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        대두모자이크바이러스에 의한 결협절위별 갈반립의 형성과 바이러의 종자전염

        吳正行 韓國作物學會 1984 Korean journal of crop science Vol.29 No.3

        콩모자이크 바이러스(SMV)에 의한 갈반립의 형성율과 SMV의 종자전염율을 조사하기 위하여 대두품종 Clark, Woodworth, 북해1호를 재료로 SMV 이병정도와 갈반립율 결협절위 및 갈반립형성등의 관계를 조사하고 그 갈반립을 통한 SMV의 종자전염율을 면역이중확산법과 유묘감염률로 조사하였다. 1. 갈반립의 형성율은 식물체의 이병정도와 정비례적인 상관(r=0.796)을 보였다. 2. 이병식물체의 갈반립형성은 결협절립 및 협중종실위치와 유의상관이 없었으며 (r=0.34), 동일절위 및 협내에서도 갈반립과 비갈반립이 함께 형성되었다. 3. 면역이중확산법으로 조사한 SMV의 종자전염율은 4.2 -33.3%로 비교적 낮았으며 품종에 따라 현저한 차이가 있었다. 4. 유묘에 나타난 SMV 증상으로 조사한 종자전염율은 면역이중확산법으로 검정한 종자감염율보다 약관 높게 나타났으며 이는 항혈청의 역가 또는 Virus의 체내증식과 관계가 있는 것으로 보였다. 5. 이병직물의 갈반립은 SMV 종자전염율과 일치하지는 않으나 SMV의 포장이병율 추정에 유용한 지표가 될 수 있으며 파종시 갈반립의 제거는 SMV 전염원의 감소효과를 가져올 수 있을 것으로 보였다. Association of SMV infection in soybean plants with seedcoat mottling and with seed transmission of SMV was examined. Seedcoat mottling was increased positively in proportion to the SMV severity in variety Clark. No correlation was found between the incidence of mottled seed and the seed's position on the plant. Susceptible variety with virus symptoms gave rise to mottled seeds but only a small percentage of these mottled seeds could transmit the virus. SMV could be transmitted even by nonmottled seeds harvested from SMV infected plants in similar rate with mottled seed. It seemed that the amount of mottled seed could be used as an indicator of the amounts of SMV infection in a seed production field.

      • SCIEKCI등재
      • 관수방법이 콩미이라병과 자주무늬병의 발생 및 식물생육에 미치는 영향

        오정행,김동윤 두레마을 친환경농업연구원 2002 친환경농업연구 Vol.4 No.2

        조숙성 콩품종을 이용하는 풋콩 재배에서는 콩 미이라병과 자주무늬병에 의한 꼬투리 품질 저하와 종자콩의 확보문제가 큰 장애가 되고 있다. 콩 미이라병은 병든 식물의 잔사물이 중요한 제1차 전염원 이며, 식물체에 감염하여도 살아 있는 조직에서는 균사의 생육이 극히 제한적이고, 잠재감염 상태로 포자형성이 거의 없으므로 이러한 병원균의 특성을 이용하는 재배적 방제의 가능성을 검토하였다. 점적관수는 분무관수에 비하여 무피복 재배에서는 종자감염율을 현저히 감소시켰으나 피복재배에서는 큰 차이가 없었다. 피복재배는 콩 미이라병 28.0%, 자주무늬병 29.3%의 방제가를 보였으나 베노밀 방제가에는 미치지 못하였다. 식물체 잔사물 줄기의 78%는 7월초에 병포자가 성숙되어 제1차 전염원으로 작용하며, 당년의 식물체에서 탈락한 노화 떡잎과 엽병에서도 7월 중순부터 9월에 걸쳐 충분한 제2차 전염원이 형성되었다. 결론적으로, 비닐피복과 점적관수는 콩 수량성에 영향을 미치지 않고 어느 정도의 콩 미이라병과 자주무늬병 방제효과가 있으며, 제2차 전염원을 제거하는 포장위생관리의 병행은 방제효과를 더욱 제고시킬 것으로 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        대두 갈색무늬병에 의한 수량감소의 평가

        오정행,권신한 한국응용곤충학회 1983 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        2년간에 걸쳐 조사한 대두의 수량감소는 갈색무늬병을 접종한 경우 농약 살포구에 비해 감소 차였으며 자연감염의 경우에는 의 감소를 나타냈다. 갈색무늬병의 감염은 초장, 주당절수(株當節數), 주당분지수(分枝數)에는 큰 영향이 없었으나 주당협수(狹數)와 종실중(種實重)에는 현저한 감소 현상을 보였다. 대두의 수량감소율을 갈색무늬병의 이병율과 정(正)의 상관을 보였으며 그 상관도는 Van der Plank's infection rate (0.156) 보다는 병 진전국선면적(AUBC) 과의 상관도가 높았다. 병진전곡선 면적으로 표시된 갈색무늬병의 감염율과 대두수량 감소율과의 관계는 y=4.38+0.5X 으로 나타났다. Septoria brown spot closed by Septoria glycines is one of the most serious fungal diseases in soybean. Average yield reduction of 3 varieties for two years was by the septoria brown spot inoculation and by the natural infection as compared to fungicide-sprayed plots. Number of pods per plant and seed weight were significantly reduced while plant height, number of branches and number of nodes per plant were not affected. Yield reduction was positively correlated to the septoria brown spot severity in all varieties examined. Correlation coefficient between yield reduction and area under the disease progress curve was higher than that (r=0.156) between yield reduction and Van der Plank's apparent infection rate. Potential effect of the septoria brown spot on the soybean yield reduction estimated with the area under the disease progress curve was expressed by the equation of Y=4.38+0.05X .

      • 채소연작 비닐하우스내에서 조숙풋콩의 재배가 토양화학성분, 생육 및 수량형질에 미치는 영향

        오정행,주문갑,정구복,정길웅,주용하,고상덕 한국콩연구회 1996 韓國콩硏究會誌 Vol.13 No.2

        This experiment was conducted to investigate any change in chemical properties of soil as well as growth and yield components of Seokryangputkong cultivated is vinyl house mainly used for consecutive cultivations of vegetables. Seokryangputkong, a recommended variety as a vegetable soybean by Rural Development Administration in 1995, was planted 4 times from April 15 to May 15 in 10 days - interval in vinyl house in Such'ang-ri, Choch'iwon-up, Yunki-gun, Chungnam, the analysis of the chemical properties of the soil indicated that available P₂O₂ content, EC, organic matter content and Ex-Na were increased by 89.3mg/kg, 0.1dS/m, 0.1% and 0.1me/100g, after a cultivation of vegetable soybean, respectively. Whereas, Ex-Ca and Fx-Mg were decreased by 1.2me/100g and 0.1me/100g, respectively and pH and Ex-K were not changed. Emergence date, days to emergence and average emergence period were shortened as planting delayed in 10 days - interval from April 15. There was no difference shown in emergence rate in different planting dates. Days to flowering, pod formation and maturity were respectively shortened by 8.3 days, 2.7 days and 11.4 days as planting dates delayed in 10 days - interval from April 15. Days to flowering was not significantly correlated with days to pod formation but it showed a highly positive correlation with days to maturity. Days to pod formation showed a highly positive correlation with days to maturity, too. Stem height, stem diameter, number of stem nodes, number of branches, number of branch nodes and internode length of cotyledon were reduced as planting dates delayed, and fresh weight per plant did not show any difference as planting dates delayed. The number of unfilled and one - seed pods per plant were reduced as planting dates delayed, and number of two - seed and three - seed pods per plant, number of pods per plant and fresh weight per plant did not show any difference as planting dates delayed. Pod length and pod width showed some difference in different planting dates but there was no difference in pod thickness. The number of seeds per plant, seed weight per plant, one hundred - seeds weight, seed length and seed width were not different among planting date. Seed thickness was reduced as planting dates delayed. Among the various characteristic, stem diameter showed a highly positive correlation with seed thickness. The number of branches and branch nodes showed a highly positive correlation with one hundred - seeds weight and seed thickness. The number of pods per plant showed a highly positive correlation with fresh weight per plant and pod length. the number of one-seed per plant showed a highly positive correlation with fresh weight per plant, fresh weight of pods per plant and weight of seeds per plant Fresh weight of pods per plant showed a highly positive correlation with weight of, seeds per plant One hundred - seeds weight showed a highly positive correlation with seed width and seed length showed a highly positive correlation with seed width. The other characteristics did not show any significant correlation reciprocally.

      • 녹두 播種期別 갈색무늬병(Cercospora canescence)의 發生이 生育·收量에 미치는 影響

        오정행 단국대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        Effect of planting dates on the growth and yield components associated with cercospora leaf sport(CLS) of mungbean was investigated to find out optimum planting date for th disease escape to minimize yield reduction by the CLS infection. Delay of planting date from May 1 to May 20, June 10 and June 30 shortened emergence day by 1-6 days and flowering day by 5-20 days with varietal difference. Delay of planting date reduced number of pods per plant significantly. While, number of seeds per pod and 100-seed weight were less affected by delay of planting date and the influence was much less in the variety R-105569 than S-103993 and M-109575. Severity of CLS was increased with delay of planting date until June 10 in S-103993 and M-109575 and May 20 in R-105569. Yield reduction was significantly correlated with CLS severity in susceptible variety S-103993 and intermediate M-109575, but insignificantly correlated in resistant R-105569. Yield decreased significantly in CLS susceptible S-1003993 and intermediate M-109575 by delaying the planting date, owing to reduction of number of pods per plant which is associated with increase in CLS infection, but the reduction was small in the resistant R-105569.

      • SCIEKCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Pseudomonas sp.를 이용한 콩 탄저병의 생물학적 방제

        오정행,김규홍 한국식물병리학회 2003 식물병연구 Vol.9 No.3

        Pseudomonas sp. antagonistic to Colletotrichum truncatum and C. gloeosporioides was selected as a biological control agent for soybean anthracnose. Pseudomonas sp. inhibited the mycelial growth of pathogens effectively as the fungicides such as benomyl and fluazinam in vitro tests without any adverse effects on soybean. Seed treatment with the Pseudomonas sp. increased emergence rate of soybean seeds significantly after inoculation with C. truncatum. When the suspension of Pseudomonas sp. was sprayed on soybean plants, the control efficacy was not different from that of fungicides, benomyl and fluazinam two weeks after treatment, however the efficacy did not last long enough after three weeks.

      • KCI등재후보

        콩 탄저병균의 생장 및 병 진전에 미치는 온도,수분 존재시간, 살균제의 영향

        오정행,김규홍 한국식물병리학회 2003 식물병연구 Vol.9 No.3

        Pseudomonas sp. antagonistic to Colletotrichum truncatum and C. gloeosporioides was selected as a biological control agent for soybean anthracnose. Pseudomonas sp. inhibited the mycelial growth of pathogens effectively as the fungicides such as benomyl and fluazinam in vitro tests without any adverse effects on soybean. Seed treatment with the Pseudomonas sp. increased emergence rate of soybean seeds significantly after inoculation with C. truncatum. When the suspension of Pseudomonas sp. was sprayed on soybean plants, the control efficacy was not different from that of fungicides, benomyl and fluazinam two weeks after treatment, however the efficacy did not last long enough after three weeks.

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