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      • KCI등재후보

        심층면접(In-depth interview)을 활용한 위탁급식전문업체 인증제도 도입에 대한 요구 조사 및 관련분야 제도에 대한 고찰

        양일선,박문경,이해영 대한영양사협회 2004 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.10 No.2

        This study was performed to inquire demand for indroducing certification on contract foodservice management company(CFMC) and review about the system in a related field. The methodology was practiced an in-depth interview for grasping demand on certification of CFMC and composition on an appraiser group. Content analysis was reviewed about the system in a related field. Large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises were positive opinion on a certification of CFMC and they suggested that education and research institution, industry, government, association will be included in appraiser group. The review about the system of a related industry was investigated by field such as similar product and service with restaurant industry, similar service with hotel and tourism industry. And similar purpose with a certification of CFMC was put in operation as PQ(pre-qualification) and selecting an adequate corporation in architecture industry. Therefore, a certification of CFMC should be tried to scientific introduction by objective verification.

      • KCI등재후보

        유아놀이에 대한 유치원 교사의 인식 및 실태조사

        양옥승,지성애,김영옥,홍혜경 한국영유아보육학회 2002 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.28

        This study investigated the teacher's recognition and the status about children's play in kindergartens. A questionnaire was developed for this study and was used in collection of data. The questionnaire consisted of 54 items and divided into five areas. The subjects in this study were two hundreds and seventeen kindergarten teachers from rural and urban areas. The data were calculated by frequency, mean, and standard deviation and were analyzed by χ2, t-test, ANOVA, and Tukey method for multiple comparisons. The results showed that the teacher's recognition and the status about children's play in kindergarten were significantly differed by variables of teachers, such as ages, teaching experiences, and education backgrounds.

      • 현대시에 나타나 있는 부산의 공간성 연구

        양혜경 신라대학교 부산학연구센터 2006 부산연구 Vol.10 No.-

        인간이 자신의 존재를 현실에서 파악하는 가장 기본적인 인식은 시간과 공간에 의해 가능하다. 이러한 특성을 바탕으로 하여 현대시에 나타나 있는 부산이라는 공간이 어떠한 역할을 표상하면서 시의 매체로 등장하고 있는지 알아보았다. 부산이라는 구체적 공간은 지리적ㆍ문화적ㆍ사회적인 요인으로 인해 시문학의 중요한 자리를 차지하고 있다. 하지만 지역성이 안고 있는 문제점으로 인해 주위를 맴도는 하나는 형태로 자리 잡고 있는 실정이다. 한국의 현대문학에 등장하는 부산이라는 공간은 밀수와 밀항 그리고 식민지 체제의 모순을 반영하면서 피난민들의 생활공간이었다. 이제 부산은 동북아의 새로운 문명질서를 견인하는 중심지역으로 부상하고 있다. 또한 부산이라는 공간 설정을 통해 현 사회가 안고 있는 불균형적인 사회 현실을 드러내면서 긍정적인 방향으로의 발전을 기대한다. 다음으로 민중들의 휴식처인 동시에 새로운 도시 공간으로서의 도약 발판을 마련하기를 시적 주체는 희망한다. 아울러 바다를 통해 드러나 있는 역동적인 공간 의식은 인간과 자연의 일체화를 추구하면서 영원성을 강조한다. Most fundamental recognition to which human grasp self existence in a reality can be possible by a time and a space. On the basis of such characteristic, I researched on Pusan’s particular role as space how it appeared in modern poetry as medium of poetry. As concrete space Pusan plays an important role in the field of poetry by geographical, cultural, social factor. However it find its own level as the outskirts of respectability by regional problem. Even though, recently it tends to be treated as part of Pusanology. As status above-mentioned, Pusan wants to be freshly born-again under proposition of well-balanced development of nation together with historical background. Pusan appeared as humanistic space of life of refugees in Korean modern literature reflecting smuggling, stow away, colonial system’s inconsistency. Recently, Pusan rises as a center of northeast asian culture. As well Pusan as space symbolizes new city space as dominant spatial structure of social reality in modern poetry. At the same time, it heads for open world including dynamics of sea.

      • KCI등재

        이용악 시의 주체 표상과 현실의 결합 양상

        양혜경 한국어문학회 2003 語文學 Vol.0 No.82

        The poetry of Lee Yong-ak harmoniously combined the modernism and realism which were created by emotional custom in gloomy environment during the colony times in 1930's. Through this poetical attitude, his poetry formed our nation's integral life style. The lyrical subject and actuality of conjunction are preserved by the adequate aesthetic distance. Additionally, the lyrical subject tried to combine the people's way of life and a northward feeing, which effectively and strongly send us the message of main subject First of all, this poetry guarantees lyrical subjective by establishing formation of matters and reconstruction of meaning through symbolization of subjective. The subjective of poetry pursues to combine natural matters and expands tragic lyric of subejctive. Also the subjective of poetry forms the basis of realism by combining interactive relationship with objective. And transmission of subjective's main idea has been changed to narrative form. The lyrical subject transmits popular psychology through narrative of childhood. The subjective of poetry expands the meaning of poem not only personal story but also popular psycholoty.

      • 부산지역 문학관의 운영현황과 전망

        양혜경, 이윤정 신라대학교 부산학연구센터 2010 부산연구 Vol.8 No.2

        최근 문화산업화가 가속화되면서 각 지방자치단체들은 자기 지역의 특성을 살리고 고향을 아름답게 혹은 절실하게 표현한 작가들의 치열한 창작 열기가 고스란히 담겨 있는 공간을 재현하기에 경쟁적으로 나서고 있다. 이름난 작가를 배출한 지방자치단체에서는 문학관을 세워 이를 관광자원으로 만들려는 시도를 꾸준히 해 오고 있다. 최근 문화와 산업의 합일점을 찾아 고부가가치 산업으로 발전시키고자 하는 전 세계적인 양상과 함께 한다. 1970년대 유네스코(UNESCO)를 중심으로 문화산업의 경제적·사회적 분야의 긍정적인 측면이 재조명되기 시작했다. 그 이후 문화의 산업화라는 관점에서 문화산업에 대한 관심이 본격적으로 구체화 된 것은 1980년대 이후다. 우리나라에서 문화산업에 대한 정의는 국내 법규로도 정의되어 있다. ‘문화예술진흥법’ 제2조 2항에 의하면 문화산업은 ‘문화예술의 창작물 또는 문화예술용품을 산업의 수단에 의하여 제작·공연·전시·판매를 하는 업’으로 규정하고 있다. 그리고 ‘문화산업진흥기본법’ 제2조 1항에서는 문화산업을 ‘문화상품의 생산·유통·소비와 관련된 산업’으로 정의하고 있다. 세계적인 경제학자이며 미래학자인 피터 드러커는 “21세기는 문화산업에서 각국의 승패가 결정될 것이고 승부처가 바로 문화산업이다”라고 주장한 바 있다. 문화산업은 21세기 산업이다. 반짝이는 아이디어와 창의성으로 승부할 수 있는 환경 친화적인 고부가가치 산업이다. 그러므로 전국적으로 경쟁적으로 유치되고 있는 문학관은 이러한 문화산업적인 시각으로 접근해서 고찰해 보아야 할 것이다. 각 지자체들이 자기 지역 출신 유명 문인과 지역 홍보를 연계할 필요성을 절감하였다. 또 일부 뜻있는 문인들이 문학적 유산의 전문적인 전시, 보급, 홍보의 목적으로 문학관 건립에 대한 열의로 지어진 것들이다. 이러한 결과 90년대 초반부터 하나 둘 문학관이 개관되기 시작하여, 2009년 현재 41곳의 문학관이 전국에 산재해 있는 실정이다. 그러므로 부산지역에 있는 문학관 운영현황과 미래의 발전 방향에 대한 고찰이 필요한 실정이다. 이는 타 지역에 비해 문학관 활용이 저조한 편이기 때문이다. 부산지역에는 요산문학관, 이주홍문학관, 추리 문학관이 운영되고 있다. 본고에서는 부산지역에 있는 문학관에 대한 현황 연구를 통해 문학관의 다양한 활성화 방안을 모색하고자 한다. 문학관에 대한 연구고찰은 지역 활성화와 지역정체감 확립이라는 최근의 지방 분권화의 경향과 밀접하게 관련되어있다. 따라서 부산지역에 위치하고 있는 문학관의 현황과 역할을 조사하고 운영의 전망을 상세히 알아보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        직업적 아크릴아미드 폭로에 의한 다발성 신경병증

        정해관,권용욱,어경윤,김병준,양정선,정철,진영우,이미영,강성규 大韓産業醫學會 1998 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        Authors report a first Korean case of polyneuropathy in an acrylamide producing factory together with an environmental and epidemiologic survey for the ten workers of the same workplace and 46 workers in the production and manufacturing acrylamide in Ulsan, Korea. The case is 30 years old man who worked in the production of the acrylamide for two years. In August, 1997, he had a weakness of the lower extremity with loss of body weight of 15 Kg which progressed to paresthesia of the limbs, the loss of vibration sense, difficulty in walking, speech disturbance, dysuria, constipation, difficulty in erection and swallowing difficulty. Neurologic examination showed a complete loss of vibration and position sense, and loss of deep tendon reflex in all the limbs. There was a contact dermatitis-like skin lesion on the feet. Electrodiagnostic test showed a generalized polyneuropathy of moderate degree involving motor and sensory component of peripheral and cranial nerves. After 8 months' cessation from exposure and supportive care, his symptoms were completely resolved, but abnormality in electrodiagnostic test and vibrotactile perception threshold still persisted, although much improved than before. There were 11 workers in the same workplace of the case, producing acrylamide by microorganism as a catalyst. Environmental monitoring of the workplace revealed air borne concentration of the acrylamide to be from 0.05 to 0.23 mg/m3 by personal sampling and from 7.65 to 11.65 mg/m3 by area sampling during filter exchanging process, which far exceeds TLV-TWA of 0.03 mg/m3. However, acrylamide was not detected from the plasma of the workers. Symptom questionnaire showed a markedly higher complain of neurologic symptoms, compared to the workers of the other acrylamide producing companies. Electrodiagnostic test showed a several workers are in the lower normal range without definite abnormality. Vibrotactile perception threshold by Vibratron Ⅱ showed a significantly increased threshold in the workers of the same workplace compared to the other acrylamide workers and significantly decreased test score of color vision compared to normal controls. After improvement of the production process and strict wearing of the protective device, most workers reported the improvement of clinical symptoms, but vibrotactile perception threshold was not improved. These result suggests the need for the effective environmental monitoring together with a periodic biological monitoring. Development of effective screening test is urgently needed to control and assess the skin absorption of acrylamide.

      • 생쥐의 卵子와 初期胚子에 對한 Clomiphene Citrate의 細胞毒性에 關한 硏究

        金惠敬,潘勝一,金洋一,文蓮子,朴承澤,鄭然泰 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1993 圓光醫科學 Vol.9 No.1-2

        In order to elucidate the cytotoxicity of clomiphene citrate, the rate of in vitro fertilization(IVF) of ova and the developmental rate of early embroys in A-strain mouse were examined. The rate of ova cleavaging to 2-cell stage by IVF was remarkably decreased(12.6%) at the concentration of 10μg/㎖ of clomiphene than that of the control(65.2%) when the ova fertilized in vitro were cultured for 24 hours in the untreated medium after treatment ova with clomiphene for 5 hrs. But there was no ovum cleavaging to 2-cell stage at 50μg/㎖ clomiphene except only a few 2-polar bodied ova. The developmental rate of mouse early embryos was decreased dose-dependently. Especially at 25μg/㎖ of clomiphene, the number of embryos cleavaging to blastocyst from 2-cell stage(41.4%) was decreased remarkably compared with that of the control(87.2%). And only a few embryos were developed to 8-cell stage at clomiphene concentration of 50μg/㎖ after 2-cell embryos were incubated for 72 hours in clomiphene-treated medium. Morphological changes such as fragmentation and fusion of blastomeres, cytolysis and developmental retardation were increased with dose-dependently. These results suggest that clomiphene has cytotoxic effect by the decrease of the rate of IVF, the developmental rate and the degenerative changes of murine ova and early embryos.

      • 어린이집 식단의 영양 균형성 평가

        이양자,곽동경,이해숙,오경원 연세대학교 생활과학연구소 2001 生活科學論集 Vol.10 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the nutritional balance of recipes collected from five Day-Care Centers; three public and two private centers. Nutrient contents of recipes were evaluated by a self-developed computer program, focusing on the balance of 1) general nutrients, 2) fatty acids and 3) amino acids in lunch and afternoon snack for children aged 4 to 6. The average intake levels of calories, calcium, vitamin A were lower than the recommended levels of the RDA/3. The energy construction of carbohydrate, protein, and fat (CPF ratio) was 56:17:27. The subjects consumed 4.1g of polyunsaturated fatty acids, 2.6g of monounsaturated fatty acids, and 2.4g of saturated fatty acids per lunch and afternoon snack per day. The mean P/M/S ratio of dietary fat was 2.5/1.3/1 (recommendation: 1/1∼1.5/1). The mean ω6/ω3 ratio was 9/1 (desirable rage: 4/1∼10/1). The quality of fat and be improved by including ω3 fatty acid-rich foods such as bean products, seaweeds and fishes more frequently in the diet. Mean daily intake of cholesterol was 50㎎. Quantity and quality of dietary protein were reasonably fair. Varieties in nutritionally balanced menu should be emphasized more for children by nutrition professionals dietitians. It is of utmost importance to support early nutrition in national development and in improving quality of later life.

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