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        潘天壽의 精神形式的 新繪畵觀

        정숙모(鄭淑謨) 한국서예학회 2011 서예학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        潘天壽가 활동하였던 시기는 극심한 정치사회적 혼란으로 미술계도 전통의 계승과 서양화의 수용 사이에서 갈등이 매우 심하였다. 따라서 潘天壽의 회화사상은 전통회화의 계승시기, 중일전쟁 기간의 사회참여, 사회주의 정권 초기의 전성기, 문화대혁명 기간 동안 심한 탄압 등 큰 변화를 겪었으며, 그의 회화관도 전통주의적 회화관, 서양화에 대한 인식의 변화 그리고 사회주의적 회화관 등 다양하게 전개되었다. 특히 서양화의 영향으로 전통회화의 존재가치가 약화되는 상황에서 潘天壽는 서양화의 寫實性을 수용하기보다는 전통중국화 내부에 잠재된 장점을 현대적 미감으로 승화시켜 시대정신을 발양하고자 하였고 끊임없는 자기갱신을 통해 개성이 강한 독특한 회화풍격을 구축하였다. 潘天壽의 精神形式的 新繪畵觀은 이러한 창작태도나 경험과 밀접하게 연관되어 형성되었는데 특히 서양화의 영향으로 현대화가 급속히 진행되는 가운데 전통의 중요성을 재인식하게 하였다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있겠다. 潘天壽는 회화를 화가의 思想意識의 산물이며 회화의 생명은 시대정신의 발양에 있음을 강조하였고, 학화과정에는 古人之理法과 自然之理法을 이해해야하지만 창작의 단계에서는 이들 이법에서 벗어나 中得心源의 眞畵的 繪畵를 추구할 것을 강조 하였다. 이 과정에서 전통적으로 화가들이 최고의 이법으로 삼았던 ‘師造化’, ‘師自然’의 의미를 단순히 ‘자연의 형상을 모방하는’ 것으로 이해함으로써 전통화론과 매우 다르게 해석하였는데 이는 ‘師自然’의 의미를 서양화의 사생개념으로 보았기 때문이다. 따라서 그는 진정한 창작은 自然을 모방하는 ‘師造化’, ‘師自然’의 단계를 벗어나 ‘心源’의 회화를 추구하는 것이라는 脫傳統의 새로운 패러다임을 제시하였다. 潘天壽의 形神論은 重神似的 경향이 뚜렷하였다. 그는 形과 神을 手段과 目的의 관계로 보고, 形神兼備의 以形寫神을 강조하면서도 궁극적으로는 神似志向的 似與 不似之間을 주장하여 정신의 似와 속된 형상의 不似를 강조하는 重神似的 회화관을 보여주었다. 畵如其人的 神采論은 그의 유가적 심미의식을 엿보게 한다. 借物寫心論, 畵品卽人品論 그리고 讀書⋅修養⋅繪畵의 三位合一로 道德的 修養을 쌓아 내면을 강화할 것을 강조함으로써 儒家的 審美意識을 드러냈다. 결국 潘天壽는 20세기 중국화가 현대화되는 과정에 절대적인 영향을 주었던 서양화의 사실성을 맹목적으로 수용하지 않았으며 중국화의 발전에 필요한 요소만 선택적으로 수용하였다. 그것은 중국화의 전통에 대한 강한 신뢰와 민족에 대한 자긍심이 크게 작용했기 때문이었다. 따라서 시대정신의 발양을 중국화 내부의 장점들을 찾아 현대적 미감으로 발현하였는데 이러한 창작태도는 그의 정신형식적 회화관에 바탕을 둔 것이라 하겠다. 潘天壽主要活动於全中国政治社会混乱极深的时期,當时美术界也处於传统继承和西洋画受容这 一歧路,矛盾加深。因此潘天壽的绘画创作也面临着最初的继承传统绘画的时期、要积极参與社会的抗日战争时期、社会主义初期的全盛期、深受压迫的文化大革命时期等發生极大的变化, 他的绘画观 念也有不少变化,由传统主义的绘画观逐渐展示出对西洋绘画的认识变化,再转变为社会主义绘画观。尤其是,在因西洋画影响之大,传统绘画存在价值日益恶化的情况下,潘天壽并不追求西洋画的 寫實性,却要将中国画内面的长处升化为现代美感,以发扬时代精神,并通过不断的自己更新來构造出有独创性的绘画风格。这是與他的新繪畵觀有密切关系,兼展示出他的绘画观,就是处于西洋画影响深大的时期,不仅重视外面的表现形式,同时更重视传统中国画所重视的精神因素。 本文就潘天壽的新绘画观,以精神形式为主考察。 主要内容如下。 其一是他中得心源的繪畵認識。他强调绘画是画家的思想意識的产物,绘画的生命就在於时代精 神的发扬,并强调要除去在传统上画家所追求的古人之理法和自然之理法,追求中得心源的眞畵,在此过程上他将‘師造化’、‘師自然’解释为模拟自然形象,这是與效自然之理法的传统概念迥然不同。由此他提示出新的脫傳統模式,即要真正創新,先要脱出模拟自然的传统模式。其次是重神似的形神論。他将以形和神视为手段和目的,强调以形寫神的形神兼備,最终主张神似志向的似與不似之間, 这是强调精神上的似和形象上的不似的重神似绘画观。再次是畵如其人的神采論。 他主张借物寫心論和畵品卽人品論,并强调要通过讀書、修養、繪畵三位合一的道德修養强化畵家精神思想,这是與绘 画就透照画家人品、思想、感情的传统认识一致,可知潘天壽新繪畵觀是基於儒家美學。 总之,潘天壽重精神形式的新繪畵觀,是在通过西洋画的寫實性和绘画表现形式的改革来进行中国画变革的时候,却强调传统中国画所追求的内面因素即精神性。潘天壽坚持重人格的价值观,卽认艺术为艺术家思想意識的産物,随艺术家學識、修養、人格就能决定出作品的氣韻、意境、格調。他坚持重人格的价值观的同时, 还视绘画为‘心源之文’,强调藝術一定要反映艺术家的思想感情。

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 유치원 교사들의 문해습득에 대한 신념 및 실천 분석

        정숙 동아대학교 2001 大學院論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate kindergarten teachers' beliefs and practices for young children's literacy acquisition. Specifically, teachers' beliefs in terms of constructivism and its variance according to teacher characteristics, and teachers' use of literacy approaches and their variances according to young children's age and teacher characteristics were examined. Subjects were 280 teachers sampled from 39 kindergartens located in Pusan and Kyungnam Province. A Questionnaire was developed with the reference of Wortham(1998), Hopkin(1995) and Chung(1998) to collect data. Statistical methods used in this study were mean table, MANOVA, and Tukey post-hoc test. The conclusions derived from the discussion on the results of this study are as follows: Firstly, it was revealed that both the degree of teachers' beliefs on constructivism and the use of whole-language approach were comparatively high. Therefore kindergarten teachers seem to use whole-language approach based on their solid theoretical backgrounds. Secondly, kindergarten teachers are revealed to use whole-language approach more than skills approach to assist young children's literacy acquisition. This is a desirable tendency for balanced adoptions between the two approaches in the classrooms. Thirdly, the tendency for teachers to use the two literacy approachers does not vary according to the age of young children they teach. This can be a problematic classroom practice because the dominance of whole-language approach for younger children should shift progressively to include more skills approach as children reveals and develops emergent literacy. Therefore, this tendency should be reflected in teacher education programs. Fourthly, while teachers with higher status and education revealed higher beliefs on constructivism, and teachers with more teaching experience and higher education use more whole-language approach, teachers with less teaching experience use more skills approach. This should also be reflected in teacher education programs.

      • 총체적 언어접근과 유치원 유아의 문해지도 방안

        정숙 동아대학교 학생생활연구소 2001 學生硏究 Vol.29 No.-

        Traditional approach to young children literacy is shills approach, in which readiness skills for literacy are directly taught. Recently constructivists presented whole-language approach as an appropriate method to teach young children literacy, in which all of four language skills are simultaneously promoted through a meaningful context using children's constructing processes. The purpose of this study was to explore a desirable way to teach literacy. Accordingly, this study reviewed prior research and related literature to examine the characteristics of whole-language approach and of young children's literacy development, and presented goals and principles for young children's literacy instruction. The conclusions derived from this study are as follows: First, whole-language approach is a learner-centered language instruction method, which requires using integration of language skills in real-life meaningful context. The controversy between skills approach and whole-language approach has a long history, however, a consensus have reached that it is desirable to use both approach appropriately. Secondly, three theoretical explanations are considered to understand young children's language development: Behavioristic view, innate capacity theory, and constructivist view. Young children's literacy including reading and writing develops through three stages: Setting foundations for literacy, learning about print and understanding printed language, and, finally, becoming independent readers. Thirdly, the promises for teaching young children literacy is that the methods should be developmentally appropriate, and combine whole-language approach with skills approach with balance. The goal for young children's literacy instruction and four principles for reaching literacy were presented.

      • KCI등재

        대학 영어 학습자들의 모바일 어플리케이션 사용현황과 인공지능 기반 어플에 대한 인식 연구

        정숙 미래영어영문학회 2019 영어영문학 Vol.24 No.3

        The purpose of the study is to investigate college students' use of smart phone applications for the purpose of English learning and their degree of awareness of current AI-based English learning applications and chatbots. For this purpose, the researcher administered survey questions to 87 college students two times in one semester. The analysis of survey data yielded the following findings: First, majority of the students were participating the autonomous mobile learning outside of the classroom. The most popular applications students used were TOEIC test preparation apps followed by Youtube and other English learning apps. Students' lack of information of proper apps and their disinterest were revealed as the major reasons for the low use of English learning apps. Second, it was found that students were rarely aware of AI based English applications and their actual experience of AI technology is extremely limited. Third, students need English teachers' guidance and advice in selecting appropriate English learning apps for their own mobile learning. The types of apps students favored and the teachers' role in promoting self-directed learners are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        PCM과 TEM을 이용한 서울지역 일부 공공 건축물의 실내공기 중 석면농도 조사

        정숙녀 ( Sook Nye Chung ),남은정 ( Eun Jung Nam ),황순용 ( Soon Yong Hwang ),오석률 ( Seok Ryul Oh ),신진호 ( Jin Ho Shin ),엄석원 ( Seok Won Eom ),채영주 ( Young Zoo Chae ) 한국산업위생학회 2011 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        Objectives: This investigation is purposed to evaluate the airborne asbestos concentrations in the public buildings having asbestos containing materials(ACMs) in Seoul. Methods: The Seoul Metropolitan Government carried out an asbestos survey to the city-owned public buildings to identify the level of risk exposure, classified into low, moderate and high risk. To evaluate the airborne concentration of asbestos, 11 sampling sites in ten buildings based on the survey were selected. The air samples from the eleven sites were analyzed by Phase Contrast Microscopy(PCM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and compared the analytical results from the both. Results: 1. The airborne fiber concentrations by PCM were less than the detection limit(7 f/mm2) in 9(82%) out of 11 sampling sites. The highest concentration was 0.0043 f/cc, but it was below the guideline value for indoor air quality(0.01 f/cc), proposed by the Ministry of Environment, Korea. 2. In two sampling sites, having moderate risk level, the chrysotile was identified and showed it`s concentrations of 0.0102 s/cc and 0.0058 s/cc, less than 5 μm lengths. 3. The ACMs identified in the two sampling sites were a packing material(65% of chrysotile) in mechanical area and a thermal system insulation(5% of chrysotile) in a boiler room. Having more possibility of asbestos emission in the mechanical area, it would be required to set up and carry out the asbestos management plan. Conclusions: Based on the result of this study, the airborne asbestos concentrations in the public buildings with ACMs were generally lower than the guideline value for indoor air quality. There are widespread concerns about the possible health risk resulting from the presence of airborne asbestos fibers in the public buildings. Most of the previous studies about airborne asbestos analysis in Korea were performed based on PCM method that asbestos and non-asbestos fibers are counted together. In the public and commercial buildings, having ACMs, it is suggested that the asbestos be analyzed by TEM method to identify asbestos due to concerns about asbestos exposure to workers and unspecified people.

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