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      • KCI등재

        Development of AI Education Program on Natural Language Processing

        Lim,Saeyi(Saeyi Lim),Han,Sun Kwan(Sun Kwan Han) 경인교육대학교 교육연구원 2022 교육논총 Vol.42 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to design and develop an education program about natural language processing (NLP) in the school curriculum, understand, experience, and utilize the concept of natural language processing, and considers related ethical issues. Though NLP is a major learning component of artificial intelligence (AI) education, few educational programs have been researched about NLP education. Accordingly, the development direction of the NLP education program was set by analyzing the relevant literature, curriculum, and textbook contents, and the results of expert validity analysis were reviewed. According to the reviewed development direction, the 22nd session of education programs and materials was developed. As a result of expert validity analysis, the educational program’s content validity was assessed. The program was then augmented and updated by the open response. It is expected that the developed curriculum-based NLP education program will be used as data for realizing AI education in the school field.

      • KCI등재

        뉴스포츠 관련 연구의 성과와 과제

        김효림(Kim Hyo ?Lim),오원선(Oh Won-Sun),이병준(Lee Byoung-Jun) 한국체육교육학회 2016 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 국내의 뉴스포츠 관련 연구물을 대상으로 연구의 성과, 연구목적, 연구방법(연구대상, 연구종목, 연구기간, 자료수집, 자료분석)등을 교육과정에 제시된 신체활동가치영역별로 분류하여 분석하고 향후 뉴스포츠 연구의 방향을 제시하는데 목적을 두었다. 그 동안의 뉴스포츠 관련 연구의 성과와 과제를 규명하기 위하여 총 109편의 연구물을 선정하여 내용분석을 실시하였으며 분석결과는 다음과 같다: (1) 2001년부터 연구된 뉴스포츠 연구물들의 양적 성과는 2011년 18편(16.5%), 2010년 17편(15.6%), 2014년 15편(13.8%), 2013년 12편(11.0%), 2008, 2009년 11편(10.1%)의 순으로 나타났다. (2) 뉴스포츠별 연구 종목 분석에서는 총 46개의 종목이 297회에 걸쳐 적용되었으며 티볼이 44회(14.8%), 플라잉디스크 36회(12.1%), 핸들러 23회(7.7%), 츄크볼 22회(7.4%), 넷볼 19회(6.4%), 티니클링 16회(5.4%)순으로 나타났다. (3) 연구의 목적은 정의적 접근 30.3%, 통합적 접근 23.8%, 기타 18.6%, 인지적 접근 14.6%, 심동적 접근 12.7%로 나타났다. (4) 연구방법 분석에서는 실험연구가 35.3%, 질적연구 32.5%, 조사연구 23.8%, 혼합연구3.7%의 순으로 나타났다. 연구 대상자의 특성 분석에서는 중학생 33.9%, 초등학생 25.7%, 교사 20.7%, 기타 11.8% 순으로 나타났으며, 성별로는 혼성 74%, 남자 8.4%, 여자 7.1% 순으로 나타났다. 연구 기간은 12주 미만 28.8%, 12주 이상 69.5% 였으며, 12주 21%, 8주 11.3% 순으로 나타났다. 자료수집은 총 496개의 양적, 질적 방법과 도구들이 활용되었고, 양적 자료수집(40.0%)보다 질적 자료수집(60.0%)이 더 높은 비율을 차지하였다. 총 54개의 검사지가 사용된 심리측정도구는 국내 검사지 수정 53.8%, 외국 검사지 번안 17.0%, 외국검사지 수정 16.0% 국내 검사지 개발 13.2%로 나타났다. 자료분석은 총 339개로 질적 자료분석(31.3%) 보다 양적 자료분석(68.7%)이 더 많이 사용되었다. 아울러 연구의 성과를 종합하여 추후 과제에 대하여 논의하였다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the outcomes, the aims, and the methodologies (e.g. samples, items of practice, duration, data collection, data analyses) on researches of New Sports in order to suggest future directions of researches in the field of school-based physical education. Methods: For this purpose, a total of 109 articles were collected and examined from KISS, RISS and National Assembly Library. These articles were classified into five value domains of physical activities presented in physical education curriculum: health, challenge, competition, expression, and leisure. Results: The results are summarized into four categories. (1) The number of articles on New Sports that began in 2011 are comprised of eighteen articles (16.5%), in 2010 seventeen articles (15.6%), in 2014 fifteen articles (13.8%), in 2013 twelve articles (11.0%), and in 2008-2009 eleven articles (10.1%). (2) Forty six different types of New Sports were applied 297 times, and these News Sports are Tee ball(14.8%), Flying disc(12.1%), Handler(7.7%), Tchoukball(7.4%), Netball(6.4%), and Tinikling(5.4%). (3) The aims of these researches comprised of effectiveness(30.3%), holistic practice (23.8%), unclassified(18.6%), cognitive approach(14.6%), and psychomotor(12.7%). (4) The types of methodologies comprised of experimental research(35.3%), qualitative research(32.5%), survey(23.8%), and mixed research(3.7%). The researched samples comprised of middle school students (33.9%), elementary school students(25.7%), teachers(20.7%), and others(11.8%). The samples groups in the articles were both males and females(74%), males only (8.4%), and females only(7.1%). With the regards to the duration of researches, 69.5% of the articles spent more than 12 weeks in the research study. Major tools of data collection used by researchers were qualitative methods(60.0%) and quantitative methods(40.0%). With the regards to the psychological measurements, researchers used scales developed by foreign scholars(33%) and domestic scholars(67%). Future research directions of New Sports in Korea were suggested with respect to these results.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        피부 편평세포암의 원인 질환에 관한 임상적 관찰

        임명규 ( Myeong Kyoo Lim ),정태안 ( Tae Ahn Chung ),장호선 ( Ho Sun Jang ),권경술 ( Kyung Sool Kwon ) 대한피부과학회 1996 대한피부과학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Background:The incidence of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) has been increasing, but no analysis of the causative diseases of cutaneous SCC has been performed. Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the causative disease of SCC, Methods : Eighty-seven patients with cutaneous SCC were retrospectively studied. Results : The possible causative diseases of cutaneous SCC were actinic keratosis(18 csaes), Bowen's disease(17 cases), actinic cheilitis(8 cases), burn scar(4 cases), arsenical keratosis(3 cases), xeroderma pigmentosum(3 cases), chronic discoid lupus erythematosus(2 cases), epidermodysplasia verruciformis(2 cases), leukoplakia(1 case), chronic radiodermatitis(1 cases), erythroplasia of Queyrat (1 case), osteomyelitis sinus(1 case), lichen planus(1 case), porokeratosis of Mibelli(1 case), and the other 21 cases were of unknown origin. Conclusion : The causative diseases of cutaneous SCC were related to sun-exposure, and chronic dermatoses. (Kor J Dermatol 1996;34(1): 85-92)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Differentiation of Desmoplastic Spitz Nevus from Similar Conditions

        ( Min-woo Kim ),( Ji Soo Lim ),( Yun Seon Choe ),( Jung Ho Kim ),( Hyun-sun Yoon ),( Soyun Cho ),( Hyun-sun Park ) 대한피부과학회 2016 대한피부과학회지 Vol.54 No.9

        The diagnosis of classic Spitz nevus with characteristic histopathologic findings is often straightforward, but unusual variants can cause diagnostic difficulties. Desmoplastic Spitz nevus (DSN) is of particular importance, as its differential diagnosis from other diseases, including desmoplastic malignant melanoma (DMM), is essential but often difficult<sup>1</sup>. A 38-year-old Caucasian woman presented with a 6-mm brownish papule of unknown onset on the dorsum of her left hand (Fig. 1A). She did not report any change in the papule size, trauma history, or related symptoms, but she wanted to have the lesion removed. Punch excision of the specimen revealed proliferation of individual spindle and epithelioid cells with scanty pigmentation within dense colla-genous dermal stroma (Fig. 1B, C). The specimen was focal positive for S-100 and HMB-45, positive for Melan-A, and 1% positive for Ki-67 (Fig. 2A∼C). The lesion did not recur after punch excision at the 1-year follow-up. Since its first report in 1975, there have been only a few case series of DSN owing to the rarity of this disease and its under-recognition, except for intermittent case reports<sup>1-3</sup>. DSN usually presents as a small red-brown papule on the trunk and extremities. It can occur at any age, but is mostly observed in young adults, with a slight female predominance. The distinctive histopathologic features of DSN―an intradermal growth pattern of large spindle or epithelioid nevus cells embedded in a fibrotic stroma, sparse melanin pigment, no junctional activity, no Kamino bodies, no prominent nest formation―can aid its differentiation from clinical simulators. Additionally, immunohistochemistry is essential for a differential diagnosis. DSN tests positive for S-100, Melan-A, and HMB-45, whereas dermatofibroma is negative for all three<sup>3</sup>. Hypomelanotic blue nevus shows uniform positivity for HMB-45, whereas DSN shows differential expression in most spindled cells3. The distinction between DSN and DMM is the most important. DMM is more common in elderly patients and tends to occur on sun-damaged head and neck areas. It also shows cellular atypia, strong mitotic activity and Ki-67 expression, less frequent S-100 and Melan-A positivity, and almost exclusive negativity for HMB-45<sup>2,3</sup>. Some researchers regarded DSN as an end stage of Spitz nevus that had lost continuity with the epidermis and undergone fibrosis. Paniago-Pereira et al.<sup>2</sup> also reported that DSNs occurred in patients older than 30 years. These findings suggest that desmoplasia might be an aging process of Spitz nevus. However, Barr et al.1 found no significant difference in patient age, disease duration, or trauma history between patients with DSN and common variants of Spitz nevus, and suggested that desmoplasia may be a tumor-induced reactive stromal induction rather than a regressive phenomenon. The pathogenesis of desmoplasia has not yet been clearly elucidated. Moreover, it is controversial whether DSN should be regarded as a variant of Spitz nevus or whether it belongs to a spectrum of desmoplastic nevus as a distinctive entity<sup>3,4</sup>. Some researchers5 suggested strict diagnostic criteria for de-smoplastic nevus, including greater cellularity in the super-ficial portion, and a mixture of melanocytic nevus cells, ovoid and dendritic melanocytes, and spitzoid melanocytes. Further, they mentioned that lesions in which one particular type of melanocyte predominates over others are more likely to represent DSN. Dermoscopic findings can also aid the distinction, because DSN shows dotted vessels and reticular depigmentation whereas desmoplastic nevus demonstrates a delicate pigment network over a pinkish background<sup>4</sup>. Although it is regrettable that we did not acquire dermoscopic image to support the diagnosis, our case overall seems more com-patible with DSN. However, the probability of a morphologic spectrum that embraces DSN and desmoplastic nevus cannot be excluded, and requires further studies. Here, we report an unusual desmoplastic variant of Spitz nevus with a literature review, and propose keynotes for differential diagnosis from its simulators, especially DMM.

      • 左回轉禁止가 周邊街路에 미치는 影響度 分析에 關한 硏究 : 光州廣域市 都心地域을 中心으로

        임영길,윤판,안선호 湖南大學校 1996 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        In this study, the influence of "left-turn prohibition" on traffic network is analyzed. The concerned places was limited to 16 links and 10 intersections on Kumnamro and Doclipro. And the contents of comparisonal analysis are traffic volume, degree of saturation, average stopped delay, travel speed, running speed, stopped ratio and so on. The approaching methods and the results considered to evaluate the effect of left-turn prohibition are very usefullness. ① In case of "left-turn prohibited" intersection (ALT I) After "left-turn prohibition", it is much easier to pass intersections, because stopped delay and stopped ratio abate to △62.85% and △24.95%, respectively. And control ability increased because of the enlargement of travel speed(91.67%) and running speed up to 49.18%. Also, traffic volume increased about 4.19% and its effect was so good. ② In case of forward intersection of "left-turn prohibition" (ALT Ⅱ) The increasing of stopped delay(26.39%) and stopped ratio(24.88%) makes these intersections much worse because traffic volume is increased at the next one as the number of signal phase on the left-turn prohibited intersection is decreased. ③ In case of back-ward intersection of "left-turn prohibition" (ALT Ⅲ) Alternative I shows the abatement of stopped delay to △4.34 and stopped ratio to △29.58%. But travel speed and running speed up to 51.10% and 22.57%, respectively. It makes sure that passing condition has been better. ④ In case of the one after the next intersection of "left-turn prohibition" (ALT Ⅳ) The increasing of stopped delay (12.02%) and stopped ratio(13.17%) makes worse on crossings, but increasing traffic volume(8.06%), travel speed(26.92%) and running speed(29.66%) is good for main street. As four alternatives mentaioned above, it's better to consider not only the improvement of the objective intersection but also the interaction of the surrounding intersections in case of "left-turn prohibition". And it may be considered that "left-turn prohibition" policy on narrower interval of intersection will be able to take effect after examining traffic volume of around street and as many as or more than 3 intersections near of it.

      • XML을 이용한 웹 상의 멀티미디어 내용 기반 검색 시스템

        林海喆,金宣炅,金連姬 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 2001 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Recently the increase of multimedia data on the web and the user's various requirements lead many multimedia retrieval systems to develop usefully. This paper shows new multimedia content-based retrieval system that manages database for images independently and can retrieve most similar image like query image chosen by user. The proposed system represents text information using XML and exchanges information among modules. So, this system supports retrieval through structure of XML document and integrates easily in heterogeneous environments.

      • 프랜차이즈 시스템의 규범에 관한 연구

        임재석,김선현 부천대학 2001 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        본 논문은 빠르게 성장하고 있는 조직형태의 하나인 프랜차이즈 시스템에 대한 분석이다. 기업의 확장 수단으로 직영점이 아니고 가맹점으로 확장방법을 선택하느냐 하는 요인들에 대해서 분석한다. 프랜차이즈를 이용하는 이유를 설명하는 전통적인 견해는 단순히 사업 확장을 위한 자본조달에 어려움이 있는 기업이 자본을 조달하기 위한 방법으로 이용한다는 것이 있으나 비교적 최근에는 위험을 회피하기 위한 방법으로 프랜차이즈를 활용한다는 견해, 대리 문제를 해결하기 위한 수단이라는 주장, 최적자본구조를 구성하기 위하여 이용한다는 견해, 그리고 시장 영향력을 증대시키기 위한 방법으로 프랜차이즈를 활용한다는 주장이 있다. 자원할당이론은 기업의 재무적 필요성에 의해 성립되는 것에 비해 대리이론은 다분히 조직 관리적 측면이 강조된 설명이라는 특징이 있으며, 거래비용이론과 탐색비용이론은 프랜차이즈 형성 근거를 설명하면서도 조직 관리적 측면의 시사점을 일부분 가지고 있음을 알 수 있다. This paper is about the analysis of the franchise system, an organization that is growing fast. I analyze the factors such as whether to choose the method of expanding into a member store rather than the one of direct management, as a way of expanding an enterprise. The traditional view of explaining the reason for using a franchise lies in the fact that enterprises having difficulty in raising money for simply expanding the business is using it as a way to raise its capital. On relatively recent days risk-avoiding franchises are utilized to avoid the risk accompanying the expansion or the estabilishment of enterprises. There are an assertion that a franchise is a means of solving the problem of agency, a view that it's used to organize the optimal capital structure, and an assertion that it's utilized as a way of increasing the impact on the market. Agency theory is, characteristically, mostly an explanation that stresses the aspect of organizational management, while the material allotment theory is formed by the financial need of an enterprise. We can see that the transaction expense theory and the exploration expense theory have the part of current events in the aspect of organizational management, while they explain the reason for the formation of franchises.

      • 『草笛』攷

        林仙默 단국대학교 인문대학 국어국문학과 1983 國文學論集 Vol.11 No.-

        이 시조의 말미에 『해동낙부』 소수 방원과 포은의 한역가를 부기하고 있다. 거기서 사상을 가져다가 그 일부를 인유하면서 단심의 현실적 추구를 절실하게 긍정하고 선망했다는 의미가 된다. 그러나, 이것이 오늘의 독자에게라면 불필요한 부기일 수도 있고, 제 「선죽교」만으로도 모든 시사는 넉넉할 수 있는 일이었다.

      • KCI등재

        화목피 추출물이 Streptozotocin 으로 유발시킨 흰쥐의 당뇨와 Free Radical 에 미치는 효과

        임병우,서태원,신흥묵,박동기,김선여,조금호,김호철 대한본초학회 2000 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.15 No.2

        Type I diabetes is caused by destruction of the pancreatic beta cells responsible for insulin-secretion. It can be induced by the drugs alloxan or streptozotocin (STZ). Both an increase in reaction oxygen free radical species and a decrease in the antioxidant defense mechanism lead to the increase in oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus. Oxygen radicals scavengers are effective in preventing diagetes in animal models. Experiments were conducted by two system. The Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with STZ intravenous injection after oral administrated Betula's extract and quercetin for a week, and were administrated them for a week. In vitro, Betula's extracts and quercetin showed a tendency towards inhibition of free radical oxidation in all. In vivo, Betula's extracts group exhibited suppression morphologic change in pancreatic islet compare quercetin group on light microscopy. The Betula's extract significantly inhibited formation of MDA compared to the STZ-induced diabetic group in pancreas.They also significantly inhibited formation of Phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide(PCOOH) compared to the STZ-induced diabetic group in pancreas and plasma, which considered defense against destruction in beta cells. The protection by Betula's extracts may be due to scavenging of deleterious and highly reactive free radical which is generated by STZ. In streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, the effect of Betula's extract are greater than that of quercetin. Based on this result, we concluded that Betula's extract has the ability to effectively suppress in vitro and in vivo oxidation, thereby providing additional evidence for their potential beneficial type I diabetes.

      • 박물관 관람자의 동선특성에 관한 조사

        임채진,한선영 홍익대학교 산업디자인 연구소 1999 미술디자인 논문집 Vol.- No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of exhibition circulation through the movement pattern. It looks into the factors under the influence with the visitor's movement. The method of analysis is statistics of investigation by following after visitors. The viewing behavioral of exhibition based on the time, speed, proportion of appreciation is classified into three types of the profound, the general, the passing viewers. The characteristics of the viewing form of these patterns largely depend on the space elements which are the structure form. And particularly the position of exit, the width of exhibition space and the connection of exhibition space stand out the disparity of the factor of the spatial structure. These three patterns bring about a lot of encounter in the exhibition space according to the difference of these routes consequently. So appropriate to the planning of each pattern can offer visitors to more effective environment of exhibition.

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