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      • KCI등재후보

        시각신경 절단에 의한 조류망막내 미세아교세포의 변화에 대한 연구

        전계선(Gye Sun Jeon),이 철(Cheol Lee),서제훈(Je Hoon Seo),강태천(Tae Cheon Kang),황덕호(Douk Ho Hwang),차중익(Choong Ik Cha),조사선(Sa Sun Cho) 대한해부학회 2000 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.33 No.3

        신경조직이 손상을 받게되면 해당 신경세포의 퇴행성 변화와 함께 신경아교세포의 다양한 반응이 유발된다. 이중에서 도 astrocytic gliosis와 활동성미세아교세포 (activated microglia)의 출현이 잘 알려져 있으며 이와 같은 현상은 이들 세포와 체액성인자 (humoral factors) 등의 긴밀한 상호작용에 의하여 일어나는 것으로 알려져 있다. 망막은 중추신경계의 일부로서 세포학적 구성과 작용기전이 기본적으로 뇌와 동일하다. 특히 조류는 포유류와 달리 망 막내에 별아교세포 (astrocyte)가 존재하지 않으며 혈관이 분포하고 있지 않는 특이한 구조로 되어있으나 신경세포의 손상에 대한 미세아교세포의 반응양상이 아직 밝혀져 있지 않다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 성숙 메추리를 대상으로 안와 내로 접근하여 한쪽 시각신경을 절단한 후 시간의 경과에 따른 망막내 미세아교세포의 변화를 미세아교세포의 특이항체인 QH1 항체를 이용한 면역조직화학염색을 수행하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 정상 망막에서는 미세아교세포가 긴돌기미세아교세포의 형태 (ramified form)로, 주로 속얼기층에 분포되어 있었고 일부 는 바깥얼기층에서도 관찰되었다. 또한 신경섬유층에서는 시신경유두 (optic head) 주변부에서만 관찰되었고 신경절세포층에서는 거의 관찰되지 않았다. 시각신경이 절단된 망막의 경우 미세아교세포의 형태가 점차 아메바형태 (amoeboid form)로 바뀌었고 세포의 분포는 주 로 신경섬유층 및 신경절세포층에 집중되었다. 이와같은 활성화된 미세아교세포는 시각신경절단 후 14일에 숫적 증가가 가장 뚜렷하였으나 수술 후 21일, 28일이 경과하면서 그 수는 점차 감소하기 시작하였다. 그러나 수술 후 2개월까지도 활성화된 미세아교세포가 남아 있었다. 이상의 연구결과는 신경세포 손상시에 일어나는 미세아교세포의 이주와 증식이 비혈관성 신경조직에서도 일어나는 것으로 보아 이 세포의 이주와 증식이 혈관분포와 무관함을 시사하는 것으로 사료된다. Retina, a part of CNS, has served valuable and accessible tissue for elucidating the cellular properties of neurons and glia due to its similarity to brain. Unlike mammalian counterpart, avian retina is devoid of vessels and astrocytes. However little is known about glial reaction to neuronal injuries in this species. Therefore, this study was performed to investigate the microglial responses in the quail retina following neuronal injuries. The retinae from normal and optic nerve transected adult quails were studied immunohistochemically with anti-QH1, a marker known to be specific for microglia. In the normal retina, QH1-labeled microglial cells displayed typical feature of ramified (resting) form and were localized mainly in the inner plexiform layer. After optic nerve transection (ONT) morphology of microglial cells changed from the ramified to the amoeboid form. This feature of microglial cells maintained throughout the post operational periods until 28 days after ONT. Particularly, at 14 and 21 days after ONT amoeboid microglia displayed cell bodies with stout and bushy processes, suggesting active phagocytosis. The distribution pattern of microglia also changed in accord to ganglion cell degeneration: they gradually moved to layers of ganglion cells and optic nerve fibers where ganglion cell bodies and axons were under degeneration. This change of microglial distribution was most prominent at 14 days of ONT. The result of this study is generally consistent with that reported in mammalian counterpart and this similarity between the avascular avian retina and the vascularized mammalian counterpart suggests that processes of microglial activation, such as migration and phagocytosis, can occur in the vessel-free CNS tissue.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        근위축성측삭경화증의 SOD1-G93A 유전자 이식 마우스모델에서 라파마이신의 신경보호효과

        안석원,전계선,박광열,홍윤호,이광우,성정준 대한임상신경생리학회 2013 Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology Vol.15 No.2

        Background: The autophagy is the major route for lysosomal degradation of misfolded protein aggregates and oxidative cell components. We hypothesized that rapamycin (autophagy enhancer) would prolong the survival of motor neuron and suppress the disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Methods: A total of 24 transgenic mice harboring the human G93A mutated SOD1 gene were used. The clinical status involving rotarod test and survival, and biochemical study of ALS mice model were evaluated. Results: The onset of symptoms was significantly delayed in the rapamycin administration group compared with the control group. However, after the clinical symptom developed,the rapamycin exacerbated the disease progression and shortened the survival of ALS mice model, and apoptosis signals were up-regulated compared with control group. Conclusions: Even though further detailed studies on the relevancy between autophagy and ALS will be needed, our results revealed that the rapamycin administration was not effective for being novel promising therapeutic strategy in ALS transgenic mice and exacerbated the apoptosis. Background: The autophagy is the major route for lysosomal degradation of misfolded protein aggregates and oxidative cell components. We hypothesized that rapamycin (autophagy enhancer) would prolong the survival of motor neuron and suppress the disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Methods: A total of 24 transgenic mice harboring the human G93A mutated SOD1 gene were used. The clinical status involving rotarod test and survival, and biochemical study of ALS mice model were evaluated. Results: The onset of symptoms was significantly delayed in the rapamycin administration group compared with the control group. However, after the clinical symptom developed, the rapamycin exacerbated the disease progression and shortened the survival of ALS mice model, and apoptosis signals were up-regulated compared with control group. Conclusions: Even though further detailed studies on the relevancy between autophagy and ALS will be needed, our results revealed that the rapamycin administration was not effective for being novel promising therapeutic strategy in ALS transgenic mice and exacerbated the apoptosis.

      • KCI등재

        The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Oral-Formulated Tacrolimus in Mice with Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

        김명진,성정준,김승현,김정민,전계선,문석균,안석원 대한의학회 2017 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.32 No.9

        Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a T-lymphocyte-mediated autoimmune disease that is characterized by inflammation in the central nervous system (CNS). Although many disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) are presumed effective in patients with MS, studies on the efficacy and safety of DMTs for preventing MS relapse are limited. Therefore, we tested the immunosuppressive anti-inflammatory effects of oral-formulated tacrolimus (FK506) on MS in a mouse model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The mice were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups: an untreated EAE group, a low-dose tacrolimus-treated EAE group, and a high-dose tacrolimus-treated EAE group. After autoimmunization of the EAE mice with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, symptom severity scores, immunohistochemistry of the myelination of the spinal cord, and western blotting were used to evaluate the EAE mice. After the autoimmunization, the symptom scores of each EAE group significantly differed at times. The group treated with the larger tacrolimus dose had the lowest symptom scores. The tacrolimus-treated EAE groups exhibited less demyelination and inflammation and weak immunoreactivity for all of the immunization biomarkers. Our results revealed that oral-formulated tacrolimus inhibited the autoimmunization in MS pathogenesis by inactivating inflammatory cells.

      • KCI등재후보

        생쥐 소뇌의 생후 발육에 따른 carbonic anhydrase II 출현에 대한 면역조직화학적 연구

        윤창호(Chang Ho Yoon),전계선(Gye Sun Jeon),이 철(Cheol Lee),서제훈(Je Hoon Seo),강태천(Tae Cheon Kang),박경한(Kyeong Han Park),차중익(Choong Ik Cha),백상호(Sang Ho Baik),조사선(Sa Sun Cho) 대한해부학회 1999 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.32 No.4

        생쥐 소뇌의 생후발육과정 중에 희소돌기아교세포에 나타나는 carbonic anhydrase II (CA-II)의 출현정도와 말이집형성을 서로 비교관찰함으로써 희소돌기아교세포에서 CA-II의 기능을 규명하고자 신생, 1주령, 2주령, 3주령, 4주령 및 5주령 생쥐를 대상으로 하여 희소돌기아교세포의 표지물질인 CA-II를 이용하여 면역조직화학염색과 말이집염색을 수행한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. CA-II에 대한 면역염색결과 CA-II에 양성반응을 보인 희소돌기아교세포는 2주령의 소뇌에서 처음 관찰되었으며 그 반응성은 점차 증가되어 3주령과 5주령에서 보다 강한 반응이 관찰되었다. 희소돌기아교세포의 분포는 백색질 부위에서 점차과립세포층 및 조롱박세포층으로 이주해 가는 양상으로 관찰되었다. Mordant-dye를 이용하여 말이집염색을 수행한 결과 2주령부터 약한 염색성을 관찰할 수 있었으며 연령이 증가할수록 점 차 염색성이 증가되었다. 말이집염색은 주로 소뇌 백색질의 전반에 걸쳐 관찰되었으며, 연령에 따른 염색부위의 차이는 관찰되지 않았다. 이와 같은 결과는 생쥐 희소돌기아교세포에서의 CA-II의 기능이 말이집형성과 매우 밀접한 연관성이 있음을 시사하는 것으로 사료된다. The carbonic anhydrase II (CA-II) is specifically expressed in oligodendrocytes, the cells responsible for myelination in the central nervous system. However no direct evidence on relationship between myelin formation and CA-II immunoreactivity has been described. The aims of these studies are to investigate the relationship between CA-II and myelination during cerebellar development of mouse. Myelin staining was found on postnatal (P) 14, and its intensity increased in proportion to developmental age. CA-II positive oligodendrocytes were observed in the white matter of cerebellum on P 14 day. CA-II positive oligodendrocytes also occured in the granular layer and Purkinje cell layers in the later stage of dvelopment. The parallel development in the CA-II expression and myelination during development suggests that CA-II in oligoendrocyte play a role to myelination.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

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