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        운동중독자의 운동박탈이 감정과 기분상태에 미치는 영향

        전윤창(JunYun-chang),김병준(KimByoung),김윤희(KimYoonhee) 한국체육학회 2017 한국체육학회지 Vol.56 No.3

        운동중독자에게 운동은 불안을 피하거나 감소시키려는 수단이 된다는 감정조절(affective regulation)가설은 운동중독을 설명하는 메커니즘으로 제안되었다. 본 연구에서는 단일사례실험과 면담을 통한 질적 연구방법을 통합한 통합 연구방법을 적용하여 운동박탈이 운동중독자의 감정과 기분상태 변화에 미치는 영향을 규명하였다. 운동경력 3년 이상, 하루 2시간이상, 주 4-5회 이상 운동을 하고, 김재훈 및 유진(2007)이 개발한 한국형 운동중독 검사지에서 운동중독으로 판정된 5인을 대상으로 5일간 운동을 박탈시키는 처치가 이루어졌다. 3주 동안의 기초선과 운동박탈 기간에 PANAS와 POMS를 이용하여 긍정적 및 부정적 감정과 기분상태를 반복 측정하였다. 운동 박탈 기간 참여자는 일지를 작성하였고, 운동박탈 체험에 관한 심층면접을 하였다. 운동중독자에게 운동을 박탈시키면 박탈 1일차부터 부정적 감정과 불안, 분노, 혼란, 피로, 우울 등 부정적인 기분상태가 급격하게 상승하였다. 반면 긍정적 감정과 활력은 감소하였다. 운동박탈에 따른 감정과 기분상태 변화의 효과크기(2.17-20.00)는 매우 높았다. 면담 응답 자료를 분석한 결과 운동박탈은 신체적 이상증세와 활력의 저하, 불안과 스트레스 증가, 소극적인 대인관계를 체험한 것으로 나타났다. 운동중독자는 운동을 중단했을 때 나타날 수 있는 부정적 감정과 기분상태를 조절하기 위한 수단으로 운동에 의존한다는 감정조절 가설이 상당부분 입증되었다. The affective regulation hypothesis explains that exercise addicts use exercise to control negative affects such an anxiety. This study employed single subject design and in-depth interviews to determine the effects of exercise deprivation on affects and mood states among habitual exercisers. Five habitual exercisers with more than 3 years of exercise, 2 hours or longer duration, 4 to 5 times or more frequency participated in this study. They scored higher than cut point in the Korean Exercise Addiction Questionnaire. PANAS and POMS were administered during baseline and 5 days of exercise deprivation. The participants kept diary and took part in in-depth interviews. Deprivation of exercise significantly increased negative affect, anger, confusion, fatigue, and depression even in the first day. In contrast, positive affect and vigor dropped rapidly and maintained across the deprivation period. Effect sizes for the variables were very high raging from 2.17 to 20.00. They experienced physical fatigues, elevated anxiety and stress, and avoidance of communication with others.

      • KCI등재

        한국산 향유속(Elsholtzia Willd., 꿀풀과)의 분류학적 연구

        홍석표,전윤창 한국식물분류학회 2006 식물 분류학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        Examined were the vegetative and reproductive characters such as external morphology, anatomy (leaf petiole, blade and stem), pollen and nutlet for the taxonomic revision of Elsholtzia in Korea. The inflorescence of all studied taxa of Elsholtzia in Korea is secund and 0.5-10 cm long. Leaves are ovate or nearly and 0.2-10 × 0.2-6.0 cm. The shapes of inflorescence and leaves are very useful taxonomic characters. The stomata types are anomocytic and diacytic. The morphology of nutlet is ovoid and pitted in surface pattern of exocarp. All studied taxa are myxocarpy. The pollen grains are of medium size and subprolate in shape, and have typical bi-reticulate exine surface. Four species are recognized for Korean Elsholtzia by the identification key and descriptions in this study. 한국산 향유속 분류군의 분류학적 개정을 위해 영양기관과 생식기관 형질 [외부형태학, 미세형태학, 해부학(엽신, 엽병, 줄기), 화분, 소견과]의 상세한 비교연구를 수행하였다. 한국산 향유속의 화서는 원통형으로 배열되는 분류군도 있으나 대개 꽃이 한쪽으로 치우쳐서 배열하고, 길이는 0.5-10cm이다. 잎은 난형 혹은 선형으로 길이는 0.2-10cm이고, 너비는 0.2-6cm이다. 화서와 잎의 종마다 다른 크기와 모양 등은 종간 구별에 유용한 형질로 나타났다. 식물체의 잎과 포에는 불규칙형(anomocytic)과 교차형(diacytic)의 기공복합체가 관찰되었으며, 소견과의 형태는 난형으로 표면무늬는 다공형이고, 과피는 모두 점액성과피(myxocarpy)의 특징을 가졌다. 화분의 크기는 대부분 중립, 모양은 아장구형, 발아구는 6구형이고, 표면무늬는 전형적인 이중 망상형(bireticulate)이었다. 한국산 향유속 식물에 대한 분류학적 개정을 하였다. 4개의 종이 구별되었고, 각 분류군의 기재문과 검색표를 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Pimpinella saxifraga (Apiaceae): A new record from Jejudo Island, Korea

        이정희,송유진,전윤창,길희영,김선희 한국식물분류학회 2018 식물 분류학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        Pimpinella saxifraga L. (Scarlet pimpernel or Burnet saxifrage), a newly introduced species, was found from Baekyakyi oreum (a parasitic cone or cinder cone) in Seogwipo, Jejudo Island. This species is native to Europe and western Asia and is reported as a widely invasive species around the world. Pimpinella saxifraga is distinguished from other related Korean taxa by leaves that are pinnately compound with 3?7 pairs of segments, which vary from simple, ovate, to 2-pinnatisect, with linear lobes. The vernacular name of “Baek-yak-yi-cham-na-mul” was assigned after the name of the cinder cone where it was initially discovered. We provide descriptions of the morphological characters, photographs and a key to allied taxa in Korea. The geographical origin and introduction routes are unknown, but it is highly likely that it was introduced as fodder given its high nutritious value for sheep and cattle or as a medicinal herb. This species invades commonly grasslands and woodlands and prefers dry, well-drained, and calcareous soils. The distribution of this species was analyzed by searching extensively in surrounding Baekyakyi oreum and adjacent cinder cones, but no other populations were observed. It is protected commonly at the edges or inside of the patchy pine forest in the cinder cone from grazing by cattle; given the worldwide invasive nature of this species, special monitoring and management plans should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        Management Method of Planted Plants and Immigration Plants through Monitoring on Wildflower Garden - Case Study on Seoul Samgaksan Elementary School -

        송유진,진혜영,이정희,전윤창,남춘희 인간식물환경학회 2017 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        This study was conducted to analyze the relationship between planted plants and immigration plants by monitoring the wildflower garden constructed at Seoul Samgaksan Elementary School. The results of this study are as follows: First, plants planted in the garden 32 taxa, except for weakened only 1 taxa (Clematis patens), the remaining plants maintained or increased their populations. Among maintained Plants, that did not volume growth were 6 taxa and volume growth on the spot were 5 taxa. 15 taxa were spread around the planting area and 5 taxa spread sporadically to unpredictable areas other than the planting area. Although most of the planted plants show good growth, no special management is required, but Lonicera japonica needs the density management that cuts off the stem in the early spring and 5 sporadically spreading taxa, the planting intent of garden is attenuated, so remove the root when new leaves come out in spring. Second, the total number of plants transferred after 2 years of wildflower garden constructed were 83 taxa total, which is 2.6 times that of planted plants. The seed disseminule form was analyzed as 52% barochory, 27% anemochory&hydrochory, 16% autochory and 5% zoochory. Also about 43% of the transferred plants were estimated to been imported from soil seed bank. Third, we classified immigration plants into largely native plants and naturalized plants. The native plants were transferred to more than naturalized plants: 65 native plants, 1 cultivated plants and 17 (22%) naturalized plants. The results of the monitoring of the rooftop garden ‘Choroktteul’ in Seoul City Hall showed that there were differences in the type and number of the immigration plants depending on the distance and quality of the surrounding greenery. Fourth, the management method of immigration plants is divided into three categories: elimination, transplantation, and utilization. The 39 taxa were selected for the elimination: Invasive alien plants among naturalized plants, fast spreading plants, plants that expand sideways with rhizomes, and plants that interfere with the growth of planted plants: grow to over 1 meter in height and climbing plant. The elimination period should be dry, clear, windy day, remove the root without any residue. The transplanted plants are 18 taxa, tree, plants not suitable for habitat, and in elementary school textbooks. It is a group of 26 taxa which are used in the garden: for landscape that plants have ornamental values (flowers, leaves, and autumn colors etc.) but do not attenuate the intent of the garden, and for groundcover that plants have low plant height and fast spread. It is also possible to prevent immigration plants when you are mulching or planting plants densely populated areas when making a garden.

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