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      • KCI등재

        미암유희춘(眉巖柳希春)시문에 나타난 종성(鍾城)유배기 활동 양상

        박명희 ( Myoung Hui Park ) 한국고시가문학회 2012 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.29

        본 논고는 유희춘이 함경도 종성 유배 시절에 지은 시문에 나타난 활동 양상을 구명하고, 그 시문의 성과를 정리하였으며, 남은 과제를 제시하였다. 유희춘이 남긴 종성 유배기 시문은 총 143수이다. 이러한 시문을 활동적인측면에 근거해보면 첫째, 학문을 연마하며 尊朱意識을 표출한 내용, 둘째, 현지인들에 대한 교육과 저술, 셋째, 뭇 인사와의 교유와 이를 통한 소통 등으로 나눌 수 있었다. 첫째, 학문을 연마하며 존주의식을 표출한 내용에서는 유배라는 어려운 상황에서도 공부하는 자세를 버리지 않은 모습에 초점을 맞추었다. 특히, 유희춘은 학문과 관련된 시문을 통해 남송 때의 학자인 朱熹를 존숭하는 태도를 강하게 내비치었다. 둘째, 현지인들에 대한 교육과 저술 활동을 펼쳤음을 확인할 수 있었다. 유희춘이 종성 유배 시절 현지인들은 배움의 의지를 보여 모여들었고, 유희춘은 유교적 현창 사업과 저술 활동을 통하여 현지인들을 교화시키려 했음을 몇몇 시문을 통해 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 뭇 인사와의 교유와 이를 통한 소통을 끊임없이 행했음을 알 수 있었다. 이와 관련된 작품 특히, 金麟厚와 주고받은 酬答詩가 인상적인데, 총 16수가 있음을 확인하였다. 유희춘과 김인후는 당시 士林이라는 위치에서 배우고 익힌 것을 실천에 옮기고자 했던 측면에서 공통점을 찾을 수가 있었고, 이러한 공통된 실천성은 결국 거리는 멀리 떨어져 있어도 누구보다 가깝게 느끼도록 했으며, 짧은 시문으로나마 지닌 소회를 나타냈다고 보았다. 유희춘의 종성 유배기 시문은 각각이 한 편의 작품에 불과하여 떼어서 보면, 그다지 큰 의미를 지니지 않지만, 전체를 관망해 본다면 유배기를 정리해주는 이야기(story)이라는 점에서 성과를 찾을 수 있었다. 이와 더불어 유희춘이 유배지에서 남긴 중국 역사 시문과 현실 인식을 담은 시문에 대한 관심은 남은 과제로 제시하였다. This study analysed aspects of activities presented in poetry by Yu, Hui-Chun during exile at Jong Sung and organized the results of the poetry and tasks left. Yu, Hui-Chun wrote a total of 143 poetic works while he was in exile at Jong Sung. First, The poetry was categorized into that with respect to Zhu Xi, that on education for local people and that of friendship with neighbors. First, the study focused on his firm attitude of learning though he was in exile. In particular, he revealed strong attitude of respect to Zhu Xi, a scholar of Song Dynasy through his poetry on studies. Second, it was confirmed that he led education and writing activities for local people. It was discovered in a few poems that the people gathered to learn from him when he was in exile at Jong Sung and he attempted to educate them through confucian projects and writing. Third, he continued to communicate with famous figures. He exchanged a total of 16 poems with Kim In-Hu, which was very impressive. Yu, Hui-Chun and Kim, In-Hu had common things each other in that they attempted to practice what they learned as Salim and they felt closer each other through their practical mind although they were far away. They showed their feeling through short poems. Though Yu, Hui-Chun`s poetry at exile did not have significant meaning when it was separated individually, it has a great meaning as it tells about his exile as a whole. Then, poetry on Chinese history by Yu, Hui-Chun and interest in recognition of reality will be further studied.

      • KCI등재

        세종대 북원의 팽창과 황희 - 황희의 국방활동을 중심으로 -

        이주희(Lee, Ju-Hui) 효원사학회 2020 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.57

        황희(1363~1452)는 여말 선초의 격변기에 국가의 동량으로서 4대 임금을 모셨던 인물이다. 그러한 그의 청렴성에 대한 논란이 있다. 본 논문은 황희에게 만일 공직자 윤리에 부정적인 면이 있었다면 그럼에도 불구하고 세종이 그를 심복처럼 의지한 이유를 살폈다. 즉 재상인 그가 이끌어간 세종대의 시대적 상황을 살피고 재상으로서 황희가 국방 분야에서 어떠한 역할을 했는지에 대해 알아보았다. 세종대는 국제적 긴장이 고조된 시기였다. 세종은 백성을 살폈고, 그것이 가능하려면 황희가 필요했다. 北狄(몽골)이 언제 조선을 침공해 올지도 모르는 상황에서 축성 등의 대규모 토목공사가 필요했지만 그것 때문에 나라가 기울어지는 것은 막아야 했다. 황희는 국가에 해를 끼치지 않는 것을 전제로 국방책을 입안하고 밀고나갔다. 1428년 황희는 현실에 맞추어 북방의 방어체계를 개선했고, 1432년부터 4군 6진 개척을 배후에서 지휘했다. 그러한 가운데도 황희는 많은 추문에 휘말렸고, 세종은 거듭 황희를 보호했다. 청렴한 국정을 운영하는 것도 중요하지만 北狄(몽골)의 침공으로 나라가 망하면 무슨 소용이 있겠는가. 어려운 시기였기에 세종에게 황희의 혐의는 더 중요하지 않았다. 설사 황희가 부정을 저질렀다고 해도 난국을 타개하고 해쳐나갈 인물을 내친다는 것은 어려웠다. 세종에게 청렴하기만 하고 능력이 없는 인물은 필요가 없었다. 어느 특정 인물이 유학적인 소양이 높더라도 냉혹한 현실을 다루는데 서툴다면 어디에 쓰겠는가. 오히려 나라를 지키는 일에는 야수와 날카로운 시선과 바위와 같은 인내심이 필요했다. 세종은 황희의 아들들이 자기 자식들의 물건을 훔쳐 나누어 가진 이 사건을 보고 굉장히 불쾌했을 것이다. 그것은 존엄에 위해를 가하는 대역죄였다. 하지만 이 사건을 적당한 선에서 봉합했다. 戰雲이 감도는 시기에 세종에게 황희는 없어서는 안 되는 漢元帝때의 ‘史丹’과 같은 존재였으며 충직한 명재상이었다. Hwang Hui (1363-1452) served four kings as a pillar of the state during the turbulent period of the late Goryeo Dynasty and the early Joseon Dynasty. There is a controversy about his integrity. This paper examined Hwang Hee"s reasons why Sejong relied on him like a henchman, nevertheless, if there were any negatives to the ethics of public officials. In other words, we looked at the times of King Sejong"s reign, led by his father-in-law, and found out what role Hwang Hee played in the defense sector as prime minister. The Sejong era was a time of heightened international tension. Sejong looked at the people and needed Hwang Hui to make it possible. At a time when Mongolia might invade Joseon, large-scale civil engineering projects such as the construction of the fortress were needed, but the country had to be prevented from tilting due to it. Hwang Hee drafted and pushed ahead with the defense plan on the condition that it would not harm the nation. In 1428, Hwang Hui improved the defense system of the north in line with the reality, and from 1432 he led the development of the sixth division of the fourth division. In the meantime, Hwang-Hui was embroiled in many scandals, and King Sejong repeatedly protected her. It is also important to run clean state affairs, but what good is it if the country collapses due to the invasion of Mongolia? Hwang Hui"s charges were not more important to Sejong because it was a difficult time. Even if Hwang Hee was dishonest, it was difficult to break the impasse and make a person who would harm him. There was no need for a person who was only clean and incapable of Sejong. Even if a certain person has a high level of studying abroad, what would he use if he is not good at dealing with the harsh reality? Rather, defending the country required patience, such as wild beasts, sharp eyes, and rocks. Sejong must have been very upset to see the incident in which Hwang Hee"s sons stole and shared their children"s belongings. It was a high-handed crime of inflicting harm on dignity. However, the case was sealed to a moderate extent. In times of war, Hwang Hui was an indispensable "Stan" of the Han Dynasty and a loyal master.

      • KCI등재

        미암(眉巖) 유희춘(柳希春) 시(詩)에 구현된 존주자(尊朱子) 의식

        박명희 ( Myoung Hui Park ) 택민국학연구원 2012 국학연구론총 Vol.0 No.9

        본 논고는 유희춘의 시 「감흥」, 「곤학」, 「반무당」 세 작품에주목하여 주희에 대한 존숭 의식의 구현 양상과 도학시로서의가능성 등을 논의하였다. 유희춘은 여러 기록을 통해 볼 때 朱熹에 대한 존숭 의식이절대적이었다. 이것은 당대 16세기라는 사상의 흐름과 관련된 것으로 유희춘은 그러한 주희에 대한 敬慕를 실제 「감흥」, 「곤학」, 「반무당」 등과 같은 작품을 통해 依倣해 보임으로써 그의의식의 한 단면을 보여주었다. 먼저 「감흥」 시는 총 4수로 이루어져 있으며, 주희의 「재거감흥」 20수를 의방한 작품이다. 유희춘은 「감흥」4수는 체계적인구조를 갖추고 있으며, 그러는 가운데 자신의 주희의 존숭 의식을 담았다. 1연에서는 孔孟 이후 시들기 시작한 성리학이 송때 이르러 부흥했음을 밝히며 특히, 주희의 공을 드러내었고, 2연에서는 유희춘 자신이 주희의 학문을 받아들이는 과정을 비유적으로 표현하였다. 또한 3연에서는 주희의 格物致知說과 연관지을 수 있는 觀物論을 언급하였으며, 마지막 4연에서는 주희의 학문을 통해 후대의 학자 및 자신이 이룬 성과를 언급함으로써 존숭 의식의 깊이를 알렸다. 두 번째 작품인 「곤학」시는 총 50구로 이루어져 있으며, 주희의 「곤학」시를 의방한 작품이다. 유희춘은 「곤학」시를 통해 자신이 한때 학문에 게으른 적도 있었지만, 결국 주희의 학문을 익히고자 하는 의지를 저버리지 않았음을 밝히며, 존주자 의식의 깊이를 다시 한 번 새겼다. 앞에서 본 「감흥」4수에 비하면학문적 깊이를 알 수는 없지만, 존주자 의식을 재무장했다는 측면에서 의의가 있다. 세 번째 작품인 「반무당」은 총 20구로 이루어져 있으며, 주희의 「관서유감」을 의방한 작품이다. 유희춘은 「반무당」에서 물이라는 매개체를 통해 주희와 정신적으로 일화체되었음을 보여주었다. 주희의 「관서유감」은 물이라는 객관사물을 매개로 시적 정감과 도학적 사유를 융합하였는데, 유희춘도 「반무당」에서물을 각별히 생각하고 도학자적인 입장에서 시 내용을 전개하였다. 그러면서 자신의 그러한 도학자적인 면모는 주희에게서 유래했음을 나타내 보여주었다. 이상 유희춘의 「감흥」, 「곤학」, 「반무당」 세 작품을 통해 존주자 의식이 어떻게 구현되었는지를 살폈다. 세 작품에서 보인 존주자 의식의 양상은 相異했지만, 주희의 학문과 사상을 받아들이려는 자세는 강했음을 알 수 있었다. 특히, 「감흥」시의 3연에서는 觀物察理의 시학을 드러내었음을 구명하였는데, 이것은 곧 주희의 격물치지설과 연관 지으며 도학시로 볼 수 있는 가능성을 언급하였다. 유희춘의 존주자 의식을 담은 시는 16세기성리학이 점차 무르익어 가는 시점에 나온 작품으로 학문이 어떤 양상으로 수용, 표출되었는지를 알게 해준다는 점에서 의의를 찾았다. This study analysed how the respect to Chu Hsi was realized, focusing on the three poems by Yoo, Hui-chun:「Inspiration」, 「Hard Studying」, and「Banmudang」. It is recorded that Yoo, Hui-chun had an absolute consciousness of following Chu Hsi. It is related with the flow of thoughts of the 16th century and he showed his honor to Chu Hsi in the poems titled「Inspiration」, 「Hard Studying」, and「Banmudang」. The 「Inspiration」is made of a total of four passages and each of them is connected to organize his respect. It was based on「Jaegugamheung」by Chu Hsi, but it is distinctively represented through presenting the reality of Confucianism at that time and his academic status. The「Hard Studying」is made of a total of 50 passages and reveals Chu Hsi`s enthusiasm about studying. Yoo maintained the attitude to learn Chu Hsi`s knowledge through the poem. The「Banmudang」is made of a total of twenty passages which show he was mentally united with Chu Hsi through a medium of water. He considered water in the poem and developed the poem with attitude as a Taoist. It shows that such attitude was derived from Chu Hsi. 「Inspiration」, 「Hard Studying」, and 「Banmudang」dramatically show Yoo Hui-chun`s attitude to honor Chu Hsi, through which we can understand how confucian scholars of the 16th century accepted the poetry by Chu Hsi.

      • KCI등재

        미암(眉巖) 유희춘(柳希春) 시문의 수사적 표현 기법 양상

        박명희 ( Myoung Hui Park ) 한국고시가문학회 2013 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.32

        본 논고는 眉巖 柳希春 한시에 나타난 수사적 표현 기법 양상을 정리해보고, 이를 바탕으로 그 의의를 구명해보고자 작성하였다. <미암집> 권1과 2에는 총 282수의 시가 수록 정리되어 있는데, 유희춘이 시를 형상화함에 있어 주로 활용한 수사적 표현 기법으로는 隱喩와 象徵, 引喩 등이 있었다. 유희춘은 시에서 은유적 표현 기법을 다양하게 구사하였는데, 첫째 원관념과 보조관념이 뚜렷하게 연관되는 경우, 둘째 상황에 대한 이해가 부족하다면, 보조관념이 무엇을 뜻하는지 알 수 없는 경우, 셋째 한 작품 안에 여러 보조관념이 나와서 결국 원관념을 유추하게 하는 경우, 넷째 한 작품 안에 비슷한 의미를 가진 보조관념이 연속으로 나와 마찬가지로 원관념을 유추하게 하는 경우, 다섯째 하나의 보조관념을 시의 처음에 제시한 후 이것으로써 마지막까지 내용을 이끌어가는 은유의 기법을 활용하는 등등 의미를 전달하는 기법이 실로 다양함을 볼 수 있었다. 또한 유희춘의 시 중에는 제목을 통해 상징적으로 무엇인가를 나타내 보여주려고 한 작품이 있는데, 상징적이기 때문에 단일의 의미보다는 중의적으로 의미를 파악하게 한다. 마지막으로 유희춘은 博覽强記한 사람으로서 시를 창작함에 있어 이러한 자신의 능력을 충분히 발휘하였다. 그러한 박람강기함은 결국 시에 나타난 전고 운용 실태를 보고서 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 유희춘을 학자로 보는 한편, 문예 기질이 풍부한 문인으로 보아야 하며, 이를 대변해주는 것이 수사적 표현 기법을 활용한 작품들이라고 하였다. 이러한 이유로 유희춘에게 있어 수사적 표현 기법을 활용한 작품은 최고의 문예미를 자랑하는 것으로서의 의의를 지녔다고 보았다. This study aimed to understand the aspects of the rhetorical medium shown in Chinese poetry by Miam Yoo Hui-Choon and its meaning, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of the <Miamjib> hold a total of 282 poems and what is noteworthy is the medium. Yoo Hui-Choon sometimes used rhetorical expressions to configure poetry while he used straightforward expressions which are easy to understand. He used a different concept metaphorically to deliver original concepts. Also, he applied a number of ancient cases and historical facts. Therefore, this study analysed his poetry focusing on the medium he used to speculate on what he finally achieved through its use. Yoo Hui-Choon usually applied metaphor, symbolism, and allusions to configure his poetry. He used a variety of metaphorical methods: First, when an original concept is definitely connected with a secondary concept; Second, when a situation is not clearly understood as the secondary concept is not clear; Third, when the original concept has to be inferred as there are a few secondary concepts in a poem; Fourth, when the original concept has to be inferred as there are a few secondary concepts with similar meaning in a poem; Fifth, after a secondary concept is presented in the beginning of the poem, it is used to develop the poem to the end as a metaphorical technique. Also he intended to show something in a symbolic way through the titles of his poetry. As it is symbolic, it has double meaning. Finally, he exerted his outstanding intellectual ability in writing poetry. Such ability is discovered through his application of ancient events and cases. He showed his thoughts in his poetry, which were discovered in a number of his poems. Therefore, this study concluded that he intentionally used the rhetoric medium for his poetry as a scholar and literary person. So his poetry which uses a rhetorical medium has a proud literary beauty.

      • KCI등재

        미암(眉巖) 유희춘(柳希春) 시문의 전고(典故) 운용(運用) 양상과 의미

        박명희 ( Myoung Hui Park ) 한국고전문학회 2011 古典文學硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        이 논문은 유희춘이 시문에서 운용한 전고의 원래 텍스트 범위와 양상에 관심을 가지고 이를 바탕으로 미학적 의미를 구명하였다. 유희춘은 실제로 經部의 12종, 史部의 19종, 子部의 21종, 集部의 18종 등 총 59종을 시문 창작의 전고로 운용했음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 『미암집』 소재 시문 282수 가운데 189수의 작품에서 전고를 사용하였고, 총 365회를 활용한 것으로 집계되었다. 그리고 전고 운용 양상은 두 가지로 나누어 볼 수 있었다. 첫째는 자신이 현재 처한 상황과 의식 등을 대신할만한 전고의 어휘를 다양하게 찾아 반복 운용했다는 점과 둘째, 한 편의 시문을 완성하기까지 전고를 자주 운용하여 난삽함까지 안겨주었음을 지적하였다. 먼저 ``전고어의 운용과 상황의 代稱``에서는 ``흘간산의 참새``부터 ``北海의 孔融``까지 이들 모두는 거의 떠돌이, 유배, 궁핍함 속에도 절의를 지키는가 하면 학문도 게을리 하지 않았다는 이미지로써 유희춘 자신을 처지를 대칭하고 있음을 언급하였다. ``전고의 頻用과 의미의 難澁``에서는 유희춘은 한 편의 시문을 완성하기까지 인명, 지명, 사건 등이 어우러진 전고를 빈번히 운용하였는데, 이렇듯 전고를 시문을 완성하는 중요한 근거로 삼은 까닭에 다소 의미 파악이 어려운 결과를 낳았다고 지적하였다. 마지막으로 유희춘이 시문에서 운용한 전고의 양상을 통해 시적 상황의 일치라는 측면에서 동일시의 미학을, 의도적인 인상을 주기는 하지만 작품 안에서 布置에 힘쓴 점을 감안할 때 안배의 미학을 언급하였다. This study identified the aesthetic meaning of authentic precedents used in poetry by Miam Yu Hui-chun focusing on the range and aspects of the original texts. It was discovered that Yu Hui-chun used a total of 59 kinds of authentic precedents in his poetry a total of 365 times: 12 parts of Confucian classics, 12 parts of history, 21 kinds of miscellaneous class, and 18 kinds of anthology class. The aspects he used authentic precedents in his poetry are categorized into two: One is that he repeatedly used a variety of vocabulary which can cover his conditions and consciousness and the other is that he used authentic precedents too often to complete his poetry so that it is difficult to read. In respect to use of authentic precedents and symmetry of conditions, sparrows in Mt Heutgan to Gongyung in the North Sea adhered to their fidelity and did not neglect their studying although they were wanderers or exiles and in poverty, which indicates Yu Hui-chun`s conditions. For ``frequent use of authentic precedents and difficulty of meaning``, he used authentic precedents which contain lots of human or geological names, and events as important grounds of poetry until he completed his poetry. Therefore, it was difficult to understand what it means. In conclusion, the study analysed the aesthetics of identification in an aspect of agreed poetic conditions through the aspects authentic precedents were used in his poetry and mentioned the aesthetics of scattering although it was deliberately intended.

      • KCI등재후보

        姜希孟의 성리학적 사유

        김백희(Kim Baik-Hui) 한국인물사연구소 2008 한국인물사연구 Vol.9 No.-

        A high ranking scholar-official Kang Hui-meang(姜希孟) is a scholar-bureaucrats in early Dynasty of Choseon. And Kang Hui-meang as student of Neo-Confucianism who esteemed above all deep learning in the Chinese classics, his scholarship had an realistic and practical norms that differed from that of the Neo-Confucian literati (士林, sarim). He was the Neo-Confucianist of the new power groups who were later called sinjin sadaebu (新進士大夫, newly emerged high officials), and it was this group that supported sinjin sadaebu groups and later became the ruling class of the Early Joseon dynasty. During Seongjong's reign (1469~1494), as Neo-Confucianist of Gwanhakja(官學者, scholar-bureaucrats), Kang Hui-meang made a Sasukjaejip(私淑齋集) and a comprehensive compilation (entitled 衿陽雜錄, Kumyang chamnok, comprehensive compilation of agricultural practices) of agricultural practices with which he was personally familiar or that were explained to him in his home district of Sihung, just south of Seoul, adding to this description his own observations. In particular His scholarship went beyond only Neo-Confucianism and his important achievements in various areas of the study of the Chinese Classics also dealt with the Gyeongse-ron (經世論, theory of governance). The basic feature the 15th century Neo-confucian philosophical system, represented by scholar-bureaucrats, is the abstraction of existing norms and practical ethics out of the general law of nature. This abstraction allows for a rationalization of the distinctive order of human society, freezing, in a economic perspective, the distinctive order of landowner-tenant in the political field, being the basis for the political domination-submission system of “sinjin sadaebu” bureaucracy. Kang Hŭi-meang can well be said to be the typical scholar-bureaucrats of the age.

      • KCI등재

        眉巖 柳希春의 詠史詩에 나타난 思惟와 지향

        박명희(Park, Myoung-hui) 한국언어문학회 2012 한국언어문학 Vol.82 No.-

        This study defines six pieces of historical poetry by Yu Hui-choon as historical and explained the reason why it is historical, how it was developed and what he pursued for through his historical poetry. Yu Hui-choon's poetry to study here includes『Dokhantoijisamsangseosi』,『Gwajageum』,『Domyeongbi』,『Jangsunghoigo』,『Songsahohwansangsan』,and 『Hanmangjabangbun』.They were categorized into historical facts and theories and he organized his ideas to think historic persons and events based on historical facts although there was a difference in quantity. He developed historical theories poetically. As a result, in『Dokhantoijisamsangseosi』, he reflected Hanyu's attitude to life and revealed agony about a true governor. In『Gwajageum』,he dealt with behaviors of officials and emphasized that history should be written based on Chunchoobeop. In『Domyeongbi』,he focused on ‘virtue' through a historical poetry on Wangsog un and in『Jangsunghoigo』, he suggested that to maintain a nation properly, people should cooperate rather than they are conscripted for building the Great Wall. In『Songsahohwansangsan』,he pointed out legitimacy considering Saho(the four scholars) as positive, and in『Hanmangjabangbun』,he intended to reveal fidelity through Jangjabang and suggested what attitude a ruler should have. This study organized his pursuit through historical theories of six historical poems concluding that it is related with moralism of Confucianism, and suggested that such pursuit is based on his academic background and can be connected to reality.


        Production of a Recombinant Laccase from Pichia pastoris and Biodegradation of Chlorpyrifos in a Laccase/Vanillin System

        ( Hui fang Xie ),( Qi Li ),( Min Min Wang ),( Lin Guo Zhao ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2013 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.23 No.6

        The recombinant strain P. pastoris GS115-lccC was used to produce laccase with high activity. Factors influencing laccase expression, such as pH, methanol concentration, copper concentration, peptone concentration, shaker rotate speed, and medium volume were investigated. Under the optimal conditions, laccase activity reached 12,344 U/L on day 15. The recombinant enzyme was purified by precipitating and dialyzing to electrophoretic homogeneity, and was estimated to have a molecular mass of about 58 kDa. When guaiacol was the substrate, the laccase showed the highest activity at pH 5.0 and was stable when the pH was 4.5~6.0. The optimal temperature for the laccase to oxidize guaiacol was 60℃, but it was not stable at high temperature. The enzyme could remain stable at 30℃ for 5 days. The recombinant laccase was used to degrade chlorpyrifos in several laccase/mediator systems. Among three synthetic mediators (ABTS, HBT, VA) and three natural mediators (vanillin, 2,6-DMP, and guaiacol), vanillin showed the most enhancement on degradation of chlorpyrifos. Both laccase and vanillin were responsible for the degradation of chlorpyrifos. A higher dosage of vanillin may promote a higher level of degradation of chlorpyrifos, and the 2-step addition of vanillin led to 98% chlorpyrifos degradation. The degradation of chlorpyrifos was faster in the L/V system (kobs = 0.151) than that in the buffer solution (kobs = 0.028).

      • KCI등재

        MUC16 facilitates cervical cancer progression via JAK2/STAT3 phosphorylation‑mediated cyclooxygenase‑2 expression

        Hui Shen,Meng Guo,Lu Wang,Xinyue Cui 한국유전학회 2020 Genes & Genomics Vol.42 No.2

        Objectives MUC16 (mucin 16, also known as CA-125, cancer antigen 125, carcinoma antigen 125, or carbohydrate antigen 125) has been predicted as tumor biomarker for therapy. We determined to investigate effects and regulatory mechanism of MUC16 on cervical tumorigenesis. Methods Expression levels of MUC16 in cervical cancer cell lines was analyzed via qRT-PCR (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction). Knockdown of MUC16 was conducted via shRNA (Short hairpin RNA) transfection. MTT and colony formation assays were used to investigate effect of MUC16 on cell proliferation. Wound healing assay was utilized to detect migration and transwell assay to detect invasion. The underlying mechanism was demonstrated via western blot analysis. Results MUC16 was elevated in cervical cancer cell lines. MUC16 knockdown inhibited cell proliferation, invasion and migration. Gain- and loss-of functional assays revealed that over-expression of MUC16 activated Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2)/ signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) via phosphorylation, thus facilitating cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression, while knockdown of MUC16 demonstrated the reverse effect on JAK2/STAT3 activation and COX-2 expression. Moreover, inhibition of JAK2/STAT3 attenuated the regulation of MUC16 on COX-2. Conclusions MUC16 enhanced proliferation and invasion of cervical cancer cells via JAK2/STAT3 phosphorylation-mediated cyclooxygenase-2 expression, suggesting the potential therapeutic target ability of MUC16 to treat cervical cancer.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Cooling Rate on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Wire-Arc Additive Manufactured Ti–6Al–4V Alloy

        Hui‑Jun Yi,Jin‑Woo Kim,Young‑Lak Kim,Sangyong Shin 대한금속·재료학회 2020 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.26 No.8

        Wire-arc additive manufacturing has emerged as a technology that could replace the conventional manufacturing processof titanium alloys. However, it produces a coarse β grain, which can accumulate via several deposited materials, resulting isstrong texture and anisotropy. To investigate potential solutions, the effects of the cooling rate on the resulting microstructureand tensile properties were studied. The cooling rate of the deposited materials was adjusted by interpass temperaturecontrol. Under rapid cooling, fine α + α′ grain with a low aspect ratio were observed and tensile and hardness propertieswere also improved.

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