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      • 조혈모세포이식 후 발생한 주폐포자층 폐렴에 대한 고찰

        주지현,최정현,이동건,백지연,고윤호,이혜정,김세희,신호진,박윤희,박지영,김유진,신완식,김춘추 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.4

        Background : Pneumocytitis cainii pneumonia (PCP) can occur in immunocompromised hosts especially such as AIDS or cancer patients. Although recent research had focused on PCP in AIDS patients, few studies have described the clinical presentations of PCP in recipients of stem cell transplantation (SCT). We evaluated the clinical manifestations of PCP in SCT patients admitted at St. Mary's hospital, Seoul, Korea. Methods : The medical records of 17 PCP patients undergoing SCT between Feb. 1998 and Feb. 2000 were reviewed. The diagnosis of PCP was confirmed through the demonstration of Pneumocytitis cainii via either cytology of brochoalveolar lavage (BAL) or histological technique of lung biopsy. CMV disease and CMV infection were confirmed by BAL culture and antigenemia respectively . Results : Seventeen patients were all recipients of allogeneic SCT and 7 of 17 patients were performed non-sibling SCT. Patients presented with symptoms including brief period (4 ∼23 days) of fever (76%), dyspnea (70%), cough (64%), and signs such as rare(58.8%), Sixteen patients (94%) had been receiving immunosuppressive agent such as cyclosporine A (64%) or Fk506 (35%) without PCP prophylaxis. Eleven patients (64%) were treated with corticosteroid with mean dose of 16 mg/day prednisolone and mean duration of 4.6 months after post-SCT period. Twelve patients were co-infected with CMV. Another co-infected miCroorganisms were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, herpes simplex virus, parainfluenza virus, Average duration of treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) was 21 ±9 days. Four patients died, and three of them were related with PCP. Conclusion : PCP developed frequently in patients who were taking immunosuppressive drug due to graft versus host disease or were not taking TMP/SMX prophylaxis. High risk patients showing fever, cough, or dyspnea should be considered to take early bronchoscopic intervention for detection of PCP. When treat for PCP, it also be considered to the possibility of coinfection such as CMV. (Korean J Infect Dis 33:273∼279, 2001)

      • KCI등재

        Geochemistry of Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag Deposits from the Euiseong Mineralized Area

        Chi Se Jung(池世定),Doh Seong Jae(都城宰),Choi Seon Gyu(崔善奎),Lee Jae Ho(李哉昊) 대한자원환경지질학회 1989 자원환경지질 Vol.22 No.3

        경북 의성 퇴적분지내에는 수개조의 함 Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag 열수석영맥이 주향 N 20°-40°W, 경사 70°-80°NE의 단층면을 따라 충진되어 있으며, 맥폭은 1.0m 이하이고, 약 200m 이상 연장되어 있다. 광화작용은 구조운동에 수반되어 3회 (I, II, III기)에 걸쳐 진행되었다. 주 광화시기인 제 I 광화시기에는 주로 황동석, 유비철석, 황철석, 방연석, 섬아연석과 미량의 사면동석 및 함Pb, Ag, Sb, Bi 유염 광물 등이 산출된다. 유체 포유물 연구에 의하면, 제I광화작용시 銅을 위시한 광석 광물은 7.5-4.5wt.% 염상당농도를 갖는 광화유체로부터 초기 400℃에서 후기 200℃에 걸쳐 침전되었고, 350℃ 부근에서 광화유체의 비등 현상이 있었음을 확인하였다. H₂O-NaCl 임계곡선에 의해 구한 광화유체의 최대 압력은 150bar이고, 이는 1.7km의 심도에 해당된다. Cu의 침전은 전 유황種의 농도가 10-0.5-10-1.8M인 광화유체가 약 350℃에서 250℃로 감소되면서 비등작용과 함께 천수유입에 의한 냉각 작용에 의하여, 광화유체 내의 유황, 산소의 분압이 각각 10-8, 10-30atm.에서 10-12, 10-36atm.으로 감소되고, 한편 pH가 증가되어, Cu complex 이온의 농도가 103에서 10ppm으로 감소되면서 주로 황동석으로 침전되었다. 함 Pb, Ag, Sb, Bi 유염광물은 250℃ 이하에서 유황과 산소분압이 각각 10-12, 10-36atm. 이하인 광화유체에서 계속되는 천수유입으로 인한 냉각작용과 희석작용에 의해 침전되었다. The Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag hydrothermal vein type deposits which comprise the Dongil and Dong-cheogogsan mines occur within the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the Euiseong Basin of the southern Korean peninsula. The ore mineralization is contained within three stage(I,II and III) quartz and calcite veins. Ore minerals occur as dominant chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite and Pb, Ag, Sb and Bi-bearing sulfosalts. Stage I ore minerals were deposited between 400℃ and 200℃ from the fluid with moderate salinities(7.0 to 4.5 eq. wt. % NaCl). Evidence of boiling suggests pressure of less than 150 bars during stage I mineralization. This pressure corresponds to maximum depths of 650 m and 1700 m, respectively, assuming lithostatic and hydrostatic loads. The data on mineralogy, temperature and salinity, together with information on the solubility of Cu complex, suggest that Cu deposition is a result of boiling coupled with declining temperature from 350° to 250℃ or declining log ao2(from -29.8 to -35.9 atm.)and increasing in pH. Pb, Ag, Sb and Bi-bearing sulfosalts were deposited by cooling and dilution at temperature of less than 250℃ from the ore fluid with less than -35.9 atm. of log ao2.

      • KCI등재

        義城地域의 金-銀 鑛化作用

        Se Jung Chi(池世定),Seon Gyu Choi(崔善奎),Seong Jae Doh(都城宰),Yong Kwon Koh(高龍權) 대한자원환경지질학회 1991 자원환경지질 Vol.24 No.2

        The Au-Ag deposits of the Euiseong area occurred in quartz veins which filled fissures in Cretaceous sedimentary and volcanic rocks. These ore veins can be classified in two types of deposits based on metallic mineral assemblages as follow: a pyrite type gold-silver deposit(Hoedong mine), characterized by Cu sulfides with Au-Ag alloy, and a Sb-rich silver deposit(Keumdongdo mine), characterized by base metal with Ag-bearing sulfosalts. Mineralogic and fluid inclusion evidences suggest that the ore minerals of these deposits was deposited from initial high temperatures (near 350℃) to later lower temperatures (200℃) with moderate salinity fluids ranging from 5.8 to 3.8 eq. wt.% NaCl. The gold-silver mineralization of the Hoedong mine occurred at temperatures between 300 and 200℃ from fluids with log fS₂ of -10~-16 atm. The antimony - silver mineralization of the Keumdongdo mine were deposited at the higher temperatures (350 to 250℃) and fS₂ (-10~-13 atm) than gold mineralization of the Hoedong mine. The calculated log fO₂ of fluids at 250℃ in two deposits are -32 to -34 atm and -36.5 to -38.5 atm, respectively. Boiling evidences indicate that the ore mineralization of the Hoedong mine occurred at more shallow depth (0.5 km) than that (1km) of the Keumdongdo mine. The above differences of depositional environments between two deposits caused the compositional changes of ore minerals such as electrum and sphalerite.

      • KCI등재

        Reflectance and Microhardness Characteristics of Sulfide Minerals from the Sambong Copper Mine

        Se Jung Chi(池世定) 대한자원환경지질학회 1984 자원환경지질 Vol.17 No.2

        본 논문에서는 경남일대 동 광화대에 위치하는 삼봉광산의 함 동-연-아연-은 열수 석영맥을 대상으로 황화 광석광물의 광물학적 특성을 규명하였다. 백악기 경상 퇴적 분지의 상부 지층인 칼크-알카리 화산암류 내에 발달된 N-S~N13°W/65~85°W의 제 단층 열극면 및 압쇄대를 따라 수 개조의 평행한 함 동-연-아연-은 열수 석영맥이 0.5-1.5Km 연장 부존되어 있다. 주 광석광물은 황동석, 방연석, 섬아연석, 황철석 등이며 맥석광물은 석영, 방해석, 견운모, 녹리석 등이다. 이들 광물로 구성된 함 동-연-아연-은 석영맥 내에 있어서 부광대의 발달은 구조 규제를 받고 있으며, 수평 및 수직적 방향에 있어서 조성광물의 대상분포 현상을 보여준다. 열수광화작용은 시기적으로 3회에 걸쳐 진행되었다. 광화 제 1시기(Stage I)는 미량의 황철석과 황동광이 수반하며 제 2시기에는 황동광, 방연광, 섬아연석과 극미량의 제유화 광물을 수반하는 개발대상의 석영맥(Stage IIa and IIb)이 형성되었고, 제 3시기에는 이들 석영맥의 약석대를 따라 최후의 방해석맥 (carbonate stage)이 형성되었다. 주조성 광물과 부성분 광물(황동석, 방연석, 섬아연석, 황철석, 유비철석, 백철석, 에나자이트)을 대상으로 물리적 특성을 실험하고, 광물의 형성단계, 부성분, 결정면의 방향과의 상관성을 밝히며 금속광물의 감정을 위한 제 자료를 제시하고자 반사도와 미경도를 실험 연구하였다 광화시기에 따른 반사력의 특성은 광화작용중 열수계의 물리 화학적 환경의 변화에 따른 광물의 성분 및 구조적 차이에 기인되는 것으로 고려된다. 섬아연석의 반사력과 굴절률은 Zn을 치환하는 철 함량에 정비례하며, //(100) 결정면에서 //(111) 결정면 보다 높은 값을 보여준다. 정성, 정량적인 부성분에 의한 내부반사(백색광하)를 +니콜하에서만 보여주는 경우 섬아연석은 정상 반사력의 값을 가지나, //니콜하에서도 내부반사를 보이는 것은 매우 상이한 spectral dispersion을 나타내는데, 내부 반사광과 같은 파장(544mμ, 593mμ, 615mμ)에서 선택반사 효과는 최대가 된다. 불투명 이방성 광석광물인 황동석은 2축성(-)이다. 표준 하중별로 실시한 빅카의 미경도 실험에서, 섬아연석은 100g 하중하에서 철함량이 8.05%에까지 증가함에 따라 미경도 값이 급격히 증가하나 철 성분이 더 많으면 다시 감소하는 경향을 보여준다. 섬아연석은 //(100) 결정면에서 //(111) 결정면보다 미경도 값이 크며, 방연석 //(111), //(210), //(100)의 순으로 결정방향에 따라 미경도 값이 작아진다. 경도가 작은 유화광물 일수록 indentation의 대각선 길이의 변화폭이 크며, 실험 광물에서는 황철석 섬아연광 황동광 방연광 순으로 증가된다. 한편 모든 실험 광물은 결정방향에 따라 각각 특징적인 indentation의 형태와 단구를 갖는데, 이는 광물감정과 결정면의 방향을 규명하는데 좋은 자료가 된다. The Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag hydrothermal vein-type deposits which comprise the Sambong mine occur within calc-alkaline volcanics of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin. The ore mineralization took place through three distinct stages of quartz (I and II stages) and calcite veins (III stage) which fill the pre-existing fault breccia zones. These stages were separated in time by tectonic fracturing and brecciation events. The reflection variations of one mineral depending on mineralization sequence are considered to be resulted from variation in its chemical composition due to different physico-chemical conditions in the hydrothermal system. The reflection power of sphalerite increases with the content of Fe substituted for Zn. Reflectances of the sphalerite grain are lower on (111) than on (100) surface. The spectral profiles depend on the internal reflection color. Sphalerite, showing green, yellow and reddish brown internal reflection, have the highest reflection power at 544mμ (green), 593mμ (yellow) and 615mμ (red) wavelength, respectively. Chalcopyrite is recognized as biaxial negative from the reflectivity data of randomly oriented grains measured at the most sensitivity at 544mμ. The microindentation hardness against the Fe content (wt. %) for the sphalerite increases to 8.05% Fe and then decreases toward 9.5% Fe content. Vickers hardness of the sphalerite is considerably higher on surface of (100) than on (111). The relationship between Vickers hardness and crystal orientation of the galena was determined to be VHN(111) > VHN(210) > VHN(100). The softer sulfides have the wider variation of the diagonal length in the indentation. Diagonal length in the indentation is pyrite < sphalerite < chalcopyrite<galena. Each ore mineral studied produce characteristic indentation shape and fracture, depending on its crystal orientation.

      • KCI등재

        2023 Korean Society of Echocardiography position paper for the diagnosis and management of valvular heart disease, part II: mitral and tricuspid valve disease

        Chi Young Shim,Eun Kyoung Kim,Dong‑Hyuk Cho,Jun‑Bean Park,Jeong‑Sook Seo,Jung‑Woo Son,In‑Cheol Kim,Sang‑Hyun Lee,Ran Heo,Hyun‑Jung Lee,Sahmin Lee,Byung Joo Sun,SeJung Yoon,Sun Hwa Lee,Hyung Yoon Kim 한국심초음파학회 2024 Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (J Cardiovasc Im Vol.32 No.-

        This manuscript represents the official position of the Korean Society of Echocardiography on valvular heart diseases. This position paper focuses on the diagnosis and management of valvular heart diseases with referring to the guidelines recently published by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and the European Society of Cardiology. The committee sought to reflect national data on the topic of valvular heart diseases published to date through a systematic literature search based on validity and relevance. In the part II of this article, we intend to present recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of mitral valve disease and tricuspid valve disease.

      • KCI등재

        Uranium occurrences in coaly meta-pelites in the Jinsan area

        Se jung Chi(池世定),Se hyun Kim,(金世鉉)Pyeong koo Lee(李匊,九) 대한자원환경지질학회 1985 자원환경지질 Vol.18 No.1

        本 究硏는 忠南-진산일대의 沃川系 炭質黑色粘板岩에 賦存되는 우라늄分布의 特性과, 우라늄과 組成鑛物과의 關係를 밝히기 爲하여 시도되었다. 本 究硏地域으로 부터 채취된 시료중 40개의 시료를 택하여 鑛物學的 地化學的 究硏를 實施하고 콤퓨터(IBM 370)를 利用한 統計的 相關關係를 提示하였다. 우라늄과의 正의 相關關係를 갖는 광물은 有機炭素, 赤鐵鑛, 褐鐵鑛이며, 負의 相關關係를 갖는 鑛物은 石英, 白雲母, 불투명광석광물이다. 이중 가장 높은 正의 相關關係를 갖는 것은 有機炭素이며, 우라늄의 隨伴傾向은 71.4%이다. 우라늄 부존함량과 有機炭素와의 回歸方程式은 log(U₃O₈×10⁴+1) =-1.3447+2.5599 log(Organic corbon)으로 表示되고 추정표준오차 Sy값은 0.1498에 이른다. 이는 유기탄소를 부존시킨 地質환경은 역시 우라늄 침전에도 영향을 주었음을 암시해 준다. 野外조사에 의하면 우라늄광물은 주로 黑色粘板岩中 炭質物內에 産出되고, 가끔 黑色粘板岩의 構造面上에 散點狀으로 分布하는데 후자의 경우는 우라늄 침전후의 二次的인 移動에 의한 것임을 암시해 준다. 重相關關係와 多邊數回歸分析을 通한 多元回歸方程式은 log=(U₃O₈×10⁴+1)=0.77396+0.04465 (organic carbon)+0.00574 (guartz)-0.00964 (muscovite)+0.37827(biotite)-0.02286 (clay substance)+0.01268 (other silicates)+0.1032 (barite)-0.00224 (apatite)+0.01606 (calcite)+0.08258 (hematite)-0.2406 (limonite)-0.01715 (other opagues)로 表示되고, 이에 의한 추정의 표준오차 Sy값은 0.1186이며 重相關關係의 값은 0.879이다. 따라서 多邊數回歸分析에서는 有機炭素만을 包含한 回歸方程式보다 수반경향이 5.89% 증가된다. To understand the characteristics of uranium distribution, and the correlation of the uranium content and major constituents in uraniferous black slates from the Jinsan area of Ogcheon Fold Terrain, forty representative specimens were analyzed by mineralogical and radiometric techniques. According to statistical analysis, the uranium has a positive correlation with organic carbon and limonite, but a negative relation to muscovite and other opaques. The relationship with the highest and meaningful correlation is between log uranium and organic carbon. The log uranium-organic carbon correlation coefficient is 0.845 and these two constituents have about 71.4% association. It suggests that the abundance of organic carbon controlled the uranium precipitation. The relationship of organic carbon to log uranium can be expressed by following regression equation log (U₃O₈×10⁴+1)=-1.3447+2.5599 log (organic carbon). The multiple regression equation of different major components to log uranium is log (U₃O₈×10⁴+1)=0.77396+0.04465 (organic carbon)+0.00574 (quartz)-0.00964 (muscovite)+0.37827 (biotite)-0.02286 (clay substance)+0.01268 (other silicates)+0.1032 (barite)-0.00224 (apatite)+0.01606 (calcite)+0.08258 (hematite)-0.02406 (limonite)-0.01715 (other opaques).

      • KCI등재

        Epidemiologic Profile of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease in Korea: A Nationwide Hospital-Based Registry Study

        You-Jung Choi,Jung-Woo Son,Eun Kyoung Kim,In-Cheol Kim,Hyung Yoon Kim,Jeong-Sook Seo,Byung Joo Sun,Chi Young Shim,Se-Jung Yoon,Sahmin Lee,Sun Hwa Lee,Jun-Bean Park,DukHyunKang 한국심초음파학회 2023 Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (J Cardiovasc Im Vol.31 No.1

        BACKGROUND: Valvular heart disease (VHD) is a common cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide; however, its epidemiological profile in Korea requires elucidation. METHODS: In this nationwide retrospective cohort study from the Korean valve survey, which collected clinical and echocardiographic data on VHD from 45 medical centers, we identified 4,089 patients with VHD between September and October 2019. RESULTS: The aortic valve was the most commonly affected valve (n = 1,956 [47.8%]), followed by the mitral valve (n = 1,598 [39.1%]) and tricuspid valve (n = 1,172 [28.6%]). There were 1,188 cases of aortic stenosis (AS) and 926 cases of aortic regurgitation. The most common etiology of AS was degenerative disease (78.9%). The proportion of AS increased with age and accounted for the largest proportion of VHD in patients aged 80–89 years. There were 1,384 cases of mitral regurgitation (MR) and 244 cases of mitral stenosis (MS). The most common etiologies for primary and secondary MR were degenerative disease (44.3%) and non-ischemic heart disease (63.0%), respectively, whereas rheumatic disease (74.6%) was the predominant cause of MS. There were 1,172 tricuspid regurgitation (TR) cases, of which 46.9% were isolated and 53.1% were associated with other valvular diseases, most commonly with MR. The most common type of TR was secondary (90.2%), while primary accounted for 6.1%. CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates the current epidemiological status of VHD in Korea. The results of this study can be used as fundamental data for developing Korean guidelines for VHD.

      • KCI등재

        CASE REPORT : A late onset solitary mediastinal cystic lymphangioma in a 66-year-old woman who underwent kidney transplantation

        ( Jung Mo Lee ),( Sang Hoon Lee ),( Youngmok Park ),( Chi Young Kim ),( Eun Kyoung Goag ),( Eun Hye Lee ),( Ji Eun Park ),( Chang Young Lee ),( Se Kyu Kim ) 영남대학교 의과대학 2015 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.32 No.2

        Lymphangioma is a congenital abnormality of the lymphatic system detected primarily in early childhood. There are rare reports of mediastinal lymphangioma in older adults. We hereby report on a 66-year-old female patient who underwent kidney transplantation 20 years previously and who developed pathologically confirmed solitary mediastinal lymphangioma 1 year ago. Chest radiography showed a mediastinal nodule, which was not observed 2 year previously, therefore she was referred to the pulmonary division. She had no symptoms, and chest computed tomography demonstrated a 25-mm, well-defined, low-density nodule located at the anterior mediastinum. The size of the nodule had increased from 25 mm to 34 mm 1 year later, and it was completely resected via video-assisted thoracic surgery. The histological diagnosis was cystic lymphangioma. Therefore, we recommend that clinicians consider cystic lymphangioma as a possible diagnosis even in older patients with a mediastinal cystic mass that shows progressive enlargement.

      • KCI등재

        Daily Mean Temperature and Urolithiasis Presentation in Six Cities in Korea: Time-Series Analysis

        Chi, Byung Hoon,Chang, In Ho,Choi, Se Young,Suh, Dong Churl,Chang, Chong won,Choi, Yun Jung,Lee, Seo Yeon The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences 2017 JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol.32 No.6

        <P>Seasonal variation in urinary stone presentation is well described in the literature. However, previous studies have some limitations. To explore overall cumulative exposure-response and the heterogeneity in the relationships between daily meteorological factors and urolithiasis incidence in 6 major Korean cities, we analyzed data on 687,833 urolithiasis patients from 2009 to 2013 for 6 large cities in Korea: Seoul, Incheon, Daejeon, Gwangju, Daegu, and Busan. Using a time-series design and distributing lag nonlinear methods, we estimated the relative risk (RR) of mean daily urolithiasis incidence (MDUI) associated with mean daily meteorological factors, including the cumulative RR for a 20-day period. The estimated location-specific associations were then pooled using multivariate meta-regression models. A positive association was confirmed between MDUI and mean daily temperature (MDT), and a negative association was shown between MDUI and mean daily relative humidity (MDRH) in all cities. The lag effect was within 5 days. The multivariate Cochran Q test for heterogeneity at MDT was 12.35 (<I>P</I> = 0.136), and the related I<SUP>2</SUP> statistic accounted for 35.2% of the variability. Additionally, the Cochran Q test for heterogeneity and I<SUP>2</SUP> statistic at MDHR were 26.73 (<I>P</I> value = 0.148) and 24.7% of variability in the total group. Association was confirmed between daily temperature, relative humidity and urolithiasis incidence, and the differences in urolithiasis incidence might have been partially attributable to the different frequencies and the ranges in temperature and humidity between cities in Korea.</P>

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