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        전문 문서 개념을 사용한 지식 미디어 시스템에 관한 연구

        손영수,조정래,배상현 한국공작기계학회 1996 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.5 No.4

        The knowledge of the specialized fields has seen changed rapidly in the both side of quantity and quality. A hyper media as a knowledge based system is so fixed in the linked media in mutual that we couldn't tell it information provision with the view of users. In this paper, we propose the way of offering intellectual and flexible information which is the same with demand in the side of user, selecting, searching and composing the hypertext at the point of user's view through the design of knowledge media system. Three concepts are used in order to challenge the knowledge media system : special document, agent system and ontology. The special document is a knowledge using special fields. The agent system is a homogeneous controller that operates on an application to ensure that its activities are coordinated with those of the others within the community, providing a uniform control mechanism. Finally, ontology is a language for exchanging knowledgement, which is a message exchanged among agents to ensure the proper interaction among them. The combination of these three concepts is used to design the prototype of knowledge media system.

      • 수면 무호흡증 환자의 진단방사선학적 고찰

        손은주,박정희,전혜정,최영칠,이창희,신현준,이경용 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2002 건국의과학학술지 Vol.12 No.-

        Our purpose was to determine whether there are statistical differences in upper airway size and compliance when patients with obstructive sleep apnea are compared with healthy volunteers using ultrafast CT, and to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of ultrafast CT in obstructive sleep apnea. 29 patients clinically suspected of obstructive sleep apnea and ten healthy volunteers underwent examination of the upper airway with ultrafast computed tomography. All patients had operations; uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP,n = 19), UPPP with tosillectomy (n = 7) and UPPP with septoplasty (n = 3). Eight axial images every 0.7 sec in 8 ㎜ sections were obtained using flow mode. CT was performed twice while the subjects were awake with quiet breathing and were asleep with apnea. Smallest cross-sectional area in the nasopharynx, oropharynx and hypopharynx and compliances were assessed in patients and control subjects. Among the 29 patients, 22 patients showed narrowing at oropharyngeal level and six patients showed narrowing at two or more levels. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea had significantly smaller mean cross-sectional area than obstructive sleep apnea had significantly smaller mean cross-sectional area than control subjects in the oropharynx while sleeping (p<0.05). But there was no significant difference in mean smallest cross-sectional area of the nasopharynx (p = 0.47). In addition, the patients with obstructive sleep apnea had greater compliance of the oropharynx (79.8% vs 39.3%) and hypopharynx (58.9% vs 19.2%) (p<0.01). Patients with obstructive sleep apnea are characterized by a small oropharyngeal airway and collapsible oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal airways. Ultrafast CT scanning allows rapid and noninvasive assessment of airway variables.

      • MPEG-21 표준의 구현을 위한 Testbed 구축

        손정화,손현식,조영란,권혁민,김만배 강원대학교 정보통신연구소 2003 정보통신논문지 Vol.7 No.-

        1990년대 후반부터 다양한 디지털 통신망을 이용하여 멀티미디어 컨텐츠 서비스가 가능하게 되었다. 하지만, 멀티미디어 컨텐츠의 전달 및 이용을 위한 기반 구조들의 독자적 발전 및 다양한 통합적 관리 체계 시스템으로 인해, 멀티미디어 컨텐츠 표현 방식의 호환성 문제, 혼재하는 네트워크 전달 방식과 단말 방식의 호환성 문제 등의 잠재적인 문제점이 발생한다. 이런 문제의 대안으로 현재 존재하는 기술 및 기반 구조들 사이의 연동을 통한 큰 프레임워크인 MPEG-21이 진행 중이다. 본 논문에서는 현재 표준화 작업이 진행 중인 MPEG-21을 기반으로 하는 Testbed를 제안한다. Testbed는 server, client, DIA(Digital Item Adaptation)의 세 모듈로 구성된다. Server의 역할은 멀티미디어 컨텐츠를 Digital Item(DI)으로 생성하고, client가 DI를 요구할 경우 DIA 모듈을 통해서 변환된 DI를 client에게 제공한다. DIA 모듈은 server에서 동작되며 client로부터 요청된 DI를 분석하고 client로부터 전송된 환경 정보를 이용하여 client 환경에 적합하게 변환된(adapted) DI를 생성하는 것이 주 기능이다. Client는 server에 저장되어 있는 DI를 선택하고 user preference, terminal capability 등의 필요한 정보를 server로 전송한다. Testbed에서는 스포츠 경기의 동영상, 정지 영상, 경기 내용, 역사를 기록한 파일 등의 DI를 이용한다. 표현 언어는 XML이며, HTTP 기반의 Web 환경에서 구동되도록 설계된다.

      • 분만 후 심한 저혈당이 동반된 림프구성 뇌하수체염 1예의 경과 관찰

        손장명,고승현,안유배,주강,이정록,양성은,송기호,손호영,전정수 대한내분비학회 2003 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.18 No.3

        저자들은 출산 후 발생한 심한 저혈당을 주소로 내원한 31세 여자 환자에서 뇌 자기공명영상검사에서 뇌하수체종괴가 관찰되고 복합 뇌하수체 기능검사 결과전반적인 뇌하수체 기능저하증의 소견을 보여 림프구성 뇌하수체염을 진단하고, 호르몬 보충요법만으로 경과를 관찰하여 호전된 예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Lymphocytic hypophysitis, an inflammatory disease of the pituitary gland that is often associated with pregnancy, is caused by autoimmune destruction of the pituitary gland evidenced by diffuse inflammatory cell infiltration of the pituitary gland and some kinds of detectable autoantibodies. We report a case of lymphocytic hypophysitis in a 31-year-old woman presenting with severe hypoglycemia and hyponatremia after delivery. Hormonal study revealed panhypopituitarism and magnetic resonance imaging with enhancement showed the bulging contour of the right side pituitary gland with an ill-defined mass-like lesion and nodular thickening of the stalk The patient's symptoms and biochemical data improved greatly with replacement of L-thyroxine and glucocorticoid. Partial recovery of panhypopituitarism was also seen. The follow-up tests revealed dramatic resolution of the pituitary lesion (J Kor SOC Endocrinol 1 8 : 3 25 -33 1, 2003).

      • 癩患者의 型別에 따른 末梢血液 T림프구 亞型의 分布

        孫基滉,白太鉉,朴鼎圭,崔大卿 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1988 충남의대잡지 Vol.15 No.1

        It is well known that there is an imbalance of T lymphocyte subpopulation in lepromatous leprosy (LL). To determine whether this imbalance can be normalized along with the improvement of clinical symptomes, the status of T lymphocyte subsets was studied in the peripheral blood of the leprosy patients who have been treated for many years. The results were summarized as follows: l. The percentage and the total number of T lymphocytes were increased in both tuberculoid leprosy (TT) and LL patients as compared with controls (p<0.01). 2. The reduction of the percentage of helper T cells were significant in both bacteriologically positive LL (25.8%, p<O.01) and negative LL (31. 1%, p<0.05). 3. The percentage of suppressor T cell was significantly increased in both bacteriologically positive LL (31.5%, p<0.01) and negative LL (30.9%, p<0.01). 4. The reduction of T helper/supressor(H/S) ratio was significant in both bacteriologically positive LL (0.7±0.23, p<0.01) and negative LL (1.0±0.41, p<0.01), in contrast to controls (1.8±0.15). 5. The reduction of percentage of helper T cells was persisted in both bacteriologically positive LL (25.8%) and negative LL who convert to be negative within 5 years(25. 7%), but the increase were significant in negative LL who were convert to be negative in 6 to 10 years (31. 3%) and convert to be before 11 years(36.8%). 6. Bacteriologically negative LL patients still display impairment of CMI, but a few of them return to the normal value of the H/S ratio. 7. The results in patients with TT did not differ significantly from those of controls. From above results, defective CMI of LL was caused by the decrease of helper T cells and the increase of suppressor T cells. In spite of the H/S ratio progressively return to the normal value in a few patients, it is difficult to predict the clinical progression by this results because of the individual variations.

      • 들깨(Perilla) 品種改良 및 育成에 관한 硏究(Ⅰ) : 들깨 在來種의 特性調査 Characteristics of Korea local perilla

        孫賢秀,金正基,安始榮,鄭大守 東亞大學校 1978 東亞論叢 Vol.15 No.2

        1977年度 本 大學校 農科大學에서 들깨(Perilla) 品種改良 및 育成을 위하여 全國108個 募集在來種의 裁培에 의한 特性을 調査하여 選? 育種의 基礎的 資料를 얻고자 實施된 本 試驗의 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 草長, 葉面積 1ℓ重 및 1000粒重은 高度의 有意性이 있었고 莖値徑, 花房長, 花房數 子房數 및 株當收量에 있어서는 5% 水準에서 有意性이 認定되었다. 2. 株當收量을 Y로하는 收量構成要素의 相關係數에서 稈長, 莖値徑, 分技數, 子房數 및 1000粒重에서 高度의 正의 相關關係가 認定되었고 花房長은 5%水準에서 正의 相關關係가 있었다. 3. 1000粒重이 5g以上인것은 白色種皮가 많았고 油胎含有率은 40%以下였으며 褐色種皮는 50%以上의 油胎含有率을 나타내었다. 4. 本試驗에서 選?育種으로 推정할수 있는 在來系綜은 다음과 같다. ① 多收性인것 412 연기 51.18g/1株 614 성주 52.88g 〃 701 남제주51.30g 〃 809 문경 60.94g 〃 915 진양 50.71g 〃 ② 早生性인것 201 강능生育日數 131 日 307 제천生育日數 131 日 403 논산 〃 921 통영 〃 932 남해-2 〃 ③ 油胎含有率이 높은것 309 진천 50.2% 416 천원 52.9% 611 무안 52.9% 619 영암 50.1% 805 금능 50.5% ④ 葉面積이 넓은것 206 양구-1 154.40cm² per leaf 608 나주 150.90 〃 612 보성 150.70 〃 626 화순 171.10 〃 809 문경 160.20 〃 Fundamental experiments on Perilla breeding were carried out with 108 local perilla species, and the resuts obtioned were as follows. 1) Statistically high significance was revealsed in terms of plant length, leaf area and weight per 1 litre and weight of 1,000 grains, and significance was also recognized in the yield per plant at 5% level. 2) linear regression was positively appeard between the yield of plant and plant length, culm height, valid brances No, number of ovary, weight of 1,000 grains and positive correlation wasalso recognized between yield of plant and length of flower ovary at 5% level. 3) More than 50% of oil was contained in brown colored perilla seed, and less than 40% of oil was in white colored seed and its 1,000 grain weight was more than 5g. 4) Following local species were recommended for selecting the breeding; 1. For increasing the yields. 412 Yeon-Kie : 51.18g per plant 614 Seong-Ju : 52.88g 〃 701 Nam-Je Ju : 51.30g 〃 809 Moon-Keong : 60.94g 〃 915 Jin-Yang : 50.71g 〃 2. For early growing local species. 201 Kang-Neung growing periods : 131 days 307 Je-Cheon 〃 : 131 〃 403 Non-San 〃 : 131 〃 921 Tong-Yeong 〃 : 131 〃 932 Nam-Hae-2 〃 : 131 〃 3. For high conten tration of oil. 309 Jin-Cheon : 50.2% 416 Cheon-Weon : 52.9% 611 Moo-Ann : 52.9% 619 Yeong-Am : 50.1% 805 Geon-Neon : 50.5% 4. For wide leaf area. 206 Yang-Ku-1 : 154.40cm² per leaf 608 Nae-Jue : 150.90 〃 612 Bo-Seong : 150.70 〃 626 Hw-Soon : 171.10 〃 809 Moo-Kyeong : 160.20 〃

      • AMPS 시스템과 주파수를 공유하는 CDMA시스템의 링크 해석

        문병현,손병국,최정희 대구대학교 과학기술연구소 1999 科學技術硏究 Vol.5 No.5

        In this paper, the forward and reverse link cellular capacities analysis of code division multiple access (CDMA) is performed when the systems are sharing the same frequency band. It is assumed that the frequency reuse pattern K=5 is used for the analysis. Formule that describe the relationship between the number of CDMA and AMPS users for a given carrier to interference ratio (GI) of each are presented. In the comparison of the forward and reverse link analysis, forward link is smaller than reverse link. Therefore, the system capacity depends on the forward link rather than the reverse link.

      • KCI등재
      • 지식 베이스의 에이젠트화에 의한 지식 미디어 시스템에 관한 연구

        조정래,손영수,배상현 조선대학교 기초과학연구소 1996 自然科學硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        The knowledge of the specialized fields has been changed rapidly in the both side of quantity and quality. A hyper media as a knowledge based system is so fixed in the linked media in mutual that we couldn't tell it information provision with the view of user. In this paper, we propose the way of offering intellectual and flexible information which is same with demand in the side of user, selecting, searching and composing the hypertext at the point of user's view through the design of knowledge media system. three concepts is used in order to challenge the knowledge media system : special document, agent system and ontology. The special document is a knowledge using special fields. The agent system is a homogeneous controller that operates on and application to ensure that its activities are coordinated with those of the others within the community, providing a uniform control mechanism. The last 3th concept, ontology is a language for knowledgement, which is a message exchanged among agents to ensure the proper interaction among them. The combination of these three concepts is used designed the prototype of knowledge media system.

      • 간외담관 폐쇄에서의 초음파소견 : 담관벽 경계소실의 중요성 Significance of Decreased Echotexture of Bile Duct Wall-Interface

        신현준,손은주,이창희,최영칠,전혜정,박정희,이태의 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2002 건국의과학학술지 Vol.12 No.-

        Ultrasound is very useful in evaluation of obstructive jaundice. We retrospectively evaluated the useful findings of ultrasonography in differentiating benign extrahepatic duct obstruction from malignant diseases. Among the 36 patients, 25 patients were benign extrahepatic obstruction and 11 patients were malignant obstruction. The shapes of extrahepatic dilatation were classified into fustiform, meniscus, and abrupt cut off by bowel gas. The diameter, length, and bile duct wall-interface were compared between benign and malignant groups and serum bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase were also compared between two groups retrospectively. The results were as follows. The most common form of extrahepatic dilatation was meniscus(10 of 26 patients, 38%) in benign obstruction, and fusiform(8 of 11 patients, 73%) in malignant obstruction. No significant difference was noted in diameter, length, serum bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase between benign and malignant groups. Only one case showed decreased bile duct wall-interface in benign obstruction, but loss or decrease of bile duct wall-interface were 8 patients in malignant obstruction. The combined findings of fusiform dilatation and loss of bile duct wall-interface in ultrasonography will be helpful in differential diagnosis of malignant extrahepatic bile obstruction from benign conditions.

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