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      • 한국인 정상 노인과 알쯔하이머 형 치매 환자의 수면 구조에 대한 연구

        김정란,신윤오 충남대학교 의학연구소 2001 충남의대잡지 Vol.28 No.2

        A study was conducted to confirm the changes of sleep parameters associated with aging and to investigate some differences of sleep parameters between healthy elderly persons and patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type. Polysomnography was done for 20 healthy elderly persons and 20 patients with DAT. The results were as follows: 1. With regard of sleep continuity variables, total sleep time(TST), waking after sleep onset(WASO), and sleep efficiency(SE) showed no statistically significant difference between two groups. However, sleep latency(SL) was prolonged and number of awakening during sleep period were significantly greater in DAT group than healthy groups(p<.0l, p<.05 respectively). 2. The ratio of each sleep stage to total bed time(TBT) or total sleep time(TST) showed no significant difference between two groups. 3. Total rapid eye movement(REM) density as well as REM activity were significantly lower in DAT(p<.0l), but REM latency showed no difference between two groups. 4. Aging was associated with shortened total sleep time, increased WASO, and decreased sleep efficiency. Some of the sleep continuity and sleep architecture parameters showed gender differences, and elderly women seemed to have better sleep quality. Any correlation between seventy of cognitive impairment and sleep parameters was not found.

      • KCI등재

        설화의 동화화에 대한 연구(1) : 뻬로의 「빨강 모자 Le petit Chaperon rouge」 Le petit Chaperon rouge de Charles Perrault

        김정란 건국대학교 중원인문연구소 2001 동화와 번역 Vol.1 No.-

        Perrault a transforme les recits populaires qui l'ont inspire, et ses adaptations ont eu du succes. L'objet de notre etude est de repondre aux questions d'ou vient ls succes de ses adaptations. Qulle est la difference entre les recits de Perrault et ceux de la tradition orale? Pour realiser notre objectif, nous avons utilise la grammaire transformationnelle et generative. Pour les transformationnalistes, la grammaire est un ensemble restreint de regles qui rendent compte de l'engendrement d'un ensemble infini de phrases, obtenues par transformation a partir d'un ensemble restreint de phrases abstraites simples. De la meme maniere les contes merveilleux ont aussi besoin d'une theorie qui peut render compte de l'engendrement d'un ensemble infini a partir d'un ensemble fine de regles. En examinant d'abord la theorie fondamentale de Chomsky, nous avons trouve les 6 rehles suivantes: l'addition, le deplacement, le changement des formes, la repetition, et les conditions restreintes. Nous avons d'abord obseve que les contes de Perrault ne sont pas la notation simple des recits populaires comme il reclame lui-meme, mais que c'est une sorte de la creation de quelqu'un qui a une vision et des aspirations pour le future. L'additon du titre "Le petit Chaperon rouge" par exemple, qui est absent dans les recits populaires, est une creation significative de perrault qui eclaire bien le theme du conte, l'avertissement. La suppression jouait aussi un role important. Dans les contes populaires, la fillette s'echappe et rentre chez elle saine et sauve, mais dan "Le petit Chaperon rouge", le recit s'arrete au moment ou la fillette est avalee par le loup. Perrault a aussi supprime le motif du repas cannibale de la fillette, la scene du deshabillage progressif, et la question du loup a l'enfant sur le chemin qu'elle va prendre: celui des aiguilles ou celui des epingles, etc.. Ces suppressions sont en general consideerees dome une incomprehension de la vie rurale chez l'auteur. Mais nous avons trouve que ces suppressions ont aussi une relation avec le theme de l'avertissement. Les contes ne sont pas pouratnt qu'un ensemble de regles. C'est une oeuvre litteraire qui cherche a toucher le Coeur de l'homme. La simplicite naive du style de Perrault, comme l'utilisation de la narration orale, des archaisms et des repetitions, etc. est la marque d'un talent et d'une esthetique tres reflechis qui n'est pas donnee a tout le monde. Le succes des adaptations des recits populaires est donc venu de l'effort de Perrault lui-meme, ecrivain et chancelier de l'Academie Francaise. Son adaptation etait la creation de quelqu'n qui avait une vision et des aspirations pour le future de la literature et de son pays.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 불어 알파벳 연구(1) : 알파벳 기원과 형태의 변천

        金貞蘭 건국대학교 중원인문연구소 1998 중원인문논총 Vol.18 No.-

        L'ecriture constitue l'invention la plus importante faite par l'homme. Avec elle, on passe de la prehistoire a l'histoire. Mais depuis que le rejet du systeme graphique hors de la langue a ete radicalise par les courants dominant du structuralisme, les etudes sur l'ecriture etait considerees comme celle d'un travestissement de la langue. Peu d'etudes sont donc faites sur l'ecriture. Le but de notre etude est de nous occuper de savoir quand sont nees et d'ou viennent les lettres d'alphabet du francais. Par la recherche historique nous avons trouve que les lettres ont nee de l'image. Ainsi la premiere consonne de l'alphabet phenicien est-elle notee par un dessin qui represente une tete de boeuf. Le premier peuple a ecrire fut le peuple sumerien qui vivait en Irak 4,000 ans avant Jesus-Christ. Le premier vertable alphabet, lettres mises ensemble pour fabriquer des mots, apparut en Syrie, 1300 ans avant Jesus-Christ. Ainsi nous avons vu que le passage de l'alphabet des Pheniciens au Grecs et puis aux Latins. Au VIIIe siecle avant Jesus-Christ, les grecs sont emprunte aux Phenicien et de l'alphagrec, ils ont adapte lessignes a leur systeme lingustique. Or les Grecs parlaient une langue indo-europeenne dans laquelle les voyelles jouaient un role important. Et les Pheniciens u'utilsaient que dees consonnes. Les Grecs ont donc detourne de leur voyelles. Par exemple, l'alpha qui a note le [a] et qui le note encore dans le francais: le <a> est donc une vieille tete de boeuf phenicienne. Cette sorte adaptation et ce detoumement semblent possibles lorsque le peuple qui emprunte l'alphabet ne connit pas precedemmment l'ecriture. Par contre, lorsqu'une langue n'ajamais ete ecrite, et qu'elle se trouve sous l'influence d'une langue ecrite prestigieuse, il est sans doute difficile de modifier l'alphabet prestigieux pour l'adapter a la transcription de cet idiome sans lustre. C'est ce qui s;est prodit pour la langue francsaise et l'alphabet latin(C'est la raison que, sauf quelques lettres et usages nouveaux, proprement francais(le j, le v, les accents et signes auxilaires, etc.), les Francais n'ont jamais cree les signes qui leur auraient ete absolument necessaires pour transcrire avec exactitude les sons de leur langue). Les Latins ont emprunte l'alphabet grec. Au temps de l'Empire romain, l'alphabet comptait 21 lettres. J, U, W, Y, et Z furent ajoutes ensuite. Cet alphabet resta en vigueur tres lontemps. Au moyen Age, le latin etait la langue des erudits et de l'Eglise. L'alphabet utilise aujourd'hui en France est donc inspire de l'alphabet latin.

      • 리튬 연관성 무증상 갑상선 기능저하증에 대한 연구

        김정란,이선우 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2002 충남의대잡지 Vol.29 No.2

        Lithium is a mainstay in the treatment of bipolar disorder. It is well-known to suppress thyroid function varying from overt hypothyroidism to subclinical, or asymptomatic hypothyroidism. While lithium-induced overt hypothyroidism has been well studied. subclinical hypothyroidism is less well understood. Thus, this paper has two aims : (1) to evaluate the effect of lithium and clinical features in patients with bipolar I disorder who are taking lithium maintenance therapy and (2) to review subclinical hypothyroidism. We included 2% patients(men : 9, women : 13). who met criteria for bipolar I disorder in DMS-Ⅳ and are taking lithium as mood stabilizer. Five with subclinical hypothyroidism were identified after examination of T3. T1. and TSH(thyroid stimulating hormone). However. we did not find any difference in clinical variables. such as age. sex. subtype of bipolar disorder. or exposure duration of lithium. between patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and patients with euthyroid. we suggest that lithium-induced subclinical hypothyroidism can be underdiagnosed in practice in spite of interfering the treatment of bipolar disorder. Further systematic and well-designed studies are needed in the future.

      • 24시간 수면 박탈의 정신생리적 변화와 카페인의 효과

        김준호,왕성근,김정란 대한생물치료정신의학회 2004 생물치료정신의학 Vol.10 No.1

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of 24 hours sleep deprivation on the psychophysiologic functions(daytime sleepiness, fatigue, mood, vigilance, attention and short-term memory) and then to examine whether caffeine ingestion improves the effects induced by sleep deprivation in healthy korean population. Methods : 16 healthy korean university students who didn't have psychiatric disorder or sleep disorder and complain sleep-wake cycle disturbance, carried out ESS(Epworth Sleepiness Scale), VAS(Visual Analogue Scale), MSLT, and Computerized Neurocognitive Function Test under following conditions : after normal usual sleep(Baseline), after 24 hours sleep deprivation, and after 24 hours sleep deprivation followed by 150mg of caffeine ingestion. Results : After 24 hours sleep deprivation, the subjective and objective daytime sleepiness, fatigue and dysphoria were increased as compared to baseline, attention and vigilance were decreased compared to baseline and short-term memory wasn't significantly changed. When the subjects ingested 150mg of caffeine after 24 hours sleep deprivation, an increment of subjective and objective daytime sleepiness, fatigue and dysphoria and a decrement of attention and vigilance induced in sleep deprivation was improved, 150mg of caffeine given after 24 hours sleep deprivation improved significantly the objective daytime sleepiness, attention, and vigilance to the baseline level, and also improved significantly the subjective daytime sleepiness, fatigue and dysphoria but didn't reach the baseline level. Conclusions: 24 hours sleep deprivation in the normal young adult increased the subjective and objective daytime sleepiness, fatigue and dysphoria and decreased attention and vigilance, whereas didn't develop short-term memory disturbance. Following caffeine ingestion improves an increased objective daytime sleepiness, a decreased attention, and a decreased vigilance induced in sleep deprivation to almost same degree of baseline, but doesn't improve an increased objective daytime sleepiness, fatigue and dysphoria induced sleep deprivation to same degree of baseline.

      • 흰쥐 척수 손상후 Parvalbumin과 Calbindin D-28K 함유신경세포에 관한 면역세포화학적 연구

        김종중,정윤영,임유택,박상수,박영란,김현곤,문정석 조선대학교 부설 의학연구소 2002 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.27 No.2

        Background and Objectives: This study was done to compared the distribution of the two calcium-binding proteins immunoreactive neurons, parvalbumin immunoreactiv (PV-IR) and calbindin D-28K immunoreactive (CB-IR) neurons in the spinal cord after transection. Materials and Methods: Twenty rats were divided into 3 groups (control, complete spinal cord injury (SCI), and right and left spinal cord hemisection). SCI was produced by cutting the spinal cord use blades 11 with scalpel handles. Results: In this experiment, CB-IR neurons were mainly found in many pyramidal cells distributed in the brain stem and spinal cord of rats. PV-IR Neurons were demonstrated in all lamina of the gray matter of the spinal cord. These immunoreactive cells had the highest density in the layer I and II of dorsal horn and several nuclei of the ventral horn of the all the segments of the spinal cord. CB-IR neuropil labeling was strongly noted in all the segments of the spinal cord. In contrast PV-IR neurons were different in distribution, size and morphology in the spinal cord. The number of PV-IR neurons were greater than in the spinal cord compared with the CB-IR neurons. CB-IR and PV-IR somata were round, oval, spindle and polygonal in shape, and were unipolar, bipolar, multipolar and horizontal in types. The diameters of the somata of the PV-IR and CB-IR neurons were 40-50 ㎛, respectively. Also dendrites of PV-IR and CB-IR neurons were densely arrayed in network.

      • KCI등재

        한국판 신체변형장애 척도개발을 위한 예비연구

        김정란,지익성,신석철 大韓神經精神醫學會 1999 신경정신의학 Vol.38 No.4

        연구목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 신체변형장애의 진단 및 심한 정도를 평가하는 자기 보고형 검사인 한국판 신체변형 장애 척도(BDDE-SR)를 개발하고 한국 청소년내의 신체 불만족에 대한 자료를 얻고자 하는데 있었다. 방 법 : 한국판 BDDE-SR을 대전 시내 남녀 고등학생 417명을 대상으로 설문을 하였고. 이 중 100명을 선정하여 6주 간격후 재검사를 하였다. 결 과 : 1) 전체 점수에 대한 검사-재검사 신뢰도(Pearson 상관계수)는 0.883(p〈0.001)으로 만족할 만한 신뢰도를 보였으며, 각 문항에 대한 검사-재검사 신뢰도는 통계적으로 유의하였다(Spearman 상광계수 범위:0.159∼0.761). 2) 내적 일치도는 Cronbach's α0.922(p〈0.01)로 높은 신뢰도를 보였다. 3) Varimax 회전에 의한 요인 분석의 결과, 5개의 요인을 추출하였는데, 제1요인은 고통과 당황인자, 제2요인은 자기 의식 및 부정적 평가 인자, 제3요인은 회피인자, 제4요인은 가리기 인자, 그리고 제5요인은 비교 인자였다. 4) 한국 청소년의 신체 불판족에 대한 자료에서, 전체 점수는 여학생 집단에서 52.4±24.8로 남학생집단의 37.7±20.6보다 유의하게 높았다. 남녀 고등학생을 합하여 가장 만족하지 못하는 신체부위는 허리-배(6.8%), 코(6.4%), 다리전체(6.0%), 치아와 눈(각각 5.9%) 순이었다. 결 론 : 이 결과들은 한국판 BDDE-SR이 신체변형장애의 평가를 위한 신뢰할 만한 도구임을 입증하는 것이며, 향후의 연구들에서 신체변형장애 환자군을 대상으로한 임상 자료를 얻고 한국판 BDDE-SR의 타당도 검증이 시행되어야 할 것으로 생각된다. Objective : The purposes of this study were to develop a Korean version of the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination-Self Report(BDDE-SR) and to get informations about the body dissatisfaction of the Korean adolescents. Method : A Korean version of the BDDE-SR was applied to 417 Korean high school adolescents. Retest was conducted with 6-week interval in 100 adolescents. Results : 1) Test-retest reliability of the total scores(Pearson's correlation coeffciency) was 0.883(p〈0.001) and test-retest reliabilities of each item also showed high correlation (Spearman's correlation coefficency range : 0.159-0.761). 2) Internal consistency by Cronbach's alpha of 0.922(p〈0.001) was very much high. 3) Five factors were extracted by factor analysis with the Varimax rotation. They were 'the distressing and embarrassment factor','the self-consciousness and negative self-evaluation factor','the avoidance factor','the camouflage factor', and'the comparison factor'. 4) The total score of BDDE-SR of girls was statistically higher(52.4±24.8) than that of boys(37.7±20.6). The most dissatisfied body part was abdomen (6.8%), nose (6.4%), entire leg (6.0%), teeth (5.9%) and eyes (5.9%) in all the subjects. Conclusion : These results indicate that a Korean version of the BDDE-SR is a reliable instrument for the assessment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). The authors suggest that future researches should be directed to obtaining clinical of the patients with BDD and should test the validity of a Korean version of the BDDE-SR.

      • 중원지역의 설화를 동화화하기 위한 연구 및 개발

        김정란,유소영,박혜숙,박용식 건국대학교 중원인문연구소 1999 중원인문논총 Vol.19 No.-

        This study describes the research and development of fairy tales from the folk tales in Joung-Won area. The need for this problem was assessed through the special training course of fairy tale writing sponsored by Cho-Bang. The first step was the study of the suitable definition and types of fairy tales. Assuming that the problem in defining the field of folk tales is the lack of common agreement in the labels, definitions and standard classification models of folk tales, literature related to these areas were reviewed. The application of this research and development will be the fairy tale writing. The next step was therefore to select the folk tales suitables to the fairy tale writing and to explore the Joong-Won area related to these stories. By this study we found that Joon-Won area's folk tales have few supernatural, fantastic elements which are the common characteristics of fairy tales. Considering the lack of these characteristics, we selected and wrote the story of "General Shin Lip", "the funny stories", "the story of the Castle Mago"(from the Nam mountain folk tales), "princess Ari and prince Koko"(from the folk tales of Kye-Myung mountain), etc... We found the development of the fairy tales a meaningful and rewarding work and experience. Our purpose to gain the basic knowledge in the development of this field has been met. But these fairy tales need to be visualized to be published. We should prepare for the implementation of practical application of this study and development: contact with a higher administrator in Joong Won area, discussion on the support possibility, visual production, addition of necessary materials, etc... Only the surface has been touched in this study. But the authors hope that in the near future, we will be able to create the new cultural work needed in the Joon-Won area.

      • 척수를 손상시킨 후 꼬리정맥에 주입한 사람탯줄혈액세포가 뇌줄기에 미치는 영향

        김종중,정윤영,박영란,문영민,현영식,정영욱,문정석 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2007 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.32 No.1

        Background and Objectives: Stem cells are a valuable resource for treatment of many disease, but limited access to stem cells in some organs such as brain restricts their utility. Many approaches have been attempted to restore the function following brain stem injury (BSI) and spinal cord injury (SCI). The use of the human umbilical cord blood cells (hUCB) - a rich source of nonembryonic or adult stem cells - has recently been reported to ameliorate the behavioral consequences of stroke. Mateiials and Methods: Forty rats were divided into 8 groups: (1) SCI l+hUCB (infused 1 day post injury); (2) SCI 2+hUCB (infused 2 days post injury); (3) SCI 3+hUCB (infused 3 days post injury); (4) SCI 4+hUCB (infused 4 days post injury); (5) SCI 5+hUCB (mfusedt 5 days post injury); (6) SCI 6+hUCB (infused 6 days post injury); (7) LO+hUCB (laminectomy+hUCB); and (8) LO (laminectomy only). SCI was produced by compressing the spinal cord for one minute with an aneurysm clip calibrated to a closing pressure of 50 g. We report here that immunhistotochemical identification of fluorescent hUCB positive cells in the brain stem after compressed spinal cord injury using mouse anti-human mitochondria monoclonal antibody (MAB1273). Results: All SCI+hUCB (1-8) groups contained fluorescent hUCB positive cells in the all area of the brain stem. But especially a large number of fluorescent hUCB positive cells were observed in the whole area of the brain stem of the experimental 5 (SCI 5+hUCB) and 6 (SCI 6+hUCB)groups. No hUCB positive cells were found in the brain stem of group with non-injured spinal cord of these animals and group with laminectomy only. Conclusion: These results suggest that hUCB are potentially useful as a vector for treating a variety of the central nervous system disorders, and we are sure that continuous of stem cell study will give an best opportunity to treat the uncurable disorders in the future.

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