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        김병호 가야금산조의 발전과정 연구 : 전승자별 가락을 중심으로

        김시연(Kim, Si Yeon) 국립국악원 2022 국악원논문집 Vol.45 No.-

        김병호 가야금산조는 어린 나이에 제2세대인 명인들과 함께 수학하며 스승의 가락에 본인의 가락을 더한 약 35분 정도의 김창조계 가야금산조이다. 본 연구자는 김병호 가야금산조의 연주 가락이 전승자별로 달라 60년대 음원과 전승자 의 가락을 확인하며 분석하여 발전과정을 알아내었고 다음과 같다. 진양조는 65장단에서 72장단, 73장단으로 변화되었으며 67년 음원을 통하여 78장단을 연주되었음을 알 수 있었으며 그의 제자의 논문으로 79장단까지 확대된 가락임을 알 수 있었다. 중모리는 31장단과 33장단이 음원과 악복 일치하며 전승자가 선호하는 가락을 33장단으로 확대된 가락이 나타났다. 중중모리는 Ⅰ(18장단)과 Ⅱ(26장단)으로 전승되고 있었으며 전승자별로 선호하는 가락에 따라 연주되는 가락이 차이가 나타난다. 엇모리는 최근에 공개된 ‘로버트 가피아스’ 음원에서 29장단으로 연주되어 그 전 ‘2008년 이재숙의 여섯바탕전’ 가락과는 많은 차이가 있는 악장이다. 하지만 강문득 제자 선영숙의 29장단과 일치하여 숨은 가락임을 알 수 있다. 빠른 악장인 자진모리, 휘모리, 단모리는 전승자별로 가락 수가 상이한데 연주법인 쌍튀김, 말발굽의 수를 달리하여 가락의 차이로 발전시켰다. 이 결과 김병호 가야금산조의 전승자별 가락은 진양조, 중모리, 중중모리 악장에서 전승자별로 발전되어 차이가 나는 가락이 나타나고 있다. 김병호 가야금산조는 시대적 맥락과 더불어 특징적 가락의 연주법을 간직한 채 발전해 나가길 빈다. Kim Byeong-ho gayageum sanjo (improvisational music played by gayageum solo with drum accompaniment) is a 35-minute gayageum sanjo that belongs to jeonnamjje (southwestern regional style), affiliated to the Kim Chang-jo School . At the young age of the third generation, Kim Byeong-ho learned his teacher s music studying with the masters of the second generation and added his own melody to develop into Kim Byeong-ho School . After that, he has passed down the melody to his representative disciples like Yang Yeon-seop and Kang Mun-deuk. This study examines the development process of Kim Byeong-ho gayageum sanjo, comparing the melodies of the recording materials in the 1960s and those of the successors. This study deals with hidden melodies of Kim Byeong-ho gayageum sanjo , looking at the research materials on Kim Byeong-ho gayageum sanjo , and the scores received directly from Kim Byeong-ho, and the scores of his disciples, based on the sound source recorded by an overseas ethnomusicologist. There are 79 hidden melodies in jinyangjo , 28 in jungjungmori , and 29 in eotmori. Kim Byeong-ho sanjo used to be 27 minute long without having many melodies added to his teacher’s melodies; and the current playing time is about 35 minutes. It is said that the transfer process of Kim Byeong-ho according to the literature was 10 years; he made his disciples practice for 7 hours a day and evaluated them whether their practice was good or not. I hope that this study would contribute to the following study of the whole melodies by each successor to find hidden melodies, and further sanjo will continue to develop by adding the historical context and the creative melodies of the predecessors with the characteristics of the Kim Byeong-ho sanjo even as the times evolve.

      • KCI등재
      • 반복작업으로 유발된 수근관내의 굴곡근 건초염과 수근관 증후군 : 증례 보고 Case Report

        김돈규,서경묵,신주연,강시현,송인섭 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 2003 中央醫大誌 Vol.28 No.1

        A 46 year-old woman who had worked repetitive manual job for 3 years visited our hospital because of aggravated right hand sensory symptom and newly developed limitation of 3, 4, 5th finger extension. In physical examination, moderate swelling of volar aspect of wrist and limitation of finger extension was noticed as well as positive tinnel sign. We confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome after electrodiagnostic studies and associated flexor tenosynovitis of 4th flexor tendon in the carpal tunnel through MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) study. She was successfully treated with conservative program including wrist splint and steroid injection. We also tracked the result of treatment using MRI and electrodiagnositic studies. Analyzing her work procedure, we concluded that repetitive and forceful exertional nature of job impose a high burden on hand and wrist region and it caused her carpal tunnel syndrome.

      • 미술치료 석사과정생의 정신과 임상실습 체험연구

        김시내,장연집 서울여자대학교 2010 심리치료: 다학제적 접근 Vol.10 No.2

        미술치료 전공의 석사과정생이 정신과에서 임상실습을 통해 어떠한 체험을 하는지를 탐색해 보기위한 목적을 가지고 수행된 본 연구는 인간의 체험에 관심을 갖고 그들이 경험하는 것에 대해 심층적으로 이해 할 수 있도록 도와주는 Max van Manen의 해석학적 현상학적 질적 연구 방법론을 적용하고 있다. 정신과 병동에서 1년 이상 임상실습 경험이 있는 총 11명의 연구 참여자를 대상으로 2010년 4월부터 6월까지 심층면접을 실시한 결과, 연구문제에 따른 10개의 본질적 주제와 30개의 하위 주제들을 산출하였다. 연구결과와 글쓰기 등을 토대로 본 연구에서는 정신과 임상실습을 체험한 미술치료 석사과정생인 연구 참여자들이 다음과 같은 4가지의 체험을 하였다는 결론을 내리고 있다. 첫째, 병원의 치료진을 포함하여 정신과 환자까지도 미술치료에 대한 인식부족으로, 미슬 치료 전공 실습생들은 정체감에 큰 혼란을 겪는 기회를 직면한다. 둘째, 병원의 치료진들이 전해준 미술치료로 정신과 환자의 상태 개선이란 소식을 접하면서, 미술치료만이 해낼 수 있는 특수성을 재인식하게 되며, 고된 실습의 보상과 함께 고양된 경험을 갖게 되고, 임상미술치료의 실습이 중요함을 재인식하게 된다. 셋째, 미술작업과 미술언어를 매개로 하여 미술치료전공 실습생은 정신과에서의 미술치료실습이 매우 중요한 기회임을 실감하며, 치료진과 정신과 환자들 사이의 관계를 연결 짓는 중간자 역할을 하는 자신을 발견한다. 넷째, 임상미술치료를 자신 있게 다루고 싶어져 전공 지식의 심화를 스스로 요구하게 되며, 내적인 자기성장의 욕구를 경험한다. In this research, Max van Manen's hermeneutical phenomenology providing assistance to understanding in depth how human beings are interested in the experiment and what it is they experience, is used for the progress. As for the research participants, total of 11 subjects the students enrolled in art therapy master's program and having more than a year experience in clinical practice were selected from the psychiatry department of a combined hospital and the psychiatry department of a single hospital containing the hospitalization ward. As a result of performing in-depth screening on these subjects, 10 essential and 30 subordinate topics were categorized. This research is making following 4 conclusion through research participants that is the students of the art therapy master's program experience at the psychiatry clinical training. First, the students of the art therapy master's program experience frustration and identity confusion during the course of clinical practice due to lack of awareness of art therapy from clinical staff and patients. Second, the students of the art therapy master's program from clinical staff of hospital receive the news about psychiatry patient's state improvement, so they recognizing peculiarity that work process of only art therapy can have. In addition, they have compensation of hard practice with enhanced experience, and they recognized practice of clinical art therapy is being important. Third, the students of the art therapy master's program perform the role of middleman in between the clinical staff and the patients and thus learn about exclusive particularities held by the art therapy. Fourth, the students of the art therapy master's program require deepening of major knowledge to oneself because they want self-assured handle at clinical art therapy. In addition, they experience desire of inner own growth.

      • 7차 사회과 교육과정에 따른 교과서의 발문분석 : 중학교 1학년 사회교과서 동양사부분을 중심으로 Focused on Oriental History in Social Studies Textbook for the first year of junior high school

        김시연 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 2002 이화교육논총 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this report is to understand how well the new textbook based on the 7th Educational Policy Change addresses different levels of each learner using the Questioning method. To do this, Questioning on 6 different 1st Grade Social Studies Textbooks which had been certified by Department of Education were analyzed for 1) Level of Thinking required 2) Use of Supporting material 3) Effectiveness of the supporting material. Also the preferences of the students were analyzed based on actual survey. The analysis result slightly varies by textbook, but overall, can be concluded as follows. Firstly, regarding the Level of Thinking required, in all 6 textbooks, for both the Basic curriculum and the Advanced curriculum, Questioning methodology relies heavily on Closed Questioning, especially Cognitive-Memory Questioning. This can be interpreted that the Advanced curriculums objective to improve thinking process is not very well reflected. Secondly, regarding the Use of Supporting Material, in the Basic curriculum, the use of visual aids is relatively high, but in the Advanced curriculum, reading aids are used more frequently. For visual aids, the pictures were used the most, and for the reading aids, explanation type of material (or aids) were most often used. For the Advanced curriculum, historical maps, chronological table, and materials, should be used more often which can well serve the special characteristics of the history education and also improve the level of intelligence. Thirdly, regarding the Effectiveness of the supporting material, interpretation based reading aids were used more than the visual aids for the Questioning for the Advanced curriculum which is a good differentiation from the basic curriculum. Finally, Student survey result shows that students most prefer Divergent Questioning for the Level of Intelligence, and this is because the students find them to be more interesting although they can be difficult at times. For the type of supporting material used for the Questioning, Story based reading aids and visual aids were most favored.

      • PCR과 SDS-PAGE를 이용한 Bifidobacteria의 동정

        박시홍,송희성,이지연,김해영 경희대학교식량자원개발연구소 2005 硏究論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        SDS-PAGE를 이용한 단백질 패턴의 분석결과, 같은 종의 Bifidobacterium은 동일한 단백질 패턴을 보이며, 다른 종의 Bifidobacterium은 서로 다른 패턴을 보이고 있는 것을 확인하였다. 따라서 SDS-PAGE를 이용한 whole cell protein 패턴 분석으로 Bifidobacterium을 간편하고 빠르게 동정할 수 있는 가능성을 보였다. DNA homology 98% 이상으로 PCR에 의해 동정에 어려움이 많았던 B. catenulatum, B. Pseudocatenulatum group, B. animalis을 SDS-PAGE로 확인한 결과, B. catenulatum과 B. pseudocatenulatum, B. animalis는 뚜렷한 단백질 패턴의 차이를 보임으로써 구별이 가능했다. PCR 수행 시 primer제작은 기존에 보고된 것과 NCBI blast program을 통하여 제작을 하였으며, 그 결과 B. longum, B. bifidum, B. adolescentis 3종류의 종에서만 특이적으로 band가 나타나는 것을 확인할 수가 있었다. 본 실험에서는 SDS-PAGE와 PCR을 이용한 균주 동정법으로 신속하고 정확하게 Bifidobacterium을 탐색할 수 있었으며, 발효유 제조나 의약품 제조 등 산업적으로 이용 될 수 있을 것이다 (Mitsuoka, 1984). Bifidobacterium is a Gram-positive obligate anaerobic bacterium which is able to change cellular shape by nutritional conditions and dominant species in intestinal microflora of human. In order to identify Bifidobacteria spp. in human intestine, PCR and SDS-PAGE of whole cell proteins were used. Species-specific primer sets based on the 16S rRNA, 16S-23S intergenic spacer and heat shock protein genes of three Bifidobacteria spp. were constructed using NCBI blast program (Bifidobacteria adolescentis, B. longum and B. bifidum). PCR products using each primer sets showed the same sizes of expected target genes. From the SDS-PAGE of whole cell proteins in bifidobacteria, profiles of SDS-PAGE between 13 type strains showed distinct differences. These methods will be useful for monitoring and evaluating Bifidobacteria spp. in human intestine microbial population.

      • KCI등재

        비감속 252Cf중성자선원에 대한 비등방성교정인자 및 선량당량환산인자

        장시영,정덕연,윤석철,김종수 대한방사선 방어학회 1993 방사선방어학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        중성자 측정장비 교정을 위한 표준중성자장을 제작하기 위하여 순수멕스월분포(kt=1.42MeV)로부터 ??Cf 자발핵분열 중성자선원의 밀봉이 교정인자에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였다. SR-Cf-100과 SR-Cf-1273 밀봉모형을 실제 제작조건으로 하여 MCNP 코드를 사용하여 몬테카를로 모의를 수행하여, 비등방성교정인자와 선속밀도-대-선량당량 환산인자를 산정하였고, 다른 연구결과와 비교하였다. 결과로서, Fi(θ=90˚)는 1.061(통계오차 : ±0.2%), H/??는 333.9[pSv·㎠] (통계오차 : ±0.5%)인 것으로 산정되었다. 이 환산인자(H/??)의 값은 ISO 8529의 권고보다 1.8%가 작은 것인데, 이것은 한국원자력연구소의 비감속 ??Cf중성자선원의 스펙트럼이 ISO의 것보다 약간 더 연화하다는 물리적 의미를 갖는다. Form the pure Maxwellian distribution(kT= 1.42MeV), the effects upon calibration factors of encapsulating a Cf spontaneous fission neutron source were invdwtigated to establish a standark neutron field in the Secondary Standark Kosimetry laboratory at Korea Atomic Inergy Research Institute(KAERI). A Monte Carlo code MCNP was used in simulating the encapsulation SR-Cf-100 and SR-Cf-1273 to be real conditions. The anisotropy(FI) and fluence-to-dose equivalents conversion factors(H/Φ) were evaluated and compared with other results. As the results, the FI was determined to be 1.061 atθ=90˚ with ±0.2% statistical error and the (H/Φ) was evaluated to be 333.9 [pSv·㎠] with ±0.5% statistical error, which is lower by 1.8% than that recommended by the ISO 8529. This means physically that the neutron spectrum of the unmoderated Cf source in KAERI is a little more softened than that by the ISO.

      • A Case of Favorable Responses after Gefitinib in a Patient with EGFR Mutated Adenosquamous Lung Carcinoma

        Nam Jun Cho,Ho-Sung Lee,Si-Hyong Jang,Jae Sung Choi,Ju Ock Na,Ki Hyun Seo,Yong Hoon Kim,Hyo-Chul Kang,Dae-Yeon Kim1 순천향의학연구소 2013 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.19 No.2

        In patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer harboring epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations, the epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs) are used as first treatment option. Because adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC) is a rare histologic subtype, evidences about EGFR-TKIs as first treatment option for advanced ASC are lacking. We report a case of an advanced ASC patient with the EGFR mutation, who showed good responses during 4-month treatment with gefitinib. And we will review about a necessity of EGFR mutation test and efficacy of EGFR-TKIs in ASC patients from the recent studies.

      • KCI등재

        고품질 4H-SiC 단결정 성장을 위한 다공성 흑연 판의 역할

        이희준,이희태,신희원,박미선,장연숙,이원재,여임규,은태희,김장열,전명철,이시현,김정곤,Lee, Hee-Jun,Lee, Hee-Tae,Shin, Hee-Won,Park, Mi-Seon,Jang, Yeon-Suk,Lee, Won-Jae,Yeo, Im-Gyu,Eun, Tai-Hee,Kim, Jang-Yul,Chun, Myoung-Chul,Lee, Si-Hyun 한국결정성장학회 2015 한국결정성장학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구에서는 PVT법으로 4H-SiC 단결정 성장 시 다공성 흑연판을 사용하여 Si/C 비율이나 온도구배, 물질전달의 향상시킴으로써 고품질의 SiC 단결정 기판 제작을 목적으로 연구를 진행하였다. 연구에 사용된 SiC 소스 물질은 흑연 도가니에 넣어 흑연 단열재로 쌓인 구조로 실험을 하였다. 성장온도는 $2100{\sim}2300^{\circ}C$, 그리고 성장압력은 10~30 Torr의 압력으로 아르곤과 질소 분위기에서 성장시켰다. 종자정은 2인치의 $4^{\circ}$ off-axis 4H-SiC의 C면 (000-1)을 사용하였고 다공성 흑연판은 SiC 소스 물질 위에 삽입하였다. 4H-SiC 결정다형 안정화를 위한 C-rich 조건이나 균일한 온도구배를 만들어주기 위해 다공성 흑연판을 삽입하여 실험을 진행하였다. 일반적인 도가니의 경우, 성장된 wafer에서 6H-, 15R-SiC와 같은 다양한 결정다형이 관찰된 반면에 다공성 흑연판을 삽입한 도가니에서는 4H-SiC만 관찰되었다. 또한 다공성 흑연판을 삽입한 도가니에서 성장된 결정에서 MP나 EP의 낮은 결함밀도를 보였으며 결정성 또한 향상된 것을 학인하였다. The present research is focused on the effect of porous graphite what is influenced on the 4H-SiC crystal growth by PVT method. We expect that it produces more C-rich and a change of temperature gradient for polytype stability of 4H-SiC crystal as adding the porous graphite in the growth cell. The SiC seeds and high purity SiC source materials were placed on opposite side in a sealed graphite crucible which was surrounded by graphite insulator. The growth temperature was around $2100{\sim}2300^{\circ}C$ and the growth pressure was 10~30 Torr of an argon pressure with 5~15 % nitrogen. 2 inch $4^{\circ}$ off-axis 4H-SiC with C-face (000-1) was used as a seed material. The porous graphite plate was inserted on SiC powder source to produce a more C-rich for polytype stability of 4H-SiC crystal and uniform radial temperature gradient. While in case of the conventional crucible, various polytypes such as 6H-, 15R-SiC were observed on SiC wafers, only 4H-SiC polytype was observed on SiC wafers prepared in porous graphite inserted crucible. The defect level such as MP and EP density of SiC crystal grown in the conventional crucible was observed to be higher than that of porous graphite inserted crucible. The better crystal quality of SiC grown using porous graphite plate was also confirmed by rocking curve measurement and Raman spectra analysis.

      • Stress-relieved Si anode on a porous Cu current collector for high-performance lithium-ion batteries

        Moon, Sang-Hyun,Kim, Si-Jin,Kim, Min-Cheol,So, Jin-Young,Lee, Ji-Eun,Shin, Yeon-Kyung,Bae, Won-Gyu,Park, Kyung-Won Elsevier 2019 Materials chemistry and physics Vol.223 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>To overcome the mechanical stress generated during the cycling process in lithium-ion batteries, Si anode is fabricated on a porous Cu current collector with holes using sputtering deposition method. The porous Cu/Si shows superior high-rate and cycling performance in lithium-ion batteries compared to the Si anode on the flat Cu. The excellent high-rate performance and stable cyclability of the porous Cu/Si can be predominantly attributed to the efficient relief of the stress generated by the volumetric expansion of the Si anode on the porous Cu current collector.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The Si anode for LIBs was fabricated on a porous Cu current collector having holes. </LI> <LI> The porous Cu/Si showed the superior high-rate and cycling performance. </LI> <LI> The excellent performance of the porous Cu/Si can be due to the relief of the stress. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

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