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      • KCI등재후보

        '계획에 없던 재수술'의 분석

        김은경,조성현,김창엽,오병희 한국의료QA학회 1995 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Background: clinical indicators are objective measures of process or outcome of patient care in quantitative terms. This study aims to review the medical records of patients who 'return to operating room during the same admission', which is one of the critical clinical outcomes, and describe the result by unplanned reoperation rate. Methods: Computerized patient registry was used for selecting subject conditions. For medical records retrieved, two nurse evaluators identified the presence of explicit reoperation planning in medical records. Results: Overall reoperation rate was 2.8% and unplanned reoperation rate 1.3%, The main category of reoperation cause was the postoperative bleeding. Duration of stay from previous operation to reoperation of the unplanned group, 12.7 days, was shorter than that of the planned(p<.05). The differences did not reach statistical significance in age, sex and length of stay. Conclusion: Results suggested that unplanned reoperation rate was lower than 'threshold' level other institutions had established. However, this result could become comparable only after management of medical records would be improved and risk adjusted.

      • KCI등재후보

        혈압측정의 정확성 평가

        조성현,황정해,김은경,오병희,김창엽 한국의료QA학회 1996 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Background : Blood pressure is an important indicator in diagnosis and assessing treatment of a patient. Clinical staffs use blood pressure on the assumption that measured value is accurate and reliable. However, whether measured blood pressure is accurate has been rarely investigated in Korea. Objectives : The aims of this study are to evaluate clinical staffs' knowledge and technique as well as accuracy of sphygmomanometer. Also the program to improve the measurement is developed. Methods : Seventy-three registered nurses were asked nine multiple choice questions including Korotkoff sound, cuff size, and deflation rate. Simultaneously characteristics of nurses were examined age, working place, duration of employment and academic degree. A testing videotape(Standardizing Measurement Video-Tutored Course) was used for evaluating the accuracy of measurement. Testees were to read and record the 12 cases of blood pressure measurement, watching a falling mercury column and hearing Korotkoff sounds. After 10 minutes' education, they were again tested with the same cases. Additionally, 83 mercury sphygmomanometers were checked to find defects such as inaccurate calibration and zero setting, leaky bladder, etc. Results : For the knowledge testing correct response rate was 41.1%. They were the lowest in selecting the proper cuff size and Korotkoff sound. In examining accuracy of blood pressure with videotape, nurses had 67.7% correct response rate. The correct response rate was significantly improved by a session of education. About 23% of sphygmomanometers was without discemable defects. Conclusion : The knowledge and skill of clinical staffs along with the accuracy of equipment have to be improved. A properly designed education program would contribute to the accuracy improvement of blood pressure measurement. Also, more concerns should be given to the precision and maintenance of equipment.

      • 피부미용교육을 위한 동양의학적 체질별 피부 관리 고찰 연구

        오은경 ( Eun Gyung Oh ),정숙희 ( Suk Heui Jeong ) 대한미용문화예술학회 2016 대한미용문화예술학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        This study aims at comparing three doshas of Ayurveda(Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and Sasang constitution(Taeyangin, Soyangin, Taeumin, and Soeumin) to examine correlation between two Oriental medicines, classifying skin types to suggest more effective cosmetology education programs, and helping maintain healthy and beautiful skin in the actual skin care. Soeumin(Vata) has cold and dry qualities and a dry skin type. Its care should focus on providing warmness and moisture. Also, a soft manual care is helpful for the dry quality. As it is weak and cold constitution, and can supply Yang should be taken. Soyangin(Pitta) has hot and moisture qualities and an oily skin type. Acne and trouble often occur. A manual care is recommended to minimize heat generation caused by rubbing. and the care focuses on sedation and anti-inflammation. Taeeumin(Kapha) has cold and moisture qualities and a combination or oily skin type. It needs warm and dry care. A deeper and stronger manual care is needed compared with other constitutions. This study grasped the tendency of 26 theses including basic information and used variables. As a result, this study analyzed and investigated correlation by constitution in Oriental medicine, skin types through physiological skin analysis by constitution, and massage methods, according to skin types. Based on the analysis results, skin cosmetology education and actual skin care programs were proposed.

      • KCI등재

        《민중미술: 한국의 새로운 문화 운동 Minjoong Art: A New Cultural Movement from Korea》전을 통해 본 `한국성`의 변주

        오경은(Oh, Gyung Eun) 서양미술사학회 2016 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.45 No.-

        본고는 1988년 뉴욕 아티스츠 갤러리에서 열렸던 ≪민중미술: 한국의 새로운 문화운동≫전시를 사례연구의 대상으로 삼아 냉전 종식과 함께 급속히 대두된 글로벌리즘 논의 속에서 한국 현대미술이 어떠한 방식으로 한국적 정체성을 드러내고자 하였는지, 그것은 서구 특히 미국미술계에서 어떻게 받아들여졌는지를 고찰한다. 후기식민주의와 글로벌리즘 담론 생산의 현장이던 뉴욕에서 한국 고유의 사회상을 세계로 전달하려던 ≪민중미술≫전의 한국인 전시기획자들의 의도와 비서구권 예술을 전시하려는 갤러리 측 인사들의 의도가 때로는 교집하고 때로는 대립하는 상황을 목도하게 되는데 이때 한국 현대미술이 해외 무대를 대상으로 스스로의 정체성을 어떻게 전략화하여 드러낼 것인가에 대한 사고가 싹트기 시작함에 주목한다. 또한 더 나아가 이 전시가 이후에 나타날 글로벌리즘의 주요한 특성을 선구적으로 보여주었음을 드러내고자 한다. 본고는 ≪민중미술≫전이 민중미술을 전지구적 자본의 지배에 대항하는 메커니즘으로 인식하던 민중미술 이론가들의 초기 이론에 균열을 가하고 사고의 확장을 불러일으켰다고 보았다. 민중미술은 국지화된 투쟁의 결과물이 아닌 한국인의 정체성에 근거한 제국주의에의 저항의 편린인 것이며 이렇듯 국지적인 것이 동시에 전지구적인 것이 될 수 있는 사회적 기계란 결국 차이의 복수성을 긍정하는 네트워크의 형성인 것이다. 호미 바바가 글로벌리즘의 이상향으로 삼았던, 국가를 초월하여 존재하는 가정적이지 않은 집합과 디아스포라의 결집이 결국 안토니오 네그리와 마이클 하트가 진단하듯 탈중심화되고 탈영토화된 권력의 분배양상인 유의미한 네트워크의 형성으로 가시화되었다 가정할 때, ≪민중미술≫전의 기획자들은 문화계에서 바로 이러한 네트워크를 만들어내는데 성공하여 세계예술계에 자신의 존재를 드러내는데 성공한 초기사례로 자리매김 된다. This essay contemplates how contemporary Korean art has manifested its national identity and how the international art world has received it since the mushroom growth of globalization upon the end of Cold War, through a case study of an exhibition titled Minjoong Art: A New Cultural Movement from Korea which was held at Artists’ Gallery in New York City in 1988. In the city where the discourses of post-colonialism and globalism were actively forming, the intentions of the Korean curators who were invited by the gallery to put up this exhibition and the positions and vantage points of the gallery that wanted to display artworks from the Third World were intersected yet more often conflicted. This essay argues that this was one of the earliest examples of a contemporary Korean art exhibition to attempt at conceiving strategies to deliver to the international audience what the exhibition-makers believe to be the Koreanness. Moreover, the paper also insists that Minjoong Art exhibition serves as a prelude to the phenomena of globalism in the next decades. The exhibition caused a rupture to the theories the Korean curators had held which was to perceive Minjoong Art as a mechanism to oppose the government of global capital. They began to understand that Minjoong Art is not an outcome of localized struggles but an anti-imperialist resistance based on Koreanness and that the social machine that allows the local and the global to co-exist is a networking system that acknowledges the plurality of differences. Formation of a supranational collection of unhomely homes was the ideal of globalism that Homi Bhaba dreamed of and as Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt diagnosed in Empire, we are approaching that model with the new decentering and deterritorializing mode of power distribution, which is to create a meaningful network of multiple localities. In this sense, the Korean curators of Minjoong Art exhibition should be positioned as the earliest instance of participating in the creation of supranational network in the international art scene.

      • KCI등재

        라즐로 모홀리-나지의 <빛-공간 변조기>의 시각적 인지와 신체적 체험의 통합성 연구

        오경은(Gyung Eun Oh) 한국미술사교육학회 2021 美術史學 Vol.- No.41

        이 논문은 <빛-공간 변조기>가 그 자체로 하나의 조형적 예술 오브제라 보는 기존의 시선에 대한 반박에서 출발하여 작품이 실제 전시되었던 환경과 맥락을 역사적으로 되짚어보며 그것의 실질적 의의가 시간성과 공간성에 대한 동시대적 사고를 반영하고 그 결과 현상학적 체험(lived experience)을 가능케 하는 데 있었음을 밝힌다. 19세기 이전까지의 서구인들은 균질하고 측량가능한 절대적 공간, 즉 유클리드식 공간 개념에 충실했다. 그 개념 하에 회화적 공간 또한 마련되어 고전된 단일 시선으로 묘사한 객관적인 공간이 나의 몸과 완전히 분리되어 존재했다. 그러나 산업화의 결과 새로운 등장한 다양한 신기술 문물은 이러한 과거의 공간 개념에 부합하지 않는 시각적 기호들을 양산했다. 그 주요 사례로 영화 등 움직이는 이미지(moving image)를 꼽을 수 있다. 이에 따라 전통적인 수동적 고정적 시각에 반발하는 철학사조로서 현상학이 대두되어 인체를 통한 주관적 경험, 살아있는 시간 속에서의 실질적 경험(lived experience)의 중요성을 주장하였고 이는 공간적 지각과 시간성의 상호연결성을 드러내는 것이었다. 동시대 과학이론에서 또한 그와 같은 사고가 반영되는데 에른스트 마흐, 앙리 푸앙카레 등이 공간 지각에 있어 인체를 통한 경험에 대해 논했으며 앨버트 아인슈타인은 상대성 이론을 통해 시간과 공간 간의 상관관계 및 그것이 보는 이와 맺는 상대적 관련을 설명했다. 신기술 시대의 이러한 시공간의 지각에 대한 철학적, 과학적 발전 속에서 모홀리-나지는 자기 고유의 예술 이론인 “움직임 속의 시각(Vision in Motion)”을 발표했다. 그는 아인슈타인의 상대성 이론에 근거하여 예술에 있어서도 시공연속성 개념을 적용해야함을 주장한다. 고정된 절대적 시점을 버리고 관찰자가 대상과의 관계성 속에서 지각하게 되면서 시선의 주체의 육체와 그의 주관성이 주요 관건으로 부상하게 된다. 이때 동시대의 시-공간 개념을 표현하기 위해 예술 매체로서의 빛의 가능성에 주목했다. 그는 자신의 이론을 실제 삶 속에서 감각을 통해 실증되는 것으로 치환하고자 <빛-공간 변조기>를 만들게 된다. 이 작품은 1930년 프랑스 파리에서 열린 디자이너 협회의 독일 공작연맹 전시에 포함되었는데 이 전시는 당대 테크놀로지로 중무장한 바우하우스식 이상적 아파트 단지 모델을 선보이는 자리였다. <빛-공간 변조기>가 놓인 곳은 주민들을 위한 공공 교류 공간이었는데, 이 작품은 조형적 오브제로 그곳에 놓인 것이 아니라 주민들의 춤과 여흥을 위해 음악을 켜고 이 작품을 가동하여 나이트클럽과 같은 효과를 내도록 설치되었다. 공간에 대한 시지각 인식이 건축 내 사람들의 활동 공간 디자인에 적용되는 현상학적 접근이었던 것이다. 다른 한편 이 작품은 영화 매체를 통해 “움직이는 시각”론을 완성하는 과정의 일환으로도 볼 수 있다. 모홀리-나지에게 영화란 동시대적 지각 경험을 담아내고 그에 맞게 우리의 눈을 훈련시키기 적합한 매체였다. 다만 그가 이끌린 영화 장르는 내러티브 영화가 아닌 비정형시네마였는데, 그 이유는 제도화된 상업적 영화인 내러티브 영화는 관객을 고정된 수동적 수용자로 머물게 하는 반면 비정형시네마의 경우 다양하고 생생한 감각 자극, 보는 이의 신체가 결부된 시각 체험을 가능케 하기 때문이다. <우리 시대의 방(Raum der Gegenwart)>전시를 기획하며 작가는 <빛-공간 변조기>를 일종의 비정형시네마 영사기로 활용하고자 하였다. 여타의 영사기가 벽에 내러티브 필름에 내재된 환영의 세상을 투사한다면 <빛-공간 변조기>는 반환영적인 추상의 실제 형태를 관객이 살아 숨 쉬는 공간으로 투사함으로써 관람자가 움직이는 형태들과 실제 시간 속에 다양한 관계를 맺으며 몰입의 체험을 가능케 한다. This paper begins from a refutation of the existing gaze that László Moholy-Nagy’s Light-Space Modulator is a formative art object in itself. By retracing the environment and context in which the work was actually exhibited, it demonstrates that artist’s aim was to enable a lived experience of the art work, reflecting the contemporaneous thoughts on spatiality and temporality. Until the 19th century, Westerners were faithful to the concept of Euclidean space where the space is homogeneous, measurable, and absolute. Under its influence, the pictorial space was an objective space seen from affixed single viewpoint, which was completely separated from the viewer’s body. However, as a direct result of the Industrialization, visual signs began to rise that did not conform to the past concept of space. A major example was moving images such as movies and optical toys that served as vernacular cinema. As a result, phenomenology emerged as a philosophical trend that opposed the traditional passive and fixed perspective, asserting the importance of subjective experience through the human body and lived experience in living time, which revealed the interconnectivity between spatial perception and time. Such thinking is also reflected in contemporary scientific theories. Ernst Mach and Henri Poincaré discussed the experience of the human body in spatial perception, and Albert Einstein used the theory of relativity to explain the relationship between time and space and the relationship it has with the viewer. In the philosophical and scientific development of this perception of time and space in the new technology era, Moholy-Nagy published his own art theory, Vision in Motion. Based on Einstein"s theory of relativity, he argues that the concept of space-time continuum should be applied to art as well. Abandoning the fixed absolute viewpoint, and the observer perceiving in relationship to the object, the body of the subject of the gaze and his subjectivity emerge as the main key. With this in mind, the artist built Light-Space Modulator, to realize his theory in a tangible form that can be experienced with senses. It debuted in the Deutscher Werkbund exhibition at the Salon des Artistes Decorateur de Paris in 1930. The show was a venue for the Bauhaus artists to showcase the most ideal residential complex that combined sophisticated design and cutting-edge technology. Light-Space Modulator was placed in the communal area, not as a sculpture but as a projector of light and shadow show that could turn the environment in to a night club when coupled with music. The visual perception of space was a phenomenological approach applied to the design of people"s activities in the architecture. On the other hand, this work can also be viewed as part of the process of completing the theory of “moving vision” through cinema. For Moholy-Nagy, cinema was a suitable medium to capture the experience of contemporary visual perception and train human eyes accordingly. However, the genre of the film he was inspired by was not narrative film, but paracinema. The reason is that narrative cinema, an institutionalized commercial film, keeps the audience as a fixed passive audience, whereas in the case of paracinematic optical devices, enable a visual perception with various visceral sensory stimulation of the viewer"s body. While planning Raum der Gegenwart exhibition, the artist intended Light-Space Modulator to serve as a cinema projector. Instead of projecting the illusion inscribed in a narrative film, Light-Space Modulator immerse the viewer in the projected abstract moving patterns, that become a part of the viewer’s living space, in which the subject forms relationships with the movements of the light shadow in a lived time.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Relationships between Respiratory Virus Infection and Aminotransferase in Children

        Oh, Jun Suk,Choi, Jun Sik,Lee, Young Hyuk,Ko, Kyung Og,Lim, Jae Woo,Cheon, Eun Jung,Lee, Gyung Min,Yoon, Jung Min The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology 2016 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.19 No.4

        Purpose: We sought to examine the relationship between the clinical manifestations of nonspecific reactive hepatitis and respiratory virus infection in pediatric patients. Methods: Patients admitted to the pediatric unit of Konyang University Hospital for lower respiratory tract disease between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014 and who underwent reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction tests were examined. The patients were divided into those with increased levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and those with normal ALT or AST levels. Further, patients with increased ALT and AST levels were individually compared with patients in the normal group, and the blood test results were compared according to the type of respiratory virus. Results: Patients with increased ALT or AST levels had one more day of hospital stay, on average, compared with patients in the normal group ($5.3{\pm}3.1$ days vs. $4.4{\pm}3.0$ days, p=0.019). Patients in the increased ALT level group were younger and had a longer mean hospital stay, compared with patients in the normal group (p=0.022 and 0.003, respectively). The incidences of increased ALT or AST were the highest in adenovirus infections (6/24, 25.0%), followed by enterovirus (2/11, 18.2%) and respiratory syncytial virus A (21/131, 16.0%) infections. Conclusion: Nonspecific reactive hepatitis is more common among patients with adenovirus, enterovirus and respiratory syncytial virus infection, as well as among those infected at a younger age. Compared with AST levels, ALT levels are better indicators of the severity of nonspecific reactive hepatitis.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Propylthiouracil 복용 후 발생한 ANCA positive RPGN

        정경원 ( Gyung Won Jung ),조성 ( Seong Cho ),김성록 ( Sung Rok Kim ),권오언 ( Oh Wen Kwon ),우재곤 ( Jae Gon Woo ),이지은 ( Ji Eun Yi ) 대한신장학회 2010 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.29 No.3

        Anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-positive vasculitis and crescentic glomerulonephritis has been rarely reported in patients suffering from Graves` disease and treated with Propylthiouracil. We experienced a case of ANCA-positive crescentic glomerulonephritis presenting good prognosis after discontinuing Propylthiouracil. A 40-year-old female visited due to the proteinuria and hematuria in urinalysis. She had been medicated Propylthiouracil for 3 years. Blood pressure was 100/60 mmHg. BUN and serum creatinine were 24.7 mg/dL, and 1.9 mg/dL, respectively. Urinalysis revealed protein 1481 mg/day, many RBC`s/HPF (dysmorphic 80%), Serological ANCA was positive, anti-myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibody 1,922 AAU/ mL (normal <150 AAU/mL). The histologic finding showed crescentic glomerulonephritis on light microscopy, but no immuno deposit on immunofluorescence and light microscopy. So we diagnosed ANCA positive pauci-immune glomerulonephritis. Propylthiouracil was discontinued and steroid, cyclophosphamide was medicated within about 1 month, but stopped due to cytopenia. Patient`s creatinine level was maintained 1.3 mg/dL and showed stable progress for about over 18 months. We report this case that showed good prognosis after discontinuation of Propylthiouracil.

      • KCI등재후보

        IT 환경에서 소방공무원의 근골격계 증상이 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

        오경재(Gyung-Jae Oh),이정미(Jeong-Mi Lee),양충용(Chung-Yong Yang),박형주(Hyung-Ju Park),박윤희(Yun-Hee Park),유찬욱(Chan-Uk Yoo),강은영(Eun-Yeong Kang),정복희(Bok-Hee Chong) 한국전자통신학회 2014 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.9 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 최근 IT환경에서 소방관의 건강 관련 삶의 질에 대하여 작업 관련 근골격계 질환의 영향을 평가하고자 하였다. 평가는 구조화된 설문지를 이용하였으며, 직접 대면 면담 방식으로 진행되었다. 연구는 전체 366명의 소방관이 참여하였다. 평가 방법은 근골격계 질환의 증상에 대한 평가를 위해 NIOSH의 증상 표를 이용한 자가 평가식 설문지로 측정하였으며, 건강관련 삶의 질의 평가를 위해 SF-36을 근거로 측정하였다. 근골격계 질환의 유병률은 상지에서 38.0%, 허리에서 35.5%, 하지에서 21.6%이었으며, 59.3%에서 신체의 두 부위 이상에서 증상이 발생하였다. 근골격계 질환의 증상을 갖는 소방관은 상지에 근골격계 질환의 증상을 갖지 않는 소방관보다 감정 기복 제한을 제외한 삶의 질의 7 범주에서 유의한 낮은 점수를 보였다. 반면에 근골격계 질환의 증상을 갖는 소방관은 하지나 허리에 근골격계 질환의 증상을 갖지 않는 소방관보다 삶의 질의 모든 범주에서 유의한 낮은 점수를 보였다. 이러한 결과는 근골격계 질환이 삶의 질에 부정적 효과를 갖음을 유추할 수 있다. 따라서 소방관에서 근골격계 질환의 예방은 건강 관련 삶의 질을 향상하기 위한 효과적인 중재적 전략으로 고려할 수 있을 것이다 This study was conducted to assess the impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) on health related quality of life(QoL) in the firefighter under the recent IT environment. The data were collected by face to face interview using a structured questionnaire in the 366 respondents. WMSDs symptoms were measured by a self-assessed questionnaire on symptom table of NIOSH and health-related QoL was measured by SF-36. The prevalence of WMSDs was 38.0% in upper limbs, 35.5% in the low back, 21.6% in lower limbs, and 59.3% in two or more parts of the body. Subjects with symptoms of WMSDs had significantly lower scores in 7 dimensions of QoL except ‘emotional role limitation’ than those without symptoms of WMSDs at the area of upper extremities (neck, shoulder, arm/wrist, and hand/wrist/fingers). On the other hand, subjects with symptoms of WMSDs had significantly lower scores on all QoL dimensions than those without symptoms of WMSDs at the area of lower back or lower extremities. These results suggest that WMSDs had a negative effect on QoL. Therefore, prevention of WMSDs should be considered intervention strategies for improvement of QoL, especially in firefighters

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