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      • KCI등재

        Group Size And Measure Of Group-Level Properties

        Kim,Kyoung-Su,Kim In-Sook,Jun,Gyung-Ju,Yang,Dong-Min 한국인적자원관리학회 2009 인적자원관리연구 Vol.16 No.4

        Bliese와 Halverson(1998)은 집단수준의 효과를 분석하는데 있어서 기존에 사용되어 온 eta-squared 보다는 eta-squared 값이 사용되어야만 한다는 것을 주장하였다 그러나 이들이 제시한 수정된 eta-squared 접근은 다음과 같은 한계점을 가지게 되는 바 첫째, 이 접근법은 개인수준의 데이터를 집단 수준의 데이터로 만드는데 있어서의 정당성을 제공하는 기준을 구체적으로 제시하고 있지 못하다는 것을 들 수 있고, 둘째, 이 접근법은 또한 집단 내 효과를 용인하고 분석하는 기준을 제공하고 있지 못하다는 점을 들 수 있다 본 논문에서는 이러한 한계점을 극복할 수 있는 몇 가지의 대안을 제시하고 있으며, 이와 더불어 개인수준의 데이터를 집단 수준으로 만드는 것에 대한 정당성을 위한 또 하나의 추가적인 절차를 제시하였다 Bliese and Halverson(1998) argue that corrected eta-squared, rather than eta-squared, should be used for analyzing group-level effects However, their proposed corrected eta-squared approach has the following limitations (1) it fails to specify a criterion for justifying the aggregation of individual-level data to the group level and (2) it fails to specify a criterion for analyzing and allowing for within-group effects In this paper, we suggest several alternatives that overcome these limitations We suggest an additional procedure for justifying the aggregation of individual-level data to the group level

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Phage Ф FSV가 Lactobacillus casei의 증식에 미치는 영향

        김경태,이정준,서인영,나석환,백영진 한국산업미생물학회 1991 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Phage Φ FSV가 유산종균의 배양에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 prophage Φ FSV를 보유한 L. casei YIT 9018 균주나 prophage cured strain인 L. casei HYM 1213 균주에 phage Φ FSV(Lac S21)나 wild type phage Φ J-1(Lac J-1)을 임의의 농도로 각각 감염시켜 이들 균주의 증식을 비교하였다. Lac S21 phage를 L. casei YIT 9018 균주에 감염시켰을 경우, 초기 감염농도가 6.0×10 exp(6) pfu/㎖ 미만인 시료에서는 균주의 성장 및 유산생성능이 정상적이었으며, 오히려 phage수는 감소하였다. 그러나 L. casei HYM 1213균주는 Lac S21 phage에도 민감하게 반응하여, 감염된 균주는 감염시킨 농도에 상관없이 모두 2일균에서 phage가 10^9∼10^10 pfu/㎖로 급격히 증가하였으며, 계속 배양함에도 phage는 감소되지 않고 6일균에서 10^7∼10^9 pfu/㎖로 유지되었고, 이로 인하여 유산균은 정상 발효를 못하였다. 따라서 phage Φ FSV는 모균주인 L. casei YIT 9018 균주에는 어떠한 영향도 미치지 못하고, 오히려 prophage cured strains에는 민감하게 작용하여 비정상 발효를 유도함을 알 수 있었다. 또한, Lac J-1 phage는 prophage Φ FSW를 보유한 L. casei YIT 9018 균주와 prophage cured strain인 L. casei HYM 1213 균주에 모두 민감하게 감염되어 phage의 농도가 급증하고, 이로 인해 균주의 이상발효를 야기시켰다. In order to study effect of the phage Φ FSV on the growth of lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus casei YIT 9018 (wild type strain with prophage) or L. casei HYM 1213 (prophage cured strain) was infected with various concentrations of phage Φ FSV (called Lac S21) or wild type virulent phage (called Lac J-1). When L. casei YIT 9018 was infected with Lac S21 under the concentration of 6.0×10 exp(6) pfu/㎖, the growth and lactic acid production of the strain were normal and the number of phages decreased. But L. casei HYM 1213 was susceptible to Lac S21. Regardless of the concentration of the phage infection, the number of phages increased rapidly into 10^9 to 10^10 pfu/㎖ at 2 day cultures and was maintained 10^7 to 10^9 pfu/㎖ phages until 6 day cultures. The lactic acid production of L_n casei HYM 1213 infected with Lac S21 was abnormal. Therefore, phage Φ FSV had an evil effect on growth of L. casei HYM 1213, but not L. casei YIT 9018. On the other hand Lac J-1 caused abnormal fermentation to either L. casei YIT 9018 or L. casei HYM 1213.

      • 레크리에이션의 심리학적 연구동향

        박준동,김유수,김경두,조재호 東亞大學校 附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1995 스포츠科學硏究論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The recreation reserch held in Korea and other nations is mostly based on a social survey method, employing a theoretical approach to recreation's principles. In the US and Canada, however, the reserch is more practical and academical, including sociology, psychology, economics, urban engineering and ecology. A psychological approach to recreation peaked in 1960s-1970s. The so-called recreation psychology supported by experimental data and case-study came into being in the 1970s. Up to now, then, the psychological tendencies in recreation reserch show the increasing number and areas of appile'd studies, focused on scientific and contributing to the solution of actual problenms of everyday life.

      • KCI등재후보

        병원획득 Klebsiella pneumoniae 균혈증 분석을 통해 본 Ciprofloxacin 내성과 Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase생성 간의 연관성

        김미영,추은주,곽이경,송문희,나성수,송태준,김성혜,전재범,최상호,정진용,김남중,김양수,우준희,류지소 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.5

        목적 : K. pneumoniae는 ciprofloxacin내성 증가가 전세계적으로 문제가 되고있는 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)를 생성하는 대표적인 세균으로 최근 외국에서 ciprofloxacin 내성과 ESBL 생성사이에 관련이 있다는 2-3편의 보고들이 있었다. 본 연구에서는 병원획득 K. pneumoniae 패혈증이 있었던 환자들을 대상으로 ciprofloxacin 내성과 관련된 인자를 알아보고자 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 2001년 1월 부터 2002년 12월 사이에 2200병상의 3차 의료기관인 한 대학병원에서 입원 후 72시간 이후에 나간 혈액배양에서 K. pneumoniae가 배양된 입원환자를 대상으로 의무기록과 전산기록을 분석하여 환자의 성별, 나이, 병동, 기저질환, 이전의 항생제 사용력, 패혈증 발생당시까지의 재원기간, 이전 입원력, 원인균의ESBL 생성유무 등을 파악하였고 이들 변수가 ciprofloxacin 내성과 관련이 있는지를 분석하였다. 재발성 패혈증의 경우는 첫 번째 경우만을 분석에 포함하였다. 결과 : 연구대상 환자는 총154명이었고 K. pneumoniae의 ciprofloxacin에 대한 내성률은 28.6% (44/154)였다. Ciprofloxacin 내성균주 중 ESBL 생성균주의 비율은 95.5% (42/44)였고 ciprofloxacin 감수성균주에서 ESBL 생성균주의 비율은 24.5% (27/110)였다(P<0.001). ESBL생성외에 단변량 분석에서 유의한 관련을 보인 변수로는 남자, 나이가 많은 경우, 패혈증 당시 중환자실 재원, 기저질환이 고형암, 혈액암, 담도계 질환인 경우, 패혈증 발생이전 1달 이내의 항생제 사용력, 3세대 cephalosporin, metronidazole, fluroquinolone, carbapenem 투여력이 있었다. 다변량 로지스틱 분석을 시행 하였을 때는 나이가 많은 경우(Adjusted odds ratio[A0R]; 1.04, 95%confidence interval[CI]; 1.01-1.06)와 ESBL 생성(AOR; 81.35, 95% CI; 17.76-372.53)이 유의하게 ciprofloxacin 내성과 관련이 있었다. 결론 : 패혈증을 일으킨 병원획득 K. pneumonias에서의 ciprofloxacin 내성은 ESBL 생성과 유의한 관련을 보였고 향후 이에 관련된 원인이나 기전을 분석하기위한 분자역학적·분자생물학적 연구가 필요하겠다. Background : Strains of ciprofloxacin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae have emerged worldwide. We investigated the epidemiology of ciprofloxacin resistance and its relationship to ESBL production in nosocomial K. pneumoniae bacteremia. Materials and Methods : Using the computerized database of clinical microbiology, we identified all patients whose blood culture had yielded K. pneumoniae between January 2001 and December 2002 at a 2200-bed university-affiliated tertiary-care hospital. During the study period, total of 392 episodes of K. pneumoniae bacteremia were documented of which 163 episodes were acquired nosocomially. 9 cases of recurrent episodes were excluded. Results : The resistance rates to ciprofloxacin was 28.6% (44/154). ESBL-production was significantly more common in ciprofloxacin-resistant isolates than in ciprofloxacin-susceptible isolates (95.9% [42/44] vs. 24.5% [27/110], P<0.001). In univariate analysis, following factors were significantly associated with resistance to ciprofloxacin: older age, male sex, ICU admission at the time of bacteremia, prior use of antibiotics within 1 month before bacteremia, solid tumor, hematological malignancy, or biliary disease as underlying disease, and ESBL-production. The prior use of 3^(rd)-generation cephalosprins, metronidazole, fluroquinolone, or carbapenem were also risk factors. Independent risk factors for ciprofloxacin resistance were older age (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]; 1.04, 95% confidence interval [CI]; 1.01-1.06) and ESBL production (AOR; 81.35, 95% CI; 17.76-372.53). Conclusion : The close relationship between ciprofloxacin resistance and ESBL production was documented in nosocomial K. pneumoniae bacteremia. Further epidemiological and molecular studies to determine factors and mechanisms involved in the relationship are needed.

      • Longitudinal Changes in Resting-State Brain Activity in a Capsular Infarct Model

        Kim, Donghyeon,Kim, Ra Gyung,Kim, Hyung-Sun,Kim, Jin-Myung,Jun, Sung Chan,Lee, Boreom,Jo, Hang Joon,Neto, Pedro R,Lee, Min-Cheol,Kim, Hyoung-Ihl SAGE Publications 2015 Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism Vol.35 No.1

        <P> Strokes attributable to subcortical infarcts have been increasing recently in elderly patients. To gain insight how this lesion influences the motor outcome and responds to rehabilitative training, we used circumscribed photothrombotic capsular infarct models on 36 Sprague-Dawley rats (24 experimental and 12 sham-operated). We used 2-deoxy-2-[<SUP>18</SUP>F]-fluoro-D-glucose-micro positron emission tomography (FDG-microPET) to assess longitudinal changes in resting-state brain activity (rs-BA) and daily single-pellet reaching task (SPRT) trainings to evaluate motor recovery. Longitudinal FDG-microPET results showed that capsular infarct resulted in a persistent decrease in rs-BA in bilateral sensory and auditory cortices, and ipsilesional motor cortex, thalamus, and inferior colliculus ( P<0.0025, false discovery rate (FDR) q<0.05). The decreased rs-BA is compatible with diaschisis and contributes to manifest the malfunctions of lesion-specific functional connectivity. In contrast, capsular infarct resulted in increase of rs-BA in the ipsilesional internal capsule, and contralesional red nucleus and ventral hippocampus in recovery group ( P<0.0025, FDR q<0.05), implying that remaining subcortical structures have an important role in conducting the recovery process in capsular infarct. The SPRT training facilitated motor recovery only in rats with an incomplete destruction of the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC) (Pearson's correlation, P<0.05). Alternative therapeutic interventions are required to enhance the potential for recovery in capsular infarct with complete destruction of PLIC. </P>


        A Case of Angiocentric Glioma with Unusual Clinical and Radiological Features

        Rho, Gyung-Jun,Kim, Hyo-Joon,Kim, Hyoung-Ihl,Ju, Myoung-Jin The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2011 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.49 No.6

        Angiocentric glioma was recently recognized as a distinct clinicopathological entity in the 2007 World Health Organization classification of tumors of the central nervous system. Typically, it presents with seizure in children and young adults. However, our patient did not have a history of seizure. Seizure did not occur up to 6 months after operation. Although it usually does not have calcification brain magnetic resonance imaging in our patient showed T1-hyperintense and T2-hypointense signals with calcification.

      • KCI등재

        마이크로블로그 서비스의 지속사용의도에 관한 연구

        김경준 ( Gyung Jun Kim ),이호 ( Ho Lee ),손수민 ( Son Soo Min ) 한국정보시스템학회 2014 情報시스템硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        Microblog is emerging as a new communication service because of its usefulness and real-time accessability. Recently, microblog services, such as twitter and me2day in Korea, are getting a great attention. Continuous use intention is critical to sustain the service. However, most recent studies are based on Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) and Expectation Confirmation Model(ECM). These models are only focused on individual factors and overlook social influence factors. Social influence has been indicated as a critical factor of technology adoption and diffusion in social context(Davis, 1989; Fulk et al., 1987). In this study, we explore factors related to social influence which effect on continuous use intention for ‘me2day’ that is one of the most famous microblog in Korea. The purpose of this study is to understand continuous use intention and examine the relationship among social influence factors, social presence, and continuous use intention. To understand the phenomenon of continuous use intention in microblog service, this study employed social influence theory and expanded it by adding personal network exposure and group norm as additional social influence factors. The results show that social identity, group norms, and social presence positively influences continuous use intention. Contrary to our expectation, personal network exposure does not influence on continuous use intention. Academically, this research can contribute to microblog research field through elucidating the relationship among social influence factors, social presence, and continuous use intention. Although there is not enough research which is considered social influence factors as major explanation for continuous use intention, this study can give novel point of view to understand continuous use intention of microblog. Practically, service providers could consider ways to encourage users to continually use microblog service by reinforcing social influence factors and social presence.

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