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      • KCI등재

        Aberrant epigenetic regulation of GABRP associates with aggressive phenotype of ovarian cancer

        성혜윤,양산덕,주웅,안정혁 생화학분자생물학회 2017 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.49 No.-

        Metastasis is a major cause of therapeutic failure in ovarian cancer. To elucidate molecular mechanisms of ovarian cancer metastasis, we previously established a metastatic xenograft mouse model using human ovarian carcinoma SK-OV-3 cells. Using gene expression profiling, we found that γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptor π subunit (GABRP) expression was upregulated (44-fold) in metastatic tissues from our xenograft mice compared with SK-OV-3 cells. Importantly, GABRP knockdown diminished the migration and invasion of SK-OV-3 cells, and reduced extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation while overexpression of GABRP exhibited significantly increased cell migration, invasion and ERK activation. Moreover, treatment with the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/ERK kinase (MEK) inhibitor U0126 similarly suppressed the migration and invasion of SK-OV-3 cells, implying that GABRP promotes these cellular behaviors by activating the MAPK/ERK pathway. Using genome-wide DNA methylation profiling, we identified hypomethylated CpG sites in the GABRP promoter in metastatic tissues from the xenograft mice compared with SK-OV-3 cells. Treatment with a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor demonstrated that methylation at − 963 bp from the GABRP transcription start site (−963 CpG site) was critical for the epigenetic regulation of GABRP. Finally, we analyzed human ovarian cancer patient samples and showed DNA hypomethylation at the GABRP − 963 CpG site in advanced stage, but not early-stage, primary tumors compared with their paired normal tissues. These findings suggest that GABRP enhances the aggressive phenotype of ovarian cancer cells, and that the DNA methylation status of the GABRP − 963 CpG site may be useful for predicting the metastatic potential in ovarian cancer patients.

      • KCI등재

        복합 조사 ‘만은’의 의미기능 연구 -‘만’과의 차이를 중심으로-

        성혜윤 우리말글학회 2022 우리말 글 Vol.94 No.-

        In Korean education, postpositional particle is a very core educational content that can be said to be the beginning of grammar learning. In particular, the distinction between ‘만 and ‘만은’ is not specifically made, causing confusion among advanced Korean students. Accordingly, this study tried to identify the specific meaning and function of ‘만은’ and to explore the educational direction in Korean grammar education. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of Korean education, it was argued that ‘만은’ needs to be presented in a natural context. In particular, teachers should be careful in presenting teaching materials so that advanced learners do not confuse ‘만은’ with the grammatical items of ‘만’ and ‘은’. To this end, it is possible to increase the efficiency of education by presenting modifiers such as ‘절대’, ‘오직’, and ‘무조건’ in the example sentences. 이 연구는 복합 조사 ‘만은’의 의미기능을 보조사 ‘만’과의 차이를 바탕으로 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 보조사 ‘만’과 ‘은’은 고빈도 조사로 한국어 문법 교육 초급 과정에서부터 다뤄진다. 반면 복합 조사 ‘만은’은 높은 사용빈도에도 불구하고 사전 및 교재 등에서 정밀히 다뤄지지 않아 ‘만’과의 구별이 어렵고 한국어 학습자들에게 혼동을 유발할 수 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 ‘만은’과 ‘만’의 비교를 통해 사용 맥락에 차이가 존재함을 확인하고, 이를 바탕으로 ‘만은’의 의미기능을 규명하였다. 그 결과, ‘만은’은 ‘최소 범위의 유일 한정’, ‘부정 서술어의 부정성 축소’라는 두 가지 의미기능이 있음을 제시하였다. 나아가, 복합 조사 ‘만은’의 효과적 교육을 위해 교수자는 학습자가 ‘만은’과 ‘만’, 그리고 ‘은’을 서로 혼동하지 않도록 자료 제시에 유의해야 하고, 예시 문장 제시에서 ‘절대, 오직, 무조건’ 등과 같은 수식어를 함께 제시해 교육의 효율성을 높일 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        군신체검사를 받은 후기 청소년에서 중증근무력증의 다면적 인성검사 결과

        성혜윤,이종국,오중근,서정석,노수림,김태현,남범우 한국정신신체의학회 2019 정신신체의학 Vol.27 No.2

        Objectives:The purpose of this study was to quantitatively assess the degree of myasthenia gravis (MG) affecting mental health through the results of multiphasic military personality inventory in late adolescence. Methods:We collected and analyzed the results of the military personality inventory for healthy controls and MG patients among the 19-year-old men who visited the Military Manpower Administration from February 2007 to January 2010. Military personality inventory invented for Korean military test has similar system to Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory. Results:Among validity scales, each score of faking good, faking bad and infrequency subscales showed no difference between healthy control and MG groups, respectively (t=-0.51, p=0.607 ; t=0.11, p=0.913 ; t=1.41, p=0.158). Among neurosis scales, the score of somatization subscale was higher (t=2.29, p=0.023) in MG group. Among psychopath scales, the score of schizophrenia subscale was lower in MG group (t=-2.38, p=0.018). Conclusions:According to MPI results, we can confirm that MG patients in late adolescence may be more concerned with their somatic symptoms than the control group, and that they may be more likely to abide by the regulation and be conventional in their behavior than the control group. 연구목적본 연구는 후기청소년기에서 중증근무력증이 정신건강에 영향을 미치는 정도를 다면적 인성검사인 군인성검사 결과를 통해 정량적으로 확인하고자 하였다. 방 법우리는 2007년 2월부터 2010년 1월까지 병무청으로 군 신체검사를 받으러 방문한 19세 남성 중 다른 내외과및 정신건강의학과 질환이 없는 건강한 대상자들 104명과 중증근무력증으로 확진 된 대상자들 26명의 군인성검사 결과를 수집하고 분석하였다. 군인성검사는 미네소타 다면적 인성 검사와 비슷한 점수 체계를 가지고 있으며 한국의 징병 검사를 위해 개발되었다. 결 과군인성검사 결과 중 타당도 척도인 긍정왜곡, 부정왜곡 및 희귀도 하위척도는 중증근무력증 환자 및 정상 대상자 간에 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다(t=-0.51, p=0.607 ; t=0.11, p=0.913 ; t=1.41, p=0.158). 신경증 척도에서는 신체화 하위척도 점수가 중증근무력증 환자에서 정상 대상자들에 비해 유의하게 높았다(t=2.29, p= 0.023). 정신증 척도에서는 정신분열 하위척도 점수가 중증근무력증 환자에서 정상 대상자들에 비해 더 낮았다(t=-2.38, p=0.018). 결 론MPI 결과로 미루어 볼 때 후기 청소년기 중증근무력증 환자는 본인의 신체증상에 다소 예민한 상태이며 질병을 관리하는 과정에서 다른 정상 대상자에 비하여 규칙을 더 잘 지키려고 하고 더욱 관습적으로 행동하려는경향이 있을 것으로 유추해 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        스리랑카 비 원어민 한국어 교사의 정체성 연구

        성혜윤,이명귀 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 2024 외국어로서의 한국어교육 Vol.73 No.-

        본 연구에서는 KFL 환경의 스리랑카 비원어민 한국어 교사를 대상으로 그들의 정체성을 살펴보았다. 그들은 대체로 긍정적인 교사 정체성을 형성하고 있었고 특히 직업 인식에서 한국어 교사로서 높은 만족감과 자부심을 보였다. 스리랑카 비원어민 한국어 교사들만의 정체성을 도출한 결과, 원어민 교사와의 관계에서 원어민 한국어 선생님이란 자신들에게 한국어를 가장 처음 알려준 스승이자, 교수법을 따라할 수 있는 긍정적 역할 모델로 인식되었다. 또한 평생 학습자로서의 정체성을 지녔으며 동료 교사와 긴밀한 공동체를 형성했다. 마지막으로 뚜렷한 교육 목표를 바탕으로 ‘1단계 준비교사’로서의 정체성을 지니고 있었다. In this study, the identity of non-native Sri Lankan teachers who teach Korean in the KFL environment was examined. As a result, non-native Sri Lankan teachers generally formed positive teacher identities in ‘perception of their competence and job (self-understanding)’, ‘perception of the role and quality of teachers’, and ‘perception of professional growth’. In particular, they felt high satisfaction and pride as a Korean language teacher in their job recognition. Furthermore, this study derived the identity of Sri Lankan Korean teachers as non-native speakers. First, in relation to native- speaking teachers, a native-speaking Korean teacher was the first teacher to teach Korean to themselves, and was a Role-model who knew how to teach Korean Language in good a way. Second, as a non-native teachers, they had an attitude as a lifelong learner that they should continue to study Korean. Third, non-native Korean teachers in Sri Lanka recognized each other as fellow teachers and formed a strong community through collaboration. Finally, due to the Korean language education environment in Sri Lanka and the characteristics of Korean learners, non-native Sri Lankan teachers clearly distinguished their educational goals in the KFL and KSL environments and formed their identity as ‘first-stage preparation teachers’.

      • KCI등재

        Aberrant Hypomethylation of Solute Carrier Family 6 Member 12 Promoter Induces Metastasis of Ovarian Cancer

        성혜윤,안정혁,양산덕,박애경,주웅 연세대학교의과대학 2017 Yonsei medical journal Vol.58 No.1

        Purpose: Ovarian cancer (OC) is the most fatal of gynecological malignancies with a high rate of recurrence. We aimed to evaluatethe expression of solute carrier family 6, member 12 (SLC6A12) and methylation of its promoter CpG sites in a xenograft mousemodel of metastatic OC, and to investigate the regulatory mechanisms that promote aggressive properties during OC progression. Materials and Methods: Expression of SLC6A12 mRNA was determined by reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chainreaction (RT-qPCR), and DNA methylation status of its promoter CpGs was detected by quantitative methylation-specific PCR. Themetastatic potential of SLC6A12 was evaluated by in vitro migration/invasion transwell assays. Gene expression and DNA methylationof SLC6A12 and clinical outcomes were further investigated from publicly available databases from curatedOvarianDataand The Cancer Genome Atlas. Results: SLC6A12 expression was 8.1–14.0-fold upregulated and its DNA methylation of promoter CpG sites was 41–62% decreasedin tumor metastases. After treatment with DNA methyltransferase inhibitor and/or histone deacetylase inhibitor, the expression ofSLC6A12 was profoundly enhanced (~8.0-fold), strongly supporting DNA methylation-dependent epigenetic regulation of SLC6A12. Overexpression of SLC6A12 led to increased migration and invasion of ovarian carcinoma cells in vitro, approximately 2.0-fold and3.3-fold, respectively. The meta-analysis showed that high expression of SLC6A12 was significantly associated with poor overall survival[hazard ratio (HR)=1.07, p value=0.016] and that low DNA methylation levels of SLC6A12 at specific promoter CpG site negativelyaffected patient survival. Conclusion: Our findings provide novel evidence for the biological and clinical significance of SLC6A12 as a metastasis-promotinggene.

      • KCI등재

        Overexpression of Mucin 13 due to Promoter Methylation Promotes Aggressive Behavior in Ovarian Cancer Cells

        성혜윤,안정혁,박애경,주웅 연세대학교의과대학 2014 Yonsei medical journal Vol.55 No.5

        Purpose: Recent discoveries suggest that aberrant DNA methylation provides cancercells with advanced metastatic properties. However, the precise regulatory mechanismscontrolling metastasis genes and their role in metastatic transformation are largely unknown. To address epigenetically-regulated gene products involved in ovarian cancer metastasis, we examined the mechanisms regulating mucin 13 (MUC13) expression and its influence on aggressive behaviors of ovarian malignancies. Materials and Methods: We injected SK-OV-3 ovarian cancer cells peritoneallyinto nude mice to mimic human ovarian tumor metastasis. Overexpression of MUC13 mRNA was detected in metastatic implants from the xenografts by expressionmicroarray analysis and quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction(qRT-PCR). The DNA methylation status within the MUC13 promoter region was determined using bisulfite sequencing PCR and quantitative methylation-specificPCR. We evaluated the effects of exogenous MUC13 on cell invasion and migrationusing in vitro transwell assays. Results: MUC13 mRNA expression was up-regulated,and methylation of specific CpG sites within the promoter was reduced in the metastatic implants relative to those in wild-type SK-OV-3 cells. Addition of a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor to SK-OV-3 cells induced MUC13 expression, thereby implying epigenetic regulation of MUC13 by promoter methylation. MUC13 overexpressionincreased migration and invasiveness, compared to control cells, suggestingaberrant up-regulation of MUC13 is strongly associated with progression of aggressivebehaviors in ovarian cancer. Conclusion: We provide novel evidence for epigenetic regulation of MUC13 in ovarian cancer. We suggest that the DNA methylationstatus within the MUC13 promoter region may be a potential biomarker of aggressive behavior in ovarian cancer.

      • KCI등재

        20~30대 남성의 셔츠 착용실태 및 선호도 연구

        성혜윤 ( Hyeyun Seong ),이경화 ( Kyong-hwa Yi ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2016 패션 비즈니스 Vol.20 No.5

        This research was conducted to understand the different circumstances for wearing shirts by adult males aged 20-39, and to provide this basic information to the shirt industry prior to developing new functional men`s shirts. A total of 345 respondents participated in the survey. Most of questionnaire, frequency, mean and standard deviation were calculated and the differences between the 20s and 30s were analyzed by t-test or χ<sup>2</sup> test. The results of the survey are as follows. Grading the satisfaction degree of their body parts, the respondents were relatively unsatisfied with their height, weight, and waist, abdominal and hip circumferences. Majority preferred department stores, discount stores and outlets for purchasing shirts. Many have never owned tailored shirts - men in 20`s had less experience with tailoring than men in 30`s. The foremost selection criterion for purchasing shirts was fit -during purchase, men in their 20`s considered fit more important than men in their 30`s. The most preferred unbuttoning of the top button when wearing shirts. For favored collar shapes with one button unbuttoned, the most valued collar angle and style was V-neck shape when unbuttoned, low collar band, collar with unopened collar, and stiff collars. Most shirt designs and details included slim fit, no dart in the front and one dart on the back. Men in 20`s more preferred the no dart in the front and one tuck on the back, as compared to men in 30`s. On the other hand, men in their 30`s preferred one dart shirts than men in 20`s. Regarding shirt bands and cuffs, one button and regular collar and one button cuffs with round angle design, were the most preferred, respectively.


        Sandwich ELISA 방법을 이용한 생물공학의약품에 잔류하는 숙주유래단백질의 검출법개발

        성혜윤(Hye Youn Sung),최규실(Kyu Sil Choi),김창민(Chang Min Kim),민홍기(Hong Ki Min),용군호(Kun Ho Yong) 한국응용약물학회 1994 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.2 No.2

        We obtained the total protein antibodies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae KCTC 1720 and Escherichia coli K-12 from the rabbit and the guinea pig to determine the host-derived proteins which may be remained in biotechnological products. The protein concentration of rabbit antibodies was 4.05 mg/ml in the case of yeast, 7.14 mg/ml in the case of E. coli and that of guinea pig antibodies was 1.90 mg/ml in the case of yeast, 7.17 mg/ml in the case of E. coli, respectively. To determine remained host-derived proteins in biotechnological products which produced by the hosts, S. cerevisiae or E. coli, we used a sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay method in 96 well microplate. When the method applied to determine the remained host-derived proteins in commercial biotechnological products, it detected less than 3.5 ng/vial in human growth hormone, less than 1 ng/vial in hepatitis B vaccine and interferon-γ and 2∼23 ng/vial in interferon-α. The method can be used to determine the remained host-derived protein in biotechnological products.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Rhizopus nigricans Ehrenberg의 Methanol 내성 유도

        김명희,성혜윤,김말남 한국미생물학회 1993 미생물학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        소수성 기질인 progesterone 을 수용성 반응액 속에 용해하기 위하여 사용되는 methanol 이 Rhizopus nigricans 의 성장과 progesterone 의 11.alpha.-hydroxylation 반응에 미치는 영향을 조사하고, 세포막 인지질의 불포화 지방산 함량을 증가시켜 유기용매에 대한 내성을 유도하였다. R. nigricans 의 균사체는 methanol 존재하에서 형태적인 변화를 일으켰으며, 세포막 인지질의 지방산 조성에 변화를 가져와 불포화 지방산, 특히 oleic acid 의 함량이 증가되었다. 세포의 고정화는 유기용매로부터 세포를 보호하여 progesterone 의 11-.alpha.-hydroxylation 율을 증가시켰다. 성장배지에 500.$\mu$g/l의 biotin 을 첨가하였을 때 세포막 인지질의 oleic acid 함랴이 증가되었으며 methanol 에 대한 내성이 증진되어 높은 progesterone 의 11 $\alpha$-hydroxylation 율을 얻을 수 있었다. The effects of methanol. used as a solvent for the hydrophobic substrate progesterone. on the morphology of Rhizopus nigricans and 11$\alpha$-hydroxylation of progesterone was investigated. The methanol tolerance of the 11$\alpha$-hydroxylase system in polyacrylamide immobilized R. nigricans mycelia as well as in free mycelia has been induced by adding various unsaturated fatty acids. biotin and ions into the cultivation medium. Immobilization of the cell seemed to protect the cells from denaturation by methanol. It gave higher reaction rate of progesterone than the free mycelia in the presence of methanol.500 $\mu$g/l of biotin was found to be the most effective induction agent for the methanol tolerance among tested chemicals. R. nixricans cells sustained its enzymatic activity at higher methanol concentrations as a result of accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids. especially oleic acid. in the membrane phospholipid.

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