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      • KCI등재

        한부모 가정 유아를 양육하는 조손가족 조모와 손자녀의 삶을 통해 본 가족의 의미

        지숙,지혜 한국영유아교원교육학회 2015 유아교육학논집 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 한부모 가정 유아를 양육하는 조모와 손자녀의 삶을 내러티브 탐구 방법으로 살 펴보고, 그들의 삶의 경험이 구성하는 가족의 의미를 이해하는 것이다. 김 할머니와 윤찬이, 최 할머니와 혜민이가 이 연구의 참여자였으며, 각 가족을 대상으로 10회의 대화와 관찰을 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 김 할머니와 윤찬이에게 가족은 서로 공생하면서 공존하는 공간이며 할머니 자신에서 윤찬이 엄마로, 윤찬이 엄마에서 윤찬이에게로 사회적 불평등이 전수되면서 사회계층의 격차를 만들어내는 아비투스였다. 최 할머니와 혜민이에게 가족은 구성/재구성의 역동성을 지닌 유기체였으며, 관계적 돌봄의 책임을 공유하는 공동체로서의 의미를 지녔다. 본 연구 결과로부터 가족을 사회성과 역사성을 지닌 구성물로 볼 필요가 있으며, 결합과 분화가 반복되는 역동성과 유동성을 지닌, 그래서 가족 안에 다양한 사회정서적, 심리적 특성이 존재하는 복합체로 보아야 함을 주장하였다. 본 연구의 결과에 기초하여 유아교사가 가족의 다양성을 수용할 것, ‘정상 가족’ 범주에 속하지 않는 가족배경을 지닌 유아들의 강점을 존중해 줄 것, 조부모와 한부모의 양육기능을 강화시키기 위한 개입의 필요성을 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the meaning of family through the lives of grandmothers and their grandchildren using narrative inquiry. The participants of this study were two grandmothers and their grandchildren. Both of the grandchildren have a single parent. Data were collected from ten visits to each family during which time the family was interviewed and observed. For the first family, 'family' meant the place of symbiosis and co-existence and habitus. For the second family, 'family' meant an organism with dynamics of construction and reconstruction as well as a community where the responsibility of relational caring was shared. This study emphasizes that the family should be considered a composition with sociality and history, as well as a composite body with social, emotional, and psychological characteristics. Implications for early childhood teachers were drawn, based on the results of the study.

      • KCI등재


        廉晟振(성진) 경기연구원 2011 GRI 연구논총 Vol.13 No.2

        계속되는 불황과 행정의 경재난 등의 배경속에 일본에서는CSR의 다양화가 이루어지고 있으며, 도시의 오픈스페이스분야에 있어서도 기업과 민간의 활력의 도입되고 있다. 그럼으로 본 연구에서는 민간에 의해 개설되어 운영관리되고 있는 민설민영 오픈스페이스를 대상으로 하여 현황과 특징을 파악하고 그 결과를 바탕으로 도시의 오픈스페이스로서의 역할과 기능, 유용성에 대해 계획론적 지견을 얻음과 동시에 앞으로 한국의 민설민영 오픈스페이스의 방향성과 시사점에 대해 검토하자 한다. 일본의 도도부현청을 대상으로 각지역에 존재하는민설민영 오픈스페이스를 파악한 결과, 일본 전역에78개소가존재하는 것이 확인되었다. 파악 된 78개소의 민설민영오픈스페이스의소유주를 대상으로 현황과 특징을 파악하기위해서 시설현황, 관리운영현황,설립목적등에 대한 설문조사를 실시한 결과, 주요시설은 자연자원으로 분류되는 시설이 가장많고, 입지적 특성으로는 중소규모의 지방자치단체에 입지하고 있는 경우가 많았다. 그리고, 시설의 면적에 있어서도 도시공원의 종합공원규모의 면적을보유하고 있는 특징으로부터 재정난으로 인해 새로운 오픈스페이스의 정비가 곤란한 지방자치단체에게는 대규모의 자연자원임과 동시에 방재적기능을 가진오픈스페이스의 확보라는 면의 있어서 유용하다는 것을 추론할 수 있었다. 하지만, 대부분의 소유주의 경우 운영관리에 있어서 불안을 안고 있는 현실속에서 향후,도시의 오픈스페이스로서 지속적으로 유지하기 위해서는 행정과의 협정 혹은 유지관리를 위한 행정체계와의 연계시스템의 구축이 필요하다는것을 확인하였다.

      • 초기 감리교회 학교교육 정책에 관한 연구

        시동 배화여자대학 1999 培花論叢 Vol.18 No.-

        The major purpose of the school education policy of the early methodist church was to lead their life for the life of service for the church, nation and all mankinds for the glory of our god, for the students those who were spiritually salvated. 1. The basic of the school education policy of the methodist church is the spiritual salvation matter. 2. The practice of the education for the children of the alienated classes. 3. Did the education of the education for the whole man through common life. To review the 3 kinds as the practice of the above contect : 1. Practice of education for the salvation of the spirit(soul). 2. Practice of the equal chance of the educational benefit. 3. Educational practice for the cultivation of leaders. The 1998 year is the most meanful year of the 250 years of the kingswood school and 100 years of baewha school. As such year, the several issues are needed for the education al policy for the methodist schools. 1. The correct religious education to have great interest for the salvation of the soul. 2. To have the firm belief of the minister of god. 3. "The school that does best effort to be used for the church and nation for the glory of almighty god."

      • KCI등재

        협력을 통한 유아교사교육자의 수업개선 경험

        이명순,지숙 한국영유아교원교육학회 2017 유아교육학논집 Vol.21 No.6

        The purpose of this research study was to investigate students' needs for the course on training early childhood educators and to inquire into the experiences of two early childhood teacher educators and the meaning of those experiences of their lesson improvements through reflective conversations. Transcripts of lesson observations, interviews with students, and conversations of Professor Yeom and Professor Lee were used as data for this study. The themes of experiences of Professor Yeom were revealed as 'avoiding textbook-oriented lessons', connecting theory with field practice', 'searching for a new evaluation method'. The themes of the experiences of Professor Lee were revealed as 'accommodating the students levels', 'translating practice to theory', '‘instilling a sense of pride as an early childhood teacher'. The meaning of such experiences for the two professors were described as ‘a mutually beneficial process through collaboration with a colleague', 'transformation of teaching through collaboration with students', 'the process of growth as early childhood teacher educators through the circulation process between research and teaching'. The results of this study suggested the following to improve the quality of courses: listening carefully to the voices of students, self-reflecting and collaboration with colleagues, and keeping up to date with the changing field of early childhood education. 이 연구는 유아교사 양성과정 수업에 대한 학생들의 요구를 살펴보고, 2명의 유아교사교육자들이 자신들의 수업에 대해 함께 성찰적 대화를 나누면서 수업개선을 해가는 경험과 그 경험의 의미를 탐구하였다. 이 연구의 자료는 연구자이자 참여자인 염 교수와 이 교수가 수행한 상대 교수의 수업관찰 녹화와 학생면담 전사본, 두 교수의 대화 전사본이다. 염 교수의 경험에서 주요한 주제는 ‘교재중심의 강의식 수업에서 벗어나기’, ‘현장 실천과 연계되는 수업’, ‘새로운 평가방법이 요구되는 수업’으로, 이 교수의 경우는 ‘학생들의 눈높이에 맞추는 수업’, ‘이론에서 실제가 아닌, 실제에서 이론으로 연계되는 수업’, ‘유아교사로서의 자긍심을 심어주는 수업’으로 나타났다. 이러한 경험은 유아교사교육자로서의 두 교수의 삶에 동료교수와의협력을 통한 상호 호혜적 배움의 과정으로서, 학생들과의 협력을 통한 변화로서, 교수와 연구의 순환을 통한 유아교사교육자로서의 성장 과정으로서의 의미를 부여하였다. 이 연구에서수업개선을 위해 유아교사교육자가 ‘학생들의 목소리에 귀 기울이기’, ‘동료교수와의 협력과자기 성찰’, ‘변화하는 유아교육 현장에 대한 관심과 정보 갱신’ 등을 실천해야 한다고 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        소아 아급성 괴사성 림프절염의 임상적, 방사선학적, 면역조직화학적 소견

        김현정,정숙,박지숙,박은실,서지현,박찬후,우향옥,조재민,이정희,윤희상,임재영 대한소아청소년과학회 2008 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.51 No.11

        Purpose:The cause of subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis, a rare disease in children, has not been completely clarified. This study was aimed to investigate the disease mechanism by examining clinical, radiologic, and immunohistochemical findings in children diagnosed with subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis after an excisional biopsy. Methods:We examined 19 lymph node tissue specimens from 17 children diagnosed with subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis at Gyeongsang National University Hospital from March, 1998 to July, 2006. A retrospective survey of the medical records was performed. CT findings were analyzed. Immunohistochemical staining was done on tissues obtained by excisional biopsy from all patients. Results:The patient's age ranged from 5 to 19 years (average age:11.8 years). The main symptoms included a neck mass (17/19), pain in the mass (6/17), and fever (12/19). The palpable lymph nodes were mostly cervical in location; the maximum diameter, which was measured radiologically, was less than 3 cm in all 10 cases. The masses were pathologically divided into proliferative, necrotic, and xanthomatous types. With immunohistochemical staining the masses were divided into lesion (L), perilesion (PL), and necrosis (N). The CD8 staining was stronger than the CD4 staining for all regions in three types. The CD4 staining intensity was mainly increased in the perilesion, and CD8 was mainly increased in the lesion. Conclusion:We compared the radiologic findings, clinical symptoms, and pathology to help understand the cause of disease in patients with subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis. (Korean J Pediatr 2008;51:1198-1204) Purpose:The cause of subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis, a rare disease in children, has not been completely clarified. This study was aimed to investigate the disease mechanism by examining clinical, radiologic, and immunohistochemical findings in children diagnosed with subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis after an excisional biopsy. Methods:We examined 19 lymph node tissue specimens from 17 children diagnosed with subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis at Gyeongsang National University Hospital from March, 1998 to July, 2006. A retrospective survey of the medical records was performed. CT findings were analyzed. Immunohistochemical staining was done on tissues obtained by excisional biopsy from all patients. Results:The patient's age ranged from 5 to 19 years (average age:11.8 years). The main symptoms included a neck mass (17/19), pain in the mass (6/17), and fever (12/19). The palpable lymph nodes were mostly cervical in location; the maximum diameter, which was measured radiologically, was less than 3 cm in all 10 cases. The masses were pathologically divided into proliferative, necrotic, and xanthomatous types. With immunohistochemical staining the masses were divided into lesion (L), perilesion (PL), and necrosis (N). The CD8 staining was stronger than the CD4 staining for all regions in three types. The CD4 staining intensity was mainly increased in the perilesion, and CD8 was mainly increased in the lesion. Conclusion:We compared the radiologic findings, clinical symptoms, and pathology to help understand the cause of disease in patients with subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis. (Korean J Pediatr 2008;51:1198-1204)

      • KCI등재

        로봇발전과 기구학의 역할

        영일(Youngil Youm) 제어로봇시스템학회 2014 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.20 No.3

        This is the survey paper on the role of kinematics in robot development. The robot is considered as a form of mechanical systems which includes closed-chain loop system, open-chain loop system and closed and open switching system. To analyze these systems, kinematic notations has been developed in kinematics of mechanical theory since 1955 and has been applied in robotics. Several kinematic notations including Denavit-Hartenberg notations have been reviewed. The status of development of the spherical motor which has a great impact on the future robot advancement has reviewed, and research activity on a spherical motor and its application to 3-D spatial mechanisms at UNIST is introduced. For the open and closed switching mechanical systems, the bipedal robots" walking theories using Zero Moment Point are reviewed. And current status regarding bipedal robots based on newly developed passive dynamic walking theory is reviewed with the research activity at UNIST on this subject.

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