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      • 감균된 부재료를 사용한 김치의 숙성

        박인경,구연수,김순동 대구효성가톨릭대학교 식품과학연구소 1997 식품과학지 Vol.9 No.-

        김치 부재료에는 각종 미생물이 오염되어 있어 김치의 보존성에 많은 영향을 미치므로 본 실험에서는 90℃에서 10분간 끓여식힌 10%의 소금물에 절인 배추, pH 8.2로 조정한 물로 10분간 증자한 후 열풍건조한 고춧가루, 끓인 후 염도를 보정한 젓갈, 70% 알코올로 세척한 마늘과 생강을 사용하여 담근김치(감균처리 김치)의 보존성을 조사하였다. 김치는 10℃에서 20일간 숙성시키면서 이화학적 변화와 미생물수의 변화, 기계적 조직감 및 관능검사, 색상의 변화를 관찰하였다. 그 결과 pH와 산도를 볼때 대조구가 숙성 15일에 최적숙기였으며 감균처리김치는 숙성 20일에도 최적숙기의 pH와 산도를 유지하여 김치의 가식기간이 5일 이상 연장되었고 미생물수는 전 숙성기간을 통해 총균수와 젖산균이 다소 낮게 나타났으며 기계적 조직감 역시 대조구보다 높으면서 질긴정도가 낮았다. 대조구는 발효 15일째에 비교적 높은 신맛을 보였으나 처리구는 숙성 20일째에도 보통정도의 신맛을 보였으며 아삭거리는 조직감도 다소 완만한 감소를 나타내었다. 종합적인 맛은 대조구는 숙성 15일에 평가점수 3.67로 최고치를 보인 후 감소하였으나 처리구는 숙성 20일에 평가점수 4.15로 최고치를 보였다. 김치의 색상은 무처리 고춧가루가 처리한 고춧가루보다 다소 밝은 적색이었으나 숙성말기에는 오히려 대조구보다는 L값이 다소 높아져 밝은 색상을 띠었고 a값 역시 높았다. The effect of decontaminated sub-ingredients(DSI) on the shelf-life of kimchi were investigated by measuring of pH, acidity, color, number of microorganisms, sensory taste and instrumental texture during fermentation at 10℃. Ingredients involved in kimchi preparation such as red pepper, fermented anchovy juice, garlic and ginger. As the fermentation proceeded, the changes of pH and acidity of kimchi stored at 10℃ indicated that the shelf-life of kimchi with DSI were retarded by 5 days compared with kimchi with general ingredients(control). Growth of total cell numbers and lactic acid bacteria in kimchi showed low by DSI throughout the fermentation periods. Sensory evaluation of kimchi with DSI was higher score than control kimchi in sour taste and overall taste. Hardness of kimchi measured instrumentally was higher for kimchi with DSI than for control kimchi. The Hunter “L” and “a” values of kimchi with microorganism reduced red pepper powders was highly maintained at the later fermentation. Considering all results obtained throughout this experiments, it can be concluded that kimchi with DSI can be sucessfully used for the extension of shelf-life of kimchi.

      • KCI등재

        김억의 번역론 연구 : 근대문학의 장(場)과 번역자의 과제

        김진희(Kim Jin-hee) 한국시학회 2010 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.28

        In the beginning of the Korean modern literature since 1910's, Kim Eok played a crucial role as a translator for foreign literature and theory. During the acceptance of foreign literature, Kim realized the importance of translation and he is considered an intellectual who, as opposed to other contemporary translators, performed a bulk of translations from various countries. He was in the lead of balancing content and form, reforming he literary circles of translation in which there was abundance of arbitrary interpretations and content-concentrated translations. However, Kim Eok's translated works have been devalued by reason of erroneous and liberal translation of original works and inapt understanding. Researchers generally examine original and translated texts in tandem, after which they point out problems of the translations and attribute them to the translators' lack of capacity. The study of this paper presupposes that in-depth understanding of translated texts can be carried out only when the theory and practice of translation go in parallel. It argues that the negative evaluation for Kim's translations can be reconsidered through the study of theory. Kim argued for 'creative liberal translation,' and this paper investigates the formation and characteristics of this standpoint. This paper particularly looks into how symbolism, which Kim embraced, influenced Kim's view on translation. The acceptance of symbolism and the theory of translation are discussed in regard to the theory of translation maintained by Bejamin, a German literary critic who lived around the same time, in his book The Task of the Translator. The paper also examines Kim Eok's theory of translation in the sense that the act of translating foreign languages expands and deepens a mother tongue, which provides an opportunity to form and develop the self-identity. Kim's viewpoint on translation, which searches for the nature of poems, found modern poetic language for the Korean poetry, which was possible due to his exploration into language that represents this nature. Translating the western poems in the initial stage of modern literature implies admission and conveyance of heterogeneous culture, beyond simple written text, and creation of new culture. Kim Eok's translated works shows the creativity of cultural translation that is generated at the intersection of internal and external cultures. The literary world after 1920's, via translations, could realize the identity of modern literature by means of dialogue with others, i.e. dialogue between tradition and the West. Furthermore, it could have a foundation in creation of new culture. Along these lines of modern literature, Kim Eok's theory of translation presented ‘creative liberal translation’ and ‘creative translation’ as the task and direction for those who do the translation, including himself. It was an aspect of cultural action that Kim's theory evidently showed through translation.

      • KCI등재

        김치 및 김치 유래 유산균의 건강 기능성에 대한 연구 동향 조사

        김보경(Kim, Bohkyung),문은경(Mun, Eun-Gyung),김도연(Kim, Doyeon),김영(Kim, Young),박용순(Park, Yongsoon),이해정(Lee, Hae-Jeung),차연수(Cha, Youn-Soo) 한국영양학회 2018 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.51 No.1

        Purpose: This review article provides an overview of the trends of research papers on the health benefits of kimchi and kimchi lactic acid bacteria published from 1995 to 2017. Methods: All publications from 1995 to 2017 regarding kimchi and kimchi lactic acid bacteria were collected, reviewed, and classified. This review article covers the publications of the health benefits of kimchi and kimchi lactic acid bacteria on experimental, clinical trials, and epidemiology studies. Results: The number of publications on kimchi over the period were 590: 385 publications in Korean and 205 publications in English. The number of publications on the health benefits of kimchi and kimchi lactic acid bacteria were 95 in Korean and 54 in English. The number of publications on kimchi and kimchi lactic acid bacteria were 84 and 38, respectively, in the experimental models. Ten research papers on kimchi in clinical trials and 7 publications in epidemiology were found. Kimchi or kimchi lactic acid bacteria had protective effects against oxidative stress, mutagenicity, toxicity, cancer, dyslipidemia, hypertension, immunity, and inflammation in in vitro, cellular, and in vivo animal models. Moreover, kimchi had effects on the serum lipids, intestinal microbiota, iron status, obesity, and metabolic parameters in human clinical trials. In epidemiology, kimchi had effects on hypertension, asthma, atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, cholesterol levels, and free radicals. Conclusion: This review focused on the publications regarding the health benefits of kimchi and kimchi lactic acid bacteria, suggesting the future directions of studies about kimchi and kimchi lactic acid bacteria by producing a database for an evaluation of the health benefits of kimchi.

      • KCI등재

        인천지역 고등학생들의 김치에 대한 인지 및 선호도에 관한 연구

        김복순,강근옥,Kim, Bok Soon,Kang, Kun Og 한국식품조리과학회 2017 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        Purpose: This research was conducted to provide basic data on Kimchi consumption of high school students by determining their recognition and preferences related to Kimchi. Methods: Our survey was administered to 450 high school students in the Incheon area from September 1 to October 30, 2015. A total of 412 questionnaires were used for the final analysis. Results: Most students (42.6%) consumed Kimchi every meal (more than 3 meals/day), and only 3.6% did not consume Kimchi at all. The most common reason for consuming Kimchi was 'tasty' (46.4%). On the other hand, those who did not consume Kimchi cited 'preference for other side dishes' (50.0%). 'Home-made Kimchi' was the most common source of consumed Kimchi (63.0%). With respect to recognition of Kimchi, most cited terms were 'traditional' ($4.64{\pm}0.58$), followed by 'healthy' ($4.30{\pm}0.77$) and 'prefer home-made' ($3.88{\pm}0.93$) (p<0.001). The average preference for Kimchi was $3.71{\pm}1.07$. The most common reason for preferences was 'crisp texture' (37.6%). The most popular flavor was 'spicy' (33.6%), and the most popular fermentation level was 'appropriate' (55.6%). When preferences for Kimchi were further analyzed, 'baechu Kimchi' (4.18) was the most popular. Further, Kimchi is a popular ingredient for many dishes, and the most popular dish was 'stir-fried pork with Kimchi' (4.50). Conclusion: In the future, positive recognition of Kimchi consumption can be promoted through nutrition education and various advertisements. Furthermore, efforts should be made to establish the principles of traditional Korean food for students.

      • KCI등재

        견고한 고독의 세계 : Eine vergleichende Studie u¨ber Rilke und Hyon-seung Kim 릴케와 김현승

        김재혁 한국독어독문학회 2002 獨逸文學 Vol.84 No.1

        Der koreanische Dichter Hyon-seung Kim bekennt sich zu einem erheblichen Einfluß Rilkes auf seine Weltanschauung, insbesondere wegen Rilkes ernsthafter Haltung gegenu¨ber Leben und Kunst. In diesem Zusammenhang steht Kim unter dem starken Einfluß von Rilkes fru¨hen Werken wie Das Stunden-Buch und Das Buch der Bilder. Diese Werke behandeln wichtige Themen, die auch bei Kim ihren Niederschlag finden, das heißt Gott, Einsamkeit und Dichtung. Die Haltung des lyrischen Ichs bei Kim ist der Geba¨rde des lyrischen Ichs in Das Stunden-Buch sehr a¨hnlich. Der russische Mo¨nch in Rilkes Werk spricht aufs Knie fallend vor Gott Gebete, malt Ikonen und schreibt daru¨ber hinaus Verse. Diese fromme Haltung pra¨gt auch die des lyrischen Ich bei Kim. Ferner besteht große A¨hnlichkeit zwischen beiden Dichtern darin, dass die beiden in ihrer fru¨hen Zeit durch Gebet, also aus der Sehnsucht nach Gott, Verse schaffen. Man kann niemals bei Kim von der Einsamkeit im Herbst als literarischer Kulisse sprechen, ohne sich as Rilkes 「Herbsttag」zu erinnem. Trotzdem konnte Kim abda¨mmend gegen Rilkes Einfluß seine eigene Welt dadurch bewahren, dass er an der ihm eigentu¨mlichen Einsamkeit festha¨lt. Sein literarischer Verdienst findet sich dort, wo er mit Hilfe der Dinge und Ausdru¨cke solider Art seine existentielle Einsamkeit zu einem reinen poetischen Thema hat reifen lassen. Kims fester Glaube an die reine Einsamkeit entsprang seit Mitte der 1960er Jahre aus dem Mißtrauen gegen die christliche Gottheit und die fro¨mmelnden Christen. Unter diesen Umsta¨nden hatte er keinen anderen Weg, als nur auf das selbsta¨ndige Ich angewiesen zu sein. Zugleich hat er, wie seine Gedichte 「Absolute Einsamkeit」 und 「Solide Einsamkeit」zeigen, seine Einsamkeit positiv verarbeitet und ihr so einen Sin gegebenletzten Endes zu einer Ewigkeit, anders als Rilke, der auf jeden Fall seine Einsamkeit nur als Vorraussetzung fu¨r das Dichten betrachtet hat. Gerade hier hebt sich die originelle Seite der Einsamkeit von Kim gegen Rilke ab. In Hinsicht der sprachlichen Behandlung grenzen Kims Gedichte der absoluten Einsamkeit an Rilkes Dinggedichte in Neue Gedichte . Dieses Resultat ergibt sich daher, dass Kim seine dichterische Sprache wie ein Steinmetz meißelt, so dass er seine bloße Idee mit den soliden Ausdru¨cken bekleidet. Und dass Kim auf der Suche nach poetisch solider Gestaltung immer wieder auf sprachliche Pra¨chtigkeit und gefu¨hlvolles Pathos verzichtet hat, also dass er nach der "Poetischen Nu¨chternheit" gestrebt hat, bringt ihn noch mehr in die Na¨ch von Rilkes Dinggedichten. Aber Kim kehrte endgu¨ltig zu dem christlichen zuru¨ck, nachdem er Bluthochdruck erlitten hatte. Nach diesem Zwischenfall bereute er, dass er bisher - Gott aus dem Blick verlierend - zu dichterisch geneigt war. Natu¨rlich kann man auch in der literarischen Phase, wo er nur die absolute Einsamkeit verfolgt hatte, eine grundlegende Haltung mit Pra¨gung durch das christliche Ethos finden, Dies bedeutet, dass zu ihm die Einsamkeit eine Art Religion war. Also war seine Einsamkeit ein Prozess des christlichen Selbsterwachens. Wenn man die Tatsache in Betracht zieht, dass fu¨r ihn der Prozess der Einsamkeit eine Forsetzung des Dichtens war, so scheint seine Einamkeit ihr eigenes literarisches Dasein gefu¨hrt, moderne menschliche Bedingungen untersucht, und dadurch fu¨hlten sie sich menschlich gesteigert.

      • KCI등재

        An Activation plan of Korea Kimchi distribution Industry in the Chinese Kimchi Market

        Soonja Kim,Kihyung Bae,Jae-Eun Lee 한국유통과학회 2018 유통과학연구 Vol.16 No.8

        Purpose - To active the Korea kimchi distribution, this study aims to investigate the effect of Korea national image and kimchi image on kimchi purchase intention. this study suggest the strategies for kimchi export to China by examining how the Chinese perceptions of Korean kimchi. Research design, data, and methodology - For this study, empirical analysis was conducted based on survey results. A questionnaire was distributed to a total of 400 Chinese consumers. Of these, 280 were collected and 278 were used for statistical processing, excluding 2 that were found to be unsuitable for analysis. This study was performed by the regression analysis using the spss24 statistical program. Results - As a results, It was not significant that the Chinese consumers’ familiarity on the Korea image will have a positive effect on their kimchi purchase intention. On the other hand, the kimchi/Korean food image of Chinese consumers’ will increase their kimchi consumption experience. Conclusions - The Chinese consumers’ positive image on kimchi/Korean food in terms of the unique characteristics of kimchi, health aspects and preference of kimchi is positively influenced when they have higher image on Korea related to its national characteristics, and that of the higher image for Korea has a positive effect on kimchi purchase intention.


        Effects of different types of salts on the growth of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts during kimchi fermentation

        Lee, Kang Wook,Shim, Jae Min,Kim, Dong Wook,Yao, Zhuang,Kim, Jeong A.,Kim, Hyun-Jin,Kim, Jeong Hwan Korean Society of Food Science and Technology 2018 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.27 No.2

        Kimchi was prepared with different types of salts: purified salt (PS), solar salt aged for 1 year (SS1), aged for 3 years (SS3), and bamboo salt (BS). Kimchi inoculated with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P30 (starter kimchi), and control kimchi (non-starter kimchi) were prepared, and stored at - $1^{\circ}C$ for 20 weeks. Titratable acidity values increased slowly and reached 0.96-1.01% (pH 3.73-3.83) at 20 weeks. Proportions of coccus-type lactic acid bacteria (LAB) among total LAB were higher in SS kimchi than PS kimchi. Among non-starter kimchi, the proportions were 44.7, 41.6, 29.7, and 32.1% for SS3, SS1, BS, and PS kimchi, respectively, at 2 weeks, and 11.5, 12.8, 6.7, and 5.8%, respectively, at 20 weeks. SS kimchi had much less yeast counts than PS kimchi. Among starter kimchi, yeasts were detected from PS kimchi at 10 weeks but not detected until 18 weeks from SS1 and BS kimchi and 20 weeks from SS3 kimchi.

      • KCI등재

        무용 상해 및 재발 예방을 위한 Kim's Body conditioning Program

        김양근(Yang Keun Kim) 한국무용과학회 2009 한국무용과학회지 Vol.18 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 상해 경험이 있는 무용수가 Kim's body conditioning program 후 무용동작 수행 시 무용수의 신체 움직임 느낌을 통해 프로그램의 효과를 규명하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 목적에 따라 연구대상자들은 2007년 ADF(America Dance Festival)에 참석한 무용수들 중 Kim's body conditioning program 수업에 참석한 60명 중 6주간 수업에 결석하지 않은 31명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구 대상자들의 평균 연령은 22.06(±1.590)이며, 무용경력은 3년 미만이 54.8%로, 3년 이상이 38.7%이다. 조사 설문 내용은 무용전문가 3명과 의학전문가 1명, 설문조사 전문가 1명 등 5명으로 구성되어 설문조사 문항을 위해 협의, 의논하여 문항들을 선택하였으며, 자료 분석 방법으로는 기술통계의 빈도분석과 X2 분석 방법이 사용되었으며, 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전체적인 움직임에 대해 Kim's body conditioning program 수행 후 무용동작 수행 시 보다 편안함을 느낄 수 있으며, 원활하게 움직일 수 있다는 것으로 응답하였다. 둘째, 무용의 기본 동작에 대해 기본 브러쉬(brush) 동작, 그랑 바뜨망(grands battements) 동작, 데벨로뻬 (develope) 동작, 쁠리에 (plie) 동작, 아라베스크(arabesque) 동작에서 움직임 수행 시 편안함을 느꼈으며, 관련된 근육들에 움직임에서 원활하게 움직일 수 있었다고 응답하였다. 셋째, 무용수들의 Kim's body conditioning program 평가에서 이 프로그램은 전체적인 근력 및 하지의 유연성을 강화할 수 있다고 응답하였으며, 무용 동작 수행 시 움직임에 도움을 줄 수 있는 것으로 무용수들에게 도움이 된다고 응답하였다. 또한 이 프로그램이 무용수들뿐만 아니라 비전공자들에게도 필요한 프로그램이 될 수 있다고 응답하였다. 그러나 무용 표현 기술적인 측면에서는 높은 동의를 얻지 못했다. 이와 같은 결론을 통해 Kim's body conditioning program이 상해를 가진 무용수들에게 재활의 프로그램 중 하나로 제시될 수 있다. The purpose of this study was investigating about previously injured dancers' execution of movements and comfortableness after Kim's body conditioning program. 31 participants joined the six weeks of ADF of the year 2007 after undergoing Kim's body conditioning program. Contents of research were examined by three dance expertise, one medical doctor, and one research expertise. Frequency of descriptive statistics and X2 were used to analyze the collected data. The results were as follows. First, the 31 participants answered they were comfortable executing their movements and greater control over their muscle movements after Kim" body conditioning program. Second, they responded that they could comfortably execute their basic movements then previous to participating in Kim's body conditioning program and move their muscles more readily. Third, after undergoing Kim's body conditioning program, the participants answered Kim's body conditioning program can improve muscular power, become more flexibleness and help execution of movements. In addition, Kim's body conditioning program can help people who are not dance major. Kim's body conditioning program, however, cannot improve executing difficult dance movements. In conclusion, Kim's body conditioning program could be a rehabilitation program for previously injured dancers.

      • KCI등재

        김치의 숙성 및 발효중 오염지표미생물과 유산균의 변화-제1보

        김종규,윤준식,Kim, Jong-Gyu,Yoon, Joon-Sik 한국환경보건학회 2005 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        This study was undertaken to investigate the changes of index microorganisms and lactic acid bacteria of traditional Korean fermented vegetables (kimchi) during the ripening and fermentation period. A type of kimchi, baechoo-kimchi, was prepared and stored at $10^{\circ}C$ for 8 days. The numbers of the total aerobic bacteria, psychrotrophilic bacteria, coliform bacteria, and Escherichia coli in the kimchi and also in raw materials of the kimchi (Chinese cabbage, green onion, ginger, garlic, and red pepper) were counted using appropriate media. The highest number of aerobic bacteria was detected from ginger, then red pepper, then garlic, then Chinese cabbage, and lowest number from green onion. The highest number of psychrotrophilic bacteria was detected from red pepper, then Chinese cabbage, then garlic, then ginger, and the lowest number from green onion. Coliforms and E. coli were not detected from all of the raw materials of kimchi. Total aerobic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria of the kimchi showed gradually increasing during ripening and fermentation. The number of psychrotrophilic bacteria showed a similar level in the kimchi. Coliform bacteria were detected at the 3rd, 4th, and 5th day of the kimchi fermentation period, although they were not detected from the raw materials of the kimchi. However, the bacteria were not detected in the kimchi after 6 days. E. coli was not detected in all kimchi samples. The pH value of the kimchi gradually decreased, and acidity increased over fermentation period. This study indicates that there was contamination of coliform bacteria during the process of kimchi preparation, and lactic acid bacteria proliferated in the kimchi during fermentation inhibited the growth of coliforms. More research is needed to evaluate the inhibitory effects of each raw materials of kimchi.

      • KCI등재

        제주유배문학의 연속성에 대한 시론(試論) -김진귀-김춘택-임징하를 중심으로-

        김새미오 ( Kim Sae-mi-o ) 영주어문학회 2017 영주어문 Vol.36 No.-

        본고는 제주유배문학의 연속성에 대해 살펴보았다. 본고의 관심사항은 제주유배라는 형벌아래 문학양상이 어떻게 이어지고 있는가를 고민한 것이다. 본 연구는 “만구와 김진귀-북헌 김춘택-서재 임징하”를 중심으로 진행하였다. 북헌은 만구와의 아들이고, 서재는 만구와의 사위였다. 이들은 시기를 달리하면서 제주유배를 경험하였을 뿐만 아니라 盤龍硯이라는 벼루로 그 마음을 전하고 있었다. 그러므로 이들의 제주유배문학을 연속적으로 이해할 수 있다고 보았다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 먼저 盤龍硯이 전해지는 과정에서 이들의 심적 공감대를 살폈고, 이어서 각 작가의 제주유배시문을 통해 유배문학의 연속성을 점검하였다. 이들의 문학적 연결성은 형식적인 측면을 중심으로 고민해보았다. 김진귀 제주유배문학의 특징은 청음 김상헌의 『남사록』에 맞춰 화운한 작품이 많다는 점이다. 이는 청음이 유배인은 아니었지만 같은 노론계열의 인물이었고, 『남사록』이 당시로서는 제주도에 대한 가장 정확한 정보를 담고 있기 때문이었다. 김춘택의 경우는 아버지 김진귀의 유배공간과 제주지식인들을 계속적으로 만나면서, 유배지에서 자신의 문학세계를 펼쳐 나갔다. 김춘택의 제주유배문학은 김진귀 제주유배 때의 공간, 인물, 감정 등을 그대로 이어나갔다. 김춘택이 이럴 수 있었던 것은 김진귀의 제주유배 시기에 제주도에 왔던 경험 등이 있었기 때문이었다. 임징하는 앞선 두 인물에 비해 짧은 제주유배생활을 하였다. 임징하의 작품에서는 특히 김춘택의 제주유배시기 작품에 대해 화운한 점이 주목된다. 임징하는 김춘택에게서 반룡연을 전해 받은 만큼, 제주유배에서 김춘택의 흔적에 대해서 매우 관심 있었다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이 세 인물의 문학적 성격을 통해, 제한적이지만 제주유배문학이 내면의 감정으로 서로 이어지고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 본고에서 다룬 문학의 연속성의 문제는 학계에서 심도있게 연구가 진행된 분야가 아니다. 이와 관련된 연구가 진행되어 보다 정확한 문학좌표가 설정되기를 기대하는 바이다. This study examines the continuity in the exile literature of Jeju. A particular attention is made to the inquiry of how the lineage of literature descends under the hardship of exile to Jeju. For the inquiry, this study focuses upon the literature lineage that descends from Manguwa Kim Jin-Gwi to Seojae Im Zhing-Ha through Bukheon Kim Chun-Taek. Bukheon is the son of Manguwa and Seojae is the son-in-law of Manguwa. All of them were exiled to Jeju for different periods and they left their exiled experiences in writings using the identical stone ink of banyongyeon. Therefore, I consider their exiled experiences delivered through bangyongyeon are the places to understand well the continuity in the exile literature of Jeju. This paper first looks into the mentally experienced aspect of the three authors through the process of bangyongyeon to be delivered to them; and further into the continuity in the exile literature of Jeju by examining the poetry and proses that express the experiences of exiles to Jeju made by each of the three authors. For the connectivity in their writings, a formal style in their writings is examined. Kim Jin-Gwi composed several verses that respond to the words of Namsarok by Cheongeum Kim Sang-Heon. Cheongeum was never exiled to Jeju but he was the person belonging to the political group of Noron like Kim Jin-Gwi. Also, Namsarok consisted of the most accurate information of Jeju at those times. Kim Chun-Taek extended his literary world by making continuous interactions with Jeju intellectuals in his exiled land of Jeju to which his father Kim Jin-Gwi was also sent as an exile. The exile literature of Jeju made by Kim Chun-Taek succeeded his father Kim Jin-Gwi`s expressions for spaces, figures, and emotions. Kim Chun-Taek was able to do this because he visited Jeju during the time his father Manguwa Kim Jin-Gwi spent exile years in Jeju. Im Zhing-Ha spent relatively shorter periods of exiles compared to the previous two figures. Of particular, Im Zhing-Ha made extensive numbers of verses in response to the works of Kim Chun-Taek, these being done during Kim`s exile to Jeju. Im Zhing-Ha received bangyongyeon from Kim Chun-Taek so that he is considered to have a great interest in the traces of Bukheon Kim Chun-Taek during his exile to Jeju. The examination of the literary characters of the three authors enables us to confirm that the exile literature of Jeju is linked to each other through the internal emotions. The continuity in literature that this paper examines has not been well shed upon in this research field. Further studies upon this research topic is expected to pave well to establish the proper orientation for the exile literature of Jeju.

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