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Machining of the KSTAR TF coil structure
K. H. Hong,C. H. Choi,D. H. Park,D. K. Hur,H. Sin,H. K. Park,H. T. Kim,J. H. Won,J. H. Lim,J. M. Chung,박주식,J. W. Sa,J. Y. Song,N. G. Kim,S. H. Hwang,Y. D. Chu,Y. G. Song 한국물리학회 2006 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.49 No.III
The KSTAR Toroidal Field (TF) magnet system consists of 16 TF structures. Each structure must be machined for precise assembly and reducing error field. Dimensions of the structure are a height of 4.5 m and a width of 3.2 m. The allowable tolerance of the structure is ±1 2 mm, and that of the bolt hole for Poloidal Field (PF) coil basement is ±0.5 mm. The final machining of the structure is also important for assembly of the interface structures such as toroidal ring, PF coil structures, and Central Solenoid (CS) structure. Before coil encasing, the inside surface of the structure is machined. Most of the outer surface of the structure, except for the surface of the intercoil structure (ICS), is machined after final welding. In particular, the side surface of an inboard leg, the connection plate of the ICS, the toroidal ring basement, the PF structure basements, shear key holes, and conical bolt holes are precisely machined. Fabrication and assembly tolerances are absorbed by the thickness of the electrical insulation, the spacer of the shear key, and the taper ring of the conical bolt. Six TF coil structures have been assembled and two structures are waiting for assembly. Another three structures are under final machining. A laser tracker is used for three dimensional survey and measurement of the structure.
이광전(K . J . Lee),박경도(K . D . Park),양영목(Y . M . Yang),최윤석(Y . S . Choi),안준천(J . C . An),신미영(M . Y . Sin) 한국축산학회 1992 한국축산학회지 Vol.34 No.4
A total of 6,338 racing times of 690 horses was used for this study. Data were repeated racing times of horses that raced at least three times at the 1000m race for a year, 1991 and collected from the Korean Racing Association (K.R.A.). Results obtained were as follows. 1. Investigated percentages of the total variance accounted for by contemporary group, month, day and race were 7.73%, 8.45% and 29.55%, respectively. Ratios ²σ_e/²σ_a and ²σ_e/²σ_p were 3.486 and 10.457, respectively. 2. Animal model used repeated racing times. Estimated breeding values of the horses ranged from -2.44 to +2.65. The regression coefficient and r² of the breeding value on birth-year were 0.04 and 0.001, respectively. Breeding value and permanent environmental effect did not have significant variation among the birth years. 3. The trait that has the highest correlation with estimated breeding values for repeated racing times was the average time. The correlation coefficient between the two traits and estimate of heritability for the average time were 0.86 and 0.41, respectively. 4. Performance index obtained by the multiple regression procedure of the estimated breeding values for the repeated racing times on the other traits was as follows. I = -47.6564 - 0.0193X₁ + 0.6405X₂ + 0.0972X₃ - 0.0047X₄ (r²=0.76) (X₁=best time, X₂=average time, X₃=poorest time, X₄=% races placed 1-2).
乳牛에 있어서 産乳能力에 影響을 미치는 空始期效果에 관한 硏究
池卨夏,申英秀,李學敎,高文石,吳鳳國,孫始煥 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1988 서울대농학연구지 Vol.13 No.2
This study was carried out to estimate relationships between days open and milk yield at 305 day and according to season of freshing. Data used for this study included a total of 3,266 sets of 305day lactation records of Holstein cows tested milk yield performance in National Animal Breeding Institute from 1971 to 1987. Parity, year at calving and days open showed highly significant (p<0.01) effects on actual and age-corrected milk yields in the first season of refreshing. Days open affected on age-corrected milk yield significantly (p<0.05) and parity and year at calving also effected significanty (p<0.01) on milk record in the second season of refreshing. As days open increased from 20 to 200days, actual and age-corrected milk yield increased from 4,998kg and 5,415kg to 5,290kg and 5,702kg in the frist season, respectively. In the second season, actual and age-corrected milk yields were also affected by period of days open. (Key words : Days open, milk yield)
Genome Sequence of Myroides injenensis M09-0166T, Isolated from Clinical Specimens
Kim, D.-S.,Paek, J.,Shin, J. H.,Kim, D.-W.,Jung, M. Y.,Kim, R. N.,Sin, Y.,Kook, J.-K.,Nam, S.-H.,Kim, A.,Kang, A.,Park, H.-S.,Choi, S.-H.,Chang, Y.-H. American Society for Microbiology 2012 Journal of Bacteriology Vol.194 No.10
M. H. Jeon,A.K. Mishra,S-K. Kang,K.N. Kim,I.J. Kim,S.B. Lee,T.H. Sin,염근영 한국물리학회 2013 Current Applied Physics Vol.13 No.8
60 MHz pulsed radio frequency (rf) source power and 2 MHz continuous wave rf bias power, were used for SiO2 etching masked with an amorphous carbon layer (ACL) in an Ar/C4F8/O2 gas mixture, and the effects of the frequency and duty ratio of the 60 MHz pulse rf power on the SiO2 etch characteristics were investigated. With decreasing duty ratio of the 60 MHz pulse rf power, not only the etch rate of SiO2 but also the etch rate of ACL was decreased, however, the etch selectivity of SiO2 over ACL was improved with decreasing the duty ratio. On the other hand, when the pulse frequency was varied at a constant duty ratio, no significant change in the etch rate and etch selectivity of both materials could be observed. The variation of the etch characteristics was believed to be related to the change in the gas dissociation characteristics caused by the change in the average electron temperature for different pulsing conditions. The improvement in the etch selectivity with the decrease of duty ratio, therefore, was related to the decreased gas dissociation of C4F8 by the decrease of average electron temperature and, which resulted in a change in composition of the fluorocarbon polymer on the etched materials surface from CeC rich to CF2 rich. With decreasing the duty ratio, not only the etch selectivity but also the improvement in the SiO2 etch profile could be observed.
Sin, B.C.,Singh, L.,Lee, K.E.,Kim, M.,Cho, M.,Yarger, J.L.,Woo, S.K.,Lee, H.i.,Lee, Y. Elsevier Sequoia 2015 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Vol.756 No.-
A potential cathode material for lithium ion batteries has been developed using a boron polyanion substituted lithium iron manganese phosphate, LiFe<SUB>0.4</SUB>Mn<SUB>0.6</SUB>(PO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>1-x</SUB>(BO<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>x</SUB> (x=0 to 0.03). Without any external carbon source, the material has been synthesized by solid-state reaction using ball-mill and was subsequently characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and galvanostatic charge-discharge measurement. The LiFe<SUB>0.4</SUB>Mn<SUB>0.6</SUB>(PO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>1-x</SUB>(BO<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>x</SUB> samples show a single-phase crystalline nature with X-ray diffraction analysis, and enhanced discharge capacity at various C-rates as compared to that of pure LiFe<SUB>0.4</SUB>Mn<SUB>0.6</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB>. Among several LiFe<SUB>0.4</SUB>Mn<SUB>0.6</SUB>(PO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>1-x</SUB>(BO<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>x</SUB> samples, LiFe<SUB>0.4</SUB>Mn<SUB>0.6</SUB>(PO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>0.995</SUB>(BO<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>0.005</SUB> demonstrated the best cycleability, exhibiting an initial discharge capacity of 159.4mAhg<SUP>-1</SUP> at 0.1C and 113mAhg<SUP>-1</SUP> at 3C. LiFe<SUB>0.4</SUB>Mn<SUB>0.6</SUB>(PO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>1-x</SUB>(BO<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>x</SUB> demonstrates enhanced electrochemical properties with excellent reversible cycling via boron polyanion substitution.
Jeon, M.H.,Mishra, A.K.,Kang, S.K.,Kim, K.N.,Kim, I.J.,Lee, S.B.,Sin, T.H.,Yeom, G.Y. Elsevier 2013 Current Applied Physics Vol.13 No.8
60 MHz pulsed radio frequency (rf) source power and 2 MHz continuous wave rf bias power, were used for SiO<SUB>2</SUB> etching masked with an amorphous carbon layer (ACL) in an Ar/C<SUB>4</SUB>F<SUB>8</SUB>/O<SUB>2</SUB> gas mixture, and the effects of the frequency and duty ratio of the 60 MHz pulse rf power on the SiO<SUB>2</SUB> etch characteristics were investigated. With decreasing duty ratio of the 60 MHz pulse rf power, not only the etch rate of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> but also the etch rate of ACL was decreased, however, the etch selectivity of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> over ACL was improved with decreasing the duty ratio. On the other hand, when the pulse frequency was varied at a constant duty ratio, no significant change in the etch rate and etch selectivity of both materials could be observed. The variation of the etch characteristics was believed to be related to the change in the gas dissociation characteristics caused by the change in the average electron temperature for different pulsing conditions. The improvement in the etch selectivity with the decrease of duty ratio, therefore, was related to the decreased gas dissociation of C<SUB>4</SUB>F<SUB>8</SUB> by the decrease of average electron temperature and, which resulted in a change in composition of the fluorocarbon polymer on the etched materials surface from C-C rich to CF<SUB>2</SUB> rich. With decreasing the duty ratio, not only the etch selectivity but also the improvement in the SiO<SUB>2</SUB> etch profile could be observed.