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      • KCI등재

        Methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity as a model of Parkinson’s disease

        Eun-Joo Shin,정지훈,Yeonggwang Hwang,Naveen Sharma,Duy-Khanh Dang,Bao-Trong Nguyen,나승열,Choon-Gon Jang,Guoying Bing,Toshitaka Nabeshima,Hyoung-Chun Kim 대한약학회 2021 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.44 No.7

        Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerativedisease with a high prevalence, approximately1 % in the elderly population. Numerous studies have demonstratedthat methamphetamine (MA) intoxication causedthe neurological defi cits and nigrostriatal damage seen inParkinsonian conditions, and subsequent rodent studies havefound that neurotoxic binge administration of MA reproducedPD-like features, in terms of its symptomatology andpathology. Several anti-Parkinsonian medications have beenshown to attenuate the motor impairments and dopaminergicdamage induced by MA. In addition, it has been recognized that mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, pro-apoptosis,proteasomal/autophagic impairment, and neuroinfl ammationplay important roles in inducing MA neurotoxicity. Importantly, MA neurotoxicity has been shown to share acommon mechanism of dopaminergic toxicity with that ofPD pathogenesis. This review describes the major fi ndingson the neuropathological features and underlying neurotoxicmechanisms induced by MA and compares them with Parkinsonianpathogenesis. Taken together, it is suggested thatneurotoxic binge-type administration of MA in rodents is avalid animal model for PD that may provide knowledge onthe neuropathogenesis of PD.

      • KCI등재

        The Relationship between P & QT Dispersions and Presence & Severity of Stable Coronary Artery Disease

        Bingül Dilekci Şahin,Erkan Yıldırım, M.D.,Emrah Ipek,Mahir Cengiz,Kursat Aslan,Esra Poyraz,Selami Demirelli,Murat Bayantemur,Emrah Ermis,Cavlan Ciftci 대한심장학회 2016 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.46 No.4

        Background and Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the correlation between electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters and presence and extent of coronary artery disease (CAD) to indicate the usefulness of these parameters as predictors of severity in patients with stable CAD. Subjects and Methods: Two hundred fifty patients, without a history of any cardiovascular event were included in the study. The ECG parameters were measured manually by a cardiologist before coronary angiography. The patients were allocated into five groups: those with normal coronary arteries (Group 1), non-critical coronary lesions (Group 2), one, two and three vessel disease (Group 3, Group 4 and Group 5, respectively. . Results: Group 1 had the lowest P wave dispersion (PWD) and P wave (Pmax), QT interval (QTmax), QT dispersion (QTd), corrected QT dispersion (QTcd) and QT dispersion ratio (QTdR), while the patients in group 5 had the highest values of these parameters. Gensini score and QTmax, QTd, QTcmax, QTcd, QTdR, Pmax, and PWD were positively correlated. QTdR was the best ECG parameter to differentiate group 1 and 2 from groups with significant stenosis (groups 3, 4, and 5) (area under curve [AUC] 0.846). QTdR was the best ECG parameter to detect coronary arterial narrowing lesser than 50% and greater than 50%, respectively (AUC 0.858). Conclusion: Presence and severity of CAD can be determined by using ECG in patients with stable CAD and normal left ventricular function.

      • 단세포 나팔벌레,Stentor coeruleus의 빛에 의한 ATP 합성

        Chen, B.H.,허재욱,민태진,Iwatsuki, K,송필순 동국대학교 자연과학연구소 1986 자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        나팔벌레의 세포내 ATP 함량은 0.5~2초동안 40W/m₂백색광을 조사함에 따라 어두운 상태의 대조구에 비하여 급격히 증가하였고, 빛을 계속하여 조사하면 세포내 ATP 함량은 단계적으로 감소하였다. 광수용체 색소 Stentorin 을 포함하고 있는 색소 미립자를 나팔벌레 완전세포로부터 분리하여 이에 ADP와 pi를 가한 혼합물에 빛을 조사하여 ATP가 생성됨을 확인하였다. 나팔벌레 완전세포와 색소미립자주으이 ATP 함량은 변량울에 (fluence rate)의존하였다. 이들 결과로 생명체는 광양자를 ATP로 전이시킬 수 있고, ATP 생성은 나팔벌레 색소미립자의 특성으로 사려된다. The cellular ATP level in Stentor coeruleus jumped above the dark control level when stimulated by 0.5-2 second light pulses (40W/m₂white light). Continued, irradiation fo the cells caused a gradual decline of the cellular ATP level. Pigment granules containing the photoreceptor pigment stentorin isolated from whole cells also exhibited a light-induced ATP synthesis. The ATP level in both whole cells and pigment granules was dependent upon the fluence rate. These results suggest that the organism is capable of tranducing light quanta into ATP and that ATP synthesis is localized in the pigment granule.

      • KCI등재

        返本開新 : 從顔元的習行哲學看明末淸初的思想特点 근본으로 돌아가 새로운 것을 개척한다 Fronteering through Return to the Root

        안병강 慶尙大學校 南冥學硏究所 2004 남명학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        顔元은 중국 명말청초의 걸출한 사상가이자 교육가였다. 그는 야심찬 기백으로 2천여 년 동안의 학술 권위에 도전하고, 2천 년 동안 열지 못한 입을 열었고, 2천년 동안 대지 못한 붓을 대었다. 그는 漢學과 宋明理學을 맹렬하게 비판하고, 周公·孔子의 正學으로 되돌아갈 것을 강렬히 요구하였다. 그는 '復古'의 깃발을 내세워 유학의 새로운 형태에 대하여 탐구하였다. 그의 사상은 한 마디로 返本開新으로 특징지울 수 있다. 이런 사상을 근본으로 한 그의 사상적 특징을 좀더 구체적으로 살펴보면 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 명말청초의 사상적 특징은 천하의 일을 자신의 임무로 하는 유학자들이 사회적 책임의식을 강하게 전개한 점인데, 안원에게서 그런 의식이 뚜렷이 나타난다. 안원은 "성인의 책을 읽으면 세상을 바꾸는 사람이 되어야지, 세상에 따라 바뀌는 사람이 되어서는 안 된다."라고 하여, 적극적인 사회 개혁을 주창하였다. 이처럼 그의 사상에 있어 가장 중요한 특징 중 하나가 세상을 바꾸자는 사회개혁사상이다. 둘째, 그의 사상에는 깊은 반성과 주체적 자각이 자리하고 있다. 안원은 이론을 내세울 때는 옳고 그른 점만 따져보고 같고 다른 점은 따지지 않았다고 한다. 이는 그의 학술적 자각이다. 또 안원은 옳은 것이라면 비록 한두 사람의 견해일지라도 바꿀 수 없다고 하였으니, 이는 높은 학문적 주체의식이다. 이런 반성과 주체적 자각을 통해 안원은 송명이학은 물론 한학까지도 철저히 비판하였다. 셋째, 안원은 배워서 실제에 응용하는 것을 중시하여, 用을 본체로 삼고 用을 학문으로 삼았다. 그는 兵·農·錢·穀·水·火·工·虞를 體이면서 用으로 보아, 體와 用을 하나로 보았다. 그의 習行哲學은 이런 사상에 기반하고 있다. 이러한 그의 사상적 특징으로부터 명말청초 중국철학의 새로운 동향을 엿볼 수 있다. 그런데 그가 숭상하고 실행한 習行哲學은 外在的인 사회에서는 그 결과를 볼 수 없었고, 학문 안에서만 탐구할 수밖에 없었다. Ahn, Won(顔元) who lived in the period from late Myoung to early Choung dynasty(明末淸初) was not only an outstanding scholar but also an educator. He challenged the academic authority, and opened the closed mouth, and held the not to be raised pen for two millenium, with his ambitious spirit. He claimed the returning to the study of Jeong-hak(正學) while criticizing anger the Han-hak(漢學) and the Song-myoung-ri-hak(宋明理學). His ideology characterized to 'Returning to the Root & Renewing(反本開新)' in a word. The concrete features of this ideology of him are summarized as follows; First, the academic features of from late Myoung to early Choung dynasty represented that the scholars who regarded the matter of grave concern to the state as their duty developed the social duty consciousness, Aim-won shows the same tendency. He initiated the theory of active social revolution, with saying "A person who read the book of saint must be a revolutionist not to be a traitor." Like this way, the most important feature of his ideology is the social revolution. Second, it take root a deep reflection and active self-awareness in his ideology. People say that he inquired into right or wrong not into same or differ when suggesting a theory. This is the very ideological self-awareness. And he shows outstanding academic self-confidence while saying, "It can not be modified the truth although it derived from minority." Ahn, Won criticized thoroughly Han-hak(漢學) and Song-myoung-ri-hak(宋明理學) with these selt-reflection and self-awareness. Third, he paid attention to the practice which of the application of learning, and he made the Funtion(用) to his study way. Moreover, he regarded that the Funtion and the Thing(體) as same thing such as military(兵), agriculture(農,) finance(錢,) grain(穀), irrigation(水), fire (火), mechanics(工), nature(虞). His practical philosophy is based on this ideology. We can observe a new tendency of China in the period from late Myoung to early Choung dynasty from these ideological features. However, the practical philosophy which respected and practiced by him, it could not produced its result in real society and just be researched in the area of academy.

      • KCI등재

        Are vaginal swabs comparable to cervical smears for human papillomavirus DNA testing?

        Liselotte Coorevits,Ans Traen,Luc Bingé,Jo Van Dorpe,Marleen Praet,Jerina Boelens,Elizaveta Padalko 대한부인종양학회 2018 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.29 No.1

        Objective: Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing is widely incorporated into cervical cancer screening strategies. Current screening requires pelvic examination for cervical sampling, which may compromise participation. The acceptance could be raised by introducing testing on vaginal swabs. We explored the interchangeability of vaginal swabs and cervical smears for HPV testing, by means of a prospective study conducted in female sex workers (FSWs). Besides, we report on the occurrence of 32 different HPV genotypes in FSW with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) or high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL). Methods: Paired physician-collected vaginal swabs and cervical smears from 303 FSW were tested for HPV using the Abbott RealTime High-Risk HPV assay. Cervical cytology was examined on cervical smears. In case of HSIL/LSIL cytological classification (n=52), both samples were genotyped using INNO-LiPa HPV Genotyping Extra II. Results: The overall prevalence of high-risk (HR)-HPV was 51%. In FSW with HSIL/LSIL cervical cytology, the sensitivity and specificity of vaginal samples for the detection of HR-HPV was 100% and 70% and for probable HR-HPV 100% and 91%. The mean number of genotypes identified in vaginal samples (mean=3.5; 95% confidence interval [CI]=2.8–4.2) was significantly higher than in cervical smear samples (mean=2.6; 95% CI=2.1–3.0) (p=0.001). The most frequently encountered HR-HPV genotypes were HPV16, 31, 51, and 52. Conclusion: As our study shows that vaginal swabs are equivalent to cervical smears for the detection of (probable) HR-HPV, vaginal swabs can be used for HPV testing in cervical cancer screening strategies. Given the acceptance of vaginal sampling, this finding offers an opportunity to boost screening coverage.

      • KCI등재

        Cemented Versus Uncemented Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fractures: National Shoulder Arthroplasty Data from Türkiye

        Özlem Orhan,İbrahim Kaya,İzzet Bingöl,Baran Sarikaya,Mustafa Okan Ayvali,Naim Ata,M. Mahir Ülgü,Şuayip Birinci,Fatih Karaaslan,H. Çağdaş Basat 대한정형외과학회 2024 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Vol.16 No.4

        Background: This study evaluated national trends in cemented and uncemented reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) for proximal humerus fractures using a comprehensive national surgical database. This study aimed to compare RSA used in the treatment of proximal humerus fractures with the literature and to determine the country's trend. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using the health records of individuals aged ≥ 18 years who underwent RSA for proximal humerus fractures between 2016 and 2022. Patients were divided into cemented and uncemented groups, and demographic data (age, sex), duration of hospital stay, transfusions, revisions, mortality, and Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) scores were analyzed. Results: A total of 618 cemented RSA and 1,364 uncemented RSA procedures were reviewed. Patients who underwent cemented RSA were significantly older than those who had uncemented RSA (p = 0.002). Transfusion rates were higher in the cemented RSA group (p = 0.006). The frequency of revision surgery was 6.1%. Younger age and male sex were associated with revision (p < 0.001). CCI scores were higher among transfused patients than non-transfused patients (p < 0.001). The incidence of cemented RSA was 11.7% and 49% in 2016 and 2022, respectively. Differences were found among hospital types and geographical regions. Conclusions: While cemented RSA has been gaining attention and increased application in recent years for proximal humerus fractures, uncemented RSA still predominates. The choice between these 2 methods is largely influenced by regional and hospitallevel factors. The type of RSA and high CCI scores were found to have no significant impact on the risk of surgical revision.

      • KCI등재

        Traumatic Coronary Artery Dissection in a Young Woman after a Kick to Her Back

        Emrah Ipek,Emrah Ermis,Selami Demirelli,Erkan Yıldırım,Mustafa Yolcu,Bingül Dilekci Sahin 대한흉부외과학회 2015 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.48 No.4

        We present the case of a 38-year-old woman admitted to our outpatient clinic with accelerating back pain and fatigue following a kick to her back by her husband. Upon arrival, we detected ST segment elevation in the D1, aVL, and V2 leads and accelerated idioventricular rhythm. She had pallor and hypotension consistent with cardiogenic shock. We immediately performed coronary angiography and found a long dissection starting from the mid-left main coronary artery and progressing into the mid-left anterior descending (LAD) and circumflex arteries. She was then transferred to the operating room for surgery. A saphenous vein was grafted to the distal LAD. Since the patient was hypotensive under noradrenaline and dopamine infusions, she was transferred to the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenator and intra-aortic balloon pump. During follow-up, her blood pressure remained low, at approximately 60/40 mmHg, despite aggressive inotropic and mechanical support. On the second postoperative day, asystole and cardiovascular arrest quickly developed, and despite aggressive cardiopulmonary resuscitation, she died.

      • KCI등재

        『열하일기』에 나타난 한,중 지식인의 교류양상

        진빙빙 ( Bing-bing Chen ) 성균관대학교 인문학연구원(성균관대학교 인문과학연구소) 2016 人文科學 Vol.0 No.61

        본 논문은 『열하일기』를 통해 한,중 지식인의 교류양상에 대하여 구체적으로 고찰하였다. 『열하일기』는 연암 박지원이 1780의 중국 사행시, 자제군관의 명목으로 참가하여, 두 달 동안의 일기와 여러 가지의 견문을 수록하여 작성한 작품이다. 그 중에는 중국의 정치,경제,문화,풍습 등 사회 현황을 기록한 것이 외에도, 한중 양국 지식인의 교류에 관한 내용도 많이 언급하고 있다. 『열하일기』에 언급한 문인들은 두 부류로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 전시대 중한 문학교류에 있어 탁월한 인물, 또는 중국에서 연암과 직접 교류하였던 중국 지식인들이다. 이들 간의 문화교류는 중,한 문화교류에 크게 기여하였을 뿐만 아니라, 박지원의 인식, 또는 문예사상에도 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 이들의 언설을 통하여 한,중 지식인의 교류양상과 중국 사회의 발전현황, 나아가 중국 지식인의 사회인식 등을 파악하고자 하는 것이 이 논문의 연구 목적이다. The paper is aimed at studying the aspects of communications between Chinese and Korean literary intellectuals through the examination of Jehol Diary by Park Ji-won, In the 1780s, Park Ji-won went to China as a military officer on a diplomatic mission and spent more than two years in travelling. After returning to Korea, Park Ji-won compiled his diary written in China and the observations into the well-known Jehol Diary. The book records Chinese politics, economy, culture and customs in detail as well as the cultural exchanges between Korean and Chinese literary intellectuals. Jehol Diary introduces two types of literary intellectuals. One is the major outstanding figures in the earlier times of Korean-Chinese literary exchanges, and the other is Chinese intellectuals Park Ji-won met during his travel to China. Their amiable communication promoted the cultural exchanges between Korea and China, acquainted Park Ji-won with Chinese culture and contributed to his literary creation. The paper aims to examine the communications between Korean and Chinese intellectuals in the 18th century based on the records in Park Ji-won’s works, further comprehend the philosophical trends of Chinese intellectuals and have a better understanding of the society.

      • KCI등재

        『열하일기』를 통해 본 18세기 베이징 선남(宣南)의 선비문화

        진빙빙 ( Chen Bing Bing ),하오준펑 ( Hao Jun Feng ) 성균관대학교 인문학연구원(성균관대학교 인문과학연구소) 2018 人文科學 Vol.0 No.69

        본 논문은 『열하일기』를 통해 18세기 베이징 선남의 선비문화에 대하여 구체적으로 고찰하였다. 선남문화는 베이징문화의 한 징표로 베이징 문화 중에서도 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 청나라 때 실시한 ‘기민분치(旗民分治)’라는 주거정책으로 실시하였기 때문에 한족 사대부와 선비들은 북경성의 도성 밖에 위치한 선남지역에서만 거주할 수 있었다. 시간이 흐르면서 한족 사대부들을 비롯한 선비문화가 베이징 선남의 문화 징표로 형성되었다. 선비들은 이곳에서 학술과 문학사상 교류를 통하여 18세기의 중국 문화예술 발전을 촉진시켰다. 동서고금 문화의 정수가 모인 선남지역은 중국학자뿐만 아니라 외국학자들도 선망하였던 문화의 성지가 되었다. 연암 박지원은 조선 후기 최고의 문학가이자 북학파를 대표하는 실학자였다. 박지원은 1780년 조선 연행사절을 따라 중국으로 출사(出使)하여, 두 달 동안의 일기와 여러 가지의 견문을 수록하여 『열하일기』를 저술하였다. 『열하일기』에는 18세기 중국의 문화와 사회 발전 양상을 많이 기술되어 있다. 특히 한·중 학자들의 만남과 교유, 유리창에서의 사문화(士文化), 선남의 선진적인 서양문화 등을 포함한 베이징의 선남문화에 대해 많이 언급하고 있다. 이 논문은 북경의 선남지역에 초점을 맞추고 이곳에서 이루어졌던 선비문화의 양상을 살펴보고, 나아가 당시 조선 학자들이 베이징의 선남문화에 대해 어떻게 이해하고 인식하였는지를 살펴보고자 한다. The paper aims to examine the scholarly culture of Beijing Xuannan in the 18th century based on the analysis of Jehol Diary written by Bak Jiwon, a noted scholar of the Northern School in the late Joseon dynasty. The culture of Xuannan is an important element for understanding the culture of Beijing. In the Qing dynasty, the government carried out a residential policy according to which the literati and the scholars of the Han nationality were permitted to dwell only in the area of Xuannan. As time went on, the scholarly culture of the Han nationality literati became a symbol of the Xuannan culture. Scholars gathered here for academic and literary exchanges and promoted the development of Chinese culture and arts in the 18th century. The essence of culture at all times and in all places converged on Xuannan, which became a holy land in the hearts of Chinese and foreign scholars. In 1780, Bak Jiwon traveled to China as a member of the government delegation and wrote the famous Jehol Diary. The book records Chinese politics, economy, culture and customs in detail as well as the cultural exchanges between Chinese and Korean literary scholars and intellectuals. He made a lot of efforts to describe Beijing Xuannan culture which includes: the literary trends of the 18th century China; communications among scholars in the Liulichang street and the bookstore culture there; Western learning; and other aspects. This dissertation not only focuses on the aspects of the Xuannan culture mentioned in Jehol Diary by Bak Jiwon as the main research topic but also explores the understanding of the Xuannan culture among the scholars of the Joseon dynasty.

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