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        다중 중합효소 연쇄반응을 이용한 소의 Johne병 진단 기법 확립

        김종배,송혜원,김근희,김홍,신광순,김두 대한의생명과학회 2000 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.6 No.1

        반추수에서 발생하는 Johne병의 조기 진단 방법을 제시하고 이 질병의 원인체와 미생물학적 특징이 유사한 M. bovis, M. avium 등의 mycobacteria감염증을 감별 진단하는 방법을 개발하기 위하여 Mycobacterium 균속의 표준균주를 사용하여 중합효소 연쇄반응을 확립하였다. Johne병으로 의심되는 소의 혈액과 유즙을 채취하여 분리한 단핵구 및 거식세포로부터 genomic DNA를 추출하였다. 각 시료로부터 추출한 DNA를 template로 이용하여 Mycobacterium spp.에 특이적인 16S rDNA primer set를 이용한 PCR을 수행하여 시료내의 mycobacterial DNA 보유 여부를 확인하였다. 한편 mycobacteria 양성으로 확인된 시료는 M. avium complex 균종에 특이한 16S rDNA 염기서열을 기초로하여 제작한 primer set와 M. paratuberculosis 의 IS900 sequence에 특이한 primer set를 이용하여 duplex PCR을 수행하여 Johne병 원인체의 보균 여부를 조사하였으며, 이 결과를 oligonucleotide probe를 사용한 Southern blot hybridization을 통하여 다시 확인하였다. 이와 같은 duplex PCR 기법을 실제 축산 현장에서 수집한 유즙과 말초혈액으로부터 분리한 단핵구 및 거식세포 시료에 적용한 결과 본 연구에서 확립한 duplex PCR기법 유용성을 확인할 수 있었다. Diagnosis of Bovine Johne's Disease Using Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reactions In order to improve the early diagnosis of Johne's disease in ruminants, duplex polymerase chain reaction system for the detection of the etiologic agent of M. paratuberculosis and for the differentiation of other mycobacterial animal pathogens, such as M. bovis and M. avium, was applied. Genomic DNAs were purified from peripheral blood monocytes or milk macrophages and were used as templates in the duplex PCR. Detection of Mycobacterium spp. in the specimen was carried out by PCR using primer set specific to the mycobacterial 16S rDNA. And then, mycobacterial DNA-positive specimens were further differentiated with duplex PCR system which was composed of primer sets specific to 16S rDNA of M. avium complex and IS900 gene of M. paratuberculosis. The results were re-confirmed by Southern blot hybridization with oligonucleotide specific to the internal sequence of IS900 PCR amplicons. The applicability of this duplex PCR system was evaluated with DNAs extracted from clinical specimens of peripheral blood monocytes and milk macrophages. In summary, the duplex PCR amplification system described in this experiment is promising molecular technique for the early diagnosis of Johne's disease in ruminants.

      • 급속 열처리시킨 n-GaAs에서 Photoreflectance 연구

        김인수,배인호,최재두,김근형 嶺南大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1997 基礎科學硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        The characteristics of rapid thermal annealed n-GaAs(100) is analyzed by the photoreflectance(PR) measurement. The Si highly doped n-GaAs was observed the FKO signals. The bandgap(E?) and surface electric field(E?) of as-grown sample were 1.423 eV and 2.65×10? V/cm, respectively. In the rapid thermal annealed samples, E? was increased and then decreased by increasing anealing temperature, and it was increased again at 800 ℃. These results could be explained by decreasing of the non-radiative recombination on samples. For the time dependence of the rapid thermal annealing, the amplitude of the PR signal was maximum at 20 sec, and E? was increased by 10.7 times than that of as-grown sample.

      • 동국대학교 부속병원에서 진단된 암환자의 특성

        김두희,임현술,배근량 동국대학교 의학연구소 1999 東國醫學 Vol.6 No.-

        국 문 초 록동국대학교 의과대학 부속 경주병원과 포항병원에서 1996년 1월 1일부터 1997년 12월 31일까지 2년간 암으로 진단 받아 보건복지부 한국중앙암등록본부에 보고하였던 경주병원 암환자 426명(남자 256명, 여자 170명)과 포항병원 암환자 196명(남자 112명, 여자 84명), 총 622명(남자 368명, 여자 254명)을 대상으로 암의 일반적인 특성을 파악하고 전국 암등록자료와 비교 분석하였다. 연구 방법은 암등록 조사보고서를 검토하여 대상자 선정을 한 후 암 환자의 일반적 특성을 조사하였다.암 환자의 평균 연령은 남자는 61.6±14.6세이었고 여자는 59.7±16.2세이었다. 연령 분포는 남녀 모두 70대 이상이 가장 많았고, 60대, 50대, 40대의 순이었다. 거주 지역별 분포는 양 병원 모두 지역 환자가 90% 이상을 차지하였으며 외부에서 환자의 유입이 거의 없었다. 원발부위의 병원별 분포는 여자에서는 차이가 없었으나 남자에서는 경주병원에서 폐암과 방광암이 유의하게 많았다(p<0.05). 전국 암등록자료와 비교하면 남자에서는 폐암과 방광암의 빈도가 높았으나 여자에서는 전국 암등록자료와 유사한 분포를 보였다. 원발부위별 성별 평균연령은 남자에서 위암 62.3±12.2세, 폐암 67.8±8.3세, 간암 56.6±12.5세, 대장암 56.0±15.0세, 방광암 68.0±10.8세, 여자에서 위암 63.4±13.2세, 자궁경부암 50.2±16.0세, 대장암 62.2±13.0세, 간암 63.6±14.4세, 유방암 49.0±9.2세로 남자에서는 간암과 대장암이 여자에서는 자궁경부암과 유방암의 평균 연령이 낮았다. 암 진단방법에 병원간 차이는 발견할 수 없었으나 성별 조직학적 검사 실시율이 남자는 74.5%, 여자는 83.1%로 여자의 실시율이 높았으며, 전국 암등록자료의 남자 79.3 %, 여자 86.8%에 비하여 낮았다. 암환자의 치료방법은 병원별 차이는 없었으나, 성별로는 여자에서 수술 실시율이 유의하게 높았다(p<0.01). 원발부위별로는 수술 실시율이 전국 암등록자료와 비교하였을 때 위암, 대장암, 폐암의 수술 실시율은 낮은 반면, 방광암, 자궁경부암, 유방암의 수술 실시율은 다소 높았다.본 조사는 2년간의 자료를 분석하였으므로 암의 특성에 관한 연도별 변화를 보기에는 어려움이 있었다. 앞으로 매년 자료를 수집하여 계속적으로 분석을 시도하는 노력이 필요하다고 생각한다.AbstractThis study was performed to evaluate the characteristics on 662 cases of cancer registered (male 368 cases, female 254 cases) in two Dongguk University Hospitals from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1997. We obtained the reports of cancer registries in two hospitals and compared them with annual report of the Central Cancer Registry Center in Korea. The results obtained were as follows.The mean age of cases of cancer was 61.6±14.6 years in male, 59.7±16.2 years in female. The most frequent age group in the order of relative frequency was 70 and above, followed by 60∼69, 50∼59, and 40∼49 years of age in both sex groups. The most frequent places of residence was Kyongju or Pohang city(above 90%).In male, the primary sites of cancer in the order of relative frequency was stomach (28.0%), followed by lung (20.7%), liver (13.9%), urinary bladder (6.3%) and colorectum (6.3%). In female, the primary sites of cancer in the order of relative frequency was stomach (26.0%), followed by uterine cervix (11.8%), colorectum (10.2%), liver (7.1%) and breast (6.3%). The mean age of primary site of cancer was stomach 62.3±12.2 years, lung 67.8±8.3 years, liver 56.6±12.5 years, colorectum 56.0±15.0 years and urinary bladder 68.0±10.8 years in male. In female, The mean age of primary site of cancer was stomach 63.4±13.2 years, uterine cervix 50.2±16.0 years, colorectum 62.2±13.0 years, liver 63.6±14.4 years and breast 49.0±9.2 years. The relative frequency of cases diagnosed by the pathologic examination were higher in female (83.1%) than in male (74.5%)(p<0.05). The positive rate of operation were higher in female (52.8%) than in male (31.0%)(p<0.01). There were no difference of diagnostic and treatment methods between hospitals.

      • 국내육성 오차드그라스 품종들의 캘러스 형성율 및 식물체 재분화 효율

        김기용,강경민,배은경,이인애,임용우,최기준,박근제,손대영,조진기 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research 2003 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research Vol.2003 No.-

        Comparisons of callus formation ratios from seed explants, callus sizes, regeneration ratios from callus and regeneration efficiency for 4 orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) varieties (Three were developed in Korea and one was imported from foreign nation) are as follows; Jangbeol 102 (67.0%) has the highest callus formation ratio in 4 weeks incubated callus after bedding the seed explants, but Potomac (68.4%) has the highest ratio in 6-seek callus. Potomac (3.93cm) has the highest callus size in 4-week callus, but Jangbeol 101 (4.32cm) has the highest size in 6-week callus. Jangbeol 101 (17.7%) has the highest plant regeneration ratio in 4-week callus, but Potomac (37.4%) has the highest raion in 6-week callus. Jangbeol 102 (11.5%) has the highest plant regeneration efficiency in 4-week callus, but Potomac (25.6%) has the highest efficiency in 6-week callus.

      • KCI등재

        다중 중합효소 연쇄반응을 이용한 반코마이신 내성 장구균의 신속 검출

        박성언,박수진,엄용빈,김종배,송혜원,박상욱,김양수,김근희 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 1999 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.5 No.1

        일반적으로 임상검사실에서 vancomycin resistant enterococci(VRE)를 검출하는 일은 어렵고, 시간이 많이 들며, 검체처리 비용도 많이 든다. 따라서 본 실험은 임상검체에서 분리된 세균으로부터 VRE를 신속하게 확인하고, 진단하기 위한 방법으로서 다중 중합효소 연쇄반응을 확립하였다. 본 실험에 사용된 primer는 장구균에 특이한 유전자인 vanA, vanB, vanC-1, vanC-2/3각각의 염기서열을 기초로 primer를 제작하고, 다중 중합효소 연쇄반응을 실시하여 임상검체로부터 분리된 VRE 유전자의 type 및 분포율을 조사하고자 하였다. 국내에서 분리된 75주의 장구균을 대상으로 다중 중합효소 연쇄반응을 실시한 결과 36주의 분리균주에서 vancomycin에 대해 높은 저항성을 보이는 vanA 유전자를 가진 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 18주에서는 vancomycin에 낮은 저항성을 내성을 보이는 vanC-1또는 vanC-2/3유전자를 보유한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 실험에서 확립한 다중 중합효소 연쇄반응 기법은 신속한 VRE 진단 방법으로 이용할 수 있을 것이다. It is generally difficult, time-consuming, and expensive for the clinical laboratory to detect vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE). The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay system as a diagnostic tool for the rapid detection of VRE from clinical samples and/or for the identification of VRE from the bacterial strains isolated from clinical specimens. Specific primers, designed from the nucleotide sequences respectively encoding the vanA, vanB, vanC-1, vanC-2/3 genes in enterococci, were coupled in a multiplex PCR assay system. With this multiplex PCR assay system, we investigated the incidence rates and types of VRE isolated from clinical samples. A total of 75 strains of enterococci were isolated in 3 general hospitals in Korea. Of these isolates, 36 strains showed a pattern of highlevel vancomycin resistance which associated with vanA gene, whereas 18 strains showed lowlevel vancomycin resistance associated with vanC-1 or vanC-2/3 gene. Thus, multiplex PCR assay method established in this study could be applied for the rapid detection of VRE.

      • CMV감염에 의한 Infection-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome 1예

        최관수,정 만,류영근,김지운,강상구,천석배 대한감염학회 1993 감염 Vol.25 No.4

        저자들은 임상과 혈액검사에서 CMV monoucleosis로 진단된 21세 남자환자에서 골수검사상 적혈구를 탐식하는 조직구의 증식으로 보아 CMV가 그 원인으로 추정되는 IAHS 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. The 21-year-old male patient complained of high fever, chills, severe malaise, myalgia, and gingival bleeding for 10 days. The patient presented pancytopenia and hepatosplenomegaly. We examined peripheral blood smear, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, serologic tests for antibodies on cytomegalovirus(CMV), platelet and heterophil, and upper abdominal ultrasonography. There were pancytiopenia and peripheral lymphocytosis with atypical lymphocytes in the peripheral blood smear and histocytes phagocytosing red blood cells in the bone marrow examination. The CMV-specific IgM antibody was positive. The antibodies for platelet and heterophil were absent. We diagnosed as Infection-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome (IAHS) due to CMV for the patient. Therefore, we report a case of IAHS associated with CMV mononucleosis with a brief review of literature.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        유산균들의 콜레스테를 저하성, 내산성, 내담즙성, 항생제 내성 비교

        박소영,고영태,정후길,양진오,정현서,김영배,지근억 한국미생물생명공학회 ( 구 한국산업미생물학회 ) 1996 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        기능성 요구르트의 제조에 사용되는 유산균은 인체에 유익한 생리활성과 우수한 생존능력을 보유하고 있는 것이 바람직하다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 유산균주의 산과 담즙 및 항생제에 대한 내성을 조사하였으며 in vitro에서 콜레스테롤 저하능을 조사하였다. In vitro에서 콜레스테롤 저하능이 우수한 13균주를 선발하여 이들의 동결건조 분말을 고 콜레스테롤 식이의 실험쥐에 투여하였다. 그 결과 8균주는 비 투여구보다 유의적으로 18.3~27.3%의 콜레스테롤 저하능을 나타냈다(P≤0.05). 이들 중에서 Bifidobacterium infantis AM-220, Lactobacillus AM-245, Streptococcus MA-1의 3균주를 이용하여 요구르트를 제조한 후 동결건조 분말을 이용하여 급여실험을 수행한 결과, 총 콜레스테롤과 LDL 함량이 유의적으로 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. For a probiotic yoghurt it is desirable to utilize lactic acid bacteria with a high survival rate and beneficial function to human beings. We have examined a variety of lactic acid bacteria to assess the acid and bile tolerance and antibiotic resistance. In addition, an in vitro culture experiment was performed to evaluate their ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the growth medium. Thirteen strains were selected from in vitro cholesterol assays and fed to Sprague-Dawley rats with a high-cholesterol diet. Among the 13 strains tested, 8 strains were shown to reduce serum cholesterol levels significantly after 24 days of administration in vivo. Rats were fed lyophilized yoghurt powder fermented with a combination of 3 selected strains: Bifidobacterium infantis AM-220, Lactobacillus AM-245, and Streptococcus MA-1. The levels of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein were significantly lower (p≤0.05) in rats fed the yoghurt powder compared with control group. These studies suggest that yoghurt fermented with appropriately selected lactic acid bacteria may have a anticholesterolemic effect.

      • High-Performance Si/SiO<sub><i>x</i></sub> Nanosphere Anode Material by Multipurpose Interfacial Engineering with Black TiO<sub>2–<i>x</i></sub>

        Bae, Juhye,Kim, Dae Sik,Yoo, Hyundong,Park, Eunjun,Lim, Young-Geun,Park, Min-Sik,Kim, Young-Jun,Kim, Hansu American Chemical Society 2016 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol.8 No.7

        <P>Silicon oxides (SiOx) have attracted recent attention for their great potential as promising anode materials for lithium ion batteries as a result of their high energy density and excellent cycle performance. Despite these advantages, the commercial use of these materials is still impeded by low initial Coulombic efficiency and high production cost associated with a complicated synthesis process. Here, we demonstrate that Si/SiOx nanosphere anode materials show much improved performance enabled by electroconductive black TiO2-x coating in terms of reversible capacity, Coulombic efficiency, and thermal reliability. The resulting anode material exhibits a high reversible capacity of 1200 mAh g(-1) with an excellent cycle performance of up to 100 cycles. The introduction of a TiO2-x layer induces further reduction of the Si species in the SiOx matrix phase, thereby increasing the reversible capacity and initial Coulombic efficiency. Besides the improved electrochemical performance, the TiO2-x coating layer plays a key role in improving the thermal reliability of the Si/SiOx nanosphere anode material at the same time. We believe that this multipurpose interfacial engineering approach provides another route toward high-performance Si-based anode materials on a commercial scale.</P>

      • A Two-Step-Recess Process Based on Atomic-Layer Etching for High-Performance <tex> $\hbox{In}_{0.52}\hbox{Al}_{0.48}\hbox{As}\hbox{/}\hbox{In}_{0.53} \hbox{Ga}_{0.47}\hbox{As}$</tex> p-HEMTs

        Kim, Tae-Woo,Kim, Dae-Hyun,Park, Sang-Duk,Shin, Seung Heon,Jo, Seong June,Song, Ho-Jin,Park, Young Min,Bae, Jeoun-Oun,Kim, Young-Woon,Yeom, Geun-Young,Jang, Jae-Hyung,Song, Jong-In IEEE 2008 IEEE transactions on electron devices Vol.55 No.7

        <P> We investigated 60-nm <TEX>$\hbox{In}_{0.52}\hbox{Al}_{0.48}\hbox{As}\hbox{/} \break\hbox{In}_{0.53}\hbox{Ga}_{0.47}\hbox{As}$</TEX> pseudomorphic high-electron mobility transistors (p-HEMTs) fabricated by using a Ne-based atomic-layer-etching (ALET) technology. The ALET process produced a reproducible etch rate of 1.47 <TEX>$\hbox{\bf{\AA}}$</TEX> /cycle for an InP etch stop layer, an excellent InP etch selectivity of 70 against an <TEX>$ \hbox{In}_{0.52}\hbox{Al}_{0.48}\hbox{As}$</TEX> barrier layer, and an rms surface-roughness value of 1.37 <TEX>$\hbox{\bf{\AA}}$</TEX> for the exposed <TEX>$\hbox{In}_{0.52}\hbox{Al}_{0.48}\hbox{As}$</TEX> barrier after removing the InP etch stop layer. The application of the ALET technology for the gate recess of 60-nm <TEX>$\hbox{In}_{0.52} \hbox{Al}_{0.48}\hbox{As}\hbox{/}\hbox{In}_{0.53}\hbox{Ga}_{0.47}\hbox{As}$</TEX> p-HEMTs produced improved device parameters, including transconductance <TEX>$(G_{M})$</TEX>, cutoff frequencies <TEX>$(f_{T})$</TEX>, and electron saturation velocity <TEX>$(\upsilon_{\rm sat})$</TEX> in the channel layer, which is mainly due to the high etch selectivity and low plasma-induced damage to the gate area. The 60-nm <TEX>$\hbox{In}_{0.52}\hbox{Al}_{0.48}\hbox{As}\hbox{/}\hbox{In}_{0.53}\hbox{Ga}_{0.47}\hbox{As}$</TEX> p-HEMTs fabricated by using the ALET technology exhibited <TEX>$G_{M, {\rm Max}} = \hbox{1.17}\ \hbox{S/mm}$</TEX> , <TEX>$f_{T} = \hbox{398}\ \hbox{GHz}$</TEX> , and <TEX>$\upsilon_{\rm sat} = \hbox{2.5}\ \times \hbox{10}^{7}\ \hbox{cm/s}$</TEX>. </P>

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