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        한·중·일 한자음 학습연계 활용을 위한 대응양상에 관한 연구 -어두자음 “ㅎ”과 대응되는 한·중·일 한자음 통합비교분음표 DB 구축을 중심으로-

        최지수 조선대학교 인문학연구원 2024 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.68

        본 연구에서는 現代 韓國漢字音 어두자음 “ㅎ”과 대응되는 <韓·中·日 漢字音 統合比較分韻表>를 中古漢語를 기준으로 聲母別로 DB화하여, 韓·中·日 漢字音의 수용 및 대응양상을 분석하였다. 韓·中·日 외국어 학습자들은 漢字音의 음운체계 및 대응양상을 이해하게 되면 韓·中·日 漢字音 학습에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 어두자음 “ㅎ”과 대응되는 現代 韓·中·日 漢字音의 대응양상 유형을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 現代 韓國漢字音 어두자음 “ㅎ”과 대응되는 現代 中國漢字音은 h/x/, x/ɕ, k/kh, g/k/, w/u/ 등으로, 現代 日本漢字音은 カ행/k/, ガ행/g/, ア행/∅/으로 나타났다. 어두자음 “ㅎ”에 대응되는 韓․中․日 漢字音의 대응양상 유형은 총 14가지 유형으로 나타난다. 韓·中·日 漢字音의 대응양상 유형별로는 韓國漢字音 “ㅎ”과 中國漢字音 h/x/, 日本漢字音 カ행/k/이 대응되는 ㅎ-h-k 유형(93字)의 비율이 가장 높게 나타난다. 다음으로 韓國漢字音 “ㅎ”과 中國漢字音 x/ɕ/, 日本漢字音 カ행/k/이 대응되는 ㅎ-x-k 유형(57字)이 나타난다. 그 외, ㅎ-h-g 유형(22字), ㅎ-x-g 유형(16字), ㅎ-k-k 유형(8字), ㅎ-h-∅ 유형(8字), ㅎ-g-k 유형(5字) ㅎ-h-w 유형(4字), ㅎ-j-k 유형(4字), ㅎ-x-∅ 유형(2字), ㅎ-q-k형 유형(2字) 등으로 대응되었다. In this study, I analyzed response patterns the sound of Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese, the sound of Chinese characters by compiling the period-specific Integrated Comparison table Korean, Chinese, and Japanese Chinese consonants responding to the modern Korean consonants corresponding to initial consonants “ㅎ”. Foreign language learners in Korea, China, and Japan expect that understanding the phonological system and response patterns of Chinese characters will help them learn Korean, Chinese, and Japanese characters. The results are summarized as follows. The modern Korean consonants "ㅎ" responds with h/x/, x/ɕ, k/kh, g/k/, w/u/ in the modern Chinese consonants, and Most of the Japanese consonants were reflected in カline/k/, ガline/g/、アline/∅/. There are 14 types of response patterns that correspond to the Korean consonants "ㅎ" , with the highest ratio of the ㅎ-h-k(93) type to which the Korean Chinese consonants "ㅎ" and Chinese consonants “h” and Japanese Chinese consonants "k" are matched. This response system is the most appropriate type for the modern phonological system of the three countries. Next, it appears in the order of type ㅎ-x-k(57), ㅎ-h-g(22), ㅎ-x-g(16), ㅎ-k-k(8), ㅎ-h-∅(8), ㅎ-g-k(5), ㅎ-h-w(4), ㅎ-j-k(4), ㅎ-x-∅(2), ㅎ-q-k(2).

      • KCI등재

        만 4세 유아의 내·외적 학습동기가 글 없는 그림책 읽기행동에 미치는 영향: 협동과 경쟁 맥락의 조절효과

        최지수,최나야 한국어린이문학교육학회 2020 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.21 No.2

        본 연구는 글 없는 그림책을 읽을 때 보이는 만 4세 유아의 읽기행동이 내·외적 학습동기와 협동·경쟁 맥락에 영향을 받는지 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 서울, 경기 및 인천 지역에 소재하는 어린이집과 유치원 6곳에서 유아 80명을 협동과 경쟁 맥락에 무선할당한 뒤 그림책을 읽을 때 보이는 읽기행동을 촬영하여 분석하였다. 실험결과, 협동·경쟁 맥락은 놀이와 부정적 행동에 영향을 미쳤으며, 놀이 행동은 협동 조건에서, 부정적 행동은 경쟁 조건에서 더 많이 나타났다. 유아의 내적 학습동기는 탐색적, 구성적 행동에 영향을 미쳤으며, 내적 학습동기가 높을 경우 협동 조건이, 낮을 경우 경쟁 조건이 탐색적 행동을 이끌어내는 데 유리하였다. 유아의 외적 학습동기는 읽기행동에 영향을 미치지 않았다. 이는 유아의 읽기행동을 증진시키기 위해선 내적 학습동기의 함양을 돕고, 또래와 함께 읽을 때 협동하여 읽도록 환경을 조성해 주는 것이 효과적임을 시사한다. 이를 토대로 유아교육기관이나 가정에서 유아의 읽기행동 증진을 위한 프로그램을 계획하고 실행할 것을 제안한다. This study was conducted to find out the reading behaviors of 4-year-old children when reading wordless picture books whether it is influenced by internal and external learning motivations and a cooperative and competitive context. We analyzed 80 children’s reading behaviors when reading picture books after assigning them randomly to the cooperation or competition condition in six daycare centers and kindergartens located in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon. Based on the results of the experiment, the cooperative and competitive context influenced children’s play and negative behavior. The play behavior appeared more in the cooperative condition whereas the negative behavior appeared more in the competitive condition. Children’s internal learning motivation affected their exploratory and constructive behavior. When the internal learning motivation was high, the cooperative condition was favorable, whereas when it was low, the competitive condition was advantageous, to elicit exploratory behavior. Children’s external learning motivation did not affect their reading behaviors. This suggests that to improve children's reading behavior, it is effective to help foster internal learning motivations and to create a cooperative environment when reading with peers. Based on these results, it is suggested that a program to promote reading behavior in early childhood education institutions or at home is planned and implemented.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 번역문의 정량 평가 도구로서의 기계 평가 지표의 활용 가능성 고찰: SacreBLEU를 중심으로

        최지수 한국언어정보학회 2023 언어와 정보 Vol.27 No.2

        In this study, I conducted an examination of the effectiveness of automated evaluation metrics, primarily designed for machine translation, in the realm of human translation assessment. The research involved a thorough comparison of these automated metrics, such as BLEU and METEOR, with conventional manual evaluation techniques. Central to this investigation was the application of SacreBLEU, a refined metric with standardized preprocessing, to evaluate human-generated texts. The findings revealed a notable correlation, exceeding 0.8, between the outcomes of automated evaluations and human judgments. This result highlights the potential of automated metrics to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of human translation assessment, and it is easy to use, further emphasizing its practical utility. The study thus advocates for the integration of these metrics into academic and professional translation evaluation practices, offering a more streamlined, consistent, and objective approach to translation quality assessment.

      • KCI등재

        밀-하작물 작부체계가 밀 품질 및 토양에 미치는 영향

        최지수,오성환,오서영,김태희,김성훈,박현진,차진경 한국작물학회 2023 한국작물학회지 Vol.68 No.4

        To achieve self-sufficiency in domestic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), an increase in high-quality wheat production is essential. Given Korea's limited land area, the utilization of cropping systems is imperative. Wheat is compatible with a double cropping system along with rice, soybeans, and corn. Data on alterations in wheat quality following summer crop cultivation is required. This study investigated the impact of cultivating preceding crops such as rice, soybeans, and corn in a wheat cropping system. The analysis focused on the influence of these preceding crops on wheat growth, quality, and soil characteristics, elucidating their interrelationships and impacts. While there were no differences in growth timing and quantity during wheat growth, a significant variance was observed in stem length. Protein content, a key quality attribute of wheat, displayed variations based on the intercropped crops, with the highest increase observed in wheat cultivated after soybeans. Soil moisture content also exhibited variations depending on the intercropping system. The wheat-rice intercropping system, which requires soil moisture retention, resulted in greater pore space saturation in comparison to other systems. Moreover, soil chemical properties, specifically phosphorus and calcium levels, were influenced by intercropping. The highest reduction in soil phosphorus content occurred with soybean cultivation. These findings suggest that intercropping wheat with soybeans can potentially enhance wheat quality in domestic varieties.

      • KCI등재

        Exploration of the developmental process of vasculogenic mimicry in canine inflammatory mammary carcinoma

        최지수,오예인,이병우,김현욱,윤병일 충북대학교 동물의학연구소 2020 Journal of Biomedical and Translational Research Vol.21 No.2

        Canine inflammatory mammary carcinoma (CIMC) similar to human inflammatory breast cancer is a very aggressive, metastatic type of cancer. Previous studies have introduced a new type of tumor angiogenesis called vasculogenic mimicry that may play an important role in the progression of inflammatory mammary cancer. The purpose of this study is to investigate the development process of vessels by neoplastic cells in CIMC. Patient dog, 14-year old Shit-Tzu female, had a hard and somewhat movable dark-reddish mammary tumor, sized 6.2 cm in diameter. Bloody dark turbid exudate was released from the tumor. In addition to histological examination, immunohistochemistry for pancytokeratin, VCAM-1, MECA- 32, TWIST-1, and Ki-67 was respectively performed using the ABC method. Histologically, the inflammatory mammary carcinoma was characterized by tubular solid tumor emboli within the lymphatic vessels surrounded by desmoplastic fibrous connective tissue. Some of the neoplastic cells were transforming into elongate or spindle shapes and forming small vessel-like structures in the solid tumor mass. The neoplastic cells were immunoreactive for VCAM-1 and MECA-32, but showed low immunoreactivity for Ki-67. Immunoreactive neoplastic cells for VCAM-1 and MECA-32 suggested the possibility that the neoplastic cells transform into endothelial cells of vessels by epithelial-mesenchymal transition, further supported by serial morphological changes identified by histological investigation and immunohistochemistry for TWIST-1. The high capacity of the neoplastic cells forming the vasculatures in CIMC explains the high ratio of metastasis to other regions, even though Ki-67 index was not so high.

      • KCI등재

        한일 양국의 요청 화행 비교 연구

        최지수 인문사회 21 2019 인문사회 21 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구는 한일 양국의 요청 화행을 비교하고자, 한일 리메이크 드라마에 나타난 언어행동을 ‘직접전략’, ‘간접전략’ 및 ‘비언어행동 전략’으로 분류해 한국어 모국어 화자와 일본어 모국어 화자가 표현하는 화행 차이를 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구에서는 드라마 2편[하얀거탑(白い巨塔), 공부의 신(ドラゴン桜)]을 자료로 선택하였다. 분석 방법으로는 드라마에서 나타나는 화행 중 1:1 또는 1:2 대화 및 그 이상의 담화 사용 발화 화행을 대상으로 했다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 한국이 일본에 비해 직접전략 빈도가 조금 더 높고, 일본은 한국에 비해 간접전략 빈도가 조금 더 높게 나타났다. 본 연구결과를 근거로 제2언어 학습자들의 화용적 능력향상에 도움이 되는 데에 기초적인 자료가 될 것으로 기대하며 지속적인 연구를 통하여 효과적인 교수법 방안이 마련되어야 함을 제언한다. This study compares request and response speech acts as they often appear in Japanese original TV shows, their Korean remakes. Linguistic actions are also classified into ‘direct strategies’, ‘indirect strategies’, and ‘nonlinguistic action strategies’, and then analyzed on the basis of the difference in use of speech acts between Korean and Japanese speakers. For the comparative analysis, the two shows are included, “The White Tower”, and “God of Study.” Regarding the methods of analysis, the utterances that were part of one-to-one conversations, and one-to-two, (or more) conversations were selected. The analysis results are as follows. Korea has a slightly higher frequency than Japan in direct strategy, while Japan has a slightly higher frequency than Korea in indirect strategy. Based on the research results, I suggest that effective teaching methods should be prepared through continuous research, and also expect that they will be the basis for helping second language learners improve their conversational skills.

      • KCI등재

        열적으로 활성화된 광선반 시스템에 의한 냉방 성능 개선 효과 분석

        최지수,김상엽,박종호,이규남 한국건축친환경설비학회 2022 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.6

        A light shelf can be used for space cooling when its surfaces are thermally activated by chilled water. The cooling effect of thermally activated light shelf (TALS) was demonstrated by a previous study; however, its performance was evaluated without the consideration of spatial temperature distribution, air flow distribution, and main cooling system such as fan coil unit (FCU). In this context, this study was conducted to evaluate the TALS system under the condition that FCU system is implemented as main cooling system, whereas the TALS system serves as auxiliary cooling system for perimeter zone. A CFD simulation model was developed to investigate the spatial and surface temperature of the room equipped with FCU and TALS system. The developed model was validated against the mock-up test results, which yielded the discrepancy of 0.1~-0.7℃ in the vertical air temperature distribution. The validated model was used to compare the thermal environment for the cases with FCU and FCU+TALS. Compared to the FCU case, the FCU+TALS system could reduce the air temperature, radiant temperature, and PMV by 0.6℃, 1.2℃, and 0.26, respectively, which implies that the TALS can be successfully utilized to enhance the thermal environment in the perimeter zone.

      • KCI등재

        성인 남성들의 발레 경험에 관한 이야기

        최지수,이의재 인하대학교 교육연구소 2020 교육문화연구 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 성인 남성들의 발레 경험을 통해 발레가 그들에게 어떤 의미를 가지고 있고 삶의 변화를 이끌어 나가고있는지에 대한 목적으로 시작되었다. 발레에 참여하고 있는 5명의 연구 참여자를 유목적 표집방법을 사용하여 선정하였고이들의 삶을 살펴보기 위하여 질적 연구방법 중 내러티브방법을 사용하였다. 구체적인 자료 분석은 사례기록분석과귀납적분석을 활용하였다. 5명의 연구 참여자에 대한 각각의 내러티브를 통해 어떻게 발레에 참여하게 되었는지계기부터 참여과정, 그리고 그들의 삶의 변화가 어떻게 이루어졌는지를 살펴보았다. 그 결과 남성들은 배우자 또는대중매체를 통해 접근하기 시작하였고, 참여과정에서는 어려운 동작들을 수행하기 위한 노력들 그리고 직장생활과의병행으로 어려움을 경험하고 있었다. 마지막으로 발레는 남성들의 신체적 변화, 정서적 변화들을 통해 삶의 변화가긍정적으로 이루어지고 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 이에 따른 후속연구 제언으로 남성들의 발레를 바라보는 인식에관한 실태조사와 장기간 발레에 참여한 남성들이 왜 발레에 빠져있는지에 대한 심층적인 연구가 필요함을 언급하였다. 본 연구를 토대로 발레가 성인 남성들에게 어떻게 참여하고 있고, 어떤 의미를 가지는지 살펴보았다. 이를 토대로발레가 여성의 전유물이 아닌 남성들도 즐겁게 참여할 수 있는 생활스포츠의 하나임을 알 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to find out what ballet means to them and to make a difference in life through adult men's ballet experience. Five research participants who participated in ballet were selected using the nomadic sampling method and the narrative method was used to examine their lives. For detailed data analysis, case history analysis and inductive analysis were used. Each narrative of five study participants looked at how they participated in ballet, how they participated, and how their lives changed. As a result, men began to approach through spouses or the media, and in the process of participation, they were experiencing difficulties in their efforts to perform difficult movements and in parallel with their work life. Finally, ballet showed that the change of life was positively made through the physical and emotional changes of men. According to the suggestion of follow-up studies, it is necessary to investigate the actual condition of men's perception of ballet and to study in depth the reasons why men who participated in ballet for a long time. Based on this study, we examined how ballet participates in adult men and what they mean. Based on this, it was found that ballet is one of life sports that can be enjoyed by men, not only women.

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