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        일부농촌지역의 농약사용실태 및 농약중독 요인 조사

        이경민,송주희,장재혁,심수정,강양화,안재경,이숭호,박미영,정문호 대한보건협회 2002 대한보건연구 Vol.28 No.4

        Object The usage of agricultural chemical is on the increasing. Use of pesticides has increased agricultural production. However, negative externalities from such use have increased too. Pesticide poisoning is a major public problem. The purpose if this study is to find out the relationship between keeping the safety rules or protective equipments or attending safety education or dose of pesticides use , and poisoning experience. Methods For Gu, H.M. and Pack, S.G. study , we obtained questionnaire data concerning pesticides poisoming. A person interviews on 203 were conducted in two villages in Sinmeari and woulbonri Chunchun , Kangwon province, July 2002. Result 1. 144 people(70.9%) have sprayed pesticides and the rata of experiences of pesticide poisoning was 26% among 144. Spraying time of pesticides was 1-2 hours in 63.9% of farmers. Rate of using the protective equipment was 25.7% (protective clothes), 49.3% (Mask), 48.6 (Gloves), 7.0 (Protective glasses), 64.6% (boots) respectively. 2. Chi-square and multiple logistic regression analysis showed that Duration of spraying per day (<2hr) and using of mask(protective equipment)are significantly association with poisoning experience.(x^2=5.2684 p=0.0217, CI=0.140-0.5853 OR=0.346 p=0.0211 respectively). But no association between poisoning experience and keeping safety rule, attending of safety education. 3. Spraying pesticides. Duration of spraying pesticides, reading manuals and no spraying at fatigue (keeping safety rule) are significantly association with symptom experience(x^2=14.0621 p=0.0002, x^2=7.0639 p=0.0079, CI01.395-10.950 OR=3.908 p=0.0095, CI=0.101-0.726 OR=0.271 0.0094 respectively). But no association between symptom experience and protective equipments, attending of safety education.

      • 폐주불사를 혼입한 콘크리트의 내구성에 관한 연구

        김태경,박정호,이정호,이주형,박제선,김연경,윤경구 강원대학교 석재복합신소재제품연구센터 1998 석재연 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        콘크리트 구조물은 자연적인 혹은 인위적인 온도의 상승, 강하로 인하여 동결-융해 작용을 받게 되어 구조물의 성능저하를 야기시킨다. 현대에 들어서면서 콘크리트의 내구특성을 파악하기 위한 연구적 요구가 증가되고 있다. 따라서 폐주물사 콘크리트를 실제 구조물에 적용하기 위해서는 내구특성에 대한 연구가 반드시 이루어져야 한다. 폐주물사를 혼입한 콘크리트의 내구특성을 파악하기 위한 동결-융해 실험은 폐주물사의 잔골재 치환율, 물-시멘트비, AE제 사용 여부를 주요 변수로 하여 실시하였다. 원형공시체를 제작하여, 동결-융해 시험기에 넣어 -18∼4℃로 급속 동결-융해를 진행시키면서 매 23싸이클마다 동탄성계수를 측정하였다. 실험결과 AE제를 첨가했을 때 물-시멘트비가 적을수록, 폐주물사의 치환율이 클수록 전반적으로 강도가 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며, 물-시멘트비가 증가함에 따라, AE제를 사용한 콘크리트가 동결-융해 저항성이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 폐주물사 치환율이 50%일 때가 동결-융해 저항성이 가장 좋은 것으로 나타났으며 그 다음으로 25, 0% 순으로 저항성이 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 폐주물사 콘크리트가 내구성이 우수한 것으로 나타나 폐주물사를 콘크리트에 재활용 할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. Concrete structures has been deteriorated by the freezing and thawing due to temperature gap. This study was conducted to evaluate durability of concrete which are increasingly demanded recently. Therefore the research of durability must be executed for application of waste foundry sand concrete real structures. Concrete durability properties incorporating waste foundry sand was performed with the variable of W/C ratio, Sand/Waste foundry sand ratio and Air entrainment-Non air entrainment. Cylinder specimens were made and subjected to freezing and thawing cycle at -18℃ and 4℃. Dynamic modulus of elasticity were evaluated as F/T cycle increase. The results show that strength of concrete is increased the W/C ratio decrease, the Sand/Waste foundry sand ratio increase when the concrete contains AE agent and decreasing W/C ratio and AE concrete makes improved resistance of freezing and thawing improved. Especially, resistance of freezing and thawing is improved by Fine aggregate/Waste foundry sand ratio which is 50%, 25%, 0% in a row. Therefore it is turn out the waste foundry sand could be applied to concrete from the experiment.

      • Measure for Measure에 나타난 정의(Justice)와 자비(Mercy)의 문제

        李暻浩 한양대학교 셰익스피어 연구회 1991 The Hanyang Shakespeare Studies Vol.1 No.-

        Measure for Measure presents the relationship between Justice and Mercy by dealing with the cruelty and the morality of Justice, and suggests the best way how the ruler can control his subjects. As the title of they play hints, the theme of Measure for Measure comes from the Scriptural text: “With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”It is not for men, but for God to judge. But the ruler, the deputy of God, must judge his subjects, harmonizing Justice and Mercy in order to expanse God's Kingdom. Justice and Mercy are the two pillars, that uphold the throne of the ruler. There are three types of ruler in Measure for Measure. One is the Duke Vincentio who rules the Vienna with only Mercy before travelling in disguise. Another is Angelo, the Deputy, to whom the Duke turns over the affairs of Vienna and who rules with only Justice. And a third is the Duke Vincentio who harmonizes Justice and Mercy after travelling in disguise. Before the Duke turns over the affairs of Vienna to Angelo, he knows that he cannot restore the order and morality of the city with only his own Mercy and concludes that Justice is indispensible to the ruling. But while the Duke travelled in disguise of a friar, he had experienced that even Justice is not a cure-all and that the man is bound to fall into temptations through the falling of Angelo. Perhaps it is impossible to say that the Duke Vincentio would guide Vienna ideally after coming back. Because as even Angelo considered “so noble and so great figure ”falls into a temptation, so do Vienness. But what matters is not whethere order and morality of Vienna will be restored or not, but that Shakespeare understands the man as what he is.

      • 풍촌 석회암의 소성에 관한 연구

        이재장,노범식,장경호,정수현 강원대학교 석재복합신소재제품연구센터 1997 석재연 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        본 연구는 여러 가지 용도에 적합한 생석회를 생산하기 위하여 풍촌 석회석을 대상으로 소성시험을 하였다. 시료의 형상은 주로 정방형이나 때로는 구형을 나타내며, 배색 내지 회백색을 띈다. 소성시험에 사용한 시료의 크기는 45∼50㎜ 이며, 소화시험에서는 3.3mm(6mesh) 이하로 분쇄하여 소성하였다. 시료의 광물학적 특성을 보기위하여 편광현미경 관찰, X-ray 분석, 열분석을 하였다. 시료는 거의 순수한 CaCO₃이었으며, 600℃ 부터 열분해가 시작되어 850℃에서 완결되었다. 화학분석 결과 CaO 98.27%인 잠재적 순도를 갖는 생석회를 얻을 수 있음을 알 수 있다. 대략 50 ㎜ 정도의 석회석은 전기로의 온도가 실온에서 1,050℃에 도달하였을 때 99%이상이 소성되었다. 이 때 얻어진 생석회는 거의 순 백색이며 갈라짐이 없었다. 소화시험 결과 ASTM C-110에 의하면 반응성이 우수한 생석회인 것을 알 수 있으며, 1분 이내의 상승온도는 63℃ 이었다. In this study, the calcination characteristics of Pungchon limestone was investigated to produce the optimum quick lime for various uses. The shape of limestone sample was mainly cubic, but sometimes longish. Approximate size range for the calcination tests was from 45 to 50 mm. For the slaking test, it was crushed by cobbing method and screened by 3.3 mm(6 mesh) screen. Mineralogical studies of the sample were carried out to investigate textures, X-ray diffraction analysis and thermal analysis. The result of chemical analysis shows a very high grade limestone with a CaO potential of 98.27%. Approximate 50 mm size's of limestone, about 250 g was calcined more than 99% when the calcination temperature arrived at 1,050 ℃ from room temperature in the electric laboratory furnace. Lumpy lime in nearly white colour with nearly no cracks was observed during calcining test. and during calcination process the limestone places kept their shape. Slaking test(ASTM C-110 ) results indicate a high reactivity product. In slaking, a 63℃ temperature rise was achieved within the first one minutes.

      • 冠岳樹木園地域內 荒廢山地土壤의 肥沃化를 통한 綠化促進에 關한 硏究(Ⅱ)

        李峻雨,李宗學,權台鎬,禹保命,麻鎬燮,金景河 서울大學校農業生命科學大學附屬樹木園 1986 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.7

        The shallow soil depth and severe rock exposures on the hillslopes in the Kwanak aboretum area which resulted from the heavy soil erosion have made very poor growth of forest vegetation. In order to establish the forest vegetation in this area, it is urgent to recover the fertility of soil and the productivity of existing trees. For this reason, fertilization experiment (using the briquet compound fertilizer) was conducted on summer and autumn season in 1983 with the 4 main native species (Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida, Juniperus rigida, Rhododendron schlippenbachii) growing on these eroded hillslopes. Result in 1985 and 1986 of this experiment represented that the fertilization was effective toward both height and root-collar diameter growth of trees and spring fertilization was, relatively, more effective than autumn fertilization. It also represented that effects of fertilization to P. rigida were more than those to other species. Therefore, besides the engineering methods and afforestation measures for soil erosion control, rapid establishment of vegetation through conservation and recovery of existing trees by fertilization is available measures for the rehabilitation of rockily eroded hillslopes like Mt. Kwanak area.

      • 소아 알레르기성 자반증에 대한 임상적 고찰

        이재호,고경옥 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1992 충남의대잡지 Vol.19 No.2

        Henoch-Scho¨nlein Purpura is a common pediatric disease with purpuric skin lesion, gastrointestinal and joint manifestations, and shows diffuse vasculitis in many organs pathologically. We studied retrospectively 81 cases of children admitted to the department of pediatrics of Chungnam National University Hospital(CNUH) under the impression of anaphylactoid purpura during the 5 years and 6 months from January, 1987 to June, 1992 to evaluate the clinical findings and laboratory characteristics. The results were as follows; 1) It was observed more frequently in the male as the sex ratio of 1.9 : 1. The most prevalent age group was 7 to 9-year-old(24.7%) and children of 3 to 11-year-old represented 77.8% of the total cases. 2) It occurred frequently in the spring(32.1%) and autumn(29.6%). 3) Upper respiratory tract infection was observed in 33.3% of patients, and no prodromal symptoms in 56.8%. 4) Skin lesions were observed in 100%, gastrointestinal symptoms in 64.2%, joint symptoms in 55.6%, and renal involvement in 29.6%. 5) In the skin, purpura(90.1%) were observed on the lower extremities(91.4%). 6) In the symptom of gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain(90.2%), nausea and vomiting(25.0%), gastrointestinal bleeding(19.2%) were observed and 1 case of intussusception was observed as the complication of disease. 7) In the system of joint, knee(80%), and ankle(42.2%) joints were involved, and arthritis was observed in 69.8%. 8) Blood coagulation test and platelet counts were normal rnage and ASO titers were elevated in 25%. 9) Renal involvements were observed in 24 cases(29.6%), and both hematuria and proteinuria in 20 cases(83.3%), hematuria in 3 cases(12.5%), and proteinuria in one case(4.2%) were observed. 10) Among 24 cases with renal involvement, 11 cases(45.8%) were recovered within 1 month, and 8 cases(33.8%) showed persistent symptoms over 1 year, 5 cases(20.8%) progressed to nephrotic syndrome. Renal biopsy was done in 3 cases, these findings were mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis with the deposition of Ig A. In conclusion, we know that the course and prognosis of anaphylactoid purpura largely depend on the renal involvement and we have to observe the patient continuousely and closely for the early diagnosis and management.

      • AISC-LRFD 규준을 이용한 기둥설계에서의 강성감소계수

        이은택,강재훈,장경호 중앙대학교 건설산업기술연구소 2000 건설산업기술연구소 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The design of columns in ordinary construction involves slenderness ratios KL/r in the inelastic bucking range. When the alignment chart is used to evaluate K there is an important that elastic buckling controls. When the column is inelastic and the beam is elastic, and adjustment may be made in the restraint factor G used in the alignment chart. It is well known that when using the standard alignment charts to determine the effective length factor K of a column, the restraint factors G should reflect the inelastic behavior of the column. The stiffness reduction factor (SRF's) given in Table A of the AISC-LRFD manual has an error that needs to be corrected. The error occurs in adopting the technique originally proposed by Yura in the context of AISC-ASD to AISC-LRFD. In estimating the SRF in a design problem, Yura assumed that the column is designed very close to its capacity. In this study, the stiffness reduction factor for AISC-LRFD specification of columns are evaluated and corrected. The procedure of calculating the siffness reduction factor is also introduced.

      • Implication of necrosis-linked p53 aggregation in acquired apoptotic resistance to 5-FU in MCF-7 multicellular tumour spheroids

        Lee, Su Yeon,Jeong, Eui-Kyong,Jeon, Hyun Min,Kim, Cho Hee,Kang, Ho Sung Spandidos Publications 2010 Oncology reports Vol.24 No.1

        <P>Three-dimensional (3D) multicellular tumour spheroids (MTS) have been used as an in vitro model of solid tumours for drug resistance studies because they mimic the growth characteristics of in vivo tumours more closely than in vitro two-dimensional (2D) culture of cancer cell lines. As observed in solid tumours, MTS exhibits a proliferation gradient with outer regions consisting of proliferating cells that surround inner quiescent cells. The innermost cells in core regions undergo cell death mostly by necrosis to form necrotic core due to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrient such as glucose with increasing size of spheroids. Tumour necrosis is thought to indicate a poor prognosis and to contribute to acquisition of chemoresistance in solid tumours; however, the mechanism underlying necrosis-mediated chemoresistance remains unclear. In this study, we examined the chemoresistance to 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) using MCF-7 breast cancer MTS. 5-FU (400 microM) induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cell monolayer as determined by HO/PI staining, PARP cleavage, p53 induction, Bax induction, and Bcl-2 down-regulation. When MCF-7 breast tumour spheroids were cultured on agarose for 8 days, they reached approximately 700 microm in diameter, with a necrotic core. We found that 5-FU-induced apoptosis is markedly reduced in spheroids that were cultured for 9 days and had necrotic core, compared with MCF-7 monolayer cells and spheroids that were cultured for 6 days and had no necrotic core, indicating that the formation of necrotic core may be linked to acquisition of chemoresistance to 5-FU. We also found that a specific set of cellular proteins including p53 was aggregated into a RIPA-insoluble form during MTS culture. Furthermore, most of p53 induced by 5-FU was aggregated in MTS with necrotic core. Our results suggest that necrosis-linked p53 aggregation may contribute to acquired apoptotic resistance to 5-FU in MTS model system.</P>

      • 플라즈마 표지소자의 제작

        이상윤,라병욱,박동수,황인헌,이덕동,신영남,박성배,이동욱,박용석,박형근,손상호,권태근,채경락,정경득 慶北大學校 自然科學大學 1986 自然科學論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        An Ac-type Plasma Display Panel (PDP) operating with Ne-Ar(0.1%) Penning mixture gas is fabicated. The characterics of the panel with electrodes covered with thin and thick dielectric layers are studied. The brightness of the Neon-orange light emitted by the panel measured as function of applied voltage and frequency. As an application, a graphic display system equipped with PDP showing still and moving pictures is made.

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