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자세교육과 경추부 및 어깨 안정화 프로그램이 여성의 전방머리자세와 둥근어깨자세에 미치는 효과
송유진,김영주 한국체육학회 2024 한국체육학회지 Vol.63 No.6
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of 8-week untact cervical and shoulder stabilization complex exercise program and postural education on improving the forward head posture and rounded shoulder posture for women in their 20s complaining of musculoskeletal diseases due to non-face-to-face classes and telecommuting. Thirty women in their 20s with front head posture and round shoulders were surveyed for a total of eight weeks, with 10 people each divided into Complex Exercise Group (CEG), Postal Education Group (PEG), and Control Group (CG). In order to analyze the intervention effect by group, Craniovertebral angle, Shoulder angle, Neck Disability Index(NDI), Proprioception, Muscle Endurance, and Range Of Motion(ROM) were measured. As a result of evaluating the changes before and after the intervention program, CEG has improved significantly compared to PEG and CG in Craniovertebral angle, Shoulder angle, Proprioception, Muscle Endurance, and Range Of Motion(ROM) (p<.05), while PEG has improved significantly compared to CEG and CG in NDI. Through this study, it can be seen that the untact cervical and shoulder stabilization complex exercise program and postural education have a positive effect on the improvement of the forward head posture and round shoulder posture, and the complex exercise program is more effective than postural education
광고 유형과 소비자의 사전지식이 광고 효과에 미치는 영향 : 영화 <육사오> 큐톤광고 사례를 중심으로
송유진,이헌율 한국광고PR실학회 2023 광고PR실학연구 Vol.16 No.4
큐톤(Q-tone) 광고는 케이블TV 사업자들이 온라인 스트리밍 서비스와의 경쟁에 직면하고 있는 상황에서 비교적 저렴하고 정교한 타깃 마케팅이 가능한 주요 비즈니스 모델 중 하나이다. 그러나 케이블TV 사업자의 큐톤광고에 대한 연구가 부족하여, 본 연구는 케이블 TV의 새로운 비즈니스 모델을 모색하고 경쟁력을 강화하여 미디어 시장의 변화에 대응하기 위해 탐색하였다. 이를 위해 영화 <육사오> 큐톤광고 사례를 중심으로 큐톤광고의 집행 시기와 박스오피스 인기도 간의 상관관계를 분석하여 큐톤광고의 효과를 검증하였으며, 큐톤광고 유형과 소비자의 영화에 대한 사전지식 수준에 따른 광고 효과 차이를 조사하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면, 큐톤광고의 시행 일자와 박스오피스 인기도 간에 통계적으로 유의미한 상관관계가 있으며 소비자의 사전지식 수준이 높은 집단에서는 인터뷰가 포함된 제작과정 의 이야기를 담은 스토리형 광고에 긍정적인 반응을 보였지만, 사전지식이 낮은 집단에서는 스토리형 광고보다 일반 광고유형에 더욱 호의적인 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구는 큐톤광고 효과에 대한 가능성을 입증할 뿐 아니라 큐톤광고의 유형별 영화 광고 집행 전략을 제안한다. 이러한 시사점을 고려하여 케이블TV 사업자들은 큐톤광고의 효과를 최적화하고 콘텐츠 시장에서의 성장을 이루는 전략을 수립할 수 있을 것이다. 이 연구는 케이블TV 사업자에게 전통적인 미디어 채널 역할의 재고와 미디어 생태계 내에서 적절한 역할을 새롭게 정립하는 데 이바지할 것으로 기대된다. Q-tone advertising represents a major business model that is relatively cost-effective and allows sophisticated targeted marketing, particularly for cable TV operators facing competition from online streaming services. However, due to the limited research on Q-tone advertising in the context of cable TV operators, this study explores this new business model to enhance competitiveness and respond to changes in the media market. Focusing on the case of the Q-tone advertisement for the film "6/45”, the study validates the effectiveness of Q-tone advertising by analyzing the correlation between the execution timing of Q-tone advertising and the box office popularity. Additionally, the study investigates the differences in advertising effects based on Q-tone advertising types and consumers' prior knowledge levels about movies. According to the research findings, there is a statistically significant correlation between the execution dates of Q-tone advertising and box office popularity. Consumers with a high level of prior knowledge positively responded to storytelling advertising, including actor interviews, while those with low prior knowledge favored general ad formats over storytelling advertising. This study not only substantiates the potential effectiveness of Q-tone advertising but also proposes advertising execution strategies for different Q-tone advertising types in the context of movie promotion. Considering these insights, cable TV operators can optimize the effects of Q-tone advertising and formulate strategies for growth in the content market. Furthermore, these research outcomes can contribute to reevaluating the role of traditional media channels and identifying their appropriate roles within the media ecosystem.
감마선 조사가 알긴산과 카라기난의 물리적 특성에 미치는 영향
송유진,이소영,김꽃봉우리,박진규,김재훈,이주운,변명우,안동현,Song, Eu-Jin,Lee, So-Young,Kim, Koth-Bong-Woo-Ri,Park, Jin-Gyu,Kim, Jae-Hun,Lee, Ju-Woon,Byun, Myung-Woo,Ahn, Dong-Hyun 한국식품영양과학회 2007 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.36 No.7
감마선 조사가 alginic acid와 ${\lambda}$-carrageenan의 물리적 특성 변화에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 100 kGy의 감마선을 alginic acid와 ${\lambda}$-carrageenan 용액에 조사하여 분자량, 점도, 색도의 변화를 측정하였다. Alginic acid 수용액의 0${\sim}$100 kGy범위의 감마선 처리는 약 1,600 kDa에서 4.5 kDa까지 저분자화를 가져왔고, ${\lambda}$-carrageenan 수용액은 1,300 kDa에서 4.5 KDa까지 분자량이 감소하는 결과를 보였다. 점도 측정 결과 alginic acid의 경우 29.4 cP에서 조사선량에 비례하여 감소하였으며 20 kGy 조사구에서는 1.23 cP로 낮아졌다. ${\lambda}$-Carrageenan은 23.1 cP에서 1.02 cP로 조사선량이 증가할수록 점도는 감소하였다. 명도는 alginic acid는 조사구가 비조사구보다 높게 나타났으며 ${\lambda}$-carrageenan은 높거나 유사하게 나타났다. 적색도는 alginic acid와 ${\lambda}$-carrageenan 모두 선량에 비례하여 감소하였으며, 황색도는 100 kGy 조사구에서 비조사구에 비해 매우 높게 나타났다. 이상의 결과로 alginic acid와 ${\lambda}$-carrageenan 용액에 감마선을 조사할 경우 20 kGy 미만의 저선량에서 조사선량이 증가할수록 분자량과 점도가 유의성있게 감소하였으며, 100 kGy의 고선량 조사를 제외하고는 갈변이 일어나지 않아 감마선 조사가 alginic acid와 ${\lambda}$-carrageenan의 저분자화에 매우 유용한 방법으로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. This study was carried out to find the effect of ${\gamma}$ -irradiation on the physical properties of alginic acid and ${\lambda}$-carrageenan solution. Alginic acid and ${\lambda}$-carrageenan aqueous solution were irradiated with $Co^{60}$ ${\gamma}$ -rays in dosages ranging from 3 to 100 kGy, and then the molecular weight, viscosity and color were measured. The molecular weight of alginic acid and ${\lambda}$-carrageenan solution were decreased as the ${\gamma}$ -irradiation dosage increased. In addition, the viscosity of irradiated alginic acid and ${\lambda}$-carrageenan solution were decreased depending upon the ${\gamma}$ -irradiation dosage, too. The high dosage irradiated alginic acid and ${\lambda}$-carrageenan solution's color were changed to yellow. These results suggest that low dosage of ${\gamma}$ -irradiation from 3 to 20 kGy is a very effective method for producing low-molecular alginic acid and ${\lambda}$-carrageenan.
Privacy-Aware Adaptable Web Services Using Petri Nets
송유진,임재열 한국정보처리학회 2009 Journal of information processing systems Vol.5 No.1
Many researchers have developed frameworks that are capable of handling context information and can be adapted and used by any Web service. However, no research involving the systematic analysis of existing frameworks has yet been conducted. This paper examines the Context Framework, an example of existing frameworks, using a Petri net, and analyzes its advantages and disadvantages. Then, a Petri net model – with its disadvantages removed - is introduced, and a new framework is presented on the basis of that model. The proposed PAWS (Privacy Aware Web Services) framework has a expandability for context management and communicates flexible context information for every session. The proposed framework can solve overhead problems of context in SOAP messages. It also protects user privacy according to user preferences. Many researchers have developed frameworks that are capable of handling context information and can be adapted and used by any Web service. However, no research involving the systematic analysis of existing frameworks has yet been conducted. This paper examines the Context Framework, an example of existing frameworks, using a Petri net, and analyzes its advantages and disadvantages. Then, a Petri net model – with its disadvantages removed - is introduced, and a new framework is presented on the basis of that model. The proposed PAWS (Privacy Aware Web Services) framework has a expandability for context management and communicates flexible context information for every session. The proposed framework can solve overhead problems of context in SOAP messages. It also protects user privacy according to user preferences.
유명인 아바타를 활용한 메타버스 가상경험이 소비자 반응에 미치는 영향: 인게이지먼트와 관계성 욕구를 중심으로
송유진,최세정 한국방송학회 2022 방송통신연구 Vol.- No.120
Along with the changes in society and companies led by disruptive innovative tech- nologies, modern people today consume new media and lead a life in which the real and the virtual worlds are interconnected. In such an environment, companies are actively interacting and building closer relationships with consumers through a virtual world, or the metaverse, and this is being highlighted as a new marketing tool. Therefore, this study aimed to identify communication strategies suitable for the new media environ- ment by applying the concept of engagement and by analyzing the phenomenon of vir- tual metaverse experience using celebrities. Specifically, through an online experimental study, the effects of engagement conditions (high versus low) on consumer’s desire for relatedness on consumer response were examined. Then, it was verified whether virtual metaverse experience influenced the actual advertising effect. According to the results, when engagement was high, users perceived the virtual experience to be more enjoy- able, remembered the celebrity avatar characters more easily, and evaluated the sat- isfaction of the virtual experience higher. Moreover, consumers with a strong tendency to pursue and develop close relationships responded more positively to the virtual expe- rience under higher engagement conditions than the lower engagement conditions. Conversely, it was confirmed that in the case of consumers with low desire for related- ness, the differences in effect according to engagement conditions appeared to be insignificant. The results demonstrated the possibility that virtual experiences using ce- lebrity avatars could yield practical and tangible marketing effects. In addition, this study contributed to extending the discussion on self-determination theory to the virtual world by illustrating the correlation between engagement level and desire for relatedness. On a practical level, study results will shed light and provide insight and ra- tionale to strategically plan, design, and establish content using celebrity avatars in the metaverse context.
송유진,이상혁,권영기,김병재,김한결 대한신경과학회 2024 대한신경과학회지 Vol.42 No.1
Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor encephalitis is known to have various clinical symptoms, but usually shows acute behavioral changes, memory deficit, speech problems and dysregulation of autonomic nervous system. Recently, it has been found that NMDA receptors perform important roles not only in central nervous system but also in peripheral organs, like control the cardiac rhythm by located in the myocardium and cardiac conduction system. The authors would like to report a case of bradycardia accompanied by anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.
송유진,김동일,Ha-Jin Lee,이효선 대한화학회 2014 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.35 No.10
The reaction between [CdBr2·4H2O] and anhydrous [ZnCl2] with N,N'-bidentate N-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)- cyclopentanamine (impy) in ethanol yields dimeric [(impy)Cd(μ-Br)Br]2 and monomeric [(impy)ZnCl2] complexes, respectively. The X-ray crystal structure of Cd(II) and Zn(II) complexes revealed that the cadmium atom in [(impy)Cd(μ-Br)Br]2 and zinc in [(impy)ZnCl2] formed a distorted trigonal–bipyramidal and tetrahedral geometry, respectively. Both complexes showed moderate catalytic activity for the polymerisation of methyl methacrylate (MMA) in the presence of modified methylaluminoxane (MMAO), with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) syndiotacticity of about 0.70.