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      • 팔당호의 부영양화 실태

        김범철,김동섭,권오길 江原大學校 附設 環境硏究所 1990 環境硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        Trophic states were surveyed in a reservoir on the Han River, Lake Paldang, receiving waters from two rivers, the North Han River and South Han River. Chlorophyll a concentration, secchi disc transparency, BOD, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration and total phosphorus (TP) concentration were investigated at three sta-tions (dam site and the inlet region of the North Han River and the inlet region of the South Han River) and the phosphorus loading into Lake Paldang was measured. Chlorophylla, BOD, SRP and TP were highest at the inlet region of the South Han River and lowest at the inlet region of the North Han River and eutrophic level at the inlet region of the South Han River. The phosphorus loading into Lake Paldang was between the dangerous critical loading and the permissible critical loading of Vollenweider-OECD critical loading model. The phosphorus loading of the South Han River was about 2 times larger than of the North Han River.

      • 한국산 감귤 수입 예상국의 수입 검역제도에 관한 연구

        김택조,강영길,권오균 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1995 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        수출밀감 생산지와 밀감 수출관련기관에 유용한 정보를 제공하고자 제주산 온주밀감 주요수입국 및 수입가능국의 검역제도를 조사분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상국의 연간 수입량은 캐나다 61.5천톤, 미국 101.1천톤, 일본 1.2천톤, 홍콩 32.3천톤 정도이었고 1993년 한국산 감귤 수입량은 캐나다 1107톤, 홍콩 6톤, 러시아가 150톤이었다. 2. 캐나다는 병충해 위험도 평가를 실시한 후 한국산 밀감을 식물위생증이나 수입허가서 없이 수입하고 있다. 수입검사 중 캐나다에 분포하는 병해충으로서 감염정도가 심하지 않은 식물류는 소독처리하고 캐나다에 분포하지 않은 병해충이나 분포하는 병해충이라도 감염이 심한 경우 폐기 (반송)된다. 한국산 밀감의 경우 부패과를 제외하고는 검역상 문제가 되지 않고 있다. 3. 미국은 수입허가제를 채택하고 있으며 한국산 밀감은 궤양병, 흑반병, 화살깍지벌레의 미국내 유입을 막기위하여 수입이 금지되고 있으나 궤양병 무병 생산단지 및 완충지대 설정, 과실의 예방적 소독처리, 박테리아제 테스트 실시, 선과 후 안전조치등을 조건으로 미국내 수입이 한미간 합의 되었다. 과실의 채소류의 반입항에서 수입물량의 약 2%의 임의 표본 추출하여 검사하며, 미국에 분포하는 병해충만이 검출되는 경우에는 수입이 가능한 반면 검역대상 병해충이 발견될 때 소독방법이 있을 경우에는 소독하고 소독방법이 없을 경우에는 폐기 또는 수입이 거부된다. 4. 일본은 14종의 금지병해충의 기주식물 및 식물성 생산물의 수입을 금지하고 있으나 한국산은 수입금지품에 해당되는 식물이 없다. 금지병해충 (14종)과 특정 중요병해충 (42종)이 부착된 식물중 효과적인 소독방법이 확립되어 있지 않은 과실은 폐기되고 소독가능 병해충이 발견된 과실류는 소독되거나 선별된다. 5. 홍콩에서의 수입 비제한 품목인 과실 및 채소류는 식물위생증이나 수입허가서 없이 수입되며 수입검사중 병해충이 발견되면 소독처리된다. 6. 러시아에서는 수입비제한 품목을 제외하고는 식물 및 식물성 산물의 수입시 식물위생증과 수입허가서가 요구되며 허가항을 통하여 수입되어져야 한다. 7. 감귤류가 재배되지 않아 수입검역이 까다롭지 않은 캐나다, 홍콩, 러시아의 동부에 한국산 밀감 수출 증대를 도모하는 것이 바람직하다. This study was conducted to obtain knowledge of import quarantine system in Canada, the U.S.A., Japan, Hongkong and Russia, which may facilitate export Korean mandarins to these countries. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Canada, the U.S.A., Japan, Hongkong annually import about 61,500, 101,100, 1,200 and 32,300 tons. respectively, of such citrus fruits as mandarins, tangerines and clementines. In 1993, 1,107 tons of Korean mandarins were imported into Canada, 6 tones into Hongkong and 150 tones into Russia. 2. After pest risk on Korea mandarins for Canada was assessed, the mandarins have been imported into Canada without phytosanitary certificate and import permit. When either diseases and/or pests which have occurred in Canada are found or they are not severe during import inspection, disinfection is ordered. When either diseases and/or pests which have never occurred in the country are found or they are severe, the importer is ordered to destroy or reship the shipment. In Canada, import quarantine for Korean mandarins has been smooth except the rotten fruits have been found. 3. The import of Korean mandarins into the U.S.A. is prohibited to prevent citrus caker, phoma rot and arrowhead scale from being introduced into the U.S.A. However, it has been agreed between Korea and the U.S.A. that there can be imports into the U.S.A. of mandarins from Chejudo based on implementation of certain procedures. At the ports of entry, inspections are conducted by sampling about 2% of the imported amount of fruits and vegetabls. When injurious diseases and/or pests are found, disinfection is ordered. When there is no methods of disinfection which can completely kill the diseases and/or pests, the importer is ordered to destroy or reship the shipment. 4. Prohibited are host plants and plant products of 14 kinds of diseases and pests that have never occurred in Japan. In import inspection, when diseases and/or pests are found, disinfection is ordered. When there is no methods of disinfection which can completely kill the diseases and/or pests. the importer is ordered to destroy or reship the shipment. 5. Fresh fruits and vegetable can be imported into Hongkong without phytosanitary certificate and import permit. When diseases and/or pests are found during import inspection, disinfection is ordered. 6. Phytosanitary certificate permit are required in Russia for import of plants and plant products from foreign countries. The port of entry is designated by the quarantine authorities. It seems to be desirable to try hard to increase export amount of Korean mandarins to Canada, eastern Russia and Hongkong which do not raise citrus fruits and are not strict for import quarantine of citrus fruits.

      • 衣巖湖의 貝類에 關한 硏究 : A study on the gonadal tissues and demibranchs of Corbicula fluminea(Palaeoheterodonta: Corbiculidae)

        권오길,이준상,박갑만 江原大學校 附設 環境硏究所 1989 環境硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        의암호에 서식하는 재철(Corbicula fluminea)을 실험재로로 하여 생식세포형성, hermaphrodite에 의한 성비의 계정성 그리고 이에 따른 반새의 변화와 정확한 산란시기를 밝히고자 조직학적 방법에 의한 견구 조사를 실시하였다. 총 118개의 개체중 female 32개체(27.1%), female-hermaphrodite 75개체(63.5%)hermaphrodite 32개체(2.5%), male-hermaphrodite 7개체(5.9%), male 1개체(0.4%)로 전체적으로 female의 경향이 높았다. 산란은 2월과 3월에 난을 방출하는 난생의 형태이고 7월이후 11월까지 glochidia를 방출하는 난태생의 형태를 나타내었다. 外半?(outer-demibranch)가 보육낭으로 이용될 수도 있으나 內半?(inner-demibranch)가 주로 보육나으로 작용하였다. 수관 분리는 주로 inner-demibranch에서 나타났고, 산란시기에는 많은 개체가 수관이 분리되어 있었다. Corbicula fluminaea, one of two species in the family Corbiculidae living in the Lake Uiam was used as an experimental material. This research was done in order to deon in order to identify and describe the visceral sex. the demibranch morthology, and the seasonal gonad activity. The sexuality of C. fluminea was male, male-hermaphrodite (with a preponderance of testicular tissue over ovarian tissue), hermaphrodite (with approximately equal amount of male and female ponadal tissue), female-hermaphrodite (with a preponderance of the ovarian tissue), and female. The non-marsupial demibranch (namely, outer 2 in females and female-hermaphrodite, two in males and males and male-hermaphrodites) was divided by the secondary sept that in males and male-hermaphrodites) was divided by the secondary septa that produced secondary watertubes, resulting in triparitite organization. But, the outerdemibranch of all kinds has exhibited feebly the triparitite organization. In this species larvae were produced over two extended time periods, one in spring(oviparity) and one in fall (dvoviviparity).

      • 2지역 연계 전력시스템의 뉴로-퍼지제어기 설계

        이오걸,이용길,김상효 동의공업대학 2001 論文集 Vol.27 No.1

        This paper proposed a optimal scale factors technique of a neuro-fuzzy controller for a load frequency control of two areas power system. The optimal scale factors control technique is optimize from an initial fuzzy logic control rule, and then is learned with an error back propagation learning algorithm of the neuro-fuzzy controller. In application two areas the load frequency control of the power system, it hopes to have response characteristic better than the conventional control technique.

      • 친환경농업 농가 컨설팅에 대한 반응 조사

        오환중,차광홍,정우진,김길용,박노동 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 2011 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        The interactions between Environment-Friendly Agriculture Research Center (EFARC) and farmers in Jeonnam Province area who have practiced environment-friendly agriculture (EFA) under guidances of EFARC were investigated through enquete. The enquete was conducted during July - September, 2010. One hundred and eighty nine farmers responded all inquiries among 200 farmers. The main results are summarized as follows: 1. Rice was the predominant crop grown by farmers (49%), and the next major was hot pepper (12%). Most farmers (95.3%) have practiced environment-friendly agriculture at the levels of no-pesticide (55.6%), lower pesticide (32.8%), and organic (6.9%). 2. Major motivations of practicing EFA are for the production of safe foodstuffs (52.6%) and for an increase of income (40.1%). 3. Around 3 quarters of the environment-friendly agriculture products are shipped through Nonghyup, the cooperative marketing. The price margin between ordinary agriculture products and EFA products was of 5~10% for 63.5% farmers, of 10~20% for 14.3% ones, and of 20~30% for 14.8% ones. 4. Bottlenecks for practicing EFA are in the order of the unstability of shipping price (34.9%), cultivation techniques (20.1%), excess labor input (19.6%), and control of disease and insect pest (18%). 5. It turned out that more than 90% farmers who have practiced EFA under guidance of EFARC recognized the consulting activities of EFARC as to be helpful for them. 6. Establishment of national organizations which are specialized in consultation for EFApracticing farmers has been suggested.

      • 안와저골절 환자에서 구강외과와 안과의 공동 치료

        박길선,오세오,김경원 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 1996 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.6 No.1

        안와저 골절을 동반한 다발성 악안면부 골절 환자에서는 외상의 범위가 여러 임상과의 전문영역에 모두 관련되는 경우가 많아서 만족할 만한 수술적 치료 결과를 얻기위해서는 이들 여러분야 전문의들의 협력이 필수적이다. 저자들은 본원의 여러 분과가 관련되어 있는 악안면부의 다발성 골절 환자에 대해, 각 과가 각각의 치료를 하였던 경우와 구강외과와 안과가 공동으로 치료하였던 결과를 비교하여 악안면 외상 치료에 있어서 관련 임상과들의 team approach의 중요성을 확인하였다. Complicated blow-out fracture involving the multiple bones should be examined and treated by team approach incorporatimg the aid of an ophthalmologist, an oral & maxillofacial surgeon, an otolaryngologist, and a neurosurgeon. We compared the surgical treatment of two facial bone trauma cases involved with the orbital floor fracture by different approach. Surgical treatment of complicated blow-out fracures with a team approach was more effective than single department oriented approach.

      • 小麥의 稈長 遺傳에 관한 연구

        曺章煥,吳正行,蔡濟天,鄭吉雄,金鳳九 단국대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        This study has been conducted to investigate the genetic and ecological variation of wheat culm length measured from those plants grown at greenhouse. The results are as following. 1. The clum length of the winter wheat was higest under 12hrs daylength, while that of the spring wheat was highest under 8hrs daylength. Standard errors of culm length was larger under 12 and 8hrs daylength than that of 24hrs daylength condition. 2. The culm length was shortest under the 24hrs daylength compare to under 12 or 8hrs while it was highest under 12hrs. Short and medium culm length varieties were photo-insensitive but those of long culm length were photo-sensitive. 3. There are many types of varietal differences for the culm length under the daylength conditions. Highest culm length group under 12 and 8hrs conditions was classified. The semi-dwarf varieties that did not change their plant heights under i and 12hrs conditions were Hira, Yecora Resel, Sava, Sturdy, Saric 70, Sekidorisai 66etc. 4. Varietal difference of culm elongation was noticed between 8hrs and 12hrs daylength condition. On the basis of the evidences obtained from this experiment, it may be concluded that the genetic studies related to culm length should be carried out under the most favorable conditions for culm elongation. 5. Correlation coefficients estimated between culm length and heading or maturity were negative but insignificant, but their correlations were highly significant between photo treatments. 6. Culm length of F_1 was intermediate to the range of F_2 population which seems to be distributed normally. In this regard the gene involved with culm length seemingly inherit additively. Statistical analysis for the involved genes for culm length suggested 2 genes for the semidwarf variety Robin #2.

      • 연준모치,Phoxinus phoxinus 와 금강모치, Rhynchocypris kumgangensis의 서식지 분리와 먹이 선택

        백현민,송호복,심하식,김영건,권오길 江原大學校 附設 環境硏究所 2002 環境硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        The authors investigated habitat segregation and prey selectivity of two cohabitants, Phoxinus phoxinus and Rhynchocypris kumgangensis, in Dongdaesheon, Jeongsoen-gun, Kangwon-do, Korea, from April to October 2001. P. phoxinus dominated the upper reaches of the stream, whereas R. kumgangensis dominated the middle and lower reaches of the upprer stream. P.phoxinus inhabited zones of relatively slow water velocity in the bottoom layer, but R. kumgangensis lived zones of relatively high water velocity in the middle and upper layers of the cohabitat. P. phoxinus ingested mainly Ephemeroptera, Trichophtera, Diptera in spring, and Diptera in summer and autumn. R. kumgangensis fed mainly on terrestrial insects in spring and summer, and Diptera in autumn.

      • 연준모치, Phoxinus phoxinus와 금강모치, Rhynchocypris kumgangensis의 서식지 분리와 먹이 선택

        백현민,송호복,심하식,김영건,권오길 한국어류학회 2002 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.14 No.2

        강원도 정선군의 동대천에 동서하고 있는 Phoxinus phoxinus와 Rhynchocypris kumgangensis의 서식지 분리와 먹이 선택에 대하여 2001년 4월부터 9월까지 계절별로 조사, 연구하였다. 두 종은 전형적인 Aa형 하천에 서식하고 있었으며, 상류쪽에서는 P. phoxinus가, 중·하류쪽에서는 R. kumgangensis가 우세하였고, 수온이 중요한 서식 제한 요인으로 나타났다. 동일 서식지에서 P. phoxinus는 유속이 느린 곳에, R. kumgangensis는 상대적으로 유속이 빠른 곳에서 점유율이 높게 나타났으며, P. phoxinus는 하천의 하층에, R. kumgangensis는 상층 및 중층에 주로 서식하였다. 먹이 생물은 P. phoxinus는 봄에 Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Diptera를 주로 섭식하였고 여름과 가을에는 Diptera를 섭식하였으며, R. kumgangensis는 봄과 여름에는 육상곤충, 가을에는 Diptera를 주로 섭식하였다. The authors investgated habitat segregation and prey selectivity of two cohabitants, Phoxinus phoxinus and Rhynchocypris kumgangensis, in Dongdeacheom, Jeongsoen-gun, Kangwon-do, Korea, from April to October 2001. P. phoxinus dominated the upper reaches of the stream, whereas R. kumgangensis dominated the middle and lower reaches of the upprer stream. P. phoxinus inhabited zones of relatively slow water velocity in the bottom layer, but R. kumgangensis lived zoned of relatively high water velocity in the middle and upper layers of the cohabitat. P. phoxinus ingested mainly Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Diptera in spring, and Diptera in summer and autumn. R. kumgangensis fed mainly on terrestrial insects in spring and summer, and Diptera in autumn.

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