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      • 製鐵産業의 有害作業環境에 關한 調査

        朴鍾安 순천향대학교 1982 논문집 Vol.5 No.2

        This study was conducted in order to provide the methods for the efficient managements of harmful working environment. For this study, a total of 13 plants in an iron and steel making industry was surveyed during the period of May 1, 1980 to July 31, 1080. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The convert checking workers in the steel making plant were exposed to the highest wet bulb globe temperature(WBGT) of an average of 39.8℃(37.0∼42.5℃), the casting machine operaters in the blast furnace plant to 38.3℃(35.3∼40.7℃), and the blast furnace keepers of the plant to 38.0℃(30.5∼41.7℃) respectively in order of high temperature exposure. 2. The dust concentration in the working field operating the rolling mill in the cold rolling mill was 5.8mg/㎥(5.1∼6.5mg/㎥), that in charging the blast furnace with raw materials was 5.3mg/㎥, and lastly that in keeping the blast furnace was 5.1mg/㎥ respectively. These dust concentrations were higher than TLV(5mg/㎥) of the second class dust but those in all other working fields surveyed were lower than TLV. 3. The noise level was the highest as 111 dBA(102∼120 dBA) in the working field of welders connecting the hot coils in the cold rolling mill. The noise levels in all working fields surveyed in the hot strip rolling mill were higher than TLV, but those surveyed in the sintering plant were lower. 4. Regarding the noxious gases; the concentration of sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere exceeded the TLV in all working fields of 13 plants surveyed for this study. The concentration of ammonia was 325ppm(300∼400ppm) at ammonia decomposing work, 180ppm(80∼300ppm) at operation of gas producer and 147.5ppm(50-200ppm) at tar gathering work respectively. 5. The concentration of benzene and toluene in the atmosphere also exceeded the TLV in all working fields in the chemical plants surveyed. 6. The concentration of xylene in the atmosphere showed 150ppm (50∼200ppm) at tar gathering work in the chemical p1ant, which exceeds TLV by about 50ppm.

      • 中等學校 學生들의 學校保健 敎育實態

        박종식,박종안 순천향대학교 1993 논문집 Vol.16 No.3

        도시와 농촌 학생들의 학교보건 교육에 관한 실태를 파악하기 위하여 연구자의 농촌소재 근무교와 근교에 있는 청주시내 중학교 3학년 학생을 대상으로 ① 건강에 대한 일반사항 ② 건강을 저해하는 요인 ③ 건강의 유지 증진 형태 ④ 건강의 이상유무 조치 등의 학교보건 실태조사를 실시한 결과 다음과 같이 요약된다. 1. 건강에 대한 일반사항으로 학생들은 평소 자신의 건강에 대해 상당히 관심이 있는 것으로 나타났고, 보건 교육은 도시 학생 전체의 39.6%와 농촌학생 전체의 47.8%가 TV나 신문, 잡지에서 배우고 특히, 농촌 학생의 경우는 26.5%가 학교에서 수업시간에 배운 것으로 학교 보건교육의 부족함이 나타나 대중매체에 중요함을 재인식하여 정선된 국민건강 교육 Program 개발에 최선을 다 할 것이며 위생관념은 농촌이 도시보다 2배이상 낮고 교실의 청결 및 환기 장치도 농촌이 좋지 않아 농촌학교의 각종 시설 및 처리장치 설치를 서둘러야겠다. 2. 건강을 저해하는 요인중 정신적 건강의 저해 요인의 경우 도시학생 61.2%와 농촌학생 46.1%가 진학과 성적문제이고, 특히 남학생보다 여학생이 더욱 높게 나타났다. 불규칙한 생활을 하는 학생도 도시 학생 50.3%, 농촌 학생 52.7%로 농촌 학생이 많으므로 학교교육을 정상화하고 학생들로 하여금 적성과 성적에 맞는 학과 및 진로를 스스로 결정 할 수 있도록 상담에 철저를 기하고 적절한 Sports, 건전한 여가 선용 등으로 심신을 건전하게 하여 건강장애의 예방과 치료에 최선을 다하여야 한다. 3. 농촌학생의 56.8%가 기본생화 습관중 불규직한 생활을 하는 것으로 나타나 도시 학생보다 농촌 학생의 기본 생활 습관 지도가 더욱 요구된다. 도시 학생 전체의 37.4%와 농촌 학생 전체의 45.8%가 충분한 휴식과 수면으로 건강을 유지한다고 했고, 하루에 운동을 하고 있는 시간은 농촌 학생 79.9% 도시 학생 83.9%가 30분 정도라고 했다. 건강의 필요성에 대해서는 도시 학생 38.0%는 피로를 쉽게 느끼기 때문이라고 답한 반면, 농촌 학생이 43.1%로는 아팠던 경험이 있기 때문이라고 반응을 나타내고 있다. 학생 건강증진 뿐 아니라 밝고 건전한 학교생활에 있어 전인적 인간 완성에 길잡이가 되므로 학교 당국은 학생의 여가, 정서활동에 보다 치밀한 계획과 교육이 요망된다. 4. 종합건강진단을 받는 이유로 도시 학생 전체의 10.7%와 농촌 학생의 전체 7.8%가 스스로 건강상태를 알아 보려고 했으며 , 학생들이 병적 증상 느꼈을때, 도시학생 2.0%와 농촌학생 1.2%가 양호교사와 상담한다고 반응을 보여 학교 보건 교육에 허술함을 나타내고 있다. 학생들은 병적 증상을 느끼면 20%정도는 "스스로 판단하여 약을 사먹는다".고 한다. 이것은 약품오용 또는 남용의 위험이 우려되고 있으며 약의 오 ·남용으로 부터 안전하게 보호될 수 있도록 보다 철저한 지도가 요구되고 법적인 제도 마련이 기습하다. 도시학교는 100%로 양호교사가 배치되어 있고 농촌학교는 全無한 것으로 나타난 바, 사회, 문화, 교통등 모든 면에서 불리한 농촌학교에 양호교사를 먼저 배치토록 하여 학생과 교사의 건강은 물론 지역사회의 보건 사업에도 이바지 할 수 있도록 하여야 하겠다. Researcher studied thd different aspects of school health education through thd third year students of the middle school in Cheong-ju city and a county. The results are as follows : 1. Generally, most of the students are much interested in thier own health, 39% of urban and 47.8% of rural students received healtheducation throuhg TV., newspapers, and magazine. Especically, 26.5% of rural students received the education ar school insufficiently. Therefore, we must recognize the importance of mass communication, develop and sipply standard health education program. 2. Among the factors interfering the general health, the mental health is important. Factors interfering mental health were problems of procceeding to a higher schol and school rcords in 61.2% of urban students and 46.1% of rural students. Therefore, we must normalize school education, conusel students to help them to decide their courses that are proper for their apptitudes and records, and do our best in proventing and abolishing health interfering factors through proper sports and leisures. 3. 56.8% of rural students have irregular basic living customs, so they need more health education than urban students. 37.4% of urban and 45.8% of rural students keep in enough rest and sleep. 83.9% of urban and 79.9% of rural students do exercise for half an hour a day. 30.0% of urban students think of neccessity of health when they were sick. 4. On the reason for health checking, 10.7% of urban and 7.8% students do this to know their own health condition. When they are sick, 2.0% of urban and 1.2% rural students counsel to nurse teachers. This means a lack of school health education. There is no school in the urban without nurse teachers, on the other hand, many schools in the rural are without nurse teachers. Therefore, first of all, education authorities must dispose nurse teachers in the rural school in order to contribute to community health and students health as well.

      • 일부 아연광산지역에서 Cadmium이 주민의 건강에 미치는 영향

        박종안,한구웅,홍종관,남택승 순천향대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        The cadmium contents of environment and human body were measured for the health status of the residents in the selected area near an old zinc-mining site assuming that cadmium contamination in the environment would affect the health status of the residents and the results were as follows: 1. The cadmium contents of the environment were 0.021±0.012 mg/m3 in the air. 0.019±0.011 mg/ml in the water, 0.382±0.233 mg/g in the rice and 0.342±0.211 mg/g in the tooth. 2. The major complaints of the residents were excessive sputum, dyspnea and pains on both extremities. F드믿 complained more frequently than male in dyspnea, lumbago and pains on both extremities. 3. An assessment of the nutritional health status of residents revealed that for male 8.5% were weak, 10.1% were fat and 32.5% were anemic, while for female 17.6% were weak, 15.3% were fat and 30.1% were anemic. 4. The prevalence rate of hypertension was 152.8?(male; 84.7?. female;200.0?) and the prevalence rate of diastolic hypertension was higher than that of systolic hypertension. 5. The diagnostic variables verifing the assumption mode in this study were blood pressure(0.76, p〈0.05) and E.S.R.(0.57, p〈0.01). From the above results, the environmental cadmium contamination affects the health status of the residents in the area near an old zinc-mining site to a certain extent, but not to a great extent(R2=0.55).

      • KCI등재

        한국의 정신분열병 외래 환자의 직ㆍ간접비용

        박종익,송선희,서동우,장현종,이종국,장안기,김윤,이철,홍진표 大韓神經精神醫學會 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.3

        연구목적 : 정신분열병 외래 환자의 직접 비용과 간접 비용을 추산해 보고, 의료 자원의 적절한 운용과 효과적인 배분을 위한 보건 정책의 기초자료로 사용하고자 한다. 방 법 : 정신분열병 진단을 받은 289명의 환자를 대상으로 6개월간 외래를 방문하면서 사용한 의료비와 시간을 조사하여 직접 비용을 추산하였고, 이 기간 동안 소실된 생산성을 간접 비용으로 환산하였다. 만성질환인 관상동맥 질환을 앓고 있는 환자 82명을 대조군으로 하여 비용을 비교하였다. 결 과 : 정신분열병 환자의 실업률은 72.1%였으며, 직장을 가지고 있는 경우에도 단순노무직의 비율이 64.5%로 매우 높았다. 정신분열병의 직접 비용은 평균 81.5만원으로 관상동맥 질환의 평균 71.5 만원보다 상대적으로 많이 추산되었으나 유의하지는 않았다. 간접 비용은 평균 645.6만원, 258.9 만원으로 정신분열병군이 2.5배 정도 높았다. 결 론 : 정신분열병은 다른 만성질환에 비하여 상대적으로 매우 고비용이 요구되는 질환이며, 보다 체계적인 비용의 추산을 통하여 양질의 정신 보건 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 토대가 마련되어야 할 것이다. Objectives : We have aimed to estimate the direct and indirect costs of treating out-patients with schizophrenia in Korea, to use this fundamental data for the effective management and proper distribution of the medical resource. Method : To estimate the direct cost, we surveyed the medical cost and time of two hundred and eighty-nine out-patients with schizophrenia for six months. And the lost productivity as many months was converted into the indirect cost. Those of eighty-two coronary heart disease patients were also estimated as a comparison group. Results : An unemployement rate of schizophrenic patients was 72.1 percent. Moreover the ratio of the laborer in the sample was, even if employed, 64.5 percent. The mean direct cost of schizophrenic patients was, about 815,000 won, higher than that of coronary heart disease, 715,000 won however it was not statistically significant. The former was also estimated 2.5 times more than the latter for the indirect cost, or 6,456,000 won versus 2,589,000 won. Conclusion : Schizophrenia is a relatively costly illness compared to other chronic illness, so the systematic estimation of the cost is necessary to provide mental health service of high quality.

      • 이동물체의 기하학적 특성에 기인한 움직임 정보 추출

        박인전,오미숙,백경주,정영철,김신규,박종안 조선대학교 전자정보통신연구소 2002 電子情報通信硏究所論文誌 Vol.5 No.1

        In this paper, we have proposed an effective moving objects tracking method based on the motion information in the video sequence. First, we extract the moving objects using the processes of morphological dilation and differential image in the video sequence and then we extract the motion information utilizing the location and orientation of the moving objects in the subsequent images. The motion information is extracted using various statistical measurements, extracting the high-level features from the regions of pixels in the images. The measurements, such a s area, length, perimeter, orientation, elongation, compactness, moments of inertia, are used as the statistical and geometrical descriptors. The principle axes of an object on this features gives the local direction of the object, while the center of gravity gives the center position of the object. The angle between two principal axes of the moving objects in the consecutive images gives the geometrical direction of the moving object, while the displacement of the center of gravity, gives the distance covered by the moving objects. So we have extracted the global motion information using the principal axes and center of gravity. The simulation results on the test images are very good, where either the motion is very slow, or the frame rate is very high.

      • 젊은 남자에게 발생한 통상성 간질성 폐렴과 동반된 폐암 1예

        박종숙,이준혁,박성우,장안수,박춘식,박재성,백상현,고은석,신화균 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Usual interstitial pneumonia(UIP) is relatively rare disease of lung parenchyme under the age of 50. Lung cancer is reported to occur as a complication of UIP, but has not been reported in young age patient with UIP in Korea. A 35-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of dyspnea, cough and mild fever. He had been suffered from dyspnea during 3 years. The dyspnea worsened recent 1 month ago. He had been treated with pneumonia at another hospital during 4 months before this admission. Chest radiographs and High resolution CT showed subpleural and basal dominant reticular opacities in both lung with no change until now. He was smoker and his occupation was car engine-man dealing with benzene. UIP is suspected by history and radiologic findings. Operation for open lung biopsy was performed to obtain lung specimen via video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Patient's pathologic examination showed UIP combined with adenocarcinoma in RLL superior segment and posterobasal segment and RLL lobectomy was done. After operation, the patient has been in cancer free condition so far. We report a case of UIP combined with lung cancer in young man with brief review of the literature.

      • 카드뮴의 중추신경계 독성유발 기전

        이종화,장봉기,박종안,박종영,김완종,우기민 한국환경독성학회 2004 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        Although numerous studies have shown that cadmium disturbs the normal biological processes in central nervous system the mechanism of toxicity is not well understood The present study has investigated the effect of cadmium on oxidative stress, Na+/K- ATPase activity and the aggregation of amyloid beta peptide(β-amylotd) in neuronal cell Ime, HT22 cell LC_(5) and LC_(50) of cadmium for HT22 cell resulted from MTT assay was 4 1 μM and 9 5 μM, respectively Cadmium(2 to 8 μM) dose-dependently increased the lipid peroxidation and decreased the content of glutathione Cadmium 4 μM showed a significant decrease in Na^(-)/K^(+) ATPase activity as compared with control group The aggregation of P-amyloid was accelerated in a dose-dependent manner by the treatment with 2 to 8 μM cadmium These results suggest that the neurotoxicity of cadmium can be mediated by the increase in oxidative stress and decrease in Na^(-)/K^(+) ATPase activity.

      • 수생식물의 중금속 흡수능에 관한 연구

        이종화,함용규,박종안 한국환경독성학회 1996 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        In this study, we investgated the uptake capacity of several water plants for heavy metals (lead and cadmium) in soil of rivers where are adjacent to a industrial complex in Chun-An city and in A-San city. We also examined the deposition pattern of heavy metal in plants. The results are as follows: 1. The soil of river in Chun-An city was polluted more serious than that of A-San city. In Chun-An city, mean values of lead and cadmium contents in soil were 26.224±28.037㎍/g, and 0.854±1.127㎍/g, respectively. 2. Water plants examined in this study were Sium suave KITAGAWA, Persicaria thunbergii H. GROSS, Phragmites japonica STEUD, Echinochloa crus-galli var. frumentacea WIGHT and Persicaria hydropiper SPACH. Both metal contents of several water plants distributed in Chun-An city were higher than those in A-San city. In these plants, Sium suave showed the highest uptake capacity for lead and cadmium. The mean values of lead and cadmium contents in Sium suave were 40.957 ±29.577 ㎍/g and 1.930±1.076 ㎍/g, respectively. Persicaria thunbergii also showed a relatively high uptake capacity for both metal. 3. Correlation between metal contents in soil and water plants was high. In both cases of Sium suave and Persicaria thunbergii correlation coefficients were 0.605 and 0.549, respectively. 4. We analyzed lead and cadmium contents in root, stem and leaf of several water plants. Both metals were mostly deposited in root. Much of both metals were also deposited in leaf. From the results, we suggest that Sium suave KITAGAWA and Persicaria thunbergii H. GROSS can be used to reduce heavy metals from industrial waste water.

      • 아산시 호소들의 오염실태조사 및 그 대책

        장봉기,이종화,박종범,민준호,박종안 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 1997 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        The object of this study is to survey water quality of reservoirsin in Asan city. We also suggest some countmeasures for environmental preservation toward sustainable urban development of Asan city. We analyze water qualities (pH, DO, COD, SS, T-P, T-N and Chlorophyll-a) of reservoirs. The level of water quality of small reservoirs is in the range of level Ⅳ-Ⅴ higher than the level Ⅲ established by the Ministry of Environment. Especially, water quality of Sinchang, Youngin and Shinchung reservoirs is worser than that of other reservoirs. Water quality of Asan and Sapkyo lake is the range of level Ⅳ-Ⅴ. As the levels of T-P and T-N are level Ⅳ and level Ⅴ, respectively, eutrophication might be progressed. Reservoirs in Asan city were already serious polluted by inflow of wastewater from residents, animal husbandries and industries. Recently, Metropolitan Area Development Planning(MADP) for Asan bay-area was suggested by the Ministry of Construction. According to this plan, industrialization and urbanization of Asan area will rapidly progress. If sewage and wastewater treatment facilitiesare not provided, water quality of reservoirs in Asan city will be worse. In order to prevent of environment pollution, first, the impact of industrialization and urbanization of Asan area on the environment should be considered at the beginning of MADP. Second, total effluent regulation of water pollution, air pollution and soil wastes, based on the self-purification of the Asan city environment, should be enforced.

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