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      • 완전 방실차단을 동반한 급성 심근염

        이유선,정진옥,박용규,박형서,노상필,정승현,김정희,이재환,최시완,성인환 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        급성 심근염환자에서 발행한 완전 방실차단을 영구 심장박동 조율기로 치료한 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Myocarditis, an inflammatory process involving the myocardal wall, may be caused by most infectious agents. Irrespective of its etiology, it presents commonly with evidence of heart failure, hypotension, and various electrocardiographic abnormalities. Patient with myocarditis may be asymptomatic or may have a rapidly progressive fatal disease. Medical management of patients with myocarditis includes specific therapy for underlying infection and control of the complication of myocarditis such as congestive heart failure and arrhythmia. Recently we had experienced myocarditis with complete atrioventricular block in 37-year-old man. Although he had shown complete recovery of heart failure, he had shown complete atrioventricular block, so we inserted permanent pacemaker. We report it with review of the literature.

      • 바닥마감재에 의한 바닥충격음 차음특성 연구

        기노갑,정진연,송민정,김선우 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1

        It is increasing the interest on the comfortable dwelling environment, while sound insulation performance of materials and elements used in building is falling down as they become thicker and lighter. Therefore, sound insulation performance in building has become the most important factor determining the level of housing, especially for apartment that has common wall and floor with next neighbors. This paper aims to experiment the sound insulation characteristics of floor coverings as their type and to analyse their noise reduction effect.

      • 중증 세균 감염 및 내성균에 대한 Fosfomycin의 치료효과

        김찬기,노승무,윤완희,장일성,배진선,손기섭 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1991 충남의대잡지 Vol.18 No.1

        A Clinical study for the therapeutic effect of Fosfomycin was made in 20 cases with the severe infection and the resistent organisms against the other antibiotics. Fosfomycin was administered intravenously 2-4 gm daily in two divided for an average of 13.1 days. The overall effectiveness was 90% without any significant side effect and the effectiveness for the resistant organisms(13 cases) against the other antibiotics was 84.6%. These results demonstrated that Fosfomycin can be used effectively in the treatment of the severe infection and the resistant organisms against the other antibiotics.

      • KCI등재

        Kinesio taping이 근력, 혈중 피로물질 및 근 손상 물질 농도변화에 미치는 영향

        Min-Sun Lee(이민선),Il-Young Paik(백일영),Yi-Sub Kwak(곽이섭),Hee-Tae No(노희태),Hwa-Eun Jin(진화은) 한국생명과학회 2010 생명과학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 kinesio taping 적용이 근력 향상에 미치는 영향을 직?간접적으로 관찰함으로써 운동 수행시의 상해예방 및 수행력 향상을 위한 수단으로서의 taping 요법에 대한 기초 자료를 제공하는데 있었다. 본 연구는 남자 대학생 10명을 대상으로, 근력 향상의 정도를 직접적으로 관찰하기 위하여 1RM test와 Cybex test를 실시하였으며, 생리학적 변인으로는 CK, LDH, phosphorus, ammonia, creatinine, IGF-I의 6가지 혈중 성분을 분석함으로써 피로와 근 손상의 정도를 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 kinesio taping은 근력향상의 직접적인 지표(1RM, 등속성 운동능력)에는 긍정적으로 작용했지만, 85%-1RM의 웨이트트레이닝 시의 근 피로 또는 근 손상지표물질의 농도는 유의하게 감소시키지 못함을 알 수 있었다. 하지만 본 연구의 결과만을 가지고 taping의 적용이 피로 및 근 손상 완화 효과가 없다고 판단할 수는 없을 것으로 생각된다. 왜냐하면, 본 연구에서의 피로 및 근 손상 유발 수단인 85%-1RM 웨이트트레이닝은 고강도의 운동이며 운동에 소요된 시간도 40분 정도로 장시간이지만 다양한 근육부위에 적은 반복수와 set를 적용하였기 때문에 피로 및 근 손상 지표물질의 축적이 현저하지 않았을 수 있기 때문이다. 이는 taping 적용 후 나타난 여러 혈중성분들의 감소(Creatinine 제외) 경향으로 설명할 수 있으며, 실제로 선행 연구 중 특정 대근육에 대한 반복적인 운동에 kinesio taping을 적용하여 피로 및 근 손상완화를 입증하기도 하였다. 본 연구가 가지는 의의는 특정 동작에 있어서의 근력 향상을 중점적으로 관찰한 연구가 아닌, 전신에 대한 taping을 적용한 후 각 근육 부위에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 다양한 관점에서 관찰하였다는데 있다. 이후의 연구에서는 본 연구에서 관찰한 변인들 이외에도 신경계통의 변인들과의 상관관계도 함께 관찰하는 통합적인 연구도 의의가 있다고 하겠다. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of kinesio taping on muscle strength and changes of muscle fatigue and damage. 10 male subjects participated in 1-RM and isometric cybex muscle strength tests with and without taping application. Muscle strength (bench press, leg press) and extension (knee, shoulder) strength were significantly increased after taping, but there was no significant difference in flexion (knee, shoulder) strength. The concentration of fatigue factors (ammonia, phosphorous), muscle damage index substances (CK, LDH), IGF-I and creatinine were reduced after taping, but there were no significant differences.

      • KCI등재

        대학 스포츠로서의 골프활동에 대한 의식 조사

        이순천(Sun Chun Lee),이성노(Sung No Lee),우연정(Yeun Jung Woo),천우광(Woo Kwang Chun),박진기(Jin Kee Park) 한국사회체육학회 1999 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to recognize, in order to popularize the golf as a university-sports, the relevance between university students` general index(ex. sex, grade, development) and the grade of playing sports, and to illuminate their interesting to the golf and their value to the sports(the value of mental and physical). To realise this purpose, we made investigating sheets that have asked above points. We distributed those to 690(man and woman) the university students in Taegu and we have let them write in the way of self-administration. We got 622 effective samplings. The used program of this material is SPSS 8.0 statistic program. In order to recognize and analyse the relevance between university students` general index(ex. sex, grade, development) and the grade of plying sports, we have used cross-analysis. To their value(mental and physical) to the golf, we have used the Two-way ANOVA. With multiple comparative analysis of Tukey we carried out reproof. According to above process, we had the results, it is followed ; 1. Recognizability of Golf due to the relevance between university students` general index and the grade of playing sports; About the experience of playing golf, the answer `No have been` is in most, and we have quasi-results in the sex, grade, the grad of playing sports, except the development. To the interesting to the golf as a preliminary class, man is higher than woman, junior is higher than freshman and sophomore, we have quasi-result in the sex, grade. To the pupularizability of golf, we have followed result in most, it belongs to the high stratum, women is higher than men, and we have quasi-results in the sex, grade. To the experience to the golf through mass-media, regardless of university students` general index and the grade of playing sports, `Have been` is in most, so it represents the effect of mass-media, we have no quasi-results in this points. To the ratio of strength-consumption, in comparative to other sports, `Less` is more in man than in woman, in freshman is more than in junior. We have quasi-results in the sex, grade. 2. Valuability of Golf due the relevance between university students` general index and the grade of playing sports. To the psyco-value in sex and grade, `More` is represented in the woman as freshman and sophomore, in the man as junior and senior, we have quasi-results in the sex, grade. But, psyco-value and physical-value in sex, development, grade and the grade of playing sports, we don`t have quasi-results. In sum, the indirect experience to the golf is very high, but the direct experience is very low in Korean university students. Until now, they think , playing the golf is belonged to the high stratum, the interesting ratio is very high. So in order to popularize the golf, it is more need that, illuminating the superiority of golf in psyco-value and physical-value and expending the direct experience through the physical class in the university are more useful than simple and indirect experience through mass-media.


        In Vivo Anti-tumor Effects of the Ethanol Extract of Gleditsia sinensis Thorns and Its Active Constituent, Cytochalasin H.

        Yi, Jin-Mu,Kim, Jinhee,Park, Jong-Shik,Lee, Jun,Lee, You Jin,Hong, Jin Tae,Bang, Ok-Sun,Kim, No Soo Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 2015 Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin Vol.38 No.6

        <P>Angiogenesis is the process of new vessel formation from pre-existing blood vasculature and is critical for continuous tumor growth. We previously reported that an ethanolic extract of Gleditsia sinensis thorns (EEGS) and its active constituent, cytochalasin H, have anti-angiogenic activity in vitro and in vivo via suppression of endothelial cell functions. In the present study, EEGS and cytochalasin H were observed to efficiently inhibit tumor growth in an in ovo xenograft model without significant toxicity. We repeatedly observed the anti-tumor and anti-metastatic effects of EEGS in representative animal models. These results suggest that EEGS and its active constituent, cytochalasin H, are potential candidates for the development of anti-angiogenic cancer drugs.</P>

      • KCI등재

        남성복 구매형태에 따른 정보원 선택 , 위험지각 , 추구혜택의 차이에 관한 비교 연구

        황선진(Sun Jin Hwang),김노호(No Ho Kim) 한국복식학회 2001 服飾 Vol.51 No.7

        The purpose of this study to compare the purchasing behaviour of men`s business suits, among custom suits, system order, and ready-made suits, centering around the choice of information source, risk perception and benefits sought. The survey of this study was collected from 450 adult male in Seoul. The data was analyzed by factor analysis and ANOVA. The result of this study were as follows : 1. Custom suits, system order, and ready-made suits consumers have a significant difference in the choice of information source. The consumer attaching most importance to the impersonal information source is the system order users, custom suits users, and ready-made suits users respectively. However there was no significant difference in the personal source among 3 different purchasing behaviour of men`s suits. 2. For the risk perception, 1) the group who perceived the highest in economic risk is the system order users, followed by custom suits users, and ready-made suits users. 2) the group who perceived performance risk as being the highest concern is the ready-made suits consumers, followed by system order user, and custom suits user. 3) the group who perceived the socio-psychological risk as the Highest is the ready-made suits consumers, and followed by custom suits user and system order users. 4) there is no difference among the three groups with respect to the fashionability loss risk. 5) the group of the highest perceiving the useful loss risk is the ready-made suits consumers, and the next is system order users, custom suits users. 6) the group of the highest perceiving the time and convenience loss risk is ready-made suits users, and the next is system order users, custom suits users. 3. For the benefit sought, the group of the highest perceiving the aesthetics is custom suits consumers, and the next is system order users, ready-made suits users.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Cytotoxic Compounds from the Fruits of Vitex rotundifolia against Human Cancer Cell Lines

        Kim, Hae-Jin,Yi, Jin-Mu,Kim, No-Soo,Lee, You-Jin,Kim, Jin-Hee,Oh, Dal-Seok,Oh, Se-Mi,Bang, Ok-Sun,Lee, Jun The Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemisty 2012 Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry (J. Appl. Vol.58 No.3

        Activity-guided fractionation of an ethanol extract from the fruits of Vitex rotundifolia led to the isolation of three flavonoids (1-3), one lignan (4), and three phenolic compounds (5-7). The structures of compounds 1-7 were identified by NMR data. The efficacy of all compounds was evaluated by their cytotoxic activities against nine human cancer cell lines using an in vitro assay.

      • The Incorporation of Eucaryotic Gene Using Ti Plasmid Vector: I. The Introduction of Yeast Homoserine Dehydrogenase Gene into Agrobacterium tumefaciens

        이희봉,주충노,홍순주,김성완,임창진,김영명,Lee, Hee-Bong,Joo, Chung-No,Hong, Sun-Joo,Kim, Seong-Wan,Lim, Chang-Jin,Kim, Young-Myeong 생화학분자생물학회 1989 한국생화학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        효모에 있어서 threonine과 methionine 생합성에 관여하는 효소들 중 하나인 homoserine dehydrogenase가 식물체내로 도입된 후, 그 역할을 조사하고자 Ti plasmid에서 유도된 pGA658 vector와 homoserine dehydrogenase 유전자 함유 DNA의 재조합을 시도하였다. 그 결과 pGA658 vector의 nos promoter 다음에 효모의 homoserine dehydrogenase 유전자를 함유한 DNA 절편이 방향이 반대로 삽입된 재조합 plasmids가 성공적으로 만들어졌다. 형질전환된 E. coli와 Agrovbacterium tumefaciens는 적절한 항생물질 함유배지에서 저항성을 나타내었으며, 그들의 plasmid를 분리하여 여러가지 제한효소를 이용한 크기를 조사해 보니, 예상되는 크기와 일치하는 것을 관찰할 수 있었다. 또한 형질전환된 E. coli와 A. tumefaciens내에서의 yeast homoserine dehydrogenase 유전자 발현을 조사하기 위해 그 효소의 활성을 조사해 본 결과, 형질전환된 E. coli에서는 대조군에 비해 약간의 증가를 나타내었으나, 형질전환된 A. tumefaciens에서는 변화가 없었다. DNA recombination using plasmid pGA658, a Ti plasmid vector, was tried to study the role of yeast homoserine dehydrogenase after introducing its gene into plant cells. Two recombinant plasmids with opposite orientation of the gene DNA under nos promoter of vector pGA658, pKDB1 and pKDB2, were constructed by the aid of two intermediate vectors, pUC7 and pUC119. Transformed E. coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens were confirmed by the resistance to appropriate antibiotics and by sizing DNA restriction fragments after plasmid isolation. Assay of homoserine dehydrogenase activity showed that a little increase in its activity was detected in transformed E. coli, but no increase in transformed Agrobacterium tumefaciens, compared with its untransformed strain.

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