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      • 컬러모니터의 색상선호도 평가방법에 관한 연구

        최재호 ( Jae Ho Choe ),박승옥 ( Seung Ok Park ),김흥석 ( Hong Suk Kim ) 한국감성과학회 1998 춘계학술대회 Vol.1998 No.-

        This study investigated the evaluation method for the users`` color preference of CRT monitors. And also the users`` preference of the colors displayed on CRT monitor using the park``s color reproduction system was evaluated. Subjects conducted a series of psychophysical experiments to compare the colors displayed on a CRT monitor using the park``s system to the colors without the system, Three evaluation methods were investigated: comparing one colors of same hue with diverse luminance and saturation. the results showed that subjects preferred the colors reproduced using the park``s system, and thd evaluation methods significantly affected thd color preference.

      • 美國의 國制經濟政策 決定過程의 分析모델에 관한 硏究

        朴鴻錫 동아대학교 사회과학대학 1988 사회과학논집 Vol.6 No.-

        In this paper, we have examined several aspects of U. S. foreign economic policymaking, focusing on the various models of policymaking and on the institutions and actors of protectionism. In the first section, the concept of "foreign economic policymaking" was briefly defined in order to clarify the main focus of the subject. Although the concept can be expanded to cover international trade, finance, investment, aid, energy, and so on, we have intentionally narrowed the concept down to only the international trade and protectionism. After that, the following models of U. S. foreign economic policymaking were explained in detail with many empirical evidence : individual (persona1ity)model ; bureaucratic politics model ; shared perception model ; single-agency domination model ; multiple-advocacy model ; and linkage model. In the latter part of the paper, the institutional arrangement and major actors of U. S. protectionism were carefully explained. Finally, in the conclusion and summary, the models were again examined to see if the protectionist events in the 1970s and 1980s could fit into the model. However, by nature of the foreign economic policymaking, we have found it difficult to make any typology about the relationship. A reasonable attempt to do that seemed to make a very broad and general categorization which could only explain the very nature of the model in the first place.

      • Cortisone이 복막탐식세포의 탐식기능에 미치는 影響에 關한 電子顯微鏡的 硏究

        朴永寬,洪錫宰 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1972 慶北醫大誌 Vol.13 No.2

        It is well known that the phagocytic action of the cells of the reticuloendothelial system plays and important role in the immunological reaction and as a barrier against foreign bodies. It is also known that when the reticuloendothelial system is blockaded by cortisone, adherence of the foreign bodies to the cell membrane of phagocytes, and initial step of phagocytic mechanism, and absorption of foreign body into the cytoplasm of phagocytes are considerably disturbed. An investigation was undertaken to study the phagocytic activity of the omental milk spots by light and electron microscopy. Sixteen albino rats, maintained on a stock diet, weighing 200.0gm. average, were divided into 3 experimental groups. Group 1. Control group. No intraperitooneal injection of india ink given. a. Two rats, untreated. b. 2 rats: A dose of 25 ㎎ of cortisone acetate was given intramuscularly for 6 consecutive days. Group 2. 6 rats: A single dose of 6.0㎖ of 2% india ink in normal saline was given once a day, intraperitioneally, for 3 consecutive days. Group 3. 6 rats: A dose of 25 ㎎of cortisone acetate was given intramuscularly, once a day, for 6 consecutive days. Starting on the 4th day, a 6.0㎖ of 2% india ink in normal saline, once a day, wa administered intraperitoneally, for 3 days. Each of the experimental rats were sacrificed 24 hours after the last treatment of india ink preparation from the groups 2 and 3. The control group was sacrificed simillarly. Then the greater omentum was extirpated and inspected for india ink pigmentation of the milk spots, followed by both light and electron microscopic examinations. The results were as follows: 1. Light microscopic observations: In the experimental group of rats treated with 25 ㎎ doses of cortisone acetate with a resulant reticuloendothelial system blockade followed by an intraperitioneal india ink injection (group 3), the degree of carbon particle phagocytic activity of omental milk spots was greatly diminished over the group of rats treated with india ink only (group 2). 2. Electron microscopic observations: The number of phagosomes in the cytoplasms of the phagocytes of the milk spots of the greater omentum was increased substantially in the group of rate treated with india ink only (group 2). In this group, a large quantity of carbon particles were found to be contained in the phagosomes. Although there was an increased number of phagosomes bearing carbon particles in the group of rats treated with 25㎎ doses cortisone acetate followed by india ink injection (group 3), the number of phagosomes in this group was less than in the group of rats treated with india ink alone (group 2). A considerable quantity of carbon particles were also found outside the cytoplasms of phagocytes for group 3. It can be concluded, therefor: The phagocytic activity of omental milk spots was greatly decimated but not completely inbibited when the reticuloendothelial system was blockaded by large quantity of cortisone administration.

      • 肥育牛의 濃厚飼料에 對한 香味素의 添加가 飼料의 攝取量, 增體量 및 飼料利用率에 미치는 效果

        朴弘錫,許三男,崔亨松 全北大學校 附設 畜産開發硏究所 1987 畜産開發硏究報告 Vol.1 No.-

        To investigate the effect of supplementing feed flavor in the beef rations containing urea on concentrate consumption, body weight gain and the efficiency of concentrate utilization two feeding experiments were conducted. Ten Holstein steers weighing 230-250㎏ were divided into groups and fed the control and the urea containing ration in the first trial for 50 days, then the feed flavor supplementing trial was followed for 136 days. Using urea at the level of 1.6% significantly(P<0.05) decreased both concentrate intake(5.37 vs 5.02㎏/day) and body weight gain(1.05 vs 0.93㎏/day). When the feed flaver (Aromastat for 61 days and followed by Beef-Feednectar for 75 days) was supplemented, it significantly(P<0.05) increased both the concentrate intake(7.90 vs 8.54㎏/day) and body weight gain(1.35 vs 1.47㎏/day). The efficiency of concentrate utilization was also improved but it was not statistically significant. Based on the results of the feeding trial, it is concluded that supplementing feed flavor in the ration containing urea improves feed consumption and growth of beef cattle.

      • 칼라영상시스템의 칼라보정 연구

        朴勝玉,朴正萬,金洪錫,辛鉉德,林在權 대진대학교 1994 大眞論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        We proposed a color calibration algorithm by considering spectral characteristic of the chosen color reproduction system which can be applied to device independent using characteristic vectors of surface reflectance. To evaluate color reproducing characteristics we applied the proposed color calibration algorithm by choosing the color of Macbeth ColorChecker's twenty four as a test color set.

      • 칼라영상시스템에 의한 물체색 측정연구

        朴勝玉,朴正萬,金洪錫,林在權 대진대학교 1993 大眞論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        To simulate accurate spectral reflectance from the red-green-blue output of a video digitizing system, a set of basis functions were computed. 1565 reflectance spectra of the chips in the Munsell Book of Color(Glossy) were measured with a spectrophotometer in KRISS. The autocorrelation matrix of these samples was formed and the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues of this matrix were computed by using Karhunen-Loeve transformation.

      • KCI등재후보

        생약추출물이 초기우식법랑질의 재광화에 미치는 효과

        홍석진,손재범,박근형 대한구강보건학회 2003 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.27 No.2

        Since plant extracts have shown antibacterial activities, we hypothesized that herbal plant extracts would further increase cariostatic efficacies of the fluoride dentifrices.OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study were to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC) of 9 different Korean herbal plants extracts on the S.sobrinus KCTC3308 and the efficacy of NaF-Silica dentifrices with or without the extracts. METHODS; The MIC of the methanol-extracts on the growth of S.sobrinus was determined. Subsurface caries lesions were prepared as previously described (Hong et al.J Dent Res. 77:843, 1998). After Vickers hardness number(VHN) were determined, the specimens were assigned to 9 test groups of 12 each by randornized blocks with VHN stratification. The specimens were tested for remineralization In vitro subsurface enamel lesion under cyclic microbial dynamic condition simulating in vivo carious fomation. The statistical significance of delta VHNs was determined by Students t-test and one-way ANOVA. RESULTS: The MIC of the Angelica gigas extract was 3 ㎎/㎖, as same as Akebia quinata and Camellia sinensis was 4 ㎎/㎖. However, all 9 extracts tested in the study demonstrated the synergistic cariostatic potential with known fluoride dentifrices. CONCLUSION: The NaF-herbal extract in silica base dentifrice significantly increased the cariostatic effect of NaF-Silica base dentifrice.

      • 동북아시아 다자안보협력체 구축 방안

        박홍석,이현경 동아대학교 동아시아연구원 2006 동아시아 : 비교와 전망 Vol.5 No.-

        본 논문은 동북아시아 다자안보협력체 구축 방안을 제시하는 데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 구체화하기 위해 동북아시아와 한반도 지역에서의 미 · 일 · 중 · 러의 각축을 살펴보고. 동북아시아 다자안보협력체 창설에 대한 관련국들의 입장과 그 형성 방안을 제시한다. 아시아 태평양의 전 지역을 비교해 볼 때 동북아시아 지역의 다자협력 구도는 아직 미미한 상태다. 미 · 일 · 중 · 러 및 남한은 동북아시아의 평화와 안점을 위해 다자안보협력체의 창설 필요성에 공감하고 있으나 이 기구 창설을 위한 강한 의지를 보이고 있 지 않다. 그런데다 이 지역은 역내 국가들간 힘의 분포, 군비경쟁, 공통의 안보이익 부재, 각기 다른 안보적위협인석, 지역분쟁 및 영토분쟁 상존, 정치군사적 이해가 상충되어 있다. 더군다나 역사 · 정치 · 문화적 전통 등에 대한 공통성이 부재하고 상이한 문화 와 가치관이 존재한다. 그래서동북아시아 지역에 유럽형의 다자안보협력체를 형성하기가 쉽지 않다. 하지만 이 지역에 다자안 보협 력체가 구성되면 영전의 구도를 허물고 분쟁예방, 위기관리 갈등해소, 비군사적 안보위협 대처에 기여할 것이다. 동북아시아 다자안보협력체 구축이 현 단계에선 어렵다하더라도 역내 국가들이 CSCAP,ARF, NEACD 등 비정부간 안보협의체와 공동보조를 취하고 대화의 장을 넓혀 나간다면 다자안보협력체 창설을 위한 기반을 마련할 것이다. 이러한 토대 위에 역내 국가 들이 경제 · 환경·과학·기술 등 비정치군사적 사항에 효과적으로 대응함으로써 불안정성과 불확실성을 감소시키고 상호 신뢰를 구축 해 나간다면 동북아시아 다자안보협력체는 구축될 것이다. 그것은 동북아시아 평화체제를 구축하는 사전 단계이며, 세력균형의 틀 내에서 지역의 평화와 안점을 추구할 수 있다.

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