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      • 經路分析을 通한 健康信念模型에 關한 硏究

        洪大容,최학의,鄭善太 慶尙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        A theoretical framework of "Health Belief Model" were used to examine the factors which are assumed to impact upon health belief and preventive action. The survey was carried out from Oct. 1 to 30, 1984 with a representative sample of middle and high school students (N=1.868) by structured questionaire. The results of zero-order correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis were as follows : 1) The simple correlation analysis reveals that the variables affecting the preventive action are school grade(p<0.05), sex(p<0.05), area (p, 0.05), parent's education level (p<0.05). The results indicated that the higher school grade is, the more the preventive action is and urban area shows higher preventive action than rural area. Girl students showed higher preventive action than boy students. Parent's education level was proved to be effective on the preventive action, too. But pre-recommendation of preventive action showed non significant relationship with the preventive action, therefore it was not proved that the cue to action variables are important to explain health behavior. 2) According to the results obtained by multiple regression analysis, the threat about disease is affected by sex (β=0.1913), area (β=-0.0801), economic level (β=-0.0480) and academic a chievement (β=-0.0648) at very significant level (p<0.001). The perceived benefits of preventive action, considered to be as positive health belief variable turns out to be affected by parent's education level (β=0.0062), economic level (β=0.0661), academic achievement (f=-0.0330) and the knowledge about disease (β=0.1075) at very significant level (p<0.001). In this results, we can find the difference between positive health belief and negative health belief. On the contrary to the threat about disease, education was doing a very important role on the perceived benefits of preventive action. 3) The factors affecting the Preventive action were Proved to be school grade (β=-0.1138), sex (β=-0.0839), area (β=0.0866), economic level (β=-0.0438), the threat about disease (β=0.0439) and the Perceived benefits of preventive action (β=0.0424) (p<0.001). In point, we can find the preventive action is affected more by the threat about disease than by the perceived benefits of preventive action. Therefore it can be stressed that the promotion of the health behavioral change can be achieved effectively by negative health belief than by positive health belief in a city or rural area except metropolitan city. So we can say the different approaching method is needed according to the circumstances of each area to attain the desired end. 4) The path analysis shows the same results of the multiple regression analysis. Among the variables (individual characteristic variables, cue to action variable, health belief variables), only sex and health belief variables are affected more by causal effect than by non-causal effect. And the hypothesis, the health behavior are affected by health belief, is proved to be ture.

      • Pleuropterus Ciliinervis Nakai의 生藥學的硏究

        洪大鉉 忠南大學校 1962 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        Pleuropterus ciliinervis Nakai which is widly distributed in all district of Korea, up to date, a significant study on it has not been establisched. The Auther intended to clarify of pharmacognostical merits. In this publication, the following results was obtained. 1) The botanical origine of pleuropterus ciliinervis Nakai was quite different subject from the "JUCK HASUO" (Plesropterus multiflorus Turczaninow) and the "BAIK HASUO" (Cynanchum wilfordii Hemsley) which was trading in Korean market. 2) There are two different types of root, the Pleuropterus Ciliinervis Nakai. Among them, one is root form and the other is rhzoma form. The differentiation of them variable with the Conditions of cultivation mostly. 3) Among the pleuropterus multiflorus Turczaninow and the pleuropterus ciliinervis Nakai, there are many a similarity was investigated with pharmacognostically.

      • 花崗岩土 開田地의 浸蝕-堆砂實態와 土砂收支에 對한 考察

        閔大泓 公州大學校 資源科學硏究所 1994 資源科學硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        In this study, gully erosion and sedimentation on reclaimed land of decomposed granite soil were surveyed. The results were as follows. It was observed that sedimentation form of washed soil is different each other according to the layout and gradient of drainage channel or the structure and capaciety of sedimentation facilities. The efficient method to control soil which is washed out from the field is to construct the catch channel and use it as a sedimentation space. Constructing the horizontal channel crossing the field, the amount of gully erosion was decreased and washed soil was also decreased. It is effective method that the soil sedimentation facilities is constructed as a shape of rectangle, and sedimentation basin must be constructed in order that soil gravel is sedimented very well and washed water do not flow to the direction of spillway. The data of soil erosion and sedimentation in short time is necessary to solve the problem of reclaimed land in the granite soil zone.

      • 신라와 고려시대 조탑(造塔) 경전의 역할과 기능

        홍대한 ( Dai Han Hong ) 단국사학회 2011 史學志 Vol.42 No.-

        탑은 불상 출현 이전부터 불타와 교단을 상징하는 역할을 담당해 왔으며, 불교는 불탑을 중심으로 성장했다고 해도 지나침이 없을 것이다. 초기 불탑은 형식상 인도 재래의 분묘양식과 의례를 수용하였으며, 점차 불타 가르침의 거점으로 인식하는 경향이 증대되었다. 동시에 재가신자들의 보시 물품이 불탑을 중심으로 집중되고 이를 통해 불탑을 생활거점으로 삼는 출가보살의 교단이 조직되었다. 이렇듯 불탑의 출현은 단순히 불타의 분묘라는 개념을 넘어 대승불교와 보살집단의 출현이라는 교리체계의 변화를 가져왔다. 대승경전 성립 이전 불제자의 범주에는 재가와 출가의 구분이 명확하지 않았다. 부파 불교에서는 보시를 공양하는 우바새와 공양을 받는 비구 승가와의 대응이 성립되어 있었지만 보살 가나에는 그러한 분화가 없었다. 단지 불타는 인간과 신의 공양을 받는 사람이므로 불타를 상징하는 불탑에는 보시물이 쌓여있었을 뿐, 이를 사용해서는 안 된다는 불문율이 지켜졌다. 초기 교단에서는 불탑 건립과 공양은 오직 재가 신도의 역할일 뿐이지 출가자는 관여할 바가 아니라고 규정했다. 그러나 건탑 행위의 증가와 함께 불탑에 대한 공덕이 강조되자 출가자 역시 점차 불탑을 신앙의 범주로 수용하게 되었고, 사원 내에 탑이 건립되기 까지 이르렀다. 뿐만 아니라 불탑의 구조와 건립 그리고 공양 절차를 언급한 여러 대승경전류이 간행되면서 초기 造塔經의 출현을 가져오게 되었다고 생각한다. 불탑건립은 불탑신앙과 함께 건립목적을 뒷받침하기 위한 경전의 간행을 동반했다. 중국에 있어 이른 시기의 불탑 건립 역시 일정한 의궤와 절차를 따랐을 것이지만 명확한 자료는 남아 있지 않다. 통일신라는 8세기 초엽 『無垢淨光大陀羅尼經』의 전래와 함께 새로운 전환점을 맞이하였다. ``無垢淨塔``이라는 명칭의 사용과 함께 불탑의 형식·내재적 의미·예경법 등에서 큰 변화를 가져왔다. 물론 『無垢淨光大陀羅尼經』의 전래 이전에도 불탑건립의 공덕과 제작법을 언급한 『造塔功德經』을 비롯해 『阿含經』과 『涅槃經』 등이 유포되었기 때문에 일정한 절차와 사상을 갖고 造塔行爲가 이루어졌음은 짐작할 수 있다. 고려시대는 『無垢淨光大陀羅尼經』의 영향이 잔존하는 상황에서 唐 代宗12년(772) 한역된 『寶□印陀羅尼經』이 간행되면서 불탑 건립에 있어 錢弘□ 寶□印塔의 영향을 직접적으로 수용한 大坪里寺址 寶□印塔·『寶□印陀羅尼經』을 탑에 봉안한 月精寺八角九層石塔 등 이전과 다른 造塔 사례가 확인된다. 본 논문에서는 삼국~고려시대 행해진 불탑건립에 있어 조탑경전의 영향과 변화과정을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 특히 『무구정경』에서 『보협인다라니경』으로의 소의경전 변화는 국내 불교신앙의 변화를 전반적으로 이해하는데 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 이에 대해본 논문에서는 공덕개념의 확대를 통해 근기가 낮은 민중을 포섭하기 위한 목적으로 해석하였다. 그러나 소의경전을 어떻게 받아들이게 되었는지에 대한 경로, 법사리가 납입된 석탑의 조성 목적과 사리기 등에 대한 검토는 거의 논의하지 못했다. 이러한 과제들에 대해서는 앞으로 세밀한 검토와 개별석탑의 분석을 통해 해결해 나가야 할 것이다. Before the advent of a Buddhist statue, pagoda served as the symbol of Buddha and religious body, and Buddhism has grown into a Buddhist center of pagoda. The early pagoda form accepted native Indian burial mounds and ceremony and was increasingly inclined to recognize Buddha as a base for teaching. At the same time, home goods in the believers is focused around pagoda, and denomination of Buddhist saint was ordained through life suing it as a base. Thus, the emergence of a pagoda is simply beyond the concept of Buddha`s tombs, the emergence of Mahayana Buddhism and the doctrine of collective care of the system were changed. Mahayana scriptures of Buddhism established the category of previously married, the distinction between home and it was not clear. In the sectarian buddhism, the memorial service for the Propagation of Buddhism and the offering of a new correspondence between the incoming Upasaka(a male lay disciple, 優婆塞) and bhiksu(a buddhist male monk, 比丘) samgha(the buddhist community; the community of buddhist practitioners, 僧伽) was established in bodhisattva Ghana, but take care that there was no differentiation Only Buddha is the recipient that was offered from people and gods, so in a pagoda that symbolizes the Buddha alms was accumulated. In the early religious body, pagoda building and offering is just the only believers` role and is not the priesthood`s. However, as pagoda building increased and Buddhist merit was stressed, the monk also gradually became accepted pagoda as the category of faith, pagoda became erected in temples. As well as the structure and construction of a pagoda and a memorial to the current published procedures, I thought to have been led to the emergence of early guna sutra of made the stupa(造塔經). Pagoda building would have accompanied the publication of the scriptures with the faith of pagoda. In China, early pagoda building also followed protocols and procedures, but certain specific materials does not leave. In the beginning of 8th century, our country were prepared new turn with the introduction of ``Pure Light Dharani Sutra``(無垢淨光大陀羅尼經). The term of the stupa of ``Pure Light Dharani Sutra``(無垢淨塔) is used as well, the implicit meaning of the format was to bring a big change. Of course, before the introduction of ``Pure Light Dharani Sutra``(無垢淨光大陀羅尼經), because guna sutra of made the stupa(造塔功德經), agama sutra(阿含經) and nirvana sutra(涅槃經) referred to the virtue of pagoda building and production process are current, we can guess that pagoda building was done with certain procedures and thoughts. In Korea period, Sarvatathagatadhisthanahrdayaguhyadhatukarandamudradharani(sutra)(寶□印陀羅尼經) written chinese letters was published under the influence of ``Pure Light Dharani Sutra`` (無垢淨光大陀羅尼經). In pagoda building, the site ruins of a temple of Daepyung- Ri(Hamlet)(大坪里寺址) dharani stupa(寶□印塔), dharani sutra(寶□印陀羅尼經) which was directly introduced the influence of Qian Hong-Shu(錢弘□) dharani stupa(寶□印塔) was enshrined in Wol-jung temple`s Stone stupa(月精寺八角九層石塔). This is different example of pagoda building. This article is about the role of ``Pure Light Dharani Sutra``(無垢淨光大陀羅尼經) in the middle of 8th century that was completed pagoda of set period. And I will examine how dharani sutra(寶□印陀羅尼經) was settled as doctrinal background. I will discuss along with features on formative how the faith change of pagoda was reflected in the pagoda building.

      • 動機要因과 自己調節學習要因이 學業成就에 미치는 效果

        卞烘圭,金大成 全北大學校 敎育大學院 1997 敎育論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        This study was attempted to analyse the relationships of motivational and self-regulational learning to academic achievements of junior high school students. A self-report measures of student self-efficacy, intrinsic value, test anxiety, self-regulation, and learning strategies were administered. It was found that self efficacy and intrinsic value were positively related to cognitive engagement, but only self-efficacy was positively related to academic performance. And regression analysis revealed that, depending on the outcome measure, self-efficacy and strategy use emerged as the best predictors of performance. But intrinsic value had a negative influence on performance. Test anxiety did not have a negative influence on performance at the significance level. These findings of intrinsic value and test anxiety to the acdemic performance are needed to examine further by detailed study design.

      • GIS를 이용한 농가경영특성 분석

        閔大泓,李昌洙,朴承基 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1996 産業開發硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        Farm management character of Sungbuk Dong which was natural farm area was analysed by GIS system. The topography and cadastrel were analysed by lot number from GIS. This study will provide basic elements for large scaling and gathering of farm land and this new information from the study will give great efficiency to exchange or mergence of farm land. This study will create general index number from soil, geological features, irrigation facilities, distance between farm land and farmhouse. it will expected that, a lot of things from this analysis will be a very important information when some arguments take place from new a boundary of land or expense after readjustment of arable land.

      • 실내 NO₂농도 및 NO₂개인 폭로량에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 : Centering University and Personnel in Pusan 부산지역 모 대학교 및 교직원과 학생을 대상으로

        김동일,김준연,홍대용 동아대학교 의과대학 부설 산업의학연구소 1992 산업의학연구소 논총 Vol.- No.1

        부산의 도심지역에 위치한 모 대학교 및 교직원과 학생을 대상으로 1990년 2월 1일부터 3월 31일까지 NO₂개인 폭로량과 그들이 활동하는 강의실, 연구실, 실험실, 사무실 등의 실내 NO₂농도를 측정하였다. 동시에 NO₂농도에 영향을 미칠 것으로 기대되는 난방형태, 난방기 가동시간, 환기형태, 조사장소의 면적, 연료소비량, 흡연습관 등의 변수에 대한 조사를 실시하여 NO₂에 대한 영향정도를 평가하기 위해 영향인자를 독립변수로 하여 다분류 해석법을 시행하였다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 실내 NO₂총 평균농도는 27.5±20.2 ppb 였으며, 각 건물마다 NO₂평균농도는 차이가 있었다 (p<0.05). 2. 난방기를 가동하는 장소에서 가동하지 않는 장소보다 NO₂농도가 높았으며, 발열식 보다 대류식 난방기를 사용하는 곳에서 NO₂농도가 더욱 높았다(p<0.05). 3. 창문을 열어서 환기를 하는 것이 실내 NO₂농도를 낮추는 데 효과가 가장 컸다. 4. 실내 NO₂개인 폭로량은 평균 57.8±41.0 ppb 였으며, 건물의 위치에 따라 NO₂개인 폭로량에 차이가 있다(p<0.05). 5. 교직원이 학생보다 NO₂개인 폭로량이 많았다(p<0.05). 6. 난방기를 가동하는 곳에서 근무하는 사람들은 가동하지 않는 곳에서 근무하는 사람들보다 NO₂개인 폭로량이 많았다(p<0.05). 7. 난방기 가까이에서 근무는 사람은 난방기에서 떨어진 사람보다 NO₂개인 폭로량이 많았다(p<0.05). 8.실내 NO₂에 영향을 미치는 정도는 각 건물간 영향이 가장 컸으며, 다음이 난방형 형태, 환기형태 순이었다. 9. NO₂개인 폭로량에 영향을 미치는 정도는 각 건물간 영향이 가장 컸으며, 다음이 난방형태, 난방기로부터 거리 순이었다. 10. 겨울철 실내에서 난방기를 가동할 때에는 환기(특히 창문을 이용)를 하는 것이 실내 NO₂농도를 낮추는 데 효과적이며, 난방기로부터 되도록 떨어져 생활하는 것이 NO₂개인 폭로량을 줄이는 데 효과가 큰 것으로 나타났다. Indoor air quality is very important to human wellbeing because people spend much of their time indoors, in some cases indoor air quality is remarkably different from that of outdoor. Many energy conservation strategies for residences involve reducing house air exchange rates. Reducing the air exchange rate of house can cause an increase in pollutant levels if there is an indoor pollution source. Recently nitrogen dioxide( NO₂) has been regarded as one of the important indoor air pollutants. In this study, indoor NO₂levels were measured to provide the fundamental data for evaluation and control on the health effect relevant to NO₂levels. The levels of NO₂were measured by the Palmes method on 279 subjects in a university located in Pusan city from February to March 1990. The results of the study were summarized as follows: 1. The mean indoor NO₂level was 27.5±20.2 ppb. 2. Personal NO₂exposure level was 57.8±41.0 ppb. 3. The mean indoor NO₂level was significantly higher at room with heater than without heater and significantly lower at vented room than in unvented room. 4. The personal NO₂exposure level was significantly higher at group with heater than without heater. 5. The factors affecting indoor NO₂concentration and personal exposure levels were location(by building), heating facility, mode of ventilation, residents(by building), distance from heater by the multiple classification analysis. Therefore, it is concluded that artificial ventilation and distance away from heater were effective means for reducing indoor NO₂levels and personal NO₂exposure levels.

      • 一部 銀行員들의 疲勞度 自覺症狀에 關한 調査硏究

        鄭成浩,鄭善太,洪大容 慶尙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        A survey was carried out on subjective symptoms of fatigue of 132 bank clerks (male 77, female 75) in Chin-ju city in order to measure the degree of fatigue caused by wory by questionaire form. The data were analyzed by sex, age and years employed. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. General char acteristics of respondents are as follows: For male, the majority was (distributed from the early twenty to late thirty, but for female, early twenty, As for the years employed, 5 years-mor egroup for male and 3-4 years group for female were found to be the majorty. 2. As for the composition of subjective symptoms, there were found I (physical) >Ⅱ (mental) > Ⅲ (neurosensory) type in male, while I>Ⅱ>Ⅲ type in female at both before and aftre work. 3. The lowest percent of complaints were found in25-29 age group for male and 20-24 age group for female . 4. The lowest percent of complaints were found in 3-4 years employed group for male and 1-B years employed group for female. 5. The signifcant correlationships between before and after work were found in physical symptoms for male(P<0.05), while in mental (p<0.01) and neurosensory symptoms(pc<0.05) for female.

      • 관상정맥동과의 연결이 없는 좌상대정맥의 CT 소견 : 1예 보고 case report

        백상현,박재성,이혜경,홍현숙,김대호,조준희,박성진,차장규 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        A persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) is the most common thoracic venous anomaly. It is a persistent remnant of a vessel that is present as a counterpart of normal right-sided superior vena cava(SVC) in early embryological development but normally disappears later. Its diagnosis can be confirmed by many noninvasive and invasive tests, or it is incidentally diagnosed at insertion into the left subclavian or jugular vein or thoracic surgery. If it is not associated with other congenital cardiac anomalies, it is usually asymptomatic and hemodynamically insignificant. We describe the chest radiograph and CT findings of bilateral SVC with drainage to left superior intercostal vein, hemiazygos, azygos vein and right SVC, and no connection of coronary sinus.

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