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        논문 : 리영희의 "인간주의적" 사회주의에 관한 비판적 연구

        이순웅 ( Soon Woong Lee ) 한국철학사상연구회 2008 시대와 철학 Vol.19 No.3

        리영희는 자신을 휴머니스트, 인도주의자, 평화주의자, 우상 파괴자라고 말했다. 그리고 그의 이러한 이념적 정체성을 사회 제도로서 표현하면 사회민주주의다. 그는 서유럽, 특히 북유럽의 사회민주주의를 현존하는 가장 인간다운 사회로 규정하는 것 같다. 그리고 그가 사회민주주의를 하나의 모범적 제도로 생각한 데에는 소련 및 동유럽 사회주의 국가들의 붕괴, 중국의 변화, 북한 사회가 갖고 있는 난제들, 미국식 자본주의의 침략적 본성, 남한권력 구조의 비정통성 등 다양한 이유들이 자리잡고 있다. 리영희를 `인간주의적 사회주의자`라고 부른다면, 강조점은 `사회주의`에 있는 것이 아니라 `인간주의`에 있는 것이다. 강조점을 `사회주의`에 두면서 그를 사회주의자라고 비판하는 사람들은 리영희를 일면적으로 보는 것이다. 리영희가 자본주의를 비판하고 있는 것은 사실이지만 그렇다고 해서 그 대안으로서 사회주의를 제시하고 있다고 볼 수는 없다. 리영희의 사상을 인간주의적 사회주의라고 한다면 이는 사회주의가 자본주의보다 더 `인간적`이라는 것이고, `인간적`이라는 것은 자본주의보다 도덕적으로 우월하다는 것이다. 그렇기 때문에 자본주의와 사회주의를 적당히 결합한 사회민주주의가 리영희에게는 바람직한 사회체제로 보였을 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 리영희가 사회주의자인가 자본주의자인가 하는 물음에 굳이 대답을 해야 한다면 (리영희는 그러한 물음 자체를 의미 없는 것으로 보고 거부하겠지만) 그는 자본주의자에 가깝다고 할 수 있다. 사회주의는 자본주의보다 도덕적으로 우월하지만 현실적으로는 자본주의(시장경제)를 받아들일 수밖에 없지 않느냐 하는 것이 리영희가 고민 끝에 내린 결론으로 보이기 때문이다. 이것은 인간주의자 리영희로서는 받아들이기 어려운 현실이다. 왜냐하면 시장경제를 축으로 하는 자본주의는 인간의 이기심을 부추기고 이기심에 기초해서 움직이는 체제로서 인간적, 도덕적 타락을 불러일으킬 수 있기 때문이다. 리영희는 이 문제를 `의지의 낙관주의`로 푸는 것 같다. 장기적으로 보면 현재의 세계 질서는 낙관적으로 전망할 수 있으니 열심히 실천해보자는 것이 리영희의 생각인 것 같다. 그렇지만 이러한 주장은 의지보다는 지성을 중시하는 사람들을 만족시키기 어렵다. 리영희는 자본주의와 사회주의의 결합을 지나치게 단순하게 보는 것 같다. 남북한 문제와 관련해서 그가 모델로 삼고 있는 독일 통일의 경우가 대표적인 예이다. 그에 따르면 독일이 평화적으로 통일을 할 수 있었던 이유는 서독에 사회주의적 요소가 존재했기 때문이다. 그러므로 북한은 시장경제를 받아들이고 남한은 사회주의를 받아들이자는 식이다. 그렇지만 남북한은 서독과 동독과는 다른 매우 이질적인 역사과정을 거쳤기 때문에 리영희의 생각에는 한계가 있을 수 있다. 서독이나 동독은 나치 세력을 철저하게 제거하려는 노력을 공유했지만 남북한은 친일파 문제와 관련해서 매우 이질적인 길을 걸어왔다. 북한은 그들을 철저하게 제거했지만 남한에서는 그들이 권력층에 들어갔다. 더욱이 독일 통일은 소유권을 재편하는 문제와 관련해서 적잖은 혼란을 겪은 것으로 안다. 리영희의 대안이 좀더 설득력을 지니려면 남북한이 소유권 문제와 관련하여 어떤 입장을 가져야 하는지 좀더 구체적으로 말할 필요가 있다. 리영희는 구조결정론에서 벗어나자고 Young-hee Lee called himself humanist, humanitarians, pacifist and_iconoclast. And such ideal identities he has may be defined in a word `social democracy.` He seems to define the social democracy of Western Europe, especially Northern European countries as model of ultimate humanistic society. And the reason why he thinks social democracy as an institutional model comes from a variety of contemporary historical phenomena such as collapse of USSR and East European socialistic countries, socioeconomical change of China, difficult problems of North Korean society, aggressive nature of American capitalism, illegitimacy of South Korean regime hierarchy and so forth. If Young-hee Lee is called `a humanistic socialist`, it accentuates his `humanistic` aspects rather than his `socialistic` aspects. Some people focuses more on his `socialistic` aspects and even criticizes him for socialist, but they have one-sided views on Lee. It is true that Lee criticizes capitalism, but it is unreasonable to assert that he proposes socialism as alternative way to overcome capitalism. On the supposition that Lee`s thoughts are oriented to humanistic socialism, it indicates that socialism is more `humane` than capitalism, and the `humane` means that socialism is morally superior to capitalism. Possibly, that is why Lee considered social democracy-as a moderate combination of capitalism and socialism-as advisable social system. Nevertheless, if someone may still give a question about whether Lee is socialist or capitalist, it is recommended to answer that he is closer to capitalist, rather than socialist, although he doesn`t answer to such a question itself he thinks meaningless, because Lee seems to go through his agonized speculations and thereby come to a conclusion that socialism has moral advantages to capitalism, but it is inevitable to accept capitalism(market economy) in our real world. This is a reality that humanist Lee can hardly accept and embrace, because he has been still concerned about potential risk of capitalism that is a system mainly driven by market economy and interacts with human self-interest, which may ultimately result in human and moral corruptions. Lee seems to try to resolve this problem by means of `optimism of the will.` From long-term perspectives, Lee possibly thinks that current world order still has its optimistic future, so we have to do our best to create new world order. However, such an opinion has difficulties in satisfying some people who value intelligence more than will. Lee seems to have too simple views about the combination of capitalism and socialism, and this tendency is well demonstrated by his interests in the reunification of Germany as a benchmark for resolving potential issues between South and North Korea. According to his opinions, East and West Germany could achieve peaceful reunification because of socialistic elements inherent in West Germany. So Lee simply proposes that North Korea should accept market economy, while South Korea should embrace socialism. However, this idea may have limitations, since South and North Korea have undergone very different modern history, contrary to that of West and East Germany. West and East Germany made collaborative efforts to root out Nazis after World War Ⅱ, whereas South and North Korea have walked through very different ways from each other regarding political purge of pro-Japanese group. North Korean regime rooted out pro-Japanese group radically, while South Korean regime absorbed this group into the corridors of power. Besides, German reunification has involved not a few conflicts concerned with the issue about reorganization of property right. In order that Lee`s alternative way become more convincing, it is necessary for him to show more unambiguous standpoint about the issue of property right to South and North Korea. Lee asserts that we have to overcome structural determinism. Here, the structural determinism means a sort of intellectual and ideo

      • KCI등재

        경험적 법률가 연구의 발전을 위하여 - 이호선의 「법과 정책연구」 글에 대한 검토와 제언

        이준웅 ( Une-woong Rhee ),이재협 ( Jae-hyup Lee ) 한국법정책학회 2016 법과 정책연구 Vol.16 No.2

        이 글은 이호선 교수가 < 법과 정책연구 > 제15집 제4호에 게재한 "한국 로스쿨 체제, 과연 사법시험의 대안인가?"라는 글을 비판적으로 검토한다. 첫째, 이호선의 글은 연구목적이 불분명하며, 연구문제가 부재하며, 결론을 정당화하기 위한 방법과 결과가 충분하지 않은 등 경험적 학술논문으로서의 기본요건을 갖추지 못하고 있다. 특히 이호선의 글을 선의로 해석해서 이재협 등의 연구에 대한 재현연구를 시도한 것으로 보더라도 연구의 재현성 여부를 평가할 수 있는 필수적인 방법론을 제시하지 않고 있으며, 재현연구가 갖추어야 할 최소한의 방법론적 기초를 구비하지 않고 있다. 둘째, 이호선의 글은 표집이론, 모집단, 표집틀 등 사회과학적 표본조사 연구에 사용되는 기본적인 개념을 혼동하고 있으며, 모집단과 표본 간의 상위성에 대해 오해를 보인다. 셋째, 이호선의 글에는 이재협 등의 연구에 대한 해석적 오해를 담고 있다. 특히 사법연수원 출신 법률가와 로스쿨 졸업 법률가 간 가구소득의 차이를 비교함에 있어서 비교시점을 상이하게 설정하는 등 오류를 범한다. 결론적으로 이 글은 법학교육제도와 법률직역의 구조가 급격히 변화하고 있는 상황에서 경험적 자료축적을 통한 실증연구가 필요함을 주장하며, 향후 법학과 인접학문이 공동연구를 활성화해야 함을 제안한다. This article critically reviews the paper written by Professor Lee Ho-Sun, "Korean Law School System, Is it really an alternative to Judicial Exam?", which was published in the Law and Policy Review, Vol. 15, Nov. 4. First, Lee Ho-Sun``s paper lacks basic requirements for an empirical scholarly article: (1) the research purpose is unclear, (2) the research questions are not provided, and (3) the methods and outcomes do not sufficiently support conclusions. Even if Lee Ho-Sun``s paper can be regarded as a replication study of Jae-Hyup Lee et. al.``s research, it does not provide necessary methods to assess its replicability. In addition, the paper is not equipped with minimum methodological foundations. Second, Lee Ho-Sun``s paper confuses basic concepts in social scientific sampling studies (e.g., sampling theory, population, sampling frame), and does not correctly interpret the difference between parameters and statistics. Third, Lee Ho-Sun``s paper contains many interpretive misunderstandings of Jae-Hyup Lee et. al.``s research. For example, in interpreting the household income differences between the graduates of the Judicial Research and Training Institute and the graduates of law schools, Lee Ho-Sun sets a different time frame than that used in Jae-Hyup Lee``s research. This article advocates that more empirical studies are needed to adequately assess the rapid changes in the legal educational system and the structure of the legal profession in Korea, and to that end, that more interdisciplinary research collaboration is necessary.

      • 韓國産 자작나무科의 系統分類學的 硏究(序論)

        李相泰,蘇雄永,田寬培,李愚喆 全北大學校 生物學硏究所 1981 生物學硏究年報 Vol.2 No.-

        The present paper is an introduction to the whole project of "The systematic studies on Korean Betulaceae". Three studies under the project were performed this year and presented in this report : a review of taxonomic literatures and the construction of distribution maps by Woo-Tchul Lee, pollen morphology by Sang-Tae Lee and Moo-Yeol Kim, and wood anatomy by Woong-Young Soh and Kwan-Bae Jeon.

      • BEZ235 (PIK3/mTOR inhibitor) Overcomes Pazopanib Resistance in Patient-Derived Refractory Soft Tissue Sarcoma Cells

        Kim, Hee Kyung,Kim, Sun Young,Lee, Su Jin,Kang, Mihyeon,Kim, Seung Tae,Jang, Jiryeon,Rath, Oliver,Schueler, Julia,Lee, Dong Woo,Park, Woong Yang,Kim, Sung Joo,Park, Se Hoon,Lee, Jeeyun Neoplasia Press 2016 Translational oncology Vol.9 No.3

        <P><I>BACKGROUND:</I> Although pazopanib treatment has become the standard chemotherapy in salvage setting for metastatic sarcoma patients, most patients progress after pazopanib treatment in 4 to 6 months. After failure to pazopanib, patients have limited options for treatment. Therefore, subsequent therapy in patients who failed to pazopanib is urgently needed and the use of patient derived cells or patient derived tumors for accompanying testing with various pharmacological inhibitors could offer additional treatment options for these patients. <I>METHODS:</I> Patient derived tumor cells were collected from ascites at the time of progression to pazopanib and a 13-drug panel was tested for drug sensitivity. We confirmed the results using <I>in vitro</I> cell viability assay and immunoblot assay. We also performed the genomic profiling of PDX model. <I>RESULTS:</I> The growth of patient derived tumor cells was significantly reduced by exposure to 1.0 μM AZD2014 compared with control (control versus AZD2014, mean growth = 100.0% vs 16.04%, difference = 83.96%, 95% CI = 70.01% to 97.92%, <I>P</I> = .0435). Similarly, 1.0 μM BEZ235 profoundly inhibited tumor cell growth <I>in vitro</I> when compared to control (control versus BEZ235, mean growth = 100.0% vs 7.308%, difference = 92.69%, 95% CI = 78.87% to 106.5%, <I>P</I> < .0001). Despite the presence of CDK4 amplification in the patient-derived tumor cells, LEE011 did not considerably inhibit cell proliferation when compared with control (control vs LEE011, mean growth = 100.0% vs 80.23%, difference = 19.77%, 95% CI = 1.828% to 37.72%, <I>P</I> = .0377). The immunoblot analysis showed that BEZ235 treatment decreased pAKT, pmTOR and pERK whereas AZD2014 decreased only pmTOR. <I>CONCLUSION:</I> Taken together, upregulation of mTOR/AKT pathway in sarcoma patient derived cells was considerably inhibited by the treatment of AZD2014 and BEZ235 with downregulation of AKT pathway (greater extent for BEZ235). These molecules may be considered as treatment option in STS patient who have failed to pazopanib in the context of clinical trials.</P>

      • 치과 기공사들에게서 나타나는 호흡기 증상과 이의 관련 요인

        김웅철,오세윤,김지환,김진완,이준석,이가영,이세훈,유진호,김태석 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 2001 保健科學論集 Vol.27 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate subjective respiratory symptoms and their attributable factors in Korean dental laboratory technicians. A questionnaire was mailed to randomly selected 1,900 dental laboratory technicians. Among them, 1,344 dental technicians completed the questionnaires and returmned them. Validity and reliability tests on the questionnaires were carried out before the main survey. To investigate risk factors on respiratory subjective symptoms, we performed analysis on distribution of characteristics, and then investigated univariate analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis. The prevalence rate of wheezing, cough and phlegm, and dyspnea was 4.8%, 33.9%, 54.9%, respectively. Statistically significant factors inducing subjective respiratory symptoms by multiple logistic regression analysis were sex, smoking, exercise, health examination, work hours a day, investment gas, investment dust, metal fume, resin vapor, and asbestos dust. Considering the results above, it seems that most subjective respiratory symptoms are related with health habits and occupational environmental-related factors. The result, consideration in mind, suggest that health promotion programs for smoking cessation, regular health examination, and physical exercise in health habit, and improvement on casting and resin work in dental technological environment be necessary.

      • 위암 조직에서 발현되는 새로운 유전자 Reg Ⅳ

        김수령,서은영,이웅희,이증훈,이충식 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2002 충남의대잡지 Vol.29 No.2

        A search for the genes expressed only in gastric cancer may help to define molecular alterations or aid in diagnosis of gastric cancer. Recently, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) has been used as an effective technique for detection of differentially expressed genes. We discovered a noble gene which belongs to the Reg family in stomach cancer tissue using the SSH technique. We identified and named the Reg Ⅳ gene that is highly expressed only in gastric tumor tissue. The Reg family gene has a lot of functions of the growth factor and gene regulation. The cathepsin L-12 gene, which is known to exhibit increased expression in breast cancer and some inflammatory conditions, is also expressed in stomach cancer. Expressions were verified by reverse Northern blot analysis and Northern blot analysis. We expect these genes to be used as an important tool for the diagnosis and/or understanding of the pathogenesis of gastric cancer.

      • 하시모토 병과 동반된 악성 빈혈 1 예

        한 호,안명주,최정혜,이창범,이영열,최일영,김인순,이웅수 한양대학교 의과대학 2001 한양의대 학술지 Vol.21 No.2

        Pernicious anemia is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency and is caused by autoimmune destruction of parietal cell containing gastric mucosa region. This disease is significantly associated with autoimmune endocrinopathies and anti-receptor autoimmune disease. We report here a case of 26-year old man who was diagnosed pernicious anemia with high level of autoantibody titer (antithyroglobulin antibody 1:25,600 and antimicromosomal antibody 1:6,400) indicating subclinical Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Since other autoimmune diseases are frequently associated with pernicious anemia even without evidence of clinical symptoms, screening test for the presence of autoimmune disease should be evaluated in these patients.

      • Improved Internal Quantum Efficiency and Light-Extraction Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes via Synergistic Doping with Au and Ag Nanoparticles

        Cho, Changsoon,Kang, Hyunbum,Baek, Se-Woong,Kim, Taesu,Lee, Changyeon,Kim, Bumjoon J.,Lee, Jung-Yong American Chemical Society 2016 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol.8 No.41

        <P>This paper reports the distinct roles- of Au and Ag nanoparticles; (NPs) in organic light-Orating-diodes (OLEDS) depending on their sizes. Au and Ag-NPs that.are 40 arid 50 nm in size, respectively, are the most effective for enhancing the performance of green: OLEDs. The external quantum efficiencies (EQEs): of green OLEDs doped with An and Ag N.Pg, (40 and 50 rim, respectiVely) are improved by 29.5% and 36.1%, respectively, while the power. efficiencies (PE8) are enhanced by 47.9% and 37.5%, respectively. Furthermore, combining the Au and Ag NPs produces greater enhancements. The EQE and PE of the coci-oped OLEDs are improved by 63.9% and 68.8% respectively,-.through the synergistic behavior of the different NPs. Finite difference time-domain simulations confirm that the localized surfaee:plasmon resonance of the Au NPs near 580 nth improves the radiative recombination rate (k(rad)) of green-light emitters locally (<50 pm), while the Ag NPs cause relatively long, range and broadband enhancements in k(rad). The-Simulations of 'various domain sizes. Verify that the light-extraction efficiency (LEE),can, be enhanced by More than 4.2% by applying Ag NPS.. Thus, size-controlled Au and Ag NPs can synergistically enhance LEDS by improving both the internal quantum efficiency and LEE.</P>

      • The Safety and Efficacy of Daclatasvir and Asunaprevir with Chronic HCV Genotype 1 Infection and Hemodialysis

        ( Myeong Jun Song ),( Jung Hyun Kwon ),( Soon Woo Nam ),( Tae Hee Lee ),( Young Woo Kang ),( Ji Woong Jang ),( Seok Hyun Kim ),( Byung Seok Lee5 ),( Sea Hwan Lee ),( Hong Soo Kim ),( Ji Hoon Kim ),( S 대한간학회 2017 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2017 No.1

        Aims: We aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Daclatasvir (DAV) and Asunaprevir (ASV) in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) and chronic renal failure (CRF). Methods: 22 chronic hemodialysis patients with HCV infection at 12 medical centers have prospectively enrolled from Feb, 2016 to Feb, 2017 (NCT02580474). Of those, 9 patients who were followed 12 weeks after treatment ended were included. We evaluated the virological responses at each week 4, 12, 24 and the 12-week sustained virologic response (SVR12). The tolerability and safety of patients were also evaluated. Results: Of these 20 patients, there had no resistance-associated variant of NS5A (NS5A RAVs) and 2 patients showed indeterminate NS5A RAVs. 12 patients (54.5%) completed the 24 weeks treatment of DAV and ASV. 6 patients (27.2%) have continued, but 4 patients discontinued study prior to 12 weeks. Overall, all patients (n=9) achieved SVR12. Virologic response at week 4, 12 and 24 showed 94.4% (17/18), 93.3% (14/15), and 100% (12/12) respectively. DCV and ASV were well tolerated among the majority of patients and discontinuation of the treatment due to adverse events (hypertension, bradycardia, leukemia) was occurred in 3 patients. In two patients with indeterminate NS5A RAVs, one achieved SVR12 but the other showed viral breakthrough and discontinued treatment. Conclusions: In this study, DAV and ASV combination therapy for chronic hemodialysis patients with HCV infection achieved high sustained virological response with few adverse events. Close monitoring of safety and tolerability may be necessary when treating chronic hepatitis C patients with CRF receiving DCV and ASV.

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