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      • Brain SPECT 영상의 Attenuation Correction 방법들에 대한 비교

        조진우,김창호,나수경,이귀원,Jo, Jin U,Kim, Chang Ho,Na, Soo Kyung,Lee, Gui Won 대한핵의학기술학회 2012 핵의학 기술 Vol.16 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 Brain SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography)의 Non-attenuation correction (AC-non) 영상에 대한 attenuation correction(AC) 방법 중 Chang's method와 CT based attenuation correction(AC-CT) 사이의 count를 비교하기 위함이다. phantom study는 증류수로 채워진 hoffman 3D phantom에 $^{99m}Tc$ 37Mbq을 투여하였고, patient study는 normal volunteer에 $^{99m}Tc$-HMPAO 750Mbq를 정맥주입하고 Siemens사의 Symbia T6로 Brain SPECT 영상을 획득하였고 뇌 정량 분석을 하였다. 각각의 방법들을 적용한 transverse image는 같은 위치에서 재구성 되었으며 각각 10, 20, 30번째 slice에서 6개의 region of interest(ROI)를 그려 AC-non 과 AC-CT 그리고 Chang's method의 count를 비교하였다. phantom study에서 AC-non, AC-CT, Chang's method의 각각 평균 count는 $4606.8{\pm}511.3$, $16794.6{\pm}2429.4$, $8752.6{\pm}896.5$이었으며 patient study에서 $5460.8{\pm}519.6$, $15320{\pm}1171.6$, $12795{\pm}1422.1$이었다. phantom study에서 AC-CT와 AC-non 사이의 비는 3.70이고 Chang's method와 AC-non 사이의 비는 1.92였으며 patient study에서는 각각 2.85, 2.38이었다. 우리는 이 연구를 통하여 AC-CT가 Chang's method보다 더 높은 AC을 해준다는 걸 알 수 있었다. 그리고 Chang's method는 patient study에서의 AC 값이 phantom study에서의 AC값보다 더 높다는 것을 알 수 있었다. brain SPECT/CT를 시행하는 경우 scatter correction을 같이 시행하고 bone에 의한 감쇠 정보를 반영할 수 있는 AC-CT가 chang's method보다 정확하다 할 수 있겠다. Purpose : The purpose of this study was to compare count between Chang's method and CT-based attenuation correction (AC-CT) among the attenuation correction (AC) methods for non-attenuation correction (AC-non) images of Brain SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography). Materials and Methods : We injected $^{99m}Tc$ 37Mbq in a Hoffman 3D phantom filled with distilled water in the phantom study, and injected intravenously $^{99m}Tc$-HMPAO 740Mbq in a normal volunteer in the patient study, and then obtained Brain SPECT images with Symbia T6 of Siemens and conducted quantitative brain analysis. Transverse images to which each method was applied were rebuilt at the same position, and 6 regions of interest (ROI) were drawn on each of Slice No. 10, 20 and 30 and then the counts of AC-non, AC-CT and Chang's method were compared. Results : The mean counts of AC-non, AC-CT and Chang's method were $4606.8{\pm}511.3$, $16794.6{\pm}2429.4$, and $8752.6{\pm}896.5$, respectively, in the phantom study and $5460.8{\pm}519.6$, $15320{\pm}1171.6$ and $12795{\pm}1422.1$, respectively, in the patient study. In the phantom study, the ratio of AC-CT to AC-non was 3.70 and the ratio of Chang's method to AC-non was 1.92, and in the patient study, they were 2.85 and 2.38, respectively. Conclusion : From this study, we found that AC-CT makes higher AC than Chang's method. In addition, when Chang's method was used, AC in the patient study was higher than that in the phantom study. These results need to be considered also in other examinations.

      • KCI등재

        기지(基地)의 ‘평화’와 전장의 글쓰기 ― 장혁주의 한국전쟁 관련 텍스트(1951~1954)를 중심으로

        張世眞 ( Chang Sei-jin ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2019 大東文化硏究 Vol.107 No.-

        이 글은 일본어로 쓰여진 장혁주의 한국전쟁 관련 텍스트들, 특히 『아, 조선』(1952)과 『무궁화』(1954)를 당대 한국과 일본 양국의 역사적 맥락 속에서 교차하며 읽어내려는 시도이다. 전쟁이 벌어진 바로 그 실시간대에 장혁주가 한국과 일본을 두 차례 오가며 쓴, 당시로선 매우 예외적인 한일 간 越境의 산물이라는 점에서 이 텍스트들은 특히 주목할 만하다. 이 글에서는 장혁주의 한국전쟁 텍스트들이 견지하는 거의 일관된 특징으로, ‘중립’의 감각을 제시했다. 우선 한국(어)의 맥락에서 볼 때, 중립이란 남한이나 북한 어느 편에도 서지 않는 보기 드문 ‘객관적인’ 입장에 해당된다. 『아, 조선』에서 중립의 입장은 북한 뿐 아니라 남한 이승만 정권의 무능과 부패한 실상을 직설적으로 비판하는 방식으로 나타나며, 『무궁화』의 경우 남과 북의 대립을 지양했던 해방기 이래 ‘중간파’ 정치인 집안의 몰락을 애도하는 방식으로 드러났다. 이 모든 재현은 한국 정부의 검열에서 자유로운, 일본어 글쓰기와 일본 매체 출판이라는 조건으로 인해 가능한 성취였다. 그러나 일본(어)의 맥락에서 보자면 장혁주 텍스트의 ‘중립’이란 실은 전혀 다른 지평에서 유래한 것이라는 점이 간과되어서는 안된다. 이 글에서는 장혁주 텍스트에서 드러나는 중립의 태도가 조선의 전쟁에 결코 휘말리지 않겠다는 당시 일본 사회의 주류적인 평화 담론의 맥락 속에서 독해되어야 한다고 파악하였다. 물론, 일본 사회의 평화론은 평화헌법을 수호하려는 의지를 보였다는 점에서, 분명 부정할 수 없는 의의를 가지고 있기는 하다. 그러나 평화국가라는 일본의 자기 표상이란, 사실상 ‘기지국가’로서 대규모 인원을 한국전쟁에 참전시킨 현실을 누락시킬 때 비로소 성립될 수 있었다는 점에서 문제적일 수밖에 없다. 장혁주의 텍스트는 한국의 전장을 직접 목격한 후에 쓰여졌지만, 당시 일본의 전쟁 연루 양상은 말끔히 삭제되어 있다. 결과적으로, 장혁주의 한국전쟁 텍스트들은 ‘강 건너 불’이라는 대중적인 인식 차원의 朝鮮戰爭, 즉 ‘朝鮮=戰場’, ‘日本=平和’라는, 일본 사회의 주류적인 담론 분할을 깊숙이 내면화하거나 혹은 이러한 인식을 보다 심화시킨 경우에 해당된다. This article aims to read Chang Hyeuk-Ju's texts on Korean War, especially Alas Chosun(1952) and Mugunghwa(1954) by cross-checking on the historical context of Korean and Japanese society at that time. Chang Heuk-Ju wrote these texts after making two round trips in real time when Korean War broke out, which was very exceptional and make these texts noteworthy. This paper presents the sense of neutrality as consistent feature of Chang Heuk-Ju's texts on Korean War. In the context of Korea(n), the Neutrality means 'objective' and rare stance taking neither side in the warfare of North and South Korea. This neutral position of Alas Chosun made it possible to criticize not only North Korea but also the incompetence and ward-heeling politics of Rhee Syngman government in a fare and square way. In case of Mugungwha, the neutral position reveals itself in a way that mourns a downfall of Kim(moderate party's politician)'s family which had been rich and influential for generations. All these representations were possible under the condition of Japanese writing and Japanese media which were free from the censorship of Korean government. However, it should not be overlooked that the neutrality of Chang Heuk-Ju's texts was originated from totally different horizon in considering Japanese context at that time. This paper proposes that the neutral attitude of Chang HeuK-Ju's text must be read in the context of mainstream peace discourse in Japan those days. Peace discourse cannot be underestimated considering that it showed the will to preserve Article 9 of the Constitution. The self representation of Japan, however, was problematic because it was not established before Japan omitted the reality of participating in Korean War in a large scale as a military base state. In Chang's texts, the aspects of involving in Korean War were clearly erased, though they were written after Chang witnessed the Korean battle field reality. The bottom line is that Chang's texts internalized the popular view that Korean War was a totally another's affair then. Or It can be said that his texts intensified this kind of general opinion.

      • KCI등재

        사회변화에 따른 유니버설디자인 적용 방향성

        장혜진 ( Hae Jin Chang ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2020 한국디자인포럼 Vol.25 No.1

        연구배경 효과적인 유니버설디자인 관련 정책수립과 적용을 위해서는 우리의 삶에 영향을 끼치는 사회변화의 양상에 대한 진단이 선행되어야 한다. 이에, 본 연구는 사회변화에 따라 변모하게 될 유니버설디자인 관련 이슈들을 예측하고, 현재 국내 유니버설디자인 관련 현황을 진단한 후 사회변화의 양상에 적합한 유니버설디자인 적용 방향성을 제안하는 것을 그 목표로 한다. 연구방법 본 연구에서는 향후 우리 사회에 미치는 영향이 큰 주요한 사회변화를 선정하고 이에 따라 변모하게 될 유니버설디자인 관련 이슈를 예측하였다. 유니버설디자인 관련 연구논문, 정책보고서, 문헌, 법령 등을 통해 선행연구와 정책 동향을 분석하여 현재 국내 유니버설 디자인 관련 법률, 조례, 가이드라인 등을 중심으로 국내 유니버설디자인 적용 현황을 파악하였다. 이를 바탕으로 사회변화를 고려한 유니버설디자인 적용 방향성을 제안했다. 연구결과 유니버설디자인의 적용 방향성을 도출하기 위해 고려해야 할 주요한 사회변화로 초고령화 사회 진입, 사회통합 추구, 지속 가능한 발전 추구, 신기술 출현 및 산업 다변화 등을 들 수 있다. 현재 국내 유니버설디자인 관련 법률, 조례, 가이드라인을 사회변화 양상에 비추어 점검한 결과, 향후 우리 사회가 추구해야 할 유니버설디자인의 적용 방향성을 크게 다음과 같은 네 가지로 도출하였다. 사회 구성원 간 공존의 가치 추구, 지속 가능성의 추구, 공공영역에서 민간영역으로의 확장, 유니버설디자인 적용 영역 다양화가 그것이다. 결론 본 연구의 연구결과는 미래 사회변화에 대응한 유니버설디자인 정책수립 및 디자인 분야의 유니버설디자인 연구개발을 위한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. Background For the effective establishment of policies and application related to universal design, the comprehensive study on the aspect of social changes that influences on human lives must be performed in priority. Therefore, this study purposes to predict universal design-related issues that will change according to social change, evaluate the current status of universal design in Korea, and suggest the application direction of universal design considering the social change. Methods This study selected major social changes that have a significant impact on our society in the future, and predicts universal design-related issues that would be transformed by the social changes. Through the research papers, policy reports, literature, and laws related to universal design, previous studies and policy trends were analyzed to identify the current status of universal design in Korea, focusing on current laws, ordinances, and guidelines related to universal design. Based on such, the application direction of universal design considering the social changes was suggested. Result The major social changes to be considered in deriving the direction of universal design include the entry into an aging society, the pursuit of social integration, the pursuit of sustainable development, the emergence of new technologies and the diversification of industries. As a result of inspecting the laws, ordinances and guidelines regarding the current domestic universal design, the application direction of universal design which our society should pursue in the future are derived into four directions; pursuance of coexistence value between social members, pursuance of sustainability, expansion from public areas to private areas, and diversification of universal design application areas. Conclusion The results of this study could be used as the foundation materials for the establishment of universal design policies and research and development of universal design in design areas corresponding to the future social changes.

      • KCI등재

        아세틸 콜린 유발 검사시 허혈성 심전도 변화와 흉통의 발생이 내피세포 기능장애에 미치는 영향

        최철웅(Cheol Ung Choi),나승운(Seung-Woon Rha),김선원(Sun Won Kim),나진오(Jin Oh Na),임홍의(Hong Euy Lim),김진원(Jin Won Kim),김응주(Eung Ju Kim),한성우(Seong Woo Han),박창규(Chang Gyu Park),서홍석(Hong Seog Seo),오동주(Dong Joo Oh) 대한임상노인의학회 2010 대한임상노인의학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        연구배경: 아세틸 콜린 유발 검사시 발생하는 흉통과 허혈성 심전도 변화가 아세틸 콜린에 의해 발생하는 관상동맥의 내피세포 기능에 어떤 영향을 주는지 알아보고자 했다. 방법: 흉통으로 내원하여 관상동맥 조영술과 아세틸 콜린 유발검사를 시행받은 1,085명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 아세틸 콜린 유발 검사를 하는 동안 허혈성 심전도 변화 및 흉통의 발생 유무에 따른 관상동맥 내피세포 기능의 특징을 비교하였다. 결과: 539명의 환자에서 아세틸 콜린 검사시 내피세포 기능 장애가 발생 하였다. 허혈성 심전도 변화가 있었던 그룹이 심전도 변화가 없었던 그룹보다 흉통이 더 많았고(78.1% vs. 60.8%, P=0.007), 관상동맥 조영술상 다발성 관상동맥 경련이 빈번하였고(59.4% vs. 40.6%, P=0.004), 관상동맥의 경련 정도도 더 심하였다(64.1% vs. 46.5%, P=0.006). 흉통이 있었던 그룹이 흉통이 없었던 그룹보다 허혈성 심전도 변화의 빈도가 더 높았다(14.7% vs. 7.5%, P=0.007). 또한 흉통이 있었던 그룹이 관상동맥 경련이 다발성으로 발생하는 경우가 많았고 (50.7% vs. 29.5%, P<0.001), 미만성으로 발생하는 경우가 많았고(87.1% vs. 75%, P<0.001), 관상동맥의 경련의 정도도 더 심하였다(51.6% vs. 43.5%, P=0.041). 결론: 아세틸 콜린 유발검사시 발생하는 허혈성 심전도 변화와 흉통은 관상동맥 경련의 정도와 경련이 발생하는 관상동맥 개수와 연관이 있다. Background: ECG changes and chest pain during acetylcholine (Ach) provocation tests may constitute important clinical parameters for Ach-induced endothelial dysfunction. We investigated the association between ischemic ECG changes and chest pain during the Ach-provocation test and angiographic characteristics of Ach-induced endothelial dysfunction. Methods: A total of 1,085 patients with anginal symptoms underwent diagnostic coronary angiography (CAG) and Ach-provocation tests. We compared angiographic characteristics of Ach-induced endothelial dysfunction according to the presence of ECG change and chest pain. Results: A total of 539 patients experienced Ach-induced endothelial dysfunction. Patients who experienced ECG change group suffered more frequent chest pain (78.1% vs. 60.8%, P=0.007), angiographically more frequent multiple coronary artery spasm (59.4% vs. 40.6%, P=0.004), and more severe coronary artery spasm (64.1% vs. 46.5%, P=0.006) than patients without ECG change. However, there was no difference in the length of endothelial dysfunction between the groups. The incidence of ischemic ECG changes in patients with chest pain was higher than in patients without chest pain (14.7% vs. 7.5%, P=0.007). Patients who experienced chest pain more often experienced multiple (50.7% vs. 29.5%, P<0.001), diffuse (87.1% vs. 75%, P<0.001), and severe coronary artery spasm (51.6% vs. 43.5%, P=0.041) than patients without chest pain. Conclusion: Ischemic ECG changes and chest pain during the Ach-provocation test are associated with multi-vessel involvement and severe coronary artery spasm. Chest pain is associated with the length of endothelial dysfunction, but ischemic ECG change is not.

      • KCI등재

        회계이익변경에 대한 단순투자자의 반응

        김지홍 ( Jee Hong Kim ),장진호 ( Jin Ho Chang ),여은정 ( Eun Jung Yeo ) 한국회계학회 2004 會計學硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 1998년 초부터 2003년 6월말까지 증권거래소의 전자공시시스템에 회계변경을 공시한 상장기업을 표본으로 하여, 단순투자자의 비율이 높은 기업에서의 회계이익변경에 대한 주가반응을 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, 단순투자자(naive investor)의 대용치로 사용된 개인소액투자자의 지분이 높은 기업에서 회계변경으로 인한 보고이익의 증가가 높을수록 양(+)의 주가반응이 존재함을 발견하였다. 이 결과는 실증회계이론에서 제시한 보고이익의 증가가 계약비용을 감소시키는 효과를 통제한 후에도 유의하였다. 반면, 전문투자자(sophisticated investor)의 대용치로 사용된 기관투자자 및 외국인투자자의 지분이 높은 기업에서는 회계변경으로 인한 이익증가에 유의적인 시장반응이 관찰되지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과는 한계투자자의 전문성에 따라 회계정보에 대한 주가반응이 상이할 수 있다는 확장된 기능적 고착가설(extended functional fixation hypothesis)을 지지하는 결과이다. This study empirically examines whether there is price reaction of the accounting changing companies which have high rate of unsophisticated investors` holdings. That is, this study will analyze whether there is different response to reported earnings changes by accounting change between unsophisticated and sophisticated investors. Most significantly, this study observes the cumulative abnormal returns on the time of disclosing to the accounting change. The final sample consists of 96 listed on the Korean Stock Exchange and disclosed by an Electronic Disclosure System over the period of 1998 to June, 2003. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, there is positive relation between price reaction of individual investors proxied by naive investors and the reported earnings by accounting changes. This means that unsophisticated investors react naively on the increase of earnings by accounting changes. Second, there is no positive relation between the price reaction of institutional or foreign investors proxied by sophisticated investors and the increasing earnings by accounting changes. This means that sophisticated investors don`t react naively in the increase of earnings by accounting changes. These results supports the extended functional fixation hypothesis that price reactions of the accounting information can be varied according to the marginal investor`s expertise.

      • Projections of summertime ozone concentration over East Asia under multiple IPCC SRES emission scenarios

        Lee, Jae-Bum,Cha, Jun-Seok,Hong, Sung-Chul,Choi, Jin-Young,Myoung, Ji-Su,Park, Rokjin J.,Woo, Jung-Hun,Ho, Changhoi,Han, Jin-Seok,Song, Chang-Keun Elsevier 2015 Atmospheric environment Vol.106 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We have developed the Integrated Climate and Air Quality Modeling System (ICAMS) through the one-way nesting of global–regional models to examine the changes in the surface ozone concentrations over East Asia under future climate scenarios. Model simulations have been conducted for the present period of 1996–2005 to evaluate the performance of ICAMS. The simulated surface ozone concentrations reproduced the observed monthly mean concentrations at sites in East Asia with high R<SUP>2</SUP> values (0.4–0.9), indicating a successful simulation to capture both spatial and temporal variability. We then performed several model simulations with the six IPCC SRES scenarios (A2, A1B, A1FI, A1T, B1, and B2) for the next three periods, 2016–2025 (the 2020s), 2046–2055 (the 2050s), and 2091–2100 (the 2090s). The model results show that the projected changes of the annual daily mean maximum eight-hour (DM8H) surface ozone concentrations in summertime for East Asia are in the range of 2–8 ppb, −3 to 8 ppb, and −7 to 9 ppb for the 2020s, the 2050s, and the 2090s, respectively, and are primarily determined based on the emission changes of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and NMVOC. The maximum increases in the annual DM8H surface ozone and high-ozone events occur in the 2020s for all scenarios except for A2, implying that the air quality over East Asia is likely to get worse in the near future period (the 2020s) than in the far future periods (the 2050s and the 2090s). The changes in the future environment based on IPCC SRES scenarios would also influence the change in the occurrences of high-concentrations events more greatly than that of the annual DM8H surface ozone concentrations. Sensitivity simulations show that the emissions increase is the key factor in determining future regional surface ozone concentrations in the case of a developing country, China, whereas a developed country, Japan would be influenced more greatly by effects of the regional climate change than the increase in emissions.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Change in ozone level is determined by the combination of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and NMVOC emissions. </LI> <LI> Ozone level over East Asia would get worse in the near future (the 2020s) than far future. </LI> <LI> A high-concentration event generally increases and more frequently occurs in the future. </LI> <LI> Change in ozone air quality in a developing country depends more on emissions change. </LI> <LI> Change in ozone air quality in a developed country depends more on climate change. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        펠던크라이스 기법, 탄성밴드 운동 및 복합운동 적용이 현대무용전공자의 체간근력에 미치는 영향

        김채수(Kim Chae-Soo),권혜영(Kwon Hye-Young),이원재(Lee Won-Jae),조창모(Jo Chang-Mo),김진환(Kim Jin-Hwan),주성범(Ju Sung-Bum),이미경(Lee Mi-Kyoung) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        This study is carried out to examine the effect of applying Feldenkrais method, elastic band training and combined training on trunk muscle. The subjects of this study were 32 modern dance majors and they were divided into four groups which consists of 8 peoples each, Feldenkrais method group(modern dance + Feldenkrais method), elastic band training group(modern dance + elastic band training), combined training group(modern dance + Feldenkrais method + elastic band training), and control group(modern dance). Measurement variables which are trunk muscle were measured before training, and after 4 and 8 weeks training and the results are as follow: In the left muscle strength change at Centaur 0°, Feldenkrais method group, elastic band training group and combined training group showed significant increase after 8 weeks training compared to before training. In the right muscle strength change, Feldenkrais method group and combined training group had significant increase after 8 weeks training. In the left muscle strength change at Centaur 45°, Feldenkrais method group and combined training group showed significant increase after 8 weeks training compared to before training and after 4 weeks training. Also elastic band training group showed significant increase after 8 weeks training compared to before training. In the right muscle strength change, Feldenkrais method group and elastic band training group significantly increased after 8 weeks training compared to before training. In the left muscle strength change at Centaur 90°, Feldenkrais method group and combined training group showed significant increase after 4 and 8 weeks training compared to before training. In the right muscle strength change, Feldenkrais method group showed significant increase after 4 and 8 weeks training compared to before training, and elastic band training group significantly increased after 8weeks training compared to before training. In the left muscle strength change at Centaur 135°, there was no significant changes. In the right muscle strength change, elastic band training group and combined training group showed significant increase after 8 weeks training compared to before training. In the left muscle strength change at Centaur 180°, combined training group showed significant increase after 4 and 8 weeks training compared to before training. In the right muscle strength change, combined training group showed significant increase after 4 and 8 weeks training compared to before training. From above results, applying 8 weeks regular program of Feldenkrais method, elastic band training and combined training to modern dance majors showed positive changes on improvement of trunk muscle strength and physical strength. Also this study implemented to verify the effects of trunk muscle strength and body balance through supplementary training program, and showed the effects in the training group and control group after 8 weeks trunk muscle strengthening program. Feldenkrais method, elastic band training and combined training are very effective to improve trunk muscle strength of modern dance majors so that continuous implementation and application of these effective training program shall be provided for strengthening trunk muscle.

      • Effect of Changing Amniotic Fluid Osmolarity on the $Li^+$ Transport Through the Membrane Surrounding Amniotic Fluid in the Rabbit

        Chang, Jin-Keun,Lee, Sang-Jin,Sung, Ho-Kyung The Korean Physiological Society 1993 대한생리학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        To study the regulation of amniotic fluid volume and electrolyte concentration by the Membranes surrounding the amniotic fluid, the rate of $Li^+$ disappearance from amniotic sac of expired fetuses were examined while increasing the amniotic volume and osmolarity in rabbits. After intraamniotic injection of 1 ml isosmotic saline (about 20% of the amniotic fluid volume) containing 15 mM LiCl and 0.5 g/L Censored, the time courses of $Li^+$ and Censored disappearance were determined. From there the $Li^+$ clearance through the extrafetal routes was estimated and compared with that obtained from living fetuses. The volume, $Na^+$ concentration and osmolarity of amniotic fluid were measured and their relationships with $Li^+$ disappearance were evaluated. The fellowing results were obtained: 1. The rate of disappearance from amniotic fluid of living fetuses during the first 30 minutes was strikingly higher for $Li^+$ than for Censored, suggesting that extrafetal routes exist. At 60 and 90 minutes, however, the disappearance rate of $Li^+$ was less than that of Censored, suggesting the possibility of $Li^+$ reentry through fetal urination. 2. The disappearance of $Li^+$ from the amniotic fluid of the expired fetus was substantial, although lower than that of living fetuses, throughout the experimental period. 3. The $Na^+$ concentration and the osmolarity of the amniotic fluid of expired fetus measured 30 minutes after an intraamniotic injection of isoosmotic saline showed wide variation, but thereafter they changed gradually towards the normal extracellular fluid level. 4. When the amniotic fluid was iso- or hyposmolar, the rate of $Li^+$ disappearance from the amniotic fluid of the expired fetuses showed little variation. However, when the amniotic fluid was hyperosmolar, the rate at 30 minutes was markedly lower than those of isosmotic or hyposmotic amniotic fluid. At 90 minutes, the rate of $Li^+$ disappearance in hyperosmolar fluid reached a similar level to the rate in isosmolar fluid. 5. The intraamniotic injection of 400 mOsm/L saline solution decreased the disappearance rate of $Li^+$ from expired fetuses, while the injection of mannitol into the maternal vein induced no significant change. From these results it is concluded that: 1) a significant amount of $Li^+$ may leave the amniotic fluid via filtration through the membranes surrounding the amniotic fluid, 2) during hyperosmolar challenge to amniotic fluid, osmotic bulk flow might counteract the filterable loss, and 3) $Li^+$ disappearance might continue even after the volume and osmolarity of the amniotic fluid have recovered to control values.

      • KCI등재

        Quality change during preservation of cultivation mushrooms, Flammulina velutipes and Agaricus bisporus

        Jin-A Oh,Jong-Chun Cheong,Chan-Jung Lee,Chang-Sung Jhune,Young-Bok Yoo 한국버섯학회 2010 한국버섯학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        The standard does much to improve merchantable quality, distribution efficiency and fair dealings by shipping of the standard agricultural products. Mushrooms notified as the standard are five items; Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus eryngii, Flammulina velutipes, Agaricus bisporus and Ganoderma lucidum. But many farmers are suffering from a strict standards. So these standard is required modification to fit farmhouse situations. This study was carried out to investigate mushroom quality of farm shipping and quality change during preservation at various treatment. Flammulina velutipes and Agaricus bisporus preserved at different temperature( 4℃, 10℃, 20℃) to investigate quality changes. Pileus diameters of Flammulina velutipes was 67% of first grade and 33% of second grade at the early stage. After two weeks, pileus diameters was not signigicant changes; 50% of first grade, 50% of second grade at 4℃ and 50% of second grade, 50% of third grade at 10℃. Although there were no significant changes of diameter at 20℃, most of the fruit bodies were decayed. In case of Agaricus bisporus, pileus diameter was 15% of first grade, 81% of second grade and 4% of third grade at the early stage. The more storage period longed, the more the color of the fruit body was browned. But pileus diameters was not signigicant changes. Hardness and chromaticity of these mushroom was declined as time passed. Now we are carrying out more research on some mushroom’s standards for improve consumer confidence.

      • KCI등재후보

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