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      • HPLC-ICP/MS 와 ICP/MS를 이용한 FAPAS 07187 쌀의 총비소, 무기비소, 카드뮴 측정

        노현명 ( Hyun Myung Noh ),김지영 ( Ji Young Kim ),김원일 ( Won Il Kim ),( Anitha Kunhikrishnan ),김민지 ( Min Ji Kim12 ),김경진 ( Gyeong Jin Kim ),박기문 ( Ki Moon Park ),류지혁 ( Ji Hyock Yoo ),김두호 ( Doo Ho Kim ),이영자 ( Y 한국환경농학회 2013 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2013 No.-

        Metal (loid)s such as environmental contaminants affect food safety. Metal (loid)s exist trace extremely in agriculture products. Therefore it is important to analyze accurately about trace these metals. High resolution techniques and quality controls are needed to analyze these materials. In order to achieve quality results, standardized methods and techniques are required. So ISO(International Organization for Standardization) of laboratory proficiency testing is determination of laboratory testing performance by means of inter-laboratory comparison. The values have been derived as a consensus of a number of laboratories using a variety of methods. Proficiency tests were applied to analyze the metal(loid)s [inorganic arsenic (As), total As and cadmium (Cd)] in powdered rice FAPAS 07187 (Food Analysis Performance Assessment Scheme; February-April 2013). The rice powder sample was extracted with 1% HNO3 for inorganic As for microwave-assisted extraction using water at 95℃ for 90 min and their analysis by HPLC/ICPMS. Also, HNO3 for total As and Cd using microwave-assisted extraction using at 200℃ for 50 mins and analysis by ICP/MS. Validation check was performed for accuracy using CRM (NMIJ CRM 7503-a) for inorganic As, and CRM (IRMM-Rice CRM) for total arsenic and cadmium. The result were satisfactory. FAPAS 07187 the z-scores of inorganic As, total As and Cd in powdered rice were-1.8,-0.9 and 0.2(lzl<2, respectively).

      • 훈련조건과 경기조건의 표적지 색 구성에 따른 양궁수행 비교

        김진호,안문경 한국학교체육학회 2002 한국학교 체육학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 훈련조건과 경기조건간의 일치도 여하가 경기수행에 미치는 영향을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 구명하기 위하여 양궁종목에서 경기조건과는 다른 조건으로 훈련시킴으로써 이것이 수행에 정적인 영향을 미치는가를 밝히고자 하였다. 그래서 양궁 훈련시 경기용 표적지의 색을 변화시켜 훈련조건과 경기조건을 다르게 한 집단에게서 수행이 향상될 것이라는 가설을 설정하였다. 피험자는 모 체육고둥학교 양궁부에 소속되어 있는 12명의 고등학생이었다. 실험과제는 50m 거리에서의 발사경기였으며, 훈련조건을 경기조건과 다르게 하기 위해서 연구자가 임의로 표적지의 색을 변화시켰다. 1일 훈련 시작 전의 사전검사와 10일간의 계속되는 측정을 바탕으로 각각의 실험에서 2(경기용, 실험용 표적지)×1l(사전검사 1번, 10일간의 검사) 실험설계에 대응하는 반복측정에 의한 이원 변량분석(two-way ANOVA with repeated measures on tests)을 하였으며, 통계분석은 윈도우용 SPSS프로그램을 사용하였다. 실험결과 %발에 대한 점수에서 표적지 조건에 따라서 집단간, 검사간, 그리고 검사와 표적지 조건의 상호작용 효과 모두 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 또한 절대거리오차의 차에서도 표적지의 조건에 따라서 집단간, 검사간, 검사와 표적지 조건의 상호작용 효과가 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 따라서 훈련 조건과 경기조건이 일치하지 않는 조건에서 훈련을 한 집단이 더 많은 수행의 향상을 보일 것이라고 예측한 가설은 지지되지 못했으며 이와 같은 결과는 학습의 다양성보다는 구체성 가설을 지지하는 것이었다. 그러므로 후속 연구에서는 훈련의 다양성 효과를 증명할 수 있도록 피험자의 경력, 실험처치의 강도 등을 고려해야 할 것으로 사료된다. This study was designed to empirically test the effects on archery performance due to the differing degrees of practice-performance similarity. Twelve top-level high school archers were tested in two different target color conditions (regular vs. modified) with a 50m distance in real performance situation. Two randomized groups of subjects were required to practice archery shooting for ten days in the morning sessions, followed by 10 daily performance tests with a pretest, i.e., in a 2(practice conditions)×11(tests) factorial design with a repeated-measures on the second factor. Analyses of test scores revealed that all main effects along with interaction effects were not statistically significant, suggesting that the differing degrees of practice performance rendition did not affect performance in tests. These result were contradictory to the predictions based on the contextual interference effect which says that the higher the contextual interference, the better the practice effect. In order to make a definitive conclusion about the effect due to the similarity between practice and performance conditions, however, more researches are deemed to be necessary.

      • 컴퓨터 작업 시 의자 등받이 위치가 근육 활성도에 미치는 영향

        김민우,변승진,이경은,정소영,조주영,최원자,최찬양,김경 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2011 再活科學硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        이 연구는 컴퓨터 작업시 의자 등받이 위치가 근육활성도에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 36명의 근골격에 문제가 없는 성인 남녀가 참가하였으며 대상자들은 등받이가 뒤에 있는 의자와 등받이가 없는 의자, 등받이가 앞에 있는 우리들 의자를 무작위로 배정하고 동일한 컴퓨터 작업을 실시하게 하였다. 실험 중, 표면근전도기를 사용하여 의자에 따른 위등세모근, 머리널판근 그리고 척주세움근의 근활성도 변화를 측정하였다. 이 연구의 결과를 종합해보면 등받이가 앞에 있는 의자는 허리 근육의 부담을 줄이지만 목근육에 부담이 늘어나고 등받이가 뒤에 있는 의자와 없는 의자는 허리근육에는 다소 무리가 가지만 목근육에는 부담이 덜하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과로 환자의 증상에 다라 컴퓨터 작업을 하는 동안 의자 등받이의 위치를 조절하여 치료에 도움이 될 수 있다고 생각되어진다. Objective : In this study, we checked and observed people's change of body muscle and muscle activity who do computer work on different chairs. We set three kind of chairs which one is a stool and another one is the back is fixed, and the other one is the back is fixed in front of chair. Subject : Accounting for 36 health men and women, we divided these people to 3 groups and put them on the three cases(position 1, position 2, position 3). We measured muscle activity of upper trapezius, Splenius Cervics, Erector Spinae from the groups by using surface electromyogram system. Methods : The standard of the electromyogram was 'reference voluntary contraction', and we carried out 'one way anova' to compare muscle activity of three groups. Results : In position 1, reference voluntary contraction of upper trapezius muscle activity was 123.2821%, Splenius Cervics was 141.7526%, and Erector Spinae was 254.5233%. In position 2, reference voluntary contraction of upper trapezius muscle activity was 132.9395%, Splenius Cervics was 141.7526%, and Erector Spinae was 246.6540%. In position 3, reference voluntary contraction of upper trapezius muscle activity was 190.6487%, Splenius Cervics was 270.2332%, and Erector Spinae was 182.1021%. Both upper trapezius and Splenius Cervics muscle activity of position 3 group was higher than the others groups. In position 1 group, Erector Spinae muscle activity was hight than the other groups. And either was position 2 group's(p<0.05). Conclusion : Therefore the chair which is the back is fixed in front is more comfortable for waist muscle but it's not good for neck. And the other chairs are better in waist muscle but not in neck muscle. So far, when we do a computer work, it's prefer to sit on the group 1&2's chairs to reduce neck muscle's stress and sit on group 3's chair to reduce waist muscle's stress.

      • 참깨에 對한 Ethephon 및 Choline Salt of Maleic Hydrazide(CMH) 處理가 主要形質에 미치는 影響

        崔鎭景,金容在 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1991 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        This study was conducted to improve the percentage of rippeness and increase the yield by elimination of ineffective capsules and withering of growing poiont with spraying the proper concentration of the Ethephon and the CMH at a suitable application time during late growth stage of sesame. The sesame which was used experiment was Danbaek sesame. The Ethephon and the CMH were treated with 250, 500, 1000 and 2500 ppm, and 1000, 2500, 5000 and 10000 ppm on 20, 25, 30, 35 days after flowering time respectively. 1. The stem length was regulated by the two regulators. The effect of Ethephon at early growth stage was higher than at late growth stage. 2. At least, minimum capsules per plant were obtained when the Ethephon and the CMH were applied to below 250 ppm and 5000 ppm on 30 days after flowering time respectively. 3. The percentage of rippeness inferred which was improved by treatment the Ethephon on 25 to 30 days after flowering time. The CMH was increased the percentage of rippeness at all treatment except 10000 ppm. If it were considerated the percentage of rippeness and side capsule, it would moderate applying 250 ppm on 30 days after flowering time. The effects of CMH were higher than those of ethephon. 4. Concentration of the Ethethon and the CMH which didn't lead to decreasing percentage of rippeness were 500 ppm and below 2500 ppm respectively. 5. When the Ethephon was applied to sesame plant, chlorophyl contents of sesame plant arrived to peak on 4 days after application. The other hand the CMH was decreased chlorophyl contents 33 to 48 percent. 6. The both growth regulators didn't affect on the emergency ratio of sesame, but the CMH was decreased 90 percent the emergency ratio of sesame when it was treated more than 20000 ppm. 7. Form finishing flower to maturing stage, the term was obtained by the both growth regulator was 19 to 22 days, 15 to 18 days, 9 to 13 day and 4 to 7 day treatment 20, 25, 30 and 35 days after flowering time respectively. For this period, assimilating products would move plant into grain. 8. Two regulators lead to decreasing no. of grains in capsules formed when those were applied to. 9. When the ethephon was treated on sesame, the percentage of rippeness was improved, but it was difficult to form full capsules per plant. Thus, it didn't expect to increase yield of sesame. While, when the CMH was treated with 2500 ppm on 30 days after flowering time. Because it was subject to obtaining full capsules per plant and was improved the percentage of rippeness. The yield of sesame would be increased 12% than that (85kg/ 10a) of control.

      • 하루 콩단백질 25g 섭취를 위한 메뉴작성 및 영양성분 분석

        한재숙,김정애,서봉순,이연정,서향순,조연숙,한경필,이신정,오옥희,우경자,조은자,구성자,김수진,李承彦,南出隆久 동아시아식생활학회 2002 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop menus for daily intake of 25g soybean protein and to analyse nutrients of these foods. Analytical values were compared to the theoretical one using the food composition table and recommended dietary allowances for Koreans (7th revision). The results are as follows. 1. Soybean curd residue stew, Soybean curd, Kimchi saute, and hard boiled soybean and lotus root were selected for the menu for January, of which the content of soy bean protein(SBP) was 33.1g, soybean stew, soybean curd and soybean sprout saute, and Italian deep fried soybean curd were for February, of which the content of SBP was 35.0g. The content of SBP in soybean paste soup with soybean curd, fried soybean curd and fried soybean curd roll, the menu for March, was 24.9g. That of April were soybean curd gratin with soymilk, soybean curd and ham with garlic dressing and the content of SBP was 26.3g. That of May were soybean porridge, soybean flour cake with honey (Dasik), soybean sprout soup and the content of SBP was 26.7g. That of June were soymilk, pan-fried soybean curd, steamed soybean curd with chicken and the content of SBP was 28.4g. That of July were noodle with soymilk, mapatofu, soybean curd salad and the content of SBP was 24.7g. That of August were soybean sprout with mustard dressing, Tossed green pepper with raw soybean flour, Tofu and Kimchi stew, soybean curd steak and the content of SBP was 26.2g. That of September were Chinese cabbage soup with raw soybean flour, sweet and sour tofu and the content of SBP was 23.2g. That of Oct. were Fermented soybean stew, soybean pan cake and the content of SBP was 24.3g. That of November were not-pressed soybean curd casserole, pan-fried mashed soybean curd with egg, stir frying deep-fried soybean curd with vegetables and the content of SBP was 22.4g. That of December were soybean curd and mushroom casserole, fried soybean curd and vegetables, hard boiled soybean curd and the content of SBP was 28.9g. 2. The ratio of the analytical value over theoretical value (A/B%) of one serving in kcal, carbohydrate, protein, fat, ash and dietary fiber were 57.7~107.7%, 42.9~131.9%, 79.2~118.3%, 54.5~100%, 40.7~80.8% and 42.1~113.2%, respectively. 3. The ratio of A/B% of one serving in Ca, K, Na, P and Fe were 44.1~93.6%, 59.0~153.1%, 53.1~117.7% 64.6%~138.8 and 33.8~77.3%, respectively. That in Fe was the lowest among minerals. 4. The ratio of analytical value over Korean R.D.A(A/C%) in Ca was relatively higher (22.0~85.9%) than that in kcal(18~63%). 5. The ratio of A/C% in Fe was 25.1~64.3% and lower than that in Ca and protein in general.

      • 습동면유 겸용 수용성 금속가공유제의 제조 및 특성 연구

        윤을용,노정석,김해원,김선덕,진경록,김재권 한국공업화학회 2004 응용화학 Vol.8 No.2

        At processing of a metal process, much problems are happening by mixing between slide-way fluid and water-solubility metal-working fluid(MWF). In this study, measure physical & chemical properties and biodegradable properties of base stock and additives that is used to lubricant, and developed water-soluble metal working fluid by slide-way fluid combined use. Biodegradability of developed combined use fluid for 28 days is displayed lower than 10 ppm, and more superior performance than similar fluids in lubrication special quality test.

      • KCI등재

        중국 상해지역 대학생의 김치에 대한 인식조사

        한재숙,한경필,南出隆久,이승언,김영진 한국식생활문화학회 2004 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.19 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese university students' in Shanghai perception for Korean Kimchi. The results were as follows : A questionnaire was examined on male 139(49.5%) and female 142(50.5%) college students of residing in Shanghai. Nationality of Kimchi answered Korea 75% of all the participants, and have eaten Kimchi was 60.9%. Male purchsed commercial Kimchi 42.2% and female restaurant 46.3%(p〈 .01). The first answered 'it was taste' 51.6% when commercial Kimchi purchsed, and packing size of commercial Kimchi was 200g 56.9%. Among the intake experience have eaten Kimchi was the highest Baechu Kimchi 77.8%, Mu Kimchi 58.5% and Oi Kimchi 35.7%, also preference of Kimchi was Baechu Kimchi 49.7%, Mu Kimchi 26.9% and Oi Kimchi 13.8% in order. After have eaten Kimchi answered good 54.5%(p〈 .01), Kimchi liked reason were the highest 'refreshing taste' 39.7%, unliked were oder(of garlic, ginger and anchovy juice, etc) and too spicy in order. Improvement on consumption extention of Kimchi answered 'not too hot' 30.4%, 'not too salty' 28.6% and 'not over-riped' 21.7%. Perception for Kimchi answered the highest mean 3.51 'Kimchi can be preserved for a long time'(p〈 .05) and 'Kimchi is a good side dish with cooked rice'.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Poster Session : PS 1404 ; Hemato-Oncology(Hematology) : Prognostic Significance of Glasgow Prognostic Score in Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma Patients Treated with Chop-Based Chemotherapy

        ( Dong Hyun Kim ),( Sung Yong Oh ),( Hyo Jin Kim ),( Suee Lee ),( Ji Hyun Lee ),( Sung Hyun Kim ),( Gyeong Won Lee ),( Moo Kon Song ),( Ho Jin Shin ),( Moon Jin Kim ),( Seok Jin Kim ),( Won Seog Kim ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: Glasgow prognostic score (GPS), an infiammation-based prognostic score including C-reactive protein (CRP) and albumin, shows significant prognostic value in several types of solid tumors. The prognostic value of GPS in lymphoma remains unclear. The objective of this study was to determine whether the GPS would predict the clinical outcomes in peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) patients treated with CHOPbased chemotherapy. Methods: We performed a retrospective study of 96 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed PTCL. Patients with both an elevated CRP level and hypoalbuminemia (<35 g/L) were given a score of 2. Patients in whom only one of these two biochemical abnormalities was present were allocated a score of 1. Patients in whom neither of these abnormalities was present received a score of 0. Results: The study population consisted of 96 PTCL patients treated with CHOP or intensive CHOP chemotherapy. They comprised 62 males and 34 females, with a median age of 58 years (range, 20-85 years). The patients with limited stage (I, II) were 27.1% and advanced stage (III, IV) were 72.9%. The IPIs<2 and IPIs≥2 were 56.3% and 43.7%. According to GPS classification, 40.6% of patients had a GPS of 0, 29.2% had a GPS of 1, and 30.2% had a GPS of 2. Three year relapse rates according to GPS group (0, 1, and 2) were 56.9%, 46.6%, and 32.1%, respectively. And 3-year OS of GPS (0, 1, and 2) were 67.4%, 62.7%, and 42.2%, respectively. Low GPS was a good prognostic biomarker of progression free survival (PFS) (p = 0.033) and overall survival (OS) (p = 0.012). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that GPS is a significant prognostic factor for PFS and OS in PTCL patients treated with CHOP-based chemotherapy.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Association of Perceived Neighborhood Walkability and Environmental Pollution With Frailty Among Community-dwelling Older Adults in Korean Rural Areas: A Cross-sectional Study

        Kim, Mi-Ji,Seo, Sung-Hyo,Seo, Ae-Rim,Kim, Bo-Kyoung,Lee, Gyeong-Ye,Choi, Yeun-Soon,Kim, Jin-Hwan,Kim, Jang-Rak,Kang, Yune-Sik,Jeong, Baek-Geun,Park, Ki-Soo The Korean Society for Preventive Medicine 2019 예방의학회지 Vol.52 No.6

        Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations of frailty with perceived neighborhood walkability and environmental pollution among community-dwelling older adults in rural areas. Methods: The participants were 808 community-dwelling men and women aged 65 years and older in 2 rural towns. Comprehensive information, including demographics, socioeconomic status, grip strength, polypharmacy, perceived neighborhood environment (specifically, walkability and environmental pollution), and frailty, was collected from participants using face-to-face interviews conducted between June and August 2018. Perceived neighborhood walkability was measured using 20 items that were selected and revised from the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale, the Neighborhood Walkability Checklist from the National Heart Foundation of Australia, and the Physical Activity Neighborhood Environment Survey. The Kaigo-Yobo Checklist was used to assess participants' frailty. Results: The overall prevalence of frailty in this community-dwelling population was 35.5%. Sex, age, cohabitation status, educational attainment, employment status, grip strength, and polypharmacy were significantly associated with frailty. In the logistic regression analysis, frailty was associated with low perceived neighborhood walkability (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.881; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.833 to 0.932; p<0.001) and severe perceived neighborhood environmental pollution (aOR, 1.052; 95% CI, 1.017 to 1.087; p=0.003) after adjusting for sex, age, cohabitation status, educational attainment, employment status, monthly income, grip strength, and polypharmacy. Conclusions: More studies are warranted to establish causal relationships between walkability and environmental pollution and frailty.

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