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        2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 기술ㆍ가정1 교과서 분석 - ‘청소년의 소비생활’ 단원을 중심으로 -

        유미란,구혜경 한국소비자정책교육학회 2018 소비자정책교육연구 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구는 2015 개정 교육과정이 적용된 중학교 기술․가정1 교과서의 청소년의 소비생활 단원에 대한 교과 서별 비교 연구이다. 현재 12종의 교과서가 검인정을 받아 2018년 3월부터 학교 현장에서 활용되고 있다. 2015개정 교육과정에서는 실천적 문제해결력을 강조하고 있으며, 이에 교과서의 본문이 축소되고 다양한 활동과 자료 등으로 교과서가 구성되어 있다. 본 연구는 교과서 분석에 있어 구성체계와 내용체계를 모두 고려하여 비교 하였다. 구성체계는 청소년의 소비생활의 학습을 위한 ‘도입-본문(활동자료, 읽기자료, 보조자료)-정리’의 체계이 며, 내용체계는 개정 교육과정의 성취기준 내용을 의미한다. 현재 청소년의 소비생활 관련 성취기준은 2가지이 며, 세부적인 내용 요소는 청소년기 소비성향과 소비환경 이해, 구매의사결정과 합리적인 소비생활실천, 소비자 의 권리와 역할, 소비자문제해결과 책임 있는 소비생활실천의 4가지로 구분된다. 각각의 내용체계 요소별로 구성 체계를 비교, 분석하여 그 결과를 제시하였다. 그 결과 현재의 성취기준에서 지속가능소비 혹은 윤리적 소비 관 련 내용, 소비자주권의 개념, 청소년의 재무설계 관련 내용에 대한 성취기준의 보완이 필요함을 확인하였다. 또 한 현재 가정교사들의 소비생활영역관련 전문성 강화를 위한 재교육의 강화, 재교육 시 소비자학 수업 시수의 증 대 등이 요구된다. 이를 위해서는 소비자학계에서는 학교 소비자교육에 대한 적극적인 관심과 교육과정 반영을 위한 조직적인 노력을 수행해야 할 것으로 보았다. This study is a comparative study of the textbooks of the consumer life unit of adolescents in the middle school ‘Technology & Home Economics 1’ textbook with the 2015 revised curriculum. The consumer life of adolescents corresponds to the content of two achievement standards in the curriculum. A total of 12 textbooks have been licensed and used at the school site since March 2018. This study considers both the content and the composition system in comparing and analyzing the contents of 12 textbooks. The content system is divided into four categories: adolescent consumption orientation, consumption environment understanding, purchase decision making and reasonable consumption practice, consumer rights and role, consumer problem solving, and responsible consumer life practice. We compared and analyzed the system consisting of ‘introduction - text (activity data, reading materials, supporting data) - summary’ for learning about each contents. As a result, responsible consumer life on the achievement standards is composed mainly of searching for solution when consumer damage occurs through understanding rights and roles. It has been shown that there is a large deviation from textbooks due to the lack of clear guidelines for ethical consumption in view of the social value that has recently been emphasized. In the 2015 revised curriculum, the theoretical content of the text has been reduced, and the use of various activity materials, reading materials, and supporting materials have increased noticeably because of the strengthening of practical problem solving abilities. In particular, it is confirmed that the approach is being pursued to strengthen practical ability through individual or group activities. However, the approach and presentation style vary depending on the characteristics of each textbook, and it is likely that the teachers will need to compare and study various textbooks. In the future, it is necessary to supplement the concept of consumer sovereignty in order to deal with youth's consumer life in the field of home economics and to supplement clear achievement standards for ethical consumption which emphasizes consumer's citizenship. There is a need for policy and educational efforts to strengthen the professionalism of home and teacher in the area of consumer life.

      • KCI등재

        Effectiveness of Formal Dysphagia Screening for Stroke Patients

        유미란,Yoon Mok Chun,최경효,권순억,이은재 대한연하장애학회 2021 대한연하장애학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Objective: Early identification of dysphagia after stroke helps in preventing aspiration pneumonia. However, data are limited regarding the effectiveness of formal dysphagia screening for reducing the risk of aspiration pneumonia. The current study evaluates the effectiveness of formal dysphagia screening in stroke patients, to prevent future episodes of aspiration pneumonia. Methods: The stroke registry of a tertiary hospital was retrospectively reviewed. We compared clinical variables and the incidence of aspiration pneumonia of patients hospitalized between 2014 and 2015 after formal screening was implemented, and patients hospitalized in 2011 when no established dysphagia screening protocol was in place. Additionally, we identified the incidence of pneumonia according to stroke severity, and evaluated the association with results obtained for incidence of pneumonia and dysphagia screening. Results: A total of 2,902 patients were identified to have suffered acute stroke (2,018 who underwent formal dysphagia screening; 884 without screening). Patients with formal dysphagia screening developed pneumonia less frequently than patients not administered screening (1.3% with formal screening vs. 3.4% no formal screening, P<0.001). Pneumonia was significantly lower in patients with moderate and severe stroke who underwent formal dysphagia screening. Furthermore, failure of the dysphagia screening test, presentation with severe dysarthria, and conditions where dysarthria could not be evaluated, were independent predictors of pneumonia among patients who underwent formal screening. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate the association of formal dysphagia screening with reduced risk of post- stroke aspiration pneumonia, and indicates the efficacy of the procedure in identifying patients at higher risk of contracting pneumonia.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대중가요 작사ㆍ작곡을 위한 노랫말의 음운론적 특징 연구 : 청자의 노래가사 경계표지 인식을 위주로

        유미란 국제언어인문학회 2014 인문언어 Vol.16 No.3

        The purpose of this research is to analyze Korean lyrics in songs based on phonological prosodic structures including intonational phrases (IP) and accentual phrases (AP). In this analysis, I want to show how the listener of the Korean expressions included in a song could comprehend each character, word, and phrase without any confusion. As long as a composer understands how a person can grasp even the smallest character, it is able to arrange it at the right spot with the proper melodic and rhythmic pattern. Until now, most musicians have not paid attention to whether the listener of their songs might easily miss the right content lyrics because of the lack of systematic distribution of characters, words, and phrases in the correct positions of melody and rhythm. In this paper, I attempt to find whether a person can still recognize the fluctuations of pitch and length in the prosodic constituents. For the aim of the study, I performed two experiments in which the subjects participating in the test must answer a questionnaire designed as a listening test. Through the test I came up with five findings that will help the composers apply the ideas when they start to arrange characters, words, and phrases. The scores in which the linguistic ideas are reflected can show two advantages. First, the listener of a song will understand the content of a song more clearly. Second, singers of a song can transfer the message of the song to the same extent as the composer intended from the outset. I will conclude that, although we have not attended to the phonological prosodic structures for the efficiency of composing a song, from now on we must reconsider the essential role of linguistic analysis in order to fulfill the actual aim of lyrics alignment corresponding to musical melodies and rhythms.

      • KCI등재

        애착에 관한 미술치료 국내 연구동향 분석

        유미란,한영희 한국예술치료학회 2018 한국예술치료학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 최근 15년간 애착에 관한 미술치료 국내 연구동향을 분석함으로써 향후 애착에 관련한 미술치료의 구체적인 연구방향을 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 2004년부터 2018년까지 연구된 애착에 관한 미술치료 석・박사 학위논문과 학술지 90편을 연도별, 연구 유형, 연구 대상, 연구 주제, 연구 방법으로 분석하였다. 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 연도별 동향은 15년 동안 지속적인 연구가 진행되고 있으며, 2011년부터 연구가 급증하였음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 연구의 유형을 살펴보면 미술치료 임상을 목적으로 한 통합연구가 가장 활발함을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 연구 대상 동향을 살펴보면 아동의 연구가 67.2%를 차지한 것으로 나타났으며, 최근 들어 연구 대상이 확대되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 넷째, 연구 주제 동향을 살펴보면 애착, 관계, 행동, 정서, 자기와 관련된 주제 순으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 미술치료 임상을 실시한 연구의 방법을 살펴보면 연구 설계 유형은 단일사례연구가 가장 높은 비중을 차지했다. 미술치료 진행방법은 개인미술치료와 집단미술치료가 높은 비중을 차지하였다. 측정 도구는 애착과 대인관계, 행동, 정서와 관련된 심리검사와 새둥지화, KFD, KSD 그림검사가 가장 많이 사용되었다. 전체적인 결과를 종합해 보면, 애착에 관한 미술치료는 초기에는 아동을 대상으로 한 연구가 많았고, 주제의 폭이 좁았으나 최근에는 시대의 요구와 흐름에 맞는 다양한 대상과 주제의 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 발전하는 모습이다. 연구 결과로 도출된 자료는 향후 애착에 관한 미술치료 연구의 기초자료 활용에 의의를 두고 있다. The purpose of this study is to present the research direction of art therapy related to attachment in the future by analyzing trends of art therapy domestic research on attachment in recent 15 years. To do this, we analyzed 90 art therapy master's⦁doctoral theses and journals related to attachment, which were studied from 2004 to 2018, by year, type of research, research targets, research subjects, and research methods. Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions were drawn. First, researches on attachment have been continued for the last 15 years and been surging since 2011. Second, looking at the type of research, integrated research with the purpose of clinical art therapy was the most active. Third, the research trends of the object of study showed that children's research took up 67.2% and that the subject of study is expanding. Fourth, when examining research subject trends, it appeared in order of affection, relationship, behavior, emotion, and self - related topics. Fifth, looking at the research method conducted in a clinical art therapy study, the single case study had the highest percentage of the study designs. Regarding art therapy procedures, personal art therapy and group art therapy occupied a high percentage. For the measurement tools, psychological tests related to attachment, interpersonal relationship, behavior, and emotion were used, as well as art-based assessments including Bird's Nest Drawing, KFD, and KSD. As an overall conclusion, towards the beginning of art therapy for attachment, many of the studies were with children, and although the subject was narrow, it has recently been actively studied and developed with various objects and subjects in accordance with the demands and trends of the time. The significance of this study is to provide basic data for art therapy research for attachment in the future.

      • KCI등재

        영어독서학교 시범학교 운영 사례 연구

        유미란 한국교육과정평가원 2016 교육과정평가연구 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구는 인문적 소양을 갖춘 인재양성을 목표로 하는 2015 개정교육과정에 부합한 방안 중의 하나인 영어독서를 학교 차원에서 시행할 때 어떤 양상을 보이는지 살펴봄으로써 영어독서를 영어교육과정에 도입할 때 고려할 점과 잠재적 문제점들을 예측해 보고자 한다. 이를 위해 D시 교육청에서 2015년에 실시한 ‘영어독서학교 시범학교’로 선정되어 1년간 영어독서를 학교 차원에서 실시한 인문계 고등학교 10곳의 결과보고서와 담당 영어교사들을 대상으로 한 설문조사를 분석 자료로 삼았다. 설문조사는 같은 내용으로 진행된 1차 조사와 학교별 상황에 따라 추가 질문이 주어진 2차 조사로 진행되었다. 연구 결과는 첫째, 교사들의 영어독서에 대한 인식 변화이다. 교사 자신들이 영어독서의 필요성을 인식하고 관심을 갖게 되었으며, 영어독서 프로그램을 지속적으로 운영하고자 하였다. 둘째, 영어독서는 정규 교육과정보다는 대부분 대회, 동아리 중심의 활동으로 이루어졌고, 특정학년의 수행평가로 활용되었다. 셋째, 영어교사의 업무 부담 증가로 인해 학교 차원의 협조와 지원의 필요성이 대두되었다. 넷째, 성공적인 영어독서 도입을 위해 영어독서프로그램에 대한 교사 연수나 영어독서 관련 정보들이 제공되고, 프로그램 운영을 위한 재정적, 행정적 지원이 뒷받침되어야 할 필요가 있다. 그러나 무엇보다도 영어독서를 시행하고자 하는 교사와 학교의 열정과 적극적인 시도가 가장 중요하다. This study aims to see how English reading can be conducted at a level of the whole school and what needs to be considered for its effective implementation, by studying model schools for English reading. ‘English reading’ means students read novels, newspapers, essays, and comics, anything written in English beyond what is assigned from a typical textbook. Many English teachers are interested in introducing English reading into their classrooms but tend to think it is difficult because they lack information about the ways to operate and evaluate English reading. In 2015, to proliferate English reading and its application, 10 high schools were selected as model schools, whose aims were to conduct English reading at a school level and spread its results. Research data were collected through the final reports of 10 model schools and the questionnaires from 13 participating English teachers. Initially, all the schools were given the same set of questionnaire, and additional questions for the second, based on the first answers and individual situations of each school. The findings of the research shows that teachers became more aware of the importance and necessity of English reading once they are exposed to it, and continued to implement activities and events related to reading even after the end of the formal observations. Observing how teachers change their attitudes about English reading and its application is most inspiring. On the other hand, even in model schools, English reading was rarely introduced into the regular English class, but conducted as a type of school contests, club activities or as a performance evaluation. Perhaps many of high schools tend to be obsessed with the CSAT and compelled to cover the curriculum. It was also mentioned that English teachers felt burdened with the workload caused by this model program. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that despite the tight curriculum, English reading can be carried out with the effort and passion of teachers and schools. Also, administrating support is required to reduce teachers’ workloads and to finance English reading programs. Fostering English reading in schools requires adequate eachers’ trainings, and sufficient information about the activities and book lists for the library. Above all, the attitude of teachers and schools towards “Just Do it” is most urgent to spread English reading and positivity for it.

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