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        북한의 급변사태 및 대량탈북에 따른 경찰 대응방안 연구

        남재성(Nam Jae Sung),이창무(Lee Chang Moo) 한국공안행정학회 2013 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.22 No.1

        국내외를 불문하고 김정은 체제에 대한 심각한 우려가 제기되고 있는 현실에 비추어 볼 때 가까운 장래에 북한의 급격한 정세변화와 대한민국에 대한 잠재적 위해요소의 등장은 우리가 반드시 겪게 될 현실이고 반드시 막아야할 문제라는 점에서 개방된 사고로 모든 가능성을 염두하고 대책을 수립해야 한다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 국가 차원뿐만 아니라 세부적으로 경찰 차원에서, 김정은 체제 이후 예상되는 북한 내부의 권력투쟁과 그에 따른 사회적 혼란 및 잠재적 위해요소, 그리고 그로 인한 북한 주민의 대량 탈북사태와 국내 유입 등 치안과 안보위해 상황을 다각도로 검토해보고 무엇보다도 경찰의 대응방안을 중심으로 대책을 마련하고자 하였다. 연구결과 여러 위협 변수들에도 불구하고 현 상태에서 당장 급격한 변화와 북한 정권의 붕괴 가능성은 높지 않다고 보인다. 하지만 북한체제의 특성상, 북한의 급변사태가 언제든 발생할 수 있다는 측면에서 항상 예의주시해야 할 것이며, 경찰은 북한의 급변사태에 따라 대량 탈북사태가 발생했을 경우 신속히 대응할 수 있는 즉응적 대비태세를 갖추어야 할 것이다. 특히, 이에 대한 대비태세는 대량 탈북 등 급변사태 발생이전의 사전적 역량강화 방안, 평시상황이지만 준 급변사태 발생단계에서 나타날 수 있는 대량 탈북사태 대응 방안, 급변사태 발생시의 대량 탈북사태 대응 방안 등으로 구분하여 수립하는 것이 타당할 것이다. 따라서 향후 보안경찰은 이 세 가지의 대응방안을 중심으로 조직적, 인력적 역량을 강화하고 대응을 위한 세부 시나리오를 마련하는 등 대량탈북 사태와 같은 북한의 급변사태에 신속히 대응할 수 있는 철저한 준비태세를 확립해야 할 것이다. In the midst of present situation where a serious concern is being raised at the national and international level on Kim Jong-un regime, it is inevitable that we will certainly experience North Korea's sudden changes in the state of affairs and the appearance of potentially dangerous elements towards South Korea against which we must defend. Accordingly, we must develop measures of responses for every possibility with open mind. The purpose of this study, accordingly, was to extensively examine not only at the national level but also at the specific level of the police the North Korean power struggle and according social disorder, potentially dangerous elements, massive defections of North Koreans and their inflow to South Korea and situations that present risk to public order and national security in order to develop various measures of responses centering on the response of the police. The study result shows that in spite of numerous variables of threat, the possibility of immediate and sudden changes in North Korea and the collapse of its regime does not appear to be high. According to the characteristics of the North Korea regime, however, there is a need for constant and close watch in the sense that sudden changes could occur at anytime in North Korea. Additionally, it was found that it would be necessary for the police to be equipped with instant readiness for swiftly responding to any massive defections of North Koreans according to sudden changes in North Korea. It was revealed that it would be appropriate to develop measures of responses by dividing them into a preemptive measure of reinforcing capabilities prior to the occurrence of sudden changes such as massive defections, a response measure against massive defections that could occur at the stage of semi-sudden changes during peacetime situation and a response measure against massive defections that occurs at the occurrence of sudden changes. Accordingly, it would be necessary for the security police to establish through readiness for swiftly responding to sudden changes in North Korea such as massive defections such as reinforcing organizational and personnel capabilities and develop specific scenarios of response centering on the three types of measures of responses mentioned above.

      • 濟州道 改良草地에 있어서 띠(Imperata cylindrica)의 季節的 年次的 變化

        趙南棋,金翰琳,宋昌吉 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        本 硏究는 濟州道 中山間地帶의 自然草地(Imperata cylindrica/Zoysia japonica type)를 開墾한 後 1 ha當 Dactylis glomerata 17kg, Festuca arundinacea 7kg, Lolium multiflorum 2kg, Trifolium repens 2kg의 導入牧草를 混播(28kg)하여 家畜放牧에 利用되고 있는(1977∼1982年) 改良草地를 對象으로하여, 띠(Imperata cylindrica)植生의 季節的ㆍ年次的變化過程을 調査한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 每年 季節에 따르는 草長ㆍ收量ㆍ密度ㆍ被度 等 植生의 季節的 變化에 있어서는 秋期에 가장 優勢하였고, 春期에는 低調하게 나타났다. 2. 改良後 年度別 草長의 變化는 1年草地에서 34.26cm이었으나 점차 增加되어 6年草地에서는 49.35cm이었는데, 이 變化狀態의 回歸方程式은 y=-0.13x²+4.41x+28.50이었다. 3. 年數의 經過에 따르는 密度의 變化는 1年草地에서 0.76%였던 것이 年數가 지남에 따라 급격히 增加되어 6年草地에 이르러서는 32.97%로 나타나고 있는데, 이 變化를 y=0.10x²+0.32x-2.30의 回歸方程式으로 表示할 수 있었다. 4. 草地造成 以後 年次別 被度의 變化는 1年草地에서 1.05%, 2年 1.38%, 3年 2.46%, 4年 17.11%, 5年 27.56%, 6年草地에서 36.66%로 每年 增加(y=1.40x²-2.36x+1.39)되었다. 5. 收量의 年次的 變化는 1年草地에서 1.95kg이었으나 年數가 지남에 따라 점차 增加되어 6年草地에서는 1,107.35kg으로 나타났는데, 이 變化狀態를 y=29.11x²+53.52x-154.67로 表示할 수 있었다. This study was conducted to examine the yearly and seasonal changes of Imperata cylindrica on the improved pasture of the mountain districts around Mt. Halla in Cheju Island. For this study, the researcher had investigated for six years from 1977 to 1982 the improved pasture which had been used for grazing from 1977 to 1982. The pasture was reclaimed from native grassland. The mixed seeds of 17kgs' Datylis glomerata, 7kgs' Festuca arundinacea, 2 kgs' Lolium multiflorum and 2kgs' Trifolium repens were sowed per 1 ha. The results of this study are the following : 1. The seasonal changes of Imperata cylindrica : its length, weight, density and coverage are heighest in Autumn, and are lowest in Spring every year. 2. The yearly change in the length of Imperata cylindrica : its length is gradually increased from 34.26 cm in the first year after the reclaimation to 49.35 cm in the 6th year. This change can be represented by the regression equation, Y=-0.13x²+4.41x+28.50. 3. The yearly change in its density : its density is rapidly increased from 0.73% in the first year to 32.97% in the sixth year. The results of this change can be obtained with the regression equation, Y=0.10x²+0.32x-2.30. 4. The yearly change in its coverage : its coverage is increased year by year (1.05% in the 1st year, 1.38% in the 2nd year, 2.46% in the 3rd year, 27.56% in the 5th year, and 36.66% in the 6th year). This change can be calculated with regression equation, Y=1.40x²-2.36x+1.39. 5. The yearly change in its weight : the weight is also increased year after year from 1.95 kg in the first year after reclaimation to 1107.35kg in the sixth year. This change can be calculated with the regression equation of y=29.11x²+53.52x-154.67.

      • 건축 프로젝트 적정 설계변경 관리를 위한 사례조사

        김성욱(Kim Sung-Wook),남혜원(Nam Hye-Won),이종식(Lee Jong-Sik),신창현(Shin Chang-Hyun),전재열(Chun Jae-Youl) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.29 No.1(구조계)

        Recent design changes in the existing research on the factors and issues of design changes and analysis, responsible for analyzing the relationship, procedural issues, and issues of research that can be active. However, changes in the design of problems are essentially designed to complement the book is for the procedure. Methodology for dealing with design changes in the characteristics of the country and to reflect more realistically, and various design changes and looked at trends in related research. the design Change of this study to examine the domestic status and problems, identify the status of the country about the design changes, and in suggesting the direction to the development of the design changes.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 배당의 미래이익 예측력과 외국인투자자

        강태구 ( Tae Goo Kang ),이창우 ( Chang Woo Lee ),남혜정 ( Hye Jeong Nam ) 명지대학교 금융지식연구소 2013 금융지식연구 Vol.11 No.3

        본 연구는 배당의 미래이익 예측력이 외국인 투자자들의 지분율에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 검증하였다. 일반적으로 배당지급은 기업의 미래이익을 예측하는 데 유용한 정보로 여겨지고 있으나, 이에 대한 실증연구결과들은 혼재되어 있다. 또한 배당의사결정과 관련된 연구들은 투자자들의 배당선호현상에 따라 기업의 배당의사결정이 영향을 받고 있음을 제시하고 있으며, 특히 우리나라의 경우, 배당의사결정에 외국인투자자가 미치는 영향이 매우 높게 나타나고 있다. 이는 특정투자자집단의 배당요구가 높은 경우, 기업의 배당의사결정이 미래이익에 대한 사적정보의 전달수단이기 보다는 단기적으로 배당에 대한 투자자들의 요구를 반영한 결과로 나타날 수 있음을 보여준다. 나아가 이러한 배당의사결정은 배당의 미래이익 예측력을 낮게 만들 것으로 예측된다. 본 연구는 배당의 미래이익 예측력을 재검증하고, 나아가 외국인지분율에 따라 배당의 미래이익예측력이 달라지는지 검증하였다. 먼저, 배당의 미래이익 예측연구들은 자기자본이익률(ROE)의 평균회귀(mean reverting)현상과 배당증가 또는 배당감소가 이익변화에 미치는 비대칭적 영향을 고려하고 있으나, 이익변화에 영향을 미치는 여러 가지 변수들을 통제하지 않고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 선행연구에서 제시되고 있는 기업규모(SIZE), 성장성(SGR), 부채비율(LEV), 그리고 연도더미를 추가하여, 이를 통제하고 난 후에도 배당의 미래이익예측력이 여전히 존재하는지 검증하였다. 둘째, 배당의 미래이익 예측력이 기업의 배당의사결정에 영향을 미치는 특정집단에 의하여 달라지는지 검증하였다. 2000년부터 2007년까지 배당지급을 한 6,720 기업-년 표본을 대상으로 분석한 결과, 기본 모형뿐만 아니라 여러 통제변수를 포함한 모형에서도 우리나라 기업들의 배당변화는 미래 1년 뒤의 이익변화와 유의한 양의 관계를 나타냈으나, 미래 2년 뒤의 이익변화와는 유의하지 않았다. 또한 이익변화에 영향을 미치는 변수들을 추가한 모형의 설명력(R2=0.46)이 기본모형의 설명력(R2=0.28)보다 급격히 증가함을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 이러한 관계는 외국인지분율을 통제할 경우, 유의하지 않게 나타났다. 이는 기업의 배당의사결정이 미래전망에 근거하여 이루어지기보다는 특정투자자집단의 배당요구를 반영하는 수단으로 사용되고 있음을 보여준다. 즉 우리나라의 경우, 배당의사결정이 외국인투자자들의 배당요구를 반영하여 이루어짐을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 대부분의 선행연구들이 외국인투자자와 배당성향간의 동시적인 관계에 대한 결과들을 제시한 반면에, 외국인투자자가 우리나라 기업들의 배당의사결정에 미치는 영향과 함께 배당의 미래이익예측력의 관점에서 살펴보았다는 점에 의의가 있다. This paper investigates whether the dividend payout predicts future earnings and the predictability varies depending on the proportion of investors. Specifically, this paper examines the effect of foreign investors on the relationship between dividend change and the predictability of future earnings in Korean firms. Reasoning from the hypothesis that dividend changes convey new information about a firm`s future profitability, a dividend increase is seen as a positive signal about the firm`s future earnings and profitability. However, the results from prior studies are controversial. Some papers have suggested that dividend changes would mean different things depending on a firm`s dividend policy and the motives behind its managers` decision to pay dividends. In addition, a firm`s governance is considered as one of important factors that affects dividend policy. In the Korean security market, foreign investors owned about 38% of the stock in 2007. As the percentage of foreign ownership had grown, many researchers have analyzed the effect of this ownership on dividend policy. However, prior studies found mixed results and have focused on the association between foreign investors and the level of the dividend or dividend change. They also suggest that predictability of dividend on future earnings is influenced by applied assumption on earnings and other factors like governance as well. We revisit the dividend signaling issue in the light of the catering theory of dividends suggested by Baker and Wurgler (2004). Lintner (1956) argued that managers unwilling to change payout ratio without any important change on the firm`s future performance. Won and Kim (1992) report that managers are more likely to be concerned about the internal factors such as net income, divisible surplus, predicted future performance, and the shareholders` preference for dividend policy. More importantly, several studies suggest that the foreign investors have a significant effect on the Korean market. Park (2004) reports that foreign investors` participation in firms generally pushes up the dividend payments while pulling down investments made in facilities no matter which industry a company is in. Sul and Kim (2006) show that those companies whose majority shareholders are foreign investors tend to pay higher dividends than others whose majority shareholders are domestic investors. In contrast to negative effect of foreign investor, there are empirical studies claiming positive impact of foreign investor in Korean market. Ahn, Shin, and Chang (2005) suggest that foreign investors prefer firms with lower information asymmetry. The study also shows that foreign investors can effectively monitor the management of firm in lessening information asymmetry. Similarly, Park and Lee (2006) suggest that foreign investors` participation in investment of domestic firms can help them make more efficient management decision by improving their corporate governance. Thus, Park and Lee claim that it is problematic to generalize the negative role of foreign investors in the Korean market. Based on this argument, we predict that if foreign investors play an effective monitoring role in a dividend policy, dividend change for firms with higher level of foreign investors is a good indicator in predicting future earnings than for firms with lower level of foreign investors. However, if foreign investors play a negative role in dividend decision process, predictability of dividend decreases. We test this prediction by using the modified model with several control variables that can affect earnings changes. Using 6,720 observations from 1993 to 2007, we find that the dividend change predicts future earnings for next one year relative to the dividend change year. Specifically, the coefficient on RDIV is 0.045 (t=6.85) and this indicates the dividend increases is a good indicator in predicting future earnings. When it comes to model specification, adjusted R2 of modified model is greater than that of the basic model, which means that the modified model is well specified in explaining earnings changes. The result of the effect of foreign investors on predictability of dividend is not significant. This finding implies that managers, on average, decide to pay dividend as a response to demand from foreign investors.

      • KCI등재

        Political Economy of the Penetration, Resistance, and the Popular Beliefs

        Chang-hee Nam(남창희) 한국정치학회 2014 한국정치학회보 Vol.48 No.3

        동학혁명 운동에 참여했던 전북지역 농민을 중심으로 1920년대에 전북지역을 기반으로 교세가 확장된 보천교라는 신흥민족종교 세력의 활동에 대한 기록들은 개벽사상의 영향력이 일제 하에도 여전히 존재하였음을 시사한다. 구리골 태을주 수행가들에게 전파된 후천개벽의 비젼은 당시 일제의 식량수탈 과정의 희생자였던 전북지역 민중들의 마음을 효과적으로 파고들었다. 일본의 저발전된 농업부문 생산력을 보충하기 위해 시작된 총독부의 식민지 조선으로부터의 식량 수입은 저임금 수출의존형 일본 정치경제체제의 작동 메커니즘의 일부로 편입되었다. 그런데 전북지역의 소작농의 증가와 지속적인 궁핍화에도 불구하고 강도높은 식민지수탈구조가 타지역과 달리 전북지역에서는 20년대에 폭력적 항일운동 확산으로 연결되지 않았다. 일반적인 농민저항운동의 패턴에서 이탈하는 이와 같은 특이한 현상은 당시 전북지역을 중심으로 한 태을주 수행 종교세력의 비폭력저항 교리와 관련성이 있을 수 있다. 또한 일제의 머지않은 패망에 대한 보천교 교단의 신념체계 역시 그들의 소극적 저항 행태에 영향을 주었을 가능성이 있다. 즉, 궁극적 해방과 후천평화 세계의 필연적 도래라는 교리의 내면화 과정은 20년대 일제와의 기묘한 공존으로 이어졌다. 하지만 조선총독부는 보천교 교리의 독립의식과 자주성에 위협을 느끼고 30년대 중반부터 가혹하게 탄압하여 보천교 등 범 구리골 민족종교 단체를 공중분해시키고 중일전쟁의 팽창주의 정책에 박차를 가하였다. The record of widespread mantra-meditation in North Jeolla Province in the 1920s shows the significance of the idea of cosmic change among former Tonghak (Eastern Learning) followers in the early part of twentieth-century Korea. The teachings propagated by the Guri Village meditation school were especially attractive to those Korean farmers in North Jeolla Province who suffered most from Japan’s exorbitant rice-extraction program. Their home province was transformed into a key rice supply base for sustaining Japan’s export-oriented economy since 1920. Importation of more rice from the overseas territories was expected to supplement Japan’s struggling primary sector and thus to lower prices of foodstuffs for solving the subsistence crisis of their underpaid urban workers. The consequence of the rice extraction program was increasing tenancy and impoverishment in the largest rice farming lands, namely, Jeolla Province of Korea. Despite this aggravating standard of living their master advised his followers not to wage a violent anti-Japanese struggle, but rather wait until the United States was involved in the war against the Japanese Empire. Instead, he told his followers to meditate upon the Taeeulju mantra to gain enlightenment in order to be mentally prepared for a new mutually life-saving universe in the time of the upcoming cosmic change. The notion of cosmic change fortified the conviction among the peasants that Japan’s occupation and expansionism was doomed and Korea would eventually be liberated. Their unique vision for eternal peace and beliefs in eventual victory can be an explanation as to why the once most revolutionary people of the same region appeared less resistant to Japan, but nevertheless faced relentless repression since the mid-1930s.

      • 카드뮴 측적량과 붕어(Carassius auratus) 아가미 조직 변화의 상관성에 관한 연구

        배희경,김은경,남성숙,문창규,전성환,나진균,박광식 한국환경독성학회 2002 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Histopathological changes and cadmium accumulations in the gills were investigated in crucian carp (Carassius auratus) exposed to 0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 mg/l cadmium (Cd)concentrations for 25 days. After 25 days of exposure, cadmium accumulations increased in each of the different exposure concentrations. Histopathological changes in the gills of curcian carp exposed to cadmium included the acidification of mucous cell, the terminal clubbing of lamellae, the hyperplasia of epitherial cell and the curved of secondary lamellae. The similar histopathological changes were observed once the accumulations of cadmium reached the similar levels found in the present study with the different exposure schemes. Also the acidification of mucous cell in gills appeared when cadmium accumulations reached 5 ㎍/g and more. These results suggested that histopathological changes in the gills, an appearance of mucous cell acidification, be used to estimate the relation between toxic effect and cadmium accumulations in the gills.

      • Correlating Structural Changes and Gas Evolution during the Thermal Decomposition of Charged Li<sub><i>x</i></sub>Ni<sub>0.8</sub>Co<sub>0.15</sub>Al<sub>0.05</sub>O<sub>2</sub> Cathode Materials

        Bak, Seong-Min,Nam, Kyung-Wan,Chang, Wonyoung,Yu, Xiqian,Hu, Enyuan,Hwang, Sooyeon,Stach, Eric A.,Kim, Kwang-Bum,Chung, Kyung Yoon,Yang, Xiao-Qing American Chemical Society 2013 Chemistry of materials Vol.25 No.3

        <P>In this work, we present results from the application of a new in situ technique that combines time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction and mass spectroscopy. We exploit this approach to provide direct correlation between structural changes and the evolution of gas that occurs during the thermal decomposition of (over)charged cathode materials used in lithium-ion batteries. Results from charged Li<SUB><I>x</I></SUB>Ni<SUB>0.8</SUB>Co<SUB>0.15</SUB>Al<SUB>0.05</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> cathode materials indicate that the evolution of both O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> gases are strongly related to phase transitions that occur during thermal decomposition, specifically from the layered structure (space group <I>R</I>3̅<I>m</I>) to the disordered spinel structure (<I>Fd</I>3̅<I>m</I>), and finally to the rock-salt structure (<I>Fm</I>3̅<I>m</I>). The state of charge also significantly affects both the structural changes and the evolution of oxygen as the temperature increases: the more extensive the charge, the lower the temperature of the phase transitions and the larger the oxygen release. Ex situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are also utilized to investigate the local structural and valence state changes in Ni and Co ions, and to characterize microscopic morphology changes. The combination of these advanced tools provides a unique approach to study fundamental aspects of the dynamic physical and chemical changes that occur during thermal decomposition of charged cathode materials in a systematic way.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/cmatex/2013/cmatex.2013.25.issue-3/cm303096e/production/images/medium/cm-2012-03096e_0014.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/cm303096e'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>


        Three-dimensional analysis of soft and hard tissue changes after mandibular setback surgery in skeletal Class III patients

        Park, Jae-Woo,Kim, Nam-Kug,Kim, Myung-Jin,Chang, Young-Il The Korean Association Of Orthodontists 2005 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        하악 수술로 치료한 골격성 3급 부정교합 환자의 연조직 변화를 3차원적으로 분석하였다. 수술전과 수술후에 CT를 촬영하고, 연조직과 경조직을 각각의 임계값에 따라 segmentation였다. FH.평면, 정중시상면, PNS를 포함하는 전두면을 기준으로 공통 좌표계를 구성하고, 이 좌표계를 기준으로 술전, 술후 영상을 위치시켰다. 술후의 변화를 측정하기 위해 각각의 모형에 대해 전두면에 평행한 grid를 형성하였다. Grid내의 교점에서 골조직과 연조직 모형에 투사하여 만나는 점의 좌표값을 구하고, 이를 바탕으로 술후의 변화를 측정하였다. 하악골 후퇴술시 안모의 변화는 하악골 부분에서만 발생한 것이 아니라, 구각부에서도 관찰되었다. 하악골 부위의 연조직 변화는 대응되는 골조직 이동량에 따른 상대적인 값으로 계산하였다. 정중시상면에서의 변화율은 $77\~102\%$로 나타났다. (p<0.05). 정중시상면 이외의 부분의 변화양상도 이와 유사하였다. 구각부에서의 변화는 하악골의 이동을 대표할 수 있는 점의 이동량에 대한 상대적인 값으로 계산하였다. 정중시상면에서의 변화는 B점을 기준으로 $14\~29\%$이고, Pog점을 기준으로 $17\~37\%$, grid상 83번째 점을 기준으로 $11\~22\%$로 관찰되었다.(p<0.05) The three-dimensional (3D) changes of bone, soft tissue and the ratio of soft tissue to bony movement was investigated in 8 skeletal Class III patients treated by mandibular setback surgery. CT scans of each patient at pre- and post-operative states were taken. Each scan was segmented by a threshold value and registered to a universal three-dimensional coordinate system, consisting of an FH plane, a mid-sagittal plane, and a coronal plane defined by PNS. In the study, the grid parallel to the coronal plane was proposed for the comparison of the changes. The bone or soft tissue was intersected by the projected line from each point on the gird. The coordinate values of intersected point were measured and compared between the pre- and post-operative models. The facial surface changes after setback surgery occurred not only in the mandible, but also in the mouth corner region. The soft tissue changes of the mandibular area were measured relatively by the proportional ratios to the bone changes. The ratios at the mid-sagittal plane were $77\~102\%(p<0.05)$. The ratios at all other sagittal planes had similar patterns to the mid-sagittal plane, but with decreased values. And, the changes in the maxillary region were calculated as a ratio, relative to the movement of a point representing a mandibular movement. When B point was used as a representative point, the ratios were $14\~29\%$, and when Pog was used, the ratios were $17\~37\%(9<0.05)$. In case of the 83rd point of the grid, the ratios were $11\~22\%(p<0.05)$.

      • Factors associated with inflammatory change of epidermal cyst

        ( Jisang Yun ),( Kyung-nam Bae ),( Jin-hwa Son ),( Hoon-soo Kim ),( Hyun-chang Ko ),( Byungsoo Kim ),( Moon-bum Kim ),( Kihyuk Shin ) 대한피부과학회 2021 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.73 No.1

        Background: Epidermal cysts (EC) are the most common tumors found on the skin and accompanying inflammation is also frequent. However, the predictors for inflammatory change have not been investigated yet. Objectives: This study was performed to investigate the difference between inflamed and uninflamed epidermal cysts, and to assess associated factors for inflammatory change. Methods: We analyzed the biopsy-proven 1723 epidermal cysts (515 inflamed and 1208 uninflamed) at two tertiary hospitals from 2011 to 2021. Results: The proportion of inflamed epidermal cysts (IEC) and uninflamed epidermal cyst (UIEC) were 29.9 % and 70.1 %, respectively. Inflammatory change was less frequently observed on the face (25.5 %) than the other sites (32.1 %) (p=0.0046). The anatomic location with the highest rate of inflammatory change was back (40.8 %, p=0.0004). Mean duration of inflammatory change from UIEC to IEC on the face was shorter than the other sites (12.5 months vs 17.9 months, respectively, p= 0.0473). On ultrasonography, long axis of IEC (20.7mm) was generally longer than that of UIEC (15.7mm) (p=0.0218). Moreover, Inflammatory change was more frequent on the EC with punctum compared to those without punctum (35.3 % vs 30.3 %, P=0.0471). Conclusion: Based on the location, size and presence of punctum, decision on the optimal treatment strategies can be established when encountering patients with EC.

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