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        재가 뇌졸중 환자의 일상활동 수행능력, 우울, 자기효능감 및 삶의 질과의 관계

        조복희(Cho Bok Hee),고미혜(Ko Mi Hye),김순영(Kim Soon Young) 한국재활간호학회 2003 재활간호학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        This study was a descriptive research in search of a nursing intervention scheme to improve stroke patients' quality of life by understanding the relationship of stroke patients' ADL. depression, self-efficacy and quality of life with various variables and identifying factors that affect their quality of life.<br/> Each subject was interviewed one to one based on a structured questionnaire. With regard to research tools, Modified Barthel Index (MBI: Fortinsky et al., 1981), which was translated by Choi, Hye-sook (996), was used in measuring ADL, Randloff's (1977) tool. which was translated by Choi, Soon-hee, was used in measuring depression, and the tool developed by Sherer et al. (1982), which is to measures self-efficacy under general conditions not limited to specific conditions, and modified by O, Bok-ja (1994) was used in measuring self-efficacy. The quality of life was measured using the scale of satisfaction of life developed by Diener et al.(1985).<br/> <br/> The results of this study were as follows:<br/> 1. The means of ADL of the subjects was 79.5±31.9, depression 26.8±10.4. self-efficacy 47.1±25.7, and the quality of life 12.3±4.9.<br/> 2. The subjects' quality of life showed a statistically significant difference according to gender (t=7.9, p= .006), satisfaction with income (F= 5.8, p = .004), the burden of medical fee (F=3.7, p= .028) and the period of disease (F=2.8. p= .042).<br/> 3. With regard to relationship among ADL, depression, self-efficacy and the quality of life, ADL was in a relatively low positive correlation (r= .293, p= .003) with and the quality of life, depression in a high negative correlation (r=- .634. p= .000) with the quality of life. and self-efficacy in a positive correlation with the quality of life (r= .388. p= .000).<br/> 4. Factors that made a significant influence on the quality of life were depression (8=- .309. p= .001) and satisfaction with income (8=-2.611. p= .001).<br/> Based on these results, this study made following suggestions:<br/> 1. It is necessary to run rehabilitation programs to improve stroke patients' ADL, depression and self-efficacy.<br/> 2. It is necessary to perform research of monitoring stroke patients' quality of life in various areas using measuring tools.<br/> <br/> <br/>

      • 노인 구강건강관리 실태에 대한 연구

        김수화,권순복 경복대학 2002 京福論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구는 고령화사회에 접어든 우리나라의 노인구강건강을 증진시키기 위한 기초자료를 마련하고자 서울특별시에 거주하는 60세 이상 노인을 대상으로 일반사항과 구강상태, 구강보건인식도, 치과진료 및 구강보건교육 경험도에 대한 설문을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 조사대상자는 모두 177명으로 여자 81.4%, 남자 18.6%였고, 연령은 70-74세 27.7%, 65-69세·75-79세가 각각 19.8% 였으며, 학력은 무학이 49.2%로 가장 많았고 초등학교 졸업이 36.2%로 나타났다. 거주형태는 자녀와 함께 사는 경우가 58.2%, 혼자(부부) 사는 경우 41.8%였으며, 직업은 무직인 경우가 90.4%로 많았고, 전신질환은 58.2%가 가지고 있지 않았다. 2. 조사대상자의 구강 내 증상은 저작장애가 64.4%로 가장 많았고, 잔존치아 개수는 25개 이상이 26.0%, 계속가공의치는 대상자의 56.5%가 장착하고 있었고, 대상자의 56.4%가 구강건강이 좋지 않다고 인지하고 있었다. 의치필요자는 총 66.7%, 의치장착자는 총 44,1%로 필요한데 장착하지 못한 노인이 33.9%였다. 잇솔질 횟수는 하루 2회가 50.8%, 시기는 아침식사 후 85.9%, 저녁식사 후 76.3%, 방법은 좌우로 38.4%, 위아래 20.9%, 세치제는 치약이 80.8%로 많았다. 치실과 스케일링 인지도는 각각 16.9%, 36.2%로 나타났고, 음식물제거는 이쑤시개 사용이 46.3%, 치실 3.4%, 구강병대처법은 치과내원이 62.7%로 조사되었다. 최근 1년동안 치과방문경험도는 45.2%, 무면허진료와 구강보건교육 경험도는 46.9%, 18.1%였으며, 우선적으로 필요한 치료는 의치와 보철이 각각 26.6%, 22.6%로 많았다. 3. 연령이 높을수록 의치장착도와 필요도는 높게, 계속가공의치 장착도는 낮게 나타났으며, 저작장애는 연령이 증가함에 따라 크게, 잔존치아 개수는 연령이 증가하면서 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 치실과 스케일링에 대한 인지도는 연령이 증가함에 따라 낮았고 혼자(부부)사는 노인이 무면허진료 경험도가 56.8%로 높았다. 구강건강이 약하다고 인식할수록 무면허진료 경험도가 높게 나타나 유의한 차이를 보였다. This Thesis was made to offer the data for oral health of the old and to improve their oral health. The subjects of this study were male and female old people who were older than 60 and have lived in Seoul. The questionnaire was made up of population sociological characteristics, oral condition, recognition of oral hygiene and experience of treatment by unlicensed and oral health instruction. The results were as follows : 1. The subjects consisted of 81.4% female and 18.6% male, 27.7% were 70 to 74 in age, 49.2% of the surveyees had never gone to school. In living type 58.2% of the subjects have lived with their children, the unemployed are 90.4% and 58.2% of the subjects had no general disease. 2. 64.4% of the surveyees had masticatory dysfunction, the rate of remained teeth is 26.0% in over 25. 56.4% responded their oral health is weak. The proportion of people wearing denture was 44.1% of the people who need denture and 33.9% in need of denture had no denture. In survey on toothbrushing, 50.8% brushed their teeth twice a day, 85.9% brushed after breakfast and 38.4% used their toothbrush up and down. The recognition of a dental floss and scaling is 16.9% and 36.2% respectively. 46.3% used toothpick in the way to clean food debris and 45.2% visited dental clinic within a year. The rate of experience of the treatment by unlicensed and oral health instruction is 46.9% and 18.1% respectively. 3. The rate of wearing denture, need for denture and masticatory dysfunction is higher and recognition of floss and scaling is lower at the older subjects. The old living alone(coup1e) had higher rate of experience of treatment by unlicensed than the old living with their children.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중 · 노년기 말기환자 삶의 질 측정도구의 타당도 및 신뢰도 검증

        김수현,정복례,서순림 노인간호학회 2007 노인간호학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of the study was to test the validity and reliability of the Quality of Life at the End-of-Life instrument (QUAL-E), developed by Steinhauser, Bosworth, Clipp, McNelly, Christakis, Parker, and Tulsky (2002), for Korean patients. Method: Data were collected from 76 patients with terminal illnesses who were living in the community between November 1 and December 15 in 2006. QUAL-E which had been translated into Korean was tested for psychometric properties using factor analysis with principal component analysis and varimax rotation. Result : Factor analysis yielded a final instrument with 25 items in five distinct domains: physical symptoms (four items), social relationships (four items), preparation (four items), control (four items), and completion (three items). These five factors explained 69% of the total variance. Reliability estimates showed good inter-item reliability (.30-.70), item-factor correlation (.42-.76), and overall Cronbach alpha coefficient (.84). Conclusion: The results revealed that the QUAL-E is a sound instrument in evaluating quality of life for Korean patients with terminal illnesses. Further study is warranted to test convergent and divergent validity of the instrument and to develop items which reflect cultural aspects of Korean patients with terminal illnesses.

      • 경안천의 애반딧불이 서식지 오염부하량 및 생태특성

        김수복,고정문,홍순상,주덕현,홍윤기,김진성,김영규 용인대학교 자연과학연구소 2011 自然科學硏究所論文誌 Vol.16 No.1

        The aim of this study was to research water quality, eco-nature and firefly habitant Keung An Stream from June to July. To conserve ecosystem of firefly habitant, We must manage to have a diverse aspect of ecology and water quality. This study was to research water quality, eco-nature and firefly habitant Keung We find 11 firefly habitat in Keung An Stream. To conserve ecosystem of firefly habitant, We must manage to have a diverse aspect of ecology and water quality.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 간호기록분석에 의한 성인환자의 간호진단 확인연구

        김복순,이정희 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1985 中央醫大誌 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to diagnose the nursing problem by analizing nursing records and to give the qualified nursing service with scientific approach to the hospitalized medical patients. The subject for this paper were 507 out of 1805 who bad one or more admission history a, medical department, from CAU hospital, locating in Seoul, from Jan. 1. 1983 to Dec. 31. 1983. For the study, it is used the Nursing Diagnoses edited by Mi Ja Kim et al. and divided nursing need into several parts with the nursing diagnosis catalog The results of this study are as follows: 1. The number of nursing diagnosis from the discharge records are 3314 and the average number of nursing diagnosis per patient is 6.5 2. Determined nursing diagnosis from 507 discharge records is(Comfort, Alteration in) 91.2%, (Powerlessness) 59%, (Nutrition, Alterations in: Less than body requirment) 38.3%, (Breathing patterns, Ineffective) 34.9%, (Anxiety) 31.6%. and(Sleep pattern Disturbances) 29%. 3. Applying the division of Nursing Diagnosis Catalog to Maslow's hierachy of Need Majorityof Nursing Diagnoses belongs to Physiological need 71%, next is Safety need 11%, Belonging and Love need 6.6% and Esteem and Self actualization need 11.4%. Maslow's each stage by Nursing Diagnoses shows high; (Comfort, Alteration in) to Physiological need stage, (Anxiety) to Safety need stage, (Coping, Ineffective Individual)to Belonging and Love need stage, (Diversional Activity, Deficit) to Esteem and Self actualization need stage.

      • 사이토카인과 Lipopolysaccharide 자극에 의한 RAW 264.7 세포주의 nitric oxide 생성

        김영덕,전창덕,이병순,이복수,박석돈,백상기,정헌택 충남대학교 생물공학연구소 1993 생물공학연구지 Vol.3 No.-

        Macrophages have been implicated as a major class of effector in the host response to neoplasia. Cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage are known to exhibit tumoricidal activity following stim-ulation by γ-interferon, tumor necrosis factor, BCG and bacterial products such as lipopoly-saccharide (LPS). While the mechanism involved remain obscure, the generation of reactive nitrogen intermediate (RNI) by activated macrophages is considered a maior participant in mediating the tumorstatic effect. But much of what is known about the induction and release of RNI has been elucidated by using freshly isolated cells from blood and other tissues of experimental animals. In this study, we used a murine macrophage cell line, RAW 264.7, and found that these cells showed above 99% positive of pan macrophage marker by immunohistochemical staining. These cells could produce nitric oxide (NO), when incubated with γ-IFN or poly I:C. Incubation of RAW 264.7 cells with γ-IFN for 48 hous in the presence of LPS agumented NO release in a dose dependent manner. Whereas, treatment of anti-TNE-α antibody or antisense TNF-α oligodeoxynucleotide inhibited the release of NO_2 by γ-IFN plus LPS activated macrophages. The production of NO was also inhibited reversibly or irreversibly by N^GMMA,NAA,arginase or DPI. Thease data suggest that RAW 264.7 cell line may be useful for the in vitro evalulation of biological response modifiers as well as the study of signal pathway of NO release by macrophages.

      • KCI등재

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