1예, 태아 가사 1예 등이었다. 한 환자에서 여러 합병증이 병발한 경우가 많았고, 2예에서 간염, 췌장염, 감각 신경성 난청이 합병되었고 사망한 1예는 결핵성 폐렴이 동반된 환자였다. S. Typhi은 혈액에서 111주(86%), 대변에서 17주(13.2%), 소변에서 1주(0.8%)가 분리되었고, 모든 균주에서 ampicillin 포함한 110종 항균제 모두에 감수성을 보였으며, 특히 심한 비정형적 임상 증세를 보였던 환자에서 분리된 50주의 파지형은 모두 D1형으로 동일한 감염원에 의한 유행으로 추정되었다. 결 론 : 1996년 하계 및 추계에 전주 지역에서 집단 발생한 장티푸스 유행은 비정형적 임상 양상 및 다양한 합병증을 보였으며, 분리된 S. Typhi 50균주의 파지형은 모두 D1파지형으로 나타나 동일한 균주에 의한 집단 발생임을 추정할 수 있었다. Background : We experienced an outbreak of typhoid fever in Chunju area which manifested as severe symptoms and signs, and variable complications. To chracterize the epidemic and to identify a possible source of infection, the clinical findings of patients from the outbreak were analyzed, and the patterns of antimicrobial susceptibility and phage typing of Salmonella Typhi isolates were determined. Methods : We analyzed a total of 232 patients from the outbreak who admitted to Chunju Presbyterian Medical Center during 1996 August through October. The medical records of the patients were reviewed retrospectively. All isolates of S. Typhi from the outbreak were analyzed for serotyping, antibiogram, and phage typing. Phage typing were performed using Vi-phages for 50 strains isolated from the patients who showed atypical clinical manifestations and unusal complications. Results : The outbreak attacked mainly young female group. The complications observed were: 15 cases of hepatitis, 47 pancytopenia, 20 acute pancreatitis, 13 urinary tract infection, 12 intestinal hemorrhage, 5 disseminated intravascular coagulation, 4 meningitis, 3 septic shock, 2 sensorineural hearing loss, 2 myocardial ischemia, 2 pneumonia, 1 stillbirth, and 1 death. S. Typhi were isolated in 129 cases including 111 from blood, 17 stool and 1 urine. All isolates were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents tested. All 50 isolates from severe patients with unusal complications were identified as Salmonella, serogroup D1, serotype Typhi, phage type D1. Conclusions : We experienced an outbreak of typhoid fever associated with severe, atypical symptoms and unusual complications, caused by Salmonella, serogroup D1, serotype Typhi, phage type D1.

      • KCI등재

        S6K1 controls adiponectin expression by inducing a transcriptional switch: BMAL1-to-EZH2

        Yi Sang Ah,Jeon Ye Ji,Lee Min Gyu,Nam Ki Hong,Ann Sora,Lee Jaecheol,Han Jeung-Whan 생화학분자생물학회 2022 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.54 No.-

        Adiponectin (encoded by Adipoq), a fat-derived hormone, alleviates risk factors associated with metabolic disorders. Although many transcription factors are known to control adiponectin expression, the mechanism underlying its fluctuation with regard to metabolic status remains unclear. Here, we show that ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) controls adiponectin expression by inducing a transcriptional switch between two transcriptional machineries, BMAL1 and EZH2. Active S6K1 induced a suppressive histone code cascade, H2BS36p-EZH2-H3K27me3, leading to suppression of adiponectin expression. Moreover, active S6K1 phosphorylated BMAL1, an important transcription factor regulating the circadian clock system, at serine 42, which led to its dissociation from the Adipoq promoter region. This response resulted in EZH2 recruitment and subsequent H3K27me3 modification of the Adipoq promoter. Upon fasting, inactivation of S6K1 induced the opposite transcriptional switch, EZH2-to-BMAL1, promoting adiponectin expression. Consistently, S6K1-depleted mice exhibited lower H3K27me3 levels and elevated adiponectin expression. These findings identify a novel epigenetic switch system by which S6K1 controls the production of adiponectin, which displays beneficial effects on metabolism.

      • KCI등재

        복숭아 발효주 개발에 관한 연구

        이성훈,안용근,최종승,이종수 한국식품영양학회 1996 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.9 No.4

        복숭아 발효주를 개발하기 위하여 "유명" 과실에 효소 및 열처리하여 착즙수율을 측정하고 청주용 효모와 포도주용 야생 효모로 발효시킨 복숭아술의 성분과 기호성을 조사하였다. Pectinase와 cellulase를 혼합 처리한 경우 착즙수율이 89.2%로 가장 높았고 pectinase, hemicellulase와 cellulase등을 단독으로 처리했을 때도 80%이상의 착즙수율을 보였다. 복숭아술의 총산은 0.30%에서 0.36%이었다. 에틸알코올올 함량은 포도주용 야생 효모인 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 49-2가 14.5%로 가장 높았으나, 기호성은 고온성 효모인 Saccharomyces cerevisiae D-71로 발효시킨 술이 가장 좋았다. Juice yield of peach "Yoo Myung" by pretreatment of various enzymes and heat was determined, and physicochemical properties of peach wine fermented by some Saccharomyces cerevisiae were also investigated. 89.2% of juice yield was showed in mixture treatment of pectinase and cellulase at 35℃ for 8 hrs, 82% of yield was also showed in single treatment of pectinase and cellulase. Ethyl alcohol content of peach wine fermented by wild type Saccharomyces cerevisiae 49-2 was 14.5%. However, wine from thermophilic Saccharomyces cerevisiae D-71 was excellent in taste and flavor.

      • KCI등재

        Preventing Bone Loss and Weight Gain with Combinations of Vitamin D and Phytochemicals

        Ching-Yi Lai,Jeong-Yeh Yang,Srujana Rayalam,Mary Anne Della-Fera,Suresh Ambati,Richard D. Lewis,Mark W. Hamrick,Diane L. Hartzell,Clifton A. Baile 한국식품영양과학회 2011 Journal of medicinal food Vol.14 No.11

        Vitamin D and certain natural compounds have been shown to regulate both lipid metabolism and bone formation. Treatments that prevent or reverse age-related increase in bone marrow adiposity could both increase new bone formation and inhibit bone destruction. We tested the hypothesis that dietary supplementation with combinations of vitamin D and phytochemicals inhibits bone loss and decreases adiposity to a greater extent than control or vitamin D–alone diets. Aged ovariectomized female rats (12 months old, n=50, initial body weight=240 g) were given control (AIN-93M diet), vitamin D (2,400 IU/kg), or vitamin D plus resveratrol (16, 80, or 400 mg/kg of diet [low, medium, and high dose, respectively]), quercetin (80, 400, or 2,000 mg/kg of diet), and genistein (64, 256, or 1,040 mg/kg of diet) for 8 weeks. The high-dose treatment (vitamin D+400 mg/kg resveratrol+2,000 mg/kg quercetin+1,040 mg/kg genistein) reduced body weight gain (P<.05) and the fat pad weights (P<.05). This treatment also increased the serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1 (P<.05) and the bone mineral content of the femur. Micro-computed tomography and histomorphometric analyses indicated that the high-dose treatment prevented loss of trabecular bone (P<.05) and reduced marrow adipocytes (P<.001) and osteoclasts (P<.05) compared with the control and vitamin D alone (P<.05). We conclude that aged ovariectomized female rats supplemented with vitamin D combined with genistein, quercetin, and resveratrol had improved bone mineral density and reduced body weight gain and a significant decrease in bone marrow adipocytes. The synergistic effects of a combination of phytochemicals with vitamin D may be effective in reducing bone loss and weight gain after menopause.

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