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        민간공원 특례사업으로 인한 청주시 공원 · 녹지의 연결성 변화 분석

        이종욱(Lee, Jong-Wook),박종광(Park, Jong-Kwang),홍성조(Hong, Sungjo) 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.38 No.1

        The Korean government introduced a private-initiative park project to prevent further environmental damage caused by the abolition of parks. The private-initiative park project is expected to affect the connectivity of the green space system by creating a part of the park site as a non-park facility. The purpose of this study is to analyze the change in the connectivity of the green space system in relation to the private-initiative park project. The spatial scope of this study is in Cheongju, Korea. There were 8 private-initiative park projects selected as research subjects. The IIC indicator and d_IIC indicator, which are widely used in the analysis of green space connectivity, were used as analysis methods. Changes in connectivity according to four scenarios were simulated. Upon analysis, the results revealed that private-initiative park projects can reduce the overall connectivity of green spaces. The connectivity of private-initiative park projects can be improved compared to the situation of unplanned development while maintaining the current state. Lastly, changes in connectivity due to private-initiative park projects vary by region. This study was meaningful as an early study that analyzed private-initiative park projects in terms of the connectivity of green areas and is expected to be used for the improvement of the park and green space system in the future.

      • DJ-1/park7 modulates vasorelaxation and blood pressure via epigenetic modification of endothelial nitric oxide synthase

        Won, Kyung Jong,Jung, Seung Hyo,Jung, Soo Hyun,Lee, Kang Pa,Lee, Hwan Myung,Lee, Dong-Youb,Park, Eun-Seok,Kim, Junghwan,Kim, Bokyung Oxford University Press 2014 Cardiovascular research Vol.101 No.3

        <P><B>Aims</B></P><P>DJ-1/park7, a multifunctional protein, may play essential roles in the vascular system. However, the function of DJ-1/park7 in vascular contractility has remained unclear. The present study was designed to investigate whether the DJ-1/park7 is involved in the regulation of vascular contractility and systolic blood pressure (SBP).</P><P><B>Methods and results</B></P><P>Norepinephrine (NE) elevated contraction in endothelium-intact vessels in a dose-dependent manner, to a greater extent in DJ-1/park7 knockout (DJ-1/park7<SUP>−/−</SUP>) mice than in wild-type (DJ-1/park7<SUP>+/+</SUP>) mice. Acetylcholine inhibited NE-evoked contraction in endothelium-intact vessels, and this was markedly impaired in DJ-1/park7<SUP>−/−</SUP> mice compared with DJ-1/park7<SUP>+/+</SUP>. Nitric oxide (NO) production (82.1 ± 2.8% of control) and endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) expression (61.7 ± 8.9%) were lower, but H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> production (126.4 ± 8.6%) was higher, in endothelial cells from DJ-1/park7<SUP>−/−</SUP> mice than in those from DJ-1/park7<SUP>+/+</SUP> controls; these effects were reversed by DJ-1/park7-overexpressing endothelial cells from DJ-1/park7<SUP>−/−</SUP> mice. Histone deacetylase (HDAC)-1 recruitment and H3 histone acetylation at the eNOS promoter were elevated and diminished, respectively, in DJ-1/park7<SUP>−/−</SUP> mice compared with DJ-1/park7<SUP>+/+</SUP> controls. Moreover, SBP was significantly elevated in DJ-1/park7<SUP>−/−</SUP> mice compared with DJ-1/park7<SUP>+/+</SUP> controls, but this elevation was inhibited in mice treated with valproic acid, an inhibitor of Class I HDACs including HDAC-1.</P><P><B>Conclusion</B></P><P>These results demonstrate that DJ-1/park7 protein may be implicated in the regulation of vascular contractility and blood pressure, probably by the impairment of NO production through H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>-mediated epigenetic inhibition of eNOS expression.</P>

      • 김정은 체제의 구축과 변화전망

        박종문 ( Jong Moon Park ) 이실학회(구 한국경찰이론과실무학회) 2012 경찰연구논집 Vol.10 No.-

        북한을 철권통치 했던 김정일이 사망하면서 아들인 김정은이 3대 권력을 세습하였다. 3년이라는 짧은 후계수업 기간과 권력기반마저 미약하여 많은 우려를 자아냈으나, 현재까지 별다른 어려움 없이 최고사령관과 당 제1비서, 당 중앙군사위원장, 국방위원회 제1위원장으로 추대되면서 북한의 최고 지도자가 되었다. 김정은은 아버지와 달리 TV생중계와 공개연설 그리고 스킨십 등으로 대중 친화적이고 새로운 정치스타일을 보이면서 긍정적인 북한의 변화를 예측하게 하는 한편 공개연설을 통해 김일성 주체사상과 김정일의 선군정치를 계승·발전시켜 군사강국·경제강국을 달성하겠다는 다짐과 장거리 미사일을 발사하고 핵개발을 포기하지 않을 것이라는 입장을 보이고 있다. 앞으로 김정은은 체제 안정을 위하여 대내적으로 군부세력을 관리하고 당의 권한을 강화시켜 지도력을 강화하고, 주민의 생활을 개선과 경제난국을 타개하기 위한 경제정책을 펼칠 것이다. 대외적으로는 국제적인 고립을 피하고 정권의 존속을 위하여 절대적인 후원국인 중국과 협조관계를 공고히 하고, 미국에 대해서는 한국을 배제한 채 강온정책으로 평화협정 채결과 경제지원을 받기 위해 노력할 것이다. 또 한국에 대해서는 이명박 정부의 ``원칙 있는 대북정책``에 극도로 반감을 표출하고 있어 현 정권에서는 대남강경정책을 펼치다가 차기 정부와는 새로운 돌파구를 찾을 것으로 보인다. 특히 2012년은 한국의 대통령 선거를 비롯한 한반도 주변 주요국들의 정권교체가 있는 해로서 김정은 체제의 안정성과 향후 대내외정책에 따라 동북아와 한반도의 평화에 절대적인 영향을 미칠 것이다. 따라서 북한의 대내외 정책 변화를 신속정확하게 파악하고 국제사회와 긴밀한 협력으로 김정은의 군사적 모험주의에 대비하고 북한의 경제 개선전략을 지원함으로써 갈등과 대립에서 협력과 공동번영의 한반도로 거듭나야 할 것이다. Immediately after his father Kim Jong-il`s death, the younger Kim Jong-un was hailed as “the great successor”. Even though some of experts expressed their concerns that Kim Jong-un took only 3-year-class to be a successor and his political background was not strong enough, without any difficulty, he has held the titles of the First Secretary of the Workers` Party of Korea, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, First Chairman of the National Defence Commission of North Korea and the Supreme Commander of the Korean People`s Army. And also he was officially declared the supreme leader of North Korea. 57) Kim Jong-un shows that he has new and public-friendly style of leadership which is different from that of his father. This implicates that North Korea will change in a positive way. He made his first public speech as North Korea marked the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Kim Il-sung on 15 April, praising the “military first” doctrine and emphasizing the need of economic growth. A few months into his leadership, North Korea launched a long-range missile which it said would put a satellite into orbit. It shows that Kim Jong-un will not give up reinforcing North Korea`s nuclear capability. In the future, Kim Jong-un will control military authorities, strengthen his leadership and push ahead economic policy to overcome financial difficulties internally. Externally, he will cement friendly relations which have existed between North Korea and China to avoid international isolation and maintain his regime. In addition, he will try to conclude a peace treaty between North Korea and the United States and demand economic aid. Regarding South Korea, Kim Jong-un has antagonism toward policy of Lee Myung-bak administration on North Korea. Therefore he has taken his hard-lined offensive movements against South Korea and he may shift to more moderate policy toward South Korea in the next government. In particular, there will be some of important events this year, such as an upcoming presidential election in South Korea and change of government in other neighboring countries. The stability and internal/external policy of North Korea will have a strong influence on peace of Northeast Asia and Korean peninsular. In conclusion, South Korea should analyze the whole situation of North Korea promptly and accurately, cooperate with the U.S., China and the International Society, develop national security strategy against Kim Jong-un`s “military first” doctrine and support the economic development plan of North Korea. By doing so, the relationship between South Korea and North Korea will be improved for the better.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회의 동물복지문화 증진을 위한 도그파크 계획 모형

        임수희,이관규,양병이,박종화,신남식,Lim Soo-Hee,Lee Gwan-Gyu,Yang Byoung-E,Park Jong-Hwa,Sin Nam-Sik 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.4

        Korea's pet-related society has been fast growing without the base and preparations of socio-cultural animal welfare. For the most part, Korea's current public parks, in particular, have a space structure in which a lot of friction between the general public who are not fond of dogs and dog owners in public places has been happening unavoidably. A lot of countries that are taking a lead role in animal welfare have built dog parte that the general public and dogs can enjoy together. This research starts with the realization that the concept of 'dog park' needs to be introduced in Korea as more and more Koreans own dogs and other pets. This research aims to provide guidance for dog park planning by drawing a dog park planning model and to promote basics for co-existence of dogs and people in a park and set in place animal welfare early and raise the level of awareness. Total 7 types of dog put 56 planning items including dog zone, dog playground, and agility, and a selective matrix by which it is possible to select essential recommendatory optional items by each type of dog park were drawn in this research. Overall there were the highest needs in separated area for dogs in park. A dog park planning model is designed as follows. 1) To select a dog park type that was introduced. 2) To set up facilities applicable in common and planning items desired in advance by each type. 3) To zone dog park areas by the priority order of planning items that were introduced and to position necessary facilities. 4) To plan program that should be were introduced. A dog park was expected to take some positive roles such as providing opportunities to socialize dogs, activating social communities, more effective park management by participating local community members and so on.

      • KCI등재

        Common fixed point theorem for a sequence of mappings in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space

        Jong Seo Park,Hong Jae Kang 한국지능시스템학회 2007 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of FUZZY LOGIC and INTELLIGE Vol.7 No.1

        Park and Kim [4], Grabiec [1] studied a fixed point theorem in fuzzy metric space, and Vasuki [8] proved a common fixed point theorem in a fuzzy metric space. Park, Park and Kwun [6] defined the intuitionistic fuzzy metric space in which it is a little revised in Park’s definition. Using this definition, Park, Kwun and Park [5] and Park, Park and Kwun [7] proved a fixed point theorem in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. In this paper, we will prove a common fixed point theorem for a sequence of mappings in a intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. Our result offers a generalization of Vasuki’s results [8].

      • KCI등재

        Common fixed point theorem for a sequence of mappings in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space

        Park, Jong-Seo,Kang, Hong-Jae Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems 2007 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of FUZZY LOGIC and INTELLIGE Vol.7 No.1

        Park and Kim [4], Grabiec [1] studied a fixed point theorem in fuzzy metric space, and Vasuki [8] proved a common fixed point theorem in a fuzzy metric space. Park, Park and Kwun [6] defined the intuitionistic fuzzy metric space in which it is a little revised in Park's definition. Using this definition, Park, Kwun and Park [5] and Park, Park and Kwun [7] proved a fixed point theorem in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. In this paper, we will prove a common fixed point theorem for a sequence of mappings in a intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. Our result offers a generalization of Vasuki's results [8].

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 역사소설의 세 양상

        박종홍(Park Jong-hong) 우리말글학회 2012 우리말 글 Vol.56 No.-

        본고에서는 발생 동인에 의거하여 일제강점기 한국 역사소설의 세 양상을 구체적으로 살펴보면서 각 양상 내에서 개별 작가 간의 차이점도 아울러 살펴보았다. 이런 작업은 당시 역사소설의 전체적인 면모를 충실히 파악하는데 기여할 뿐만 아니라, 균형 잡힌 시야로 개별 작품의 의미를 충실히 파악할 수 있도록 하는데도 기여할 것이다. 먼저 연의적 동인의 역사소설이라 할 수 있는 이광수와 박종화의 작품은 공통적으로 왕실과 조정의 역사적 유명인물을 주인공으로 삼아 관찬사료에 의거해 주류적인 사건을 전개하면서 민족의식을 고취하고자 하였다. 그러면서도 이광수의 역사소설이 역사의 윤리화를 통해 허무의식에 빠져들고 있다면, 박종화의 역사소설은 역사의 심리화를 통해 역사의 진실성을 훼손시키고 있었다. 그리고 상업적 동인의 역사소설이라 할 수 있는 김동인과 윤백남의 작품은 왕실과 조정의 역사적 유명인물뿐만 아니라 허구적 무명인물이 주도적 역할을 함으로써 관찬의 역사를 비판적으로 재해석하거나 야담에 의거하여 허구적 사건을 전개하여 독자의 관심을 끌고자 하였다. 이것들은 민족주의 이념에 무관심하다는 점에서 연의적 동인의 역사소설과 뚜렷이 변별된다. 그렇지만 김동인의 역사소설이 역사를 개성화하여 상업화의 한계를 어느 정도 벗어나고 있다면, 윤백남의 역사소설은 역사를 대중화하여 봉건 체제의 부당성을 소박하게 고발하는데 머물고 있었다. 마지막으로 민중자각적 동인의 역사소설이라 할 수 있는 현진건과 홍명희의 작품은 민중이나 민중적인 영웅을 주인공으로 삼아 관찬 사료의 구속에서 벗어난 허구적 사건이나 시정의 생활상을 주로 보여주면서 모순된 현실을 적극적으로 극복하려 하고 있었다. 그러면서도 현진건의 역사소설이 낭만적 초월 속에서 역사를 현재화하고 있다면, 홍명희의 역사소설은 현재의 전사로서 역사를 풍속화하고 있었다. 이를 통해 발생 동인에 의거한 일제강점기 한국 역사소설의 세 양상속에서 개별 작가에 따라 다르게 역사가 소설화되는 여섯 가지 경우를 확인할 수 있었다. On this paper, Korean historical novels were categorized into three apperances. They were carefully looked into through the novels of Lee Kwang-Soo, Park Jong-Hwa, Kim Dong-In, Yoon Baek-Nam, Hyun Jin-Gun, and Hong Myeong-Hee. At the same time, the differences of each authors were also compared. First of all, Lee Kwang-Soo and Park Jong-Hwa, under the category of popular history, both chose a historical figure as the protagonist and unfolded events according to historical facts, and through this tried to arouse national consciousness. However, although Lee Kwang-Soo shows a nihilistic attitude by historical moralization, Park Jong-Hwa was damaging the truthfulness of history by psychologically analyzing it. As of Kim Dong-In and Yoon Baek-Nam, under commercial novels, their works are led by not only historical figures but also low-class unknowns, and history is critically reinterpreted or sometimes fabricated events are unfolded, thus did not pay interest to the political ideology of the time. Whereas Kim Dong-In personalizes history and exceeds the limitations of commercialization, Yoon Baek-Nam"s works stayed at the democratizational level. Finally, enlightening historical novels such as the works of Hyun Jin-Gun and Hong Myeong-Hee has the people as protagonists, unfolds events and lives that are made up, and actively tried to overcome the contradictory reality. As Hyun Jin-Gun"s works tried to make present of the history through romantic transcendency, Hong Myung-Hee tried to concretely depict the customs.

      • 김정은 정권의 권력안정성 전망과 우리의 대응

        박좀범 ( Jong-bum Park ) 한국군사학회 2016 군사논단 Vol.86 No.-

        This paper deals with the problems that Kim Jong Un``s regime faces after Kim Jong-il``s sudden death on december 2011. In other words, this study proceeds regarding the direction of solution to the North Korea Nuclear problem, security of internal power, and an economic development which indicates the stability of Kim Jong Un``s regime. Small-scale society such as North Korea is greatly influenced by the external environmental factors. Since the stability problems of Kim Jong Un``s regime progresses along with the conflict and its reaction to the pressure & sanction by the international society, the ``Functional theory of conflict`` is quoted to progress the discussion and considered our strategic responsiveness accordingly. The master plan of Kim Jong Un``s regime has been evaluated that it is to focus on sole leadership system while utterly excluding the forces with vested rights which may become an obstacle, strengthen the system by vitalizing the society through economic development, and swiftly miniaturize and lighten the nuclear weapons`` weight for better utilization so as to set up a complete stabilization of the regime. Thus, the stability of Kim Jong Un``s regime will be strengthened in a short-term, however in a medium-and long-term, its internal cohesiveness will greatly weaken and will face a collapse on account of the lack of resources and economic downfall due to international society``s economic sanction against North Korea. As for us, since Kim Jung Un is satisfied with his regime stability in short-term which may cause a possible skirmish as a unification strategy towards South Korea, and to eliminate the possibility of foreign(ex: Chinese) army``s advancement to the North Korea region due to the power imbalance in the Korean Peninsula after the collapse of North Korea in medium-and long-term, there it needs to be a sufficient prior preparation. It is imperative to maintain a close cooperation system with our allied country-U.S while preparing measures for the China``s movement, and ultimately look for a strategic policy plan by strengthening the relationship with the U.S in order to draw North Korea to the negotiation table.

      • Brief introduction of Butterfly(Lepidoptera) from Myanmar

        Ja Lang LIM,Jinyoung PARK,Ik Je CHOI,Yong Kyun OH,Eui Seok JEONG,Dong Pyeo LYU,U Pho Cho,Khin Mar Myint,Khin Mar Yi,Jong Kyun PARK 한국응용곤충학회 2013 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2013 No.04

        Myanmar is located in the south-east Asia peninsular and it is flanked by five neighboring states: Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand. It is located 10~22 degree north latitude, to 92~101 degrees east longitude. Myanmar has a tropical climate with three seasons in Myanmar. Hot season (March through April), rainy season (May through October) and the cool season (November through February). The coastal regions can get very hot and humid, especially before the rainy season. Myanmar has a monsoon season from May to October when there are heavy rains and often flooding. The investigation was carried out during the dry season(2013) in Nat Ma Taung National Park and Popa Mountain Park. Popa Mountain Park is located in Kyawpadaung Township, Myinchan district, Mandaly Division. The area is 49.63 square miles. Its coordinates are 29°31'60" N and 27°43'60" E. Nat Ma Taung National Park, Myanmar treasure is in Mindut District of Chin State and its area of 279 square miles. It is the third highest mountain in Myanmar with the height of 10,500 feet. Its coordinates are 21°14'00" N and 93°54'00" E. As the result, butterflies(Lepidoptera) collected in the two regions were about 60 species of 7 familys. Collecting dates, expedition activities, photo of main specimen and information of Myanmar were provided.

      • Current Status of Industrial Waste Generation and Symbiosis Network in Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea

        Jong-Hun Park,In-Gyung Jung,Jae-Gun Seo,Sang-Hyoun Kim 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2015 한국폐기물자원순환학회 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.05

        This work aimed to analyze current status of by-products generation and industrial symbiosis network in Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea. Manufacturing sector of the province mainly consists of electronics, machinery, steel, metal-working industries. Gumi and Pohang have the 1st and 2nd largest worker population in the manufacturing sector. 21,950.7 ton/d of waste is generated from the industries in 2011, of which 82.2% is recycled. The industrial waste, which is not recycled, is mainly composed of sludge cake from domestic wastewater treatment plants, waste plastic, incinerator ash, and slag. Pohang is the largest generating city of both total and the non-recycled industrial waste in the province, and most of the waste is from Pohang steel industrial park. Symbiosis map in Pohang steel industrial park shows that most of the current material symbiosis in the industrial park is for waste refractories and slag.

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