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      • 대리모의 실태와 그 법적 문제점에 관한 연구

        강남진 대한민사법학회 2004 민사법연구 Vol.12 No.2

        It is the most natural desire for people to have their own child, but some people fail to have them because of some biological defects or others. In this case, they can adopt other's children. But there are many parents who aren't satisfied with adopted children. Because they, adopted children, are not their own blood. The development of modern medical technology can solve the problem by the way of artificial insemination. But this medical method raise ethical and social problems. So they use the Surrogate Motherhood. It means that the married couple who can't have their own child because of wife's infertility enters into a contract with a volunteer woman to bear a child. There are some problems in surrogate mother contract. First, the child who was born by the surrogate motherhood could have a serious "psychological trauma" when he finds that his mother(surrogate mother) gives him up. Second, giving some money as a pay for bearing a child cause a serious ethical and social problems that is a buying and a selling a baby with money. Our country denies the validity of the surrogate motherhood according to Art 103 Civil Law which bans a anti-public policy and a anti-social order. To solve above-mentioned problems, we need a new regulation. I think, it is the most important thing to consider the child's happiness and welfare, "the best interest of the child", without reference to the validity of surrogate mother contract itself.

      • 협동학습을 활용한 초등학교 인성교육의 활성화 : 도덕과 교육을 중심으로

        조강모,이인재,정남진 광주교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2000 初等敎育硏究 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study have two as follows; One is to examine the theoretical backgrounds and some effects of cooperative learning and the other is to prove the usefulness of cooperative learning in moral teaching and to provide an effective model of moral teaching in order to develop three aspects of morality. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other's learning. Within cooperative activities individuals seek outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to all other group members. Cooperative efforts result in participants striving for mutual benefit so that all group members gain from each other's efforts, recognizing that all group members share a common fate, knowing that one's performance is mutually caused for achievement. It is founded that cooperative learning is one of effective instructional processes to develop student's character. It gives students regular practice in developing important social and moral competencies, such as the ability to take perspective, work as a part of a tem, and appreciate others, at the same time that they are learning academic materials. Cooperative learning also contributes to the development of cohesive and caring classroom community by breaking down inter-personal distrust and over-competition and integrating every student into the small social structure of the cooperative group. We proposed the integrated model of moral teaching that could be helpful to build moral knowing, moral feeling, moral acting of students.

      • KCI등재

        체내 납부담의 지표로서 누적 혈중 납량과 누적 혈중 ZPP가 납 관련 신기능에 미치는 영향

        윤강호,김남수,김진호,김화성,이병국 대한산업의학회 2006 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        목적: 체내 납부담의 지표로서 누적 혈중 납량과 누적 혈중 ZPP가 납관련 신기능에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 678명의 납 작업자들을 대상으로 본 연구를 시도하였다. 방법: 누적 혈중 납량과 누적 혈중 ZPP는 입사시부터 매 1년간의 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP를 누적하여 구하였다. 입사시기가 1983년 이전인 납 작업자의 경우는 최초 혈중 납량과 최초 혈중 ZPP를 그 이전의 값으로 추정하여 구하였다. 체내 납부담의 지표로서 골중 납량과 DMSA착화납량을 측정하였으며, 최근의 납 노출 지표로서는 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP를 측정하였다. 신기능을 평가하는 지표로서는 임상 신기능 지표로서 BUN과 혈청 creatinine을 측정하였고, 신기능 조기지표로는 NAG (N-acetyl-D- glucosamide)와 RBP (Retinol binding protein)를 측정하였다. 결과: 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP의 누적지수와 골중 납량과는 결정계수(r²)는 각각 0.72와 0.567로서 유의한 상관이 있었으며 이들 누적지수와 골중 납량은 곡선형적 모델이 더 적합하였다. 신기능 지표들을 종속변수로 하고 성, 연령, 직력 및 음주와 흡연을 통제한 후 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP를 독립변수로 한 중회귀분석에서 혈중 납량은 4개의 신기능 지표들 중 지수 변환한 NAG와만 유의한 관련이 있는 반면, 혈중 ZPP는 지수변환한 NAG를 제외한 신기능 지표들과 유의한 관련이 있었다. 한편 신기능 지표들을 종속변수로 하고 연령 및 직력과 음주와 흡연을 통제한 후 체내 납 부담노출지표들을 독립변수로 한 중회귀분석에서 골중 납량과 혈중 ZPP 누적지수는 4개의 신기능 지표들과 유의한 관련이 있는 반면, DMSA 착화납량과 혈중 납량 누적지수는 BUN을 제외한 신기능 지표들과 유의한 관련이 있었다. 결론: 상기한 결과로 보아 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP의 누적지수는 체내 납부담의 지표로서 효용성이 입증되었으며, 특히 혈중 ZPP의 누적지수가 혈중 납량의 누적지수보다 체내 납부담의 대리지표로서 더 좋은 것으로 나타났다. Objective: To evaluate the possibility of cumulative blood lead and blood ZPP as surrogates of lead body burden and to investigate their association with renal function as an index of lead body burden. Methods: The study subjects comprised 678 lead workers with past blood lead and blood ZPP data from their employment. Cumulative blood and ZPP were calculated by accumulating the every year mean value of both indices from the new employment since 1983. To assess the cumulative data of lead workers who started their lead work before 1983, the years before 1983 were simulated with the first available data from 1983. Study variables for lead body burden were tibia bone lead and DMSA chelatable lead, whereas those for current lead biomarkers were blood lead and blood ZPP. BUN and serum creatinine were selected as clinical renal biomarkers, while NAG (N-acetyl-D-glucosamine) and RBP (Retinol binding protein) were selected as early renal biomarkers. Results: The association between cumulative blood lead and blood ZPP with tibia bone lead was statistically significant with determinant coefficients (r²) of 0.72 and 0.567, respectively, and their relationships were better explained by the curvilinear regression model. In multiple regression analysis of current lead biomarkers on the renal biomarkers after controlling for possible confounders (age, sex, job duration, smoking and drinking status), blood lead was associated only with log-transformed NAG, whereas blood ZPP was associated with 3 other renal biomarkers. On the other hand, in multiple regression analysis of biomarkers of lead body burden on renal biomarkers after controlling for possible confounders (age, sex, job duration, smoking and drinking status), cumulative blood ZPP and tibia bone lead were associated with all 4 renal function biomarkers, whereas cumulative blood lead and DMSA chelatable lead were associated with 3 renal biomarkers except BUN. Conclusion: Cumulative blood and ZPP were demonstrated to be good surrogates of lead burden. Furthermore, the cumulative blood ZPP was confirmed to have a better association than the cumulative blood lead.

      • 高敞地域 農業用水源의 水質特性에 關한 硏究

        金煥起,姜鎭錫,全鍾南 全北大學校 附設 都市및環境硏究所 1992 都市 및 環境硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        This paper had study on the water quality characteristics and water quality management of water sources as agricultural water in Gochang. This study included the measurement of stream water quality, water quality of reservoir and water quality of groundwater, this investigation was tried to find out water quality standard of agricultural water into each sources. Results from water quality analysis, the water quality of stream in Gochang was measure that pH was 8.5-7.0, COD was 14.8-1.6㎎/ℓ, SS was 282.8-1.2㎎/ℓ, T-P was 2.64-0.17㎎/ℓ, T-P was 0.22-0.01㎎/ℓ, electric conductivity was 220-50㎲/㎝ and Cd, Pb, Cu was below 0.01㎎/ℓ. The water quality of reservoir in Gochang was measure that pH was 7.0-8.0, COD was 8.0-2.6㎎/ℓ, SS was 126.1-3.4㎎/ℓ, T-P was 1.13-0.456㎎/ℓ, T-P was 0.16-0.05㎎/ℓ, electric conductivity was 200-130㎲/㎝. The water quality of ground water in Gochang was measure that pH was 6.0-8.4, TS was 51.8-419.8㎎/ℓ, COD was 2.4-1.0㎎/ℓ, CO_3^- was 125.8-14.5㎎/ℓ, SO_4 was 0.46-48.3㎎/ℓ, Cl^- was 134.1-3.6㎎/ℓ, T-N was high 15㎎/ℓ Therefore, stream water and reservoir water in Gochang had adequate to agricultural water quality standard. The ground water had adequate to agricultural water quality standard in deep well and low well.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Effect of Epitaxial Strain on the Interfacial Electronic Properties of MgO/Fe(001): An Ab initio Study

        Jin-Nam Yeo,유병덕,Gang Man Jee,B. C. Choi 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.52 No.6

        The electronic properties of epitaxially strained MgO/Fe(001) interfaces were studied using {\em ab initio} electronic structure calculations based on the density functional theory. In epitaxially stacked Fe/MgO/Fe(001) magnetic tunnel junctions, the top Fe/MgO interface can be described by the strained MgO/Fe(001) interfaces. The calculations in this study showed that epitaxial strain influences the electronic properties of interfacial Fe between the Fe and the MgO films: For tensile strain, the spin-minority interfacial peak state near Fermi energy shifts upwards in energy, for compressive strain downwards. When the MgO/Fe(001) system is under 4.6 \% tensile strain corresponding to a lattice constant of bulk MgO, the energy shift of the peak state was 0.3 eV. The interfacial spin-minority density of states at the Fermi energy dropped to a third of the unstrained value. This indicates that epitaxial strain, in addition to interfacial atomic structures or structural disorder, can play an important role in spin-dependent tunneling.

      • KCI등재

        Case Reports : Methemglobinemia from Antifreeze Containing Sodium Nitrite

        ( Gang Wook Lee ),( Yong Jin Park ),( Sun Pyo Kim ),( Seong Jung Kim ),( Soo Hyung Cho ),( Nam Soo Cho ) 대한응급의학회 2013 대한응급의학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Sodium nitrite is commercially used as a coloring agent, food preservative, and corrosion inhibitor. Accidental poisoning with sodium nitrite from contaminated food and water causes gastrointestinal irritation, vasodilatation, and methemoglobinemia with subsequent tissue hypoxia. We describe an outbreak case of sodium nitrite-induced methemoglobinemia following the ingestion of noodles contaminated with industrial antifreeze. The eEight patients involved initially complained that their noodles tasted ``unpleasant`` and soon afterwards experienced nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and fatigue. Some of them noted cyanosis on their lips and fingers. Subsequent investigations demonstrated a high methemoglobin concentration which was corrected by the intravenous administration of methylene blue three hours after the onset of symptoms. The patients made a prompt, uncomplicated recovery and were discharged home 4 four days later. Industrial antifreeze contains sodium nitrite and calcium nitrite. Because an accidental poisoning of industrial antifreeze causes fatal methemoglobinemia, emergency physicians should promptly identify its symptoms and institute treatment with methylene blue promptly. In addition, industrial agencies must caution construction businesses against such contamination events.

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