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      • 濟州道 柑橘의 葉分析에 關한 硏究

        韓海龍,金翰琳 제주대학교 1969 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        1, 本 硏究는 濟州道에서 栽培되는 柑橘 (尾張溫州, 宮川早生, 夏橘, 八朔)의 엽분석에 의한 영양상태를 조사하기 위하여 施行되었다. 2, 柑橘의 엽내에 함유된 영양소중 PCa는 종류에 따라 차이가 없으나 N K Mg Fe는 柑橘의 종류에 따른 有意의 차를 認定할 수 있다. 일반적으로 온주계가 八朔이나 夏橘에 比하여 함량이 높다. 3, 보통온주에 있어서 佐藤가 수립한 영양원소의 標準과 比較하면 N, K, Ca, Fe가 正常이지만 P, Mg는 正常보다 부족인 果樹園이 많았다. 4, P의 不足은 화산회토양의 特性에 依한 것 같고 Mg의 결핍은 토양의 性質과 過用된 K와의 拮抗作用에 依하여 초래된 것 같다. 1) This study was made to survey the nutrient status of Cheju citrus trees-mijang, gungcheon, hagyul and palsak - by leaf analysis. 2) There were significant differences in nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, and iron with the exception of phosphorus and calcium among each of citrus species or varieties. These contents were higher in leaves of citrus species or varieties. These contents were higher in leaves of citrus unshiu than in those of palsak or hagyul. 3) According to the nutrient element balance provided by sato for citrus unshu in Japan, the nitrogen potassium, calcium and iron percentages in Cheju-do were normal. But many citrus orchards were below the standard in the content of phosphorus and magnesium. 4) The low content of phosphorus appears to be caused by volcanic ash soil which occupies almost all citrus orchard areas. The magnesium deficiency is probably due to the volcanic soil and the antagonism with potassium which was applied in excess.

      • 窒素施用에 의한 麥酒麥의 實用形質의 變化에 관한 硏究

        金翰琳 제주대학교 1980 논문집 Vol.12 No.-

        This study was carried out to obtain some information on the environmental variation of agronomic characters in two-row barley (Hordeum distichum L. emend Lamark) by applying nitrogen t different level, 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12㎏/10a. As the amount of nitrogen was increased, culm length, number of tillers, number of spokes, plant weight and grain yield also increased. These characters showed no effective increase in applying nitrogen above 6㎏/10a. Significant regression equations of plant weight, number of spikes, and grain yield on nitrogen application were Y=26.88 +19.15x-2.23x², Y=6.15+2.21x-0.27x², and Y=583.45+288.84x-33.67x²respectively. Culm length, spike length, number of tillers number of spikes, number of grains, plant weight, and grain yield were positively correlated with one another exept the relation between number of grain and spike length, but spike weight did not show relations with any other character. 1,000 grain weight had negative correlations with spike length, number of tillers, and plant weight.

      • 돼지감자에 있어서 播種期에 따른 二品種의 實用形疾의 變化

        金翰琳 제주대학교 1984 논문집 Vol.18 No.-

        本 硏究는 3月 29日부터 4月 26日까지 7日 간격으로 돼지감자의 白色種과 赤色種을 播種하여 實用形質의 變化를 究明하기 위하여 遂行되었는데, 其 結果는 다음과 같다. 塊莖收量과 一塊莖重 및 地上部의 乾物重은 白色種이 赤色種보다 더 무거웠으나 塊莖數는 赤色種이 더 많았다. 파종기가 늦을수록 두 品種 모두 塊莖收量, 一塊莖量, 地上部乾物重 및 草長이 감소되었고, 파종기의 遲延에 따르는 塊莖收量과 一塊莖重의 減少程度는 白色種에서보다 晩生種인 赤色種에서 더욱 뚜렷하였다. 塊莖收量은 白色種에서는 一塊莖重 및 地上部乾物重과 正의 相關關係가 있고, 赤色種에서는 塊莖數, 一塊莖重, 乾物重 및 草長과 有意的인 相關關係가 있었다. 一塊莖重은 地上部乾物重 및 草長과도 두 品種 共히 相關關係가 있었으나, 白色種에서의 塊莖數는 다른 形質과 相關이 없었다. This study was conducted to clarify the changes in the characters of Jerusalem artichoke cultivars, the white and the red, which were planted with seven day intervals from March 29 to April 26 on Cheju island. The results obtained are summarized as follows; The white cultivar was higher in the tuber yield, and heavier in the weight of a tuber and the dry top weight than the red, but the number of tubers was larger in the red than in the white. As the seeding date was late, the tuber yield, the weight of a tuber, the dry top weight and the plant length decreased in the both cultivars. The decrease of the tuber yield and the weight of a tuber was more remarkable in the red than in the white with delaying seeding date. The tuber yield was positively correlated with the weight of a tuber and the dry top weight in the white, and with the number of tubers, the weight of a tuber, the dry top weight and the plant length in the red. The weight of a tuber had correlation with the dry top weight and the plant length in the both cultivars. There was no relation between the number of tubers and the other characters of the white.

      • 播種期 移動에 따르는 麥酒麥 主要形質의 遺傳的 Parmeter 變化에 관한 硏究 : 播種基別-遺傳相關 및 表現型相關의 變化 Ⅰ. Changes in Genotypic and Phenotypic Correlations with Different Seeding Dates

        金翰琳 제주대학교 1979 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        Genotypic and phenotypic correlations were estimated on 10 agronomic characters in 20 varieties of two-row barley (Hordeum disticbum L. emend Lamark)seeded 5 times with 15 day interval from October 16 on Jeju-do. The correlationships between characters were changed with the different seeding dates and the tendency of the change was not regular. Genotypic correlations between grain weight and the number of spikes, between grain weight and spike weight and between days to heading and days to maturity showed highly positive. The fluctuations in those correlations were not marked with different seeding dates. 1,000 grain weight was negatively correlated with most other characters in genotypic correlation and the number of spikes with the number of grains per spike but correlation coefficients between those characters were not high. Phenotypic correlations between grain weight and spike weight and between days to heading and days to maturity were found significant on all the seeding dates, and the correlation between grain weight and the number of spikes on the first, the second, and fifth seeding time. Generally the coefficients of genotypic correlations were higher than those of corresponding phenotypic correlations.

      • 濟州道 改良草地에 있어서 Ladino clover (Trifolium repens)植生의 變化에 관한 硏究

        宋昌吉,趙南棋,金翰琳 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        本 硏究는 漢拏山 中山間地帶의 自然草地(Imperata cylindrica /Zoysia japonica type)를 開墾한 후 Dactylis glomerata를 主草種으로 하고, Festuca arundinacea, Lolium multiflorum, Trifolium repens를 混播하여 家畜放牧에 利用(1977~1982年)되고 있는 人工草地에 있어서 Trifolium repens의 植生變化過程을 調査한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 年數의 經過에 따르는 草長의 變化는 1977年부터 1981年까지는 32.52㎝에서 33.88㎝로 길어지고 있는 傾向이었으나, 1982年에는 짧아지고(29.45㎝) 있는데, 이 變化의 回歸方程式은 y=1.25??+8.04??+25.69이었다. 2. 草地造成 以後 年度別 密度의 變化는 1977年부터 1980年까지는 每年 增加(14.38~20.92%)되고 있으나, 1981年 부터 1982年 까지는 減少(11.69~6.96%)되고 있는 傾向인데, 이 變化狀態의 回歸方程式은 y=-2.76??+18.29??-7.23이었다. 3. 草地造成以後 年度別 被度의 변화는 1977년부터 1981년까지는 每年 增加(6.51~23.13%) 되고 있으나, 1982年에는 減少(5.99%)되고 있는데, 이 變化의 回歸方程式은 y=0.04??-6.86??+65.35 이었다 4. 草地造成 以後 年度別 收量의 變化는 1977년부터 1980년 까지는 增加(444.93㎏, 504.65㎏, 707.84㎏, 1,004.57㎏)되고 있으나, 1981년 以後에는 減少(656.67㎏~196.07㎏)되고 있는데, 이 變化의 回歸方程式은 y=-130.86??+376.19??+2,085.46 이었다. 5. 季節에 따르는 Trifolium repens의 草長·密度·被度·收量 등 植生의 年次 및 季節間變化에 있어서는 春期에 가장 우세하였고, 夏期에는 低潮하게 나타나고 있다. This study was coudncted to investigate the Ladino clover changes in vegetation on the improved pastures around Mt. Halla during six years from 1977 to 1982, which was used fo grazing after reclaimed from native grassand and sowed with the mixed seeds of Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, Trifolium repens, Lolium multiflorum, etc. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. The average length of it by year increased from 32.52㎝(1977) to 33.88㎝(1981) and reduced to 29.45㎝ in 1982 (y=1.25??+8.04??+25.69). 2. The density of it by year increased gradually from 14.38%(1977) to 20.92% (1980) and decreased from 11.69% (1981) to 6.96% (1982) (y=-2.76??+18.29?? -7.23). 3. The coverage of it by year increased gradually from 6.51%(1977) to 23.13%(1981) and reduced to 5.99% in 1982 (y=0.04??-6.86??+65.35). 4. The weight of it by year increased from 444.93㎏(1977) to 1,004.57㎏(1980) and after 1981 decreased gradually from 656.67㎏ (1981) to 196.07㎏ (1982) (y=-130.86??+376.19??+2,085.46). 5. The seasonal changes in annual vegetation, that is, length, density, coverage, weight, etc. were observed. Spring was the most favorable season for Ladino clover vegetation and summer was the most unfavorable.

      • 조생온주에 있어서 지엽 및 과실의 형질의 변이정도와 상관관계

        김한림 제주대학교 1985 논문집 Vol.20 No.-

        This study was conducted to make clear the environmental variation of leaf, branch and fruit characters and the relationships between them in Citus unshiu Mar var. poraecox Tanaka planted on the citrus orchard of Cheju university The results obtained are summarized as follows; The total fruit weight per branch had a high coefficient of variability but there were low C. V. in the fruit length, the fruit diameter, the number of segments and the soluble solid. The number of flowers was highly correlated with the numbers of old leaves and the branch nodes. and not with the other characters The soluble solid and the number of fruits per branch had significant correlations with the branch diameter. The total and the average weights of fruits were highly correlated with all of the leaf and the branch characters, that is. increasing the leaf and the branch characters exerted a effect on the citrus yield.

      • 早生溫州에 있어서 枝葉形質의 環境變異와 相關關係

        金翰琳 제주대학교 1976 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        本硏究는 제주대학 柑橘園에 栽植된 5年生의 Citrus unshiu Mar, var. paraecox Tanaka. 枝葉의 形質에 대한 變異程度 및 各 形質間의 相關性을 究明하기 爲하여 수행되었다. 그 결과를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 春枝에서 變異가 甚한 形質은 總葉重, 平均葉重, 夏枝數, 枝長이고 夏枝에서는 總葉重, 枝長, 平均葉重이며 春葉 및 夏葉 長과 幅의 變異係數는 비교적 적었다. 2. 春葉의 長과 幅 및 平均重과는 높은 相關關係가 있고 總葉重은 葉數, 平均葉重, 枝長 및 直徑과 相關度가 높다. 3. 春葉數는 葉幅 및 葉長과는 負의 相關關係가 있으나 夏葉에서는 이들 形質間에 正의 相關關係를 보였다. 4. 夏枝에 있어서는 各 形質間에 대부분 高度의 正의 相關關係를 보였다. 5. 春葉의 長 및 幅은 夏葉의 長 및 幅과 相關關係가 있고 春葉의 總重量과 平均重量은 夏葉의 이들 形質과 높은 相關關係가 있으나 春葉數와 春枝의 長은 夏葉의 어떤 形質과도 相關性이 없었다. 6. 夏枝의 發生數는 春枝의 直徑과 正의 相關關係가있었다. This study was carried out to make clear the environmental variation of leaf and branch characters and the relationships between them in Citrus unshiu Mar. var. paraecox Tanaka planted on the cirtus orchard of Cheju university. The results obtained are outlined as follows : 1. The characters of large variability shoot were total leaf weight, average leaf weight, number of summer shoots and branch in spring shoot and total leaf weight, shoot length and average leaf weight in summer shoot. The variabilities for the length and the width of spring and summer leaves were low. 2. It was observed that there were close relationships among length, width and average weight in spring leaves, and total leaf weight was significantly correlated with average weight, shoot length and shoot diameter. 3. Number of leaves on the spring shoot was negatively correlated with leaf length and leaf width, But number of leaves on the summer shoot positively with those characters of summer leaf. 4. There were highly significant positive correlations among each character in summer shoot. 5. Length and width significant positive correlations with those of summer leaf, and total weight and average weight of spring leaf were significantly correlated with those of summer leaf but number of spring leaves and length of spring shoot did not show correlation with any character of summer leaf. 6. There was positive relationship between number of summer shoot and diameter of spring shoot.

      • 파종기 및 재식밀도의 차이가 땅콩의 수량형질에 미치는 영향

        趙南棋,金翰琳 제주대학교 1971 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        본 연구는 땅콩의 파종기 및 재식밀도의 변동에 의한 주요 수량형질의 변화를 구명하기 위하여 수행되었다. 천엽반립을 공시품종으로 하여 파종기를 5월 7일부터 7월 7일 까지 15일 간격으로 하고, 재식밀도는 40 ×20, 50 ×25, 60 ×30, 70 ×35, 80 ×40㎝로 한 4 반복의 분할구 배치법에 의하였다. 얻어진 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. ① 발아 및 개화에 소요되는 일수는 파종기가 늦어짐에 따라서 점차 단축되었으다 재식밀도값에는 차이가 없었다. ② 주경의 길이 및 분지의 길이도 일찍 파종한 것에서 길고 늦게 파종할수록 짧았다. 그러나 재식밀도간에는 유의의 차를 인정할 수 없었다. ③ 분지수는 파종기나 재식밀도에 차이를 인정할 수 있으며 재식밀도가 높을수록 분지수가 적고 일찍 파종한 것은 분지수가 많았다. ④ 경엽중은 조기 파종한 것일수록 무겁고 밀식일수록 가벼우며 이 두 요인의 상호작용에도 유의성이 인정되었다. ⑤ 1주당 협실중은 파종기별, 재식기별, 및 이들의 상호작용에도 유의의 차가 있고 일찍 파종하고 소식일수록 1주당 협실중이 무거우나 10a당 협실중은 밀식이고 조기에 파종할수록 증가하였다. ⑥ 협실비율은 늦게 파종할수록 낮아지는 경향이었다. ⑦ 1주당 종실중도 조기 파종이고 소식일수록 증가하지만 10a당 종실량은 일찍 파종하고 밀식일수록 증가하였다. 따라서 10a당 수량은 5월 7일 파종하고 40 ×20 : 50 ×25㎝인 구에서 가장 많았다. This study was conducted to investigate the variation of some peanut characters on different seeding dates and in different plant densities. The seed of Chunyup-semirunner which was used as a test variety were sown on 5 different dates in 15 day intervals from May 7th, to July 7th, and 5 plant densities were practiced as 40 ×20, 50 ×25, 60 ×30 70 ×35, and 80 ×40㎝. The abov-described treatments were estabished in a split plot design of four replications. The results obtained are summarized as follow: 1) Days from seeding to germination and to flowering were shortened in accordance with delay of seeding date. But there were no difference among each of plant densities. 2) Plants seeded early were increased in their main stem length and branch length, but no significant difference was found among the plant densities. 3) Dence seeding and late seeding resulted in decreasing the number of their branch. 4) Late seeding and dense seeding rate decreased the plant weight, and significant defference could be found in interaction between plant density and seeding date. 5) There were significant differences in pod weight per plant among the seeding dates, among the plant densities, and among the interaction between them. 6) The varience ratios for seeding dates, for plant densities, and for the interaction between these two factors were significant in pod weight per plant. Pod weight per plant was heavy in early and thin seeding plots, but early and dense seeding increased pod weight per 10a. 7) Seed weight per plant was increased in early and thin seeding plots, and seed weight per 10a was increased in accordance with early and thick seeding. This tendency on seed weight per 10a was most prnounced in the plots seeded on May 7th, in 40 ×20 and 50 ×25㎝.

      • 播種 및 刈取時期에 따른 쌀귀리 品種의 生態變化와 選拔指標

        吳翰俊,金翰琳 濟州大學校亞熱帶農業硏究所 1997 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        쌀귀리 育種에 있어서 播種期 및 刈取時期에 따른 品種의 生態變化와 選拔指標를 구명하기 위하여 Nuprime 등 16품종을 10월 25일부터 15일 간격으로 3기로 나누어 파종하고, 각 파종구에서 2월 22일과 3월 22일에 刈取하여, 播種 및 刈取時期 이동에 따른 각 형질의 生態變化, 遺傳率, 遣傳相關, 表現型相關, 環境相關 및 經路係數를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 쌀귀리를 越冬시킨 후에 靑草 刈取時의 草長, 葉長, 葉幅, 株當分葉數, 葉數, 乾物重및 靑草收量은 早播하고 늦게 刈取할수록 증가하였고, 靑草收量 결정에 가장 중요하게 작용한 형질은 葉幅이었다. 靑草收量이 많은 품종은 IT 73566, 89002-3-4, Penncomp 31 및 귀리 30호이었다. 2. 出穗 및 生育日數는 早播할수록 길어지고, 刈取區가 無刈取區보다 길어졌다. 播種 및 刈取時期에 관계없이 生育日數가 짧은 早生種은 IT 73566, IT 73625, IT 133142, 89002-3-4, 89002-12-7호 및 귀리 31호이었다. 3. 無刈取時의 稈長은 早播할수록 길었으나 가장 늦은 11月 24日 播種區에서는 刈取區가 다소 길었고, 稈長이 짧은 品種은 IT 73566호와 IT 73625, IT 133142, 귀리 31호이었다. 4. 止葉長은 晩播區에서 길어졌고, 刈取別로는 刈取區가 無刈取區보다 길어지는 경향이었으며 止葉幅은 播種期에 따라서는 차이가 없었으나, 刈取別로는 대체로 無刈取區가 刈取區보다 넓었다. 止葉이 가장 길고 넓은 품종은 IT 73627-1호이었다. 止葉의 葉綠素 含量은 播種期別로는 11月 9日 播種區가 높았으며, 刈取時期에 따라서는 無刈取區, 2月 22日 刈取區, 3月 22日 刈取區 순이었다. 止葉의 葉綠素 含量이 대체로 많은 품종은 Nuprime, IT 73621, IT 73628, 귀리 17-4, 89002-3-4, 89074-6-5, Penncomp 31호 및 귀리 30호이었다. 5. 株當穗數는 早播할수록 많았고 대체로 刈取區가 無刈取區보다 많았으며, 株當穗數가 많은 품종은 IT 73525, IT 133142, 귀리 17-2호 및 귀리 31호이었다. 6. 穗當小穗와 穗當粒數는 播種期 사이에는 차이가 없었으나, 刈取時期에 따라서는 無刈取區가 刈取區보다 많은 편이었다. 播種 및 刈取時期에 관계없이 穗當粒數가 많은 品種은 Nuprime, IT 73627-1, IT 73627-2, IT 73628, 귀리 17-4, Penncomp 31호이었다. 7. 千粒重은 播種期 사이에는 차이가 없었으나 刈取區보다는 無刈取區가 다소 무거운 경향이었다. 귀리 31호는 播種 및 刈取時期에 관계없이 천립중이 가장 무거운 품종이었다. 8. 株當穗實收量은 播種期別로는 11月 24日 播種區가 적었으며, 早生種과 中生種은 11月 9日, 晩生種은 10月 25日 파종에서 많았으며, 刈取區는 無刈取區의 68~86%이었고, 早播하고 늦게 刈取할수록 種實收量이 감소하였다. 播種 및 刈取時期에 관계없이 다수성 품종은 귀리 17-2호와 귀리 17-4호이었다. 9. 遺傳率은 出穗日數, 生育日數, 稈長, 止葉의 葉綠素 含量, 株當穗數, 穗當小數, 穗當粒數, 千粒重, 株當收量은 높았고, 止葉長, 止葉福, 穗長은 中程度이었다. 播種期 및 刈取時期에 따른 遺傳率의 변동은 出穗日數가 적었고, 穗當粒數는 변동이 심했다. 無刈取區에서 出穗日數, 生育日數, 稈長, 止葉의 葉綠素 含量, 穗當粒數, 株當收量의 遺傳率은 早播할수록 높아졌고, 千粒重은 晩播할수록 높아졌으며, 刈取區에서는 穗長, 止葉의 葉綠素 含量 및 株當穗數가 早播할수록 높았다. 10. 形質間의 相關은 播種期와 刈取時期에 따라 다르며 일정한 경향이 없었다. 株當收量은 株當穗數와 千粒重과는 遺傳相關이 높게 나타났다. 대부분의 形質間의 表現型相關은 遣傳相關보다 낮고, 대체로 遺傳相關과 같은 正負의 방향이 나타났다. 11. 株當收量에 대한 주요 형질의 經路係數는 播種 및 刈取時期에 따라 각 형질의 직접 및 간접효과의 변동폭이 크나 일정한 경향은 없었다. 12. 刈取時期別 株當收量에 대한 各 形質의 직접효과를 보면, 無刈取時는 穗長 및 止葉의 葉綠素 含量이 크며, 3月 22日 刈取時는 止葉幅의 효과가 컸으나, 2月 22日 刈取時에는 일정한 경향이 없었다. 13. 以上의 結果에서 濟州道에서 播種 및 刈取時期에 관계없이 다수성 품종은 귀리 17-2호와 귀리 17-4호이었으며, 쌀귀리의 播種適期는 11月 上旬으로 판단되며, 靑刈利用後 種實을 目的으로 할 경우는 11月 上旬에 파종하여 3月 下旬 경에 刈取해야 목표하는 靑刈收量 및 種實收量을 얻을 수 있으며 遺傳相關에서 株當收量과는 株當穗數 및 千粒重이 正의 相關을 나타내어 有用한 選拔指標로 思料되었고, 株當收量의 遺傳率도 크므로 種實收量에 대한 選拔의 效果가 期待되었다. This study was carried out to clarify the ecological changes and the selection criteria in accordance with the differences in the sowing and clipping dates in naked oat(Avena nuda L.), and to estimate genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlations heritability, and path coefficient for the agronomic characters using 16 cultivars including Nuprime which were sowed 3 times at 15 day interval from October 25 to November 24 and clipped 2 times at a month interval from February 22 to March 22 on Cheju Island, Korea. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1. As naked oat was sown early and clipped late, plant height, leaf length, leaf width, the numbers of tillers and leaves per plant, and forage yield per plant were great after overwinter. Leaf width had a large influence on fresh forage yield per plant. The fresh forage yield was high in IT 73566, 89002-3-4. Penncomp 31 and Gwiri 31 in that order. 2. The days to heading and maturity were prolonged in early sowing and clipping plot. Regardless of sowing and clipping dates. IT 73566, IT 73625 IT 133142, 89002-3-4, 89002-12-7 and Gwiri 31 shorter in the days to maturity. 3. The culm length was slightly long in early sowing and non-clipping plot, and the culm length in the clipping plot was longer than that of non-clipping seeded on November 24. The short cultivars in culm length were IT 73566, IT 73625, IT 133142 and Gwiri 31. 4. The length of flag leaf was long in the late sowing and clipping plot. On the other hand, the width of flag leaf had no change with the difference of sowing dates, and the width was greater in non-clipping than in clipping plot. IT 73627-1 was great in the length and the width. Chlorophyll content(SPAD 501 reading) of flag leaf was higher in the non-clipping plot than that in the clipping, and was high in the plot seeded on November 9 and clipped on Februry 22. Chlorophyll content of flag leaf was high in Nuprime, 73621, 73628, Gwiri 17-4, 89002-3-4, 89074-6-5, and Penncomp 31. 5. As the naked oats were sowed early, the number of panicles per plant was increased, and generally was larger in clipping than in non-clipping. The character was large in IT 73525, IT 133142, Gwiri 17-2 and Gwiri 31. 6. There were not differences between sowing dates in the number of spikelets and kernels per panicle, but characters was greater in non-clipping than in clipping. Regardless of sowing and clipping date, the number of kernels was high in Nuprime, IT 73627-1, IT 73627-2, IT 73628, Gwiri 17-4 and Penncomp 31. 7. The weight of one thousand kernels had no change with the difference of sowing dates, but was slightly heavier in non-clipping than in clipping. Regardless of sowing and clipping dates, Gwiri 31 was heavy in the weight of one thousand kernels. 8. The grain yield per plant was low in the plot seeded on November 24. That of early and medium cultivar in maturity was generally the high in sowing on November 9, and that of late cultivar was in October 25 plot. Clipping got the yield from 68 to 86% of non-clipping, and late clipping in early sowing plot decreased the yield, the high yield cultivars were Gwiri 17-2 and Gwiri 17-4. 9. The heritabilities estimated for the days to heading and maturity, the culm length, the chlorophyll content of flag leaf, the number of panicles per plant, the number of spikelets and kernels per panicle, the weight of one thousand kernels and the gram yield per plant were high, and those of the length and the width of flag leaf and the panicle length were medium. Fluctuations in heritability for the days to heading were small, and that for the number of kernels per panicle varied greatly on the different sowing and clipping dates. As naked oat was early sown, the heritabilities for the days to heading and maturity, the culm length, the chlorophyll content of flag leaf, the number of kernels per panicle and the gram yield per plant were high and the weight of one thousand kernels was low in non-clipping. On the other hand, those for the panicles length, the chlorophyll content of flag leaf and the number of panicles per plant were high in clipping. 10. Relationships between the characters differed on different sowing and clipping dates, and the changes in correlation coefficient had no definite tendency. The genotypic correlation coefficient between the grain yield and the number of panicles per plant, and between the grain yield and the weight of one thousand kernels showed positive values. The phenotypic correlations showed high positive values when genotypic correlations were high, and most phenotypic correlation values were lower than genotypic correlations. The genotypic and phenotypic correlation were generally the same direction in positive or negative. 11. Direct and indirect effect estimates of the characters versus the grain yield per plant were heavily changed and differed on sowing and clipping dates. 12. Direct effects of the panicle length and the chlorophyll content of flag leaf versus the grain yield in non-clipping Plot, and the width of flag leaf in clipping on March 22 were large, but the effects in clipping on February 22 had no definit tendency. 13. As the results above-mentioned, it was thought that the high yield cultivars were Gwiri 17-2 and Gwiri 17-4 regardless of sowing and clipping dates on Cheju Island. The early of November was the optimum sowing time to get the highest grain yield and the clipping on late of March got the high grain and forage yield. The genotypic correlation coefficient between the grain yield and the number of panicles per plant, and between the gram yield and the weight of one thousand kernels were showed positive values. These characters were useful selection criteria for the grain yield, and the selection of naked oat for yield would be effective as the heritability estimates of the gram yield was high.

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